blob: 9e1325bb244511d73789ff70ad52467041b6f35f [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2016, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library fasta.library_builder;
import '../combinator.dart' show Combinator;
import '../errors.dart' show InputError, internalError, printUnexpected;
import '../export.dart' show Export;
import '../loader.dart' show Loader;
import '../util/relativize.dart' show relativizeUri;
import 'builder.dart' show Builder, ClassBuilder, TypeBuilder;
import 'scope.dart' show Scope;
abstract class LibraryBuilder<T extends TypeBuilder, R> extends Builder {
final List<Export> exporters = <Export>[];
final List<InputError> compileTimeErrors = <InputError>[];
LibraryBuilder partOfLibrary;
Loader get loader;
Uri get uri;
final Uri fileUri;
final String relativeFileUri;
Map<String, Builder> get members;
// TODO(ahe): Move this to SourceLibraryBuilder.
Scope get scope;
Map<String, Builder> get exports;
LibraryBuilder(Uri fileUri)
: fileUri = fileUri,
relativeFileUri = relativizeUri(fileUri),
super(null, -1, fileUri);
Builder addBuilder(String name, Builder builder, int charOffset);
void addExporter(
LibraryBuilder exporter, List<Combinator> combinators, int charOffset) {
exporters.add(new Export(exporter, this, combinators, charOffset));
void addCompileTimeError(int charOffset, Object message,
{Uri fileUri, bool silent: false}) {
fileUri ??= this.fileUri;
if (!silent) {
printUnexpected(fileUri, charOffset, message);
compileTimeErrors.add(new InputError(fileUri, charOffset, message));
bool addToExportScope(String name, Builder member);
void addToScope(String name, Builder member);
Builder buildAmbiguousBuilder(
String name, Builder builder, Builder other, int charOffset);
int finishStaticInvocations() => 0;
int finishNativeMethods() => 0;
/// Looks up [constructorName] in the class named [className]. It's an error
/// if no such class is exported by this library, or if the class doesn't
/// have a matching constructor (or factory).
/// If [constructorName] is null or the empty string, it's assumed to be an
/// unnamed constructor.
Builder getConstructor(String className,
{String constructorName, bool isPrivate: false}) {
constructorName ??= "";
Builder cls = (isPrivate ? members : exports)[className];
if (cls is ClassBuilder) {
// TODO(ahe): This code is similar to code in `handleNewExpression` in
// `body_builder.dart`, try to share it.
Builder constructor = cls.findConstructorOrFactory(constructorName);
if (constructor == null) {
// Fall-through to internal error below.
} else if (constructor.isConstructor) {
if (!cls.isAbstract) {
return constructor;
} else if (constructor.isFactory) {
return constructor;
throw internalError("Internal error: No constructor named"
" '$className::$constructorName' in '$uri'.");
int finishTypeVariables(ClassBuilder object) => 0;