blob: 27b038946ba912911fface2f0288fab911527cfa [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library usage_test;
import 'package:unittest/unittest.dart';
import 'package:args/args.dart';
main() {
group('ArgParser.getUsage()', () {
test('negatable flags show "no-" in title', () {
var parser = new ArgParser();
parser.addFlag('mode', help: 'The mode');
--[no-]mode The mode
test('non-negatable flags don\'t show "no-" in title', () {
var parser = new ArgParser();
parser.addFlag('mode', negatable: false, help: 'The mode');
--mode The mode
test('if there are no abbreviations, there is no column for them', () {
var parser = new ArgParser();
parser.addFlag('mode', help: 'The mode');
--[no-]mode The mode
test('options are lined up past abbreviations', () {
var parser = new ArgParser();
parser.addFlag('mode', abbr: 'm', help: 'The mode');
parser.addOption('long', help: 'Lacks an abbreviation');
-m, --[no-]mode The mode
--long Lacks an abbreviation
test('help text is lined up past the longest option', () {
var parser = new ArgParser();
parser.addFlag('mode', abbr: 'm', help: 'Lined up with below');
parser.addOption('a-really-long-name', help: 'Its help text');
-m, --[no-]mode Lined up with below
--a-really-long-name Its help text
test('leading empty lines are ignored in help text', () {
var parser = new ArgParser();
parser.addFlag('mode', help: '\n\n\n\nAfter newlines');
--[no-]mode After newlines
test('trailing empty lines are ignored in help text', () {
var parser = new ArgParser();
parser.addFlag('mode', help: 'Before newlines\n\n\n\n');
--[no-]mode Before newlines
test('options are documented in the order they were added', () {
var parser = new ArgParser();
parser.addFlag('zebra', help: 'First');
parser.addFlag('monkey', help: 'Second');
parser.addFlag('wombat', help: 'Third');
--[no-]zebra First
--[no-]monkey Second
--[no-]wombat Third
test('the default value for a flag is shown if on', () {
var parser = new ArgParser();
parser.addFlag('affirm', help: 'Should be on', defaultsTo: true);
parser.addFlag('negate', help: 'Should be off', defaultsTo: false);
--[no-]affirm Should be on
(defaults to on)
--[no-]negate Should be off
test('the default value for an option with no allowed list is shown', () {
var parser = new ArgParser();
parser.addOption('any', help: 'Can be anything', defaultsTo: 'whatevs');
--any Can be anything
(defaults to "whatevs")
test('the allowed list is shown', () {
var parser = new ArgParser();
parser.addOption('suit', help: 'Like in cards',
allowed: ['spades', 'clubs', 'hearts', 'diamonds']);
--suit Like in cards
[spades, clubs, hearts, diamonds]
test('the default is highlighted in the allowed list', () {
var parser = new ArgParser();
parser.addOption('suit', help: 'Like in cards', defaultsTo: 'clubs',
allowed: ['spades', 'clubs', 'hearts', 'diamonds']);
--suit Like in cards
[spades, clubs (default), hearts, diamonds]
test('the allowed help is shown', () {
var parser = new ArgParser();
parser.addOption('suit', help: 'Like in cards', defaultsTo: 'clubs',
allowed: ['spades', 'clubs', 'diamonds', 'hearts'],
allowedHelp: {
'spades': 'Swords of a soldier',
'clubs': 'Weapons of war',
'diamonds': 'Money for this art',
'hearts': 'The shape of my heart'
--suit Like in cards
[clubs] Weapons of war
[diamonds] Money for this art
[hearts] The shape of my heart
[spades] Swords of a soldier
test("hidden flags don't appear in the help", () {
var parser = new ArgParser();
parser.addOption('first', help: 'The first option');
parser.addOption('second', hide: true);
parser.addOption('third', help: 'The third option');
--first The first option
--third The third option
throwsIllegalArg(function) {
expect(function, throwsArgumentError);
validateUsage(ArgParser parser, String expected) {
expected = unindentString(expected);
expect(parser.getUsage(), equals(expected));
// TODO(rnystrom): Replace one in test_utils.
String unindentString(String text) {
var lines = text.split('\n');
// Count the indentation of the last line.
var whitespace = new RegExp('^ *');
var indent = whitespace.firstMatch(lines[lines.length - 1])[0].length;
// Drop the last line. It only exists for specifying indentation.
// Strip indentation from the remaining lines.
for (var i = 0; i < lines.length; i++) {
var line = lines[i];
if (line.length <= indent) {
// It's short, so it must be nothing but whitespace.
if (line.trim() != '') {
throw new ArgumentError(
'Line "$line" does not have enough indentation.');
lines[i] = '';
} else {
if (line.substring(0, indent).trim() != '') {
throw new ArgumentError(
'Line "$line" does not have enough indentation.');
lines[i] = line.substring(indent);
return lines.join('\n');