blob: a7b9b880c62664c66879d09b9f1400bcd0a3a68c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2016, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:convert';
import 'package:analyzer/file_system/file_system.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/engine.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/source.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/utilities_collection.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/summary/api_signature.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/summary/format.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/summary/idl.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/summary/link.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/summary/package_bundle_reader.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/summary/summarize_elements.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/util/fast_uri.dart';
import 'package:convert/convert.dart';
import 'package:crypto/crypto.dart';
import 'package:meta/meta.dart';
* Return the [Folder] where bundles for the given [absoluteUri] should be
* looked for. This folder should contain corresponding `*.full.ds` files,
* possibly more than one one. Return `null` if the given [absoluteUri]
* does not have the expected structure, so the output path cannot be computed.
typedef Folder GetOutputFolder(Uri absoluteUri);
* Load linked packages on demand from [SummaryProvider].
class BazelResultProvider extends ResynthesizerResultProvider {
final SummaryDataStore dataStore;
final SummaryProvider summaryProvider;
final Map<Source, bool> sourceToSuccessMap = <Source, bool>{};
final Set<Package> addedPackages = new Set<Package>();
factory BazelResultProvider(SummaryProvider summaryProvider) {
SummaryDataStore dataStore = new SummaryDataStore(const <String>[]);
return new BazelResultProvider._(dataStore, summaryProvider);
SummaryDataStore dataStore, SummaryProvider summaryProvider)
: dataStore = dataStore,
summaryProvider = summaryProvider,
super(summaryProvider.context, dataStore) {
AnalysisContext sdkContext = context.sourceFactory.dartSdk.context;
createResynthesizer(sdkContext, sdkContext.typeProvider);
bool hasResultsForSource(Source source) {
return sourceToSuccessMap.putIfAbsent(source, () {
List<Package> packages = summaryProvider.getLinkedPackages(source);
if (packages == null) {
return false;
for (Package package in packages) {
if (addedPackages.add(package)) {
dataStore.addBundle(null, package.unlinked);
dataStore.addBundle(null, package.linked);
String uriString = source.uri.toString();
return resynthesizer.hasLibrarySummary(uriString);
* Information about a Dart package in Bazel.
class Package {
final File unlinkedFile;
final PackageBundle unlinked;
final Set<String> _unitUris = new Set<String>();
PackageBundle _linked;
Package(this.unlinkedFile, this.unlinked) {
PackageBundle get linked => _linked;
String toString() => '$unlinkedFile';
* Class that reads summaries of Bazel packages.
* When the client needs to produce a resolution result for a new [Source], it
* should call [getLinkedPackages] to check whether there is the set of
* packages to resynthesize resolution results.
class SummaryProvider {
final ResourceProvider provider;
final String tempFileName;
final GetOutputFolder getOutputFolder;
final Folder linkedCacheFolder;
final AnalysisContext context;
final PackageBundle sdkBundle;
* If `true` (by default), then linking new bundles is allowed.
* Otherwise only using existing cached bundles can be used.
final bool allowLinking;
* See [PackageBundleAssembler.currentMajorVersion].
final int majorVersion;
* Mapping from bundle paths to corresponding [Package]s. The packages in
* the map were consistent with their constituent sources at the moment when
* they were put into the map.
final Map<Folder, List<Package>> folderToPackagesMap = {};
* Mapping from [Uri]s to corresponding [Package]s.
final Map<Uri, Package> uriToPackageMap = {};
* Mapping from [Package]s to corresponding [_LinkNode]s.
final Map<Package, _LinkNode> packageToNodeMap = {};
AnalysisContext context,
this.allowLinking: true,
this.majorVersion: PackageBundleAssembler.currentMajorVersion})
: context = context,
sdkBundle = context.sourceFactory.dartSdk?.getLinkedBundle();
* Return the complete list of [Package]s that are required to provide all
* resolution results for the given [source].
* The same list of packages is returned for the same [Source], i.e. always
* the full list, not a difference with a previous request. It is up to the
* client to decide whether some of the returned packages should be excluded
* as already mixed into a resynthesizer.
* If the full set of packages cannot be produced, for example because some
* bundles are not built, or out of date, etc, then `null` is returned.
List<Package> getLinkedPackages(Source source) {
// Find the node that contains the source.
_LinkNode node = _getLinkNodeForUri(source.uri);
if (node == null) {
return null;
// Compute all transitive dependencies.
List<_LinkNode> nodes = node.transitiveDependencies.toList();
nodes.forEach((dependency) => dependency.computeTransitiveDependencies());
// Fail if any dependency cannot be resolved.
if (node.failed) {
return null;
// Read existing cached linked bundles.
for (_LinkNode node in nodes) {
// Link new packages, if allowed.
if (allowLinking) {
// Create successfully linked packages.
return nodes
.map((node) => node.package)
.where((package) => package.linked != null)
* Return the [Package] that contains information about the source with
* the given [uri], or `null` if such package does not exist.
Package getUnlinkedForUri(Uri uri) {
return uriToPackageMap.putIfAbsent(uri, () {
Folder outputFolder = getOutputFolder(uri);
if (outputFolder != null) {
String uriStr = uri.toString();
List<Package> packages = _getUnlinkedPackages(outputFolder);
for (Package package in packages) {
if (package._unitUris.contains(uriStr)) {
return package;
return null;
* Return the hexadecimal string of the MD5 hash of the contents of the
* given [source] in [context].
String _computeSourceHashHex(Source source) {
String text = context.getContents(source).data;
List<int> bytes = UTF8.encode(text);
List<int> hashBytes = md5.convert(bytes).bytes;
return hex.encode(hashBytes);
* Return the name of the file for a linked bundle, in strong or spec mode.
String _getLinkedName(String hash) {
if (context.analysisOptions.strongMode) {
return 'linked_$hash.ds';
} else {
return 'linked_spec_$hash.ds';
* Return the node for the given [uri], or `null` if there is no unlinked
* bundle that contains [uri].
_LinkNode _getLinkNodeForUri(Uri uri) {
Package package = getUnlinkedForUri(uri);
return packageToNodeMap.putIfAbsent(package, () {
if (package == null) {
return null;
return new _LinkNode(this, package);
* Return all consistent unlinked [Package]s in the given [folder]. Some of
* the returned packages might be already linked.
List<Package> _getUnlinkedPackages(Folder folder) {
List<Package> packages = folderToPackagesMap[folder];
if (packages == null) {
packages = <Package>[];
try {
List<Resource> children = folder.getChildren();
for (Resource child in children) {
if (child is File) {
String packagePath = child.path;
if (packagePath.toLowerCase().endsWith('.full.ds')) {
Package package = _readUnlinkedPackage(child);
if (package != null) {
} on FileSystemException {}
folderToPackagesMap[folder] = packages;
return packages;
* Return `true` if the unlinked information of the [bundle] is consistent
* with its constituent sources in [context].
bool _isUnlinkedBundleConsistent(PackageBundle bundle) {
try {
// Compute hashes of the constituent sources.
List<String> actualHashes = <String>[];
for (String uri in bundle.unlinkedUnitUris) {
Source source = context.sourceFactory.resolveUri(null, uri);
if (source == null) {
return false;
String hash = _computeSourceHashHex(source);
// Compare sorted actual and bundle unit hashes.
List<String> bundleHashes = bundle.unlinkedUnitHashes.toList()..sort();
return listsEqual(actualHashes, bundleHashes);
} on FileSystemException {}
return false;
* Link the given [nodes].
void _link(List<_LinkNode> nodes) {
// Fill the store with bundles.
// Append the linked SDK bundle.
// Append unlinked and (if read from a cache) linked package bundles.
SummaryDataStore store = new SummaryDataStore(const <String>[]);
store.addBundle(null, sdkBundle);
for (_LinkNode node in nodes) {
store.addBundle(null, node.package.unlinked);
if (node.package.linked != null) {
store.addBundle(null, node.package.linked);
// Prepare URIs to link.
Map<String, _LinkNode> uriToNode = <String, _LinkNode>{};
for (_LinkNode node in nodes) {
if (!node.isReady) {
for (String uri in node.package.unlinked.unlinkedUnitUris) {
uriToNode[uri] = node;
Set<String> libraryUris = uriToNode.keys.toSet();
// Perform linking.
Map<String, LinkedLibraryBuilder> linkedLibraries =
link(libraryUris, (String uri) {
return store.linkedMap[uri];
}, (String uri) {
return store.unlinkedMap[uri];
}, context.declaredVariables.get, context.analysisOptions.strongMode);
// Assemble newly linked bundles.
for (_LinkNode node in nodes) {
if (!node.isReady) {
PackageBundleAssembler assembler = new PackageBundleAssembler();
linkedLibraries.forEach((uri, linkedLibrary) {
if (identical(uriToNode[uri], node)) {
assembler.addLinkedLibrary(uri, linkedLibrary);
List<int> bytes = assembler.assemble().toBuffer();
node.package._linked = new PackageBundle.fromBuffer(bytes);
_writeLinked(node, bytes);
* Attempt to read the linked bundle that corresponds to the given [node]
* with all its transitive dependencies.
void _readLinked(_LinkNode node) {
String hash = node.linkedHash;
if (!node.isReady && hash != null) {
String fileName = _getLinkedName(hash);
File file = linkedCacheFolder.getChildAssumingFile(fileName);
// Try to read from the file system.
if (file.exists) {
try {
List<int> bytes = file.readAsBytesSync();
node.package._linked = new PackageBundle.fromBuffer(bytes);
} on FileSystemException {
// Ignore file system exceptions.
* Read the unlinked [Package] from the given [file], or return `null` if the
* file does not exist, or it cannot be read, or is not consistent with the
* constituent sources on the file system.
Package _readUnlinkedPackage(File file) {
try {
List<int> bytes = file.readAsBytesSync();
PackageBundle bundle = new PackageBundle.fromBuffer(bytes);
// Check the major version.
if (bundle.majorVersion != majorVersion) {
return null;
// Check for consistency, and fail if it's not.
if (!_isUnlinkedBundleConsistent(bundle)) {
return null;
// OK, use the bundle.
return new Package(file, bundle);
} on FileSystemException {}
return null;
* Atomically write the given [bytes] into the file in the [folder].
void _writeAtomic(Folder folder, String fileName, List<int> bytes) {
String filePath = folder.getChildAssumingFile(fileName).path;
File tempFile = folder.getChildAssumingFile(tempFileName);
* If a new linked bundle was linked for the given [node], write the bundle
* into the memory cache and the file system.
void _writeLinked(_LinkNode node, List<int> bytes) {
String hash = node.linkedHash;
if (hash != null) {
String fileName = _getLinkedName(hash);
_writeAtomic(linkedCacheFolder, fileName, bytes);
* Information about a single [Package].
class _LinkNode {
final SummaryProvider linker;
final Package package;
bool failed = false;
Set<_LinkNode> transitiveDependencies;
List<_LinkNode> _dependencies;
String _linkedHash;
_LinkNode(this.linker, this.package);
* Retrieve the dependencies of this node.
List<_LinkNode> get dependencies {
if (_dependencies == null) {
Set<_LinkNode> dependencies = new Set<_LinkNode>();
void appendDependency(String uriStr) {
Uri uri = FastUri.parse(uriStr);
if (!uri.hasScheme) {
// A relative path in this package, skip it.
} else if (uri.scheme == 'dart') {
// Dependency on the SDK is implicit and always added.
// The SDK linked bundle is precomputed before linking packages.
} else if (uri.scheme == 'package') {
_LinkNode packageNode = linker._getLinkNodeForUri(uri);
if (packageNode == null) {
failed = true;
if (packageNode != null) {
} else {
failed = true;
for (UnlinkedUnit unit in package.unlinked.unlinkedUnits) {
for (UnlinkedImport import in unit.imports) {
if (!import.isImplicit) {
for (UnlinkedExportPublic export in unit.publicNamespace.exports) {
_dependencies = dependencies.toList();
return _dependencies;
* Return `true` is the node is ready - has the linked bundle or failed (does
* not have all required dependencies).
bool get isReady => package.linked != null || failed;
* Return the hash string that corresponds to this linked bundle in the
* context of its SDK bundle and transitive dependencies. Return `null` if
* the hash computation fails, because for example the full transitive
* dependencies cannot computed.
String get linkedHash {
if (_linkedHash == null && transitiveDependencies != null && !failed) {
ApiSignature signature = new ApiSignature();
// Add all unlinked API signatures.
List<String> signatures = <String>[];
.map((node) => node.package.unlinked.apiSignature)
// Combine into a single hash.
_linkedHash = signature.toHex();
return _linkedHash;
* Append names and values of all referenced declared variables (even the
* ones without actually declared values) to the given [signature].
void appendDeclaredVariables(ApiSignature signature) {
Set<String> nameSet = new Set<String>();
for (_LinkNode node in transitiveDependencies) {
for (UnlinkedUnit unit in node.package.unlinked.unlinkedUnits) {
for (UnlinkedImport import in unit.imports) {
for (UnlinkedConfiguration configuration in import.configurations) {
for (UnlinkedExportPublic export in unit.publicNamespace.exports) {
for (UnlinkedConfiguration configuration in export.configurations) {
List<String> sortedNameList = nameSet.toList()..sort();
for (String name in sortedNameList) {
signature.addString(linker.context.declaredVariables.get(name) ?? '');
* Compute the set of existing transitive dependencies for this node.
* If any dependency cannot be resolved, then set [failed] to `true`.
* Only unlinked bundle is used, so this method can be called before linking.
void computeTransitiveDependencies() {
if (transitiveDependencies == null) {
transitiveDependencies = new Set<_LinkNode>();
void appendDependencies(_LinkNode node) {
if (transitiveDependencies.add(node)) {
if (transitiveDependencies.any((node) => node.failed)) {
failed = true;
String toString() => package.toString();