blob: 62293056d7ca5b4b73c20123e80cd6f8e5ce928d [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2014, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library analyzer.test.generated.all_the_rest_test;
import 'package:analyzer/dart/ast/ast.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/ast/token.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/element/element.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/element/type.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/error/error.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/error/listener.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/file_system/file_system.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/file_system/memory_file_system.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/file_system/physical_file_system.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/ast/utilities.dart' hide ConstantEvaluator;
import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/element/builder.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/element/element.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/sdk/sdk.dart' hide SdkLibrariesReader;
import 'package:analyzer/src/error/codes.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/engine.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/java_engine_io.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/java_io.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/resolver.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/sdk.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/sdk_io.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/source.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/source_io.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/testing/ast_test_factory.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/testing/element_factory.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/testing/test_type_provider.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/testing/token_factory.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/utilities_dart.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/source/source_resource.dart';
import 'package:path/path.dart' as path;
import 'package:source_span/source_span.dart';
import 'package:test/test.dart';
import 'package:test_reflective_loader/test_reflective_loader.dart';
import 'parser_test.dart';
import 'resolver_test_case.dart';
import 'test_support.dart';
main() {
defineReflectiveSuite(() {
// ignore: deprecated_member_use
// ignore: deprecated_member_use
// ignore: deprecated_member_use
// ignore: deprecated_member_use
* Create a tiny mock SDK for use in URI resolution tests.
DartSdk _createSdk() {
MemoryResourceProvider resourceProvider = new MemoryResourceProvider();
String sdkFolderName =
resourceProvider.pathContext.separator == '/' ? '/sdk' : r'C:\sdk';
Folder sdkFolder = resourceProvider.newFolder(sdkFolderName);
expect(sdkFolder, isNotNull);
resourceProvider.pathContext.join(sdkFolderName, 'lib', '_internal',
'sdk_library_metadata', 'lib', 'libraries.dart'),
const Map<String, LibraryInfo> libraries = const {
"core": const LibraryInfo("core/core.dart")
.join(sdkFolderName, 'lib', 'core', 'core.dart'),
library dart.core;
return new FolderBasedDartSdk(resourceProvider, sdkFolder);
class ContentCacheTest {
void test_setContents() {
Source source = new TestSource();
ContentCache cache = new ContentCache();
expect(cache.getContents(source), isNull);
expect(cache.getModificationStamp(source), isNull);
String contents = "library lib;";
expect(cache.setContents(source, contents), isNull);
expect(cache.getContents(source), contents);
expect(cache.getModificationStamp(source), isNotNull);
expect(cache.setContents(source, contents), contents);
expect(cache.setContents(source, null), contents);
expect(cache.getContents(source), isNull);
expect(cache.getModificationStamp(source), isNull);
expect(cache.setContents(source, null), isNull);
class CustomUriResolverTest {
void test_creation() {
expect(new CustomUriResolver({}), isNotNull);
void test_resolve_unknown_uri() {
UriResolver resolver = new CustomUriResolver({
'custom:library': '/path/to/library.dart',
Source result = resolver.resolveAbsolute(Uri.parse("custom:non_library"));
expect(result, isNull);
void test_resolve_uri() {
String filePath =
UriResolver resolver = new CustomUriResolver({
'custom:library': filePath,
Source result = resolver.resolveAbsolute(Uri.parse("custom:library"));
expect(result, isNotNull);
expect(result.fullName, filePath);
class DartUriResolverTest {
void test_creation() {
DartSdk sdk = _createSdk();
expect(new DartUriResolver(sdk), isNotNull);
void test_isDartUri_null_scheme() {
Uri uri = Uri.parse("foo.dart");
expect('', uri.scheme);
expect(DartUriResolver.isDartUri(uri), isFalse);
void test_resolve_dart() {
DartSdk sdk = _createSdk();
UriResolver resolver = new DartUriResolver(sdk);
Source result = resolver.resolveAbsolute(Uri.parse("dart:core"));
expect(result, isNotNull);
void test_resolve_dart_nonExistingLibrary() {
DartSdk sdk = _createSdk();
UriResolver resolver = new DartUriResolver(sdk);
Source result = resolver.resolveAbsolute(Uri.parse("dart:cor"));
expect(result, isNull);
void test_resolve_nonDart() {
DartSdk sdk = _createSdk();
UriResolver resolver = new DartUriResolver(sdk);
Source result =
expect(result, isNull);
class DirectoryBasedDartSdkTest {
void fail_getDocFileFor() {
DirectoryBasedDartSdk sdk = _createDartSdk();
JavaFile docFile = sdk.getDocFileFor("html");
expect(docFile, isNotNull);
void test_analysisOptions_afterContextCreation() {
DirectoryBasedDartSdk sdk = _createDartSdk();
expect(() {
sdk.analysisOptions = new AnalysisOptionsImpl();
}, throwsStateError);
void test_analysisOptions_beforeContextCreation() {
DirectoryBasedDartSdk sdk = _createDartSdk();
sdk.analysisOptions = new AnalysisOptionsImpl();
// cannot change "analysisOptions" in the context
expect(() {
sdk.context.analysisOptions = new AnalysisOptionsImpl();
}, throwsStateError);
void test_creation() {
DirectoryBasedDartSdk sdk = _createDartSdk();
expect(sdk, isNotNull);
void test_fromFile_invalid() {
DirectoryBasedDartSdk sdk = _createDartSdk();
sdk.fromFileUri(new JavaFile("/not/in/the/sdk.dart").toURI()), isNull);
void test_fromFile_library() {
DirectoryBasedDartSdk sdk = _createDartSdk();
Source source = sdk.fromFileUri(new JavaFile.relative(
new JavaFile.relative(sdk.libraryDirectory, "core"), "core.dart")
expect(source, isNotNull);
expect(source.isInSystemLibrary, isTrue);
expect(source.uri.toString(), "dart:core");
void test_fromFile_library_firstExact() {
DirectoryBasedDartSdk sdk = _createDartSdk();
JavaFile dirHtml = new JavaFile.relative(sdk.libraryDirectory, "html");
JavaFile dirDartium = new JavaFile.relative(dirHtml, "dartium");
JavaFile file = new JavaFile.relative(dirDartium, "html_dartium.dart");
expect(file.isFile(), isTrue);
Source source = sdk.fromFileUri(file.toURI());
expect(source, isNotNull);
expect(source.isInSystemLibrary, isTrue);
expect(source.uri.toString(), "dart:html");
void test_fromFile_library_html_common_dart2js() {
DirectoryBasedDartSdk sdk = _createDartSdk();
JavaFile dirHtml = new JavaFile.relative(sdk.libraryDirectory, "html");
JavaFile dirCommon = new JavaFile.relative(dirHtml, "html_common");
JavaFile file =
new JavaFile.relative(dirCommon, "html_common_dart2js.dart");
expect(file.isFile(), isTrue);
Source source = sdk.fromFileUri(file.toURI());
expect(source, isNotNull);
expect(source.isInSystemLibrary, isTrue);
expect(source.uri.toString(), "dart:html_common/html_common_dart2js.dart");
void test_fromFile_part() {
DirectoryBasedDartSdk sdk = _createDartSdk();
Source source = sdk.fromFileUri(new JavaFile.relative(
new JavaFile.relative(sdk.libraryDirectory, "core"), "num.dart")
expect(source, isNotNull);
expect(source.isInSystemLibrary, isTrue);
expect(source.uri.toString(), "dart:core/num.dart");
void test_getDart2JsExecutable() {
DirectoryBasedDartSdk sdk = _createDartSdk();
JavaFile executable = sdk.dart2JsExecutable;
expect(executable, isNotNull);
expect(executable.exists(), isTrue);
expect(executable.isExecutable(), isTrue);
void test_getDirectory() {
DirectoryBasedDartSdk sdk = _createDartSdk();
JavaFile directory =;
expect(directory, isNotNull);
expect(directory.exists(), isTrue);
void test_getDocDirectory() {
DirectoryBasedDartSdk sdk = _createDartSdk();
JavaFile directory = sdk.docDirectory;
expect(directory, isNotNull);
void test_getLibraryDirectory() {
DirectoryBasedDartSdk sdk = _createDartSdk();
JavaFile directory = sdk.libraryDirectory;
expect(directory, isNotNull);
expect(directory.exists(), isTrue);
void test_getPubExecutable() {
DirectoryBasedDartSdk sdk = _createDartSdk();
JavaFile executable = sdk.pubExecutable;
expect(executable, isNotNull);
expect(executable.exists(), isTrue);
expect(executable.isExecutable(), isTrue);
void test_getSdkVersion() {
DirectoryBasedDartSdk sdk = _createDartSdk();
String version = sdk.sdkVersion;
expect(version, isNotNull);
expect(version.length > 0, isTrue);
void test_getVmExecutable() {
DirectoryBasedDartSdk sdk = _createDartSdk();
JavaFile executable = sdk.vmExecutable;
expect(executable, isNotNull);
expect(executable.exists(), isTrue);
expect(executable.isExecutable(), isTrue);
void test_useSummary_afterContextCreation() {
DirectoryBasedDartSdk sdk = _createDartSdk();
expect(() {
sdk.useSummary = true;
}, throwsStateError);
void test_useSummary_beforeContextCreation() {
DirectoryBasedDartSdk sdk = _createDartSdk();
sdk.useSummary = true;
DirectoryBasedDartSdk _createDartSdk() {
JavaFile sdkDirectory = DirectoryBasedDartSdk.defaultSdkDirectory;
expect(sdkDirectory, isNotNull,
"No SDK configured; set the property '' on the command line");
return new DirectoryBasedDartSdk(sdkDirectory);
class DirectoryBasedSourceContainerTest {
void test_contains() {
MemoryResourceProvider resourceProvider = new MemoryResourceProvider();
File file1 = resourceProvider.getFile('/does/not/exist/some.dart');
File file2 = resourceProvider.getFile('/does/not/exist/folder/some2.dart');
File file3 = resourceProvider.getFile('/does/not/exist3/some3.dart');
Source source1 = new FileSource(file1);
Source source2 = new FileSource(file2);
Source source3 = new FileSource(file3);
DirectoryBasedSourceContainer container =
new DirectoryBasedSourceContainer.con2('/does/not/exist');
expect(container.contains(source1), isTrue);
expect(container.contains(source2), isTrue);
expect(container.contains(source3), isFalse);
class ElementLocatorTest extends ResolverTestCase {
void fail_locate_Identifier_partOfDirective() {
// Can't resolve the library element without the library declaration.
// AstNode id = findNodeIn("foo", "part of;");
// Element element = ElementLocator.locate(id);
// assertInstanceOf(LibraryElement.class, element);
fail("Test this case");
void reset() {
AnalysisOptionsImpl analysisOptions = new AnalysisOptionsImpl();
analysisOptions.hint = false;
void test_locate_AssignmentExpression() {
AstNode id = _findNodeIn(
int x = 0;
void main() {
x += 1;
Element element = ElementLocator.locate(id);
(obj) => obj is MethodElement, MethodElement, element);
void test_locate_BinaryExpression() {
AstNode id = _findNodeIn("+", "var x = 3 + 4;");
Element element = ElementLocator.locate(id);
(obj) => obj is MethodElement, MethodElement, element);
void test_locate_ClassDeclaration() {
AstNode id = _findNodeIn("class", "class A { }");
Element element = ElementLocator.locate(id);
(obj) => obj is ClassElement, ClassElement, element);
void test_locate_CompilationUnit() {
CompilationUnit cu = _resolveContents("// only comment");
expect(cu.element, isNotNull);
Element element = ElementLocator.locate(cu);
expect(element, same(cu.element));
void test_locate_ConstructorDeclaration() {
AstNode id = _findNodeIndexedIn(
class A { {}
ConstructorDeclaration declaration =
id.getAncestor((node) => node is ConstructorDeclaration);
Element element = ElementLocator.locate(declaration);
(obj) => obj is ConstructorElement, ConstructorElement, element);
void test_locate_ExportDirective() {
AstNode id = _findNodeIn("export", "export 'dart:core';");
Element element = ElementLocator.locate(id);
(obj) => obj is ExportElement, ExportElement, element);
void test_locate_FunctionDeclaration() {
AstNode id = _findNodeIn("f", "int f() => 3;");
FunctionDeclaration declaration =
id.getAncestor((node) => node is FunctionDeclaration);
Element element = ElementLocator.locate(declaration);
(obj) => obj is FunctionElement, FunctionElement, element);
test_locate_Identifier_annotationClass_namedConstructor_forSimpleFormalParameter() {
AstNode id = _findNodeIndexedIn(
class Class {
void main( parameter) {
Element element = ElementLocator.locate(id);
(obj) => obj is ClassElement, ClassElement, element);
test_locate_Identifier_annotationClass_unnamedConstructor_forSimpleFormalParameter() {
AstNode id = _findNodeIndexedIn(
class Class {
const Class();
void main(@Class() parameter) {
Element element = ElementLocator.locate(id);
(obj) => obj is ConstructorElement, ConstructorElement, element);
void test_locate_Identifier_className() {
AstNode id = _findNodeIn("A", "class A { }");
Element element = ElementLocator.locate(id);
(obj) => obj is ClassElement, ClassElement, element);
void test_locate_Identifier_constructor_named() {
AstNode id = _findNodeIndexedIn(
class A { {}
Element element = ElementLocator.locate(id);
(obj) => obj is ConstructorElement, ConstructorElement, element);
void test_locate_Identifier_constructor_unnamed() {
AstNode id = _findNodeIndexedIn(
class A {
A() {}
Element element = ElementLocator.locate(id);
(obj) => obj is ConstructorElement, ConstructorElement, element);
void test_locate_Identifier_fieldName() {
AstNode id = _findNodeIn("x", "class A { var x; }");
Element element = ElementLocator.locate(id);
(obj) => obj is FieldElement, FieldElement, element);
void test_locate_Identifier_libraryDirective() {
AstNode id = _findNodeIn("foo", "library;");
Element element = ElementLocator.locate(id);
(obj) => obj is LibraryElement, LibraryElement, element);
void test_locate_Identifier_propertyAccess() {
AstNode id = _findNodeIn(
void main() {
int x = 'foo'.length;
Element element = ElementLocator.locate(id);
EngineTestCase.assertInstanceOf((obj) => obj is PropertyAccessorElement,
PropertyAccessorElement, element);
void test_locate_ImportDirective() {
AstNode id = _findNodeIn("import", "import 'dart:core';");
Element element = ElementLocator.locate(id);
(obj) => obj is ImportElement, ImportElement, element);
void test_locate_IndexExpression() {
AstNode id = _findNodeIndexedIn(
void main() {
List x = [1, 2];
var y = x[0];
Element element = ElementLocator.locate(id);
(obj) => obj is MethodElement, MethodElement, element);
void test_locate_InstanceCreationExpression() {
AstNode node = _findNodeIndexedIn(
class A {}
void main() {
new A();
Element element = ElementLocator.locate(node);
(obj) => obj is ConstructorElement, ConstructorElement, element);
void test_locate_InstanceCreationExpression_type_prefixedIdentifier() {
// prepare: new pref.A()
SimpleIdentifier identifier = AstTestFactory.identifier3("A");
PrefixedIdentifier prefixedIdentifier =
AstTestFactory.identifier4("pref", identifier);
InstanceCreationExpression creation =
Keyword.NEW, AstTestFactory.typeName3(prefixedIdentifier));
// set ClassElement
ClassElement classElement = ElementFactory.classElement2("A");
identifier.staticElement = classElement;
// set ConstructorElement
ConstructorElement constructorElement =
ElementFactory.constructorElement2(classElement, null);
creation.constructorName.staticElement = constructorElement;
// verify that "A" is resolved to ConstructorElement
Element element = ElementLocator.locate(identifier);
expect(element, same(classElement));
void test_locate_InstanceCreationExpression_type_simpleIdentifier() {
// prepare: new A()
SimpleIdentifier identifier = AstTestFactory.identifier3("A");
InstanceCreationExpression creation =
Keyword.NEW, AstTestFactory.typeName3(identifier));
// set ClassElement
ClassElement classElement = ElementFactory.classElement2("A");
identifier.staticElement = classElement;
// set ConstructorElement
ConstructorElement constructorElement =
ElementFactory.constructorElement2(classElement, null);
creation.constructorName.staticElement = constructorElement;
// verify that "A" is resolved to ConstructorElement
Element element = ElementLocator.locate(identifier);
expect(element, same(classElement));
void test_locate_LibraryDirective() {
AstNode id = _findNodeIn("library", "library foo;");
Element element = ElementLocator.locate(id);
(obj) => obj is LibraryElement, LibraryElement, element);
void test_locate_MethodDeclaration() {
AstNode id = _findNodeIn(
class A {
void m() {}
MethodDeclaration declaration =
id.getAncestor((node) => node is MethodDeclaration);
Element element = ElementLocator.locate(declaration);
(obj) => obj is MethodElement, MethodElement, element);
void test_locate_MethodInvocation_method() {
AstNode id = _findNodeIndexedIn(
class A {
int bar() => 42;
void main() {
var f = new A().bar();
Element element = ElementLocator.locate(id);
(obj) => obj is MethodElement, MethodElement, element);
void test_locate_MethodInvocation_topLevel() {
String code = r'''
foo(x) {}
void main() {
CompilationUnit cu = _resolveContents(code);
int offset = code.indexOf('foo(0)');
AstNode node = new NodeLocator(offset).searchWithin(cu);
MethodInvocation invocation =
node.getAncestor((n) => n is MethodInvocation);
Element element = ElementLocator.locate(invocation);
(obj) => obj is FunctionElement, FunctionElement, element);
void test_locate_PartOfDirective() {
Source librarySource = addNamedSource(
library my.lib;
part 'part.dart';
Source unitSource = addNamedSource(
part of my.lib;
CompilationUnit unit =
analysisContext.resolveCompilationUnit2(unitSource, librarySource);
PartOfDirective partOf = unit.directives.first;
Element element = ElementLocator.locate(partOf);
(obj) => obj is LibraryElement, LibraryElement, element);
void test_locate_PostfixExpression() {
AstNode id = _findNodeIn("++", "int addOne(int x) => x++;");
Element element = ElementLocator.locate(id);
(obj) => obj is MethodElement, MethodElement, element);
void test_locate_PrefixedIdentifier() {
AstNode id = _findNodeIn(
import 'dart:core' as core; value;''');
PrefixedIdentifier identifier =
id.getAncestor((node) => node is PrefixedIdentifier);
Element element = ElementLocator.locate(identifier);
(obj) => obj is ClassElement, ClassElement, element);
void test_locate_PrefixExpression() {
AstNode id = _findNodeIn("++", "int addOne(int x) => ++x;");
Element element = ElementLocator.locate(id);
(obj) => obj is MethodElement, MethodElement, element);
void test_locate_StringLiteral_exportUri() {
addNamedSource("/foo.dart", "library foo;");
AstNode id = _findNodeIn("'foo.dart'", "export 'foo.dart';");
Element element = ElementLocator.locate(id);
(obj) => obj is LibraryElement, LibraryElement, element);
void test_locate_StringLiteral_expression() {
AstNode id = _findNodeIn("abc", "var x = 'abc';");
Element element = ElementLocator.locate(id);
expect(element, isNull);
void test_locate_StringLiteral_importUri() {
addNamedSource("/foo.dart", "library foo; class A {}");
AstNode id =
_findNodeIn("'foo.dart'", "import 'foo.dart'; class B extends A {}");
Element element = ElementLocator.locate(id);
(obj) => obj is LibraryElement, LibraryElement, element);
void test_locate_StringLiteral_partUri() {
addNamedSource("/foo.dart", "part of app;");
AstNode id = _findNodeIn("'foo.dart'", "library app; part 'foo.dart';");
Element element = ElementLocator.locate(id);
EngineTestCase.assertInstanceOf((obj) => obj is CompilationUnitElement,
CompilationUnitElement, element);
void test_locate_VariableDeclaration() {
AstNode id = _findNodeIn("x", "var x = 'abc';");
VariableDeclaration declaration =
id.getAncestor((node) => node is VariableDeclaration);
Element element = ElementLocator.locate(declaration);
EngineTestCase.assertInstanceOf((obj) => obj is TopLevelVariableElement,
TopLevelVariableElement, element);
* Find the first AST node matching a pattern in the resolved AST for the given source.
* [nodePattern] the (unique) pattern used to identify the node of interest.
* [code] the code to resolve.
* Returns the matched node in the resolved AST for the given source lines.
AstNode _findNodeIn(String nodePattern, String code) {
return _findNodeIndexedIn(nodePattern, 0, code);
* Find the AST node matching the given indexed occurrence of a pattern in the resolved AST for
* the given source.
* [nodePattern] the pattern used to identify the node of interest.
* [index] the index of the pattern match of interest.
* [code] the code to resolve.
* Returns the matched node in the resolved AST for the given source lines
AstNode _findNodeIndexedIn(String nodePattern, int index, String code) {
CompilationUnit cu = _resolveContents(code);
int start = _getOffsetOfMatch(code, nodePattern, index);
int end = start + nodePattern.length;
return new NodeLocator(start, end).searchWithin(cu);
int _getOffsetOfMatch(String contents, String pattern, int matchIndex) {
if (matchIndex == 0) {
return contents.indexOf(pattern);
Iterable<Match> matches = new RegExp(pattern).allMatches(contents);
Match match = matches.toList()[matchIndex];
return match.start;
* Parse, resolve and verify the given source lines to produce a fully
* resolved AST.
* [code] the code to resolve.
* Returns the result of resolving the AST structure representing the content
* of the source.
* Throws if source cannot be verified.
CompilationUnit _resolveContents(String code) {
Source source = addSource(code);
LibraryElement library = resolve2(source);
return analysisContext.resolveCompilationUnit(source, library);
class EnumMemberBuilderTest extends EngineTestCase {
void test_visitEnumDeclaration_multiple() {
String firstName = "ONE";
String secondName = "TWO";
String thirdName = "THREE";
EnumDeclaration enumDeclaration = AstTestFactory
.enumDeclaration2("E", [firstName, secondName, thirdName]);
ClassElement enumElement = _buildElement(enumDeclaration);
List<FieldElement> fields = enumElement.fields;
expect(fields, hasLength(5));
FieldElement constant = fields[2];
expect(constant, isNotNull);
expect(, firstName);
expect(constant.isStatic, isTrue);
expect((constant as FieldElementImpl).evaluationResult, isNotNull);
constant = fields[3];
expect(constant, isNotNull);
expect(, secondName);
expect(constant.isStatic, isTrue);
expect((constant as FieldElementImpl).evaluationResult, isNotNull);
constant = fields[4];
expect(constant, isNotNull);
expect(, thirdName);
expect(constant.isStatic, isTrue);
expect((constant as FieldElementImpl).evaluationResult, isNotNull);
void test_visitEnumDeclaration_single() {
String firstName = "ONE";
EnumDeclaration enumDeclaration =
AstTestFactory.enumDeclaration2("E", [firstName]);
enumDeclaration.constants[0].documentationComment = AstTestFactory
[TokenFactory.tokenFromString('/// aaa')..offset = 50], []);
ClassElement enumElement = _buildElement(enumDeclaration);
List<FieldElement> fields = enumElement.fields;
expect(fields, hasLength(3));
FieldElement field = fields[0];
expect(field, isNotNull);
expect(, "index");
expect(field.isStatic, isFalse);
expect(field.isSynthetic, isTrue);
field = fields[1];
expect(field, isNotNull);
expect(, "values");
expect(field.isStatic, isTrue);
expect(field.isSynthetic, isTrue);
expect((field as FieldElementImpl).evaluationResult, isNotNull);
FieldElement constant = fields[2];
expect(constant, isNotNull);
expect(, firstName);
expect(constant.isStatic, isTrue);
expect((constant as FieldElementImpl).evaluationResult, isNotNull);
expect(constant.documentationComment, '/// aaa');
void _assertGetter(FieldElement field) {
PropertyAccessorElement getter = field.getter;
expect(getter, isNotNull);
expect(getter.variable, same(field));
expect(getter.type, isNotNull);
ClassElement _buildElement(EnumDeclaration enumDeclaration) {
ElementHolder holder = new ElementHolder();
ElementBuilder elementBuilder = _makeBuilder(holder);
EnumMemberBuilder memberBuilder =
new EnumMemberBuilder(new TestTypeProvider());
List<ClassElement> enums = holder.enums;
expect(enums, hasLength(1));
return enums[0];
ElementBuilder _makeBuilder(ElementHolder holder) =>
new ElementBuilder(holder, new CompilationUnitElementImpl('test.dart'));
class ErrorReporterTest extends EngineTestCase {
* Create a type with the given name in a compilation unit with the given name.
* @param fileName the name of the compilation unit containing the class
* @param typeName the name of the type to be created
* @return the type that was created
InterfaceType createType(String fileName, String typeName) {
CompilationUnitElementImpl unit = ElementFactory.compilationUnit(fileName);
ClassElementImpl element = ElementFactory.classElement2(typeName);
unit.types = <ClassElement>[element];
return element.type;
void test_creation() {
GatheringErrorListener listener = new GatheringErrorListener();
TestSource source = new TestSource();
expect(new ErrorReporter(listener, source), isNotNull);
void test_reportErrorForElement_named() {
DartType type = createType("/test1.dart", "A");
ClassElement element = type.element;
GatheringErrorListener listener = new GatheringErrorListener();
ErrorReporter reporter = new ErrorReporter(listener, element.source);
AnalysisError error = listener.errors[0];
expect(error.offset, element.nameOffset);
void test_reportErrorForElement_unnamed() {
ImportElementImpl element =
ElementFactory.importFor(ElementFactory.library(null, ''), null);
GatheringErrorListener listener = new GatheringErrorListener();
ErrorReporter reporter = new ErrorReporter(
new NonExistingSource(
'/test.dart', path.toUri('/test.dart'), UriKind.FILE_URI));
AnalysisError error = listener.errors[0];
expect(error.offset, element.nameOffset);
void test_reportErrorForSpan() {
GatheringErrorListener listener = new GatheringErrorListener();
ErrorReporter reporter = new ErrorReporter(listener, new TestSource());
var src = '''
foo: bar
zap: baz
int offset = src.indexOf('baz');
int length = 'baz'.length;
SourceSpan span = new SourceFile(src).span(offset, offset + length);
['test', 'zip', 'zap']);
expect(listener.errors, hasLength(1));
expect(listener.errors.first.offset, offset);
expect(listener.errors.first.length, length);
void test_reportTypeErrorForNode_differentNames() {
DartType firstType = createType("/test1.dart", "A");
DartType secondType = createType("/test2.dart", "B");
GatheringErrorListener listener = new GatheringErrorListener();
ErrorReporter reporter =
new ErrorReporter(listener, firstType.element.source);
[firstType, secondType]);
AnalysisError error = listener.errors[0];
expect(error.message.indexOf("(") < 0, isTrue);
void test_reportTypeErrorForNode_sameName() {
String typeName = "A";
DartType firstType = createType("/test1.dart", typeName);
DartType secondType = createType("/test2.dart", typeName);
GatheringErrorListener listener = new GatheringErrorListener();
ErrorReporter reporter =
new ErrorReporter(listener, firstType.element.source);
[firstType, secondType]);
AnalysisError error = listener.errors[0];
expect(error.message.indexOf("(") >= 0, isTrue);
class ErrorSeverityTest extends EngineTestCase {
void test_max_error_error() {
void test_max_error_none() {
ErrorSeverity.ERROR.max(ErrorSeverity.NONE), same(ErrorSeverity.ERROR));
void test_max_error_warning() {
void test_max_none_error() {
ErrorSeverity.NONE.max(ErrorSeverity.ERROR), same(ErrorSeverity.ERROR));
void test_max_none_none() {
ErrorSeverity.NONE.max(ErrorSeverity.NONE), same(ErrorSeverity.NONE));
void test_max_none_warning() {
void test_max_warning_error() {
void test_max_warning_none() {
void test_max_warning_warning() {
* Tests for the [ExitDetector] that do not require that the AST be resolved.
* See [ExitDetectorTest2] for tests that require the AST to be resolved.
class ExitDetectorTest extends ParserTestCase {
void test_asExpression() {
_assertFalse("a as Object;");
void test_asExpression_throw() {
_assertTrue("throw '' as Object;");
void test_assertStatement() {
void test_assertStatement_throw() {
_assertFalse("assert((throw 0));");
void test_assignmentExpression() {
_assertFalse("v = 1;");
void test_assignmentExpression_compound_lazy() {
enableLazyAssignmentOperators = true;
_assertFalse("v ||= false;");
void test_assignmentExpression_lhs_throw() {
_assertTrue("a[throw ''] = 0;");
void test_assignmentExpression_rhs_throw() {
_assertTrue("v = throw '';");
void test_await_false() {
_assertFalse("await x;");
void test_await_throw_true() {
_assertTrue("bool b = await (throw '' || true);");
void test_binaryExpression_and() {
_assertFalse("a && b;");
void test_binaryExpression_and_lhs() {
_assertTrue("throw '' && b;");
void test_binaryExpression_and_rhs() {
_assertFalse("a && (throw '');");
void test_binaryExpression_and_rhs2() {
_assertFalse("false && (throw '');");
void test_binaryExpression_and_rhs3() {
_assertTrue("true && (throw '');");
void test_binaryExpression_ifNull() {
_assertFalse("a ?? b;");
void test_binaryExpression_ifNull_lhs() {
_assertTrue("throw '' ?? b;");
void test_binaryExpression_ifNull_rhs() {
_assertFalse("a ?? (throw '');");
void test_binaryExpression_ifNull_rhs2() {
_assertFalse("null ?? (throw '');");
void test_binaryExpression_or() {
_assertFalse("a || b;");
void test_binaryExpression_or_lhs() {
_assertTrue("throw '' || b;");
void test_binaryExpression_or_rhs() {
_assertFalse("a || (throw '');");
void test_binaryExpression_or_rhs2() {
_assertFalse("true || (throw '');");
void test_binaryExpression_or_rhs3() {
_assertTrue("false || (throw '');");
void test_block_empty() {
void test_block_noReturn() {
_assertFalse("{ int i = 0; }");
void test_block_return() {
_assertTrue("{ return 0; }");
void test_block_returnNotLast() {
_assertTrue("{ return 0; throw 'a'; }");
void test_block_throwNotLast() {
_assertTrue("{ throw 0; x = null; }");
void test_cascadeExpression_argument() {
_assertTrue("a..b(throw '');");
void test_cascadeExpression_index() {
_assertTrue("a..[throw ''];");
void test_cascadeExpression_target() {
_assertTrue("throw ''..b();");
void test_conditional_ifElse_bothThrows() {
_assertTrue("c ? throw '' : throw '';");
void test_conditional_ifElse_elseThrows() {
_assertFalse("c ? i : throw '';");
void test_conditional_ifElse_noThrow() {
_assertFalse("c ? i : j;");
void test_conditional_ifElse_thenThrow() {
_assertFalse("c ? throw '' : j;");
void test_conditionalAccess() {
void test_conditionalAccess_lhs() {
_assertTrue("(throw '')?.b;");
void test_conditionalAccessAssign() {
_assertFalse("a?.b = c;");
void test_conditionalAccessAssign_lhs() {
_assertTrue("(throw '')?.b = c;");
void test_conditionalAccessAssign_rhs() {
_assertFalse("a?.b = throw '';");
void test_conditionalAccessAssign_rhs2() {
_assertFalse("null?.b = throw '';");
void test_conditionalAccessIfNullAssign() {
_assertFalse("a?.b ??= c;");
void test_conditionalAccessIfNullAssign_lhs() {
_assertTrue("(throw '')?.b ??= c;");
void test_conditionalAccessIfNullAssign_rhs() {
_assertFalse("a?.b ??= throw '';");
void test_conditionalAccessIfNullAssign_rhs2() {
_assertFalse("null?.b ??= throw '';");
void test_conditionalCall() {
void test_conditionalCall_lhs() {
_assertTrue("(throw '')?.b(c);");
void test_conditionalCall_rhs() {
_assertFalse("a?.b(throw '');");
void test_conditionalCall_rhs2() {
_assertFalse("null?.b(throw '');");
void test_creation() {
expect(new ExitDetector(), isNotNull);
void test_doStatement_break_and_throw() {
_assertFalse("{ do { if (1==1) break; throw 'T'; } while (0==1); }");
void test_doStatement_continue_and_throw() {
_assertFalse("{ do { if (1==1) continue; throw 'T'; } while (0==1); }");
void test_doStatement_continueDoInSwitch_and_throw() {
D: do {
switch (1) {
L: case 0: continue D;
M: case 1: break;
throw 'T';
} while (0 == 1);
void test_doStatement_continueInSwitch_and_throw() {
do {
switch (1) {
L: case 0: continue;
M: case 1: break;
throw 'T';
} while (0 == 1);
void test_doStatement_return() {
_assertTrue("{ do { return null; } while (1 == 2); }");
void test_doStatement_throwCondition() {
_assertTrue("{ do {} while (throw ''); }");
void test_doStatement_true_break() {
_assertFalse("{ do { break; } while (true); }");
void test_doStatement_true_continue() {
_assertTrue("{ do { continue; } while (true); }");
void test_doStatement_true_continueWithLabel() {
_assertTrue("{ x: do { continue x; } while (true); }");
void test_doStatement_true_if_return() {
_assertTrue("{ do { if (true) {return null;} } while (true); }");
void test_doStatement_true_noBreak() {
_assertTrue("{ do {} while (true); }");
void test_doStatement_true_return() {
_assertTrue("{ do { return null; } while (true); }");
void test_emptyStatement() {
void test_forEachStatement() {
_assertFalse("for (element in list) {}");
void test_forEachStatement_throw() {
_assertTrue("for (element in throw '') {}");
void test_forStatement_condition() {
_assertTrue("for (; throw 0;) {}");
void test_forStatement_implicitTrue() {
_assertTrue("for (;;) {}");
void test_forStatement_implicitTrue_break() {
_assertFalse("for (;;) { break; }");
void test_forStatement_implicitTrue_if_break() {
_assertFalse("{ for (;;) { if (1==2) { var a = 1; } else { break; } } }");
void test_forStatement_initialization() {
_assertTrue("for (i = throw 0;;) {}");
void test_forStatement_true() {
_assertTrue("for (; true; ) {}");
void test_forStatement_true_break() {
_assertFalse("{ for (; true; ) { break; } }");
void test_forStatement_true_continue() {
_assertTrue("{ for (; true; ) { continue; } }");
void test_forStatement_true_if_return() {
_assertTrue("{ for (; true; ) { if (true) {return null;} } }");
void test_forStatement_true_noBreak() {
_assertTrue("{ for (; true; ) {} }");
void test_forStatement_updaters() {
_assertTrue("for (;; i++, throw 0) {}");
void test_forStatement_variableDeclaration() {
_assertTrue("for (int i = throw 0;;) {}");
void test_functionExpression() {
void test_functionExpression_bodyThrows() {
_assertFalse("(int i) => throw '';");
void test_functionExpressionInvocation() {
void test_functionExpressionInvocation_argumentThrows() {
_assertTrue("f(throw '');");
void test_functionExpressionInvocation_targetThrows() {
_assertTrue("throw ''(g);");
void test_identifier_prefixedIdentifier() {
void test_identifier_simpleIdentifier() {
void test_if_false_else_return() {
_assertTrue("if (false) {} else { return 0; }");
void test_if_false_noReturn() {
_assertFalse("if (false) {}");
void test_if_false_return() {
_assertFalse("if (false) { return 0; }");
void test_if_noReturn() {
_assertFalse("if (c) i++;");
void test_if_return() {
_assertFalse("if (c) return 0;");
void test_if_true_noReturn() {
_assertFalse("if (true) {}");
void test_if_true_return() {
_assertTrue("if (true) { return 0; }");
void test_ifElse_bothReturn() {
_assertTrue("if (c) return 0; else return 1;");
void test_ifElse_elseReturn() {
_assertFalse("if (c) i++; else return 1;");
void test_ifElse_noReturn() {
_assertFalse("if (c) i++; else j++;");
void test_ifElse_thenReturn() {
_assertFalse("if (c) return 0; else j++;");
void test_ifNullAssign() {
_assertFalse("a ??= b;");
void test_ifNullAssign_rhs() {
_assertFalse("a ??= throw '';");
void test_indexExpression() {
void test_indexExpression_index() {
_assertTrue("a[throw ''];");
void test_indexExpression_target() {
_assertTrue("throw ''[b];");
void test_instanceCreationExpression() {
_assertFalse("new A(b);");
void test_instanceCreationExpression_argumentThrows() {
_assertTrue("new A(throw '');");
void test_isExpression() {
_assertFalse("A is B;");
void test_isExpression_throws() {
_assertTrue("throw '' is B;");
void test_labeledStatement() {
_assertFalse("label: a;");
void test_labeledStatement_throws() {
_assertTrue("label: throw '';");
void test_literal_boolean() {
void test_literal_double() {
void test_literal_integer() {
void test_literal_null() {
void test_literal_String() {
void test_methodInvocation() {
void test_methodInvocation_argument() {
_assertTrue("a.b(throw '');");
void test_methodInvocation_target() {
_assertTrue("throw ''.b(c);");
void test_parenthesizedExpression() {
void test_parenthesizedExpression_throw() {
_assertTrue("(throw '');");
void test_propertyAccess() {
_assertFalse("new Object().a;");
void test_propertyAccess_throws() {
_assertTrue("(throw '').a;");
void test_rethrow() {
void test_return() {
_assertTrue("return 0;");
void test_superExpression() {
void test_switch_allReturn() {
_assertTrue("switch (i) { case 0: return 0; default: return 1; }");
void test_switch_defaultWithNoStatements() {
_assertFalse("switch (i) { case 0: return 0; default: }");
void test_switch_fallThroughToNotReturn() {
_assertFalse("switch (i) { case 0: case 1: break; default: return 1; }");
void test_switch_fallThroughToReturn() {
_assertTrue("switch (i) { case 0: case 1: return 0; default: return 1; }");
// The ExitDetector could conceivably follow switch continue labels and
// determine that `case 0` exits, `case 1` continues to an exiting case, and
// `default` exits, so the switch exits.
void test_switch_includesContinue() {
switch (i) {
zero: case 0: return 0;
case 1: continue zero;
default: return 1;
void test_switch_noDefault() {
_assertFalse("switch (i) { case 0: return 0; }");
void test_switch_nonReturn() {
_assertFalse("switch (i) { case 0: i++; default: return 1; }");
void test_thisExpression() {
void test_throwExpression() {
_assertTrue("throw new Object();");
void test_tryStatement_noReturn() {
_assertFalse("try {} catch (e, s) {} finally {}");
void test_tryStatement_noReturn_noFinally() {
_assertFalse("try {} catch (e, s) {}");
void test_tryStatement_return_catch() {
_assertFalse("try {} catch (e, s) { return 1; } finally {}");
void test_tryStatement_return_catch_noFinally() {
_assertFalse("try {} catch (e, s) { return 1; }");
void test_tryStatement_return_finally() {
_assertTrue("try {} catch (e, s) {} finally { return 1; }");
void test_tryStatement_return_try_noCatch() {
_assertTrue("try { return 1; } finally {}");
void test_tryStatement_return_try_oneCatchDoesNotExit() {
_assertFalse("try { return 1; } catch (e, s) {} finally {}");
void test_tryStatement_return_try_oneCatchDoesNotExit_noFinally() {
_assertFalse("try { return 1; } catch (e, s) {}");
void test_tryStatement_return_try_oneCatchExits() {
_assertTrue("try { return 1; } catch (e, s) { return 1; } finally {}");
void test_tryStatement_return_try_oneCatchExits_noFinally() {
_assertTrue("try { return 1; } catch (e, s) { return 1; }");
void test_tryStatement_return_try_twoCatchesDoExit() {
try { return 1; }
on int catch (e, s) { return 1; }
on String catch (e, s) { return 1; }
finally {}''');
void test_tryStatement_return_try_twoCatchesDoExit_noFinally() {
try { return 1; }
on int catch (e, s) { return 1; }
on String catch (e, s) { return 1; }''');
void test_tryStatement_return_try_twoCatchesDoNotExit() {
try { return 1; }
on int catch (e, s) {}
on String catch (e, s) {}
finally {}''');
void test_tryStatement_return_try_twoCatchesDoNotExit_noFinally() {
try { return 1; }
on int catch (e, s) {}
on String catch (e, s) {}''');
void test_tryStatement_return_try_twoCatchesMixed() {
try { return 1; }
on int catch (e, s) {}
on String catch (e, s) { return 1; }
finally {}''');
void test_tryStatement_return_try_twoCatchesMixed_noFinally() {
try { return 1; }
on int catch (e, s) {}
on String catch (e, s) { return 1; }''');
void test_variableDeclarationStatement_noInitializer() {
_assertFalse("int i;");
void test_variableDeclarationStatement_noThrow() {
_assertFalse("int i = 0;");
void test_variableDeclarationStatement_throw() {
_assertTrue("int i = throw new Object();");
void test_whileStatement_false_nonReturn() {
_assertFalse("{ while (false) {} }");
void test_whileStatement_throwCondition() {
_assertTrue("{ while (throw '') {} }");
void test_whileStatement_true_break() {
_assertFalse("{ while (true) { break; } }");
void test_whileStatement_true_break_and_throw() {
_assertFalse("{ while (true) { if (1==1) break; throw 'T'; } }");
void test_whileStatement_true_continue() {
_assertTrue("{ while (true) { continue; } }");
void test_whileStatement_true_continueWithLabel() {
_assertTrue("{ x: while (true) { continue x; } }");
void test_whileStatement_true_doStatement_scopeRequired() {
_assertTrue("{ while (true) { x: do { continue x; } while (true); } }");
void test_whileStatement_true_if_return() {
_assertTrue("{ while (true) { if (true) {return null;} } }");
void test_whileStatement_true_noBreak() {
_assertTrue("{ while (true) {} }");
void test_whileStatement_true_return() {
_assertTrue("{ while (true) { return null; } }");
void test_whileStatement_true_throw() {
_assertTrue("{ while (true) { throw ''; } }");
void _assertFalse(String source) {
_assertHasReturn(false, source);
void _assertHasReturn(bool expectedResult, String source) {
Statement statement = ParserTestCase.parseStatement(
source, [], enableLazyAssignmentOperators);
expect(ExitDetector.exits(statement), expectedResult);
void _assertTrue(String source) {
_assertHasReturn(true, source);
* Tests for the [ExitDetector] that require that the AST be resolved.
* See [ExitDetectorTest] for tests that do not require the AST to be resolved.
class ExitDetectorTest2 extends ResolverTestCase {
void test_forStatement_implicitTrue_breakWithLabel() {
Source source = addSource(r'''
void f() {
x: for (;;) {
if (1 < 2) {
break x;
_assertNthStatementDoesNotExit(source, 0);
void test_switch_withEnum_false_noDefault() {
Source source = addSource(r'''
enum E { A, B }
String f(E e) {
var x;
switch (e) {
case A:
x = 'A';
case B:
x = 'B';
return x;
_assertNthStatementDoesNotExit(source, 1);
void test_switch_withEnum_false_withDefault() {
Source source = addSource(r'''
enum E { A, B }
String f(E e) {
var x;
switch (e) {
case A:
x = 'A';
x = '?';
return x;
_assertNthStatementDoesNotExit(source, 1);
void test_switch_withEnum_true_noDefault() {
Source source = addSource(r'''
enum E { A, B }
String f(E e) {
switch (e) {
case A:
return 'A';
case B:
return 'B';
_assertNthStatementDoesNotExit(source, 0);
void test_switch_withEnum_true_withExitingDefault() {
Source source = addSource(r'''
enum E { A, B }
String f(E e) {
switch (e) {
case A:
return 'A';
return '?';
_assertNthStatementExits(source, 0);
void test_switch_withEnum_true_withNonExitingDefault() {
Source source = addSource(r'''
enum E { A, B }
String f(E e) {
var x;
switch (e) {
case A:
return 'A';
x = '?';
_assertNthStatementDoesNotExit(source, 1);
void test_whileStatement_breakWithLabel() {
Source source = addSource(r'''
void f() {
x: while (true) {
if (1 < 2) {
break x;
_assertNthStatementDoesNotExit(source, 0);
void test_whileStatement_breakWithLabel_afterExiting() {
Source source = addSource(r'''
void f() {
x: while (true) {
if (1 < 2) {
break x;
_assertNthStatementExits(source, 0);
void test_whileStatement_switchWithBreakWithLabel() {
Source source = addSource(r'''
void f() {
x: while (true) {
switch (true) {
case false: break;
case true: break x;
_assertNthStatementDoesNotExit(source, 0);
void test_yieldStatement_plain() {
Source source = addSource(r'''
void f() sync* {
yield 1;
_assertNthStatementDoesNotExit(source, 0);
void test_yieldStatement_star_plain() {
Source source = addSource(r'''
void f() sync* {
yield* 1;
_assertNthStatementDoesNotExit(source, 0);
void test_yieldStatement_star_throw() {
Source source = addSource(r'''
void f() sync* {
yield* throw '';
_assertNthStatementExits(source, 0);
void test_yieldStatement_throw() {
Source source = addSource(r'''
void f() sync* {
yield throw '';
_assertNthStatementExits(source, 0);
void _assertHasReturn(bool expectedResult, Source source, int n) {
LibraryElement element = resolve2(source);
CompilationUnit unit = resolveCompilationUnit(source, element);
FunctionDeclaration function = unit.declarations.last;
BlockFunctionBody body = function.functionExpression.body;
Statement statement = body.block.statements[n];
expect(ExitDetector.exits(statement), expectedResult);
// Assert that the [n]th statement in the last function declaration of
// [source] exits.
void _assertNthStatementDoesNotExit(Source source, int n) {
_assertHasReturn(false, source, n);
// Assert that the [n]th statement in the last function declaration of
// [source] does not exit.
void _assertNthStatementExits(Source source, int n) {
_assertHasReturn(true, source, n);
class FileBasedSourceTest {
void test_equals_false_differentFiles() {
JavaFile file1 = FileUtilities2.createFile("/does/not/exist1.dart");
JavaFile file2 = FileUtilities2.createFile("/does/not/exist2.dart");
FileBasedSource source1 = new FileBasedSource(file1);
FileBasedSource source2 = new FileBasedSource(file2);
expect(source1 == source2, isFalse);
void test_equals_false_null() {
JavaFile file = FileUtilities2.createFile("/does/not/exist1.dart");
FileBasedSource source1 = new FileBasedSource(file);
expect(source1 == null, isFalse);
void test_equals_true() {
JavaFile file1 = FileUtilities2.createFile("/does/not/exist.dart");
JavaFile file2 = FileUtilities2.createFile("/does/not/exist.dart");
FileBasedSource source1 = new FileBasedSource(file1);
FileBasedSource source2 = new FileBasedSource(file2);
expect(source1 == source2, isTrue);
void test_fileReadMode() {
expect(FileBasedSource.fileReadMode('a'), 'a');
expect(FileBasedSource.fileReadMode('a\n'), 'a\n');
expect(FileBasedSource.fileReadMode('ab'), 'ab');
expect(FileBasedSource.fileReadMode('abc'), 'abc');
expect(FileBasedSource.fileReadMode('a\nb'), 'a\nb');
expect(FileBasedSource.fileReadMode('a\rb'), 'a\rb');
expect(FileBasedSource.fileReadMode('a\r\nb'), 'a\r\nb');
void test_fileReadMode_changed() {
FileBasedSource.fileReadMode = (String s) => s + 'xyz';
expect(FileBasedSource.fileReadMode('a'), 'axyz');
expect(FileBasedSource.fileReadMode('a\n'), 'a\nxyz');
expect(FileBasedSource.fileReadMode('ab'), 'abxyz');
expect(FileBasedSource.fileReadMode('abc'), 'abcxyz');
FileBasedSource.fileReadMode = (String s) => s;
void test_fileReadMode_normalize_eol_always() {
FileBasedSource.fileReadMode =
expect(FileBasedSource.fileReadMode('a'), 'a');
// '\n' -> '\n' as first, last and only character
expect(FileBasedSource.fileReadMode('\n'), '\n');
expect(FileBasedSource.fileReadMode('a\n'), 'a\n');
expect(FileBasedSource.fileReadMode('\na'), '\na');
// '\r\n' -> '\n' as first, last and only character
expect(FileBasedSource.fileReadMode('\r\n'), '\n');
expect(FileBasedSource.fileReadMode('a\r\n'), 'a\n');
expect(FileBasedSource.fileReadMode('\r\na'), '\na');
// '\r' -> '\n' as first, last and only character
expect(FileBasedSource.fileReadMode('\r'), '\n');
expect(FileBasedSource.fileReadMode('a\r'), 'a\n');
expect(FileBasedSource.fileReadMode('\ra'), '\na');
FileBasedSource.fileReadMode = (String s) => s;
void test_getEncoding() {
SourceFactory factory = new SourceFactory(
[new ResourceUriResolver(PhysicalResourceProvider.INSTANCE)]);
String fullPath = "/does/not/exist.dart";
JavaFile file = FileUtilities2.createFile(fullPath);
FileBasedSource source = new FileBasedSource(file);
expect(factory.fromEncoding(source.encoding), source);
void test_getFullName() {
String fullPath = "/does/not/exist.dart";
JavaFile file = FileUtilities2.createFile(fullPath);
FileBasedSource source = new FileBasedSource(file);
expect(source.fullName, file.getAbsolutePath());
void test_getShortName() {
JavaFile file = FileUtilities2.createFile("/does/not/exist.dart");
FileBasedSource source = new FileBasedSource(file);
expect(source.shortName, "exist.dart");
void test_hashCode() {
JavaFile file1 = FileUtilities2.createFile("/does/not/exist.dart");
JavaFile file2 = FileUtilities2.createFile("/does/not/exist.dart");
FileBasedSource source1 = new FileBasedSource(file1);
FileBasedSource source2 = new FileBasedSource(file2);
expect(source2.hashCode, source1.hashCode);
void test_isInSystemLibrary_contagious() {
DartSdk sdk = _createSdk();
UriResolver resolver = new DartUriResolver(sdk);
SourceFactory factory = new SourceFactory([resolver]);
// resolve dart:core
Source result = resolver.resolveAbsolute(Uri.parse("dart:core"));
expect(result, isNotNull);
expect(result.isInSystemLibrary, isTrue);
// system libraries reference only other system libraries
Source partSource = factory.resolveUri(result, "num.dart");
expect(partSource, isNotNull);
expect(partSource.isInSystemLibrary, isTrue);
void test_isInSystemLibrary_false() {
JavaFile file = FileUtilities2.createFile("/does/not/exist.dart");
FileBasedSource source = new FileBasedSource(file);
expect(source, isNotNull);
expect(source.fullName, file.getAbsolutePath());
expect(source.isInSystemLibrary, isFalse);
void test_issue14500() {
// see
FileBasedSource source = new FileBasedSource(
expect(source, isNotNull);
expect(source.exists(), isFalse);
void test_resolveRelative_file_fileName() {
if (OSUtilities.isWindows()) {
// On Windows, the URI that is produced includes a drive letter,
// which I believe is not consistent across all machines that might run
// this test.
JavaFile file = FileUtilities2.createFile("/a/b/test.dart");
FileBasedSource source = new FileBasedSource(file);
expect(source, isNotNull);
Uri relative = resolveRelativeUri(source.uri, Uri.parse("lib.dart"));
expect(relative, isNotNull);
expect(relative.toString(), "file:///a/b/lib.dart");
void test_resolveRelative_file_filePath() {
if (OSUtilities.isWindows()) {
// On Windows, the URI that is produced includes a drive letter,
// which I believe is not consistent across all machines that might run
// this test.
JavaFile file = FileUtilities2.createFile("/a/b/test.dart");
FileBasedSource source = new FileBasedSource(file);
expect(source, isNotNull);
Uri relative = resolveRelativeUri(source.uri, Uri.parse("c/lib.dart"));
expect(relative, isNotNull);
expect(relative.toString(), "file:///a/b/c/lib.dart");
void test_resolveRelative_file_filePathWithParent() {
if (OSUtilities.isWindows()) {
// On Windows, the URI that is produced includes a drive letter, which I
// believe is not consistent across all machines that might run this test.
JavaFile file = FileUtilities2.createFile("/a/b/test.dart");
FileBasedSource source = new FileBasedSource(file);
expect(source, isNotNull);
Uri relative = resolveRelativeUri(source.uri, Uri.parse("../c/lib.dart"));
expect(relative, isNotNull);
expect(relative.toString(), "file:///a/c/lib.dart");
void test_system() {
JavaFile file = FileUtilities2.createFile("/does/not/exist.dart");
FileBasedSource source = new FileBasedSource(file, Uri.parse("dart:core"));
expect(source, isNotNull);
expect(source.fullName, file.getAbsolutePath());
expect(source.isInSystemLibrary, isTrue);
class ResolveRelativeUriTest {
void test_resolveRelative_dart_dartUri() {
_assertResolve('dart:foo', 'dart:bar', 'dart:bar');
void test_resolveRelative_dart_fileName() {
_assertResolve('dart:test', 'lib.dart', 'dart:test/lib.dart');
void test_resolveRelative_dart_filePath() {
_assertResolve('dart:test', 'c/lib.dart', 'dart:test/c/lib.dart');
void test_resolveRelative_dart_filePathWithParent() {
'dart:test/b/test.dart', '../c/lib.dart', 'dart:test/c/lib.dart');
void test_resolveRelative_package_dartUri() {
_assertResolve('package:foo/bar.dart', 'dart:test', 'dart:test');
void test_resolveRelative_package_emptyPath() {
_assertResolve('package:foo/bar.dart', '', 'package:foo/bar.dart');
void test_resolveRelative_package_fileName() {
_assertResolve('package:b/test.dart', 'lib.dart', 'package:b/lib.dart');
void test_resolveRelative_package_fileNameWithoutPackageName() {
_assertResolve('package:test.dart', 'lib.dart', 'package:lib.dart');
void test_resolveRelative_package_filePath() {
_assertResolve('package:b/test.dart', 'c/lib.dart', 'package:b/c/lib.dart');
void test_resolveRelative_package_filePathWithParent() {
'package:a/b/test.dart', '../c/lib.dart', 'package:a/c/lib.dart');
void _assertResolve(String baseStr, String containedStr, String expectedStr) {
Uri base = Uri.parse(baseStr);
Uri contained = Uri.parse(containedStr);
Uri result = resolveRelativeUri(base, contained);
expect(result, isNotNull);
expect(result.toString(), expectedStr);
class SDKLibrariesReaderTest extends EngineTestCase {
void test_readFrom_dart2js() {
LibraryMap libraryMap = new SdkLibrariesReader(true).readFromFile(
final Map<String, LibraryInfo> LIBRARIES = const <String, LibraryInfo> {
'first' : const LibraryInfo(
categories: 'Client',
documented: true,
platforms: VM_PLATFORM,
dart2jsPath: 'first/first_dart2js.dart'),
expect(libraryMap, isNotNull);
expect(libraryMap.size(), 1);
SdkLibrary first = libraryMap.getLibrary("dart:first");
expect(first, isNotNull);
expect(first.category, "Client");
expect(first.path, "first/first_dart2js.dart");
expect(first.shortName, "dart:first");
expect(first.isDart2JsLibrary, false);
expect(first.isDocumented, true);
expect(first.isImplementation, false);
expect(first.isVmLibrary, true);
void test_readFrom_empty() {
LibraryMap libraryMap = new SdkLibrariesReader(false)
.readFromFile(FileUtilities2.createFile("/libs.dart"), "");
expect(libraryMap, isNotNull);
expect(libraryMap.size(), 0);
void test_readFrom_normal() {
LibraryMap libraryMap = new SdkLibrariesReader(false).readFromFile(
final Map<String, LibraryInfo> LIBRARIES = const <String, LibraryInfo> {
'first' : const LibraryInfo(
categories: 'Client',
documented: true,
platforms: VM_PLATFORM),
'second' : const LibraryInfo(
categories: 'Server',
documented: false,
implementation: true,
platforms: 0),
expect(libraryMap, isNotNull);
expect(libraryMap.size(), 2);
SdkLibrary first = libraryMap.getLibrary("dart:first");
expect(first, isNotNull);
expect(first.category, "Client");
expect(first.path, "first/first.dart");
expect(first.shortName, "dart:first");
expect(first.isDart2JsLibrary, false);
expect(first.isDocumented, true);
expect(first.isImplementation, false);
expect(first.isVmLibrary, true);
SdkLibrary second = libraryMap.getLibrary("dart:second");
expect(second, isNotNull);
expect(second.category, "Server");
expect(second.path, "second/second.dart");
expect(second.shortName, "dart:second");
expect(second.isDart2JsLibrary, false);
expect(second.isDocumented, false);
expect(second.isImplementation, true);
expect(second.isVmLibrary, false);
class UriKindTest {
void test_fromEncoding() {
expect(UriKind.fromEncoding(0x64), same(UriKind.DART_URI));
expect(UriKind.fromEncoding(0x66), same(UriKind.FILE_URI));
expect(UriKind.fromEncoding(0x70), same(UriKind.PACKAGE_URI));
expect(UriKind.fromEncoding(0x58), same(null));
void test_getEncoding() {
expect(UriKind.DART_URI.encoding, 0x64);
expect(UriKind.FILE_URI.encoding, 0x66);
expect(UriKind.PACKAGE_URI.encoding, 0x70);