blob: 145ea91a9bd30a44aa66eb9f2dd8425c24207ac3 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
#include <stdio.h>
#include "bin/dartutils.h"
#include "bin/dfe.h"
#include "bin/file.h"
#include "bin/loader.h"
#include "bin/platform.h"
#include "bin/snapshot_utils.h"
#include "platform/assert.h"
#include "vm/benchmark_test.h"
#include "vm/dart.h"
#include "vm/unit_test.h"
extern "C" {
extern const uint8_t kDartVmSnapshotData[];
extern const uint8_t kDartVmSnapshotInstructions[];
extern const uint8_t kDartCoreIsolateSnapshotData[];
extern const uint8_t kDartCoreIsolateSnapshotInstructions[];
// TODO(iposva, asiva): This is a placeholder for the real unittest framework.
namespace dart {
namespace bin {
DFE dfe;
// Defined in vm/
extern bool private_flag_windows_run_tls_destructors;
// Snapshot pieces when we link in a snapshot.
#if defined(DART_NO_SNAPSHOT)
#error "run_vm_tests must be built with a snapshot"
const uint8_t* bin::vm_snapshot_data = kDartVmSnapshotData;
const uint8_t* bin::vm_snapshot_instructions = kDartVmSnapshotInstructions;
const uint8_t* bin::core_isolate_snapshot_data = kDartCoreIsolateSnapshotData;
const uint8_t* bin::core_isolate_snapshot_instructions =
// Only run tests that match the filter string. The default does not match any
// tests.
static const char* const kNone = "No Test or Benchmarks";
static const char* const kList = "List all Tests and Benchmarks";
static const char* const kAllBenchmarks = "All Benchmarks";
static const char* run_filter = kNone;
static const char* kernel_snapshot = NULL;
static int run_matches = 0;
void TestCase::Run() {
OS::Print("Running test: %s\n", name());
OS::Print("Done: %s\n", name());
void RawTestCase::Run() {
OS::Print("Running test: %s\n", name());
OS::Print("Done: %s\n", name());
void TestCaseBase::RunTest() {
if (strcmp(run_filter, this->name()) == 0) {
} else if (run_filter == kList) {
OS::Print("%s\n", this->name());
void Benchmark::RunBenchmark() {
if ((run_filter == kAllBenchmarks) ||
(strcmp(run_filter, this->name()) == 0)) {
OS::Print("%s(%s): %" Pd64 "\n", this->name(), this->score_kind(),
} else if (run_filter == kList) {
OS::Print("%s\n", this->name());
static void PrintUsage() {
"Usage: one of the following\n"
" run_vm_tests --list\n"
" run_vm_tests [--dfe=<snapshot file name>] --benchmarks\n"
" run_vm_tests [--dfe=<snapshot file name>] [vm-flags ...] <test name>\n"
" run_vm_tests [--dfe=<snapshot file name>] [vm-flags ...] <benchmark "
#define CHECK_RESULT(result) \
if (Dart_IsError(result)) { \
*error = strdup(Dart_GetError(result)); \
Dart_ExitScope(); \
Dart_ShutdownIsolate(); \
return NULL; \
static Dart_Isolate CreateIsolateAndSetup(const char* script_uri,
const char* main,
const char* package_root,
const char* packages_config,
Dart_IsolateFlags* flags,
void* data,
char** error) {
ASSERT(script_uri != NULL);
const bool is_service_isolate =
strcmp(script_uri, DART_VM_SERVICE_ISOLATE_NAME) == 0;
if (is_service_isolate) {
// We don't need service isolate for VM tests.
return NULL;
const bool is_kernel_isolate =
strcmp(script_uri, DART_KERNEL_ISOLATE_NAME) == 0;
if (!is_kernel_isolate) {
*error =
strdup("Spawning of only Kernel isolate is supported in run_vm_tests.");
return NULL;
if (kernel_snapshot == NULL) {
*error =
strdup("Kernel snapshot location has to be specified via --dfe option");
return NULL;
script_uri = kernel_snapshot;
bin::AppSnapshot* app_snapshot =
if (app_snapshot == NULL) {
*error = strdup("Failed to read kernel service app snapshot");
return NULL;
const uint8_t* isolate_snapshot_data = bin::core_isolate_snapshot_data;
const uint8_t* isolate_snapshot_instructions =
const uint8_t* ignore_vm_snapshot_data;
const uint8_t* ignore_vm_snapshot_instructions;
&ignore_vm_snapshot_data, &ignore_vm_snapshot_instructions,
&isolate_snapshot_data, &isolate_snapshot_instructions);
bin::IsolateData* isolate_data = new bin::IsolateData(
script_uri, package_root, packages_config, NULL /* app_snapshot */);
Dart_Isolate isolate = Dart_CreateIsolate(
script_uri, main, isolate_snapshot_data, isolate_snapshot_instructions,
flags, isolate_data, error);
if (isolate == NULL) {
*error = strdup("Failed to create isolate");
delete isolate_data;
return NULL;
Dart_Handle result = bin::DartUtils::PrepareForScriptLoading(
false /* is_service_isolate */, false /* trace_loading */);
bool retval = Dart_IsolateMakeRunnable(isolate);
if (!retval) {
*error = strdup("Invalid isolate state - Unable to make it runnable");
return NULL;
return isolate;
static int Main(int argc, const char** argv) {
// Flags being passed to the Dart VM.
int dart_argc = 0;
const char** dart_argv = NULL;
// Perform platform specific initialization.
if (!dart::bin::Platform::Initialize()) {
OS::PrintErr("Initialization failed\n");
return 1;
if (argc < 2) {
// Bad parameter count.
return 1;
if (argc == 2 && strcmp(argv[1], "--list") == 0) {
run_filter = kList;
// List all tests and benchmarks and exit without initializing the VM.
return 0;
int arg_pos = 1;
bool start_kernel_isolate = false;
if (strstr(argv[arg_pos], "--dfe") == argv[arg_pos]) {
const char* delim = strstr(argv[1], "=");
if (delim == NULL || strlen(delim + 1) == 0) {
OS::PrintErr("Invalid value for the option: %s\n", argv[1]);
return 1;
kernel_snapshot = strdup(delim + 1);
// VM needs '--use-dart-frontend' option, which we will insert in place
// of '--dfe' option.
argv[arg_pos] = strdup("--use-dart-frontend");
start_kernel_isolate = true;
if (arg_pos == argc - 1 && strcmp(argv[arg_pos], "--benchmarks") == 0) {
// "--benchmarks" is the last argument.
run_filter = kAllBenchmarks;
} else {
// Last argument is the test name, the rest are vm flags.
run_filter = argv[argc - 1];
// Remove the first value (executable) from the arguments and
// exclude the last argument which is the test name.
dart_argc = argc - 2;
dart_argv = &argv[1];
bool set_vm_flags_success =
Flags::ProcessCommandLineFlags(dart_argc, dart_argv);
const char* err_msg = Dart::InitOnce(
dart::bin::vm_snapshot_data, dart::bin::vm_snapshot_instructions,
CreateIsolateAndSetup /* create */, NULL /* shutdown */,
NULL /* cleanup */, NULL /* thread_exit */,
dart::bin::DartUtils::OpenFile, dart::bin::DartUtils::ReadFile,
dart::bin::DartUtils::WriteFile, dart::bin::DartUtils::CloseFile,
NULL /* entropy_source */, NULL /* get_service_assets */,
ASSERT(err_msg == NULL);
// Apply the filter to all registered tests.
// Apply the filter to all registered benchmarks.
err_msg = Dart::Cleanup();
ASSERT(err_msg == NULL);
// Print a warning message if no tests or benchmarks were matched.
if (run_matches == 0) {
OS::PrintErr("No tests matched: %s\n", run_filter);
return 1;
if (DynamicAssertionHelper::failed()) {
return 255;
return 0;
} // namespace dart
int main(int argc, const char** argv) {
dart::bin::Platform::Exit(dart::Main(argc, argv));