blob: b85c794fa14cb4abde5781ed1eecfbb28fc57ea8 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2016, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library fasta.class_builder;
import '../errors.dart' show internalError;
import 'builder.dart'
import 'scope.dart' show AmbiguousBuilder, Scope;
abstract class ClassBuilder<T extends TypeBuilder, R>
extends TypeDeclarationBuilder<T, R> {
final List<TypeVariableBuilder> typeVariables;
T supertype;
List<T> interfaces;
final Map<String, Builder> members;
List<MetadataBuilder> metadata,
int modifiers,
String name,
LibraryBuilder parent,
int charOffset)
: super(metadata, modifiers, name, parent, charOffset);
/// Returns true if this class is the result of applying a mixin to its
/// superclass.
bool get isMixinApplication => mixedInType != null;
T get mixedInType;
List<ConstructorReferenceBuilder> get constructorReferences => null;
Map<String, Builder> get constructors;
Map<String, Builder> get membersInScope => members;
int resolveConstructors(LibraryBuilder library) {
if (constructorReferences == null) return 0;
Scope scope = computeInstanceScope(library.scope);
for (ConstructorReferenceBuilder ref in constructorReferences) {
return constructorReferences.length;
Scope computeInstanceScope(Scope parent) {
if (typeVariables != null) {
Map<String, Builder> local = <String, Builder>{};
for (TypeVariableBuilder t in typeVariables) {
local[] = t;
parent = new Scope(local, parent, isModifiable: false);
return new Scope(membersInScope, parent, isModifiable: false);
/// Used to lookup a static member of this class.
Builder findStaticBuilder(String name, int charOffset, Uri fileUri,
{bool isSetter: false}) {
Builder builder = members[name];
if (builder?.next != null) {
Builder getterBuilder;
Builder setterBuilder;
Builder current = builder;
while (current != null) {
if (current.isGetter && getterBuilder == null) {
getterBuilder = current;
} else if (current.isSetter && setterBuilder == null) {
setterBuilder = current;
} else {
return new AmbiguousBuilder(builder, charOffset, fileUri);
current =;
builder = isSetter ? setterBuilder : getterBuilder;
if (builder == null) {
return null;
} else if (isSetter && builder.isGetter) {
return null;
} else {
return builder.isInstanceMember ? null : builder;
Builder findConstructorOrFactory(String name);
/// Returns a map which maps the type variables of [superclass] to their
/// respective values as defined by the superclass clause of this class (and
/// its superclasses).
/// It's assumed that [superclass] is a superclass of this class.
/// For example, given:
/// class Box<T> {}
/// class BeatBox extends Box<Beat> {}
/// class Beat {}
/// We have:
/// [[BeatBox]].getSubstitutionMap([[Box]]) -> {[[Box::T]]: Beat]]}.
/// This method returns null if the map is empty, and it's an error if
/// [superclass] isn't a superclass.
Map<TypeVariableBuilder, TypeBuilder> getSubstitutionMap(
ClassBuilder superclass,
Uri fileUri,
int charOffset,
TypeBuilder dynamicType) {
TypeBuilder supertype = this.supertype;
Map<TypeVariableBuilder, TypeBuilder> substitutionMap;
List arguments;
List variables;
Builder builder;
while (builder != superclass) {
if (supertype is NamedTypeBuilder) {
NamedTypeBuilder t = supertype;
builder = t.builder;
arguments = t.arguments;
if (builder is ClassBuilder) {
variables = builder.typeVariables;
if (builder != superclass) {
supertype = builder.supertype;
} else if (supertype is MixinApplicationBuilder) {
MixinApplicationBuilder t = supertype;
supertype = t.supertype;
} else {
internalError("Superclass not found.", fileUri, charOffset);
if (variables != null) {
Map<TypeVariableBuilder, TypeBuilder> directSubstitutionMap =
<TypeVariableBuilder, TypeBuilder>{};
arguments ??= const [];
for (int i = 0; i < variables.length; i++) {
TypeBuilder argument =
arguments.length < i ? arguments[i] : dynamicType;
if (substitutionMap != null) {
argument = argument.subst(substitutionMap);
directSubstitutionMap[variables[i]] = argument;
substitutionMap = directSubstitutionMap;
return substitutionMap;