blob: 38f09d759fa1f1d72ea6bc71e3987a048ee417e4 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2016, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library fasta.compiler_command_line;
import 'dart:io' show exit;
import 'command_line.dart' show CommandLine, argumentError;
import 'compiler_context.dart' show CompilerContext;
const Map<String, dynamic> optionSpecification = const <String, dynamic>{
"--compile-sdk": Uri,
"--fatal": ",",
"--output": Uri,
"--packages": Uri,
"--platform": Uri,
"-o": Uri,
class CompilerCommandLine extends CommandLine {
final String programName;
CompilerCommandLine(String programName, List<String> arguments)
: programName = programName,
specification: optionSpecification,
usage: computeUsage(programName, false));
bool get verify => options.containsKey("--verify");
bool get dumpIr => options.containsKey("--dump-ir");
bool get includeSource => options.containsKey("--include-source");
bool get help {
return options.containsKey("--help") ||
options.containsKey("-h") ||
options.containsKey("/h") ||
void validate() {
if (help) {
print(computeUsage(programName, verbose));
if (options.containsKey("-o") && options.containsKey("--output")) {
return argumentError(usage, "Can't specify both '-o' and '--output'.");
if (programName == "compile_platform" && arguments.length != 2) {
return argumentError(usage, "Expected two arguments.");
} else if (arguments.isEmpty) {
return argumentError(usage, "No Dart file specified.");
Uri get output {
return options["-o"] ?? options["--output"] ?? defaultOutput;
Uri get defaultOutput => Uri.base.resolve("${arguments.first}.dill");
Uri get platform {
return options.containsKey("--compile-sdk")
? null
: options["--platform"] ?? Uri.base.resolve("platform.dill");
Uri get packages => options["--packages"] ?? Uri.base.resolve(".packages");
Uri get sdk => options["--compile-sdk"];
Set<String> get fatal {
return new Set<String>.from(options["--fatal"] ?? <String>[]);
bool get errorsAreFatal => fatal.contains("errors");
bool get warningsAreFatal => fatal.contains("warnings");
bool get nitsAreFatal => fatal.contains("nits");
static dynamic withGlobalOptions(String programName, List<String> arguments,
dynamic f(CompilerContext context)) {
return CompilerContext.withGlobalOptions(
new CompilerCommandLine(programName, arguments), f);
static CompilerCommandLine forRootContext() {
return new CompilerCommandLine("", [""]);
String computeUsage(String programName, bool verbose) {
String basicUsage = "Usage: $programName [options] dartfile\n";
String summary;
String options = (verbose ? allOptions : frequentOptions).trim();
switch (programName) {
case "outline":
summary =
"Creates an outline of a Dart program in the Dill/Kernel IR format.";
case "compile":
summary = "Compiles a Dart program to the Dill/Kernel IR format.";
case "kompile":
summary =
"Compiles a Dart program to the Dill/Kernel IR format via dartk.";
case "run":
summary = "Runs a Dart program.";
case "compile_platform":
summary = "Compiles Dart SDK platform to the Dill/Kernel IR format.";
basicUsage = "Usage: $programName [options] patched_sdk output\n";
StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(basicUsage);
if (summary != null) {
return "$sb";
const String frequentOptions = """
Frequently used options:
-o <file> Generate the output into <file>.
-h Display this message (add -v for information about all options).
const String allOptions = """
Supported options:
-o <file>, --output=<file>
Generate the output into <file>.
-h, /h, /?, --help
Display this message (add -v for information about all options).
-v, --verbose
Display verbose information.
Stop option parsing, the rest of the command line is assumed to be
file names or arguments to the Dart program.
Use package resolution configuration <file>, which should contain a mapping
of package names to paths.
Read the SDK platform from <file>, which should be in Dill/Kernel IR format
and contain the Dart SDK.
Check that the generated output is free of various problems. This is mostly
useful for developers of this compiler or Kernel transformations.
Print compiled libraries in Kernel source notation.
Include source code in the dill file. Used for debugging.
Compile the SDK from scratch instead of reading it from 'platform.dill'.
Makes messages of the given kinds fatal, that is, immediately stop the
compiler with a non-zero exit-code. In --verbose mode, also display an
internal stack trace from the compiler. Multiple kinds can be separated by
commas, for example, --fatal=errors,warnings.