blob: 2adfe261e94d278396406729510bd509ce4b457e [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library dart2js.common.resolution;
import '../common.dart';
import '../compile_time_constants.dart';
import '../compiler.dart' show Compiler;
import '../constants/expressions.dart' show ConstantExpression;
import '../constants/values.dart' show ConstantValue;
import '../core_types.dart' show CoreClasses, CoreTypes, CommonElements;
import '../dart_types.dart' show DartType, Types;
import '../elements/elements.dart'
import '../enqueue.dart' show ResolutionEnqueuer;
import '../id_generator.dart';
import '../mirrors_used.dart';
import '../options.dart' show CompilerOptions;
import '../parser/element_listener.dart' show ScannerOptions;
import '../parser/parser_task.dart';
import '../patch_parser.dart';
import '../resolution/resolution.dart';
import '../tree/tree.dart' show Send, TypeAnnotation;
import '../universe/call_structure.dart' show CallStructure;
import '../universe/world_impact.dart' show WorldImpact;
import '../universe/feature.dart';
import 'backend_api.dart';
import 'work.dart' show WorkItem;
/// [WorkItem] used exclusively by the [ResolutionEnqueuer].
abstract class ResolutionWorkItem implements WorkItem {
factory ResolutionWorkItem(Resolution resolution, AstElement element) =
class _ResolutionWorkItem extends WorkItem implements ResolutionWorkItem {
bool _isAnalyzed = false;
final Resolution resolution;
_ResolutionWorkItem(this.resolution, AstElement element) : super(element);
WorldImpact run() {
assert(invariant(element, !_isAnalyzed,
message: 'Element ${element} has already been analyzed'));
WorldImpact impact = resolution.computeWorldImpact(element);
_isAnalyzed = true;
return impact;
class ResolutionImpact extends WorldImpact {
const ResolutionImpact();
Iterable<Feature> get features => const <Feature>[];
Iterable<MapLiteralUse> get mapLiterals => const <MapLiteralUse>[];
Iterable<ListLiteralUse> get listLiterals => const <ListLiteralUse>[];
Iterable<String> get constSymbolNames => const <String>[];
Iterable<ConstantExpression> get constantLiterals =>
const <ConstantExpression>[];
Iterable<dynamic> get nativeData => const <dynamic>[];
/// Interface for the accessing the front-end analysis.
// TODO(johnniwinther): Find a better name for this.
abstract class Frontend {
/// Returns the [ResolutionImpact] for [element].
ResolutionImpact getResolutionImpact(Element element);
/// Interface defining target-specific behavior for resolution.
abstract class Target {
/// Returns `true` if [library] is a target specific library whose members
/// have special treatment, such as being allowed to extends blacklisted
/// classes or members being eagerly resolved.
bool isTargetSpecificLibrary(LibraryElement element);
/// Resolve target specific information for [element] and register it with
/// [registry].
void resolveNativeElement(Element element, NativeRegistry registry) {}
/// Processes [element] for resolution and returns the [MethodElement] that
/// defines the implementation of [element].
MethodElement resolveExternalFunction(MethodElement element) => element;
/// Called when resolving a call to a foreign function. If a non-null value
/// is returned, this is stored as native data for [node] in the resolved
/// AST.
dynamic resolveForeignCall(Send node, Element element,
CallStructure callStructure, ForeignResolver resolver) {
return null;
/// Returns `true` if [element] is a default implementation of `noSuchMethod`
/// used by the target.
bool isDefaultNoSuchMethod(MethodElement element);
/// Returns the default superclass for the given [element] in this target.
ClassElement defaultSuperclass(ClassElement element);
/// Returns `true` if [element] is a native element, that is, that the
/// corresponding entity already exists in the target language.
bool isNative(Element element) => false;
/// Returns `true` if [element] is a foreign element, that is, that the
/// backend has specialized handling for the element.
bool isForeign(Element element) => false;
/// Returns `true` if this target supports async/await.
bool get supportsAsyncAwait => true;
// TODO(johnniwinther): Rename to `Resolver` or `ResolverContext`.
abstract class Resolution implements Frontend {
ParsingContext get parsingContext;
DiagnosticReporter get reporter;
CoreClasses get coreClasses;
CoreTypes get coreTypes;
CommonElements get commonElements;
Types get types;
Target get target;
ResolverTask get resolver;
ResolutionEnqueuer get enqueuer;
CompilerOptions get options;
IdGenerator get idGenerator;
ConstantEnvironment get constants;
MirrorUsageAnalyzerTask get mirrorUsageAnalyzerTask;
/// Whether internally we computed the constant for the [proxy] variable
/// defined in dart:core (used only for testing).
// TODO(sigmund): delete, we need a better way to test this.
bool get wasProxyConstantComputedTestingOnly;
/// If set to `true` resolution caches will not be cleared. Use this only for
/// testing.
bool retainCachesForTesting;
void resolveTypedef(TypedefElement typdef);
void resolveClass(ClassElement cls);
void registerClass(ClassElement cls);
void resolveMetadataAnnotation(MetadataAnnotation metadataAnnotation);
FunctionSignature resolveSignature(FunctionElement function);
DartType resolveTypeAnnotation(Element element, TypeAnnotation node);
/// Returns `true` if [element] has been resolved.
// TODO(johnniwinther): Normalize semantics between normal and deserialized
// elements; deserialized elements are always resolved but the method will
// return `false`.
bool hasBeenResolved(Element element);
/// Resolve [element] if it has not already been resolved.
void ensureResolved(Element element);
/// Ensure the resolution of all members of [element].
void ensureClassMembers(ClassElement element);
/// Registers that [element] has a compile time error.
/// The error itself is given in [message].
void registerCompileTimeError(Element element, DiagnosticMessage message);
ResolutionWorkItem createWorkItem(Element element);
/// Returns `true` if [element] as a fully computed [ResolvedAst].
bool hasResolvedAst(ExecutableElement element);
/// Returns the `ResolvedAst` for the [element].
ResolvedAst getResolvedAst(ExecutableElement element);
/// Returns `true` if the [ResolutionImpact] for [element] is cached.
bool hasResolutionImpact(Element element);
/// Returns the precomputed [ResolutionImpact] for [element].
ResolutionImpact getResolutionImpact(Element element);
/// Returns the [ResolvedAst] for [element], computing it if necessary.
ResolvedAst computeResolvedAst(Element element);
/// Returns the precomputed [WorldImpact] for [element].
WorldImpact getWorldImpact(Element element);
/// Computes the [WorldImpact] for [element].
WorldImpact computeWorldImpact(Element element);
WorldImpact transformResolutionImpact(
Element element, ResolutionImpact resolutionImpact);
/// Removes the [WorldImpact] for [element] from the resolution cache. Later
/// calls to [getWorldImpact] or [computeWorldImpact] returns an empty impact.
void uncacheWorldImpact(Element element);
/// Removes the [WorldImpact]s for all [Element]s in the resolution cache. ,
/// Later calls to [getWorldImpact] or [computeWorldImpact] returns an empty
/// impact.
void emptyCache();
void forgetElement(Element element);
/// Returns `true` if [value] is the top-level [proxy] annotation from the
/// core library.
bool isProxyConstant(ConstantValue value);
/// A container of commonly used dependencies for tasks that involve parsing.
abstract class ParsingContext {
factory ParsingContext(DiagnosticReporter reporter, ParserTask parser,
PatchParserTask patchParser, Backend backend) = _ParsingContext;
DiagnosticReporter get reporter;
ParserTask get parser;
PatchParserTask get patchParser;
/// Use [patchParser] directly instead.
void parsePatchClass(ClassElement cls);
/// Use [parser] and measure directly instead.
/// Get the [ScannerOptions] to scan the given [element].
ScannerOptions getScannerOptionsFor(Element element);
class _ParsingContext implements ParsingContext {
final DiagnosticReporter reporter;
final ParserTask parser;
final PatchParserTask patchParser;
final Backend backend;
_ParsingContext(this.reporter, this.parser, this.patchParser, this.backend);
measure(f()) => parser.measure(f);
void parsePatchClass(ClassElement cls) {
patchParser.measure(() {
if (cls.isPatch) {
ScannerOptions getScannerOptionsFor(Element element) => new ScannerOptions(
canUseNative: backend.canLibraryUseNative(element.library));