blob: ea201f9ec784644d4018ac2b458dbc4d5e8e0a64 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2014, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// TODO(sigmund): rename and move to common/elements.dart
library dart2js.type_system;
import 'dart_types.dart';
import 'elements/elements.dart'
/// The core classes in Dart.
abstract class CoreClasses {
/// The `Object` class defined in 'dart:core'.
ClassElement get objectClass;
/// The `bool` class defined in 'dart:core'.
ClassElement get boolClass;
/// The `num` class defined in 'dart:core'.
ClassElement get numClass;
/// The `int` class defined in 'dart:core'.
ClassElement get intClass;
/// The `double` class defined in 'dart:core'.
ClassElement get doubleClass;
/// The `Resource` class defined in 'dart:core'.
ClassElement get resourceClass;
/// The `String` class defined in 'dart:core'.
ClassElement get stringClass;
/// The `Symbol` class defined in 'dart:core'.
ClassElement get symbolClass;
/// The `Function` class defined in 'dart:core'.
ClassElement get functionClass;
/// The `Null` class defined in 'dart:core'.
ClassElement get nullClass;
/// The `Type` class defined in 'dart:core'.
ClassElement get typeClass;
/// The `StackTrace` class defined in 'dart:core';
ClassElement get stackTraceClass;
/// The `List` class defined in 'dart:core';
ClassElement get listClass;
/// The `Map` class defined in 'dart:core';
ClassElement get mapClass;
/// The `Iterable` class defined in 'dart:core';
ClassElement get iterableClass;
/// The `Future` class defined in 'async';
ClassElement get futureClass;
/// The `Stream` class defined in 'async';
ClassElement get streamClass;
/// TODO(sigmund): delete CoreClasses and merge it here.
abstract class CommonElements extends CoreClasses {
/// The dart:core library.
LibraryElement get coreLibrary;
/// The dart:async library.
LibraryElement get asyncLibrary;
/// The dart:mirrors library. Null if the program doesn't access dart:mirrors.
LibraryElement get mirrorsLibrary;
/// The dart:typed_data library.
LibraryElement get typedDataLibrary;
/// The `NativeTypedData` class from dart:typed_data.
ClassElement get typedDataClass;
// TODO(johnniwinther): Move this to the JavaScriptBackend.
/// The class for patch annotation defined in dart:_js_helper.
ClassElement get patchAnnotationClass;
// TODO(johnniwinther): Move this to the JavaScriptBackend.
ClassElement get nativeAnnotationClass;
/// Constructor of the `Symbol` class. This getter will ensure that `Symbol`
/// is resolved and lookup the constructor on demand.
ConstructorElement get symbolConstructor;
/// Whether [element] is the same as [symbolConstructor]. Used to check
/// for the constructor without computing it until it is likely to be seen.
bool isSymbolConstructor(Element e);
/// The `MirrorSystem` class in dart:mirrors.
ClassElement get mirrorSystemClass;
/// Whether [element] is `MirrorClass.getName`. Used to check for the use of
/// that static method without forcing the resolution of the `MirrorSystem`
/// class until it is necessary.
bool isMirrorSystemGetNameFunction(Element element);
/// The `MirrorsUsed` annotation in dart:mirrors.
ClassElement get mirrorsUsedClass;
/// Whether [element] is the constructor of the `MirrorsUsed` class. Used to
/// check for the constructor without forcing the resolution of the
/// `MirrorsUsed` class until it is necessary.
bool isMirrorsUsedConstructor(ConstructorElement element);
/// The `DeferredLibrary` annotation in dart:async that was used before the
/// deferred import syntax was introduced.
// TODO(sigmund): drop support for this old syntax?
ClassElement get deferredLibraryClass;
/// The function `identical` in dart:core.
FunctionElement get identicalFunction;
/// The method `Function.apply`.
FunctionElement get functionApplyMethod;
/// Whether [element] is the same as [functionApplyMethod]. This will not
/// resolve the apply method if it hasn't been seen yet during compilation.
bool isFunctionApplyMethod(Element element);
/// The core types in Dart.
abstract class CoreTypes {
/// The `Object` type defined in 'dart:core'.
InterfaceType get objectType;
/// The `bool` type defined in 'dart:core'.
InterfaceType get boolType;
/// The `num` type defined in 'dart:core'.
InterfaceType get numType;
/// The `int` type defined in 'dart:core'.
InterfaceType get intType;
/// The `double` type defined in 'dart:core'.
InterfaceType get doubleType;
/// The `Resource` type defined in 'dart:core'.
InterfaceType get resourceType;
/// The `String` type defined in 'dart:core'.
InterfaceType get stringType;
/// The `Symbol` type defined in 'dart:core'.
InterfaceType get symbolType;
/// The `Function` type defined in 'dart:core'.
InterfaceType get functionType;
/// The `Null` type defined in 'dart:core'.
InterfaceType get nullType;
/// The `Type` type defined in 'dart:core'.
InterfaceType get typeType;
/// The `StackTrace` type defined in 'dart:core';
InterfaceType get stackTraceType;
/// Returns an instance of the `List` type defined in 'dart:core' with
/// [elementType] as its type argument.
/// If no type argument is provided, the canonical raw type is returned.
InterfaceType listType([DartType elementType]);
/// Returns an instance of the `Map` type defined in 'dart:core' with
/// [keyType] and [valueType] as its type arguments.
/// If no type arguments are provided, the canonical raw type is returned.
InterfaceType mapType([DartType keyType, DartType valueType]);
/// Returns an instance of the `Iterable` type defined in 'dart:core' with
/// [elementType] as its type argument.
/// If no type argument is provided, the canonical raw type is returned.
InterfaceType iterableType([DartType elementType]);
/// The `Future` class declaration.
ClassElement get futureClass;
/// Returns an instance of the `Future` type defined in 'dart:async' with
/// [elementType] as its type argument.
/// If no type argument is provided, the canonical raw type is returned.
InterfaceType futureType([DartType elementType]);
/// Returns an instance of the `Stream` type defined in 'dart:async' with
/// [elementType] as its type argument.
/// If no type argument is provided, the canonical raw type is returned.
InterfaceType streamType([DartType elementType]);