blob: 6fd81c020881cbfd22ce4be10817e6dfeee6aeec [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library dart._js_mirrors;
import 'dart:_js_embedded_names'
import 'dart:collection' show UnmodifiableListView, UnmodifiableMapView;
import 'dart:mirrors';
import 'dart:_foreign_helper'
import 'dart:_internal' as _symbol_dev;
import 'dart:_js_helper'
import 'dart:_interceptors'
show Interceptor, JSArray, JSExtendableArray, getInterceptor;
import 'dart:_js_names';
const String METHODS_WITH_OPTIONAL_ARGUMENTS = r'$methodsWithOptionalArguments';
bool hasReflectableProperty(var jsFunction) {
return JS('bool', '# in #', JS_GET_NAME(JsGetName.REFLECTABLE), jsFunction);
/// No-op method that is called to inform the compiler that tree-shaking needs
/// to be disabled.
disableTreeShaking() => preserveNames();
/// No-op method that is called to inform the compiler that metadata must be
/// preserved at runtime.
preserveMetadata() {}
/// No-op method that is called to inform the compiler that the compiler must
/// preserve the URIs.
preserveUris() {}
/// No-op method that is called to inform the compiler that the compiler must
/// preserve the library names.
preserveLibraryNames() {}
String getName(Symbol symbol) {
return n(symbol);
class JsMirrorSystem implements MirrorSystem {
UnmodifiableMapView<Uri, LibraryMirror> _cachedLibraries;
final IsolateMirror isolate = new JsIsolateMirror();
JsTypeMirror get dynamicType => _dynamicType;
JsTypeMirror get voidType => _voidType;
static final JsTypeMirror _dynamicType =
new JsTypeMirror(const Symbol('dynamic'));
static final JsTypeMirror _voidType = new JsTypeMirror(const Symbol('void'));
static Map<String, List<LibraryMirror>> _librariesByName;
// Will be set to `true` when we have installed a hook on [deferredLoadHook]
// to avoid installing it multiple times.
static bool _hasInstalledDeferredLoadHook = false;
static Map<String, List<LibraryMirror>> get librariesByName {
if (_librariesByName == null) {
_librariesByName = computeLibrariesByName();
if (!_hasInstalledDeferredLoadHook) {
_hasInstalledDeferredLoadHook = true;
// After a deferred import has been loaded new libraries might have
// been created, so in the hook we erase _librariesByName, so it will be
// recomputed on the next access.
deferredLoadHook = () => _librariesByName = null;
return _librariesByName;
Map<Uri, LibraryMirror> get libraries {
if (_cachedLibraries != null) return _cachedLibraries;
Map<Uri, LibraryMirror> result = new Map();
for (List<LibraryMirror> list in librariesByName.values) {
for (LibraryMirror library in list) {
result[library.uri] = library;
return _cachedLibraries =
new UnmodifiableMapView<Uri, LibraryMirror>(result);
LibraryMirror findLibrary(Symbol libraryName) {
return librariesByName[n(libraryName)].single;
static Map<String, List<LibraryMirror>> computeLibrariesByName() {
var result = new Map<String, List<LibraryMirror>>();
var jsLibraries = JS_EMBEDDED_GLOBAL('JSExtendableArray|Null', LIBRARIES);
if (jsLibraries == null) return result;
for (List data in jsLibraries) {
String name = data[0];
String uriString = data[1];
Uri uri;
// The Uri has been compiled out. Create a URI from the simple name.
if (uriString != "") {
uri = Uri.parse(uriString);
} else {
uri = new Uri(
scheme: 'https',
host: '',
path: 'dart2js-stripped-uri',
queryParameters: {'lib': name});
List<String> classes = data[2];
List<String> functions = data[3];
var metadataFunction = data[4];
var fields = data[5];
bool isRoot = data[6];
var globalObject = data[7];
List metadata = (metadataFunction == null)
? const []
: JS('List', '#()', metadataFunction);
var libraries = result.putIfAbsent(name, () => <LibraryMirror>[]);
libraries.add(new JsLibraryMirror(s(name), uri, classes, functions,
metadata, fields, isRoot, globalObject));
return result;
abstract class JsMirror implements Mirror {
const JsMirror();
String get _prettyName;
String toString() => _prettyName;
// TODO(ahe): Remove this method from the API.
MirrorSystem get mirrors => currentJsMirrorSystem;
_getField(JsMirror receiver) {
throw new UnimplementedError();
void _setField(JsMirror receiver, Object arg) {
throw new UnimplementedError();
_loadField(String name) {
throw new UnimplementedError();
void _storeField(String name, Object arg) {
throw new UnimplementedError();
// This class is somewhat silly in the current implementation.
class JsIsolateMirror extends JsMirror implements IsolateMirror {
final _isolateContext = JS_CURRENT_ISOLATE_CONTEXT();
String get _prettyName => 'Isolate';
String get debugName {
String id = _isolateContext == null ? 'X' :;
// Using name similar to what the VM uses.
return '${n(rootLibrary.simpleName)}-$id';
bool get isCurrent => JS_CURRENT_ISOLATE_CONTEXT() == _isolateContext;
LibraryMirror get rootLibrary {
return currentJsMirrorSystem.libraries.values
.firstWhere((JsLibraryMirror library) => library._isRoot);
abstract class JsDeclarationMirror extends JsMirror
implements DeclarationMirror {
final Symbol simpleName;
const JsDeclarationMirror(this.simpleName);
Symbol get qualifiedName => computeQualifiedName(owner, simpleName);
bool get isPrivate => n(simpleName).startsWith('_');
bool get isTopLevel => owner != null && owner is LibraryMirror;
// TODO(ahe): This should use qualifiedName.
String toString() => "$_prettyName on '${n(simpleName)}'";
List<JsMethodMirror> get _methods {
throw new RuntimeError('Should not call _methods');
_invoke(List positionalArguments, Map<Symbol, dynamic> namedArguments) {
throw new RuntimeError('Should not call _invoke');
// TODO(ahe): Implement this.
SourceLocation get location => throw new UnimplementedError();
class JsTypeVariableMirror extends JsTypeMirror implements TypeVariableMirror {
final DeclarationMirror owner;
final TypeVariable _typeVariable;
final int _metadataIndex;
TypeMirror _cachedUpperBound;
TypeVariable typeVariable, this.owner, this._metadataIndex)
: this._typeVariable = typeVariable,
bool operator ==(other) {
return (other is JsTypeVariableMirror &&
simpleName == other.simpleName &&
owner == other.owner);
int get hashCode {
int code = 0x3FFFFFFF & (JsTypeVariableMirror).hashCode;
code ^= 17 * simpleName.hashCode;
code ^= 19 * owner.hashCode;
return code;
String get _prettyName => 'TypeVariableMirror';
bool get isTopLevel => false;
bool get isStatic => false;
TypeMirror get upperBound {
if (_cachedUpperBound != null) return _cachedUpperBound;
return _cachedUpperBound = typeMirrorFromRuntimeTypeRepresentation(
owner, getType(_typeVariable.bound));
bool isSubtypeOf(TypeMirror other) => throw new UnimplementedError();
bool isAssignableTo(TypeMirror other) => throw new UnimplementedError();
_asRuntimeType() => _metadataIndex;
class JsTypeMirror extends JsDeclarationMirror implements TypeMirror {
JsTypeMirror(Symbol simpleName) : super(simpleName);
String get _prettyName => 'TypeMirror';
DeclarationMirror get owner => null;
// TODO(ahe): Doesn't match the specification, see
bool get isTopLevel => true;
// TODO(ahe): Implement these.
List<InstanceMirror> get metadata => throw new UnimplementedError();
bool get hasReflectedType => false;
Type get reflectedType {
throw new UnsupportedError("This type does not support reflectedType");
List<TypeVariableMirror> get typeVariables => const <TypeVariableMirror>[];
List<TypeMirror> get typeArguments => const <TypeMirror>[];
bool get isOriginalDeclaration => true;
TypeMirror get originalDeclaration => this;
bool isSubtypeOf(TypeMirror other) => throw new UnimplementedError();
bool isAssignableTo(TypeMirror other) => throw new UnimplementedError();
_asRuntimeType() {
if (this == JsMirrorSystem._dynamicType) return null;
if (this == JsMirrorSystem._voidType) return null;
throw new RuntimeError('Should not call _asRuntimeType');
class JsLibraryMirror extends JsDeclarationMirror
with JsObjectMirror
implements LibraryMirror {
final Uri _uri;
final List<String> _classes;
final List<String> _functions;
final List _metadata;
final String _compactFieldSpecification;
final bool _isRoot;
final _globalObject;
List<JsMethodMirror> _cachedFunctionMirrors;
List<VariableMirror> _cachedFields;
UnmodifiableMapView<Symbol, ClassMirror> _cachedClasses;
UnmodifiableMapView<Symbol, MethodMirror> _cachedFunctions;
UnmodifiableMapView<Symbol, MethodMirror> _cachedGetters;
UnmodifiableMapView<Symbol, MethodMirror> _cachedSetters;
UnmodifiableMapView<Symbol, VariableMirror> _cachedVariables;
UnmodifiableMapView<Symbol, Mirror> _cachedMembers;
UnmodifiableMapView<Symbol, DeclarationMirror> _cachedDeclarations;
UnmodifiableListView<InstanceMirror> _cachedMetadata;
Symbol simpleName,
: super(simpleName) {
String get _prettyName => 'LibraryMirror';
Uri get uri {
return _uri;
Symbol get qualifiedName => simpleName;
List<JsMethodMirror> get _methods => _functionMirrors;
Map<Symbol, ClassMirror> get __classes {
if (_cachedClasses != null) return _cachedClasses;
var result = new Map();
for (String className in _classes) {
var cls = reflectClassByMangledName(className);
if (cls is ClassMirror) {
cls = cls.originalDeclaration;
if (cls is JsClassMirror) {
result[cls.simpleName] = cls;
cls._owner = this;
} else if (cls is JsTypedefMirror) {
result[cls.simpleName] = cls;
return _cachedClasses =
new UnmodifiableMapView<Symbol, ClassMirror>(result);
InstanceMirror setField(Symbol fieldName, Object arg) {
String name = n(fieldName);
if (name.endsWith('=')) throw new ArgumentError('');
var mirror = __functions[s('$name=')];
if (mirror == null) mirror = __variables[fieldName];
if (mirror == null) {
throw new NoSuchStaticMethodError.method(
null, setterSymbol(fieldName), [arg], null);
mirror._setField(this, arg);
return reflect(arg);
InstanceMirror getField(Symbol fieldName) {
JsMirror mirror = __members[fieldName];
if (mirror == null) {
throw new NoSuchStaticMethodError.method(null, fieldName, [], null);
if (mirror is! MethodMirror) return reflect(mirror._getField(this));
JsMethodMirror methodMirror = mirror;
if (methodMirror.isGetter) return reflect(mirror._getField(this));
var getter = JS("", "#['\$getter']", methodMirror._jsFunction);
if (getter == null) throw new UnimplementedError();
return reflect(JS("", "#()", getter));
InstanceMirror invoke(Symbol memberName, List positionalArguments,
[Map<Symbol, dynamic> namedArguments]) {
if (namedArguments != null && !namedArguments.isEmpty) {
throw new UnsupportedError('Named arguments are not implemented.');
JsDeclarationMirror mirror = __members[memberName];
if (mirror is JsMethodMirror && !mirror.canInvokeReflectively()) {
if (mirror == null || mirror is JsMethodMirror && mirror.isSetter) {
throw new NoSuchStaticMethodError.method(
null, memberName, positionalArguments, namedArguments);
if (mirror is JsMethodMirror && !mirror.isGetter) {
return reflect(mirror._invoke(positionalArguments, namedArguments));
return getField(memberName)
.invoke(#call, positionalArguments, namedArguments);
delegate(Invocation invocation) {
throw new UnimplementedError();
_loadField(String name) {
// TODO(ahe): What about lazily initialized fields? See
// [JsClassMirror.getField].
// '$' (JS_GET_STATIC_STATE()) stores state which is read directly, so we
// shouldn't use [_globalObject] here.
assert(JS('bool', '# in #', name, JS_GET_STATIC_STATE()));
return JS('', '#[#]', JS_GET_STATIC_STATE(), name);
void _storeField(String name, Object arg) {
// '$' (JS_GET_STATIC_STATE()) stores state which is stored directly, so we
// shouldn't use [_globalObject] here.
assert(JS('bool', '# in #', name, JS_GET_STATIC_STATE()));
JS('void', '#[#] = #', JS_GET_STATIC_STATE(), name, arg);
List<JsMethodMirror> get _functionMirrors {
if (_cachedFunctionMirrors != null) return _cachedFunctionMirrors;
var result = new List<JsMethodMirror>();
for (int i = 0; i < _functions.length; i++) {
String name = _functions[i];
var jsFunction = JS('', '#[#]', _globalObject, name);
String unmangledName = mangledGlobalNames[name];
if (unmangledName == null ||
JS('bool', "!!#['\$getterStub']", jsFunction)) {
// If there is no unmangledName, [jsFunction] is either a synthetic
// implementation detail, or something that is excluded
// by @MirrorsUsed.
// If it has a getterStub property it is a synthetic stub.
// TODO(floitsch): Remove the getterStub hack.
bool isConstructor = unmangledName.startsWith('new ');
// Top-level functions are static, but constructors are not.
bool isStatic = !isConstructor;
if (isConstructor) {
unmangledName = unmangledName.substring(4).replaceAll(r'$', '.');
JsMethodMirror mirror = new JsMethodMirror.fromUnmangledName(
unmangledName, jsFunction, isStatic, isConstructor);
mirror._owner = this;
return _cachedFunctionMirrors = result;
List<VariableMirror> get _fields {
if (_cachedFields != null) return _cachedFields;
var result = <VariableMirror>[];
this, _compactFieldSpecification, true, result);
return _cachedFields = result;
Map<Symbol, MethodMirror> get __functions {
if (_cachedFunctions != null) return _cachedFunctions;
var result = new Map();
for (JsMethodMirror mirror in _functionMirrors) {
if (!mirror.isConstructor) result[mirror.simpleName] = mirror;
return _cachedFunctions =
new UnmodifiableMapView<Symbol, MethodMirror>(result);
Map<Symbol, MethodMirror> get __getters {
if (_cachedGetters != null) return _cachedGetters;
var result = new Map();
// TODO(ahe): Implement this.
return _cachedGetters =
new UnmodifiableMapView<Symbol, MethodMirror>(result);
Map<Symbol, MethodMirror> get __setters {
if (_cachedSetters != null) return _cachedSetters;
var result = new Map();
// TODO(ahe): Implement this.
return _cachedSetters =
new UnmodifiableMapView<Symbol, MethodMirror>(result);
Map<Symbol, VariableMirror> get __variables {
if (_cachedVariables != null) return _cachedVariables;
var result = new Map();
for (JsVariableMirror mirror in _fields) {
result[mirror.simpleName] = mirror;
return _cachedVariables =
new UnmodifiableMapView<Symbol, VariableMirror>(result);
Map<Symbol, Mirror> get __members {
if (_cachedMembers != null) return _cachedMembers;
Map<Symbol, Mirror> result = new Map.from(__classes);
addToResult(Symbol key, Mirror value) {
result[key] = value;
return _cachedMembers = new UnmodifiableMapView<Symbol, Mirror>(result);
Map<Symbol, DeclarationMirror> get declarations {
if (_cachedDeclarations != null) return _cachedDeclarations;
var result = new Map<Symbol, DeclarationMirror>();
addToResult(Symbol key, Mirror value) {
result[key] = value;
return _cachedDeclarations =
new UnmodifiableMapView<Symbol, DeclarationMirror>(result);
List<InstanceMirror> get metadata {
if (_cachedMetadata != null) return _cachedMetadata;
return _cachedMetadata =
new UnmodifiableListView<InstanceMirror>(;
// TODO(ahe): Test this getter.
DeclarationMirror get owner => null;
List<LibraryDependencyMirror> get libraryDependencies =>
throw new UnimplementedError();
String n(Symbol symbol) => _symbol_dev.Symbol.getName(symbol);
Symbol s(String name) {
if (name == null) return null;
return new _symbol_dev.Symbol.unvalidated(name);
Symbol setterSymbol(Symbol symbol) => s("${n(symbol)}=");
final JsMirrorSystem currentJsMirrorSystem = new JsMirrorSystem();
InstanceMirror reflect(Object reflectee) {
// TODO(sra): This test should be a quick test for something like 'is
// Function', but only for classes that implement `Function` via a `call`
// method. The JS form of the test could be something like
// if (reflectee instanceof P.Object && reflectee.$isFunction) ...
// We don't currently have a way get that generated. We should ensure type
// analysis can express 'not Interceptor' and recognize a negative type test
// against Interceptor can be optimized to the above test. For now we have to
// accept the following is compiled to an interceptor-based type check.
if (reflectee is Function) {
return new JsClosureMirror(reflectee);
} else {
return new JsInstanceMirror(reflectee);
TypeMirror reflectType(Type key, [List<Type> typeArguments]) {
String mangledName = getMangledTypeName(key);
if (typeArguments != null) {
if (typeArguments.isEmpty || !typeArguments.every((_) => _ is TypeImpl)) {
var message = typeArguments.isEmpty
? 'Type arguments list can not be empty.'
: 'Type arguments list must contain only instances of Type.';
throw new ArgumentError.value(typeArguments, 'typeArguments', message);
var mangledTypeArguments =;
mangledName = "${mangledName}<${mangledTypeArguments.join(', ')}>";
return reflectClassByMangledName(mangledName);
TypeMirror reflectClassByMangledName(String mangledName) {
String unmangledName = mangledGlobalNames[mangledName];
if (mangledName == 'dynamic') return JsMirrorSystem._dynamicType;
if (mangledName == 'void') return JsMirrorSystem._voidType;
if (unmangledName == null) unmangledName = mangledName;
return reflectClassByName(s(unmangledName), mangledName);
var classMirrors;
TypeMirror reflectClassByName(Symbol symbol, String mangledName) {
if (classMirrors == null) classMirrors = JsCache.allocate();
var mirror = JsCache.fetch(classMirrors, mangledName);
if (mirror != null) return mirror;
int typeArgIndex = mangledName.indexOf("<");
if (typeArgIndex != -1) {
TypeMirror originalDeclaration =
reflectClassByMangledName(mangledName.substring(0, typeArgIndex))
if (originalDeclaration is JsTypedefMirror) {
throw new UnimplementedError();
mirror = new JsTypeBoundClassMirror(
// Remove the angle brackets enclosing the type arguments.
mangledName.substring(typeArgIndex + 1, mangledName.length - 1));
JsCache.update(classMirrors, mangledName, mirror);
return mirror;
var constructor = JS('var', '#[#]', allClasses, mangledName);
if (constructor == null) {
// Probably an intercepted class.
// TODO(ahe): How to handle intercepted classes?
throw new UnsupportedError('Cannot find class for: ${n(symbol)}');
var descriptor = JS('', '#["@"]', constructor);
var fields;
var fieldsMetadata;
if (descriptor == null) {
// This is a native class, or an intercepted class.
// TODO(ahe): Preserve descriptor for such classes.
} else if (JS(
'bool', '# in #', TYPEDEF_PREDICATE_PROPERTY_NAME, descriptor)) {
// Typedefs are represented as normal classes with two special properties:
// For example:
// MyTypedef: {
// "^": "Object;",
// $typedefType: 58,
// $$isTypedef: true
// }
// The typedefType is the index into the metadata table.
int index = JS('int', '#[#]', descriptor, TYPEDEF_TYPE_PROPERTY_NAME);
mirror = new JsTypedefMirror(symbol, mangledName, getType(index));
} else {
fields = JS('', '#[#]', descriptor,
if (fields is List) {
fieldsMetadata = fields.getRange(1, fields.length).toList();
fields = fields[0];
if (fields is! String) {
// TODO(ahe): This is CSP mode. Find a way to determine the
// fields of this class.
fields = '';
if (mirror == null) {
var superclassName = fields.split(';')[0];
var mixins = superclassName.split('+');
if (mixins.length > 1 && mangledGlobalNames[mangledName] == null) {
mirror = reflectMixinApplication(mixins, mangledName);
} else {
ClassMirror classMirror = new JsClassMirror(
symbol, mangledName, constructor, fields, fieldsMetadata);
List typeVariables =
JS('JSExtendableArray|Null', '#.prototype["<>"]', constructor);
if (typeVariables == null || typeVariables.length == 0) {
mirror = classMirror;
} else {
String typeArguments = 'dynamic';
for (int i = 1; i < typeVariables.length; i++) {
typeArguments += ',dynamic';
mirror = new JsTypeBoundClassMirror(classMirror, typeArguments);
JsCache.update(classMirrors, mangledName, mirror);
return mirror;
/// Splits input `typeArguments` string into a list of strings for each argument.
/// Takes into account nested generic types.
/// For example, `Map<int, String>, String` will become a list of two items:
/// `Map<int, String>` and `String`.
List<String> splitTypeArguments(String typeArguments) {
if (typeArguments.indexOf('<') == -1) {
return typeArguments.split(',');
var argumentList = new List<String>();
int level = 0;
String currentTypeArgument = '';
for (int i = 0; i < typeArguments.length; i++) {
var character = typeArguments[i];
if (character == ' ') {
} else if (character == '<') {
currentTypeArgument += character;
} else if (character == '>') {
currentTypeArgument += character;
} else if (character == ',') {
if (level > 0) {
currentTypeArgument += character;
} else {
currentTypeArgument = '';
} else {
currentTypeArgument += character;
return argumentList;
Map<Symbol, MethodMirror> filterMethods(List<MethodMirror> methods) {
var result = new Map();
for (JsMethodMirror method in methods) {
if (!method.isConstructor && !method.isGetter && !method.isSetter) {
result[method.simpleName] = method;
return result;
Map<Symbol, MethodMirror> filterConstructors(methods) {
var result = new Map();
for (JsMethodMirror method in methods) {
if (method.isConstructor) {
result[method.simpleName] = method;
return result;
Map<Symbol, MethodMirror> filterGetters(
List<MethodMirror> methods, Map<Symbol, VariableMirror> fields) {
var result = new Map();
for (JsMethodMirror method in methods) {
if (method.isGetter) {
// TODO(ahe): This is a hack to remove getters corresponding to a field.
if (fields[method.simpleName] != null) continue;
result[method.simpleName] = method;
return result;
Map<Symbol, MethodMirror> filterSetters(
List<MethodMirror> methods, Map<Symbol, VariableMirror> fields) {
var result = new Map();
for (JsMethodMirror method in methods) {
if (method.isSetter) {
// TODO(ahe): This is a hack to remove setters corresponding to a field.
String name = n(method.simpleName);
name = name.substring(0, name.length - 1); // Remove '='.
if (fields[s(name)] != null) continue;
result[method.simpleName] = method;
return result;
Map<Symbol, Mirror> filterMembers(
List<MethodMirror> methods, Map<Symbol, VariableMirror> variables) {
Map<Symbol, Mirror> result = new Map.from(variables);
for (JsMethodMirror method in methods) {
if (method.isSetter) {
String name = n(method.simpleName);
name = name.substring(0, name.length - 1);
// Filter-out setters corresponding to variables.
if (result[s(name)] is VariableMirror) continue;
// Constructors aren't 'members'.
if (method.isConstructor) continue;
// Filter out synthetic tear-off stubs
if (JS('bool', r'!!#.$getterStub', method._jsFunction)) continue;
// Use putIfAbsent to filter-out getters corresponding to variables.
result.putIfAbsent(method.simpleName, () => method);
return result;
int counter = 0;
ClassMirror reflectMixinApplication(mixinNames, String mangledName) {
var mixins = [];
for (String mangledName in mixinNames) {
var it = mixins.iterator;
var superclass = it.current;
while (it.moveNext()) {
superclass = new JsMixinApplication(superclass, it.current, mangledName);
return superclass;
class JsMixinApplication extends JsTypeMirror
with JsObjectMirror
implements ClassMirror {
final ClassMirror superclass;
final ClassMirror mixin;
Symbol _cachedSimpleName;
Map<Symbol, MethodMirror> _cachedInstanceMembers;
ClassMirror superclass, ClassMirror mixin, String mangledName)
: this.superclass = superclass,
this.mixin = mixin,
String get _prettyName => 'ClassMirror';
Symbol get simpleName {
if (_cachedSimpleName != null) return _cachedSimpleName;
String superName = n(superclass.qualifiedName);
return _cachedSimpleName = (superName.contains(' with '))
? s('$superName, ${n(mixin.qualifiedName)}')
: s('$superName with ${n(mixin.qualifiedName)}');
Symbol get qualifiedName => simpleName;
// TODO(ahe): Remove this method, only here to silence warning.
get _mixin => mixin;
Map<Symbol, Mirror> get __members => _mixin.__members;
Map<Symbol, MethodMirror> get __methods => _mixin.__methods;
Map<Symbol, MethodMirror> get __getters => _mixin.__getters;
Map<Symbol, MethodMirror> get __setters => _mixin.__setters;
Map<Symbol, VariableMirror> get __variables => _mixin.__variables;
Map<Symbol, DeclarationMirror> get declarations => mixin.declarations;
Map<Symbol, MethodMirror> get instanceMembers {
if (_cachedInstanceMembers == null) {
var result = new Map<Symbol, MethodMirror>();
if (superclass != null) {
_cachedInstanceMembers = result;
return _cachedInstanceMembers;
Map<Symbol, MethodMirror> get staticMembers => mixin.staticMembers;
_asRuntimeType() => null;
InstanceMirror invoke(Symbol memberName, List positionalArguments,
[Map<Symbol, dynamic> namedArguments]) {
throw new NoSuchStaticMethodError.method(
null, memberName, positionalArguments, namedArguments);
InstanceMirror getField(Symbol fieldName) {
throw new NoSuchStaticMethodError.method(null, fieldName, null, null);
InstanceMirror setField(Symbol fieldName, Object arg) {
throw new NoSuchStaticMethodError.method(
null, setterSymbol(fieldName), [arg], null);
delegate(Invocation invocation) {
throw new UnimplementedError();
List<ClassMirror> get superinterfaces => [mixin];
Map<Symbol, MethodMirror> get __constructors => _mixin.__constructors;
InstanceMirror newInstance(Symbol constructorName, List positionalArguments,
[Map<Symbol, dynamic> namedArguments]) {
throw new UnsupportedError(
"Can't instantiate mixin application '${n(qualifiedName)}'");
bool get isOriginalDeclaration => true;
ClassMirror get originalDeclaration => this;
// TODO(ahe): Implement this.
List<TypeVariableMirror> get typeVariables {
throw new UnimplementedError();
List<TypeMirror> get typeArguments => const <TypeMirror>[];
bool get isAbstract => throw new UnimplementedError();
bool get isEnum => throw new UnimplementedError();
bool isSubclassOf(ClassMirror other) {
superclass.isSubclassOf(other) || mixin.isSubclassOf(other);
bool isSubtypeOf(TypeMirror other) => throw new UnimplementedError();
bool isAssignableTo(TypeMirror other) => throw new UnimplementedError();
abstract class JsObjectMirror implements ObjectMirror {}
class JsInstanceMirror extends JsObjectMirror implements InstanceMirror {
final reflectee;
bool get hasReflectee => true;
ClassMirror get type {
// The spec guarantees that `null` is the singleton instance of the `Null`
// class.
if (reflectee == null) return reflectClass(Null);
return reflectType(getRuntimeType(reflectee));
InstanceMirror invoke(Symbol memberName, List positionalArguments,
[Map<Symbol, dynamic> namedArguments]) {
if (namedArguments == null) namedArguments = const {};
// We can safely pass positionalArguments to _invoke as it will wrap it in
// a JSArray if needed.
return _invoke(memberName, JSInvocationMirror.METHOD, positionalArguments,
InstanceMirror _invokeMethodWithNamedArguments(String reflectiveName,
List positionalArguments, Map<Symbol, dynamic> namedArguments) {
var interceptor = getInterceptor(reflectee);
var jsFunction = JS('', '#[#]', interceptor, reflectiveName);
if (jsFunction == null) {
// TODO(ahe): Invoke noSuchMethod.
throw new UnimplementedNoSuchMethodError(
'Invoking noSuchMethod with named arguments not implemented');
ReflectionInfo info = new ReflectionInfo(jsFunction);
if (jsFunction == null) {
// TODO(ahe): Invoke noSuchMethod.
throw new UnimplementedNoSuchMethodError(
'Invoking noSuchMethod with named arguments not implemented');
positionalArguments = new List.from(positionalArguments);
// Check the number of positional arguments is valid.
if (info.requiredParameterCount != positionalArguments.length) {
// TODO(ahe): Invoke noSuchMethod.
throw new UnimplementedNoSuchMethodError(
'Invoking noSuchMethod with named arguments not implemented');
var defaultArguments = new Map();
for (int i = 0; i < info.optionalParameterCount; i++) {
var parameterName = info.parameterName(i + info.requiredParameterCount);
var defaultValue =
getMetadata(info.defaultValue(i + info.requiredParameterCount));
defaultArguments[parameterName] = defaultValue;
namedArguments.forEach((Symbol symbol, value) {
String parameter = n(symbol);
if (defaultArguments.containsKey(parameter)) {
defaultArguments[parameter] = value;
} else {
// Extraneous named argument.
// TODO(ahe): Invoke noSuchMethod.
throw new UnimplementedNoSuchMethodError(
'Invoking noSuchMethod with named arguments not implemented');
// TODO(ahe): Handle intercepted methods.
return reflect(
JS('', '#.apply(#, #)', jsFunction, reflectee, positionalArguments));
/// Grabs hold of the class-specific invocation cache for the reflectee.
/// All reflectees with the same class share the same cache. The cache
/// maps reflective names to cached invocation objects with enough decoded
/// reflective information to know how to to invoke a specific member.
get _classInvocationCache {
String cacheName = Primitives.mirrorInvokeCacheName;
var cacheHolder = (reflectee == null) ? getInterceptor(null) : reflectee;
var cache = JS('', r'#.constructor[#]', cacheHolder, cacheName);
if (cache == null) {
cache = JsCache.allocate();
JS('void', r'#.constructor[#] = #', cacheHolder, cacheName, cache);
return cache;
String _computeReflectiveName(Symbol symbolName, int type,
List positionalArguments, Map<Symbol, dynamic> namedArguments) {
String name = n(symbolName);
switch (type) {
case JSInvocationMirror.GETTER:
return name;
case JSInvocationMirror.SETTER:
return '$name=';
case JSInvocationMirror.METHOD:
if (namedArguments.isNotEmpty) return '$name*';
int nbArgs = positionalArguments.length as int;
return "$name:$nbArgs";
throw new RuntimeError("Could not compute reflective name for $name");
* Returns a `CachedInvocation` or `CachedNoSuchMethodInvocation` for the
* given member.
* Caches the result.
_getCachedInvocation(Symbol name, int type, String reflectiveName,
List positionalArguments, Map<Symbol, dynamic> namedArguments) {
var cache = _classInvocationCache;
var cacheEntry = JsCache.fetch(cache, reflectiveName);
var result;
if (cacheEntry == null) {
String mangledName = reflectiveNames[reflectiveName];
List<String> argumentNames = const [];
// TODO(ahe): We don't need to create an invocation mirror here. The
// logic from JSInvocationMirror.getCachedInvocation could easily be
// inlined here.
Invocation invocation = createUnmangledInvocationMirror(
name, mangledName, type, positionalArguments, argumentNames);
cacheEntry =
JSInvocationMirror.getCachedInvocation(invocation, reflectee);
JsCache.update(cache, reflectiveName, cacheEntry);
return cacheEntry;
bool _isReflectable(CachedInvocation cachedInvocation) {
// TODO(floitsch): tear-off closure does not guarantee that the
// function is reflectable.
var method = cachedInvocation.jsFunction;
return hasReflectableProperty(method) || reflectee is TearOffClosure;
/// Invoke the member specified through name and type on the reflectee.
/// As a side-effect, this populates the class-specific invocation cache
/// for the reflectee.
InstanceMirror _invoke(Symbol name, int type, List positionalArguments,
Map<Symbol, dynamic> namedArguments) {
String reflectiveName =
_computeReflectiveName(name, type, positionalArguments, namedArguments);
if (namedArguments.isNotEmpty) {
// TODO(floitsch): first, make sure it's not a getter.
return _invokeMethodWithNamedArguments(
reflectiveName, positionalArguments, namedArguments);
var cacheEntry = _getCachedInvocation(
name, type, reflectiveName, positionalArguments, namedArguments);
if (cacheEntry.isNoSuchMethod || !_isReflectable(cacheEntry)) {
// Could be that we want to invoke a getter, or get a method.
if (type == JSInvocationMirror.METHOD && _instanceFieldExists(name)) {
return getField(name)
.invoke(#call, positionalArguments, namedArguments);
if (type == JSInvocationMirror.SETTER) {
// For setters we report the setter name "field=".
name = s("${n(name)}=");
if (!cacheEntry.isNoSuchMethod) {
// Not reflectable.
String mangledName = reflectiveNames[reflectiveName];
// TODO(ahe): Get the argument names.
List<String> argumentNames = [];
Invocation invocation = createUnmangledInvocationMirror(
name, mangledName, type, positionalArguments, argumentNames);
return reflect(cacheEntry.invokeOn(reflectee, invocation));
} else {
return reflect(cacheEntry.invokeOn(reflectee, positionalArguments));
InstanceMirror setField(Symbol fieldName, Object arg) {
_invoke(fieldName, JSInvocationMirror.SETTER, [arg], const {});
return reflect(arg);
// JS helpers for getField optimizations.
static bool isUndefined(x) => JS('bool', 'typeof # == "undefined"', x);
static bool isMissingCache(x) => JS('bool', 'typeof # == "number"', x);
static bool isMissingProbe(Symbol symbol) =>
JS('bool', 'typeof #.\$p == "undefined"', symbol);
static bool isEvalAllowed() => !JS_GET_FLAG("USE_CONTENT_SECURITY_POLICY");
/// The getter cache is lazily allocated after a couple
/// of invocations of [InstanceMirror.getField]. The delay is
/// used to avoid too aggressive caching and dynamic function
/// generation for rarely used mirrors. The cache is specific to
/// this [InstanceMirror] and maps reflective names to functions
/// that will invoke the corresponding getter on the reflectee.
/// The reflectee is passed to the function as the first argument
/// to avoid the overhead of fetching it from this mirror repeatedly.
/// The cache is lazily initialized to a JS object so we can
/// benefit from "map transitions" in the underlying JavaScript
/// engine to speed up cache probing.
var _getterCache = 4;
bool _instanceFieldExists(Symbol name) {
int getterType = JSInvocationMirror.GETTER;
String getterName =
_computeReflectiveName(name, getterType, const [], const {});
var getterCacheEntry =
_getCachedInvocation(name, getterType, getterName, const [], const {});
return !getterCacheEntry.isNoSuchMethod && !getterCacheEntry.isGetterStub;
InstanceMirror getField(Symbol fieldName) {
var cache = _getterCache;
if (isMissingCache(cache) || isMissingProbe(fieldName)) break FASTPATH;
// If the [fieldName] has an associated probe function, we can use
// it to read from the getter cache specific to this [InstanceMirror].
var getter = JS('', '#.\$p(#)', fieldName, cache);
if (isUndefined(getter)) break FASTPATH;
// Call the getter passing the reflectee as the first argument.
var value = JS('', '#(#)', getter, reflectee);
// The getter has an associate cache of the last [InstanceMirror]
// returned to avoid repeated invocations of [reflect]. To validate
// the cache, we check that the value returned by the getter is the
// same value as last time.
if (JS('bool', '# === #.v', value, getter)) {
return JS('InstanceMirror', '#.m', getter);
} else {
var result = reflect(value);
JS('void', '#.v = #', getter, value);
JS('void', '#.m = #', getter, result);
return result;
return _getFieldSlow(fieldName);
InstanceMirror _getFieldSlow(Symbol fieldName) {
// First do the slow-case getter invocation. As a side-effect of this,
// the invocation cache is filled in so we can query it afterwards.
var result =
_invoke(fieldName, JSInvocationMirror.GETTER, const [], const {});
String name = n(fieldName);
var cacheEntry = JsCache.fetch(_classInvocationCache, name);
if (cacheEntry.isNoSuchMethod) {
return result;
// Make sure we have a getter cache in this [InstanceMirror].
var cache = _getterCache;
if (isMissingCache(cache)) {
if ((_getterCache = --cache) != 0) return result;
cache = _getterCache = JS('=Object', 'Object.create(null)');
// Make sure that symbol [fieldName] has a cache probing function ($p).
bool useEval = isEvalAllowed();
if (isMissingProbe(fieldName)) {
var probe = _newProbeFn(name, useEval);
JS('void', '#.\$p = #', fieldName, probe);
// Create a new getter function and install it in the cache.
var mangledName = cacheEntry.mangledName;
var getter = (cacheEntry.isIntercepted)
? _newInterceptedGetterFn(mangledName, useEval)
: _newGetterFn(mangledName, useEval);
JS('void', '#[#] = #', cache, name, getter);
// Initialize the last value (v) and last mirror (m) on the
// newly generated getter to be a sentinel value that is hard
// to get hold of through user code.
JS('void', '#.v = #.m = #', getter, getter, cache);
// Return the result of the slow-path getter invocation.
return result;
_newProbeFn(String id, bool useEval) {
if (useEval) {
String body = "return c.$id;";
return JS('', 'new Function("c", #)', body);
} else {
return JS('', '(function(n){return(function(c){return c[n]})})(#)', id);
_newGetterFn(String name, bool useEval) {
if (!useEval) return _newGetterNoEvalFn(name);
// We use a comment that associates the generated function with the
// class of the reflectee. This makes it more likely that the underlying
// JavaScript engine will only share the generated code for accessors on the
// same class (through caching of eval'ed code). This makes the
// generated call to the getter - e.g. o.get$foo() - much more likely
// to be monomorphic and inlineable.
String className = JS('String', '', reflectee);
String body = "/* $className */ return o.$name();";
return JS('', 'new Function("o", #)', body);
_newGetterNoEvalFn(n) =>
JS('', '(function(n){return(function(o){return o[n]()})})(#)', n);
_newInterceptedGetterFn(String name, bool useEval) {
var object = reflectee;
// It is possible that the interceptor for a given object is the object
// itself, so it is important not to share the code that captures the
// interceptor between multiple different instances of [InstanceMirror].
var interceptor = getInterceptor(object);
if (!useEval) return _newInterceptGetterNoEvalFn(name, interceptor);
String className = JS('String', '', interceptor);
String functionName = '$className\$$name';
String body = ' function $functionName(o){return i.$name(o)}'
' return $functionName;';
return JS('', '(new Function("i", #))(#)', body, interceptor);
_newInterceptGetterNoEvalFn(n, i) =>
JS('', '(function(n,i){return(function(o){return i[n](o)})})(#,#)', n, i);
delegate(Invocation invocation) {
return JSInvocationMirror.invokeFromMirror(invocation, reflectee);
operator ==(other) {
return other is JsInstanceMirror && identical(reflectee, other.reflectee);
int get hashCode {
// Avoid hash collisions with the reflectee. This constant is in Smi range
// and happens to be the inner padding from RFC 2104.
return identityHashCode(reflectee) ^ 0x36363636;
String toString() => 'InstanceMirror on ${Error.safeToString(reflectee)}';
// TODO(ahe): Remove this method from the API.
MirrorSystem get mirrors => currentJsMirrorSystem;
* ClassMirror for generic classes where the type parameters are bound.
* [typeArguments] will return a list of the type arguments, in constrast
* to JsCLassMirror that returns an empty list since it represents original
* declarations and classes that are not generic.
class JsTypeBoundClassMirror extends JsDeclarationMirror
implements ClassMirror {
final JsClassMirror _class;
* When instantiated this field will hold a string representing the list of
* type arguments for the class, i.e. what is inside the outermost angle
* brackets. Then, when get typeArguments is called the first time, the string
* is parsed into the actual list of TypeMirrors, and stored in
* [_cachedTypeArguments]. Due to type substitution of, for instance,
* superclasses the mangled name of the class and hence this string is needed
* after [_cachedTypeArguments] has been computed.
* If an integer is encountered as a type argument, it represents the type
* variable at the corresponding entry in [emitter.globalMetadata].
String _typeArguments;
UnmodifiableListView<TypeMirror> _cachedTypeArguments;
UnmodifiableMapView<Symbol, DeclarationMirror> _cachedDeclarations;
UnmodifiableMapView<Symbol, DeclarationMirror> _cachedMembers;
UnmodifiableMapView<Symbol, MethodMirror> _cachedConstructors;
Map<Symbol, VariableMirror> _cachedVariables;
Map<Symbol, MethodMirror> _cachedGetters;
Map<Symbol, MethodMirror> _cachedSetters;
Map<Symbol, MethodMirror> _cachedMethodsMap;
List<JsMethodMirror> _cachedMethods;
ClassMirror _superclass;
List<ClassMirror> _cachedSuperinterfaces;
Map<Symbol, MethodMirror> _cachedInstanceMembers;
Map<Symbol, MethodMirror> _cachedStaticMembers;
JsTypeBoundClassMirror(JsClassMirror originalDeclaration, this._typeArguments)
: _class = originalDeclaration,
String get _prettyName => 'ClassMirror';
String toString() {
String result = '$_prettyName on ${n(simpleName)}';
if (typeArguments != null) {
result = "$result<${typeArguments.join(', ')}>";
return result;
String get _mangledName {
for (TypeMirror typeArgument in typeArguments) {
if (typeArgument != JsMirrorSystem._dynamicType) {
return '${_class._mangledName}<$_typeArguments>';
// When all type arguments are dynamic, the canonical representation is to
// drop them.
return _class._mangledName;
List<TypeVariableMirror> get typeVariables => _class.typeVariables;
List<TypeMirror> get typeArguments {
if (_cachedTypeArguments != null) return _cachedTypeArguments;
List result = new List();
addTypeArgument(String typeArgument) {
int parsedIndex = int.parse(typeArgument, onError: (_) => -1);
if (parsedIndex == -1) {
} else {
TypeVariable typeVariable = getMetadata(parsedIndex);
TypeMirror owner = reflectClass(typeVariable.owner);
TypeVariableMirror typeMirror =
new JsTypeVariableMirror(typeVariable, owner, parsedIndex);
return _cachedTypeArguments = new UnmodifiableListView(result);
List<JsMethodMirror> get _methods {
if (_cachedMethods != null) return _cachedMethods;
return _cachedMethods = _class._getMethodsWithOwner(this);
Map<Symbol, MethodMirror> get __methods {
if (_cachedMethodsMap != null) return _cachedMethodsMap;
return _cachedMethodsMap =
new UnmodifiableMapView<Symbol, MethodMirror>(filterMethods(_methods));
Map<Symbol, MethodMirror> get __constructors {
if (_cachedConstructors != null) return _cachedConstructors;
return _cachedConstructors = new UnmodifiableMapView<Symbol, MethodMirror>(
Map<Symbol, MethodMirror> get __getters {
if (_cachedGetters != null) return _cachedGetters;
return _cachedGetters = new UnmodifiableMapView<Symbol, MethodMirror>(
filterGetters(_methods, __variables));
Map<Symbol, MethodMirror> get __setters {
if (_cachedSetters != null) return _cachedSetters;
return _cachedSetters = new UnmodifiableMapView<Symbol, MethodMirror>(
filterSetters(_methods, __variables));
Map<Symbol, VariableMirror> get __variables {
if (_cachedVariables != null) return _cachedVariables;
var result = new Map();
for (JsVariableMirror mirror in _class._getFieldsWithOwner(this)) {
result[mirror.simpleName] = mirror;
return _cachedVariables =
new UnmodifiableMapView<Symbol, VariableMirror>(result);
Map<Symbol, DeclarationMirror> get __members {
if (_cachedMembers != null) return _cachedMembers;
return _cachedMembers = new UnmodifiableMapView<Symbol, DeclarationMirror>(
filterMembers(_methods, __variables));
Map<Symbol, DeclarationMirror> get declarations {
if (_cachedDeclarations != null) return _cachedDeclarations;
Map<Symbol, DeclarationMirror> result =
new Map<Symbol, DeclarationMirror>();
typeVariables.forEach((tv) => result[tv.simpleName] = tv);
return _cachedDeclarations =
new UnmodifiableMapView<Symbol, DeclarationMirror>(result);
Map<Symbol, MethodMirror> get staticMembers {
if (_cachedStaticMembers == null) {
var result = new Map<Symbol, MethodMirror>();
declarations.values.forEach((decl) {
if (decl is MethodMirror && decl.isStatic && !decl.isConstructor) {
result[decl.simpleName] = decl;
if (decl is VariableMirror && decl.isStatic) {
var getterName = decl.simpleName;
result[getterName] = new JsSyntheticAccessor(
this, getterName, true, true, false, decl);
if (!decl.isFinal) {
var setterName = setterSymbol(decl.simpleName);
result[setterName] = new JsSyntheticAccessor(
this, setterName, false, true, false, decl);
_cachedStaticMembers = result;
return _cachedStaticMembers;
Map<Symbol, MethodMirror> get instanceMembers {
if (_cachedInstanceMembers == null) {
var result = new Map<Symbol, MethodMirror>();
if (superclass != null) {
declarations.values.forEach((decl) {
if (decl is MethodMirror &&
!decl.isStatic &&
!decl.isConstructor &&
!decl.isAbstract) {
result[decl.simpleName] = decl;
if (decl is VariableMirror && !decl.isStatic) {
var getterName = decl.simpleName;
result[getterName] = new JsSyntheticAccessor(
this, getterName, true, false, false, decl);
if (!decl.isFinal) {
var setterName = setterSymbol(decl.simpleName);
result[setterName] = new JsSyntheticAccessor(
this, setterName, false, false, false, decl);
_cachedInstanceMembers = result;
return _cachedInstanceMembers;
InstanceMirror setField(Symbol fieldName, Object arg) {
return _class.setField(fieldName, arg);
InstanceMirror getField(Symbol fieldName) => _class.getField(fieldName);
InstanceMirror newInstance(Symbol constructorName, List positionalArguments,
[Map<Symbol, dynamic> namedArguments]) {
var instance = _class._getInvokedInstance(
constructorName, positionalArguments, namedArguments);
return reflect(setRuntimeTypeInfo(
instance, => t._asRuntimeType()).toList()));
_asRuntimeType() {
return [_class._jsConstructor]
.addAll( => t._asRuntimeType()));
JsLibraryMirror get owner => _class.owner;
List<InstanceMirror> get metadata => _class.metadata;
ClassMirror get superclass {
if (_superclass != null) return _superclass;
var typeInformationContainer = JS_EMBEDDED_GLOBAL('', TYPE_INFORMATION);
List<int> typeInformation =
JS('List|Null', '#[#]', typeInformationContainer, _class._mangledName);
assert(typeInformation != null);
var type = getType(typeInformation[0]);
return _superclass = typeMirrorFromRuntimeTypeRepresentation(this, type);
InstanceMirror invoke(Symbol memberName, List positionalArguments,
[Map<Symbol, dynamic> namedArguments]) {
return _class.invoke(memberName, positionalArguments, namedArguments);
delegate(Invocation invocation) {
throw new UnimplementedError();
bool get isOriginalDeclaration => false;
ClassMirror get originalDeclaration => _class;
List<ClassMirror> get superinterfaces {
if (_cachedSuperinterfaces != null) return _cachedSuperinterfaces;
return _cachedSuperinterfaces = _class._getSuperinterfacesWithOwner(this);
bool get isPrivate => _class.isPrivate;
bool get isTopLevel => _class.isTopLevel;
bool get isAbstract => _class.isAbstract;
bool get isEnum => _class.isEnum;
bool isSubclassOf(ClassMirror other) => _class.isSubclassOf(other);
SourceLocation get location => _class.location;
MirrorSystem get mirrors => _class.mirrors;
Symbol get qualifiedName => _class.qualifiedName;
bool get hasReflectedType => true;
Type get reflectedType => createRuntimeType(_mangledName);
Symbol get simpleName => _class.simpleName;
// TODO(ahe): Implement this.
ClassMirror get mixin => throw new UnimplementedError();
bool isSubtypeOf(TypeMirror other) => throw new UnimplementedError();
bool isAssignableTo(TypeMirror other) => throw new UnimplementedError();
class JsSyntheticAccessor implements MethodMirror {
final DeclarationMirror owner;
final Symbol simpleName;
final bool isGetter;
final bool isStatic;
final bool isTopLevel;
/// The field or type that introduces the synthetic accessor.
final _target;
JsSyntheticAccessor(this.owner, this.simpleName, this.isGetter, this.isStatic,
this.isTopLevel, this._target);
bool get isSynthetic => true;
bool get isRegularMethod => false;
bool get isOperator => false;
bool get isConstructor => false;
bool get isConstConstructor => false;
bool get isGenerativeConstructor => false;
bool get isFactoryConstructor => false;
bool get isRedirectingConstructor => false;
bool get isAbstract => false;
bool get isSetter => !isGetter;
bool get isPrivate => n(simpleName).startsWith('_');
Symbol get qualifiedName => computeQualifiedName(owner, simpleName);
Symbol get constructorName => const Symbol('');
TypeMirror get returnType => _target.type;
List<ParameterMirror> get parameters {
if (isGetter) return const [];
return new UnmodifiableListView(
[new JsSyntheticSetterParameter(this, this._target)]);
List<InstanceMirror> get metadata => const [];
String get source => null;
SourceLocation get location => throw new UnimplementedError();
class JsSyntheticSetterParameter implements ParameterMirror {
final DeclarationMirror owner;
final VariableMirror _target;
JsSyntheticSetterParameter(this.owner, this._target);
Symbol get simpleName => _target.simpleName;
Symbol get qualifiedName => computeQualifiedName(owner, simpleName);
TypeMirror get type => _target.type;
bool get isOptional => false;
bool get isNamed => false;
bool get isStatic => false;
bool get isTopLevel => false;
bool get isConst => false;
bool get isFinal => true;
bool get isPrivate => false;
bool get hasDefaultValue => false;
InstanceMirror get defaultValue => null;
List<InstanceMirror> get metadata => const [];
SourceLocation get location => throw new UnimplementedError();
class JsClassMirror extends JsTypeMirror
with JsObjectMirror
implements ClassMirror {
final String _mangledName;
final _jsConstructor;
final String _fieldsDescriptor;
final List _fieldsMetadata;
final _jsConstructorCache = JsCache.allocate();
List _metadata;
ClassMirror _superclass;
List<JsMethodMirror> _cachedMethods;
List<VariableMirror> _cachedFields;
UnmodifiableMapView<Symbol, MethodMirror> _cachedConstructors;
UnmodifiableMapView<Symbol, MethodMirror> _cachedMethodsMap;
UnmodifiableMapView<Symbol, MethodMirror> _cachedGetters;
UnmodifiableMapView<Symbol, MethodMirror> _cachedSetters;
UnmodifiableMapView<Symbol, VariableMirror> _cachedVariables;
UnmodifiableMapView<Symbol, Mirror> _cachedMembers;
UnmodifiableMapView<Symbol, DeclarationMirror> _cachedDeclarations;
UnmodifiableListView<InstanceMirror> _cachedMetadata;
UnmodifiableListView<ClassMirror> _cachedSuperinterfaces;
UnmodifiableListView<TypeVariableMirror> _cachedTypeVariables;
Map<Symbol, MethodMirror> _cachedInstanceMembers;
Map<Symbol, MethodMirror> _cachedStaticMembers;
// Set as side-effect of accessing JsLibraryMirror.classes.
JsLibraryMirror _owner;
JsClassMirror(Symbol simpleName, this._mangledName, this._jsConstructor,
this._fieldsDescriptor, this._fieldsMetadata)
: super(simpleName);
String get _prettyName => 'ClassMirror';
Map<Symbol, MethodMirror> get __constructors {
if (_cachedConstructors != null) return _cachedConstructors;
return _cachedConstructors = new UnmodifiableMapView<Symbol, MethodMirror>(
_asRuntimeType() {
if (typeVariables.isEmpty) return _jsConstructor;
var type = [_jsConstructor];
for (int i = 0; i < typeVariables.length; i++) {
return type;
List<JsMethodMirror> _getMethodsWithOwner(DeclarationMirror methodOwner) {
var prototype = JS('', '#.prototype', _jsConstructor);
// The prototype might not have been processed yet, so do that now.
JS('', '#[#]()', prototype,
List<String> keys = extractKeys(prototype);
var result = <JsMethodMirror>[];
for (String key in keys) {
if (isReflectiveDataInPrototype(key)) continue;
String simpleName = mangledNames[key];
// [simpleName] can be null if [key] represents an implementation
// detail, for example, a bailout method, or runtime type support.
// It might also be null if the user has limited what is reified for
// reflection with metadata.
if (simpleName == null) continue;
var function = JS('', '#[#]', prototype, key);
if (!isOrdinaryReflectableMethod(function)) continue;
if (isAliasedSuperMethod(function, key)) continue;
var mirror = new JsMethodMirror.fromUnmangledName(
simpleName, function, false, false);
mirror._owner = methodOwner;
var statics = JS_EMBEDDED_GLOBAL('', STATICS);
keys = extractKeys(JS('', '#[#]', statics, _mangledName));
for (String mangledName in keys) {
if (isReflectiveDataInPrototype(mangledName)) continue;
String unmangledName = mangledName;
var jsFunction = JS('', '#[#]', owner._globalObject, mangledName);
bool isConstructor = false;
if (hasReflectableProperty(jsFunction)) {
String reflectionName =
JS('String|Null', r'#.$reflectionName', jsFunction);
if (reflectionName == null) continue;
isConstructor = reflectionName.startsWith('new ');
if (isConstructor) {
reflectionName = reflectionName.substring(4).replaceAll(r'$', '.');
unmangledName = reflectionName;
} else {
bool isStatic = !isConstructor; // Constructors are not static.
JsMethodMirror mirror = new JsMethodMirror.fromUnmangledName(
unmangledName, jsFunction, isStatic, isConstructor);
mirror._owner = methodOwner;
return result;
List<JsMethodMirror> get _methods {
if (_cachedMethods != null) return _cachedMethods;
return _cachedMethods = _getMethodsWithOwner(this);
List<VariableMirror> _getFieldsWithOwner(DeclarationMirror fieldOwner) {
var result = <VariableMirror>[];
var instanceFieldSpecfication = _fieldsDescriptor.split(';')[1];
if (_fieldsMetadata != null) {
instanceFieldSpecfication = [instanceFieldSpecfication]
fieldOwner, instanceFieldSpecfication, false, result);
var statics = JS_EMBEDDED_GLOBAL('', STATICS);
var staticDescriptor = JS('', '#[#]', statics, _mangledName);
if (staticDescriptor != null) {
JS('', '#[#]', staticDescriptor,
return result;
List<VariableMirror> get _fields {
if (_cachedFields != null) return _cachedFields;
return _cachedFields = _getFieldsWithOwner(this);
Map<Symbol, MethodMirror> get __methods {
if (_cachedMethodsMap != null) return _cachedMethodsMap;
return _cachedMethodsMap =
new UnmodifiableMapView<Symbol, MethodMirror>(filterMethods(_methods));
Map<Symbol, MethodMirror> get __getters {
if (_cachedGetters != null) return _cachedGetters;
return _cachedGetters = new UnmodifiableMapView<Symbol, MethodMirror>(
filterGetters(_methods, __variables));
Map<Symbol, MethodMirror> get __setters {
if (_cachedSetters != null) return _cachedSetters;
return _cachedSetters = new UnmodifiableMapView<Symbol, MethodMirror>(
filterSetters(_methods, __variables));
Map<Symbol, VariableMirror> get __variables {
if (_cachedVariables != null) return _cachedVariables;
var result = new Map();
for (JsVariableMirror mirror in _fields) {
result[mirror.simpleName] = mirror;
return _cachedVariables =
new UnmodifiableMapView<Symbol, VariableMirror>(result);
Map<Symbol, Mirror> get __members {
if (_cachedMembers != null) return _cachedMembers;
return _cachedMembers = new UnmodifiableMapView<Symbol, Mirror>(
filterMembers(_methods, __variables));
Map<Symbol, DeclarationMirror> get declarations {
if (_cachedDeclarations != null) return _cachedDeclarations;
var result = new Map<Symbol, DeclarationMirror>();
addToResult(Symbol key, Mirror value) {
result[key] = value;
typeVariables.forEach((tv) => result[tv.simpleName] = tv);
return _cachedDeclarations =
new UnmodifiableMapView<Symbol, DeclarationMirror>(result);
Map<Symbol, MethodMirror> get staticMembers {
if (_cachedStaticMembers == null) {
var result = new Map<Symbol, MethodMirror>();
declarations.values.forEach((decl) {
if (decl is MethodMirror && decl.isStatic && !decl.isConstructor) {
result[decl.simpleName] = decl;
if (decl is VariableMirror && decl.isStatic) {
var getterName = decl.simpleName;
result[getterName] = new JsSyntheticAccessor(
this, getterName, true, true, false, decl);
if (!decl.isFinal) {
var setterName = setterSymbol(decl.simpleName);
result[setterName] = new JsSyntheticAccessor(
this, setterName, false, true, false, decl);
_cachedStaticMembers = result;
return _cachedStaticMembers;
Map<Symbol, MethodMirror> get instanceMembers {
if (_cachedInstanceMembers == null) {
var result = new Map<Symbol, MethodMirror>();
if (superclass != null) {
declarations.values.forEach((decl) {
if (decl is MethodMirror &&
!decl.isStatic &&
!decl.isConstructor &&
!decl.isAbstract) {
result[decl.simpleName] = decl;
if (decl is VariableMirror && !decl.isStatic) {
var getterName = decl.simpleName;
result[getterName] = new JsSyntheticAccessor(
this, getterName, true, false, false, decl);
if (!decl.isFinal) {
var setterName = setterSymbol(decl.simpleName);
result[setterName] = new JsSyntheticAccessor(
this, setterName, false, false, false, decl);
_cachedInstanceMembers = result;
return _cachedInstanceMembers;
InstanceMirror setField(Symbol fieldName, Object arg) {
JsVariableMirror mirror = __variables[fieldName];
if (mirror != null && mirror.isStatic && !mirror.isFinal) {
// '$' (JS_GET_STATIC_STATE()) stores state which is stored directly, so
// we shouldn't use [JsLibraryMirror._globalObject] here.
String jsName = mirror._jsName;
if (!JS('bool', '# in #', jsName, JS_GET_STATIC_STATE())) {
throw new RuntimeError('Cannot find "$jsName" in current isolate.');
JS('void', '#[#] = #', JS_GET_STATIC_STATE(), jsName, arg);
return reflect(arg);
Symbol setterName = setterSymbol(fieldName);
if (mirror == null) {
JsMethodMirror setter = __setters[setterName];
if (setter != null) {
setter._invoke([arg], const {});
return reflect(arg);
throw new NoSuchStaticMethodError.method(null, setterName, [arg], null);
bool _staticFieldExists(Symbol fieldName) {
JsVariableMirror mirror = __variables[fieldName];
if (mirror != null) return mirror.isStatic;
JsMethodMirror getter = __getters[fieldName];
return getter != null && getter.isStatic;
InstanceMirror getField(Symbol fieldName) {
JsVariableMirror mirror = __variables[fieldName];
if (mirror != null && mirror.isStatic) {
String jsName = mirror._jsName;
// '$' (JS_GET_STATIC_STATE()) stores state which is read directly, so
// we shouldn't use [JsLibraryMirror._globalObject] here.
if (!JS('bool', '# in #', jsName, JS_GET_STATIC_STATE())) {
throw new RuntimeError('Cannot find "$jsName" in current isolate.');
var lazies = JS_EMBEDDED_GLOBAL('', LAZIES);
if (JS('bool', '# in #', jsName, lazies)) {
String getterName = JS('String', '#[#]', lazies, jsName);
return reflect(JS('', '#[#]()', JS_GET_STATIC_STATE(), getterName));
} else {
return reflect(JS('', '#[#]', JS_GET_STATIC_STATE(), jsName));
JsMethodMirror getter = __getters[fieldName];
if (getter != null && getter.isStatic) {
return reflect(getter._invoke(const [], const {}));
// If the fieldName designates a static function we have to return
// its closure.
JsMethodMirror method = __methods[fieldName];
if (method != null && method.isStatic) {
// We invoke the same getter that Dart code would execute. During
// initialization we have stored that getter on the function (so that
// we can find it more easily here).
var getter = JS("", "#['\$getter']", method._jsFunction);
if (getter == null) throw new UnimplementedError();
return reflect(JS("", "#()", getter));
throw new NoSuchStaticMethodError.method(null, fieldName, null, null);
_getInvokedInstance(Symbol constructorName, List positionalArguments,
[Map<Symbol, dynamic> namedArguments]) {
if (namedArguments != null && !namedArguments.isEmpty) {
throw new UnsupportedError('Named arguments are not implemented.');
JsMethodMirror mirror =
JsCache.fetch(_jsConstructorCache, n(constructorName));
if (mirror == null) {
mirror = __constructors.values
.firstWhere((m) => m.constructorName == constructorName, orElse: () {
throw new NoSuchStaticMethodError.method(
null, constructorName, positionalArguments, namedArguments);
JsCache.update(_jsConstructorCache, n(constructorName), mirror);
return mirror._invoke(positionalArguments, namedArguments);
InstanceMirror newInstance(Symbol constructorName, List positionalArguments,
[Map<Symbol, dynamic> namedArguments]) {
return reflect(_getInvokedInstance(
constructorName, positionalArguments, namedArguments));
JsLibraryMirror get owner {
if (_owner == null) {
for (var list in JsMirrorSystem.librariesByName.values) {
for (JsLibraryMirror library in list) {
// This will set _owner field on all classes as a side
// effect. This gives us a fast path to reflect on a
// class without parsing reflection data.
if (_owner == null) {
throw new StateError('Class "${n(simpleName)}" has no owner');
return _owner;
List<InstanceMirror> get metadata {
if (_cachedMetadata != null) return _cachedMetadata;
if (_metadata == null) {
_metadata = extractMetadata(JS('', '#.prototype', _jsConstructor));
return _cachedMetadata =
new UnmodifiableListView<InstanceMirror>(;
ClassMirror get superclass {
if (_superclass == null) {
var typeInformationContainer = JS_EMBEDDED_GLOBAL('', TYPE_INFORMATION);
List<int> typeInformation =
JS('List|Null', '#[#]', typeInformationContainer, _mangledName);
if (typeInformation != null) {
var type = getType(typeInformation[0]);
_superclass = typeMirrorFromRuntimeTypeRepresentation(this, type);
} else {
var superclassName = _fieldsDescriptor.split(';')[0].split(':')[0];
// TODO(zarah): Remove special handing of mixins.
var mixins = superclassName.split('+');
if (mixins.length > 1) {
if (mixins.length != 2) {
throw new RuntimeError('Strange mixin: $_fieldsDescriptor');
_superclass = reflectClassByMangledName(mixins[0]);
} else {
// Use _superclass == this to represent class with no superclass
// (Object).
_superclass = (superclassName == '')
? this
: reflectClassByMangledName(superclassName);
return _superclass == this ? null : _superclass;
InstanceMirror invoke(Symbol memberName, List positionalArguments,
[Map<Symbol, dynamic> namedArguments]) {
// Mirror API gotcha: Calling [invoke] on a ClassMirror means invoke a
// static method.
if (namedArguments != null && !namedArguments.isEmpty) {
throw new UnsupportedError('Named arguments are not implemented.');
JsMethodMirror mirror = __methods[memberName];
if (mirror == null && _staticFieldExists(memberName)) {
return getField(memberName)
.invoke(#call, positionalArguments, namedArguments);
if (mirror == null || !mirror.isStatic) {
throw new NoSuchStaticMethodError.method(
null, memberName, positionalArguments, namedArguments);
if (!mirror.canInvokeReflectively()) {
return reflect(mirror._invoke(positionalArguments, namedArguments));
delegate(Invocation invocation) {
throw new UnimplementedError();
bool get isOriginalDeclaration => true;
ClassMirror get originalDeclaration => this;
List<ClassMirror> _getSuperinterfacesWithOwner(DeclarationMirror owner) {
var typeInformationContainer = JS_EMBEDDED_GLOBAL('', TYPE_INFORMATION);
List<int> typeInformation =
JS('List|Null', '#[#]', typeInformationContainer, _mangledName);
List<ClassMirror> result = const <ClassMirror>[];
if (typeInformation != null) {
ClassMirror lookupType(int i) {
var type = getType(i);
return typeMirrorFromRuntimeTypeRepresentation(owner, type);
//We skip the first since it is the supertype.
result = typeInformation.skip(1).map(lookupType).toList();
return new UnmodifiableListView<ClassMirror>(result);
List<ClassMirror> get superinterfaces {
if (_cachedSuperinterfaces != null) return _cachedSuperinterfaces;
return _cachedSuperinterfaces = _getSuperinterfacesWithOwner(this);
List<TypeVariableMirror> get typeVariables {
if (_cachedTypeVariables != null) return _cachedTypeVariables;
List result = new List();
List typeVariables =
JS('JSExtendableArray|Null', '#.prototype["<>"]', _jsConstructor);
if (typeVariables == null) return result;
for (int i = 0; i < typeVariables.length; i++) {
TypeVariable typeVariable = getMetadata(typeVariables[i]);
.add(new JsTypeVariableMirror(typeVariable, this, typeVariables[i]));
return _cachedTypeVariables = new UnmodifiableListView(result);
List<TypeMirror> get typeArguments => const <TypeMirror>[];
bool get hasReflectedType => typeVariables.length == 0;
Type get reflectedType {
if (!hasReflectedType) {
throw new UnsupportedError(
"Declarations of generics have no reflected type");
return createRuntimeType(_mangledName);
// TODO(ahe): Implement this.
ClassMirror get mixin => throw new UnimplementedError();
bool get isAbstract => throw new UnimplementedError();
bool get isEnum => throw new UnimplementedError();
bool isSubclassOf(ClassMirror other) {
if (other is! ClassMirror) {
throw new ArgumentError(other);
if (other is JsFunctionTypeMirror) {
return false;
if (other is JsClassMirror &&
JS('bool', '# == #', other._jsConstructor, _jsConstructor)) {
return true;
} else if (superclass == null) {
return false;
} else {
return superclass.isSubclassOf(other);
class JsVariableMirror extends JsDeclarationMirror implements VariableMirror {
// TODO(ahe): The values in these fields are virtually untested.
final String _jsName;
final bool isFinal;
final bool isStatic;
final _metadataFunction;
final DeclarationMirror _owner;
final int _type;
List _metadata;
JsVariableMirror(Symbol simpleName, this._jsName, this._type, this.isFinal,
this.isStatic, this._metadataFunction, this._owner)
: super(simpleName);
factory JsVariableMirror.from(String descriptor, metadataFunction,
JsDeclarationMirror owner, bool isStatic) {
List<String> fieldInformation = descriptor.split('-');
if (fieldInformation.length == 1) {
// The field is not available for reflection.
// TODO(ahe): Should return an unreflectable field.
return null;
String field = fieldInformation[0];
int length = field.length;
var code = fieldCode(field.codeUnitAt(length - 1));
bool isFinal = false;
if (code == 0) return null; // Inherited field.
bool hasGetter = (code & 3) != 0;
bool hasSetter = (code >> 2) != 0;
isFinal = !hasSetter;
String jsName;
String accessorName = jsName = field.substring(0, length);
int divider = field.indexOf(':');
if (divider > 0) {
accessorName = accessorName.substring(0, divider);
jsName = field.substring(divider + 1);
var unmangledName;
if (isStatic) {
unmangledName = mangledGlobalNames[accessorName];
} else {
String getterPrefix = JS_GET_NAME(JsGetName.GETTER_PREFIX);
unmangledName = mangledNames['$getterPrefix$accessorName'];
if (unmangledName == null) unmangledName = accessorName;
if (!hasSetter) {
// TODO(ahe): This is a hack to handle checked setters in checked mode.
var setterName = s('$unmangledName=');
for (JsMethodMirror method in owner._methods) {
if (method.simpleName == setterName) {
isFinal = false;
int type = int.parse(fieldInformation[1], onError: (_) => null);
return new JsVariableMirror(s(unmangledName), jsName, type, isFinal,
isStatic, metadataFunction, owner);
String get _prettyName => 'VariableMirror';
TypeMirror get type {
return typeMirrorFromRuntimeTypeRepresentation(owner, getType(_type));
DeclarationMirror get owner => _owner;
List<InstanceMirror> get metadata {
if (_metadata == null) {
_metadata = (_metadataFunction == null)
? const []
: JS('', '#()', _metadataFunction);
static int fieldCode(int code) {
if (code >= 60 && code <= 64) return code - 59;
if (code >= 123 && code <= 126) return code - 117;
if (code >= 37 && code <= 43) return code - 27;
return 0;
_getField(JsMirror receiver) => receiver._loadField(_jsName);
void _setField(JsMirror receiver, Object arg) {
if (isFinal) {
// TODO(floitsch): when the field is non-static we don't want to have
// a mirror as receiver.
if (isStatic) {
throw new NoSuchStaticMethodError.method(
null, setterSymbol(simpleName), [arg], null);
throw new NoSuchMethodError(this, setterSymbol(simpleName), [arg], null);
receiver._storeField(_jsName, arg);
// TODO(ahe): Implement this method.
bool get isConst => throw new UnimplementedError();
class JsClosureMirror extends JsInstanceMirror implements ClosureMirror {
JsClosureMirror(reflectee) : super(reflectee);
MethodMirror get function {
String cacheName = Primitives.mirrorFunctionCacheName;
JsMethodMirror cachedFunction;
// TODO(ahe): Restore caching.
//= JS('JsMethodMirror|Null', r'#.constructor[#]', reflectee, cacheName);
if (cachedFunction != null) return cachedFunction;
// TODO(ahe): What about optional parameters (named or not).
String callPrefix = "${JS_GET_NAME(JsGetName.CALL_PREFIX)}\$";
String callName = JS(
(function(reflectee, callPrefix) {
var properties = Object.keys(reflectee.constructor.prototype);
var callPrefixLength = callPrefix.length;
for (var i = 0; i < properties.length; i++) {
var property = properties[i];
if (callPrefix == property.substring(0, callPrefixLength) &&
property[callPrefixLength] >= "0" &&
property[callPrefixLength] <= "9") {
return property;
return null;
})(#, #)''',
if (callName == null) {
throw new RuntimeError('Cannot find callName on "$reflectee"');
// TODO(floitsch): What about optional parameters?
int parameterCount = int.parse(callName.split(r'$')[1]);
if (reflectee is BoundClosure) {
var target = BoundClosure.targetOf(reflectee);
var self = BoundClosure.selfOf(reflectee);
var name = mangledNames[BoundClosure.nameOf(reflectee)];
if (name == null) {
cachedFunction =
new JsMethodMirror.fromUnmangledName(name, target, false, false);
} else {
bool isStatic = true; // TODO(ahe): Compute isStatic correctly.
var jsFunction = JS('', '#[#]', reflectee, callName);
var dummyOptionalParameterCount = 0;
cachedFunction = new JsMethodMirror(
JS('void', r'#.constructor[#] = #', reflectee, cacheName, cachedFunction);
return cachedFunction;
InstanceMirror apply(List positionalArguments,
[Map<Symbol, dynamic> namedArguments]) {
return reflect(
Function.apply(reflectee, positionalArguments, namedArguments));
TypeMirror get type {
// Classes that implement [call] do not subclass [Closure], but only
// implement [Function], so are rejected by this test.
if (reflectee is Closure) {
var functionRti = extractFunctionTypeObjectFrom(reflectee);
if (functionRti != null) {
return new JsFunctionTypeMirror(functionRti, null);
// Use the JsInstanceMirror method to return the JsClassMirror.
// TODO(sra): Should there be a TypeMirror that is both a ClassMirror and
// FunctionTypeMirror?
return super.type;
String toString() => "ClosureMirror on '${Error.safeToString(reflectee)}'";
// TODO(ahe): Implement this method.
String get source => throw new UnimplementedError();
class JsMethodMirror extends JsDeclarationMirror implements MethodMirror {
final _jsFunction;
final int _requiredParameterCount;
final int _optionalParameterCount;
final bool isGetter;
final bool isSetter;
final bool isStatic;
final bool isConstructor;
final bool isOperator;
DeclarationMirror _owner;
List _metadata;
TypeMirror _returnType;
UnmodifiableListView<ParameterMirror> _parameters;
Symbol simpleName,
: super(simpleName);
factory JsMethodMirror.fromUnmangledName(
String name, jsFunction, bool isStatic, bool isConstructor) {
List<String> info = name.split(':');
name = info[0];
bool isOperator = isOperatorName(name);
bool isSetter = !isOperator && name.endsWith('=');
int requiredParameterCount = 0;
int optionalParameterCount = 0;
bool isGetter = false;
if (info.length == 1) {
if (isSetter) {
requiredParameterCount = 1;
} else {
isGetter = true;
requiredParameterCount = 0;
} else {
ReflectionInfo reflectionInfo = new ReflectionInfo(jsFunction);
requiredParameterCount = reflectionInfo.requiredParameterCount;
optionalParameterCount = reflectionInfo.optionalParameterCount;
assert(int.parse(info[1]) ==
requiredParameterCount + optionalParameterCount);
return new JsMethodMirror(
String get _prettyName => 'MethodMirror';
int get _parameterCount => _requiredParameterCount + _optionalParameterCount;
List<ParameterMirror> get parameters {
if (_parameters != null) return _parameters;
metadata; // Compute _parameters as a side-effect of extracting metadata.
return _parameters;
bool canInvokeReflectively() {
return hasReflectableProperty(_jsFunction);
DeclarationMirror get owner => _owner;
TypeMirror get returnType {
metadata; // Compute _returnType as a side-effect of extracting metadata.
return _returnType;
List<InstanceMirror> get metadata {
if (_metadata == null) {
var raw = extractMetadata(_jsFunction);
var formals = new List(_parameterCount);
ReflectionInfo info = new ReflectionInfo(_jsFunction);
if (info != null) {
assert(_parameterCount ==
info.requiredParameterCount + info.optionalParameterCount);
var functionType = info.functionType;
var type;
if (functionType is int) {
type = new JsFunctionTypeMirror(info.computeFunctionRti(null), this);
assert(_parameterCount == type.parameters.length);
} else if (isTopLevel) {
type = new JsFunctionTypeMirror(info.computeFunctionRti(null), owner);
} else {
TypeMirror ownerType = owner;
JsClassMirror ownerClass = ownerType.originalDeclaration;
type = new JsFunctionTypeMirror(
info.computeFunctionRti(ownerClass._jsConstructor), owner);
// Constructors aren't reified with their return type.
if (isConstructor) {
_returnType = owner;
} else {
_returnType = type.returnType;
int i = 0;
bool isNamed = info.areOptionalParametersNamed;
for (JsParameterMirror parameter in type.parameters) {
var name = info.parameterName(i);
List<int> annotations = info.parameterMetadataAnnotations(i);
var p;
if (i < info.requiredParameterCount) {
p = new JsParameterMirror(name, this, parameter._type,
metadataList: annotations);
} else {
var defaultValue = info.defaultValue(i);
p = new JsParameterMirror(name, this, parameter._type,
metadataList: annotations,
isOptional: true,
isNamed: isNamed,
defaultValue: defaultValue);
formals[i++] = p;
_parameters = new UnmodifiableListView<ParameterMirror>(formals);
_metadata = new UnmodifiableListView(;
return _metadata;
Symbol get constructorName {
// TODO(ahe): I believe it is more appropriate to throw an exception or
// return null.
if (!isConstructor) return const Symbol('');
String name = n(simpleName);
int index = name.indexOf('.');
if (index == -1) return const Symbol('');
return s(name.substring(index + 1));
_invoke(List positionalArguments, Map<Symbol, dynamic> namedArguments) {
if (namedArguments != null && !namedArguments.isEmpty) {
throw new UnsupportedError('Named arguments are not implemented.');
if (!isStatic && !isConstructor) {
throw new RuntimeError('Cannot invoke instance method without receiver.');
int positionalLength = positionalArguments.length;
if (positionalLength < _requiredParameterCount ||
positionalLength > _parameterCount ||
_jsFunction == null) {
// TODO(ahe): What receiver to use?
throw new NoSuchMethodError(
owner, simpleName, positionalArguments, namedArguments);
if (positionalLength < _parameterCount) {
// Fill up with default values.
// Make a copy so we don't modify the input.
positionalArguments = positionalArguments.toList();
for (int i = positionalLength; i < parameters.length; i++) {
JsParameterMirror parameter = parameters[i];
// Using JS_GET_STATIC_STATE() ('$') here is actually correct, although
// _jsFunction may not be a property of '$', most static functions do not
// care who their receiver is. But to lazy getters, it is important that
// 'this' is '$'.
return JS('', r'#.apply(#, #)', _jsFunction, JS_GET_STATIC_STATE(),
new List.from(positionalArguments));
_getField(JsMirror receiver) {
if (isGetter) {
return _invoke([], null);
} else {
// TODO(ahe): Closurize method.
throw new UnimplementedError('getField on $receiver');
_setField(JsMirror receiver, Object arg) {
if (isSetter) {
return _invoke([arg], null);
} else {
throw new NoSuchMethodError(this, setterSymbol(simpleName), [], null);
// Abstract methods are tree-shaken away.
bool get isAbstract => false;
// TODO(ahe, 14633): This might not be true for all cases.
bool get isSynthetic => false;
// TODO(ahe): Test this.
bool get isRegularMethod => !isGetter && !isSetter && !isConstructor;
// TODO(ahe): Implement this method.
bool get isConstConstructor => throw new UnimplementedError();
// TODO(ahe): Implement this method.
bool get isGenerativeConstructor => throw new UnimplementedError();
// TODO(ahe): Implement this method.
bool get isRedirectingConstructor => throw new UnimplementedError();
// TODO(ahe): Implement this method.
bool get isFactoryConstructor => throw new UnimplementedError();
// TODO(ahe): Implement this method.
String get source => throw new UnimplementedError();
class JsParameterMirror extends JsDeclarationMirror implements ParameterMirror {
final DeclarationMirror owner;
// A JS object representing the type.
final _type;
final bool isOptional;
final bool isNamed;
final int _defaultValue;
final List<int> metadataList;
JsParameterMirror(String unmangledName, this.owner, this._type,
{this.metadataList: const <int>[],
this.isOptional: false,
this.isNamed: false,
: _defaultValue = defaultValue,
String get _prettyName => 'ParameterMirror';
TypeMirror get type {
return typeMirrorFromRuntimeTypeRepresentation(owner, _type);
// Only true for static fields, never for a parameter.
bool get isStatic => false;
// TODO(ahe): Implement this.
bool get isFinal => false;
// TODO(ahe): Implement this.
bool get isConst => false;
bool get hasDefaultValue => _defaultValue != null;
get defaultValue {
return hasDefaultValue ? reflect(getMetadata(_defaultValue)) : null;
List<InstanceMirror> get metadata {
return i) => reflect(getMetadata(i))).toList();
class JsTypedefMirror extends JsDeclarationMirror implements TypedefMirror {
final String _mangledName;
JsFunctionTypeMirror referent;
JsTypedefMirror(Symbol simpleName, this._mangledName, _typeData)
: super(simpleName) {
referent = new JsFunctionTypeMirror(_typeData, this);
JsFunctionTypeMirror get value => referent;
String get _prettyName => 'TypedefMirror';
bool get hasReflectedType => throw new UnimplementedError();
Type get reflectedType => createRuntimeType(_mangledName);
// TODO(floitsch): Implement this method.
List<TypeVariableMirror> get typeVariables => throw new UnimplementedError();
// TODO(floitsch): Implement this method.
List<TypeMirror> get typeArguments => throw new UnimplementedError();
bool get isOriginalDeclaration => true;
TypeMirror get originalDeclaration => this;
// TODO(floitsch): Implement this method.
DeclarationMirror get owner => throw new UnimplementedError();
// TODO(ahe): Implement this method.
List<InstanceMirror> get metadata => throw new UnimplementedError();
bool isSubtypeOf(TypeMirror other) => throw new UnimplementedError();
bool isAssignableTo(TypeMirror other) => throw new UnimplementedError();
// TODO(ahe): Remove this class when API is updated.
class BrokenClassMirror {
bool get hasReflectedType => throw new UnimplementedError();
Type get reflectedType => throw new UnimplementedError();
ClassMirror get superclass => throw new UnimplementedError();
List<ClassMirror> get superinterfaces => throw new UnimplementedError();
Map<Symbol, DeclarationMirror> get declarations =>
throw new UnimplementedError();
Map<Symbol, MethodMirror> get instanceMembers =>
throw new UnimplementedError();
Map<Symbol, MethodMirror> get staticMembers => throw new UnimplementedError();
ClassMirror get mixin => throw new UnimplementedError();
InstanceMirror newInstance(Symbol constructorName, List positionalArguments,
[Map<Symbol, dynamic> namedArguments]) =>
throw new UnimplementedError();
InstanceMirror invoke(Symbol memberName, List positionalArguments,
[Map<Symbol, dynamic> namedArguments]) =>
throw new UnimplementedError();
InstanceMirror getField(Symbol fieldName) => throw new UnimplementedError();
InstanceMirror setField(Symbol fieldName, Object value) =>
throw new UnimplementedError();
delegate(Invocation invocation) => throw new UnimplementedError();
List<TypeVariableMirror> get typeVariables => throw new UnimplementedError();
List<TypeMirror> get typeArguments => throw new UnimplementedError();
TypeMirror get originalDeclaration => throw new UnimplementedError();
Symbol get simpleName => throw new UnimplementedError();
Symbol get qualifiedName => throw new UnimplementedError();
bool get isPrivate => throw new UnimplementedError();
bool get isTopLevel => throw new UnimplementedError();
SourceLocation get location => throw new UnimplementedError();
List<InstanceMirror> get metadata => throw new UnimplementedError();
class JsFunctionTypeMirror extends BrokenClassMirror
implements FunctionTypeMirror {
final _typeData;
String _cachedToString;
TypeMirror _cachedReturnType;
UnmodifiableListView<ParameterMirror> _cachedParameters;
Type _cachedReflectedType;
DeclarationMirror owner;
JsFunctionTypeMirror(this._typeData, this.owner);
bool get _hasReturnType {
return JS('bool', '# in #',
get _returnType {
return JS('', '#[#]', _typeData,
bool get _isVoid {
return JS('bool', '!!#[#]', _typeData,
bool get _hasArguments {
return JS(
'# in #',
List get _arguments {
return JS('JSExtendableArray', '#[#]', _typeData,
bool get _hasOptionalArguments {
return JS(
'# in #',
List get _optionalArguments {
return JS('JSExtendableArray', '#[#]', _typeData,
bool get _hasNamedArguments {
return JS('bool', '# in #',
get _namedArguments {
return JS('=Object', '#[#]', _typeData,
bool get isOriginalDeclaration => true;
bool get isAbstract => false;
bool get isEnum => false;
TypeMirror get returnType {
if (_cachedReturnType != null) return _cachedReturnType;
if (_isVoid) return _cachedReturnType = JsMirrorSystem._voidType;
if (!_hasReturnType) return _cachedReturnType = JsMirrorSystem._dynamicType;
return _cachedReturnType =
typeMirrorFromRuntimeTypeRepresentation(owner, _returnType);
List<ParameterMirror> get parameters {
if (_cachedParameters != null) return _cachedParameters;
List result = [];
int parameterCount = 0;
if (_hasArguments) {
for (var type in _arguments) {
new JsParameterMirror('argument${parameterCount++}', this, type));
if (_hasOptionalArguments) {
for (var type in _optionalArguments) {
new JsParameterMirror('argument${parameterCount++}', this, type));
if (_hasNamedArguments) {
for (var name in extractKeys(_namedArguments)) {
var type = JS('', '#[#]', _namedArguments, name);
result.add(new JsParameterMirror(name, this, type));
return _cachedParameters =
new UnmodifiableListView<ParameterMirror>(result);
bool get hasReflectedType => true;
Type get reflectedType => _cachedReflectedType
??= createRuntimeType(runtimeTypeToString(_typeData));
String _unmangleIfPreserved(String mangled) {
String result = unmangleGlobalNameIfPreservedAnyways(mangled);
if (result != null) return result;
return mangled;
String toString() {
if (_cachedToString != null) return _cachedToString;
var s = "FunctionTypeMirror on '(";
var sep = '';
if (_hasArguments) {
for (var argument in _arguments) {
s += sep;
s += _unmangleIfPreserved(runtimeTypeToString(argument));
sep = ', ';
if (_hasOptionalArguments) {
s += '$sep[';
sep = '';
for (var argument in _optionalArguments) {
s += sep;
s += _unmangleIfPreserved(runtimeTypeToString(argument));
sep = ', ';
s += ']';
if (_hasNamedArguments) {
s += '$sep{';
sep = '';
for (var name in extractKeys(_namedArguments)) {
s += sep;
s += '$name: ';
s += _unmangleIfPreserved(
runtimeTypeToString(JS('', '#[#]', _namedArguments, name)));
sep = ', ';
s += '}';
s += ') -> ';
if (_isVoid) {
s += 'void';
} else if (_hasReturnType) {
s += _unmangleIfPreserved(runtimeTypeToString(_returnType));
} else {
s += 'dynamic';
return _cachedToString = "$s'";
bool isSubclassOf(ClassMirror other) => false;
bool isSubtypeOf(TypeMirror other) => throw new UnimplementedError();
bool isAssignableTo(TypeMirror other) => throw new UnimplementedError();
// TODO(ahe): Implement this method.
MethodMirror get callMethod => throw new UnimplementedError();
int findTypeVariableIndex(List<TypeVariableMirror> typeVariables, String name) {
for (int i = 0; i < typeVariables.length; i++) {
if (typeVariables[i].simpleName == s(name)) {
return i;
throw new ArgumentError('Type variable not present in list.');
TypeMirror typeMirrorFromRuntimeTypeRepresentation(
DeclarationMirror owner, var /*int|List|JsFunction|TypeImpl*/ type) {
// TODO(ahe): This method might benefit from using convertRtiToRuntimeType
// instead of working on strings.
if (type == null) {
return JsMirrorSystem._dynamicType;
ClassMirror ownerClass;
DeclarationMirror context = owner;
while (context != null) {
if (context is ClassMirror) {
ownerClass = context;
// TODO(ahe): Get type parameters and arguments from typedefs.
if (context is TypedefMirror) break;
context = context.owner;
String representation;
if (type is TypeImpl) {
return reflectType(type);
} else if (ownerClass == null) {
representation = runtimeTypeToString(type);
} else if (ownerClass.isOriginalDeclaration) {
if (type is num) {
// [type] represents a type variable so in the context of an original
// declaration the corresponding type variable should be returned.
TypeVariable typeVariable = getMetadata(type);
List<TypeVariableMirror> typeVariables = ownerClass.typeVariables;
int index = findTypeVariableIndex(typeVariables,;
return typeVariables[index];
} else {
// Nested type variables will be retrieved lazily (the integer
// representation is kept in the string) so they are not processed here.
representation = runtimeTypeToString(type);
} else {
TypeMirror getTypeArgument(int index) {
TypeVariable typeVariable = getMetadata(index);
int variableIndex =
return ownerClass.typeArguments[variableIndex];
if (type is num) {
// [type] represents a type variable used as type argument for example
// the type argument of Bar: class Foo<T> extends Bar<T> {}
TypeMirror typeArgument = getTypeArgument(type);
if (typeArgument is JsTypeVariableMirror) return typeArgument;
String substituteTypeVariable(int index) {
var typeArgument = getTypeArgument(index);
if (typeArgument is JsTypeVariableMirror) {
return '${typeArgument._metadataIndex}';
if (typeArgument is! JsClassMirror &&
typeArgument is! JsTypeBoundClassMirror) {
if (typeArgument == JsMirrorSystem._dynamicType) {
return 'dynamic';
} else if (typeArgument == JsMirrorSystem._voidType) {
return 'void';
} else {
// TODO(ahe): This case shouldn't happen.
return 'dynamic';
return typeArgument._mangledName;
representation =
runtimeTypeToString(type, onTypeVariable: substituteTypeVariable);
if (representation != null) {
return reflectClassByMangledName(
String typedefPropertyName = JS_GET_NAME(JsGetName.TYPEDEF_TAG);
if (JS('', '#[#]', type, typedefPropertyName) != null) {
return typeMirrorFromRuntimeTypeRepresentation(
owner, JS('', '#[#]', type, typedefPropertyName));
} else if (isDartFunctionType(type)) {
return new JsFunctionTypeMirror(type, owner);
return reflectClass(Function);
Symbol computeQualifiedName(DeclarationMirror owner, Symbol simpleName) {
if (owner == null) return simpleName;
String ownerName = n(owner.qualifiedName);
return s('$ownerName.${n(simpleName)}');
List extractMetadata(victim) {
var metadataFunction;
if (JS('bool', ', "@")', victim)) {
metadataFunction = JS('', '#["@"]', victim);
if (metadataFunction != null) return JS('', '#()', metadataFunction);
if (JS('bool', 'typeof # != "function"', victim)) return const [];
if (JS('bool', '# in #', r'$metadataIndex', victim)) {
return JSArray
r'#.$reflectionInfo.splice(#.$metadataIndex)', victim, victim))
.map((int i) => getMetadata(i))
return const [];
void parseCompactFieldSpecification(JsDeclarationMirror owner,
fieldSpecification, bool isStatic, List<Mirror> result) {
List fieldsMetadata = null;
List<String> fields;
if (fieldSpecification is List) {
fields = splitFields(fieldSpecification[0], ',');
fieldsMetadata = fieldSpecification.sublist(1);
} else if (fieldSpecification is String) {
fields = splitFields(fieldSpecification, ',');
} else {
fields = [];
int fieldNumber = 0;
for (String field in fields) {
if (r'$ti' == field) continue; // Strip type info pseudofield.
var metadata;
if (fieldsMetadata != null) {
metadata = fieldsMetadata[fieldNumber++];
var mirror = new JsVariableMirror.from(field, metadata, owner, isStatic);
if (mirror != null) {
/// Similar to [String.split], but returns an empty list if [string] is empty.
List<String> splitFields(String string, Pattern pattern) {
if (string.isEmpty) return <String>[];
return string.split(pattern);
bool isOperatorName(String name) {
switch (name) {
case '==':
case '[]':
case '*':
case '/':
case '%':
case '~/':
case '+':
case '<<':
case '>>':
case '>=':
case '>':
case '<=':
case '<':
case '&':
case '^':
case '|':
case '-':
case 'unary-':
case '[]=':
case '~':
return true;
return false;
/// Returns true if the key represent ancillary reflection data, that is, not a
/// method.
bool isReflectiveDataInPrototype(String key) {
return true;
String firstChar = key[0];
return firstChar == '*' || firstChar == '+';
/// Returns `true` if [jsFunction] is an ordinary reflectable method and
/// not a (potentially reflectable) stub or otherwise non-reflectable method.
bool isOrdinaryReflectableMethod(var jsFunction) {
return JS('bool', r'#.$reflectable === 1', jsFunction);
/// Returns true if [key] is only an aliased entry for [function] in the
/// prototype.
bool isAliasedSuperMethod(var jsFunction, String key) {
var stubName = JS('String|Null', r'#.$stubName', jsFunction);
return stubName != null && key != stubName;
class NoSuchStaticMethodError extends Error implements NoSuchMethodError {
static const int MISSING_CONSTRUCTOR = 0;
static const int MISSING_METHOD = 1;
final ClassMirror _cls;
final Symbol _name;
final List _positionalArguments;
final Map<Symbol, dynamic> _namedArguments;
final int _kind;
this._cls, this._name, this._positionalArguments, this._namedArguments)
/// If the given class is `null` the static method/getter/setter is top-level.
this._cls, this._name, this._positionalArguments, this._namedArguments)
String toString() {
// TODO(floitsch): show arguments.
switch (_kind) {
return "NoSuchMethodError: No constructor named '${n(_name)}' in class"
" '${n(_cls.qualifiedName)}'.";
if (_cls == null) {
return "NoSuchMethodError: No top-level method named '${n(_name)}'.";
return "NoSuchMethodError: No static method named '${n(_name)}' in"
" class '${n(_cls.qualifiedName)}'";
return 'NoSuchMethodError';
Symbol getSymbol(String name, LibraryMirror library) {
if (_isPublicSymbol(name)) {
return new _symbol_dev.Symbol.validated(name);
if (library == null) {
throw new ArgumentError("Library required for private symbol name: $name");
if (!_symbol_dev.Symbol.isValidSymbol(name)) {
throw new ArgumentError("Not a valid symbol name: $name");
throw new UnimplementedError(
"MirrorSystem.getSymbol not implemented for private names");
bool _isPublicSymbol(String name) {
// A symbol is public if it doesn't start with '_' and it doesn't
// have a part (following a '.') that starts with '_'.
const int UNDERSCORE = 0x5f;
if (name.isEmpty) return true;
int index = -1;
do {
if (name.codeUnitAt(index + 1) == UNDERSCORE) return false;
index = name.indexOf('.', index + 1);
} while (index >= 0 && index + 1 < name.length);
return true;