blob: f07024da23168039f24ef18c40c496926ccdfdb6 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library scheduled_test_test;
import 'dart:async';
import 'package:scheduled_test/scheduled_test.dart';
import 'package:scheduled_test/src/mock_clock.dart' as mock_clock;
import 'metatest.dart';
import 'utils.dart';
void main() {
expectTestsPass('a scheduled test with a correct synchronous expectation '
'should pass', () {
test('test', () {
expect('foo', equals('foo'));
expectTestsFail('a scheduled test with an incorrect synchronous expectation '
'should fail', () {
test('test', () {
expect('foo', equals('bar'));
expectTestsPass('a scheduled test with a correct asynchronous expectation '
'should pass', () {
test('test', () {
expect(new Future.immediate('foo'), completion(equals('foo')));
expectTestsFail('a scheduled test with an incorrect asynchronous expectation '
'should fail', () {
test('test', () {
expect(new Future.immediate('foo'), completion(equals('bar')));
expectTestsPass('a passing scheduled synchronous expect should register', () {
test('test', () {
schedule(() => expect('foo', equals('foo')));
expectTestsFail('a failing scheduled synchronous expect should register', () {
test('test', () {
schedule(() => expect('foo', equals('bar')));
expectTestsPass('a passing scheduled asynchronous expect should '
'register', () {
test('test', () {
schedule(() =>
expect(new Future.immediate('foo'), completion(equals('foo'))));
expectTestsFail('a failing scheduled synchronous expect should '
'register', () {
test('test', () {
schedule(() =>
expect(new Future.immediate('foo'), completion(equals('bar'))));
expectTestsPass('scheduled blocks should be run in order after the '
'synchronous setup', () {
test('test', () {
var list = [1];
schedule(() => list.add(2));
schedule(() => expect(list, equals([1, 3, 4, 2])));
expectTestsPass('scheduled blocks should forward their return values as '
'Futures', () {
test('synchronous value', () {
var future = schedule(() => 'value');
expect(future, completion(equals('value')));
test('asynchronous value', () {
var future = schedule(() => new Future.immediate('value'));
expect(future, completion(equals('value')));
expectTestsPass('scheduled blocks should wait for their Future return values '
'to complete before proceeding', () {
test('test', () {
var value = 'unset';
schedule(() => pumpEventQueue().then((_) {
value = 'set';
schedule(() => expect(value, equals('set')));
expectTestsFail('a test failure in a chained future in a scheduled block '
'should be registered', () {
test('test', () {
schedule(() => new Future.immediate('foo')
.then((v) => expect(v, equals('bar'))));
expectTestsFail('an error in a chained future in a scheduled block should be '
'registered', () {
test('test', () {
schedule(() => new Future.immediate(null).then((_) {
throw 'error';
expectTestsFail('an out-of-band failure in wrapAsync is handled', () {
test('test', () {
schedule(() {
sleep(1).then(wrapAsync((_) => expect('foo', equals('bar'))));
schedule(() => sleep(2));
expectTestsFail('an out-of-band failure in wrapAsync that finishes after the '
'schedule is handled', () {
test('test', () {
schedule(() {
sleep(2).then(wrapAsync((_) => expect('foo', equals('bar'))));
schedule(() => sleep(1));
expectTestsFail('an out-of-band failure in wrapFuture is handled', () {
test('test', () {
schedule(() {
wrapFuture(sleep(1).then((_) => expect('foo', equals('bar'))));
schedule(() => sleep(2));
expectTestsFail('an out-of-band failure in wrapFuture that finishes after '
'the schedule is handled', () {
test('test', () {
schedule(() {
wrapFuture(sleep(2).then((_) => expect('foo', equals('bar'))));
schedule(() => sleep(1));
expectTestsPass("wrapFuture should return the value of the wrapped future",
() {
test('test', () {
schedule(() {
expect(wrapFuture(pumpEventQueue().then((_) => 'foo')),
expectTestsPass("wrapFuture should pass through the error of the wrapped "
"future", () {
var error;
test('test 1', () {
schedule(() {
wrapFuture(pumpEventQueue().then((_) {
throw 'error';
})).catchError(wrapAsync((e) {
error = e.error;
test('test 2', () {
expect(error, equals('error'));
}, passing: ['test 2']);
expectTestsPass("scheduled blocks whose return values are passed to "
"wrapFuture should report exceptions once", () {
var errors;
test('test 1', () {
currentSchedule.onException.schedule(() {
errors = currentSchedule.errors;
wrapFuture(schedule(() {
throw 'error';
test('test 2', () {
expect(errors, everyElement(new isInstanceOf<ScheduleError>()));
expect( => e.error), equals(['error']));
}, passing: ['test 2']);
expectTestsFail('an out-of-band error reported via signalError is '
'handled', () {
test('test', () {
schedule(() {
sleep(1).then((_) => currentSchedule.signalError('bad'));
schedule(() => sleep(2));
expectTestsFail('an out-of-band error reported via signalError that finished '
'after the schedule is handled', () {
test('test', () {
schedule(() {
var done = wrapAsync((_) {});
sleep(2).then((_) {
schedule(() => sleep(1));
expectTestsFail('a synchronous error reported via signalError is handled', () {
test('test', () {
expectTestsPass('the onComplete queue is run if a test is successful', () {
var onCompleteRun = false;
test('test 1', () {
currentSchedule.onComplete.schedule(() {
onCompleteRun = true;
schedule(() => expect('foo', equals('foo')));
test('test 2', () {
expect(onCompleteRun, isTrue);
expectTestsPass('the onComplete queue is run after an out-of-band callback',
() {
var outOfBandRun = false;
test('test1', () {
currentSchedule.onComplete.schedule(() {
expect(outOfBandRun, isTrue);
pumpEventQueue().then(wrapAsync((_) {
outOfBandRun = true;
expectTestsPass('the onComplete queue is run after an out-of-band callback '
'and waits for another out-of-band callback', () {
var outOfBand1Run = false;
var outOfBand2Run = false;
test('test1', () {
currentSchedule.onComplete.schedule(() {
expect(outOfBand1Run, isTrue);
pumpEventQueue().then(wrapAsync((_) {
outOfBand2Run = true;
pumpEventQueue().then(wrapAsync((_) {
outOfBand1Run = true;
test('test2', () => expect(outOfBand2Run, isTrue));
expectTestsFail('an out-of-band callback in the onComplete queue blocks the '
'test', () {
test('test', () {
currentSchedule.onComplete.schedule(() {
pumpEventQueue().then(wrapAsync((_) => expect('foo', equals('bar'))));
expectTestsPass('an out-of-band callback blocks onComplete even with an '
'unrelated error', () {
var outOfBandRun = false;
var outOfBandSetInOnComplete = false;
test('test 1', () {
currentSchedule.onComplete.schedule(() {
outOfBandSetInOnComplete = outOfBandRun;
pumpEventQueue().then(wrapAsync((_) {
outOfBandRun = true;
schedule(() => expect('foo', equals('bar')));
test('test 2', () => expect(outOfBandSetInOnComplete, isTrue));
}, passing: ['test 2']);
expectTestsPass('the onComplete queue is run after an asynchronous error',
() {
var onCompleteRun = false;
test('test 1', () {
currentSchedule.onComplete.schedule(() {
onCompleteRun = true;
schedule(() => expect('foo', equals('bar')));
test('test 2', () {
expect(onCompleteRun, isTrue);
}, passing: ['test 2']);
expectTestsPass('the onComplete queue is run after a synchronous error', () {
var onCompleteRun = false;
test('test 1', () {
currentSchedule.onComplete.schedule(() {
onCompleteRun = true;
throw 'error';
test('test 2', () {
expect(onCompleteRun, isTrue);
}, passing: ['test 2']);
expectTestsPass('the onComplete queue is run after an out-of-band error', () {
var onCompleteRun = false;
test('test 1', () {
currentSchedule.onComplete.schedule(() {
onCompleteRun = true;
pumpEventQueue().then(wrapAsync((_) => expect('foo', equals('bar'))));
test('test 2', () {
expect(onCompleteRun, isTrue);
}, passing: ['test 2']);
expectTestsPass('currentSchedule.errors contains the error in the onComplete '
'queue', () {
var errors;
test('test 1', () {
currentSchedule.onComplete.schedule(() {
errors = currentSchedule.errors;
throw 'error';
test('test 2', () {
expect(errors, everyElement(new isInstanceOf<ScheduleError>()));
expect( => e.error), equals(['error']));
}, passing: ['test 2']);
expectTestsPass('onComplete tasks can be scheduled during normal tasks', () {
var onCompleteRun = false;
test('test 1', () {
schedule(() {
currentSchedule.onComplete.schedule(() {
onCompleteRun = true;
test('test 2', () {
expect(onCompleteRun, isTrue);
expectTestsFail('failures in onComplete cause test failures', () {
test('test', () {
currentSchedule.onComplete.schedule(() {
expect('foo', equals('bar'));
expectTestsPass('the onException queue is not run if a test is successful',
() {
var onExceptionRun = false;
test('test 1', () {
currentSchedule.onException.schedule(() {
onExceptionRun = true;
schedule(() => expect('foo', equals('foo')));
test('test 2', () {
expect(onExceptionRun, isFalse);
expectTestsPass('the onException queue is run after an asynchronous error',
() {
var onExceptionRun = false;
test('test 1', () {
currentSchedule.onException.schedule(() {
onExceptionRun = true;
schedule(() => expect('foo', equals('bar')));
test('test 2', () {
expect(onExceptionRun, isTrue);
}, passing: ['test 2']);
expectTestsPass('the onException queue is run after a synchronous error', () {
var onExceptionRun = false;
test('test 1', () {
currentSchedule.onException.schedule(() {
onExceptionRun = true;
throw 'error';
test('test 2', () {
expect(onExceptionRun, isTrue);
}, passing: ['test 2']);
expectTestsPass('the onException queue is run after an out-of-band error', () {
var onExceptionRun = false;
test('test 1', () {
currentSchedule.onException.schedule(() {
onExceptionRun = true;
pumpEventQueue().then(wrapAsync((_) => expect('foo', equals('bar'))));
test('test 2', () {
expect(onExceptionRun, isTrue);
}, passing: ['test 2']);
expectTestsPass('currentSchedule.errors contains the error in the '
'onException queue', () {
var errors;
test('test 1', () {
currentSchedule.onException.schedule(() {
errors = currentSchedule.errors;
throw 'error';
test('test 2', () {
expect(errors, everyElement(new isInstanceOf<ScheduleError>()));
expect( => e.error), equals(['error']));
}, passing: ['test 2']);
expectTestsPass('currentSchedule.errors contains an error passed into '
'signalError synchronously', () {
var errors;
test('test 1', () {
currentSchedule.onException.schedule(() {
errors = currentSchedule.errors;
test('test 2', () {
expect(errors, everyElement(new isInstanceOf<ScheduleError>()));
expect( => e.error), equals(['error']));
}, passing: ['test 2']);
expectTestsPass('currentSchedule.errors contains an error passed into '
'signalError asynchronously', () {
var errors;
test('test 1', () {
currentSchedule.onException.schedule(() {
errors = currentSchedule.errors;
schedule(() => currentSchedule.signalError('error'));
test('test 2', () {
expect(errors, everyElement(new isInstanceOf<ScheduleError>()));
expect( => e.error), equals(['error']));
}, passing: ['test 2']);
expectTestsPass('currentSchedule.errors contains an error passed into '
'signalError out-of-band', () {
var errors;
test('test 1', () {
currentSchedule.onException.schedule(() {
errors = currentSchedule.errors;
pumpEventQueue().then(wrapAsync((_) {
return currentSchedule.signalError('error');
test('test 2', () {
expect(errors, everyElement(new isInstanceOf<ScheduleError>()));
expect( => e.error), equals(['error']));
}, passing: ['test 2']);
expectTestsPass('currentSchedule.errors contains errors from both the task '
'queue and the onException queue in onComplete', () {
var errors;
test('test 1', () {
currentSchedule.onComplete.schedule(() {
errors = currentSchedule.errors;
currentSchedule.onException.schedule(() {
throw 'error2';
throw 'error1';
test('test 2', () {
expect(errors, everyElement(new isInstanceOf<ScheduleError>()));
expect( => e.error), equals(['error1', 'error2']));
}, passing: ['test 2']);
expectTestsPass('currentSchedule.errors contains multiple out-of-band errors '
'from both the main task queue and onException in onComplete', () {
var errors;
test('test 1', () {
currentSchedule.onComplete.schedule(() {
errors = currentSchedule.errors;
currentSchedule.onException.schedule(() {
sleep(1).then(wrapAsync((_) {
throw 'error3';
sleep(2).then(wrapAsync((_) {
throw 'error4';
sleep(1).then(wrapAsync((_) {
throw 'error1';
sleep(2).then(wrapAsync((_) {
throw 'error2';
test('test 2', () {
expect(errors, everyElement(new isInstanceOf<ScheduleError>()));
expect( => e.error),
orderedEquals(['error1', 'error2', 'error3', 'error4']));
}, passing: ['test 2']);
expectTestsPass('currentSchedule.errors contains multiple out-of-band errors '
'from both the main task queue and onException in onComplete reported '
'via wrapFuture', () {
var errors;
test('test 1', () {
currentSchedule.onComplete.schedule(() {
errors = currentSchedule.errors;
currentSchedule.onException.schedule(() {
wrapFuture(sleep(1).then((_) {
throw 'error3';
wrapFuture(sleep(2).then((_) {
throw 'error4';
wrapFuture(sleep(1).then((_) {
throw 'error1';
wrapFuture(sleep(2).then((_) {
throw 'error2';
test('test 2', () {
expect(errors, everyElement(new isInstanceOf<ScheduleError>()));
expect( => e.error),
orderedEquals(['error1', 'error2', 'error3', 'error4']));
}, passing: ['test 2']);
expectTestsPass('currentSchedule.errors contains both an out-of-band error '
'and an error raised afterwards in a task', () {
var errors;
test('test 1', () {
currentSchedule.onComplete.schedule(() {
errors = currentSchedule.errors;
sleep(1).then(wrapAsync((_) {
throw 'out-of-band';
schedule(() => sleep(2).then((_) {
throw 'in-band';
test('test 2', () {
expect(errors, everyElement(new isInstanceOf<ScheduleError>()));
expect( => e.error), equals(['out-of-band', 'in-band']));
}, passing: ['test 2']);
expectTestsPass('currentSchedule.currentTask returns the current task while '
'executing a task', () {
test('test', () {
schedule(() => expect('foo', equals('foo')), 'task 1');
schedule(() {
expect(currentSchedule.currentTask.description, equals('task 2'));
}, 'task 2');
schedule(() => expect('bar', equals('bar')), 'task 3');
expectTestsPass('currentSchedule.currentTask is null before the schedule has '
'started', () {
test('test', () {
schedule(() => expect('foo', equals('foo')));
expect(currentSchedule.currentTask, isNull);
expectTestsPass('currentSchedule.currentTask is null after the schedule has '
'completed', () {
test('test', () {
schedule(() {
expect(pumpEventQueue().then((_) {
expect(currentSchedule.currentTask, isNull);
}), completes);
schedule(() => expect('foo', equals('foo')));
expectTestsPass('currentSchedule.currentQueue returns the current queue while '
'executing a task', () {
test('test', () {
schedule(() {
expect(, equals('tasks'));
expectTestsPass('currentSchedule.currentQueue is tasks before the schedule '
'has started', () {
test('test', () {
schedule(() => expect('foo', equals('foo')));
expect(, equals('tasks'));
expectTestsPass('currentSchedule.state starts out as SET_UP', () {
test('test', () {
expect(currentSchedule.state, equals(ScheduleState.SET_UP));
expectTestsPass('currentSchedule.state is RUNNING in tasks', () {
test('test', () {
schedule(() {
expect(currentSchedule.state, equals(ScheduleState.RUNNING));
currentSchedule.onComplete.schedule(() {
expect(currentSchedule.state, equals(ScheduleState.RUNNING));
expectTestsPass('currentSchedule.state is DONE after the test', () {
var oldSchedule;
test('test 1', () {
oldSchedule = currentSchedule;
test('test 2', () {
expect(oldSchedule.state, equals(ScheduleState.DONE));
expectTestsPass('setUp is run before each test', () {
var setUpRun = false;
setUp(() {
setUpRun = true;
test('test 1', () {
expect(setUpRun, isTrue);
setUpRun = false;
test('test 2', () {
expect(setUpRun, isTrue);
setUpRun = false;
expectTestsPass('setUp can schedule events', () {
var setUpRun = false;
setUp(() {
schedule(() {
setUpRun = true;
currentSchedule.onComplete.schedule(() {
setUpRun = false;
test('test 1', () {
expect(setUpRun, isFalse);
schedule(() => expect(setUpRun, isTrue));
test('test 2', () {
expect(setUpRun, isFalse);
schedule(() => expect(setUpRun, isTrue));
expectTestsFail('synchronous errors in setUp will cause tests to fail', () {
setUp(() => expect('foo', equals('bar')));
test('test 1', () => expect('foo', equals('foo')));
test('test 2', () => expect('foo', equals('foo')));
expectTestsFail('scheduled errors in setUp will cause tests to fail', () {
setUp(() => schedule(() => expect('foo', equals('bar'))));
test('test 1', () => expect('foo', equals('foo')));
test('test 2', () => expect('foo', equals('foo')));
expectTestsPass('synchronous errors in setUp will cause onException to run',
() {
var onExceptionRun = false;
setUp(() {
currentSchedule.onException.schedule(() {
onExceptionRun = true;
if (!onExceptionRun) expect('foo', equals('bar'));
test('test 1', () => expect('foo', equals('foo')));
test('test 2', () => expect(onExceptionRun, isTrue));
}, passing: ['test 2']);
expectTestsPass("setUp doesn't apply to child groups", () {
var setUpRun = false;
setUp(() {
setUpRun = true;
currentSchedule.onComplete.schedule(() {
setUpRun = false;
test('outer', () {
expect(setUpRun, isTrue);
group('group', () {
test('inner', () {
expect(setUpRun, isFalse);
expectTestsPass("setUp doesn't apply to parent groups", () {
var setUpRun = false;
group('group', () {
setUp(() {
setUpRun = true;
currentSchedule.onComplete.schedule(() {
setUpRun = false;
test('inner', () {
expect(setUpRun, isTrue);
test('outer', () {
expect(setUpRun, isFalse);
expectTestsPass("setUp doesn't apply to sibling groups", () {
var setUpRun = false;
group('group 1', () {
setUp(() {
setUpRun = true;
currentSchedule.onComplete.schedule(() {
setUpRun = false;
test('test 1', () {
expect(setUpRun, isTrue);
group('group 2', () {
test('test 2', () {
expect(setUpRun, isFalse);
expectTestsPass("a single task that takes too long will cause a timeout "
"error", () {
var errors;
test('test 1', () {
currentSchedule.timeout = new Duration(milliseconds: 1);
currentSchedule.onException.schedule(() {
errors = currentSchedule.errors;
schedule(() => sleep(2));
test('test 2', () {
expect(errors, everyElement(new isInstanceOf<ScheduleError>()));
expect( => e.error), equals(["The schedule timed out after "
"0:00:00.001 of inactivity."]));
}, passing: ['test 2']);
expectTestsPass("an out-of-band callback that takes too long will cause a "
"timeout error", () {
var errors;
test('test 1', () {
currentSchedule.timeout = new Duration(milliseconds: 1);
currentSchedule.onException.schedule(() {
errors = currentSchedule.errors;
sleep(2).then(wrapAsync((_) => expect('foo', equals('foo'))));
test('test 2', () {
expect(errors, everyElement(new isInstanceOf<ScheduleError>()));
expect( => e.error), equals(["The schedule timed out after "
"0:00:00.001 of inactivity."]));
}, passing: ['test 2']);
expectTestsPass("each task resets the timeout timer", () {
test('test', () {
currentSchedule.timeout = new Duration(milliseconds: 2);
schedule(() => sleep(1));
schedule(() => sleep(1));
schedule(() => sleep(1));
expectTestsPass("setting up the test doesn't trigger a timeout", () {
var clock = mock_clock.mock();
test('test', () {
currentSchedule.timeout = new Duration(milliseconds: 1);
schedule(() => expect('foo', equals('foo')));
expectTestsPass("an out-of-band error that's signaled after a timeout but "
"before the test completes is registered", () {
var errors;
test('test 1', () {
currentSchedule.timeout = new Duration(milliseconds: 3);
currentSchedule.onException.schedule(() => sleep(2));
currentSchedule.onException.schedule(() {
errors = currentSchedule.errors;
sleep(4).then(wrapAsync((_) {
throw 'out-of-band';
test('test 2', () {
expect(errors, everyElement(new isInstanceOf<ScheduleError>()));
expect( => e.error), equals([
"The schedule timed out after 0:00:00.003 of inactivity.",
}, passing: ['test 2']);
expectTestsPass("an out-of-band error that's signaled after a timeout but "
"before the test completes plays nicely with other out-of-band callbacks",
() {
var errors;
var onExceptionCallbackRun = false;
var onCompleteRunAfterOnExceptionCallback = false;
test('test 1', () {
currentSchedule.timeout = new Duration(milliseconds: 2);
currentSchedule.onException.schedule(() {
sleep(1).then(wrapAsync((_) {
onExceptionCallbackRun = true;
currentSchedule.onComplete.schedule(() {
onCompleteRunAfterOnExceptionCallback = onExceptionCallbackRun;
sleep(3).then(wrapAsync((_) {
throw 'out-of-band';
test('test 2', () {
expect(onCompleteRunAfterOnExceptionCallback, isTrue);
}, passing: ['test 2']);
expectTestsPass("a task that times out while waiting to handle an "
"out-of-band error records both", () {
var errors;
test('test 1', () {
currentSchedule.timeout = new Duration(milliseconds: 2);
currentSchedule.onException.schedule(() {
errors = currentSchedule.errors;
schedule(() => sleep(4));
sleep(1).then((_) => currentSchedule.signalError('out-of-band'));
test('test 2', () {
expect(errors, everyElement(new isInstanceOf<ScheduleError>()));
expect( => e.error), equals([
"The schedule timed out after 0:00:00.002 of inactivity."
}, passing: ['test 2']);
expectTestsPass("currentSchedule.heartbeat resets the timeout timer", () {
test('test', () {
currentSchedule.timeout = new Duration(milliseconds: 3);
schedule(() {
return sleep(2).then((_) {
return sleep(2);
// TODO(nweiz): test out-of-band post-timeout errors that are detected after
// the test finishes once we can detect top-level errors (issue 8417).
expectTestsPass("nested schedule() runs its function immediately (but "
"asynchronously)", () {
test('test', () {
schedule(() {
var nestedScheduleRun = false;
schedule(() {
nestedScheduleRun = true;
expect(nestedScheduleRun, isFalse);
expect(pumpEventQueue().then((_) => nestedScheduleRun),
expectTestsPass("out-of-band schedule() runs its function immediately (but "
"asynchronously)", () {
test('test', () {
schedule(() {
wrapFuture(sleep(1).then((_) {
var nestedScheduleRun = false;
schedule(() {
nestedScheduleRun = true;
expect(nestedScheduleRun, isFalse);
expect(pumpEventQueue().then((_) => nestedScheduleRun),
expectTestsPass("nested schedule() calls don't wait for one another", () {
test('test', () {
var sleepFinished = false;
schedule(() {
schedule(() => sleep(1).then((_) {
sleepFinished = true;
schedule(() => expect(sleepFinished, isFalse));
expectTestsPass("nested schedule() calls block their parent task", () {
test('test', () {
var sleepFinished = false;
schedule(() {
schedule(() => sleep(1).then((_) {
sleepFinished = true;
schedule(() => expect(sleepFinished, isTrue));
expectTestsPass("out-of-band schedule() calls block their parent queue", () {
test('test', () {
var scheduleRun = false;
wrapFuture(sleep(1).then((_) {
schedule(() => sleep(1).then((_) {
scheduleRun = true;
currentSchedule.onComplete.schedule(() => expect(scheduleRun, isTrue));
expectTestsPass("nested schedule() calls forward their Future values", () {
test('test', () {
schedule(() {
expect(schedule(() => 'foo'), completion(equals('foo')));
expectTestsPass("errors in nested schedule() calls are properly registered",
() {
var errors;
test('test 1', () {
currentSchedule.onException.schedule(() {
errors = currentSchedule.errors;
schedule(() {
schedule(() {
throw 'error';
test('test 2', () {
expect(errors, everyElement(new isInstanceOf<ScheduleError>()));
expect( => e.error), equals(['error']));
}, passing: ['test 2']);
expectTestsPass("nested scheduled blocks whose return values are passed to "
"wrapFuture should report exceptions once", () {
var errors;
test('test 1', () {
currentSchedule.onException.schedule(() {
errors = currentSchedule.errors;
schedule(() {
wrapFuture(schedule(() {
throw 'error';
return pumpEventQueue();
test('test 2', () {
expect(errors, everyElement(new isInstanceOf<ScheduleError>()));
expect( => e.error), equals(['error']));
}, passing: ['test 2']);
expectTestsPass("a nested task failing shouldn't short-circuit the parent "
"task", () {
var parentTaskFinishedBeforeOnComplete = false;
test('test 1', () {
var parentTaskFinished = false;
currentSchedule.onComplete.schedule(() {
parentTaskFinishedBeforeOnComplete = parentTaskFinished;
schedule(() {
schedule(() {
throw 'error';
return sleep(1).then((_) {
parentTaskFinished = true;
test('test 2', () {
expect(parentTaskFinishedBeforeOnComplete, isTrue);
}, passing: ['test 2']);