blob: f2e3b5037d430fd2b2138ff0bf87d2d9a65d7272 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2014, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library dart2js.js_emitter.native_generator;
import 'package:js_runtime/shared/embedded_names.dart' as embeddedNames;
import '../js/js.dart' as jsAst;
import '../js/js.dart' show js;
import '../js_backend/js_backend.dart' show JavaScriptBackend;
import 'model.dart';
class NativeGenerator {
static bool needsIsolateAffinityTagInitialization(JavaScriptBackend backend) {
return backend.backendUsage.needToInitializeIsolateAffinityTag;
/// Generates the code for isolate affinity tags.
/// Independently Dart programs on the same page must not interfer and
/// this code sets up the variables needed to guarantee that behavior.
static jsAst.Statement generateIsolateAffinityTagInitialization(
JavaScriptBackend backend,
jsAst.Expression generateEmbeddedGlobalAccess(String global),
jsAst.Expression internStringFunction) {
jsAst.Expression getIsolateTagAccess =
jsAst.Expression isolateTagAccess =
jsAst.Expression dispatchPropertyNameAccess =
return js.statement(
!function() {
var intern = #internStringFunction;
#getIsolateTag = function(name) {
return intern("___dart_" + name + #isolateTag);
// To ensure that different programs loaded into the same context (page)
// use distinct dispatch properies, we place an object on `Object` to
// contain the names already in use.
var tableProperty = "___dart_isolate_tags_";
var usedProperties = Object[tableProperty] ||
(Object[tableProperty] = Object.create(null));
var rootProperty = "_${generateIsolateTagRoot()}";
for (var i = 0; ; i++) {
var property = intern(rootProperty + "_" + i + "_");
if (!(property in usedProperties)) {
usedProperties[property] = 1;
#isolateTag = property;
if (#initializeDispatchProperty) {
#dispatchPropertyName = #getIsolateTag("dispatch_record");
'internStringFunction': internStringFunction,
'getIsolateTag': getIsolateTagAccess,
'isolateTag': isolateTagAccess,
'dispatchPropertyName': dispatchPropertyNameAccess
static String generateIsolateTagRoot() {
// TODO(sra): MD5 of contributing source code or URIs?
return 'ZxYxX';
/// Encodes the collected native information so that it can be treated by
/// the native info-handler below.
/// The encoded information has the form:
// "%": "leafTag1|leafTag2|...;nonleafTag1|...;Class1|Class2|...",
// If there is no data following a semicolon, the semicolon can be omitted.
static jsAst.Expression encodeNativeInfo(Class cls) {
List<String> leafTags = cls.nativeLeafTags;
List<String> nonLeafTags = cls.nativeNonLeafTags;
List<Class> extensions = cls.nativeExtensions;
String formatTags(Iterable<String> tags) {
if (tags == null) return '';
return (tags.toList()..sort()).join('|');
String leafStr = formatTags(leafTags);
String nonLeafStr = formatTags(nonLeafTags);
StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(leafStr);
if (nonLeafStr != '') {
String encoding = sb.toString();
if (cls.isNative || encoding != '' || extensions != null) {
List<jsAst.Literal> parts = <jsAst.Literal>[js.stringPart(encoding)];
if (extensions != null) {
..addAll(js.joinLiterals( cls) =>, js.stringPart('|')));
return jsAst.concatenateStrings(parts, addQuotes: true);
return null;
/// Returns a JavaScript template that fills the embedded globals referenced
/// by [interceptorsByTagAccess] and [leafTagsAccess].
/// This code must be invoked for every class that has a native info before
/// the program starts.
/// The [infoAccess] parameter must evaluate to an expression that contains
/// the info (as a JavaScript string).
/// The [constructorAccess] parameter must evaluate to an expression that
/// contains the constructor of the class. The constructor's prototype must
/// be set up.
/// The [subclassReadGenerator] function must evaluate to a JS expression
/// that returns a reference to the constructor (with evaluated prototype)
/// of the given JS expression.
/// The [interceptorsByTagAccess] must point to the embedded global
/// [embeddedNames.INTERCEPTORS_BY_TAG] and must be initialized with an empty
/// JS Object (used as a map).
/// Similarly, the [leafTagsAccess] must point to the embedded global
/// [embeddedNames.LEAF_TAGS] and must be initialized with an empty JS Object
/// (used as a map).
/// Both variables are passed in (instead of creating the access here) to
/// make sure the caller is aware of these globals.
static jsAst.Statement buildNativeInfoHandler(
jsAst.Expression infoAccess,
jsAst.Expression constructorAccess,
jsAst.Expression subclassReadGenerator(jsAst.Expression subclass),
jsAst.Expression interceptorsByTagAccess,
jsAst.Expression leafTagsAccess) {
jsAst.Expression subclassRead =
subclassReadGenerator(js('subclasses[i]', []));
return js.statement(
// The native info looks like this:
// HtmlElement: {
// "%": "HTMLDivElement|HTMLAnchorElement;HTMLElement;FancyButton"
// The first two semicolon-separated parts contain dispatch tags, the
// third contains the JavaScript names for classes.
// The tags indicate that JavaScript objects with the dispatch tags
// (usually constructor names) HTMLDivElement, HTMLAnchorElement and
// HTMLElement all map to the Dart native class named HtmlElement.
// The first set is for effective leaf nodes in the hierarchy, the
// second set is non-leaf nodes.
// The third part contains the JavaScript names of Dart classes that
// extend the native class. Here, FancyButton extends HtmlElement, so
// the runtime needs to know that window.HTMLElement.prototype is the
// prototype that needs to be extended in creating the custom element.
// The information is used to build tables referenced by
// getNativeInterceptor and custom element support.
var nativeSpec = #info.split(";");
if (nativeSpec[0]) {
var tags = nativeSpec[0].split("|");
for (var i = 0; i < tags.length; i++) {
#interceptorsByTagAccess[tags[i]] = #constructor;
#leafTagsAccess[tags[i]] = true;
if (nativeSpec[1]) {
tags = nativeSpec[1].split("|");
if (#allowNativesSubclassing) {
if (nativeSpec[2]) {
var subclasses = nativeSpec[2].split("|");
for (var i = 0; i < subclasses.length; i++) {
var subclass = #subclassRead;
subclass.#nativeSuperclassTagName = tags[0];
for (i = 0; i < tags.length; i++) {
#interceptorsByTagAccess[tags[i]] = #constructor;
#leafTagsAccess[tags[i]] = false;
'info': infoAccess,
'constructor': constructorAccess,
'subclassRead': subclassRead,
'interceptorsByTagAccess': interceptorsByTagAccess,
'leafTagsAccess': leafTagsAccess,
'nativeSuperclassTagName': embeddedNames.NATIVE_SUPERCLASS_TAG_NAME,
'allowNativesSubclassing': true