blob: d91813557fac66b6c91ffc17895d03540bb0bcb4 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
part of dart2js.js_emitter;
/// Represents an entry's position in one of the global metadata arrays.
/// [_rc] is used to count the number of references of the token in the
/// ast for a program.
/// [value] is the actual position, once they have been finalized.
abstract class _MetadataEntry extends jsAst.DeferredNumber
implements Comparable, jsAst.ReferenceCountedAstNode {
jsAst.Expression get entry;
int get value;
int get _rc;
// Mark this entry as seen. On the first time this is seen, the visitor
// will be applied to the [entry] to also mark potential [_MetadataEntry]
// instances in the [entry] as seen.
markSeen(jsAst.TokenCounter visitor);
class _BoundMetadataEntry extends _MetadataEntry {
int _value = -1;
int _rc = 0;
final jsAst.Expression entry;
bool get isFinalized => _value != -1;
finalize(int value) {
_value = value;
int get value {
return _value;
bool get isUsed => _rc > 0;
markSeen(jsAst.BaseVisitor visitor) {
if (_rc == 1) entry.accept(visitor);
int compareTo(_MetadataEntry other) => other._rc - this._rc;
abstract class Placeholder implements jsAst.DeferredNumber {
bind(_MetadataEntry entry);
class _ForwardingMetadataEntry extends _MetadataEntry implements Placeholder {
_MetadataEntry _forwardTo;
var debug;
bool get isBound => _forwardTo != null;
_MetadataEntry get forwardTo {
return _forwardTo;
jsAst.Expression get entry {
return forwardTo.entry;
int get value {
return forwardTo.value;
int get _rc => forwardTo._rc;
markSeen(jsAst.BaseVisitor visitor) => forwardTo.markSeen(visitor);
int compareTo(other) => forwardTo.compareTo(other);
bind(_MetadataEntry entry) {
_forwardTo = entry;
class _MetadataList extends jsAst.DeferredExpression {
jsAst.Expression _value;
void setExpression(jsAst.Expression value) {
// TODO(herhut): Enable the below assertion once incremental mode is gone.
// assert(_value == null);
assert(value.precedenceLevel == this.precedenceLevel);
_value = value;
jsAst.Expression get value {
assert(_value != null);
return _value;
int get precedenceLevel => js_precedence.PRIMARY;
class MetadataCollector implements jsAst.TokenFinalizer {
final Compiler _compiler;
final Emitter _emitter;
/// A token for a list of expressions that represent metadata, parameter names
/// and type variable types.
final _MetadataList _globalMetadata = new _MetadataList();
jsAst.Expression get globalMetadata => _globalMetadata;
/// A map used to canonicalize the entries of globalMetadata.
Map<String, _BoundMetadataEntry> _globalMetadataMap;
/// A map with a token for a lists of JS expressions, one token for each
/// output unit. Once finalized, the entries represent types including
/// function types and typedefs.
Map<OutputUnit, _MetadataList> _typesTokens =
new Map<OutputUnit, _MetadataList>();
jsAst.Expression getTypesForOutputUnit(OutputUnit outputUnit) {
return _typesTokens.putIfAbsent(outputUnit, () => new _MetadataList());
/// A map used to canonicalize the entries of types.
Map<OutputUnit, Map<DartType, _BoundMetadataEntry>> _typesMap =
<OutputUnit, Map<DartType, _BoundMetadataEntry>>{};
// To support incremental compilation, we have to be able to eagerly emit
// metadata and add metadata later on. We use the below two counters for
// this.
int _globalMetadataCounter = 0;
int _globalTypesCounter = 0;
MetadataCollector(this._compiler, this._emitter) {
_globalMetadataMap = new Map<String, _BoundMetadataEntry>();
JavaScriptBackend get _backend => _compiler.backend;
TypeVariableHandler get _typeVariableHandler => _backend.typeVariableHandler;
DiagnosticReporter get reporter => _compiler.reporter;
bool _mustEmitMetadataFor(Element element) {
return _backend.mustRetainMetadata &&
/// The metadata function returns the metadata associated with
/// [element] in generated code. The metadata needs to be wrapped
/// in a function as it refers to constants that may not have been
/// constructed yet. For example, a class is allowed to be
/// annotated with itself. The metadata function is used by
/// mirrors_patch to implement DeclarationMirror.metadata.
jsAst.Fun buildMetadataFunction(Element element) {
if (!_mustEmitMetadataFor(element)) return null;
return reporter.withCurrentElement(element, () {
List<jsAst.Expression> metadata = <jsAst.Expression>[];
for (MetadataAnnotation annotation in element.metadata) {
ConstantValue constant =
if (constant == null) {
reporter.internalError(annotation, 'Annotation value is null.');
} else {
if (metadata.isEmpty) return null;
return js(
'function() { return # }', new jsAst.ArrayInitializer(metadata));
List<jsAst.DeferredNumber> reifyDefaultArguments(FunctionElement function) {
function = function.implementation;
FunctionSignature signature = function.functionSignature;
if (signature.optionalParameterCount == 0) return const [];
// Optional parameters of redirecting factory constructors take their
// defaults from the corresponding parameters of the redirection target.
Map<ParameterElement, ParameterElement> targetParameterMap;
if (function is ConstructorElement) {
// TODO(sra): dart2js generates a redirecting factory constructor body
// that has the signature of the redirecting constructor that calls the
// redirection target. This is wrong - it should have the signature of the
// target. This would make the reified default arguments trivial.
ConstructorElement constructor = function;
while (constructor.isRedirectingFactory &&
!constructor.isCyclicRedirection) {
// TODO(sra): Remove the loop once effectiveTarget forwards to patches.
constructor = constructor.effectiveTarget.implementation;
if (constructor != function) {
if (signature.hasOptionalParameters) {
targetParameterMap =
signature, constructor.functionSignature);
List<jsAst.DeferredNumber> defaultValues = <jsAst.DeferredNumber>[];
for (ParameterElement element in signature.optionalParameters) {
ParameterElement parameter =
(targetParameterMap == null) ? element : targetParameterMap[element];
ConstantValue constant = (parameter == null)
? null
: _backend.constants.getConstantValue(parameter.constant);
jsAst.Expression expression = (constant == null)
? new jsAst.LiteralNull()
: _emitter.constantReference(constant);
return defaultValues;
Map<ParameterElement, ParameterElement>
FunctionSignature source, FunctionSignature target) {
var map = <ParameterElement, ParameterElement>{};
if (source.optionalParametersAreNamed !=
target.optionalParametersAreNamed) {
// No legal optional arguments due to mismatch between named vs positional
// optional arguments.
return map;
if (source.optionalParametersAreNamed) {
for (ParameterElement element in source.optionalParameters) {
for (ParameterElement redirectedElement in target.optionalParameters) {
if ( == {
map[element] = redirectedElement;
} else {
int i = source.requiredParameterCount;
for (ParameterElement element in source.orderedOptionalParameters) {
if (i >= target.requiredParameterCount && i < target.parameterCount) {
map[element] = target.orderedOptionalParameters[
i - target.requiredParameterCount];
return map;
jsAst.Expression reifyMetadata(MetadataAnnotation annotation) {
ConstantValue constant =
if (constant == null) {
reporter.internalError(annotation, 'Annotation value is null.');
return null;
return _addGlobalMetadata(_emitter.constantReference(constant));
jsAst.Expression reifyType(DartType type, {ignoreTypeVariables: false}) {
return reifyTypeForOutputUnit(
type, _compiler.deferredLoadTask.mainOutputUnit,
ignoreTypeVariables: ignoreTypeVariables);
jsAst.Expression reifyTypeForOutputUnit(DartType type, OutputUnit outputUnit,
{ignoreTypeVariables: false}) {
return addTypeInOutputUnit(type, outputUnit,
ignoreTypeVariables: ignoreTypeVariables);
jsAst.Expression reifyName(String name) {
return _addGlobalMetadata(js.string(name));
jsAst.Expression reifyExpression(jsAst.Expression expression) {
return _addGlobalMetadata(expression);
Placeholder getMetadataPlaceholder([debug]) {
return new _ForwardingMetadataEntry(debug);
_MetadataEntry _addGlobalMetadata(jsAst.Node node) {
String nameToKey(jsAst.Name name) => "${name.key}";
String printed =
jsAst.prettyPrint(node, _compiler, renamerForNames: nameToKey);
return _globalMetadataMap.putIfAbsent(printed, () {
_BoundMetadataEntry result = new _BoundMetadataEntry(node);
if (_compiler.options.hasIncrementalSupport) {
return result;
jsAst.Expression _computeTypeRepresentation(DartType type,
{ignoreTypeVariables: false}) {
jsAst.Expression representation =
_backend.rtiEncoder.getTypeRepresentation(type, (variable) {
if (ignoreTypeVariables) return new jsAst.LiteralNull();
return _typeVariableHandler.reifyTypeVariable(variable.element);
}, (TypedefType typedef) {
return _backend.isAccessibleByReflection(typedef.element);
if (representation is jsAst.LiteralString) {
// We don't want the representation to be a string, since we use
// strings as indicator for non-initialized types in the lazy emitter.
NO_LOCATION_SPANNABLE, 'reified types should not be strings.');
return representation;
jsAst.Expression addTypeInOutputUnit(DartType type, OutputUnit outputUnit,
{ignoreTypeVariables: false}) {
if (_typesMap[outputUnit] == null) {
_typesMap[outputUnit] = new Map<DartType, _BoundMetadataEntry>();
return _typesMap[outputUnit].putIfAbsent(type, () {
_BoundMetadataEntry result = new _BoundMetadataEntry(
ignoreTypeVariables: ignoreTypeVariables));
if (_compiler.options.hasIncrementalSupport) {
return result;
List<jsAst.DeferredNumber> computeMetadata(FunctionElement element) {
return reporter.withCurrentElement(element, () {
if (!_mustEmitMetadataFor(element)) return const <jsAst.DeferredNumber>[];
List<jsAst.DeferredNumber> metadata = <jsAst.DeferredNumber>[];
for (MetadataAnnotation annotation in element.metadata) {
return metadata;
void finalizeTokens() {
bool checkTokensInTypes(OutputUnit outputUnit, entries) {
UnBoundDebugger debugger = new UnBoundDebugger(outputUnit);
for (_BoundMetadataEntry entry in entries) {
if (!entry.isUsed) continue;
if (debugger.findUnboundPlaceholders(entry.entry)) {
return false;
return true;
void countTokensInTypes(Iterable<_BoundMetadataEntry> entries) {
jsAst.TokenCounter counter = new jsAst.TokenCounter();
.where((_BoundMetadataEntry e) => e._rc > 0)
.map((_BoundMetadataEntry e) => e.entry)
jsAst.ArrayInitializer finalizeMap(Map<dynamic, _BoundMetadataEntry> map) {
// When in incremental mode, we allocate entries eagerly.
if (_compiler.options.hasIncrementalSupport) {
return new jsAst.ArrayInitializer(map.values.toList());
bool isUsed(_BoundMetadataEntry entry) => entry.isUsed;
List<_BoundMetadataEntry> entries = map.values.where(isUsed).toList();
// TODO(herhut): Bucket entries by index length and use a stable
// distribution within buckets.
int count = 0;
for (_BoundMetadataEntry entry in entries) {
List<jsAst.Node> values = e) => e.entry).toList();
return new jsAst.ArrayInitializer(values);
_typesTokens.forEach((OutputUnit outputUnit, _MetadataList token) {
Map typesMap = _typesMap[outputUnit];
if (typesMap != null) {
assert(checkTokensInTypes(outputUnit, typesMap.values));
} else {
token.setExpression(new jsAst.ArrayInitializer([]));
class UnBoundDebugger extends jsAst.BaseVisitor {
OutputUnit outputUnit;
bool _foundUnboundToken = false;
visitDeferredNumber(jsAst.DeferredNumber token) {
if (token is _ForwardingMetadataEntry && !token.isBound) {
_foundUnboundToken = true;
bool findUnboundPlaceholders(jsAst.Node node) {
return _foundUnboundToken;