blob: 64ca42391aa6978650c7aa4e5af3c446fdcf4538 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
/// Test infrastructure for testing pub. Unlike typical unit tests, most pub
/// tests are integration tests that stage some stuff on the file system, run
/// pub, and then validate the results. This library provides an API to build
/// tests like that.
library test_pub;
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:collection' show Queue;
import 'dart:io';
import 'dart:json' as json;
import 'dart:math';
import 'dart:uri';
import 'dart:utf';
import '../../../pkg/http/lib/testing.dart';
import '../../../pkg/oauth2/lib/oauth2.dart' as oauth2;
import '../../../pkg/path/lib/path.dart' as path;
import '../../../pkg/unittest/lib/unittest.dart';
import '../../../pkg/yaml/lib/yaml.dart';
import '../../lib/file_system.dart' as fs;
import '../../pub/entrypoint.dart';
// TODO(rnystrom): Using "gitlib" as the prefix here is ugly, but "git" collides
// with the git descriptor method. Maybe we should try to clean up the top level
// scope a bit?
import '../../pub/git.dart' as gitlib;
import '../../pub/git_source.dart';
import '../../pub/hosted_source.dart';
import '../../pub/http.dart';
import '../../pub/io.dart';
import '../../pub/path_source.dart';
import '../../pub/sdk_source.dart';
import '../../pub/system_cache.dart';
import '../../pub/utils.dart';
import '../../pub/validator.dart';
import 'command_line_config.dart';
/// This should be called at the top of a test file to set up an appropriate
/// test configuration for the machine running the tests.
initConfig() {
// If we aren't running on the bots, use the human-friendly config.
if (new Options().arguments.contains('--human')) {
configure(new CommandLineConfiguration());
/// Creates a new [FileDescriptor] with [name] and [contents].
FileDescriptor file(Pattern name, String contents) =>
new FileDescriptor(name, contents);
/// Creates a new [FileDescriptor] with [name] and [contents].
FileDescriptor binaryFile(Pattern name, List<int> contents) =>
new FileDescriptor.bytes(name, contents);
/// Creates a new [DirectoryDescriptor] with [name] and [contents].
DirectoryDescriptor dir(Pattern name, [List<Descriptor> contents]) =>
new DirectoryDescriptor(name, contents);
/// Creates a new [FutureDescriptor] wrapping [future].
FutureDescriptor async(Future<Descriptor> future) =>
new FutureDescriptor(future);
/// Creates a new [GitRepoDescriptor] with [name] and [contents].
GitRepoDescriptor git(Pattern name, [List<Descriptor> contents]) =>
new GitRepoDescriptor(name, contents);
/// Creates a new [TarFileDescriptor] with [name] and [contents].
TarFileDescriptor tar(Pattern name, [List<Descriptor> contents]) =>
new TarFileDescriptor(name, contents);
/// Creates a new [NothingDescriptor] with [name].
NothingDescriptor nothing(String name) => new NothingDescriptor(name);
/// The current [HttpServer] created using [serve].
var _server;
/// The cached value for [_portCompleter].
Completer<int> _portCompleterCache;
/// The completer for [port].
Completer<int> get _portCompleter {
if (_portCompleterCache != null) return _portCompleterCache;
_portCompleterCache = new Completer<int>();
_scheduleCleanup((_) {
_portCompleterCache = null;
return _portCompleterCache;
/// A future that will complete to the port used for the current server.
Future<int> get port => _portCompleter.future;
/// Creates an HTTP server to serve [contents] as static files. This server will
/// exist only for the duration of the pub run.
/// Subsequent calls to [serve] will replace the previous server.
void serve([List<Descriptor> contents]) {
var baseDir = dir("serve-dir", contents);
_schedule((_) {
return _closeServer().then((_) {
return HttpServer.bind("", 0).then((server) {
_server = server;
server.listen((request) {
var response = request.response;
var path = request.uri.path.replaceFirst("/", "").split("/");
response.persistentConnection = false;
var stream;
try {
stream = baseDir.load(path);
} catch (e) {
response.statusCode = 404;
response.contentLength = 0;
stream.toBytes().then((data) {
response.statusCode = 200;
response.contentLength = data.length;
}).catchError((e) {
print("Exception while handling ${request.uri}: $e");
response.statusCode = 500;
response.reasonPhrase = e.message;
_scheduleCleanup((_) => _closeServer());
return null;
/// Closes [_server]. Returns a [Future] that will complete after the [_server]
/// is closed.
Future _closeServer() {
if (_server == null) return new Future.immediate(null);
_server = null;
_portCompleterCache = null;
// TODO(nweiz): Remove this once issue 4155 is fixed. Pumping the event loop
// *seems* to be enough to ensure that the server is actually closed, but I'm
// putting this at 10ms to be safe.
return sleep(10);
/// The [DirectoryDescriptor] describing the server layout of packages that are
/// being served via [servePackages]. This is `null` if [servePackages] has not
/// yet been called for this test.
DirectoryDescriptor _servedPackageDir;
/// A map from package names to version numbers to YAML-serialized pubspecs for
/// those packages. This represents the packages currently being served by
/// [servePackages], and is `null` if [servePackages] has not yet been called
/// for this test.
Map<String, Map<String, String>> _servedPackages;
/// Creates an HTTP server that replicates the structure of
/// [pubspecs] is a list of unserialized pubspecs representing the packages to
/// serve.
/// Subsequent calls to [servePackages] will add to the set of packages that
/// are being served. Previous packages will continue to be served.
void servePackages(List<Map> pubspecs) {
if (_servedPackages == null || _servedPackageDir == null) {
_servedPackages = <String, Map<String, String>>{};
_servedPackageDir = dir('packages', []);
_scheduleCleanup((_) {
_servedPackages = null;
_servedPackageDir = null;
_schedule((_) {
return _awaitObject(pubspecs).then((resolvedPubspecs) {
for (var spec in resolvedPubspecs) {
var name = spec['name'];
var version = spec['version'];
var versions = _servedPackages.putIfAbsent(
name, () => <String, String>{});
versions[version] = yaml(spec);
for (var name in _servedPackages.keys) {
var versions = _servedPackages[name].keys.toList();
json.stringify({'versions': versions})),
dir(name, [
dir('versions', flatten( {
return [
file('$version.yaml', _servedPackages[name][version]),
tar('$version.tar.gz', [
file('pubspec.yaml', _servedPackages[name][version]),
libDir(name, '$name $version')
/// Converts [value] into a YAML string.
String yaml(value) => json.stringify(value);
/// Describes a package that passes all validation.
Descriptor get normalPackage => dir(appPath, [
libPubspec("test_pkg", "1.0.0"),
file("LICENSE", "Eh, do what you want."),
dir("lib", [
file("test_pkg.dart", "int i = 1;")
/// Describes a file named `pubspec.yaml` with the given YAML-serialized
/// [contents], which should be a serializable object.
/// [contents] may contain [Future]s that resolve to serializable objects,
/// which may in turn contain [Future]s recursively.
Descriptor pubspec(Map contents) {
return async(_awaitObject(contents).then((resolvedContents) =>
file("pubspec.yaml", yaml(resolvedContents))));
/// Describes a file named `pubspec.yaml` for an application package with the
/// given [dependencies].
Descriptor appPubspec(List dependencies) {
return pubspec({
"name": "myapp",
"dependencies": _dependencyListToMap(dependencies)
/// Describes a file named `pubspec.yaml` for a library package with the given
/// [name], [version], and [deps]. If "sdk" is given, then it adds an SDK
/// constraint on that version.
Descriptor libPubspec(String name, String version, {List deps, String sdk}) {
var map = package(name, version, deps);
if (sdk != null) {
map["environment"] = {
"sdk": sdk
return pubspec(map);
/// Describes a directory named `lib` containing a single dart file named
/// `<name>.dart` that contains a line of Dart code.
Descriptor libDir(String name, [String code]) {
// Default to printing the name if no other code was given.
if (code == null) {
code = name;
return dir("lib", [
file("$name.dart", 'main() => "$code";')
/// Describes a map representing a library package with the given [name],
/// [version], and [dependencies].
Map package(String name, String version, [List dependencies]) {
var package = {
"name": name,
"version": version,
"author": "Nathan Weizenbaum <>",
"homepage": "",
"description": "A package, I guess."
if (dependencies != null) {
package["dependencies"] = _dependencyListToMap(dependencies);
return package;
/// Describes a map representing a dependency on a package in the package
/// repository.
Map dependency(String name, [String versionConstraint]) {
var url = port.then((p) => "http://localhost:$p");
var dependency = {"hosted": {"name": name, "url": url}};
if (versionConstraint != null) dependency["version"] = versionConstraint;
return dependency;
/// Describes a directory for a package installed from the mock package server.
/// This directory is of the form found in the global package cache.
DirectoryDescriptor packageCacheDir(String name, String version) {
return dir("$name-$version", [
libDir(name, '$name $version')
/// Describes a directory for a Git package. This directory is of the form
/// found in the revision cache of the global package cache.
DirectoryDescriptor gitPackageRevisionCacheDir(String name, [int modifier]) {
var value = name;
if (modifier != null) value = "$name $modifier";
return dir(new RegExp("$name${r'-[a-f0-9]+'}"), [
libDir(name, value)
/// Describes a directory for a Git package. This directory is of the form
/// found in the repo cache of the global package cache.
DirectoryDescriptor gitPackageRepoCacheDir(String name) {
return dir(new RegExp("$name${r'-[a-f0-9]+'}"), [
/// Describes the `packages/` directory containing all the given [packages],
/// which should be name/version pairs. The packages will be validated against
/// the format produced by the mock package server.
/// A package with a null version should not be installed.
DirectoryDescriptor packagesDir(Map<String, String> packages) {
var contents = <Descriptor>[];
packages.forEach((name, version) {
if (version == null) {
} else {
contents.add(dir(name, [
file("$name.dart", 'main() => "$name $version";')
return dir(packagesPath, contents);
/// Describes the global package cache directory containing all the given
/// [packages], which should be name/version pairs. The packages will be
/// validated against the format produced by the mock package server.
/// A package's value may also be a list of versions, in which case all
/// versions are expected to be installed.
DirectoryDescriptor cacheDir(Map packages) {
var contents = <Descriptor>[];
packages.forEach((name, versions) {
if (versions is! List) versions = [versions];
for (var version in versions) {
contents.add(packageCacheDir(name, version));
return dir(cachePath, [
dir('hosted', [
async(port.then((p) => dir('localhost%58$p', contents)))
/// Describes the file in the system cache that contains the client's OAuth2
/// credentials. The URL "/token" on [server] will be used as the token
/// endpoint for refreshing the access token.
Descriptor credentialsFile(
ScheduledServer server,
String accessToken,
{String refreshToken,
DateTime expiration}) {
return async(server.url.then((url) {
return dir(cachePath, [
file('credentials.json', new oauth2.Credentials(
/// Describes the application directory, containing only a pubspec specifying
/// the given [dependencies].
DirectoryDescriptor appDir(List dependencies) =>
dir(appPath, [appPubspec(dependencies)]);
/// Converts a list of dependencies as passed to [package] into a hash as used
/// in a pubspec.
Future<Map> _dependencyListToMap(List<Map> dependencies) {
return _awaitObject(dependencies).then((resolvedDependencies) {
var result = <String, Map>{};
for (var dependency in resolvedDependencies) {
var keys = dependency.keys.where((key) => key != "version");
var sourceName = only(keys);
var source;
switch (sourceName) {
case "git":
source = new GitSource();
case "hosted":
source = new HostedSource();
case "path":
source = new PathSource();
case "sdk":
source = new SdkSource();
throw 'Unknown source "$sourceName"';
result[_packageName(sourceName, dependency[sourceName])] = dependency;
return result;
/// Return the name for the package described by [description] and from
/// [sourceName].
String _packageName(String sourceName, description) {
switch (sourceName) {
case "git":
var url = description is String ? description : description['url'];
// TODO(rnystrom): Using path.basename on a URL is hacky. If we add URL
// support to pkg/path, should use an explicit builder for that.
return path.basename(url.replaceFirst(new RegExp(r"(\.git)?/?$"), ""));
case "hosted":
if (description is String) return description;
return description['name'];
case "path":
return path.basename(description);
case "sdk":
return description;
return description;
/// The full path to the created sandbox directory for an integration test.
String get sandboxDir => _sandboxDir;
String _sandboxDir;
/// The path of the package cache directory used for tests. Relative to the
/// sandbox directory.
final String cachePath = "cache";
/// The path of the mock SDK directory used for tests. Relative to the sandbox
/// directory.
final String sdkPath = "sdk";
/// The path of the mock app directory used for tests. Relative to the sandbox
/// directory.
final String appPath = "myapp";
/// The path of the packages directory in the mock app used for tests. Relative
/// to the sandbox directory.
final String packagesPath = "$appPath/packages";
/// The type for callbacks that will be fired during [schedulePub]. Takes the
/// sandbox directory as a parameter.
typedef Future _ScheduledEvent(String parentDir);
/// The list of events that are scheduled to run as part of the test case.
Queue<_ScheduledEvent> _scheduled;
/// The list of events that are scheduled to run after the test case, even if
/// it failed.
Queue<_ScheduledEvent> _scheduledCleanup;
/// The list of events that are scheduled to run after the test case only if it
/// failed.
Queue<_ScheduledEvent> _scheduledOnException;
/// Set to true when the current batch of scheduled events should be aborted.
bool _abortScheduled = false;
/// The time (in milliseconds) to wait for the entire scheduled test to
/// complete.
final _TIMEOUT = 30000;
/// Defines an integration test. The [body] should schedule a series of
/// operations which will be run asynchronously.
void integration(String description, void body()) =>
_integration(description, body, test);
/// Like [integration], but causes only this test to run.
void solo_integration(String description, void body()) =>
_integration(description, body, solo_test);
void _integration(String description, void body(), [Function testFn]) {
testFn(description, () {
// Ensure the SDK version is always available.
dir(sdkPath, [
file('version', '')
_sandboxDir = createTempDir();
// Schedule the test.
// Run all of the scheduled tasks. If an error occurs, it will propagate
// through the futures back up to here where we can hand it off to unittest.
var asyncDone = expectAsync0(() {});
return timeout(_runScheduled(_scheduled),
_TIMEOUT, 'waiting for a test to complete').catchError((e) {
return _runScheduled(_scheduledOnException).then((_) {
// Rethrow the original error so it keeps propagating.
throw e;
}).whenComplete(() {
// Clean up after ourselves. Do this first before reporting back to
// unittest because it will advance to the next test immediately.
return _runScheduled(_scheduledCleanup).then((_) {
_scheduled = null;
_scheduledCleanup = null;
_scheduledOnException = null;
if (_sandboxDir != null) {
var dir = _sandboxDir;
_sandboxDir = null;
return deleteDir(dir);
}).then((_) {
// If we got here, the test completed successfully so tell unittest so.
}).catchError((e) {
// If we got here, an error occurred. We will register it with unittest
// directly so that the error message isn't wrapped in any matcher stuff.
// We do this call last because it will cause unittest to *synchronously*
// advance to the next test and run it.
registerException(e.error, e.stackTrace);
/// Get the path to the root "util/test/pub" directory containing the pub
/// tests.
String get testDirectory {
var dir = new Options().script;
while (path.basename(dir) != 'pub') dir = path.dirname(dir);
return path.absolute(dir);
/// Schedules renaming (moving) the directory at [from] to [to], both of which
/// are assumed to be relative to [sandboxDir].
void scheduleRename(String from, String to) {
_schedule((sandboxDir) {
return renameDir(path.join(sandboxDir, from), path.join(sandboxDir, to));
/// Schedules a call to the Pub command-line utility. Runs Pub with [args] and
/// validates that its results match [output], [error], and [exitCode].
void schedulePub({List args, Pattern output, Pattern error,
Future<Uri> tokenEndpoint, int exitCode: 0}) {
_schedule((sandboxDir) {
return _doPub(runProcess, sandboxDir, args, tokenEndpoint).then((result) {
var failures = [];
_validateOutput(failures, 'stdout', output, result.stdout);
_validateOutput(failures, 'stderr', error, result.stderr);
if (result.exitCode != exitCode) {
'Pub returned exit code ${result.exitCode}, expected $exitCode.');
if (failures.length > 0) {
if (error == null) {
// If we aren't validating the error, still show it on failure.
failures.add('Pub stderr:');
failures.addAll( => '| $line'));
throw new ExpectException(failures.join('\n'));
return null;
/// Starts a Pub process and returns a [ScheduledProcess] that supports
/// interaction with that process.
/// Any futures in [args] will be resolved before the process is started.
ScheduledProcess startPub({List args, Future<Uri> tokenEndpoint}) {
var process = _scheduleValue((sandboxDir) =>
_doPub(startProcess, sandboxDir, args, tokenEndpoint));
return new ScheduledProcess("pub", process);
/// Like [startPub], but runs `pub lish` in particular with [server] used both
/// as the OAuth2 server (with "/token" as the token endpoint) and as the
/// package server.
/// Any futures in [args] will be resolved before the process is started.
ScheduledProcess startPubLish(ScheduledServer server, {List args}) {
var tokenEndpoint = server.url.then((url) =>
if (args == null) args = [];
args = flatten(['lish', '--server', tokenEndpoint, args]);
return startPub(args: args, tokenEndpoint: tokenEndpoint);
/// Handles the beginning confirmation process for uploading a packages.
/// Ensures that the right output is shown and then enters "y" to confirm the
/// upload.
void confirmPublish(ScheduledProcess pub) {
// TODO(rnystrom): This is overly specific and inflexible regarding different
// test packages. Should validate this a little more loosely.
expectLater(pub.nextLine(), equals('Publishing "test_pkg" 1.0.0:'));
expectLater(pub.nextLine(), equals("|-- LICENSE"));
expectLater(pub.nextLine(), equals("|-- lib"));
expectLater(pub.nextLine(), equals("| '-- test_pkg.dart"));
expectLater(pub.nextLine(), equals("'-- pubspec.yaml"));
expectLater(pub.nextLine(), equals(""));
/// Calls [fn] with appropriately modified arguments to run a pub process. [fn]
/// should have the same signature as [startProcess], except that the returned
/// [Future] may have a type other than [Process].
Future _doPub(Function fn, sandboxDir, List args, Future<Uri> tokenEndpoint) {
String pathInSandbox(String relPath) {
return path.join(path.absolute(sandboxDir), relPath);
return defer(() {
return Future.wait([
tokenEndpoint == null ? new Future.immediate(null) : tokenEndpoint
}).then((results) {
var args = results[0];
var tokenEndpoint = results[1];
// Find a Dart executable we can use to spawn. Use the same one that was
// used to run this script itself.
var dartBin = new Options().executable;
// If the executable looks like a path, get its full path. That way we
// can still find it when we spawn it with a different working directory.
if (dartBin.contains(Platform.pathSeparator)) {
dartBin = new File(dartBin).fullPathSync();
// Find the main pub entrypoint.
var pubPath = fs.joinPaths(testDirectory, '../../pub/pub.dart');
var dartArgs = ['--checked', pubPath, '--trace'];
var environment = {
'PUB_CACHE': pathInSandbox(cachePath),
'DART_SDK': pathInSandbox(sdkPath)
if (tokenEndpoint != null) {
environment['_PUB_TEST_TOKEN_ENDPOINT'] = tokenEndpoint.toString();
return fn(dartBin, dartArgs, workingDir: pathInSandbox(appPath),
environment: environment);
/// Skips the current test if Git is not installed. This validates that the
/// current test is running on a buildbot in which case we expect git to be
/// installed. If we are not running on the buildbot, we will instead see if
/// git is installed and skip the test if not. This way, users don't need to
/// have git installed to run the tests locally (unless they actually care
/// about the pub git tests).
void ensureGit() {
_schedule((_) {
return gitlib.isInstalled.then((installed) {
if (!installed &&
!Platform.environment.containsKey('BUILDBOT_BUILDERNAME')) {
_abortScheduled = true;
return null;
/// Use [client] as the mock HTTP client for this test.
/// Note that this will only affect HTTP requests made via http.dart in the
/// parent process.
void useMockClient(MockClient client) {
var oldInnerClient = httpClient.inner;
httpClient.inner = client;
_scheduleCleanup((_) {
httpClient.inner = oldInnerClient;
Future _runScheduled(Queue<_ScheduledEvent> scheduled) {
if (scheduled == null) return new Future.immediate(null);
Future runNextEvent(_) {
if (_abortScheduled || scheduled.isEmpty) {
_abortScheduled = false;
return new Future.immediate(null);
var future = scheduled.removeFirst()(_sandboxDir);
if (future != null) {
return future.then(runNextEvent);
} else {
return runNextEvent(null);
return runNextEvent(null);
/// Compares the [actual] output from running pub with [expected]. For [String]
/// patterns, ignores leading and trailing whitespace differences and tries to
/// report the offending difference in a nice way. For other [Pattern]s, just
/// reports whether the output contained the pattern.
void _validateOutput(List<String> failures, String pipe, Pattern expected,
List<String> actual) {
if (expected == null) return;
if (expected is RegExp) {
_validateOutputRegex(failures, pipe, expected, actual);
} else {
_validateOutputString(failures, pipe, expected, actual);
void _validateOutputRegex(List<String> failures, String pipe,
RegExp expected, List<String> actual) {
var actualText = actual.join('\n');
if (actualText.contains(expected)) return;
if (actual.length == 0) {
failures.add('Expected $pipe to match "${expected.pattern}" but got none.');
} else {
failures.add('Expected $pipe to match "${expected.pattern}" but got:');
failures.addAll( => '| $line'));
void _validateOutputString(List<String> failures, String pipe,
String expectedText, List<String> actual) {
final expected = expectedText.split('\n');
// Strip off the last line. This lets us have expected multiline strings
// where the closing ''' is on its own line. It also fixes '' expected output
// to expect zero lines of output, not a single empty line.
if (expected.last.trim() == '') {
var results = [];
var failed = false;
// Compare them line by line to see which ones match.
var length = max(expected.length, actual.length);
for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) {
if (i >= actual.length) {
// Missing output.
failed = true;
results.add('? ${expected[i]}');
} else if (i >= expected.length) {
// Unexpected extra output.
failed = true;
results.add('X ${actual[i]}');
} else {
var expectedLine = expected[i].trim();
var actualLine = actual[i].trim();
if (expectedLine != actualLine) {
// Mismatched lines.
failed = true;
results.add('X ${actual[i]}');
} else {
// Output is OK, but include it in case other lines are wrong.
results.add('| ${actual[i]}');
// If any lines mismatched, show the expected and actual.
if (failed) {
failures.add('Expected $pipe:');
failures.addAll( => '| $line'));
/// Base class for [FileDescriptor] and [DirectoryDescriptor] so that a
/// directory can contain a heterogeneous collection of files and
/// subdirectories.
abstract class Descriptor {
/// The name of this file or directory. This must be a [String] if the file
/// or directory is going to be created.
final Pattern name;
/// Creates the file or directory within [dir]. Returns a [Future] that is
/// completed after the creation is done.
Future create(dir);
/// Validates that this descriptor correctly matches the corresponding file
/// system entry within [dir]. Returns a [Future] that completes to `null` if
/// the entry is valid, or throws an error if it failed.
Future validate(String dir);
/// Deletes the file or directory within [dir]. Returns a [Future] that is
/// completed after the deletion is done.
Future delete(String dir);
/// Loads the file at [path] from within this descriptor. If [path] is empty,
/// loads the contents of the descriptor itself.
ByteStream load(List<String> path);
/// Schedules the directory to be created before Pub is run with
/// [schedulePub]. The directory will be created relative to the sandbox
/// directory.
// TODO(nweiz): Use implicit closurization once issue 2984 is fixed.
void scheduleCreate() => _schedule((dir) => this.create(dir));
/// Schedules the file or directory to be deleted recursively.
void scheduleDelete() => _schedule((dir) => this.delete(dir));
/// Schedules the directory to be validated after Pub is run with
/// [schedulePub]. The directory will be validated relative to the sandbox
/// directory.
void scheduleValidate() => _schedule((parentDir) => validate(parentDir));
/// Asserts that the name of the descriptor is a [String] and returns it.
String get _stringName {
if (name is String) return name;
throw 'Pattern $name must be a string.';
/// Validates that at least one file in [dir] matching [name] is valid
/// according to [validate]. [validate] should throw or complete to an
/// exception if the input path is invalid.
Future _validateOneMatch(String dir, Future validate(String entry)) {
// Special-case strings to support multi-level names like "myapp/packages".
if (name is String) {
var entry = path.join(dir, name);
return defer(() {
if (!entryExists(entry)) {
throw new ExpectException('Entry $entry not found.');
return validate(entry);
// TODO(nweiz): remove this when issue 4061 is fixed.
var stackTrace;
try {
throw "";
} catch (_, localStackTrace) {
stackTrace = localStackTrace;
return listDir(dir).then((files) {
var matches = files.where((file) => endsWithPattern(file, name)).toList();
if (matches.isEmpty) {
throw new ExpectException('No files in $dir match pattern $name.');
if (matches.length == 1) return validate(matches[0]);
var failures = [];
var successes = 0;
var completer = new Completer();
checkComplete() {
if (failures.length + successes != matches.length) return;
if (successes > 0) {
var error = new StringBuffer();
error.add("No files named $name in $dir were valid:\n");
for (var failure in failures) {
error.add(" $failure\n");
new ExpectException(error.toString()), stackTrace);
for (var match in matches) {
var future = validate(match).then((_) {
}).catchError((e) {
return completer.future;
/// Describes a file. These are used both for setting up an expected directory
/// tree before running a test, and for validating that the file system matches
/// some expectations after running it.
class FileDescriptor extends Descriptor {
/// The contents of the file, in bytes.
final List<int> contents;
String get textContents => new String.fromCharCodes(contents);
FileDescriptor.bytes(Pattern name, this.contents) : super(name);
FileDescriptor(Pattern name, String contents) :
this.bytes(name, encodeUtf8(contents));
/// Creates the file within [dir]. Returns a [Future] that is completed after
/// the creation is done.
Future<String> create(dir) =>
defer(() => writeBinaryFile(path.join(dir, _stringName), contents));
/// Deletes the file within [dir]. Returns a [Future] that is completed after
/// the deletion is done.
Future delete(dir) =>
defer(() => deleteFile(path.join(dir, _stringName)));
/// Validates that this file correctly matches the actual file at [path].
Future validate(String path) {
return _validateOneMatch(path, (file) {
var text = readTextFile(file);
if (text == textContents) return null;
throw new ExpectException(
'File $file should contain:\n\n$textContents\n\n'
'but contained:\n\n$text');
/// Loads the contents of the file.
ByteStream load(List<String> path) {
if (!path.isEmpty) {
throw "Can't load ${path.join('/')} from within $name: not a directory.";
return new ByteStream.fromBytes(contents);
/// Describes a directory and its contents. These are used both for setting up
/// an expected directory tree before running a test, and for validating that
/// the file system matches some expectations after running it.
class DirectoryDescriptor extends Descriptor {
/// The files and directories contained in this directory.
final List<Descriptor> contents;
DirectoryDescriptor(Pattern name, List<Descriptor> contents)
: this.contents = contents == null ? <Descriptor>[] : contents,
/// Creates the file within [dir]. Returns a [Future] that is completed after
/// the creation is done.
Future<String> create(parentDir) {
return defer(() {
// Create the directory.
var dir = ensureDir(path.join(parentDir, _stringName));
if (contents == null) return dir;
// Recursively create all of its children.
var childFutures = => child.create(dir)).toList();
// Only complete once all of the children have been created too.
return Future.wait(childFutures).then((_) => dir);
/// Deletes the directory within [dir]. Returns a [Future] that is completed
/// after the deletion is done.
Future delete(dir) {
return deleteDir(path.join(dir, _stringName));
/// Validates that the directory at [path] contains all of the expected
/// contents in this descriptor. Note that this does *not* check that the
/// directory doesn't contain other unexpected stuff, just that it *does*
/// contain the stuff we do expect.
Future validate(String path) {
return _validateOneMatch(path, (dir) {
// Validate each of the items in this directory.
final entryFutures = => entry.validate(dir)).toList();
// If they are all valid, the directory is valid.
return Future.wait(entryFutures).then((entries) => null);
/// Loads [path] from within this directory.
ByteStream load(List<String> path) {
if (path.isEmpty) {
throw "Can't load the contents of $name: is a directory.";
for (var descriptor in contents) {
if ( == path[0]) {
return descriptor.load(path.getRange(1, path.length - 1));
throw "Directory $name doesn't contain ${path.join('/')}.";
/// Wraps a [Future] that will complete to a [Descriptor] and makes it behave
/// like a concrete [Descriptor]. This is necessary when the contents of the
/// descriptor depends on information that's not available until part of the
/// test run is completed.
class FutureDescriptor extends Descriptor {
Future<Descriptor> _future;
FutureDescriptor(this._future) : super('<unknown>');
Future create(dir) => _future.then((desc) => desc.create(dir));
Future validate(dir) => _future.then((desc) => desc.validate(dir));
Future delete(dir) => _future.then((desc) => desc.delete(dir));
ByteStream load(List<String> path) {
var controller = new StreamController<List<int>>();
_future.then((desc) => store(desc.load(path), controller));
return new ByteStream(;
/// Describes a Git repository and its contents.
class GitRepoDescriptor extends DirectoryDescriptor {
GitRepoDescriptor(Pattern name, List<Descriptor> contents)
: super(name, contents);
/// Creates the Git repository and commits the contents.
Future create(parentDir) {
return _runGitCommands(parentDir, [
['add', '.'],
['commit', '-m', 'initial commit']
/// Commits any changes to the Git repository.
Future commit(parentDir) {
return _runGitCommands(parentDir, [
['add', '.'],
['commit', '-m', 'update']
/// Schedules changes to be committed to the Git repository.
void scheduleCommit() => _schedule((dir) => this.commit(dir));
/// Return a Future that completes to the commit in the git repository
/// referred to by [ref] at the current point in the scheduled test run.
Future<String> revParse(String ref) {
return _scheduleValue((parentDir) {
return super.create(parentDir).then((rootDir) {
return _runGit(['rev-parse', ref], rootDir);
}).then((output) => output[0]);
/// Schedule a Git command to run in this repository.
void scheduleGit(List<String> args) {
_schedule((parentDir) => _runGit(args, path.join(parentDir, name)));
Future _runGitCommands(parentDir, List<List<String>> commands) {
var workingDir;
Future runGitStep(_) {
if (commands.isEmpty) return new Future.immediate(workingDir);
var command = commands.removeAt(0);
return _runGit(command, workingDir).then(runGitStep);
return super.create(parentDir).then((rootDir) {
workingDir = rootDir;
return runGitStep(null);
Future<List<String>> _runGit(List<String> args, String workingDir) {
// Explicitly specify the committer information. Git needs this to commit
// and we don't want to rely on the buildbots having this already set up.
var environment = {
'GIT_AUTHOR_NAME': 'Pub Test',
return, workingDir: workingDir, environment: environment);
/// Describes a gzipped tar file and its contents.
class TarFileDescriptor extends Descriptor {
final List<Descriptor> contents;
TarFileDescriptor(Pattern name, this.contents)
: super(name);
/// Creates the files and directories within this tar file, then archives
/// them, compresses them, and saves the result to [parentDir].
Future<String> create(parentDir) {
return withTempDir((tempDir) {
return Future.wait( => child.create(tempDir)))
.then((createdContents) {
return createTarGz(createdContents, baseDir: tempDir).toBytes();
}).then((bytes) {
var file = path.join(parentDir, _stringName);
writeBinaryFile(file, bytes);
return file;
/// Validates that the `.tar.gz` file at [path] contains the expected
/// contents.
Future validate(String path) {
throw "TODO(nweiz): implement this";
Future delete(dir) {
throw new UnsupportedError('');
/// Loads the contents of this tar file.
ByteStream load(List<String> path) {
if (!path.isEmpty) {
throw "Can't load ${path.join('/')} from within $name: not a directory.";
var controller = new StreamController<List<int>>();
// TODO(nweiz): propagate any errors to the return value. See issue 3657.
withTempDir((tempDir) {
return create(tempDir).then((tar) {
var sourceStream = new File(tar).openRead();
return store(sourceStream, controller);
return new ByteStream(;
/// A descriptor that validates that no file exists with the given name.
class NothingDescriptor extends Descriptor {
NothingDescriptor(String name) : super(name);
Future create(dir) => new Future.immediate(null);
Future delete(dir) => new Future.immediate(null);
Future validate(String dir) {
return defer(() {
if (entryExists(path.join(dir, name))) {
throw new ExpectException('File $name in $dir should not exist.');
ByteStream load(List<String> path) {
if (path.isEmpty) {
throw "Can't load the contents of $name: it doesn't exist.";
} else {
throw "Can't load ${path.join('/')} from within $name: $name doesn't "
/// A function that creates a [Validator] subclass.
typedef Validator ValidatorCreator(Entrypoint entrypoint);
/// Schedules a single [Validator] to run on the [appPath]. Returns a scheduled
/// Future that contains the errors and warnings produced by that validator.
Future<Pair<List<String>, List<String>>> schedulePackageValidation(
ValidatorCreator fn) {
return _scheduleValue((sandboxDir) {
var cache = new SystemCache.withSources(path.join(sandboxDir, cachePath));
return defer(() {
var validator = fn(new Entrypoint(path.join(sandboxDir, appPath), cache));
return validator.validate().then((_) {
return new Pair(validator.errors, validator.warnings);
/// A matcher that matches a Pair.
Matcher pairOf(Matcher firstMatcher, Matcher lastMatcher) =>
new _PairMatcher(firstMatcher, lastMatcher);
class _PairMatcher extends BaseMatcher {
final Matcher _firstMatcher;
final Matcher _lastMatcher;
_PairMatcher(this._firstMatcher, this._lastMatcher);
bool matches(item, MatchState matchState) {
if (item is! Pair) return false;
return _firstMatcher.matches(item.first, matchState) &&
_lastMatcher.matches(item.last, matchState);
Description describe(Description description) {
description.addAll("(", ", ", ")", [_firstMatcher, _lastMatcher]);
/// The time (in milliseconds) to wait for scheduled events that could run
/// forever.
const _SCHEDULE_TIMEOUT = 10000;
/// A class representing a [Process] that is scheduled to run in the course of
/// the test. This class allows actions on the process to be scheduled
/// synchronously. All operations on this class are scheduled.
/// Before running the test, either [shouldExit] or [kill] must be called on
/// this to ensure that the process terminates when expected.
/// If the test fails, this will automatically print out any remaining stdout
/// and stderr from the process to aid debugging.
class ScheduledProcess {
/// The name of the process. Used for error reporting.
final String name;
/// The process future that's scheduled to run.
Future<PubProcess> _processFuture;
/// The process that's scheduled to run. It may be null.
PubProcess _process;
/// The exit code of the scheduled program. It may be null.
int _exitCode;
/// A future that will complete to a list of all the lines emitted on the
/// process's standard output stream. This is independent of what data is read
/// from [_stdout].
Future<List<String>> _stdoutLines;
/// A [Stream] of stdout lines emitted by the process that's scheduled to run.
/// It may be null.
Stream<String> _stdout;
/// A [Future] that will resolve to [_stdout] once it's available.
Future get _stdoutFuture => _processFuture.then((_) => _stdout);
/// A [StreamSubscription] that controls [_stdout].
StreamSubscription _stdoutSubscription;
/// A future that will complete to a list of all the lines emitted on the
/// process's standard error stream. This is independent of what data is read
/// from [_stderr].
Future<List<String>> _stderrLines;
/// A [Stream] of stderr lines emitted by the process that's scheduled to run.
/// It may be null.
Stream<String> _stderr;
/// A [Future] that will resolve to [_stderr] once it's available.
Future get _stderrFuture => _processFuture.then((_) => _stderr);
/// A [StreamSubscription] that controls [_stderr].
StreamSubscription _stderrSubscription;
/// The exit code of the process that's scheduled to run. This will naturally
/// only complete once the process has terminated.
Future<int> get _exitCodeFuture => _exitCodeCompleter.future;
/// The completer for [_exitCode].
final Completer<int> _exitCodeCompleter = new Completer();
/// Whether the user has scheduled the end of this process by calling either
/// [shouldExit] or [kill].
bool _endScheduled = false;
/// Whether the process is expected to terminate at this point.
bool _endExpected = false;
/// Wraps a [Process] [Future] in a scheduled process.
ScheduledProcess(, Future<PubProcess> process)
: _processFuture = process {
var pairFuture = process.then((p) {
_process = p;
byteStreamToLines(stream) {
var handledErrors = wrapStream(stream.handleError((e) {
registerException(e.error, e.stackTrace);
return streamToLines(new ByteStream(handledErrors).toStringStream());
var stdoutTee = tee(byteStreamToLines(p.stdout));
var stdoutPair = streamWithSubscription(stdoutTee.last);
_stdout = stdoutPair.first;
_stdoutSubscription = stdoutPair.last;
var stderrTee = tee(byteStreamToLines(p.stderr));
var stderrPair = streamWithSubscription(stderrTee.last);
_stderr = stderrPair.first;
_stderrSubscription = stderrPair.last;
return new Pair(stdoutTee.first, stderrTee.first);
_stdoutLines = pairFuture.then((pair) => pair.first.toList());
_stderrLines = pairFuture.then((pair) => pair.last.toList());
_schedule((_) {
if (!_endScheduled) {
throw new StateError("Scheduled process $name must have shouldExit() "
"or kill() called before the test is run.");
process.then((p) => p.exitCode).then((exitCode) {
if (_endExpected) {
_exitCode = exitCode;
// Sleep for half a second in case _endExpected is set in the next
// scheduled event.
return sleep(500).then((_) {
if (_endExpected) {
return _printStreams();
}).then((_) {
registerException(new ExpectException("Process $name ended "
"earlier than scheduled with exit code $exitCode"));
}).catchError((e) => registerException(e.error, e.stackTrace));
_scheduleOnException((_) {
if (_process == null) return;
if (_exitCode == null) {
print("\nKilling process $name prematurely.");
_endExpected = true;
return _printStreams();
_scheduleCleanup((_) {
if (_process == null) return;
// Ensure that the process is dead and we aren't waiting on any IO.
/// Reads the next line of stdout from the process.
Future<String> nextLine() {
return _scheduleValue((_) {
return timeout(_stdoutFuture.then((stream) => streamFirst(stream)),
"waiting for the next stdout line from process $name");
/// Reads the next line of stderr from the process.
Future<String> nextErrLine() {
return _scheduleValue((_) {
return timeout(_stderrFuture.then((stream) => streamFirst(stream)),
"waiting for the next stderr line from process $name");
/// Reads the remaining stdout from the process. This should only be called
/// after kill() or shouldExit().
Future<String> remainingStdout() {
if (!_endScheduled) {
throw new StateError("remainingStdout() should only be called after "
"kill() or shouldExit().");
return _scheduleValue((_) {
return timeout(_stdoutFuture.then((stream) => stream.toList())
.then((lines) => lines.join("\n")),
"waiting for the last stdout line from process $name");
/// Reads the remaining stderr from the process. This should only be called
/// after kill() or shouldExit().
Future<String> remainingStderr() {
if (!_endScheduled) {
throw new StateError("remainingStderr() should only be called after "
"kill() or shouldExit().");
return _scheduleValue((_) {
return timeout(_stderrFuture.then((stream) => stream.toList())
.then((lines) => lines.join("\n")),
"waiting for the last stderr line from process $name");
/// Writes [line] to the process as stdin.
void writeLine(String line) {
_schedule((_) => _processFuture.then(
(p) => p.stdin.add('$line\n'.charCodes)));
/// Kills the process, and waits until it's dead.
void kill() {
_endScheduled = true;
_schedule((_) {
_endExpected = true;
timeout(_exitCodeFuture, _SCHEDULE_TIMEOUT,
"waiting for process $name to die");
/// Waits for the process to exit, and verifies that the exit code matches
/// [expectedExitCode] (if given).
void shouldExit([int expectedExitCode]) {
_endScheduled = true;
_schedule((_) {
_endExpected = true;
return timeout(_exitCodeFuture, _SCHEDULE_TIMEOUT,
"waiting for process $name to exit").then((exitCode) {
if (expectedExitCode != null) {
expect(exitCode, equals(expectedExitCode));
/// Prints the remaining data in the process's stdout and stderr streams.
/// Prints nothing if the streams are empty.
Future _printStreams() {
void printStream(String streamName, List<String> lines) {
if (lines.isEmpty) return;
print('\nProcess $name $streamName:');
for (var line in lines) {
print('| $line');
return _stdoutLines.then((stdoutLines) {
printStream('stdout', stdoutLines);
return _stderrLines.then((stderrLines) {
printStream('stderr', stderrLines);
/// A class representing an [HttpServer] that's scheduled to run in the course
/// of the test. This class allows the server's request handling to be
/// scheduled synchronously. All operations on this class are scheduled.
class ScheduledServer {
/// The wrapped server.
final Future<HttpServer> _server;
/// The queue of handlers to run for upcoming requests.
final _handlers = new Queue<Future>();
/// The requests to be ignored.
final _ignored = new Set<Pair<String, String>>();
/// Creates a new server listening on an automatically-allocated port on
/// localhost.
factory ScheduledServer() {
var scheduledServer;
scheduledServer = new ScheduledServer._(_scheduleValue((_) {
return HttpServer.bind("", 0).then((server) {
_scheduleCleanup((_) => server.close());
return server;
return scheduledServer;
/// The port on which the server is listening.
Future<int> get port => _server.then((s) => s.port);
/// The base URL of the server, including its port.
Future<Uri> get url =>
port.then((p) => Uri.parse("http://localhost:$p"));
/// Assert that the next request has the given [method] and [path], and pass
/// it to [handler] to handle. If [handler] returns a [Future], wait until
/// it's completed to continue the schedule.
void handle(String method, String path,
Future handler(HttpRequest request, HttpResponse response)) {
var handlerCompleter = new Completer<Function>();
_scheduleValue((_) {
var requestCompleteCompleter = new Completer();
handlerCompleter.complete((request, response) {
expect(request.method, equals(method));
expect(request.uri.path, equals(path));
var future = handler(request, response);
if (future == null) future = new Future.immediate(null);
chainToCompleter(future, requestCompleteCompleter);
return timeout(requestCompleteCompleter.future,
_SCHEDULE_TIMEOUT, "waiting for $method $path");
/// Ignore all requests with the given [method] and [path]. If one is
/// received, don't respond to it.
void ignore(String method, String path) =>
_ignored.add(new Pair(method, path));
/// Raises an error complaining of an unexpected request.
void _awaitHandle(HttpRequest request) {
HttpResponse response = request.response;
if (_ignored.contains(new Pair(request.method, request.uri.path))) return;
var future = timeout(defer(() {
if (_handlers.isEmpty) {
fail('Unexpected ${request.method} request to ${request.uri.path}.');
return _handlers.removeFirst();
}).then((handler) {
handler(request, response);
}), _SCHEDULE_TIMEOUT, "waiting for a handler for ${request.method} "
expect(future, completes);
/// Takes a simple data structure (composed of [Map]s, [List]s, scalar objects,
/// and [Future]s) and recursively resolves all the [Future]s contained within.
/// Completes with the fully resolved structure.
Future _awaitObject(object) {
// Unroll nested futures.
if (object is Future) return object.then(_awaitObject);
if (object is Collection) {
return Future.wait(;
if (object is! Map) return new Future.immediate(object);
var pairs = <Future<Pair>>[];
object.forEach((key, value) {
.then((resolved) => new Pair(key, resolved)));
return Future.wait(pairs).then((resolvedPairs) {
var map = {};
for (var pair in resolvedPairs) {
map[pair.first] = pair.last;
return map;
/// Schedules a callback to be called as part of the test case.
void _schedule(_ScheduledEvent event) {
if (_scheduled == null) _scheduled = new Queue();
/// Like [_schedule], but pipes the return value of [event] to a returned
/// [Future].
Future _scheduleValue(_ScheduledEvent event) {
var completer = new Completer();
_schedule((parentDir) {
chainToCompleter(event(parentDir), completer);
return completer.future;
return completer.future;
/// Schedules a callback to be called after the test case has completed, even
/// if it failed.
void _scheduleCleanup(_ScheduledEvent event) {
if (_scheduledCleanup == null) _scheduledCleanup = new Queue();
/// Schedules a callback to be called after the test case has completed, but
/// only if it failed.
void _scheduleOnException(_ScheduledEvent event) {
if (_scheduledOnException == null) _scheduledOnException = new Queue();
/// Like [expect], but for [Future]s that complete as part of the scheduled
/// test. This is necessary to ensure that the exception thrown by the
/// expectation failing is handled by the scheduler.
/// Note that [matcher] matches against the completed value of [actual], so
/// calling [completion] is unnecessary.
void expectLater(Future actual, matcher, {String reason,
FailureHandler failureHandler, bool verbose: false}) {
_schedule((_) {
return actual.then((value) {
expect(value, matcher, reason: reason, failureHandler: failureHandler,
verbose: false);