blob: 8a2e1bd965adce52e090e951d71388389f353248 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
* A configuration for running layoutr tests with testrunner.
* This configuration is similar to the interactive_html_config
* as it runs each test in its own IFrame. However, where the former
* recreated the IFrame for each test, here the IFrames are preserved.
* Furthermore we post a message on completion.
library html_layout_config;
import 'dart:html';
import 'dart:math';
import 'unittest.dart';
/** The messages exchanged between parent and child. */
// TODO(gram) At some point postMessage was supposed to support
// sending arrays and maps. When it does we can get rid of the encoding/
// decoding of messages as string.
class _Message {
static final START = 'start';
static final LOG = 'log';
static final STACK = 'stack';
static final PASS = 'pass';
static final FAIL = 'fail';
static final ERROR = 'error';
String messageType;
int elapsed;
String body;
static String text(String messageType,
[int elapsed = 0, String body = '']) =>
'$messageType $elapsed $body';
_Message(this.messageType, [this.elapsed = 0, this.body = '']);
_Message.fromString(String msg) {
// The format of a message is '<type> <elapsedTime> <body>'.
// If we don't get a type we default to a 'log' type.
var messageParser = new RegExp('\([a-z]*\) \([0-9]*\) \(.*\)');
Match match = messageParser.firstMatch(msg);
if (match == null) {
messageType = 'log';
elapsed = 0;
body = msg;
} else {
messageType =;
elapsed = int.parse(;
body =;
String toString() => text(messageType, elapsed, body);
* The child configuration that is used to run individual tests in
* an IFrame and post the results back to the parent. In principle
* this can run more than one test in the IFrame but currently only
* one is used.
class ChildHtmlConfiguration extends Configuration {
get name => 'ChildHtmlConfiguration';
// TODO(rnystrom): Get rid of this if we get canonical closures for methods.
EventListener _onErrorClosure;
/** The window to which results must be posted. */
Window parentWindow;
/** The time at which tests start. */
Map<int,DateTime> _testStarts;
ChildHtmlConfiguration() :
_testStarts = new Map<int,DateTime>();
/** Don't start running tests automatically. */
get autoStart => false;
void onInit() {
_onErrorClosure =
(e) => handleExternalError(e, '(DOM callback has errors)');
* The parent posts a 'start' message to kick things off,
* which is handled by this handler. It saves the parent
* window, gets the test ID from the query parameter in the
* IFrame URL, sets that as a solo test and starts test execution.
window.on.message.add((MessageEvent e) {
var m = new _Message.fromString(;
if (m.messageType == _Message.START) {
parentWindow = e.source;
String search =;
int pos = search.indexOf('t=');
String ids = search.substring(pos+2);
int id = int.parse(ids);
void onStart() {
// Listen for uncaught errors.
/** Record the start time of the test. */
void onTestStart(TestCase testCase) {
_testStarts[]= new;
* Tests can call [log] for diagnostic output. These log
* messages in turn get passed to this method, which adds
* a timestamp and posts them back to the parent window.
void logTestCaseMessage(TestCase testCase, String message) {
int elapsed;
if (testCase == null) {
elapsed = -1;
} else {
DateTime end = new;
elapsed = end.difference(_testStarts[]).inMilliseconds;
_Message.text(_Message.LOG, elapsed, message).toString(), '*');
* Get the elapsed time for the test, and post the test result
* back to the parent window. If the test failed due to an exception
* the stack is posted back too (before the test result).
void onTestResult(TestCase testCase) {
DateTime end = new;
int elapsed = end.difference(_testStarts[]).inMilliseconds;
if (testCase.stackTrace != null) {
_Message.text(_Message.STACK, elapsed, testCase.stackTrace), '*');
_Message.text(testCase.result, elapsed, testCase.message), '*');
void onSummary(int passed, int failed, int errors, List<TestCase> results,
String uncaughtError) {
void onDone(bool success) {
* The parent configuration runs in the top-level window; it wraps the tests
* in new functions that create child IFrames and run the real tests.
class ParentHtmlConfiguration extends Configuration {
get autoStart => false;
get name => 'ParentHtmlConfiguration';
Map<int,DateTime> _testStarts;
// TODO(rnystrom): Get rid of this if we get canonical closures for methods.
EventListener _onErrorClosure;
/** The stack that was posted back from the child, if any. */
String _stack;
int _testTime;
* Whether or not we have already wrapped the TestCase test functions
* in new closures that instead create an IFrame and get it to run the
* test.
bool _doneWrap = false;
* We use this to make a single closure from _handleMessage so we
* can remove the handler later.
Function _messageHandler;
ParentHtmlConfiguration() :
_testStarts = new Map<int,DateTime>();
// We need to block until the test is done, so we make a
// dummy async callback that we will use to flag completion.
Function completeTest = null;
wrapTest(TestCase testCase) {
String baseUrl = window.location.toString();
String url = '${baseUrl}?t=${}';
return () {
// Add the child IFrame.
Element childDiv = document.query('#child');
var label = new Element.html(
"<pre id='result${}'>${testCase.description}</pre>");
IFrameElement child = new Element.html("""
<iframe id='childFrame${}' src='$url'>
completeTest = expectAsync0((){ });
// Kick off the test when the IFrame is loaded.
child.on.load.add((e) {
child.contentWindow.postMessage(_Message.text(_Message.START), '*');
void _handleMessage(MessageEvent e) {
// Get the result, do any logging, then do a pass/fail.
var msg = new _Message.fromString(;
if (msg.messageType == _Message.LOG) {
} else if (msg.messageType == _Message.STACK) {
_stack = msg.body;
} else {
_testTime = msg.elapsed;
if (msg.messageType == _Message.PASS) {
} else if (msg.messageType == _Message.FAIL) {, _stack);
} else if (msg.messageType == _Message.ERROR) {
currentTestCase.error(msg.body, _stack);
void onInit() {
_messageHandler = _handleMessage; // We need to make just one closure.
_onErrorClosure =
(e) => handleExternalError(e, '(DOM callback has errors)');
void onStart() {
// Listen for uncaught errors.
if (!_doneWrap) {
_doneWrap = true;
for (int i = 0; i < testCases.length; i++) {
testCases[i].test = wrapTest(testCases[i]);
testCases[i].setUp = null;
testCases[i].tearDown = null;
void onTestStart(TestCase testCase) {
var id =;
_testStarts[]= new;
_stack = null;
// Actually test logging is handled by the child, then posted
// back to the parent. So here we know that the [message] argument
// is in the format used by [_Message].
void logTestCaseMessage(TestCase testCase, String message) {
var msg = new _Message.fromString(message);
new Element.html('<p>${msg.body}</p>'));
void onTestResult(TestCase testCase) {
if (!testCase.enabled) return;
document.query('#result${}').text =
void onSummary(int passed, int failed, int errors, List<TestCase> results,
String uncaughtError) {
void onDone(bool success) {
window.postMessage('done', '*'); // Unblock DRT
* Add the divs to the DOM if they are not present.
void _prepareDom() {
if (document.query('#otherlogs') == null) {
document.body.nodes.add(new Element.html(
"<div id='otherlogs'></div>"));
if (document.query('#child') == null) {
document.body.nodes.add(new Element.html("<div id='child'></div>"));
* Allocate a Configuration. We allocate either a parent or
* child, depending on whether the URL has a search part.
void useHtmlLayoutConfiguration() {
if (config != null) return;
if ( == '') { // This is the parent.
configure(new ParentHtmlConfiguration());
} else {
configure(new ChildHtmlConfiguration());