blob: ed42140f385cbe5ba343da63d46364ebf6d375b8 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
part of dart.crypto;
// Constants.
const _MASK_8 = 0xff;
const _MASK_32 = 0xffffffff;
const _BITS_PER_BYTE = 8;
const _BYTES_PER_WORD = 4;
// Helper functions used by more than one hasher.
// Rotate left limiting to unsigned 32-bit values.
int _rotl32(int val, int shift) {
var mod_shift = shift & 31;
return ((val << mod_shift) & _MASK_32) |
((val & _MASK_32) >> (32 - mod_shift));
// Base class encapsulating common behavior for cryptographic hash
// functions.
abstract class _HashBase implements Hash {
_HashBase(int this._chunkSizeInWords,
int this._digestSizeInWords,
bool this._bigEndianWords)
: _pendingData = [] {
_currentChunk = new List.fixedLength(_chunkSizeInWords);
_h = new List.fixedLength(_digestSizeInWords);
// Update the hasher with more data.
add(List<int> data) {
if (_digestCalled) {
throw new HashException(
'Hash update method called after digest was retrieved');
_lengthInBytes += data.length;
// Finish the hash computation and return the digest string.
List<int> close() {
if (_digestCalled) {
return _resultAsBytes();
_digestCalled = true;
assert(_pendingData.length == 0);
return _resultAsBytes();
// Returns the block size of the hash in bytes.
int get blockSize {
return _chunkSizeInWords * _BYTES_PER_WORD;
// Create a fresh instance of this Hash.
// One round of the hash computation.
_updateHash(List<int> m);
// Helper methods.
_add32(x, y) => (x + y) & _MASK_32;
_roundUp(val, n) => (val + n - 1) & -n;
// Compute the final result as a list of bytes from the hash words.
_resultAsBytes() {
var result = [];
for (var i = 0; i < _h.length; i++) {
return result;
// Converts a list of bytes to a chunk of 32-bit words.
_bytesToChunk(List<int> data, int dataIndex) {
assert((data.length - dataIndex) >= (_chunkSizeInWords * _BYTES_PER_WORD));
for (var wordIndex = 0; wordIndex < _chunkSizeInWords; wordIndex++) {
var w3 = _bigEndianWords ? data[dataIndex] : data[dataIndex + 3];
var w2 = _bigEndianWords ? data[dataIndex + 1] : data[dataIndex + 2];
var w1 = _bigEndianWords ? data[dataIndex + 2] : data[dataIndex + 1];
var w0 = _bigEndianWords ? data[dataIndex + 3] : data[dataIndex];
dataIndex += 4;
var word = (w3 & 0xff) << 24;
word |= (w2 & _MASK_8) << 16;
word |= (w1 & _MASK_8) << 8;
word |= (w0 & _MASK_8);
_currentChunk[wordIndex] = word;
// Convert a 32-bit word to four bytes.
_wordToBytes(int word) {
List<int> bytes = new List.fixedLength(_BYTES_PER_WORD);
bytes[0] = (word >> (_bigEndianWords ? 24 : 0)) & _MASK_8;
bytes[1] = (word >> (_bigEndianWords ? 16 : 8)) & _MASK_8;
bytes[2] = (word >> (_bigEndianWords ? 8 : 16)) & _MASK_8;
bytes[3] = (word >> (_bigEndianWords ? 0 : 24)) & _MASK_8;
return bytes;
// Iterate through data updating the hash computation for each
// chunk.
_iterate() {
var len = _pendingData.length;
var chunkSizeInBytes = _chunkSizeInWords * _BYTES_PER_WORD;
if (len >= chunkSizeInBytes) {
var index = 0;
for (; (len - index) >= chunkSizeInBytes; index += chunkSizeInBytes) {
_bytesToChunk(_pendingData, index);
var remaining = len - index;
_pendingData = _pendingData.getRange(index, remaining);
// Finalize the data. Add a 1 bit to the end of the message. Expand with
// 0 bits and add the length of the message.
_finalizeData() {
var contentsLength = _lengthInBytes + 9;
var chunkSizeInBytes = _chunkSizeInWords * _BYTES_PER_WORD;
var finalizedLength = _roundUp(contentsLength, chunkSizeInBytes);
var zeroPadding = finalizedLength - contentsLength;
for (var i = 0; i < zeroPadding; i++) {
var lengthInBits = _lengthInBytes * _BITS_PER_BYTE;
assert(lengthInBits < pow(2, 32));
if (_bigEndianWords) {
_pendingData.addAll(_wordToBytes(lengthInBits & _MASK_32));
} else {
_pendingData.addAll(_wordToBytes(lengthInBits & _MASK_32));
// Hasher state.
final int _chunkSizeInWords;
final int _digestSizeInWords;
final bool _bigEndianWords;
int _lengthInBytes = 0;
List<int> _pendingData;
List<int> _currentChunk;
List<int> _h;
bool _digestCalled = false;