blob: 326de20f67870b9aa3797a53ac8cd1ed52e9d52f [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2021, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// Tests the functionality of object properties with the js_util library. For
// js_util tests with HTML objects see tests/lib/html/js_util_test.dart.
library js_util_properties_test;
import 'package:js/js.dart';
import 'package:js/js_util.dart' as js_util;
import 'package:expect/minitest.dart';
external String jsFunction();
external void eval(String code);
external String stringify(o);
external get JSArrayBufferType;
class Foo {
external Foo(num a);
external num get a;
external num bar();
external Object get objectProperty;
external List get list;
external get JSFooType;
String dartFunction() {
return 'Dart Function';
class ExampleTypedLiteral {
external factory ExampleTypedLiteral({a, b});
external get a;
external get b;
class DartClass {
int x = 3;
int getX() => x;
static staticFunction() => 'static';
static const staticConstList = [1];
class GenericDartClass<T> {
final T myT;
T getT() => myT;
T getTopLevelGenerics<T>(T t) => t;
String _getBarWithSideEffect() {
var x = 5;
expect(x, equals(5));
return 'bar';
class CallMethodTest {
external CallMethodTest();
external zero();
external one(a);
external two(a, b);
external three(a, b, c);
external four(a, b, c, d);
external five(a, b, c, d, e);
main() {
function Foo(a) {
this.a = a;
Foo.b = 38;
Foo.prototype.list = [2, 4, 6]; = function() {
return this.a;
Foo.prototype.toString = function() {
return "I'm a Foo a=" + this.a;
Foo.prototype.fnList = [, Foo.prototype.toString];
Foo.prototype.objectProperty = {
'c': 1,
'list': [10, 20, 30],
'functionProperty': function() { return 'Function Property'; }
function jsFunction() {
return "JS Function";
Foo.prototype.nestedFunction = function() {
return function() {
return 'Nested Function';
Foo.prototype.getFirstEl = function(list) {
return list[0];
Foo.prototype.sumFn = function(a, b) {
return a + b;
Foo.prototype.getA = function(obj) {
return obj.a;
Foo.prototype.callFn = function(fn) {
return fn();
function CallMethodTest() {} = function() {
return 'zero';
} = function(a) {
return 'one';
CallMethodTest.prototype.two = function(a, b) {
return 'two';
CallMethodTest.prototype.three = function(a, b, c) {
return 'three';
CallMethodTest.prototype.four = function(a, b, c, d) {
return 'four';
CallMethodTest.prototype.five = function(a, b, c, d, e) {
return 'five';
group('newObject', () {
test('create', () {
expect(identical(js_util.newObject(), js_util.newObject()), isFalse);
test('callMethod', () {
var o = js_util.newObject();
expect(js_util.callMethod(o, 'toString', []), equals('[object Object]'));
expect(stringify(o), equals('{}'));
test('properties', () {
var o = js_util.newObject();
expect(js_util.hasProperty(o, 'foo bar'), isFalse);
expect(js_util.hasProperty(o, 'toString'), isTrue);
expect(js_util.callMethod(o, 'hasOwnProperty', ['toString']), isFalse);
expect(js_util.callMethod(o, 'hasOwnProperty', ['foo bar']), isFalse);
js_util.setProperty(o, 'foo bar', 42);
expect(js_util.callMethod(o, 'hasOwnProperty', ['foo bar']), isTrue);
expect(js_util.getProperty(o, 'foo bar'), equals(42));
expect(js_util.hasProperty(o, 'foo bar'), isTrue);
expect(stringify(o), equals('{"foo bar":42}'));
test('nested properties calls', () {
var o = js_util.newObject();
var f = new Foo(42);
js_util.setProperty(o, 'foo', f);
var foo = js_util.getProperty(o, 'foo');
expect(foo, equals(f));
expect(js_util.hasProperty(foo, 'a'), isTrue);
expect(js_util.getProperty(foo, 'a'), equals(42));
js_util.setProperty(foo, 'a', 24);
expect(js_util.getProperty(foo, 'a'), equals(24));
group('hasProperty', () {
test('typed object', () {
var f = new Foo(42);
expect(js_util.hasProperty(f, 'a'), isTrue);
expect(js_util.hasProperty(f, 'bar'), isTrue);
expect(js_util.hasProperty(f, 'b'), isFalse);
expect(js_util.hasProperty(f, 'toString'), isTrue);
js_util.setProperty(f, '__proto__', null);
expect(js_util.hasProperty(f, 'toString'), isFalse);
test('typed literal', () {
var literal = new ExampleTypedLiteral(a: 'x', b: 42);
expect(js_util.hasProperty(literal, 'a'), isTrue);
expect(js_util.hasProperty(literal, 'b'), isTrue);
expect(js_util.hasProperty(literal, 'anything'), isFalse);
literal = new ExampleTypedLiteral(a: null);
expect(js_util.hasProperty(literal, 'a'), isTrue);
expect(js_util.hasProperty(literal, 'b'), isFalse);
expect(js_util.hasProperty(literal, 'anything'), isFalse);
test('complex hasProperty calls', () {
var f = new Foo(42);
expect(js_util.hasProperty(f.objectProperty, 'c'), isTrue);
expect(js_util.hasProperty(f.objectProperty, 'nonexistent'), isFalse);
// Using a variable for the property name.
String propertyName = 'bar';
expect(js_util.hasProperty(f, propertyName), isTrue);
group('getProperty', () {
test('typed object', () {
var f = new Foo(42);
expect(js_util.getProperty(f, 'a'), equals(42));
expect(js_util.getProperty(f, 'b'), isNull);
expect(js_util.getProperty(f, 'bar') is Function, isTrue);
expect(js_util.getProperty(f, 'list') is List, isTrue);
expect(js_util.getProperty(f, 'objectProperty') is Object, isTrue);
expect(js_util.getProperty(f, 'toString') is Function, isTrue);
js_util.setProperty(f, '__proto__', null);
expect(js_util.getProperty(f, 'toString'), isNull);
test('typed literal', () {
var literal = new ExampleTypedLiteral(a: 'x', b: 42);
expect(js_util.getProperty(literal, 'a'), equals('x'));
expect(js_util.getProperty(literal, 'b'), equals(42));
expect(js_util.getProperty(literal, 'anything'), isNull);
test('complex getProperty calls', () {
var f = new Foo(42);
// Accessing a method property.
expect(js_util.getProperty(f, 'bar') is Function, isTrue);
expect(js_util.callMethod(f, 'bar', []), equals(42));
// Accessing list properties.
expect(js_util.getProperty(f, 'list')[0], equals(2));
expect(js_util.getProperty(f, 'fnList')[0] is Function, isTrue);
js_util.getProperty(f, 'fnList')[0], 'apply', [f, []]),
expect(js_util.getProperty(f.list, "0"), equals(2));
var index = 0;
expect(js_util.getProperty(f.list, index++), equals(2));
expect(index, equals(1));
expect(js_util.getProperty(f.list, index), equals(4));
// Accessing nested object properites.
var objectProperty = js_util.getProperty(f, 'objectProperty');
expect(js_util.getProperty(objectProperty, 'c'), equals(1));
expect(js_util.getProperty(objectProperty, 'list') is List, isTrue);
expect(js_util.getProperty(objectProperty, 'list')[1], equals(20));
js_util.getProperty(objectProperty, 'functionProperty') is Function,
// Using nested getProperty calls.
js_util.getProperty(f, 'objectProperty'), 'list'),
// Using a variable for the property name.
String propertyName = 'a';
expect(js_util.getProperty(f, propertyName), equals(42));
String bar = _getBarWithSideEffect();
expect(js_util.getProperty(f, bar) is Function, isTrue);
expect(js_util.callMethod(f, bar, []), equals(42));
group('setProperty', () {
test('typed object', () {
var f = new Foo(42);
expect(js_util.getProperty(f, 'a'), equals(42));
js_util.setProperty(f, 'a', 100);
expect(f.a, equals(100));
expect(js_util.getProperty(f, 'a'), equals(100));
js_util.setProperty(f, 'a', null);
expect(f.a, equals(null));
expect(js_util.getProperty(f, 'list') is List, isTrue);
js_util.setProperty(f, 'list', [8]);
expect(js_util.getProperty(f, 'list') is List, isTrue);
expect(js_util.getProperty(f, 'list')[0], equals(8));
js_util.setProperty(f, 'newProperty', 'new');
expect(js_util.getProperty(f, 'newProperty'), equals('new'));
// Using a variable for the property value.
var num = 4;
js_util.setProperty(f, 'a', num);
expect(f.a, equals(num));
var str = 'bar';
js_util.setProperty(f, 'a', str);
expect(f.a, equals(str));
var b = false;
js_util.setProperty(f, 'a', b);
expect(f.a, equals(b));
var list = [2, 4, 6];
js_util.setProperty(f, 'a', list);
expect(f.a, equals(list));
var fn = allowInterop(dartFunction);
js_util.setProperty(f, 'a', fn);
expect(f.a, equals(fn));
test('typed literal', () {
var literal = new ExampleTypedLiteral();
js_util.setProperty(literal, 'a', 'foo');
expect(js_util.getProperty(literal, 'a'), equals('foo'));
expect(literal.a, equals('foo'));
js_util.setProperty(literal, 'a', literal);
expect(identical(literal.a, literal), isTrue);
var list = ['arr'];
js_util.setProperty(literal, 'a', list);
expect(identical(literal.a, list), isTrue);
test('complex setProperty calls', () {
var f = new Foo(42);
// Set function property to a num.
expect(js_util.getProperty(f, 'bar') is Function, isTrue);
js_util.setProperty(f, 'bar', 5);
expect(js_util.getProperty(f, 'bar') is Function, isFalse);
expect(js_util.getProperty(f, 'bar'), equals(5));
// Set property to a Dart function.
js_util.setProperty(f, 'bar', allowInterop(dartFunction));
expect(js_util.getProperty(f, 'bar') is Function, isTrue);
expect(js_util.callMethod(f, 'bar', []), equals('Dart Function'));
js_util.setProperty(f, 'bar', allowInterop(() {
return 'Inline';
expect(js_util.callMethod(f, 'bar', []), equals('Inline'));
js_util.setProperty(f, 'bar', allowInterop(DartClass.staticFunction));
expect(js_util.callMethod(f, 'bar', []), equals('static'));
// Set property to a JS function.
js_util.setProperty(f, 'bar', allowInterop(jsFunction));
expect(js_util.getProperty(f, 'bar') is Function, isTrue);
expect(js_util.callMethod(f, 'bar', []), equals('JS Function'));
// Set property with nested object properties.
js_util.setProperty(f.objectProperty, 'c', 'new val');
expect(js_util.getProperty(f.objectProperty, 'c'), equals('new val'));
js_util.setProperty(f.objectProperty, 'list', [1, 2, 3]);
expect(js_util.getProperty(f.objectProperty, 'list')[1], equals(2));
// Using a nested getProperty call.
js_util.getProperty(f, 'objectProperty'), 'c', 'nested val');
expect(js_util.getProperty(f.objectProperty, 'c'), equals('nested val'));
// Using a variable for the property name.
String propertyName = 'bar';
js_util.setProperty(f, propertyName, 'foo');
expect(js_util.getProperty(f, 'bar'), equals('foo'));
String bar = _getBarWithSideEffect();
js_util.setProperty(f, bar, 'baz');
expect(js_util.getProperty(f, bar), equals('baz'));
js_util.setProperty(f, _getBarWithSideEffect(), 'mumble');
expect(js_util.getProperty(f, bar), equals('mumble'));
// Set property to a function call.
js_util.setProperty(f, 'a', dartFunction());
String expected = dartFunction();
expect(f.a, equals(expected));
// Using a tearoff as the property value.
js_util.setProperty(f, 'tearoff', allowInterop(DartClass().getX));
expect(js_util.callMethod(f, 'tearoff', []), equals(3));
// Set property to instance method calls.
js_util.setProperty(f, 'a', DartClass().getX());
expect(f.a, equals(3));
js_util.setProperty(f, 'a', GenericDartClass<int>(5).getT());
expect(f.a, equals(5));
// Set property using a generics wrapper on value.
js_util.setProperty(f, 'a', getTopLevelGenerics<int>(10));
expect(f.a, equals(10));
group('callMethod', () {
test('typed object', () {
var f = new Foo(42);
expect(js_util.callMethod(f, 'bar', []), equals(42));
test('complex callMethod calls', () {
var f = new Foo(42);
// Call a method that returns an unbound function.
expect(js_util.callMethod(f, 'nestedFunction', []) is Function, isTrue);
expect(js_util.callMethod(f, 'nestedFunction', [])(),
equals('Nested Function'));
// Call method on a nested function property.
expect(js_util.callMethod(f.objectProperty, 'functionProperty', []),
equals('Function Property'));
// Using a nested getProperty call.
js_util.getProperty(f, 'objectProperty'), 'functionProperty', []),
equals('Function Property'));
// Call method with different args.
js_util.callMethod(f, 'getFirstEl', [
[25, 50]
expect(js_util.callMethod(f, 'sumFn', [2, 3]), equals(5));
expect(js_util.callMethod(f, 'getA', [f]), equals(42));
expect(js_util.callMethod(f, 'callFn', [allowInterop(jsFunction)]),
equals('JS Function'));
expect(js_util.callMethod(f, 'callFn', [allowInterop(dartFunction)]),
equals('Dart Function'));
js_util.callMethod(f, 'callFn', [
allowInterop(() {
return 'inline';
f, 'callFn', [allowInterop(DartClass.staticFunction)]),
// Using a variable for the method name.
String methodName = 'bar';
expect(js_util.callMethod(f, methodName, []), equals(42));
String bar = _getBarWithSideEffect();
expect(js_util.callMethod(f, bar, []), equals(42));
test('callMethod with List edge cases', () {
var o = CallMethodTest();
expect(js_util.callMethod(o, 'zero', List.empty()), equals('zero'));
expect(js_util.callMethod(o, 'zero', List<int>.empty()), equals('zero'));
js_util.callMethod(o, 'two', List<int>.filled(2, 0)), equals('two'));
expect(js_util.callMethod(o, 'three', List<int>.generate(3, (i) => i)),
Iterable<String> iterableStrings = <String>['foo', 'bar'];
expect(js_util.callMethod(o, 'two', List.of(iterableStrings)),
const l1 = [1, 2];
const l2 = [3, 4];
expect(js_util.callMethod(o, 'four', List.from(l1)..addAll(l2)),
expect(js_util.callMethod(o, 'four', l1 + l2), equals('four'));
expect(js_util.callMethod(o, 'four', List.unmodifiable([1, 2, 3, 4])),
var setElements = {1, 2};
expect(js_util.callMethod(o, 'two', setElements.toList()), equals('two'));
var spreadList = [1, 2, 3];
expect(js_util.callMethod(o, 'four', [1, ...spreadList]), equals('four'));
test('edge cases for lowering to _callMethodUncheckedN', () {
var o = CallMethodTest();
expect(js_util.callMethod(o, 'zero', []), equals('zero'));
expect(js_util.callMethod(o, 'one', [1]), equals('one'));
expect(js_util.callMethod(o, 'four', [1, 2, 3, 4]), equals('four'));
expect(js_util.callMethod(o, 'five', [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]), equals('five'));
// List with a type declaration, short circuits element checking
expect(js_util.callMethod(o, 'two', <int>[1, 2]), equals('two'));
// List as a variable instead of a List Literal or constant
var list = [1, 2];
expect(js_util.callMethod(o, 'two', list), equals('two'));
// Mixed types of elements to check in the given list.
var x = 4;
var str = 'cat';
var b = false;
var evens = [2, 4, 6];
expect(js_util.callMethod(o, 'four', [x, str, b, evens]), equals('four'));
var obj = Object();
expect(js_util.callMethod(o, 'one', [obj]), equals('one'));
var nullElement = null;
expect(js_util.callMethod(o, 'one', [nullElement]), equals('one'));
// const lists.
expect(js_util.callMethod(o, 'one', const [3]), equals('one'));
const constList = [10, 20, 30];
expect(js_util.callMethod(o, 'three', constList), equals('three'));
expect(js_util.callMethod(o, 'one', DartClass.staticConstList),
group('instanceof', () {
test('typed object', () {
var f = new Foo(42);
expect(js_util.instanceof(f, JSFooType), isTrue);
expect(js_util.instanceof(f, JSArrayBufferType), isFalse);
test('typed literal', () {
var literal = new ExampleTypedLiteral();
expect(js_util.instanceof(literal, JSFooType), isFalse);
group('callConstructor', () {
test('typed object', () {
Foo f = js_util.callConstructor(JSFooType, [42]);
expect(f.a, equals(42));