blob: 4725014a8138b4396645ed1ee73c66602ac75bec [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2016, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
/// An entrypoint used to run portions of dart2js and measure its performance.
library compiler.tool.perf;
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:io';
import 'package:compiler/compiler_new.dart';
import 'package:compiler/src/apiimpl.dart';
import 'package:compiler/src/compiler.dart';
import 'package:compiler/src/elements/elements.dart';
import 'package:compiler/src/common.dart';
import 'package:compiler/src/diagnostics/diagnostic_listener.dart';
import 'package:compiler/src/diagnostics/messages.dart'
show Message, MessageTemplate;
import 'package:compiler/src/io/source_file.dart';
import 'package:compiler/src/options.dart';
import 'package:compiler/src/parser/element_listener.dart' show ScannerOptions;
import 'package:compiler/src/parser/listener.dart';
import 'package:compiler/src/parser/node_listener.dart' show NodeListener;
import 'package:compiler/src/parser/parser.dart' show Parser;
import 'package:compiler/src/parser/partial_parser.dart';
import 'package:compiler/src/platform_configuration.dart' as platform;
import 'package:compiler/src/scanner/scanner.dart';
import 'package:compiler/src/source_file_provider.dart';
import 'package:compiler/src/tokens/token.dart' show Token;
import 'package:compiler/src/universe/world_impact.dart' show WorldImpact;
import 'package:package_config/discovery.dart' show findPackages;
import 'package:package_config/packages.dart' show Packages;
import 'package:package_config/src/util.dart' show checkValidPackageUri;
/// Cumulative total number of chars scanned.
int scanTotalChars = 0;
/// Cumulative time spent scanning.
Stopwatch scanTimer = new Stopwatch();
/// Helper class used to load source files using dart2js's internal APIs.
_Loader loader;
main(List<String> args) async {
// TODO(sigmund): provide sdk folder as well.
if (args.length < 2) {
print('usage: perf.dart <bench-id> <entry.dart>');
var totalTimer = new Stopwatch()..start();
var bench = args[0];
var entryUri = Uri.base.resolve(args[1]);
await setup(entryUri);
var handlers = {
'scan': () async {
Set<SourceFile> files = await scanReachableFiles(entryUri);
// TODO(sigmund): replace the warmup with instrumented snapshots.
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) scanFiles(files);
'parse': () async {
Set<SourceFile> files = await scanReachableFiles(entryUri);
// TODO(sigmund): replace the warmup with instrumented snapshots.
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) parseFiles(files);
'kernel_gen_e2e': () async {
// TODO(sigmund): remove. This is used to compute the input size, we
// should extract input size from frontend instead.
await scanReachableFiles(entryUri);
// TODO(sigmund): replace this warmup. Note that for very large programs,
// the GC pressure on the VM seems to make this worse with time (maybe we
// are leaking memory?). That's why we run it twice and not 10 times.
for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) await generateKernel(entryUri);
var handler = handlers[bench];
if (handler == null) {
// TODO(sigmund): implement the remaining benchmarks.
print('unsupported bench-id: $bench. Please specify one of the following: '
'${handler.keys.join(", ")}');
await handler();
report("total", totalTimer.elapsedMicroseconds);
Future setup(Uri entryUri) async {
var inputProvider = new CompilerSourceFileProvider();
var sdkLibraries = await platform.load(_platformConfigUri, inputProvider);
var packages = await findPackages(entryUri);
loader = new _Loader(inputProvider, sdkLibraries, packages);
/// Load and scans all files we need to process: files reachable from the
/// entrypoint and all core libraries automatically included by the VM.
Future<Set<SourceFile>> scanReachableFiles(Uri entryUri) async {
var files = new Set<SourceFile>();
var loadTimer = new Stopwatch()..start();
var entrypoints = [
for (var entry in entrypoints) {
await collectSources(await loader.loadFile(entry), files);
print('input size: ${scanTotalChars} chars');
var loadTime = loadTimer.elapsedMicroseconds - scanTimer.elapsedMicroseconds;
report("load", loadTime);
report("scan", scanTimer.elapsedMicroseconds);
return files;
/// Scans every file in [files] and reports the time spent doing so.
void scanFiles(Set<SourceFile> files) {
// The code below will record again how many chars are scanned and how long it
// takes to scan them, even though we already did so in [scanReachableFiles].
// Recording and reporting this twice is unnecessary, but we do so for now to
// validate that the results are consistent.
scanTimer = new Stopwatch();
var old = scanTotalChars;
scanTotalChars = 0;
for (var source in files) {
// Report size and scanning time again. See discussion above.
if (old != scanTotalChars) print('input size changed? ${old} chars');
report("scan", scanTimer.elapsedMicroseconds);
/// Parses every file in [files] and reports the time spent doing so.
void parseFiles(Set<SourceFile> files) {
// The code below will record again how many chars are scanned and how long it
// takes to scan them, even though we already did so in [scanReachableFiles].
// Recording and reporting this twice is unnecessary, but we do so for now to
// validate that the results are consistent.
scanTimer = new Stopwatch();
var old = scanTotalChars;
scanTotalChars = 0;
var parseTimer = new Stopwatch()..start();
for (var source in files) {
// Report size and scanning time again. See discussion above.
if (old != scanTotalChars) print('input size changed? ${old} chars');
report("scan", scanTimer.elapsedMicroseconds);
"parse", parseTimer.elapsedMicroseconds - scanTimer.elapsedMicroseconds);
/// Add to [files] all sources reachable from [start].
Future collectSources(SourceFile start, Set<SourceFile> files) async {
if (!files.add(start)) return;
for (var directive in parseDirectives(start)) {
var next = await loader.loadFile(start.uri.resolve(directive));
await collectSources(next, files);
/// Uses the diet-parser to parse only directives in [source], returns the
/// URIs seen in import/export/part directives in the file.
Set<String> parseDirectives(SourceFile source) {
var tokens = tokenize(source);
var listener = new DirectiveListener();
new PartialParser(listener).parseUnit(tokens);
return listener.targets;
/// Parse the full body of [source].
parseFull(SourceFile source) {
var tokens = tokenize(source);
NodeListener listener = new NodeListener(
const ScannerOptions(canUseNative: true), new FakeReporter(), null);
Parser parser = new Parser(listener);
return listener.popNode();
/// Scan [source] and return the first token produced by the scanner.
Token tokenize(SourceFile source) {
scanTotalChars += source.length;
var token = new Scanner(source).tokenize();
return token;
/// Report that metric [name] took [time] micro-seconds to process
/// [scanTotalChars] characters.
void report(String name, int time) {
var sb = new StringBuffer();
sb.write('$name: $time us, ${time ~/ 1000} ms');
sb.write(', ${scanTotalChars * 1000 ~/ time} chars/ms');
/// Listener that parses out just the uri in imports, exports, and part
/// directives.
class DirectiveListener extends Listener {
Set<String> targets = new Set<String>();
bool inDirective = false;
void enterDirective() {
inDirective = true;
void exitDirective() {
inDirective = false;
void beginImport(Token importKeyword) => enterDirective();
void beginExport(Token token) => enterDirective();
void beginPart(Token token) => enterDirective();
void beginLiteralString(Token token) {
if (inDirective) {
var quotedString = token.value;
targets.add(quotedString.substring(1, quotedString.length - 1));
void endExport(Token exportKeyword, Token semicolon) => exitDirective();
void endImport(Token importKeyword, Token deferredKeyword, Token asKeyword,
Token semicolon) =>
void endPart(Token partKeyword, Token semicolon) => exitDirective();
Uri _libraryRoot = Platform.script.resolve('../../../sdk/');
Uri _platformConfigUri = _libraryRoot.resolve("lib/dart_server.platform");
class FakeReporter extends DiagnosticReporter {
final hasReportedError = false;
final options = new FakeReporterOptions();
withCurrentElement(e, f) => f();
log(m) => print(m);
internalError(_, m) => print(m);
spanFromSpannable(_) => null;
void reportError(DiagnosticMessage message,
[List<DiagnosticMessage> infos = const <DiagnosticMessage>[]]) {
print('error: ${message.message}');
void reportWarning(DiagnosticMessage message,
[List<DiagnosticMessage> infos = const <DiagnosticMessage>[]]) {
print('warning: ${message.message}');
void reportHint(DiagnosticMessage message,
[List<DiagnosticMessage> infos = const <DiagnosticMessage>[]]) {
print('hint: ${message.message}');
void reportInfo(_, __, [Map arguments = const {}]) {}
DiagnosticMessage createMessage(_, MessageKind kind,
[Map arguments = const {}]) {
MessageTemplate template = MessageTemplate.TEMPLATES[kind];
Message message = template.message(arguments, false);
return new DiagnosticMessage(null, null, message);
class FakeReporterOptions {
bool get suppressHints => false;
bool get hidePackageWarnings => false;
class _Loader {
CompilerInput inputProvider;
/// Maps dart-URIs to a known location in the sdk.
Map<String, Uri> sdkLibraries;
Map<Uri, SourceFile> _cache = {};
Packages packages;
_Loader(this.inputProvider, this.sdkLibraries, this.packages);
Future<SourceFile> loadFile(Uri uri) async {
if (!uri.isAbsolute) throw 'Relative uri $uri provided to readScript.';
Uri resourceUri = _translateUri(uri);
if (resourceUri == null || resourceUri.scheme == 'dart-ext') {
throw '$uri not resolved or unsupported.';
var file = _cache[resourceUri];
if (file != null) return _cache[resourceUri];
return _cache[resourceUri] = await _readFile(resourceUri);
Future<SourceFile> _readFile(Uri uri) async {
var data = await inputProvider.readFromUri(uri);
if (data is List<int>) return new Utf8BytesSourceFile(uri, data);
if (data is String) return new StringSourceFile.fromUri(uri, data);
// TODO(sigmund): properly handle errors, just report, return null, wrap
// above and continue...
throw "Expected a 'String' or a 'List<int>' from the input "
"provider, but got: ${data.runtimeType}.";
Uri _translateUri(Uri uri) {
if (uri.scheme == 'dart') return sdkLibraries[uri.path];
if (uri.scheme == 'package') return _translatePackageUri(uri);
return uri;
Uri _translatePackageUri(Uri uri) {
return packages.resolve(uri, notFound: (_) {
print('$uri not found');
generateKernel(Uri entryUri) async {
var timer = new Stopwatch()..start();
var options = new CompilerOptions(
entryPoint: entryUri,
libraryRoot: _libraryRoot,
packagesDiscoveryProvider: findPackages,
platformConfigUri: _platformConfigUri,
useKernel: true,
verbose: false); // set to true to debug internal timings
var inputProvider = new CompilerSourceFileProvider();
var diagnosticHandler = new FormattingDiagnosticHandler(inputProvider)
..verbose = options.verbose;
var compiler = new MyCompiler(inputProvider, diagnosticHandler, options);
report("kernel_gen_e2e", timer.elapsedMicroseconds);
// We subclass compiler to skip phases and stop after creating kernel.
class MyCompiler extends CompilerImpl {
MyCompiler(CompilerInput provider, CompilerDiagnostics handler,
CompilerOptions options)
: super(provider, null, handler, options) {}
/// Performs the compilation when all libraries have been loaded.
void compileLoadedLibraries() =>
selfTask.measureSubtask("KernelCompiler.compileLoadedLibraries", () {
WorldImpact mainImpact = computeMain();
impactStrategy = backend.createImpactStrategy(
supportDeferredLoad: deferredLoadTask.isProgramSplit,
supportDumpInfo: options.dumpInfo,
supportSerialization: serialization.supportSerialization);
phase = Compiler.PHASE_RESOLVING;
// Note: we enqueue everything in the program so we measure generating
// kernel for the entire code, not just what's reachable from main.
libraryLoader.libraries.forEach((LibraryElement library) {
if (deferredLoadTask.isProgramSplit) {
processQueue(enqueuer.resolution, mainFunction);
(reporter as CompilerDiagnosticReporter)
if (compilationFailed) {
// TODO(sigmund): more diagnostics?
print("compilation failed!");
var program = (backend as dynamic).kernelTask.program;
print('total libraries: ${program.libraries.length}');