blob: 55648014c42149904c6829f3a8e3bfb9f8b02736 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2011, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
part of dart.core;
* A simple [Stopwatch] interface to measure elapsed time.
class Stopwatch {
// The _start and _stop fields capture the time when [start] and [stop]
// are called respectively.
// If _start is null, then the [Stopwatch] has not been started yet.
// If _stop is null, then the [Stopwatch] has not been stopped yet,
// or is running.
int _start;
int _stop;
* Creates a [Stopwatch] in stopped state with a zero elapsed count.
* The following example shows how to start a [Stopwatch]
* right after allocation.
* Stopwatch stopwatch = new Stopwatch()..start();
Stopwatch() : _start = null, _stop = null {}
* Starts the [Stopwatch]. The [elapsed] count is increasing monotonically.
* If the [Stopwatch] has been stopped, then calling start again restarts it
* without resetting the [elapsed] count.
* If the [Stopwatch] is currently running, then calling start does nothing.
void start() {
if (isRunning) return;
if (_start == null) {
// This stopwatch has never been started.
_start = _now();
} else {
// Restart this stopwatch. Prepend the elapsed time to the current
// start time.
_start = _now() - (_stop - _start);
_stop = null;
* Stops the [Stopwatch]. The [elapsed] count stops increasing.
* If the [Stopwatch] is currently not running, then calling stop does
* nothing.
void stop() {
if (!isRunning) return;
_stop = _now();
* Resets the [elapsed] count to zero. This method does not stop or start
* the [Stopwatch].
void reset() {
if (_start == null) return;
// If [_start] is not null, then the stopwatch had already been started. It
// may running right now.
_start = _now();
if (_stop != null) {
// The watch is not running. So simply set the [_stop] to [_start] thus
// having an elapsed time of 0.
_stop = _start;
* Returns the elapsed number of clock ticks since calling [start] while the
* [Stopwatch] is running.
* Returns the elapsed number of clock ticks between calling [start] and
* calling [stop].
* Returns 0 if the [Stopwatch] has never been started.
* The elapsed number of clock ticks increases by [frequency] every second.
int get elapsedTicks {
if (_start == null) {
return 0;
return (_stop == null) ? (_now() - _start) : (_stop - _start);
* Returns the [elapsedTicks] counter converted to microseconds.
int get elapsedMicroseconds {
return (elapsedTicks * 1000000) ~/ frequency;
* Returns the [elapsedTicks] counter converted to milliseconds.
int get elapsedMilliseconds {
return (elapsedTicks * 1000) ~/ frequency;
* Returns the frequency of the elapsed counter in Hz.
int get frequency => _frequency();
* Returns wether the [StopWatch] is currently running.
bool get isRunning => _start != null && _stop == null;
external static int _frequency();
external static int _now();