blob: f5ce2935241a01e2cfe1676884570d4addc0ff0c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2016, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library kernel.type_propagation.selfcheck;
import 'dart:io';
import 'package:kernel/core_types.dart';
import 'package:kernel/kernel.dart';
import 'package:kernel/type_propagation/type_propagation.dart';
const String usage = '''
Usage: selfcheck input.dill output.dill
Runs type propagation on the given program and inserts dynamic checks
to verify that all the propagated types are correct.
main(List<String> args) {
if (args.length != 2) {
var program = loadProgramFromBinary(args[0]);
var typePropagation = new TypePropagation(program);
new SelfCheckTransformer(typePropagation).transform(program);
writeProgramToBinary(program, args[1]);
class SelfCheckTransformer {
final TypePropagation typePropagation;
Member currentMember;
CoreTypes get coreTypes => typePropagation.builder.coreTypes;
void transform(Program program) {
for (var library in program.libraries) {
for (var class_ in library.classes) {
void transformProcedure(Procedure node) {
currentMember = node;
transformFunction(node.function, checkReturn: true);
void transformConstructor(Constructor node) {
currentMember = node;
transformFunction(node.function, checkReturn: false);
void transformField(Field node) {
// TODO(asgerf): To check this, we could wrap with a getter/setter pair
// and instrument constructor initializers. But for now we don't do
// anything for fields.
void transformFunction(FunctionNode node, {bool checkReturn}) {
if (node.body == null) return; // Nothing to check if there is no body.
List<Statement> newStatements = <Statement>[];
for (VariableDeclaration parameter in node.positionalParameters) {
InferredValue value = typePropagation.getParameterValue(parameter);
newStatements.add(makeCheck(parameter, value));
for (VariableDeclaration parameter in node.namedParameters) {
InferredValue value = typePropagation.getParameterValue(parameter);
newStatements.add(makeCheck(parameter, value));
node.body = new Block(newStatements)..parent = node;
// TODO(asgerf): Also check return value.
/// Make a statement that throws if the value in [variable] is not in the
/// value set implied by [expected].
Statement makeCheck(VariableDeclaration variable, InferredValue expected) {
Expression condition = new LogicalExpression(
makeBaseClassCheck(variable, expected),
makeBitmaskCheck(variable, expected));
return new IfStatement(
new Not(condition),
new ExpressionStatement(new Throw(new StringConcatenation([
new StringLiteral(
'Unexpected value in $currentMember::${}: '),
new VariableGet(variable)
/// Makes an expression that returns `false` if the base class relation or
/// nullability is not satisfied by the value in [variable],
Expression makeBaseClassCheck(
VariableDeclaration variable, InferredValue expected) {
Expression condition;
switch (expected.baseClassKind) {
case BaseClassKind.None:
condition = new BoolLiteral(false);
case BaseClassKind.Exact:
if (expected.baseClass.typeParameters.isNotEmpty) {
// TODO(asgerf): For this we need a way to get the raw concrete type
// of an object. For now, just emit the less accurate subtype
// check.
condition = new IsExpression(
new VariableGet(variable), expected.baseClass.rawType);
} else {
// Check `value.runtimeType == C`.
var runtimeType = new PropertyGet(
new VariableGet(variable), new Name('runtimeType'));
condition = new MethodInvocation(runtimeType, new Name('=='),
new Arguments([new TypeLiteral(expected.baseClass.rawType)]));
case BaseClassKind.Subclass:
case BaseClassKind.Subtype:
// TODO(asgerf): For subclass checks, we should check more precisely
// that is it a subclass, but for now just emit a subtype check.
condition = new IsExpression(
new VariableGet(variable), expected.baseClass.rawType);
// Always allow 'null'. The base class relation should always permit 'null'
// as a possible value, but the checks generated above disallow it.
var nullCheck = makeIsNull(new VariableGet(variable));
return new LogicalExpression(nullCheck, '||', condition);
Expression makeIsNull(Expression value) {
return new MethodInvocation(
value, new Name('=='), new Arguments([new NullLiteral()]));
/// Makes an expression that returns `false` if the value bits other than
/// [ValueBit.null_] are not satisfied by the value in [variable],
Expression makeBitmaskCheck(
VariableDeclaration variable, InferredValue expected) {
if (expected.valueBits == 0) return new BoolLiteral(false);
// List of conditions that all must hold. For each zero bit we know that
// type of value is not allowed to occur.
List<Expression> allChecks = <Expression>[];
// List of condition of which one must hold. This is used for checking the
// [ValueBit.other] bit. For each one bit, we know that type of value
// is allowed to occur. We use this because it is hard to check directly
// that a value is of the 'other' type.
bool disallowOtherValues = expected.valueBits & ValueBit.other == 0;
List<Expression> anyChecks = disallowOtherValues
? <Expression>[]
: null;
void checkType(int bit, DartType type) {
if (expected.valueBits & bit == 0) {
.add(new Not(new IsExpression(new VariableGet(variable), type)));
} else if (disallowOtherValues) {
anyChecks.add(new IsExpression(new VariableGet(variable), type));
checkType(ValueBit.integer, coreTypes.intClass.rawType);
checkType(ValueBit.double_, coreTypes.doubleClass.rawType);
checkType(ValueBit.string, coreTypes.stringClass.rawType);
checkType(ValueBit.null_, coreTypes.nullClass.rawType);
if (disallowOtherValues) {
Expression any =
anyChecks.reduce((e1, e2) => new LogicalExpression(e1, '||', e2));
return allChecks.isEmpty
? new BoolLiteral(true)
: allChecks.reduce((e1, e2) => new LogicalExpression(e1, '&&', e2));