blob: 3784bd931908c10c4a2b99f97635fb6f44d89f83 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2014, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library dart2js.resolution.registry;
import '../common.dart';
import '../common/backend_api.dart'
show Backend, ForeignResolver, NativeRegistry;
import '../common/resolution.dart' show ResolutionImpact, Target;
import '../constants/expressions.dart';
import '../dart_types.dart';
import '../diagnostics/source_span.dart';
import '../elements/elements.dart';
import '../tree/tree.dart';
import '../universe/call_structure.dart' show CallStructure;
import '../universe/feature.dart';
import '../universe/selector.dart' show Selector;
import '../universe/use.dart' show DynamicUse, StaticUse, TypeUse;
import '../universe/world_impact.dart' show WorldImpact, WorldImpactBuilderImpl;
import '../util/enumset.dart' show EnumSet;
import '../util/util.dart' show Setlet;
import 'members.dart' show ResolverVisitor;
import 'send_structure.dart';
import 'tree_elements.dart' show TreeElementMapping;
class ResolutionWorldImpactBuilder extends WorldImpactBuilderImpl
implements NativeRegistry, ResolutionImpact {
final String name;
EnumSet<Feature> _features;
Setlet<MapLiteralUse> _mapLiterals;
Setlet<ListLiteralUse> _listLiterals;
Setlet<String> _constSymbolNames;
Setlet<ConstantExpression> _constantLiterals;
Setlet<dynamic> _nativeData;
bool get isEmpty => false;
void registerMapLiteral(MapLiteralUse mapLiteralUse) {
assert(mapLiteralUse != null);
if (_mapLiterals == null) {
_mapLiterals = new Setlet<MapLiteralUse>();
Iterable<MapLiteralUse> get mapLiterals {
return _mapLiterals != null ? _mapLiterals : const <MapLiteralUse>[];
void registerListLiteral(ListLiteralUse listLiteralUse) {
assert(listLiteralUse != null);
if (_listLiterals == null) {
_listLiterals = new Setlet<ListLiteralUse>();
Iterable<ListLiteralUse> get listLiterals {
return _listLiterals != null ? _listLiterals : const <ListLiteralUse>[];
void registerConstSymbolName(String name) {
if (_constSymbolNames == null) {
_constSymbolNames = new Setlet<String>();
Iterable<String> get constSymbolNames {
return _constSymbolNames != null ? _constSymbolNames : const <String>[];
void registerFeature(Feature feature) {
if (_features == null) {
_features = new EnumSet<Feature>();
Iterable<Feature> get features {
return _features != null
? _features.iterable(Feature.values)
: const <Feature>[];
void registerConstantLiteral(ConstantExpression constant) {
if (_constantLiterals == null) {
_constantLiterals = new Setlet<ConstantExpression>();
Iterable<ConstantExpression> get constantLiterals {
return _constantLiterals != null
? _constantLiterals
: const <ConstantExpression>[];
void registerNativeData(dynamic nativeData) {
assert(nativeData != null);
if (_nativeData == null) {
_nativeData = new Setlet<dynamic>();
Iterable<dynamic> get nativeData {
return _nativeData != null ? _nativeData : const <dynamic>[];
String toString() {
StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
WorldImpact.printOn(sb, this);
if (_features != null) {
sb.write('\n features:');
for (Feature feature in _features.iterable(Feature.values)) {
sb.write('\n $feature');
if (_mapLiterals != null) {
sb.write('\n map-literals:');
for (MapLiteralUse use in _mapLiterals) {
sb.write('\n $use');
if (_listLiterals != null) {
sb.write('\n list-literals:');
for (ListLiteralUse use in _listLiterals) {
sb.write('\n $use');
if (_constantLiterals != null) {
sb.write('\n const-literals:');
for (ConstantExpression constant in _constantLiterals) {
sb.write('\n ${constant.toDartText()}');
if (_constSymbolNames != null) {
sb.write('\n const-symbol-names: $_constSymbolNames');
return sb.toString();
/// [ResolutionRegistry] collects all resolution information. It stores node
/// related information in a [TreeElements] mapping and registers calls with
/// [Backend], [World] and [Enqueuer].
// TODO(johnniwinther): Split this into an interface and implementation class.
class ResolutionRegistry {
final Target target;
final TreeElementMapping mapping;
final ResolutionWorldImpactBuilder impactBuilder;
ResolutionRegistry(, TreeElementMapping mapping)
: this.mapping = mapping,
this.impactBuilder = new ResolutionWorldImpactBuilder(
bool get isForResolution => true;
String toString() => 'ResolutionRegistry for ${mapping.analyzedElement}';
// Node-to-Element mapping functionality.
/// Register [node] as the declaration of [element].
void defineFunction(FunctionExpression node, FunctionElement element) {
// TODO(sigurdm): Remove when not needed by the dart2dart backend.
if ( != null) {
mapping[] = element;
mapping[node] = element;
/// Register [node] as a reference to [element].
Element useElement(Node node, Element element) {
if (element == null) return null;
return mapping[node] = element;
/// Register [node] as the declaration of [element].
void defineElement(Node node, Element element) {
mapping[node] = element;
/// Returns the [Element] defined by [node].
Element getDefinition(Node node) {
return mapping[node];
/// Sets the loop variable of the for-in [node] to be [element].
void setForInVariable(ForIn node, Element element) {
mapping[node] = element;
/// Sets the target constructor [node] to be [element].
void setRedirectingTargetConstructor(
RedirectingFactoryBody node, ConstructorElement element) {
useElement(node, element);
// Node-to-Selector mapping functionality.
void setSelector(Node node, Selector selector) {
mapping.setSelector(node, selector);
void setGetterSelectorInComplexSendSet(SendSet node, Selector selector) {
mapping.setGetterSelectorInComplexSendSet(node, selector);
void setOperatorSelectorInComplexSendSet(SendSet node, Selector selector) {
mapping.setOperatorSelectorInComplexSendSet(node, selector);
// Node-to-Type mapping functionality.
DartType useType(Node annotation, DartType type) {
if (type != null) {
mapping.setType(annotation, type);
return type;
void setType(Node node, DartType type) => mapping.setType(node, type);
DartType getType(Node node) => mapping.getType(node);
// Node-to-Constant mapping functionality.
ConstantExpression getConstant(Node node) => mapping.getConstant(node);
void setConstant(Node node, ConstantExpression constant) {
mapping.setConstant(node, constant);
// Target/Label functionality.
/// Register [node] to be the declaration of [label].
void defineLabel(Label node, LabelDefinition label) {
mapping.defineLabel(node, label);
/// Undefine the label of [node].
/// This is used to cleanup and detect unused labels.
void undefineLabel(Label node) {
/// Register the target of [node] as reference to [label].
void useLabel(GotoStatement node, LabelDefinition label) {
mapping.registerTargetLabel(node, label);
/// Register [node] to be the declaration of [target].
void defineTarget(Node node, JumpTarget target) {
assert(invariant(node, node is Statement || node is SwitchCase,
message: "Only statements and switch cases can define targets."));
mapping.defineTarget(node, target);
/// Returns the [JumpTarget] defined by [node].
JumpTarget getTargetDefinition(Node node) {
assert(invariant(node, node is Statement || node is SwitchCase,
message: "Only statements and switch cases can define targets."));
return mapping.getTargetDefinition(node);
/// Undefine the target of [node]. This is used to cleanup unused targets.
void undefineTarget(Node node) {
assert(invariant(node, node is Statement || node is SwitchCase,
message: "Only statements and switch cases can define targets."));
/// Register the target of [node] to be [target].
void registerTargetOf(GotoStatement node, JumpTarget target) {
mapping.registerTargetOf(node, target);
// Potential access registration.
void setAccessedByClosureIn(
Node contextNode, VariableElement element, Node accessNode) {
mapping.setAccessedByClosureIn(contextNode, element, accessNode);
void registerPotentialMutation(VariableElement element, Node mutationNode) {
mapping.registerPotentialMutation(element, mutationNode);
void registerPotentialMutationInClosure(
VariableElement element, Node mutationNode) {
mapping.registerPotentialMutationInClosure(element, mutationNode);
void registerPotentialMutationIn(
Node contextNode, VariableElement element, Node mutationNode) {
mapping.registerPotentialMutationIn(contextNode, element, mutationNode);
// Various Backend/Enqueuer/World registration.
void registerStaticUse(StaticUse staticUse) {
/// Register the use of a type.
void registerTypeUse(TypeUse typeUse) {
/// Register checked mode check of [type] if it isn't `dynamic`.
void registerCheckedModeCheck(DartType type) {
if (!type.isDynamic) {
impactBuilder.registerTypeUse(new TypeUse.checkedModeCheck(type));
void registerSuperUse(SourceSpan span) {
void registerTypeLiteral(Send node, DartType type) {
mapping.setType(node, type);
impactBuilder.registerTypeUse(new TypeUse.typeLiteral(type));
void registerLiteralList(Node node, InterfaceType type,
{bool isConstant, bool isEmpty}) {
setType(node, type);
new ListLiteralUse(type, isConstant: isConstant, isEmpty: isEmpty));
void registerMapLiteral(Node node, InterfaceType type,
{bool isConstant, bool isEmpty}) {
setType(node, type);
new MapLiteralUse(type, isConstant: isConstant, isEmpty: isEmpty));
void registerForeignCall(Node node, Element element,
CallStructure callStructure, ResolverVisitor visitor) {
var nativeData = target.resolveForeignCall(node, element, callStructure,
new ForeignResolutionResolver(visitor, this));
if (nativeData != null) {
// Split impact from resolution result.
mapping.registerNativeData(node, nativeData);
void registerDynamicUse(DynamicUse dynamicUse) {
void registerFeature(Feature feature) {
void registerConstSymbol(String name) {
void registerConstantLiteral(ConstantExpression constant) {
ClassElement defaultSuperclass(ClassElement element) {
return target.defaultSuperclass(element);
void registerInstantiation(InterfaceType type) {
impactBuilder.registerTypeUse(new TypeUse.instantiation(type));
void registerSendStructure(Send node, SendStructure sendStructure) {
mapping.setSendStructure(node, sendStructure);
void registerNewStructure(NewExpression node, NewStructure newStructure) {
mapping.setNewStructure(node, newStructure);
// TODO(johnniwinther): Remove this when [SendStructure]s are part of the
// [ResolutionResult].
SendStructure getSendStructure(Send node) {
return mapping.getSendStructure(node);
void registerTryStatement() {
mapping.containsTryStatement = true;
class ForeignResolutionResolver implements ForeignResolver {
final ResolverVisitor visitor;
final ResolutionRegistry registry;
ForeignResolutionResolver(this.visitor, this.registry);
ConstantExpression getConstant(Node node) {
return registry.getConstant(node);
void registerInstantiatedType(InterfaceType type) {
DartType resolveTypeFromString(Node node, String typeName) {
return visitor.resolveTypeFromString(node, typeName);