blob: 20c4aa699ea936a166fb8ec2e9a383908aa80a1d [file] [log] [blame]
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* {@link ErrorCode}s for type resolver.
public enum TypeErrorCode implements ErrorCode {
ASSERT_BOOL("assert requires 'bool' expression or '() -> bool' function"),
CANNOT_ASSIGN_TO("cannot assign to '%s'"),
CANNOT_BE_RESOLVED("cannot resolve %s", true),
CANNOT_OVERRIDE_TYPED_MEMBER("cannot override %s of %s because %s is not assignable to %s"),
CANNOT_OVERRIDE_METHOD_DEFAULT_VALUE("cannot override method '%s', default value doesn't match '%s'"),
CANNOT_OVERRIDE_METHOD_NOT_SUBTYPE("cannot override %s of %s because %s is not a subtype of %s"),
CONCRETE_CLASS_WITH_UNIMPLEMENTED_MEMBERS("Concrete class %s has unimplemented member(s) %s"),
"Invalid type expression, cyclic reference to type variable '%s'"),
DEPRECATED_ELEMENT(ErrorSeverity.INFO, "%s is deprecated"),
"Constructor '%s' in '%s' has parameters types (%s), doesn't match '%s' in '%s' with (%s)"),
DUPLICATE_NAMED_ARGUMENT("Named parameter argument already provided as positional argument"),
"Case expression type '%s' should not implement operator =="),
"All case expressions should be compiler-time constants of the same type - 'int' or 'String'. '%s' expected but '%s' found"),
EXPECTED_POSITIONAL_ARGUMENT("Expected positional argument of type %s before named arguments"),
EXTRA_ARGUMENT("extra argument"),
FIELD_GETTER_SETTER_SAME_STATIC("Field's getter and setter should be both static or not static"),
FIELD_HAS_NO_GETTER("Field '%s' has no getter"),
FIELD_HAS_NO_SETTER("Field '%s' has no setter"),
FIELD_IS_FINAL("Field '%s' is final"),
FOR_IN_WITH_ITERATOR_FIELD("iterator is a field, expected an iterator() method"),
FOR_IN_WITH_INVALID_ITERATOR_RETURN_TYPE("iterator method's return type is not assignable to %s"),
ILLEGAL_ACCESS_TO_PRIVATE("'%s' is private and not defined in this library"),
"Class inherits two variations of the same interface '%s' and '%s' with parameters that are not assignable to each other."),
INSTANTIATION_OF_ABSTRACT_CLASS("instantiation of an abstract class '%s'"),
INTERFACE_HAS_NO_METHOD_NAMED("\"%s\" has no method named \"%s\""),
INTERFACE_HAS_NO_METHOD_NAMED_INFERRED(ErrorSeverity.INFO, "\"%s\" has no method named \"%s\""),
INTERNAL_ERROR("internal error: %s", true),
IS_STATIC_FIELD_IN("\"%s\" is a static field in \"%s\""),
IS_STATIC_METHOD_IN("\"%s\" is a static method in \"%s\""),
MAP_LITERAL_KEY_UNIQUE("Map literal keys should be unique."),
MEMBER_IS_A_CONSTRUCTOR("%s is a constructor in %s"),
MISSING_ARGUMENT("missing argument of type %s"),
MISSING_RETURN_VALUE("no return value; expected a value of type %s"),
NEW_EXPRESSION_NOT_CONSTRUCTOR("New expression does not resolve to a constructor"),
NO_SUCH_NAMED_PARAMETER("no such named parameter \"%s\" defined"),
NO_SUCH_TYPE("no such type \"%s\"", true),
NOT_A_FUNCTION_TYPE("\"%s\" is not a function type"),
NOT_A_FUNCTION_TYPE_FIELD("'%s' is a field of type '%s', not a function; remove parentheses"),
NOT_A_MEMBER_OF("\"%s\" is not a member of %s"),
NOT_A_MEMBER_OF_INFERRED(ErrorSeverity.INFO, "\"%s\" is not a member of %s"),
NOT_A_METHOD_IN("\"%s\" is not a method in %s"),
NOT_A_METHOD_IN_INFERRED(ErrorSeverity.INFO, "\"%s\" is not a method in %s"),
NOT_A_TYPE("type \"%s\" expected, but \"%s\" found"),
OPERATOR_EQUALS_BOOL_RETURN_TYPE("operator 'equals' should return bool type"),
OPERATOR_INDEX_ASSIGN_VOID_RETURN_TYPE("operator '[]=' must have a return type of 'void'"),
OPERATOR_WRONG_OPERAND_TYPE("operand of \"%s\" must be assignable to \"%s\", found \"%s\""),
OVERRIDING_STATIC_MEMBER("overriding static member \"%s\" of \"%s\""),
PLUS_CANNOT_BE_USED_FOR_STRING_CONCAT("'%s' cannot be used for string concatentation, use string interpolation or a StringBuffer instead"),
"Target type of redirecting factory constructor '%s' is not subtype of '%s'"),
SETTER_RETURN_TYPE("Specified return type of setter '%s' is non-void"),
SETTER_TYPE_MUST_BE_ASSIGNABLE("Setter type '%s' must be assignable to getter type '%s'"),
"static member %s of %s cannot be accessed through an instance"),
SUPERTYPE_HAS_FIELD(ErrorSeverity.ERROR, "%s is a field in %s"),
SUPERTYPE_HAS_METHOD(ErrorSeverity.ERROR, "%s is a method in %s"),
"Type alias cannot reference itself directly of via other typedefs"),
TYPE_NOT_ASSIGNMENT_COMPATIBLE("'%s' is not assignable to '%s'"),
TYPE_NOT_ASSIGNMENT_COMPATIBLE_INFERRED(ErrorSeverity.INFO, "'%s' is not assignable to '%s'"),
USE_ASSIGNMENT_ON_SETTER("Use assignment to set field '%s'"),
USE_INTEGER_DIVISION(ErrorSeverity.INFO, "Use integer division ~/ instead"),
VOID("expression does not yield a value"),
WRONG_NUMBER_OF_TYPE_ARGUMENTS("%s: wrong number of type arguments (%d), Expected %d");
private final ErrorSeverity severity;
private final String message;
private final boolean needsRecompilation;
* Initialize a newly created error code to have the given message.
private TypeErrorCode(String message) {
this(message, false);
* Initialize a newly created error code to have the given message and compilation flag.
private TypeErrorCode(String message, boolean needsRecompilation) {
this(ErrorSeverity.WARNING, message, needsRecompilation);
private TypeErrorCode(ErrorSeverity severity, String message) {
this(severity, message, false);
private TypeErrorCode(ErrorSeverity severity, String message, boolean needsRecompilation) {
this.severity = severity;
this.message = message;
this.needsRecompilation = needsRecompilation;
public String getMessage() {
return message;
public ErrorSeverity getErrorSeverity() {
return severity;
public SubSystem getSubSystem() {
return SubSystem.STATIC_TYPE;
public boolean needsRecompilation() {
return this.needsRecompilation;