blob: ac14344f384bc1a8b073280c6b99a2d20b3734d2 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2016, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:convert';
import 'dart:typed_data';
import 'package:_fe_analyzer_shared/src/scanner/string_canonicalizer.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/analysis/declared_variables.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/analysis/features.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/ast/token.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/element/element.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/error/listener.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/file_system/file_system.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/source/line_info.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/source/source.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/analysis/analysis_options_map.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/analysis/byte_store.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/analysis/defined_names.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/analysis/feature_set_provider.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/analysis/file_content_cache.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/analysis/library_graph.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/analysis/performance_logger.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/analysis/referenced_names.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/analysis/unlinked_api_signature.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/analysis/unlinked_data.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/analysis/unlinked_unit_store.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/ast/ast.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/scanner/reader.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/scanner/scanner.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/exception/exception.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/engine.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/parser.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/source.dart' show SourceFactory;
import 'package:analyzer/src/source/source_resource.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/summary/api_signature.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/summary/package_bundle_reader.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/summary2/informative_data.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/util/file_paths.dart' as file_paths;
import 'package:analyzer/src/util/uri.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/utilities/extensions/collection.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/utilities/uri_cache.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/workspace/workspace.dart';
import 'package:convert/convert.dart';
import 'package:crypto/crypto.dart';
import 'package:meta/meta.dart';
import 'package:path/path.dart' as path;
import 'package:pub_semver/pub_semver.dart';
/// The file has a `library augment` directive.
abstract class AugmentationFileKind<U extends DirectiveUri>
extends LibraryOrAugmentationFileKind {
final UnlinkedLibraryAugmentationDirective unlinked;
final U uri;
required super.file,
required this.unlinked,
required this.uri,
/// Returns `true` if the `library augment` directive confirms [container].
bool isAugmentationOf(LibraryOrAugmentationFileKind container);
/// Information about a single `import augment` directive.
final class AugmentationImportState<U extends DirectiveUri>
extends DirectiveState {
final UnlinkedAugmentationImportDirective unlinked;
final U uri;
required this.unlinked,
required this.uri,
/// Returns a [Source] that is referenced by this directive.
/// Returns `null` if the URI cannot be resolved into a [Source].
Source? get importedSource => null;
/// [AugmentationImportWithUri] that has a valid URI that references a file.
final class AugmentationImportWithFile
extends AugmentationImportWithUri<DirectiveUriWithFile> {
final LibraryOrAugmentationFileKind container;
required this.container,
required super.unlinked,
required super.uri,
}) {
/// If [importedFile] is an [AugmentationFileKind], and it confirms that
/// it is an augmentation of the [container], returns the [importedFile].
AugmentationFileKind? get importedAugmentation {
var kind = importedFile.kind;
if (kind is AugmentationFileKind && kind.isAugmentationOf(container)) {
return kind;
return null;
FileState get importedFile => uri.file;
Source get importedSource => importedFile.source;
void dispose() {
/// [AugmentationImportState] that has a valid URI.
final class AugmentationImportWithUri<U extends DirectiveUriWithUri>
extends AugmentationImportWithUriStr<U> {
required super.unlinked,
required super.uri,
/// [AugmentationImportState] that has a relative URI string.
final class AugmentationImportWithUriStr<U extends DirectiveUriWithString>
extends AugmentationImportState<U> {
required super.unlinked,
required super.uri,
/// The URI of the [unlinked] can be resolved.
class AugmentationKnownFileKind
extends AugmentationFileKind<DirectiveUriWithFile> {
required super.file,
required super.unlinked,
required super.uri,
/// If the [uriFile] has `import augment` of this file, returns [uriFile].
/// Otherwise, this file is not a valid augmentation, returns `null`.
LibraryOrAugmentationFileKind? get augmented {
var uriKind = uriFile.kind;
if (uriKind is LibraryOrAugmentationFileKind) {
if (uriKind.hasAugmentation(this)) {
return uriKind;
return null;
LibraryFileKind? get library {
var visited = Set<LibraryOrAugmentationFileKind>.identity();
var current = augmented;
while (current != null && visited.add(current)) {
if (current is LibraryFileKind) {
return current;
} else if (current is AugmentationKnownFileKind) {
current = current.augmented;
} else {
return null;
return null;
/// The file that is referenced by the [uri].
FileState get uriFile => uri.file;
void dispose() {
// We dispose partial macro augmentations when we are about to add the
// merged macro augmentation with all execution results. These macro
// augmentations never add new dependencies, other than already present
// via the augmented library. So, there is no reason to invalidate.
if (file.isMacroAugmentation) {
void invalidateLibraryCycle() {
bool isAugmentationOf(LibraryOrAugmentationFileKind container) {
return uriFile == container.file;
/// The URI of the [unlinked] can not be resolved.
class AugmentationUnknownFileKind extends AugmentationFileKind<DirectiveUri> {
required super.file,
required super.unlinked,
required super.uri,
LibraryFileKind? get library => null;
bool isAugmentationOf(LibraryOrAugmentationFileKind container) => false;
/// Information about a directive that "includes" a file - `import`, `export`,
/// or `part`. But not `part of` or `library augment` - these are modelled as
/// kinds.
sealed class DirectiveState {
void dispose() {}
/// Meaning of a URI referenced in a directive.
sealed class DirectiveUri {
const DirectiveUri();
Source? get source => null;
/// [DirectiveUriWithUri] with URI that resolves to a [FileState].
final class DirectiveUriWithFile extends DirectiveUriWithSource {
final FileState file;
required super.relativeUriStr,
required super.relativeUri,
required this.file,
Source get source => file.source;
String toString() => '$file';
/// [DirectiveUriWithSource] with a [InSummarySource].
final class DirectiveUriWithInSummarySource extends DirectiveUriWithSource {
final InSummarySource source;
required super.relativeUriStr,
required super.relativeUri,
required this.source,
String toString() => '$source';
/// [DirectiveUri] for which we can't get its relative URI string.
final class DirectiveUriWithoutString extends DirectiveUri {
const DirectiveUriWithoutString();
/// [DirectiveUriWithUri] that can be resolved into a [Source].
sealed class DirectiveUriWithSource extends DirectiveUriWithUri {
required super.relativeUriStr,
required super.relativeUri,
Source get source;
String toString() => '$source';
/// [DirectiveUri] for which we can get its relative URI string.
final class DirectiveUriWithString extends DirectiveUri {
final String relativeUriStr;
required this.relativeUriStr,
String toString() => relativeUriStr;
/// [DirectiveUriWithString] that can be parsed into a relative URI.
final class DirectiveUriWithUri extends DirectiveUriWithString {
final Uri relativeUri;
required super.relativeUriStr,
required this.relativeUri,
String toString() => '$relativeUri';
abstract class FileContent {
String get content;
String get contentHash;
bool get exists;
/// [FileContentOverlay] is used to temporary override content of files.
class FileContentOverlay {
final _map = <String, String>{};
/// Return the paths currently being overridden.
Iterable<String> get paths => _map.keys;
/// Return the content of the file with the given [path], or `null` the
/// overlay does not override the content of the file.
/// The [path] must be absolute and normalized.
String? operator [](String path) => _map[path];
/// Return the new [content] of the file with the given [path].
/// The [path] must be absolute and normalized.
void operator []=(String path, String? content) {
if (content == null) {
} else {
_map[path] = content;
abstract class FileContentStrategy {
FileContent get(String path);
abstract class FileKind {
final FileState file;
required this.file,
/// When [library] returns `null`, this getter is used to look at this
/// file itself as a library.
LibraryFileKind get asLibrary {
return LibraryFileKind(
file: file,
name: null,
recoveredFrom: this,
/// Returns the library in which this file should be analyzed.
LibraryFileKind? get library;
void dispose() {}
/// Information about a file being analyzed, explicitly or implicitly.
/// It provides a consistent view on its properties.
/// The properties are not guaranteed to represent the most recent state
/// of the file system. To update the file to the most recent state, [refresh]
/// should be called.
class FileState {
final FileSystemState _fsState;
/// The [AnalysisOptions] associated with this file.
final AnalysisOptionsImpl analysisOptions;
/// The absolute path of the file.
final String path;
/// The absolute URI of the file.
final Uri uri;
/// Properties of the [uri].
final FileUriProperties uriProperties;
/// The [Source] of the file with the [uri].
final Source source;
/// The [WorkspacePackage] that contains this file.
/// It might be `null` if the file is outside of the workspace.
final WorkspacePackage? workspacePackage;
/// The [FeatureSet] for this file.
/// Usually it is the feature set of the latest language version, plus
/// possibly additional enabled experiments (from the analysis options file,
/// or from SDK allowed experiments).
/// This feature set is then restricted, with the [packageLanguageVersion],
/// or with a `@dart` language override token in the file header.
final FeatureSet featureSet;
/// The language version for the package that contains this file.
final Version packageLanguageVersion;
FileContent? _fileContent;
LineInfo? _lineInfo;
Uint8List? _unlinkedSignature;
String? _unlinkedKey;
AnalysisDriverUnlinkedUnit? _driverUnlinkedUnit;
Uint8List? _apiSignature;
UnlinkedUnit? _unlinked2;
FileKind? _kind;
bool isMacroAugmentation = false;
/// Files that reference this file.
final Set<FileState> referencingFiles = {};
/// The flag that shows whether the file has an error or warning that
/// might be fixed by a change to another file.
bool hasErrorOrWarning = false;
/// Set to `true` if this file contains code that might be executed by
/// a macro - declares a macro class itself, or is directly or indirectly
/// imported into a library that declares one.
bool mightBeExecutedByMacroClass = false;
) : uriProperties = FileUriProperties(uri);
/// The unlinked API signature of the file.
Uint8List get apiSignature => _apiSignature!;
/// The content of the file.
String get content => _fileContent!.content;
/// The MD5 hash of the [content].
String get contentHash => _fileContent!.contentHash;
/// The class member names defined by the file.
Set<String> get definedClassMemberNames {
return _driverUnlinkedUnit!.definedClassMemberNames;
/// The top-level names defined by the file.
Set<String> get definedTopLevelNames {
return _driverUnlinkedUnit!.definedTopLevelNames;
/// Return `true` if the file exists.
bool get exists => _fileContent!.exists;
int get hashCode => uri.hashCode;
FileKind get kind => _kind!;
/// Return information about line in the file.
LineInfo get lineInfo => _lineInfo!;
/// The external names referenced by the file.
Set<String> get referencedNames {
return _driverUnlinkedUnit!.referencedNames;
File get resource {
return _fsState.resourceProvider.getFile(path);
FileStateTestView get test => FileStateTestView(this);
/// The [UnlinkedUnit] of the file.
UnlinkedUnit get unlinked2 => _unlinked2!;
String get unlinkedKey => _unlinkedKey!;
/// The MD5 signature based on the content, feature sets, language version.
Uint8List get unlinkedSignature => _unlinkedSignature!;
/// Return the [uri] string.
String get uriStr => uri.toString();
bool operator ==(Object other) {
return other is FileState && other.uri == uri;
/// Return a new parsed unresolved [CompilationUnit].
CompilationUnitImpl parse([AnalysisErrorListener? errorListener]) {
errorListener ??= AnalysisErrorListener.NULL_LISTENER;
try {
return _parse(errorListener);
} catch (exception, stackTrace) {
throw CaughtExceptionWithFiles(
{path: content},
/// Parses given [code] with the same features as this file.
CompilationUnitImpl parseCode({
required String code,
required AnalysisErrorListener errorListener,
}) {
CharSequenceReader reader = CharSequenceReader(code);
Scanner scanner = Scanner(source, reader, errorListener)
featureSetForOverriding: featureSet,
featureSet: featureSet.restrictToVersion(
Token token = scanner.tokenize(reportScannerErrors: false);
LineInfo lineInfo = LineInfo(scanner.lineStarts);
Parser parser = Parser(
featureSet: scanner.featureSet,
lineInfo: lineInfo,
var unit = parser.parseCompilationUnit(token);
unit.languageVersion = LibraryLanguageVersion(
package: packageLanguageVersion,
override: scanner.overrideVersion,
// Ensure the string canonicalization cache size is reasonable.
return unit;
/// Read the file content and ensure that all of the file properties are
/// consistent with the read content, including API signature.
/// Return how the file changed since the last refresh.
FileStateRefreshResult refresh() {
FileContent rawFileState;
if (_fsState._macroFileContent case var macroFileContent?) {
_fsState._macroFileContent = null;
rawFileState = macroFileContent;
isMacroAugmentation = true;
} else {
rawFileState = _fsState.fileContentStrategy.get(path);
var contentChanged = _fileContent?.contentHash != rawFileState.contentHash;
_fileContent = rawFileState;
// Prepare the unlinked bundle key.
var previousUnlinkedKey = _unlinkedKey;
var signature = ApiSignature();
_unlinkedSignature = signature.toByteList();
var signatureHex = hex.encode(_unlinkedSignature!);
// TODO(scheglov): Use the path as the key, and store the signature.
_unlinkedKey = '$signatureHex.unlinked2';
// Prepare the unlinked unit.
_driverUnlinkedUnit = _getUnlinkedUnit(previousUnlinkedKey);
_unlinked2 = _driverUnlinkedUnit!.unit;
_lineInfo = LineInfo(_unlinked2!.lineStarts);
// Prepare API signature.
var newApiSignature = _unlinked2!.apiSignature;
bool apiSignatureChanged = _apiSignature != null &&
!_equalByteLists(_apiSignature, newApiSignature);
_apiSignature = newApiSignature;
// Read parts eagerly to link parts to libraries.
// Update mapping from subtyped names to files.
for (var name in _driverUnlinkedUnit!.subtypedNames) {
var files = _fsState._subtypedNameToFiles[name];
if (files == null) {
files = <FileState>{};
_fsState._subtypedNameToFiles[name] = files;
// Return how the file changed.
if (apiSignatureChanged) {
return FileStateRefreshResult.apiChanged;
} else if (contentChanged) {
return FileStateRefreshResult.contentChanged;
} else {
return FileStateRefreshResult.nothing;
String toString() {
return '$uri = $path';
DirectiveUri _buildDirectiveUri(String? relativeUriStr) {
if (relativeUriStr == null) {
return const DirectiveUriWithoutString();
var relativeUri = uriCache.tryParse(relativeUriStr);
if (relativeUri == null) {
return DirectiveUriWithString(
relativeUriStr: relativeUriStr,
var absoluteUri = uriCache.resolveRelative(uri, relativeUri);
var uriResolution = _fsState.getFileForUri(absoluteUri);
switch (uriResolution) {
case null:
return DirectiveUriWithUri(
relativeUriStr: relativeUriStr,
relativeUri: relativeUri,
case UriResolutionFile(:var file):
return DirectiveUriWithFile(
relativeUriStr: relativeUriStr,
relativeUri: relativeUri,
file: file,
case UriResolutionExternalLibrary(:var source):
return DirectiveUriWithInSummarySource(
relativeUriStr: relativeUriStr,
relativeUri: relativeUri,
source: source,
// TODO(scheglov): move to _fsState?
NamespaceDirectiveUris _buildNamespaceDirectiveUris(
UnlinkedNamespaceDirective directive,
) {
var primaryUri = _buildDirectiveUri(directive.uri);
DirectiveUri? selectedConfigurationUri;
var configurationUris = {
var configurationUri = _buildDirectiveUri(configuration.uri);
// Maybe select this URI.
var name =;
var value = configuration.valueOrTrue;
if (_fsState._declaredVariables.get(name) == value) {
selectedConfigurationUri ??= configurationUri;
// Include it anyway.
return configurationUri;
return NamespaceDirectiveUris(
primary: primaryUri,
configurations: configurationUris,
selected: selectedConfigurationUri ?? primaryUri,
/// Return the [FileState] for the given [relativeUriStr], or `null` if the
/// URI cannot be parsed, cannot correspond any file, etc.
UriResolution? _fileForRelativeUri(String? relativeUriStr) {
if (relativeUriStr == null) {
return null;
Uri absoluteUri;
try {
var relativeUri = uriCache.parse(relativeUriStr);
absoluteUri = uriCache.resolveRelative(uri, relativeUri);
} on FormatException {
return null;
return _fsState.getFileForUri(absoluteUri);
/// Return the unlinked unit, freshly deserialized from bytes,
/// previously deserialized from bytes, or new.
AnalysisDriverUnlinkedUnit _getUnlinkedUnit(String? previousUnlinkedKey) {
if (previousUnlinkedKey != null) {
if (previousUnlinkedKey != _unlinkedKey) {
} else {
return _driverUnlinkedUnit!;
var testData = _fsState.testData?.forFile(resource, uri);
var fromStore = _fsState.unlinkedUnitStore.get(_unlinkedKey!);
if (fromStore != null) {
return fromStore;
var bytes = _fsState._byteStore.get(_unlinkedKey!);
if (bytes != null && bytes.isNotEmpty) {
var result = AnalysisDriverUnlinkedUnit.fromBytes(bytes);
_fsState.unlinkedUnitStore.put(_unlinkedKey!, result);
return result;
var unit = parse();
return'Create unlinked for $path', () {
var unlinkedUnit = serializeAstUnlinked2(
exists: exists,
isDartCore: uriStr == 'dart:core',
var definedNames = computeDefinedNames(unit);
var referencedNames = computeReferencedNames(unit);
var subtypedNames = computeSubtypedNames(unit);
var driverUnlinkedUnit = AnalysisDriverUnlinkedUnit(
definedTopLevelNames: definedNames.topLevelNames,
definedClassMemberNames: definedNames.classMemberNames,
referencedNames: referencedNames,
subtypedNames: subtypedNames,
unit: unlinkedUnit,
var bytes = driverUnlinkedUnit.toBytes();
_fsState._byteStore.putGet(_unlinkedKey!, bytes);
_fsState.unlinkedUnitStore.put(_unlinkedKey!, driverUnlinkedUnit);
return driverUnlinkedUnit;
/// Invalidate any data that depends on the current unlinked data of the file,
/// because [refresh] is going to recompute the unlinked data.
void _invalidateCurrentUnresolvedData() {
if (_driverUnlinkedUnit != null) {
for (var name in _driverUnlinkedUnit!.subtypedNames) {
var files = _fsState._subtypedNameToFiles[name];
CompilationUnitImpl _parse(AnalysisErrorListener errorListener) {
return parseCode(
code: content,
errorListener: errorListener,
// TODO(scheglov): write tests
void _prefetchDirectReferences() {
var prefetchFiles = _fsState.prefetchFiles;
if (prefetchFiles == null) {
var paths = <String>{};
void addRelativeUri(String? relativeUriStr) {
if (relativeUriStr == null) {
Uri absoluteUri;
try {
var relativeUri = uriCache.parse(relativeUriStr);
absoluteUri = uriCache.resolveRelative(uri, relativeUri);
} on FormatException {
var path = _fsState._sourceFactory.forUri2(absoluteUri)?.fullName;
if (path != null) {
for (var directive in unlinked2.imports) {
for (var directive in unlinked2.exports) {
for (var directive in {
void _updateKind() {
var libraryAugmentationDirective = unlinked2.libraryAugmentationDirective;
var libraryDirective = unlinked2.libraryDirective;
var partOfNameDirective = unlinked2.partOfNameDirective;
var partOfUriDirective = unlinked2.partOfUriDirective;
if (libraryAugmentationDirective != null) {
var uri = _buildDirectiveUri(libraryAugmentationDirective.uri);
switch (uri) {
case DirectiveUriWithFile _:
_kind = AugmentationKnownFileKind(
file: this,
unlinked: libraryAugmentationDirective,
uri: uri,
_kind = AugmentationUnknownFileKind(
file: this,
unlinked: libraryAugmentationDirective,
uri: uri,
} else if (libraryDirective != null) {
_kind = LibraryFileKind(
file: this,
} else if (partOfNameDirective != null) {
_kind = PartOfNameFileKind(
file: this,
unlinked: partOfNameDirective,
} else if (partOfUriDirective != null) {
var uriStr = partOfUriDirective.uri;
var uriResolution = _fileForRelativeUri(uriStr);
switch (uriResolution) {
case UriResolutionFile(:var file):
_kind = PartOfUriKnownFileKind(
file: this,
unlinked: partOfUriDirective,
uriFile: file,
_kind = PartOfUriUnknownFileKind(
file: this,
unlinked: partOfUriDirective,
} else {
_kind = LibraryFileKind(
file: this,
name: null,
static UnlinkedUnit serializeAstUnlinked2(
CompilationUnit unit, {
required bool exists,
required bool isDartCore,
}) {
UnlinkedLibraryDirective? libraryDirective;
UnlinkedLibraryAugmentationDirective? libraryAugmentationDirective;
UnlinkedPartOfNameDirective? partOfNameDirective;
UnlinkedPartOfUriDirective? partOfUriDirective;
var augmentations = <UnlinkedAugmentationImportDirective>[];
var docImports = <UnlinkedLibraryImportDirective>[];
var exports = <UnlinkedLibraryExportDirective>[];
var imports = <UnlinkedLibraryImportDirective>[];
var parts = <UnlinkedPartDirective>[];
var macroClasses = <MacroClass>[];
var hasDartCoreImport = false;
for (var directive in unit.directives) {
if (directive is ExportDirective) {
var builder = _serializeExport(directive);
} else if (directive is AugmentationImportDirectiveImpl) {
augmentKeywordOffset: directive.augmentKeyword.offset,
importKeywordOffset: directive.importKeyword.offset,
uri: directive.uri.stringValue,
} else if (directive is ImportDirectiveImpl) {
var builder = _serializeImport(directive);
if (builder.uri == 'dart:core') {
hasDartCoreImport = true;
} else if (directive is LibraryAugmentationDirective) {
var uri = directive.uri;
var uriStr = uri.stringValue;
libraryAugmentationDirective = UnlinkedLibraryAugmentationDirective(
augmentKeywordOffset: directive.augmentKeyword.offset,
libraryKeywordOffset: directive.libraryKeyword.offset,
uri: uriStr,
uriRange: UnlinkedSourceRange(
offset: uri.offset,
length: uri.length,
// TODO(srawlins): Add doc imports.
} else if (directive is LibraryDirective) {
var libraryDocComment = directive.documentationComment;
if (libraryDocComment != null) {
for (var docImport in libraryDocComment.docImports) {
var builder = _serializeImport(docImport.import);
libraryDirective = UnlinkedLibraryDirective(
docImports: docImports.toFixedList(),
name: directive.name2?.name,
} else if (directive is PartDirective) {
uri: directive.uri.stringValue,
} else if (directive is PartOfDirective) {
var libraryName = directive.libraryName;
var uri = directive.uri;
if (libraryName != null) {
partOfNameDirective = UnlinkedPartOfNameDirective(
nameRange: UnlinkedSourceRange(
offset: libraryName.offset,
length: libraryName.length,
} else if (uri != null) {
var uriStr = uri.stringValue;
if (uriStr != null) {
partOfUriDirective = UnlinkedPartOfUriDirective(
uri: uriStr,
uriRange: UnlinkedSourceRange(
offset: uri.offset,
length: uri.length,
for (var declaration in unit.declarations) {
if (declaration is ClassDeclarationImpl) {
if (declaration.macroKeyword != null) {
var constructors = declaration.members
.map((e) => ?? '')
.where((e) => !e.startsWith('_'))
if (constructors.isNotEmpty) {
constructors: constructors,
if (!isDartCore && !hasDartCoreImport) {
combinators: const [],
configurations: const [],
importKeywordOffset: -1,
isSyntheticDartCore: true,
prefix: null,
uri: 'dart:core',
var topLevelDeclarations = <String>{};
for (var declaration in unit.declarations) {
if (declaration is ClassDeclaration) {
} else if (declaration is EnumDeclaration) {
} else if (declaration is ExtensionDeclaration) {
var name =;
if (name != null) {
} else if (declaration is FunctionDeclaration) {
} else if (declaration is MixinDeclaration) {
} else if (declaration is TopLevelVariableDeclaration) {
for (var variable in declaration.variables.variables) {
var apiSignature = ApiSignature();
return UnlinkedUnit(
apiSignature: apiSignature.toByteList(),
augmentations: augmentations.toFixedList(),
exports: exports.toFixedList(),
imports: imports.toFixedList(),
informativeBytes: writeUnitInformative(unit),
libraryAugmentationDirective: libraryAugmentationDirective,
libraryDirective: libraryDirective,
lineStarts: Uint32List.fromList(unit.lineInfo.lineStarts),
macroClasses: macroClasses.toFixedList(),
parts: parts.toFixedList(),
partOfNameDirective: partOfNameDirective,
partOfUriDirective: partOfUriDirective,
topLevelDeclarations: topLevelDeclarations,
/// Return `true` if the given byte lists are equal.
static bool _equalByteLists(List<int>? a, List<int>? b) {
if (a == null) {
return b == null;
} else if (b == null) {
return false;
if (a.length != b.length) {
return false;
for (int i = 0; i < a.length; i++) {
if (a[i] != b[i]) {
return false;
return true;
static List<UnlinkedCombinator> _serializeCombinators(
List<Combinator> combinators,
) {
return {
if (combinator is ShowCombinator) {
return UnlinkedCombinator(
keywordOffset: combinator.keyword.offset,
endOffset: combinator.end,
isShow: true,
names: =>,
} else {
combinator as HideCombinator;
return UnlinkedCombinator(
keywordOffset: combinator.keyword.offset,
endOffset: combinator.end,
isShow: false,
names: =>,
static List<UnlinkedNamespaceDirectiveConfiguration> _serializeConfigurations(
List<Configuration> configurations,
) {
return {
var name ='.');
var value = configuration.value?.stringValue ?? '';
return UnlinkedNamespaceDirectiveConfiguration(
name: name,
value: value,
uri: configuration.uri.stringValue,
static UnlinkedLibraryExportDirective _serializeExport(ExportDirective node) {
return UnlinkedLibraryExportDirective(
combinators: _serializeCombinators(node.combinators),
configurations: _serializeConfigurations(node.configurations),
exportKeywordOffset: node.exportKeyword.offset,
uri: node.uri.stringValue,
static UnlinkedLibraryImportDirective _serializeImport(ImportDirective node) {
UnlinkedLibraryImportPrefix? unlinkedPrefix;
var prefix = node.prefix;
if (prefix != null) {
unlinkedPrefix = UnlinkedLibraryImportPrefix(
deferredOffset: node.deferredKeyword?.offset,
asOffset: node.asKeyword!.offset,
nameOffset: prefix.offset,
return UnlinkedLibraryImportDirective(
combinators: _serializeCombinators(node.combinators),
configurations: _serializeConfigurations(node.configurations),
importKeywordOffset: node.importKeyword.offset,
uri: node.uri.stringValue,
prefix: unlinkedPrefix,
enum FileStateRefreshResult {
/// No changes to the content, so no changes at all.
/// The content changed, but the API of the file is the same.
/// The content changed, and the API of the file is different.
class FileStateTestView {
final FileState file;
String get unlinkedKey => file._unlinkedKey!;
/// Information about known file system state.
class FileSystemState {
final PerformanceLog _logger;
final ResourceProvider resourceProvider;
final String contextName;
final ByteStore _byteStore;
final SourceFactory _sourceFactory;
final Workspace? _workspace;
final DeclaredVariables _declaredVariables;
final Uint32List _saltForUnlinked;
final Uint32List _saltForElements;
final FeatureSetProvider featureSetProvider;
/// Mapping from a URI to the corresponding [FileState].
final Map<Uri, FileState> _uriToFile = {};
/// All known file paths.
final Set<String> knownFilePaths = <String>{};
/// All known files.
final Set<FileState> knownFiles = {};
/// Mapping from a path to the flag whether there is a URI for the path.
final Map<String, bool> _hasUriForPath = {};
/// Mapping from a path to the corresponding [FileState].
final Map<String, FileState> _pathToFile = {};
/// Mapping from a library name to the [LibraryFileKind] that have it.
final _LibraryNameToFiles _libraryNameToFiles = _LibraryNameToFiles();
/// The map of subtyped names to files where these names are subtyped.
final Map<String, Set<FileState>> _subtypedNameToFiles = {};
/// The value of this field is incremented when the set of files is updated.
int fileStamp = 0;
final FileContentStrategy fileContentStrategy;
final UnlinkedUnitStore unlinkedUnitStore;
/// A function that fetches the given list of files. This function can be used
/// to batch file reads in systems where file fetches are expensive.
final void Function(List<String> paths)? prefetchFiles;
/// A function that returns true if the given file path is likely to be that
/// of a file that is generated.
final bool Function(String path) isGenerated;
/// The function that is invoked when a new file is created.
final void Function(FileState file) onNewFile;
late final FileSystemStateTestView _testView;
final FileSystemTestData? testData;
/// We set a value for this field when we are about to refresh the current
/// macro [FileState]. During the refresh, this will is reset back to `null`.
FileContent? _macroFileContent;
/// Used for looking up options to associate with created file states.
final AnalysisOptionsMap _analysisOptionsMap;
AnalysisOptionsMap analysisOptionsMap, {
required this.fileContentStrategy,
required this.unlinkedUnitStore,
required this.prefetchFiles,
required this.isGenerated,
required this.onNewFile,
required this.testData,
}) : _analysisOptionsMap = analysisOptionsMap {
_testView = FileSystemStateTestView(this);
path.Context get pathContext => resourceProvider.pathContext;
FileSystemStateTestView get test => _testView;
/// Update the state to reflect the fact that the file with the given [path]
/// was changed. Specifically this means that we evict this file and every
/// file that referenced it.
void changeFile(String path, Set<FileState> removedFiles) {
var file = _pathToFile.remove(path);
if (file == null) {
if (!removedFiles.add(file)) {
// The removed file does not reference other files anymore.
// Release this unlinked data.
// Recursively remove files that reference the removed file.
for (var reference in file.referencingFiles.toList()) {
changeFile(reference.path, removedFiles);
/// Collected files that transitively reference a file with the [path].
/// These files are potentially affected by the change.
void collectAffected(String path, Set<FileState> affected) {
collectAffected(FileState file) {
if (affected.add(file)) {
for (var other in file.referencingFiles) {
var file = _pathToFile[path];
if (file != null) {
/// Notifies this object that it is about to be discarded.
/// Returns the keys of the artifacts that are no longer used.
Set<String> dispose() {
var result = <String>{};
for (var file in _pathToFile.values) {
return result;
FileState? getExisting(File file) {
return _pathToFile[file.path];
FileState? getExistingFromPath(String path) {
return _pathToFile[path];
FileState? getExistingFromUri(Uri uri) {
return _uriToFile[uri];
/// Return the [FileState] for the given absolute [path]. The returned file
/// has the last known state since if was last refreshed.
FileState getFileForPath(String path) {
var file = _pathToFile[path];
if (file == null) {
File resource = resourceProvider.getFile(path);
Uri uri = _sourceFactory.pathToUri(path)!;
file = _newFile(resource, path, uri);
return file;
/// The given [uri] must be absolute.
/// If [uri] corresponds to a library from the summary store, return a
/// [UriResolutionExternalLibrary].
/// Otherwise the [uri] is resolved to a file, and the corresponding
/// [FileState] is returned. Might be `null` if the [uri] cannot be resolved
/// to a file, for example because it is invalid (e.g. a `package:` URI
/// without a package name), or we don't know this package. The returned
/// file has the last known state since if was last refreshed.
UriResolution? getFileForUri(Uri uri) {
var uriSource = _sourceFactory.forUri2(uri);
// If the external store has this URI, create a stub file for it.
// We are given all required unlinked and linked summaries for it.
if (uriSource is InSummarySource) {
return UriResolutionExternalLibrary(uriSource);
FileState? file = _uriToFile[uri];
if (file == null) {
// If the URI cannot be resolved, for example because the factory
// does not understand the scheme, return the unresolved file instance.
if (uriSource == null) {
return null;
String path = uriSource.fullName;
// Check if already resolved to this path via different URI.
// That different URI must be the canonical one.
file = _pathToFile[path];
if (file != null) {
return UriResolutionFile(file);
File resource = resourceProvider.getFile(path);
var rewrittenUri = rewriteToCanonicalUri(_sourceFactory, uri);
if (rewrittenUri == null) {
return null;
file = _newFile(resource, path, rewrittenUri);
return UriResolutionFile(file);
/// Returns a list of files whose contents contains the given string.
/// Generated files are not included in the search.
List<String> getFilesContaining(String value) {
var result = <String>[];
_pathToFile.forEach((path, file) {
// TODO(scheglov): tests for excluding generated
if (!isGenerated(path)) {
if (file.content.contains(value)) {
return result;
/// Return files where the given [name] is subtyped, i.e. used in `extends`,
/// `with` or `implements` clauses.
Set<FileState>? getFilesSubtypingName(String name) {
return _subtypedNameToFiles[name];
/// Return files that have a top-level declaration with the [name].
List<FileState> getFilesWithTopLevelDeclarations(String name) {
var result = <FileState>[];
for (var file in _pathToFile.values) {
if (file.unlinked2.topLevelDeclarations.contains(name)) {
return result;
/// Return `true` if there is a URI that can be resolved to the [path].
/// When a file exists, but for the URI that corresponds to the file is
/// resolved to another file, e.g. a generated one in Blaze, Gn, etc, we
/// cannot analyze the original file.
bool hasUri(String path) {
bool? flag = _hasUriForPath[path];
if (flag == null) {
Uri uri = _sourceFactory.pathToUri(path)!;
Source? uriSource = _sourceFactory.forUri2(uri);
flag = uriSource?.fullName == path;
_hasUriForPath[path] = flag;
return flag;
/// When printing the state for testing, we want to see all files.
void pullReferencedFiles() {
while (true) {
var fileCount = _pathToFile.length;
for (var file in _pathToFile.values.toList()) {
var kind = file.kind;
if (kind is LibraryOrAugmentationFileKind) {
if (_pathToFile.length == fileCount) {
/// Remove the file with the given [path].
void removeFile(String path) {
/// Computes the set of [FileState]'s used/not used to analyze the given
/// [paths]. Removes the [FileState]'s of the files not used for analysis from
/// the cache. Returns the set of unused [FileState]'s.
Set<FileState> removeUnusedFiles(List<String> paths) {
var referenced = <FileState>{};
for (var path in paths) {
var library = _pathToFile[path]?.kind.library;
var removed = <FileState>{};
for (var file in _pathToFile.values.toList()) {
if (!referenced.contains(file)) {
changeFile(file.path, removed);
return removed;
/// Clear all [FileState] data - all maps from path or URI, etc.
void _clearFiles() {
// TODO(jensj): If we use finalizers we shouldn't clear.
AnalysisOptionsImpl _getAnalysisOptions(File file) =>
FeatureSet _getFeatureSet(
String path,
Uri uri,
WorkspacePackage? workspacePackage,
AnalysisOptionsImpl analysisOptions,
) {
var workspacePackageExperiments = workspacePackage?.enabledExperiments;
if (workspacePackageExperiments != null) {
return featureSetProvider.featureSetForExperiments(
return featureSetProvider.getFeatureSet(path, uri,
contextFeatures: analysisOptions.contextFeatures,
nonPackageFeatureSet: analysisOptions.nonPackageFeatureSet);
Version _getLanguageVersion(
String path,
Uri uri,
WorkspacePackage? workspacePackage,
AnalysisOptionsImpl analysisOptions,
) {
var workspaceLanguageVersion = workspacePackage?.languageVersion;
if (workspaceLanguageVersion != null) {
return workspaceLanguageVersion;
return featureSetProvider.getLanguageVersion(path, uri,
nonPackageLanguageVersion: analysisOptions.nonPackageLanguageVersion);
FileState _newFile(File resource, String path, Uri uri) {
FileSource uriSource = FileSource(resource, uri);
WorkspacePackage? workspacePackage = _workspace?.findPackageFor(path);
AnalysisOptionsImpl analysisOptions = _getAnalysisOptions(resource);
FeatureSet featureSet =
_getFeatureSet(path, uri, workspacePackage, analysisOptions);
Version packageLanguageVersion =
_getLanguageVersion(path, uri, workspacePackage, analysisOptions);
var file = FileState._(this, path, uri, uriSource, workspacePackage,
featureSet, packageLanguageVersion, analysisOptions);
_pathToFile[path] = file;
_uriToFile[uri] = file;
return file;
class FileSystemStateTestView {
final FileSystemState state;
Map<Uri, FileState> get uriToFile => state._uriToFile;
class FileSystemTestData {
final Map<File, FileTestData> files = {};
FileTestData forFile(File file, Uri uri) {
return files[file] ??= FileTestData._(file, uri);
class FileTestData {
final File file;
final Uri uri;
/// We add the key every time we get unlinked data from the byte store.
final List<String> unlinkedKeyGet = [];
/// We add the key every time we put unlinked data into the byte store.
final List<String> unlinkedKeyPut = [];
FileTestData._(this.file, this.uri);
int get hashCode => file.hashCode;
bool operator ==(Object other) {
return other is FileTestData && other.file == file && other.uri == uri;
/// Precomputed properties of a file URI, used because [Uri] is relatively
/// expensive to work with, if we do this thousand times.
class FileUriProperties {
static const int _isDart = 1 << 0;
static const int _isDartInternal = 1 << 1;
static const int _isSrc = 1 << 2;
final int _flags;
final String? packageName;
factory FileUriProperties(Uri uri) {
if (uri.isScheme('dart')) {
var dartName = uri.pathSegments.firstOrNull;
return FileUriProperties._dart(
isInternal: dartName != null && dartName.startsWith('_'),
} else if (uri.isScheme('package')) {
var segments = uri.pathSegments;
if (segments.length >= 2) {
return FileUriProperties._package(
packageName: segments[0],
isSrc: segments[1] == 'src',
return const FileUriProperties._unknown();
const FileUriProperties._dart({
required bool isInternal,
}) : _flags = _isDart | (isInternal ? _isDartInternal : 0),
packageName = null;
required this.packageName,
required bool isSrc,
}) : _flags = isSrc ? _isSrc : 0;
const FileUriProperties._unknown()
: _flags = 0,
packageName = null;
bool get isDart => (_flags & _isDart) != 0;
bool get isDartInternal => (_flags & _isDartInternal) != 0;
bool get isSrc => (_flags & _isSrc) != 0;
/// Information about a single `export` directive.
final class LibraryExportState<U extends DirectiveUri> extends DirectiveState {
final UnlinkedLibraryExportDirective unlinked;
final U selectedUri;
final NamespaceDirectiveUris uris;
required this.unlinked,
required this.selectedUri,
required this.uris,
/// If [exportedSource] corresponds to a library, returns it.
Source? get exportedLibrarySource => null;
/// Returns a [Source] that is referenced by this directive. If there are
/// configurations, selects the one which satisfies the conditions.
/// Returns `null` if the selected URI is not valid, or cannot be resolved
/// into a [Source].
Source? get exportedSource => null;
/// [LibraryExportWithUri] that has a valid URI that references a file.
final class LibraryExportWithFile
extends LibraryExportWithUri<DirectiveUriWithFile> {
final LibraryOrAugmentationFileKind container;
required this.container,
required super.unlinked,
required super.selectedUri,
required super.uris,
}) {
FileState get exportedFile => selectedUri.file;
/// Returns [exportedFile] if it is a library.
LibraryFileKind? get exportedLibrary {
var kind = exportedFile.kind;
if (kind is LibraryFileKind) {
return kind;
return null;
Source? get exportedLibrarySource {
if (exportedFile.kind is LibraryFileKind) {
return exportedSource;
return null;
Source get exportedSource => exportedFile.source;
void dispose() {
/// [LibraryExportWithUri] with a URI that resolves to [InSummarySource].
final class LibraryExportWithInSummarySource
extends LibraryExportWithUri<DirectiveUriWithInSummarySource> {
required super.unlinked,
required super.selectedUri,
required super.uris,
Source? get exportedLibrarySource {
if (exportedSource.kind == InSummarySourceKind.library) {
return exportedSource;
} else {
return null;
InSummarySource get exportedSource => selectedUri.source;
/// [LibraryExportState] that has a valid URI.
final class LibraryExportWithUri<U extends DirectiveUriWithUri>
extends LibraryExportWithUriStr<U> {
required super.unlinked,
required super.selectedUri,
required super.uris,
/// [LibraryExportState] that has a relative URI string.
final class LibraryExportWithUriStr<U extends DirectiveUriWithString>
extends LibraryExportState<U> {
required super.unlinked,
required super.selectedUri,
required super.uris,
class LibraryFileKind extends LibraryOrAugmentationFileKind {
/// The name of the library from the `library` directive.
/// Or `null` if no `library` directive.
final String? name;
/// The [FileKind] that created this object in [FileKind.asLibrary].
final FileKind? recoveredFrom;
List<PartState>? _parts;
/// The synthetic augmentation imports added to [augmentationImports] for
/// the macro application results of this library. It is filled only if the
/// library uses any macros.
List<AugmentationImportWithFile> _macroImports = const [];
LibraryCycle? _libraryCycle;
required super.file,
}) {
/// All augmentations of this library, in the depth-first pre-order order.
List<AugmentationFileKind> get augmentations {
var result = <AugmentationFileKind>[];
void visitAugmentations(LibraryOrAugmentationFileKind kind) {
if (kind is AugmentationFileKind) {
for (var import in kind.augmentationImports) {
if (import is AugmentationImportWithFile) {
var augmentation = import.importedAugmentation;
if (augmentation != null) {
return result;
/// The list of files that this library consists of, i.e. this library file
/// itself, its [parts], and augmentations.
List<FileState> get files {
return [
.map((partState) => partState.includedPart)
.map((partKind) => partKind.file), => e.file),
LibraryCycle? get internal_libraryCycle => _libraryCycle;
LibraryFileKind get library => this;
/// Return the [LibraryCycle] this file belongs to, even if it consists of
/// just this file. If the library cycle is not known yet, compute it.
LibraryCycle get libraryCycle {
if (_libraryCycle == null) {
computeLibraryCycle(file._fsState._saltForElements, this);
return _libraryCycle!;
List<PartState> get parts {
return _parts ??=<PartState>((unlinked) {
var uri = file._buildDirectiveUri(unlinked.uri);
switch (uri) {
case DirectiveUriWithFile():
return PartWithFile(
library: this,
unlinked: unlinked,
uri: uri,
case DirectiveUriWithUri():
return PartWithUri(
library: this,
unlinked: unlinked,
uri: uri,
case DirectiveUriWithString():
return PartWithUriStr(
library: this,
unlinked: unlinked,
uri: uri,
case DirectiveUriWithoutString():
return PartState(
library: this,
unlinked: unlinked,
uri: uri,
/// [partialIndex] is provided while we run phases of macros, and accumulate
/// results in separate augmentation libraries with names `foo.macroX.dart`.
/// For the merged augmentation we pass `null` here, so a single
/// `foo.macro.dart` is created.
AugmentationImportWithFile addMacroAugmentation(
String code, {
required int? partialIndex,
}) {
var pathContext = file._fsState.pathContext;
var libraryFileName = pathContext.basename(file.path);
String macroFileName = pathContext.setExtension(
'.macro${partialIndex != null ? '$partialIndex' : ''}.dart',
var macroRelativeUri = uriCache.parse(macroFileName);
var macroUri = uriCache.resolveRelative(file.uri, macroRelativeUri);
var contentBytes = utf8.encoder.convert(code);
var hashBytes = md5.convert(contentBytes).bytes;
var hashStr = hex.encode(hashBytes);
var fileContent = StoredFileContent(
content: code,
contentHash: hashStr,
exists: true,
// This content will be consumed by the next `refresh()`.
// This might happen during `getFileForUri()` below.
// Or this happens during the explicit `refresh()`, more below.
file._fsState._macroFileContent = fileContent;
var macroFileResolution = file._fsState.getFileForUri(macroUri);
macroFileResolution as UriResolutionFile;
var macroFile = macroFileResolution.file;
// If the file existed, and has different content, force `refresh()`.
// This will ensure that the file has the required content.
if (macroFile.content != fileContent.content) {
// We are done with the file, stop forcing its content.
file._fsState._macroFileContent = null;
var import = AugmentationImportWithFile(
container: this,
unlinked: UnlinkedAugmentationImportDirective(
importKeywordOffset: -1,
augmentKeywordOffset: -1,
uri: macroFileName,
uri: DirectiveUriWithFile(
relativeUriStr: macroFileName,
relativeUri: macroRelativeUri,
file: macroFile,
_macroImports = [..._macroImports, import].toFixedList();
// We cannot add, because the list is not growable.
_augmentationImports = [...augmentationImports, import].toFixedList();
return import;
void collectTransitive(Set<FileState> files) {
for (var part in parts) {
if (part is PartWithFile) {
void discoverReferencedFiles() {
void dispose() {
/// When the library cycle that contains this library is invalidated, the
/// macros might potentially generate different code, or no code at all. So,
/// we discard the existing macro augmentation library, it will be rebuilt
/// during linking.
void disposeMacroAugmentations({
required bool disposeFiles,
}) {
for (var macroImport in _macroImports) {
_augmentationImports = augmentationImports.withoutLast.toFixedList();
if (disposeFiles) {
_macroImports = const [];
bool hasPart(PartFileKind partKind) {
for (var partDirective in parts) {
if (partDirective is PartWithFile) {
if (partDirective.includedFile == partKind.file) {
return true;
return false;
void internal_setLibraryCycle(LibraryCycle? cycle) {
_libraryCycle = cycle;
// Keep the merged augmentation file, as we do for normal files.
disposeMacroAugmentations(disposeFiles: false);
void invalidateLibraryCycle() {
_libraryCycle = null;
void removeLastMacroAugmentation() {
_macroImports = _macroImports.withoutLast.toFixedList();
_augmentationImports = augmentationImports.withoutLast.toFixedList();
String toString() {
return 'LibraryFileKind($file)';
void _disposeMacroFile(FileState macroFile) {
/// Information about a single `import` directive.
final class LibraryImportState<U extends DirectiveUri> extends DirectiveState {
final UnlinkedLibraryImportDirective unlinked;
final U selectedUri;
final NamespaceDirectiveUris uris;
required this.unlinked,
required this.selectedUri,
required this.uris,
/// If [importedSource] corresponds to a library, returns it.
Source? get importedLibrarySource => null;
/// Returns a [Source] that is referenced by this directive. If there are
/// configurations, selects the one which satisfies the conditions.
/// Returns `null` if the selected URI is not valid, or cannot be resolved
/// into a [Source].
Source? get importedSource => null;
bool get isSyntheticDartCore => unlinked.isSyntheticDartCore;
/// [LibraryImportWithUri] that has a valid URI that references a file.
final class LibraryImportWithFile
extends LibraryImportWithUri<DirectiveUriWithFile> {
final LibraryOrAugmentationFileKind container;
required this.container,
required super.unlinked,
required super.selectedUri,
required super.uris,
}) {
FileState get importedFile => selectedUri.file;
/// Returns [importedFile] if it is a library.
LibraryFileKind? get importedLibrary {
var kind = importedFile.kind;
if (kind is LibraryFileKind) {
return kind;
return null;
Source? get importedLibrarySource {
if (importedFile.kind is LibraryFileKind) {
return importedSource;
return null;
Source get importedSource => importedFile.source;
void dispose() {
/// [LibraryImportWithUri] with a URI that resolves to [InSummarySource].
final class LibraryImportWithInSummarySource
extends LibraryImportWithUri<DirectiveUriWithInSummarySource> {
required super.unlinked,
required super.selectedUri,
required super.uris,
Source? get importedLibrarySource {
if (importedSource.kind == InSummarySourceKind.library) {
return importedSource;
} else {
return null;
InSummarySource get importedSource => selectedUri.source;
/// [LibraryImportState] that has a valid URI.
final class LibraryImportWithUri<U extends DirectiveUriWithUri>
extends LibraryImportWithUriStr<U> {
required super.unlinked,
required super.selectedUri,
required super.uris,
/// [LibraryImportState] that has a relative URI string.
final class LibraryImportWithUriStr<U extends DirectiveUriWithString>
extends LibraryImportState<U> {
required super.unlinked,
required super.selectedUri,
required super.uris,
abstract class LibraryOrAugmentationFileKind extends FileKind {
List<AugmentationImportState>? _augmentationImports;
List<LibraryExportState>? _libraryExports;
List<LibraryImportState>? _libraryImports;
List<LibraryImportState>? _docImports;
required super.file,
List<AugmentationImportState> get augmentationImports {
return _augmentationImports ??=<AugmentationImportState>((unlinked) {
var uri = file._buildDirectiveUri(unlinked.uri);
switch (uri) {
case DirectiveUriWithFile():
return AugmentationImportWithFile(
container: this,
unlinked: unlinked,
uri: uri,
case DirectiveUriWithUri():
return AugmentationImportWithUri(
unlinked: unlinked,
uri: uri,
case DirectiveUriWithString():
return AugmentationImportWithUriStr(
unlinked: unlinked,
uri: uri,
case DirectiveUriWithoutString():
return AugmentationImportState(
unlinked: unlinked,
uri: uri,
/// The import states of each `@docImport` on the library directive.
List<LibraryImportState> get docImports {
if (_docImports case var existing?) {
return existing;
var docImports = file.unlinked2.libraryDirective?.docImports
return _docImports = docImports ?? [];
List<LibraryExportState> get libraryExports {
return _libraryExports ??=<LibraryExportState>((unlinked) {
var uris = file._buildNamespaceDirectiveUris(unlinked);
var selectedUri = uris.selected;
switch (selectedUri) {
case DirectiveUriWithFile():
return LibraryExportWithFile(
container: this,
unlinked: unlinked,
selectedUri: selectedUri,
uris: uris,
case DirectiveUriWithInSummarySource():
return LibraryExportWithInSummarySource(
unlinked: unlinked,
selectedUri: selectedUri,
uris: uris,
case DirectiveUriWithUri():
return LibraryExportWithUri(
unlinked: unlinked,
selectedUri: selectedUri,
uris: uris,
case DirectiveUriWithString():
return LibraryExportWithUriStr(
unlinked: unlinked,
selectedUri: selectedUri,
uris: uris,
case DirectiveUriWithoutString():
return LibraryExportState(
unlinked: unlinked,
selectedUri: selectedUri,
uris: uris,
List<LibraryImportState> get libraryImports {
return _libraryImports ??=;
/// Collect files that are transitively referenced by this library.
void collectTransitive(Set<FileState> files) {
if (files.add(file)) {
for (var augmentation in augmentationImports) {
if (augmentation is AugmentationImportWithFile) {
for (var export in libraryExports) {
if (export is LibraryExportWithFile) {
for (var import in libraryImports) {
if (import is LibraryImportWithFile) {
/// Directives are usually pulled lazily (so that we can parse a file
/// without pulling all its transitive references), but when we output
/// textual dumps we want to check that we reference only objects that
/// are available. So, we need to discover all referenced files before
/// we register available objects.
void discoverReferencedFiles() {
for (var import in augmentationImports) {
if (import is AugmentationImportWithFile) {
void dispose() {
bool hasAugmentation(AugmentationFileKind augmentation) {
for (var import in augmentationImports) {
if (import is AugmentationImportWithFile) {
if (import.importedFile == augmentation.file) {
return true;
return false;
/// Returns `true` if [file] is imported as a library, or an augmentation.
bool importsFile(FileState file) {
return augmentationImports
.any((import) => import.importedFile == file) ||
.any((import) => import.importedFile == file);
/// Invalidates the containing [LibraryFileKind] cycle.
void invalidateLibraryCycle() {}
/// Creates a [LibraryImportState] with the given unlinked [directive].
LibraryImportState _buildLibraryImportState(
UnlinkedLibraryImportDirective directive) {
var uris = file._buildNamespaceDirectiveUris(directive);
var selectedUri = uris.selected;
switch (selectedUri) {
case DirectiveUriWithFile():
return LibraryImportWithFile(
container: this,
unlinked: directive,
selectedUri: selectedUri,
uris: uris,
case DirectiveUriWithInSummarySource():
return LibraryImportWithInSummarySource(
unlinked: directive,
selectedUri: selectedUri,
uris: uris,
case DirectiveUriWithUri():
return LibraryImportWithUri(
unlinked: directive,
selectedUri: selectedUri,
uris: uris,
case DirectiveUriWithString():
return LibraryImportWithUriStr(
unlinked: directive,
selectedUri: selectedUri,
uris: uris,
case DirectiveUriWithoutString():
return LibraryImportState(
unlinked: directive,
selectedUri: selectedUri,
uris: uris,
class NamespaceDirectiveUris {
final DirectiveUri primary;
final List<DirectiveUri> configurations;
final DirectiveUri selected;
required this.primary,
required this.configurations,
required this.selected,
/// The file has `part of` directive.
abstract class PartFileKind extends FileKind {
required super.file,
}) {
void dispose() {
/// Returns `true` if the `part of` directive confirms the [library].
bool isPartOf(LibraryFileKind library);
/// This method is invoked when the part file is updated.
/// The file either becomes a part, or might stop being a part.
void _invalidateLibraries() {
for (var reference in file.referencingFiles) {
var referenceKind = reference.kind;
if (referenceKind is LibraryFileKind) {
/// The file has `part of name` directive.
class PartOfNameFileKind extends PartFileKind {
final UnlinkedPartOfNameDirective unlinked;
required super.file,
required this.unlinked,
/// Libraries with the same name as in [unlinked].
List<LibraryFileKind> get libraries {
var files = file._fsState._libraryNameToFiles;
return files[] ?? [];
/// If there are libraries that include this file as a part, return the
/// first one as if sorted by path.
LibraryFileKind? get library {
LibraryFileKind? result;
for (var library in libraries) {
if (library.hasPart(this)) {
if (result == null) {
result = library;
} else if (library.file.path.compareTo(result.file.path) < 0) {
result = library;
return result;
void discoverLibraries() {
if (libraries.isEmpty) {
var resourceProvider = file._fsState.resourceProvider;
var pathContext = resourceProvider.pathContext;
var siblings = <Resource>[];
try {
siblings = file.resource.parent.getChildren();
} catch (_) {}
for (var sibling in siblings) {
if (file_paths.isDart(pathContext, sibling.path)) {
bool isPartOf(LibraryFileKind library) {
return ==;
/// The file has `part of URI` directive.
abstract class PartOfUriFileKind extends PartFileKind {
final UnlinkedPartOfUriDirective unlinked;
required super.file,
required this.unlinked,
/// The file has `part of URI` directive, and the URI can be resolved.
class PartOfUriKnownFileKind extends PartOfUriFileKind {
final FileState uriFile;
required super.file,
required super.unlinked,
required this.uriFile,
LibraryFileKind? get library {
var uriKind = uriFile.kind;
if (uriKind is LibraryFileKind) {
if (uriKind.hasPart(this)) {
return uriKind;
return null;
bool isPartOf(LibraryFileKind library) {
return uriFile == library.file;
/// The file has `part of URI` directive, and the URI cannot be resolved.
class PartOfUriUnknownFileKind extends PartOfUriFileKind {
required super.file,
required super.unlinked,
LibraryFileKind? get library => null;
bool isPartOf(LibraryFileKind library) => false;
/// Information about a single `part` directive.
final class PartState<U extends DirectiveUri> extends DirectiveState {
final LibraryFileKind library;
final UnlinkedPartDirective unlinked;
final U uri;
required this.library,
required this.unlinked,
required this.uri,
/// Returns a [Source] that is referenced by this directive.
/// Returns `null` if the URI cannot be resolved into a [Source].
Source? get includedSource => null;
/// [PartWithUri] that has a valid URI that references a file.
final class PartWithFile extends PartWithUri<DirectiveUriWithFile> {
required super.library,
required super.unlinked,
required super.uri,
}) {
FileState get includedFile => uri.file;
/// If [includedFile] is a [PartFileKind], and it confirms that it
/// is a part of the [library], returns the [includedFile].
PartFileKind? get includedPart {
var kind = includedFile.kind;
if (kind is PartFileKind && kind.isPartOf(library)) {
return kind;
return null;
Source? get includedSource => includedFile.source;
void dispose() {
/// [PartState] that has a valid URI.
final class PartWithUri<U extends DirectiveUriWithUri>
extends PartWithUriStr<U> {
required super.library,
required super.unlinked,
required super.uri,
/// [PartState] that has a relative URI string.
final class PartWithUriStr<U extends DirectiveUriWithString>
extends PartState<U> {
required super.library,
required super.unlinked,
required super.uri,
class StoredFileContent implements FileContent {
final String content;
final String contentHash;
final bool exists;
required this.content,
required this.contentHash,
required this.exists,
class StoredFileContentStrategy implements FileContentStrategy {
final FileContentCache _fileContentCache;
FileContent get(String path) {
var fileContent = _fileContentCache.get(path);
return StoredFileContent(
content: fileContent.content,
contentHash: fileContent.contentHash,
exists: fileContent.exists,
/// The file with the given [path] might have changed, so ensure that it is
/// read the next time it is refreshed.
void markFileForReading(String path) {
sealed class UriResolution {}
final class UriResolutionExternalLibrary extends UriResolution {
final InSummarySource source;
final class UriResolutionFile extends UriResolution {
final FileState file;
class _LibraryNameToFiles {
final Map<String, List<LibraryFileKind>> _map = {};
List<LibraryFileKind>? operator [](String name) {
return _map[name];
/// If [kind] is a named library, register it.
void add(LibraryFileKind kind) {
var name =;
if (name != null) {
var libraries = _map[name] ??= [];
void clear() {
/// If [kind] is a named library, unregister it.
void remove(LibraryFileKind kind) {
var name =;
if (name != null) {
var libraries = _map[name];
if (libraries != null) {
if (libraries.isEmpty) {
extension on List<DirectiveState> {
void disposeAll() {
for (var directive in this) {
extension IterableOrFileStateExtension on Iterable<FileState> {
List<File> get resources {
return map((file) => file.resource).toList();