blob: 1b228b80d8c6c37596bff46c4b338f72f2159778 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2016, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library kernel.ast_from_binary;
import '../ast.dart';
import 'tag.dart';
import 'loader.dart';
import 'dart:convert';
import 'package:kernel/transformations/flags.dart';
class ParseError {
String filename;
int byteIndex;
String message;
String path;
ParseError(this.message, {this.filename, this.byteIndex, this.path});
String toString() => '$filename:$byteIndex: $message at $path';
class BinaryBuilder {
final BinaryReferenceLoader loader;
final List<Library> importTable = <Library>[];
final List<VariableDeclaration> variableStack = <VariableDeclaration>[];
final List<LabeledStatement> labelStack = <LabeledStatement>[];
int labelStackBase = 0;
final List<SwitchCase> switchCaseStack = <SwitchCase>[];
final List<TypeParameter> typeParameterStack = <TypeParameter>[];
final String filename;
final List<int> _bytes;
int _byteIndex = 0;
Library _currentLibrary;
List<String> _stringTable;
List<String> _sourceUriTable;
int _transformerFlags = 0;
// If something goes wrong, this list should indicate what library,
// class, and member was being built.
List<String> debugPath = <String>[];
BinaryBuilder(this.loader, this._bytes, [this.filename]);
fail(String message) {
throw new ParseError(message,
byteIndex: _byteIndex, filename: filename, path: debugPath.join('::'));
int readByte() => _bytes[_byteIndex++];
int readUInt() {
var byte = readByte();
if (byte & 0x80 == 0) {
// 0xxxxxxx
return byte;
} else if (byte & 0x40 == 0) {
// 10xxxxxx
return ((byte & 0x3F) << 8) | readByte();
} else {
// 11xxxxxx
return ((byte & 0x3F) << 24) |
(readByte() << 16) |
(readByte() << 8) |
int readMagicWord() {
return (readByte() << 24) |
(readByte() << 16) |
(readByte() << 8) |
String readStringEntry() {
int numBytes = readUInt();
// Utf8Decoder will skip leading BOM characters, but we must preserve them.
// Collect leading BOMs before passing the bytes onto Utf8Decoder.
int numByteOrderMarks = 0;
while (_byteIndex + 2 < _bytes.length &&
_bytes[_byteIndex] == 0xef &&
_bytes[_byteIndex + 1] == 0xbb &&
_bytes[_byteIndex + 2] == 0xbf) {
_byteIndex += 3;
numBytes -= 3;
String string =
const Utf8Decoder().convert(_bytes, _byteIndex, _byteIndex + numBytes);
_byteIndex += numBytes;
if (numByteOrderMarks > 0) {
return '\ufeff' * numByteOrderMarks + string;
return string;
void readStringTable() {
int length = readUInt();
_stringTable = new List<String>(length);
for (int i = 0; i < length; ++i) {
_stringTable[i] = readStringEntry();
String readUriReference() {
return _sourceUriTable[readUInt()];
void readSourceUriTable() {
int length = readUInt();
_sourceUriTable = new List<String>(length);
for (int i = 0; i < length; ++i) {
_sourceUriTable[i] = readStringEntry();
String readStringReference() {
return _stringTable[readUInt()];
String readStringOrNullIfEmpty() {
var string = readStringReference();
return string.isEmpty ? null : string;
InferredValue readOptionalInferredValue() {
if (readAndCheckOptionTag()) {
Class baseClass = readClassReference(allowNull: true);
BaseClassKind baseClassKind = BaseClassKind.values[readByte()];
int valueBits = readByte();
return new InferredValue(baseClass, baseClassKind, valueBits);
return null;
bool readAndCheckOptionTag() {
int tag = readByte();
if (tag == Tag.Nothing) {
return false;
} else if (tag == Tag.Something) {
return true;
} else {
throw fail('Invalid Option tag: $tag');
List<Expression> readAnnotationList(TreeNode parent) {
int length = readUInt();
if (length == 0) return const <Expression>[];
List<Expression> list = new List<Expression>(length);
for (int i = 0; i < length; ++i) {
list[i] = readExpression()..parent = parent;
return list;
void _fillTreeNodeList(
List<TreeNode> list, TreeNode buildObject(), TreeNode parent) {
list.length = readUInt();
for (int i = 0; i < list.length; ++i) {
list[i] = buildObject()..parent = parent;
void _fillNonTreeNodeList(List<Node> list, Node buildObject()) {
list.length = readUInt();
for (int i = 0; i < list.length; ++i) {
list[i] = buildObject();
Program readProgramFile() {
int magic = readMagicWord();
if (magic != Tag.ProgramFile) {
throw fail('This is not a binary dart file. '
'Magic number was: ${magic.toRadixString(16)}');
Map<String, List<int>> uriToLineStarts = readUriToLineStarts();
importTable.length = readUInt();
for (int i = 0; i < importTable.length; ++i) {
importTable[i] = new Library(null);
for (int i = 0; i < importTable.length; ++i) {
_currentLibrary = importTable[i];
var mainMethod = readMemberReference(allowNull: true);
return new Program(importTable, uriToLineStarts)..mainMethod = mainMethod;
Map<String, List<int>> readUriToLineStarts() {
int length = _sourceUriTable.length;
Map<String, List<int>> uriToLineStarts = {};
for (int i = 0; i < length; ++i) {
String uri = _sourceUriTable[i];
int lineCount = readUInt();
List<int> lineStarts = new List<int>(lineCount);
int previousLineStart = 0;
for (int j = 0; j < lineCount; ++j) {
int lineStart = readUInt() + previousLineStart;
lineStarts[j] = lineStart;
previousLineStart = lineStart;
uriToLineStarts[uri] = lineStarts;
return uriToLineStarts;
void _fillLazilyLoadedList(
List<TreeNode> list, void buildObject(int tag, int index)) {
int length = readUInt();
list.length = length;
for (int i = 0; i < length; ++i) {
int tag = readByte();
buildObject(tag, i);
Library readLibraryReference() {
int index = readUInt();
return importTable[index];
Class readClassReference({bool allowNull: false}) {
int tag = readByte();
if (tag == Tag.NullReference) {
if (!allowNull) {
throw 'Expected a class reference to be valid but was `null`.';
return null;
} else {
var library = readLibraryReference();
int index = readUInt();
return loader.getClassReference(library, tag, index);
Member readMemberReference({bool allowNull: false}) {
int tag = readByte();
switch (tag) {
case Tag.LibraryFieldReference:
case Tag.LibraryProcedureReference:
var library = readLibraryReference();
var index = readUInt();
return loader.getLibraryMemberReference(library, tag, index);
case Tag.ClassFieldReference:
case Tag.ClassConstructorReference:
case Tag.ClassProcedureReference:
var classNode = readClassReference();
var index = readUInt();
return loader.getClassMemberReference(classNode, tag, index);
case Tag.NullReference:
if (!allowNull) {
throw 'Expected a member reference to be valid but was `null`.';
return null;
throw fail('Invalid member reference tag: $tag');
Name readName() {
String text = readStringReference();
if (text.isNotEmpty && text[0] == '_') {
return new Name(text, readLibraryReference());
} else {
return new Name(text);
Uri readImportUri() {
return Uri.parse(readStringReference());
void readLibrary() {
int flags = readByte();
_currentLibrary.isExternal = (flags & 0x1) != 0; = readStringOrNullIfEmpty();
_currentLibrary.importUri = readImportUri();
debugPath.add( ??
_currentLibrary.importUri?.toString() ??
// TODO(jensj): We currently save (almost the same) uri twice.
_currentLibrary.fileUri = readUriReference();
_fillLazilyLoadedList(_currentLibrary.classes, (int tag, int index) {
readClass(loader.getClassReference(_currentLibrary, tag, index), tag);
_fillLazilyLoadedList(_currentLibrary.fields, (int tag, int index) {
loader.getLibraryMemberReference(_currentLibrary, tag, index), tag);
_fillLazilyLoadedList(_currentLibrary.procedures, (int tag, int index) {
loader.getLibraryMemberReference(_currentLibrary, tag, index), tag);
void readClass(Class node, int tag) {
assert(node != null);
switch (tag) {
case Tag.NormalClass:
case Tag.MixinClass:
throw fail('Invalid class tag: $tag');
void readNormalClass(Class node) {
int flags = readByte();
node.isAbstract = flags & 0x1 != 0;
node.level = _currentLibrary.isExternal
? (flags & 0x2 != 0) ? ClassLevel.Type : ClassLevel.Hierarchy
: ClassLevel.Body; = readStringOrNullIfEmpty();
node.fileUri = readUriReference();
node.annotations = readAnnotationList(node);
debugPath.add( ?? 'normal-class');
readAndPushTypeParameterList(node.typeParameters, node);
node.supertype = readSupertypeOption();
_fillNonTreeNodeList(node.implementedTypes, readSupertype);
_fillLazilyLoadedList(node.fields, (int tag, int index) {
readField(loader.getClassMemberReference(node, tag, index), tag);
_fillLazilyLoadedList(node.constructors, (int tag, int index) {
readConstructor(loader.getClassMemberReference(node, tag, index), tag);
_fillLazilyLoadedList(node.procedures, (int tag, int index) {
readProcedure(loader.getClassMemberReference(node, tag, index), tag);
typeParameterStack.length = 0;
void readMixinClass(Class node) {
int flags = readByte();
node.isAbstract = flags & 0x1 != 0;
node.level = _currentLibrary.isExternal
? (flags & 0x2 != 0) ? ClassLevel.Type : ClassLevel.Hierarchy
: ClassLevel.Body; = readStringOrNullIfEmpty();
node.fileUri = readUriReference();
node.annotations = readAnnotationList(node);
debugPath.add( ?? 'mixin-class');
readAndPushTypeParameterList(node.typeParameters, node);
node.supertype = readSupertype();
node.mixedInType = readSupertype();
_fillNonTreeNodeList(node.implementedTypes, readDartType);
_fillLazilyLoadedList(node.constructors, (int tag, int index) {
readConstructor(loader.getClassMemberReference(node, tag, index), tag);
typeParameterStack.length = 0;
int getAndResetTransformerFlags() {
int flags = _transformerFlags;
_transformerFlags = 0;
return flags;
/// Adds the given flag to the current [Member.transformerFlags].
void addTransformerFlag(int flags) {
_transformerFlags |= flags;
void readField(Field node, int tag) {
// Note: as with readProcedure and readConstructor, the tag parameter
// is unused, but we pass it in to clarify that the tag has already been
// consumed from the input.
assert(tag == Tag.Field);
node.fileOffset = readOffset();
node.flags = readByte(); = readName();
node.fileUri = readUriReference();
node.annotations = readAnnotationList(node);
debugPath.add( ?? 'field');
node.type = readDartType();
node.inferredValue = readOptionalInferredValue();
node.initializer = readExpressionOption();
node.initializer?.parent = node;
node.transformerFlags = getAndResetTransformerFlags();
void readConstructor(Constructor node, int tag) {
assert(tag == Tag.Constructor);
node.flags = readByte(); = readName();
node.annotations = readAnnotationList(node);
debugPath.add( ?? 'constructor');
node.function = readFunctionNode()..parent = node;
_fillTreeNodeList(node.initializers, readInitializer, node);
variableStack.length = 0;
node.transformerFlags = getAndResetTransformerFlags();
void readProcedure(Procedure node, int tag) {
assert(tag == Tag.Procedure);
int kindIndex = readByte();
node.kind = ProcedureKind.values[kindIndex];
node.flags = readByte(); = readName();
node.fileUri = readUriReference();
node.annotations = readAnnotationList(node);
debugPath.add( ?? 'procedure');
node.function = readFunctionNodeOption();
node.function?.parent = node;
node.transformerFlags = getAndResetTransformerFlags();
Initializer readInitializer() {
int tag = readByte();
switch (tag) {
case Tag.InvalidInitializer:
return new InvalidInitializer();
case Tag.FieldInitializer:
return new FieldInitializer(readMemberReference(), readExpression());
case Tag.SuperInitializer:
return new SuperInitializer(readMemberReference(), readArguments());
case Tag.RedirectingInitializer:
return new RedirectingInitializer(
readMemberReference(), readArguments());
case Tag.LocalInitializer:
return new LocalInitializer(readAndPushVariableDeclaration());
throw fail('Invalid initializer tag: $tag');
FunctionNode readFunctionNodeOption() {
return readAndCheckOptionTag() ? readFunctionNode() : null;
FunctionNode readFunctionNode() {
AsyncMarker asyncMarker = AsyncMarker.values[readByte()];
int typeParameterStackHeight = typeParameterStack.length;
var typeParameters = readAndPushTypeParameterList();
var requiredParameterCount = readUInt();
int variableStackHeight = variableStack.length;
var positional = readAndPushVariableDeclarationList();
var named = readAndPushVariableDeclarationList();
var returnType = readDartType();
var inferredReturnValue = readOptionalInferredValue();
int oldLabelStackBase = labelStackBase;
labelStackBase = labelStack.length;
var body = readStatementOption();
labelStackBase = oldLabelStackBase;
variableStack.length = variableStackHeight;
typeParameterStack.length = typeParameterStackHeight;
return new FunctionNode(body,
typeParameters: typeParameters,
requiredParameterCount: requiredParameterCount,
positionalParameters: positional,
namedParameters: named,
returnType: returnType,
inferredReturnValue: inferredReturnValue,
asyncMarker: asyncMarker);
void pushVariableDeclaration(VariableDeclaration variable) {
void pushVariableDeclarations(List<VariableDeclaration> variables) {
VariableDeclaration readVariableReference() {
int index = readUInt();
if (index >= variableStack.length) {
throw fail('Invalid variable index: $index');
return variableStack[index];
String logicalOperatorToString(int index) {
switch (index) {
case 0:
return '&&';
case 1:
return '||';
throw fail('Invalid logical operator index: $index');
List<Expression> readExpressionList() {
return new List<Expression>.generate(readUInt(), (i) => readExpression());
Expression readExpressionOption() {
return readAndCheckOptionTag() ? readExpression() : null;
Expression readExpression() {
int tagByte = readByte();
int tag = tagByte & Tag.SpecializedTagHighBit == 0
? tagByte
: (tagByte & Tag.SpecializedTagMask);
switch (tag) {
case Tag.InvalidExpression:
return new InvalidExpression();
case Tag.VariableGet:
return new VariableGet(readVariableReference(), readDartTypeOption());
case Tag.SpecializedVariableGet:
int index = tagByte & Tag.SpecializedPayloadMask;
return new VariableGet(variableStack[index]);
case Tag.VariableSet:
return new VariableSet(readVariableReference(), readExpression());
case Tag.SpecializedVariableSet:
int index = tagByte & Tag.SpecializedPayloadMask;
return new VariableSet(variableStack[index], readExpression());
case Tag.PropertyGet:
int offset = readOffset();
return new PropertyGet(
readExpression(), readName(), readMemberReference(allowNull: true))
..fileOffset = offset;
case Tag.PropertySet:
int offset = readOffset();
return new PropertySet(readExpression(), readName(), readExpression(),
readMemberReference(allowNull: true))..fileOffset = offset;
case Tag.SuperPropertyGet:
return new SuperPropertyGet(
readName(), readMemberReference(allowNull: true));
case Tag.SuperPropertySet:
return new SuperPropertySet(
readName(), readExpression(), readMemberReference(allowNull: true));
case Tag.DirectPropertyGet:
return new DirectPropertyGet(readExpression(), readMemberReference());
case Tag.DirectPropertySet:
return new DirectPropertySet(
readExpression(), readMemberReference(), readExpression());
case Tag.StaticGet:
int offset = readOffset();
return new StaticGet(readMemberReference())
..fileOffset = offset;
case Tag.StaticSet:
return new StaticSet(readMemberReference(), readExpression());
case Tag.MethodInvocation:
int offset = readOffset();
return new MethodInvocation(
readMemberReference(allowNull: true))..fileOffset = offset;
case Tag.SuperMethodInvocation:
int offset = readOffset();
return new SuperMethodInvocation(
readName(), readArguments(), readMemberReference(allowNull: true))
..fileOffset = offset;
case Tag.DirectMethodInvocation:
return new DirectMethodInvocation(
readExpression(), readMemberReference(), readArguments());
case Tag.StaticInvocation:
int offset = readOffset();
return new StaticInvocation(readMemberReference(), readArguments(),
isConst: false)..fileOffset = offset;
case Tag.ConstStaticInvocation:
int offset = readOffset();
return new StaticInvocation(readMemberReference(), readArguments(),
isConst: true)..fileOffset = offset;
case Tag.ConstructorInvocation:
int offset = readOffset();
return new ConstructorInvocation(readMemberReference(), readArguments(),
isConst: false)..fileOffset = offset;
case Tag.ConstConstructorInvocation:
int offset = readOffset();
return new ConstructorInvocation(readMemberReference(), readArguments(),
isConst: true)..fileOffset = offset;
case Tag.Not:
return new Not(readExpression());
case Tag.LogicalExpression:
return new LogicalExpression(readExpression(),
logicalOperatorToString(readByte()), readExpression());
case Tag.ConditionalExpression:
return new ConditionalExpression(readExpression(), readExpression(),
readExpression(), readDartTypeOption());
case Tag.StringConcatenation:
return new StringConcatenation(readExpressionList());
case Tag.IsExpression:
return new IsExpression(readExpression(), readDartType());
case Tag.AsExpression:
return new AsExpression(readExpression(), readDartType());
case Tag.StringLiteral:
return new StringLiteral(readStringReference());
case Tag.SpecializedIntLiteral:
int biasedValue = tagByte & Tag.SpecializedPayloadMask;
return new IntLiteral(biasedValue - Tag.SpecializedIntLiteralBias);
case Tag.PositiveIntLiteral:
return new IntLiteral(readUInt());
case Tag.NegativeIntLiteral:
return new IntLiteral(-readUInt());
case Tag.BigIntLiteral:
return new IntLiteral(int.parse(readStringReference()));
case Tag.DoubleLiteral:
return new DoubleLiteral(double.parse(readStringReference()));
case Tag.TrueLiteral:
return new BoolLiteral(true);
case Tag.FalseLiteral:
return new BoolLiteral(false);
case Tag.NullLiteral:
return new NullLiteral();
case Tag.SymbolLiteral:
return new SymbolLiteral(readStringReference());
case Tag.TypeLiteral:
return new TypeLiteral(readDartType());
case Tag.ThisExpression:
return new ThisExpression();
case Tag.Rethrow:
return new Rethrow();
case Tag.Throw:
int offset = readOffset();
return new Throw(readExpression())..fileOffset = offset;
case Tag.ListLiteral:
var typeArgument = readDartType();
return new ListLiteral(readExpressionList(),
typeArgument: typeArgument, isConst: false);
case Tag.ConstListLiteral:
var typeArgument = readDartType();
return new ListLiteral(readExpressionList(),
typeArgument: typeArgument, isConst: true);
case Tag.MapLiteral:
var keyType = readDartType();
var valueType = readDartType();
return new MapLiteral(readMapEntryList(),
keyType: keyType, valueType: valueType, isConst: false);
case Tag.ConstMapLiteral:
var keyType = readDartType();
var valueType = readDartType();
return new MapLiteral(readMapEntryList(),
keyType: keyType, valueType: valueType, isConst: true);
case Tag.AwaitExpression:
return new AwaitExpression(readExpression());
case Tag.FunctionExpression:
return new FunctionExpression(readFunctionNode());
case Tag.Let:
var variable = readVariableDeclaration();
int stackHeight = variableStack.length;
var body = readExpression();
variableStack.length = stackHeight;
return new Let(variable, body);
throw fail('Invalid expression tag: $tag');
List<MapEntry> readMapEntryList() {
return new List<MapEntry>.generate(readUInt(), (i) => readMapEntry());
MapEntry readMapEntry() {
return new MapEntry(readExpression(), readExpression());
List<Statement> readStatementList() {
return new List<Statement>.generate(readUInt(), (i) => readStatement());
Statement readStatementOrNullIfEmpty() {
var node = readStatement();
if (node is EmptyStatement) {
return null;
} else {
return node;
Statement readStatementOption() {
return readAndCheckOptionTag() ? readStatement() : null;
Statement readStatement() {
int tag = readByte();
switch (tag) {
case Tag.InvalidStatement:
return new InvalidStatement();
case Tag.ExpressionStatement:
return new ExpressionStatement(readExpression());
case Tag.Block:
return readBlock();
case Tag.EmptyStatement:
return new EmptyStatement();
case Tag.AssertStatement:
return new AssertStatement(readExpression(), readExpressionOption());
case Tag.LabeledStatement:
var label = new LabeledStatement(null);
label.body = readStatement()..parent = label;
return label;
case Tag.BreakStatement:
int index = readUInt();
return new BreakStatement(labelStack[labelStackBase + index]);
case Tag.WhileStatement:
return new WhileStatement(readExpression(), readStatement());
case Tag.DoStatement:
return new DoStatement(readStatement(), readExpression());
case Tag.ForStatement:
int variableStackHeight = variableStack.length;
var variables = readAndPushVariableDeclarationList();
var condition = readExpressionOption();
var updates = readExpressionList();
var body = readStatement();
variableStack.length = variableStackHeight;
return new ForStatement(variables, condition, updates, body);
case Tag.ForInStatement:
case Tag.AsyncForInStatement:
bool isAsync = tag == Tag.AsyncForInStatement;
int variableStackHeight = variableStack.length;
var variable = readAndPushVariableDeclaration();
var iterable = readExpression();
var body = readStatement();
variableStack.length = variableStackHeight;
return new ForInStatement(variable, iterable, body, isAsync: isAsync);
case Tag.SwitchStatement:
var expression = readExpression();
int count = readUInt();
List<SwitchCase> cases =
new List<SwitchCase>.generate(count, (i) => new SwitchCase.empty());
for (int i = 0; i < cases.length; ++i) {
var caseNode = cases[i];
_fillTreeNodeList(caseNode.expressions, readExpression, caseNode);
caseNode.isDefault = readByte() == 1;
caseNode.body = readStatement()..parent = caseNode;
switchCaseStack.length -= count;
return new SwitchStatement(expression, cases);
case Tag.ContinueSwitchStatement:
int index = readUInt();
return new ContinueSwitchStatement(switchCaseStack[index]);
case Tag.IfStatement:
return new IfStatement(
readExpression(), readStatement(), readStatementOrNullIfEmpty());
case Tag.ReturnStatement:
return new ReturnStatement(readExpressionOption());
case Tag.TryCatch:
return new TryCatch(readStatement(), readCatchList());
case Tag.TryFinally:
return new TryFinally(readStatement(), readStatement());
case Tag.YieldStatement:
int flags = readByte();
return new YieldStatement(readExpression(),
isYieldStar: flags & YieldStatement.FlagYieldStar != 0,
isNative: flags & YieldStatement.FlagNative != 0);
case Tag.VariableDeclaration:
var variable = readVariableDeclaration();
variableStack.add(variable); // Will be popped by the enclosing scope.
return variable;
case Tag.FunctionDeclaration:
var variable = readVariableDeclaration();
variableStack.add(variable); // Will be popped by the enclosing scope.
var function = readFunctionNode();
return new FunctionDeclaration(variable, function);
throw fail('Invalid statement tag: $tag');
List<Catch> readCatchList() {
return new List<Catch>.generate(readUInt(), (i) => readCatch());
Catch readCatch() {
int variableStackHeight = variableStack.length;
var guard = readDartType();
var exception = readAndPushVariableDeclarationOption();
var stackTrace = readAndPushVariableDeclarationOption();
var body = readStatement();
variableStack.length = variableStackHeight;
return new Catch(exception, body, guard: guard, stackTrace: stackTrace);
Block readBlock() {
int stackHeight = variableStack.length;
var body = readStatementList();
variableStack.length = stackHeight;
return new Block(body);
Supertype readSupertype() {
InterfaceType type = readDartType();
return new Supertype(type.classNode, type.typeArguments);
Supertype readSupertypeOption() {
return readAndCheckOptionTag() ? readSupertype() : null;
List<Supertype> readSupertypeList() {
return new List<Supertype>.generate(readUInt(), (i) => readSupertype());
List<DartType> readDartTypeList() {
return new List<DartType>.generate(readUInt(), (i) => readDartType());
List<NamedType> readNamedTypeList() {
return new List<NamedType>.generate(readUInt(), (i) => readNamedType());
NamedType readNamedType() {
return new NamedType(readStringReference(), readDartType());
DartType readDartTypeOption() {
return readAndCheckOptionTag() ? readDartType() : null;
DartType readDartType() {
int tag = readByte();
switch (tag) {
case Tag.BottomType:
return const BottomType();
case Tag.InvalidType:
return const InvalidType();
case Tag.DynamicType:
return const DynamicType();
case Tag.VoidType:
return const VoidType();
case Tag.InterfaceType:
return new InterfaceType(readClassReference(), readDartTypeList());
case Tag.SimpleInterfaceType:
return new InterfaceType(readClassReference(), const <DartType>[]);
case Tag.FunctionType:
int typeParameterStackHeight = typeParameterStack.length;
var typeParameters = readAndPushTypeParameterList();
var requiredParameterCount = readUInt();
var positional = readDartTypeList();
var named = readNamedTypeList();
var returnType = readDartType();
typeParameterStack.length = typeParameterStackHeight;
return new FunctionType(positional, returnType,
typeParameters: typeParameters,
requiredParameterCount: requiredParameterCount,
namedParameters: named);
case Tag.SimpleFunctionType:
var positional = readDartTypeList();
var returnType = readDartType();
return new FunctionType(positional, returnType);
case Tag.TypeParameterType:
int index = readUInt();
return new TypeParameterType(typeParameterStack[index]);
throw fail('Invalid dart type tag: $tag');
List<TypeParameter> readAndPushTypeParameterList(
[List<TypeParameter> list, TreeNode parent]) {
int length = readUInt();
if (length == 0) return list ?? <TypeParameter>[];
if (list == null) {
list = new List<TypeParameter>.generate(
length, (i) => new TypeParameter(null, null)..parent = parent);
} else {
list.length = length;
for (int i = 0; i < length; ++i) {
list[i] = new TypeParameter(null, null)..parent = parent;
for (int i = 0; i < list.length; ++i) {
return list;
void readTypeParameter(TypeParameter node) { = readStringOrNullIfEmpty();
node.bound = readDartType();
Arguments readArguments() {
var typeArguments = readDartTypeList();
var positional = readExpressionList();
var named = readNamedExpressionList();
return new Arguments(positional, types: typeArguments, named: named);
List<NamedExpression> readNamedExpressionList() {
return new List<NamedExpression>.generate(
readUInt(), (i) => readNamedExpression());
NamedExpression readNamedExpression() {
return new NamedExpression(readStringReference(), readExpression());
List<VariableDeclaration> readAndPushVariableDeclarationList() {
return new List<VariableDeclaration>.generate(
readUInt(), (i) => readAndPushVariableDeclaration());
VariableDeclaration readAndPushVariableDeclarationOption() {
return readAndCheckOptionTag() ? readAndPushVariableDeclaration() : null;
VariableDeclaration readAndPushVariableDeclaration() {
var variable = readVariableDeclaration();
return variable;
VariableDeclaration readVariableDeclaration() {
int flags = readByte();
return new VariableDeclaration(readStringOrNullIfEmpty(),
type: readDartType(),
inferredValue: readOptionalInferredValue(),
initializer: readExpressionOption(),
isFinal: flags & 0x1 != 0,
isConst: flags & 0x2 != 0);
int readOffset() {
// Offset is saved as unsigned,
// but actually ranges from -1 and up (thus the -1)
return readUInt() - 1;