blob: 62a2a9854266c8906c762d0053269b8e8d7a87ff [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library package;
import 'dart:async';
import 'package:pathos/path.dart' as path;
import 'io.dart';
import 'pubspec.dart';
import 'source.dart';
import 'source_registry.dart';
import 'version.dart';
final _README_REGEXP = new RegExp(r"^README($|\.)", caseSensitive: false);
/// A named, versioned, unit of code and resource reuse.
class Package {
/// The path to the directory containing the package.
final String dir;
/// The name of the package.
String get name {
if ( != null) return;
if (dir != null) return path.basename(dir);
return null;
/// The package's version.
Version get version => pubspec.version;
/// The parsed pubspec associated with this package.
final Pubspec pubspec;
/// The ids of the packages that this package depends on. This is what is
/// specified in the pubspec when this package depends on another.
List<PackageDep> get dependencies => pubspec.dependencies;
/// Returns the path to the README file at the root of the entrypoint, or null
/// if no README file is found. If multiple READMEs are found, this uses the
/// same conventions as for choosing the primary one: the
/// README with the fewest extensions that is lexically ordered first is
/// chosen.
String get readmePath {
var readmes = listDir(dir).map(path.basename).
where((entry) => entry.contains(_README_REGEXP));
if (readmes.isEmpty) return null;
return path.join(dir, readmes.reduce((readme1, readme2) {
var extensions1 = ".".allMatches(readme1).length;
var extensions2 = ".".allMatches(readme2).length;
var comparison = extensions1.compareTo(extensions2);
if (comparison == 0) comparison = readme1.compareTo(readme2);
return (comparison <= 0) ? readme1 : readme2;
/// Loads the package whose root directory is [packageDir]. [name] is the
/// expected name of that package (e.g. the name given in the dependency), or
/// `null` if the package being loaded is the entrypoint package.
Package.load(String name, String packageDir, SourceRegistry sources)
: dir = packageDir,
pubspec = new Pubspec.load(name, packageDir, sources);
/// Constructs a package with the given pubspec. The package will have no
/// directory associated with it.
: dir = null;
/// Constructs a package. This should not be called directly. Instead, acquire
/// packages from [load()].
Package._(this.dir, this.pubspec);
/// Returns a debug string for the package.
String toString() => '$name $version ($dir)';
/// This is the private base class of [PackageRef], [PackageID], and
/// [PackageDep]. It contains functionality and state that those classes share
/// but is private so that from outside of this library, there is no type
/// relationship between those three types.
class _PackageName {
_PackageName(, this.source, this.description);
/// The name of the package being identified.
final String name;
/// The [Source] used to look up this package given its [description]. If
/// this is a root package, this will be `null`.
final Source source;
/// The metadata used by the package's [source] to identify and locate it. It
/// contains whatever [Source]-specific data it needs to be able to install
/// the package. For example, the description of a git sourced package might
/// by the URL "git://".
final description;
/// Whether this package is the root package.
bool get isRoot => source == null;
/// Gets the directory where this package is or would be found in the
/// [SystemCache].
Future<String> get systemCacheDirectory => source.systemCacheDirectory(this);
String toString() {
if (isRoot) return "$name (root)";
if (source.isDefault) return name;
return "$name from $source";
/// Returns a [PackageRef] with this one's [name], [source], and
/// [description].
PackageRef toRef() => new PackageRef(name, source, description);
/// Returns a [PackageId] for this package with the given concrete version.
PackageId atVersion(Version version) =>
new PackageId(name, source, version, description);
/// Returns `true` if this package's description matches [other]'s.
bool descriptionEquals(PackageDep other) {
return source.descriptionsEqual(description, other.description);
/// A reference to a [Package], but not any particular version(s) of it.
class PackageRef extends _PackageName {
PackageRef(String name, Source source, description)
: super(name, source, description);
int get hashCode => name.hashCode ^ source.hashCode;
bool operator ==(other) {
// TODO(rnystrom): We're assuming here that we don't need to delve into the
// description.
return other is PackageRef && == name &&
other.source == source;
/// Gets the list of ids of all versions of the package that are described by
/// this reference.
Future<List<PackageId>> getVersions() {
if (isRoot) {
throw new StateError("Cannot get versions for the root package.");
return source.getVersions(name, description).then((versions) {
return => atVersion(version)).toList();
/// A reference to a specific version of a package. A package ID contains
/// enough information to correctly install the package.
/// Note that it's possible for multiple distinct package IDs to point to
/// different packages that have identical contents. For example, the same
/// package may be available from multiple sources. As far as Pub is concerned,
/// those packages are different.
class PackageId extends _PackageName {
/// The package's version.
final Version version;
PackageId(String name, Source source, this.version, description)
: super(name, source, description);
/// Creates an ID for the given root package.
PackageId.root(Package package)
: version = package.version,
super(, null,;
int get hashCode => name.hashCode ^ source.hashCode ^ version.hashCode;
bool operator ==(other) {
// TODO(rnystrom): We're assuming here that we don't need to delve into the
// description.
return other is PackageId && == name &&
other.source == source &&
other.version == version;
String toString() {
if (isRoot) return "$name $version (root)";
if (source.isDefault) return "$name $version";
return "$name $version from $source";
/// Returns the pubspec for this package.
Future<Pubspec> describe() => source.systemCache.describe(this);
/// Returns a future that completes to the resolved [PackageId] for this id.
Future<PackageId> get resolved => source.resolveId(this);
/// A reference to a constrained range of versions of one package.
class PackageDep extends _PackageName {
/// The allowed package versions.
final VersionConstraint constraint;
PackageDep(String name, Source source, this.constraint, description)
: super(name, source, description);
String toString() {
if (isRoot) return "$name $constraint (root)";
return "$name $constraint from $source ($description)";
int get hashCode => name.hashCode ^ source.hashCode;
bool operator ==(other) {
// TODO(rnystrom): We're assuming here that we don't need to delve into the
// description.
return other is PackageDep && == name &&
other.source == source &&
other.constraint == constraint;
class PubspecNotFoundException implements Exception {
final String name;
String toString() => 'Package "$name" doesn\'t have a pubspec.yaml file.';
class PubspecHasNoNameException implements Exception {
final String name;
String toString() => 'Package "$name"\'s pubspec.yaml file is missing the '
'required "name" field (e.g. "name: $name").';
class PubspecNameMismatchException implements Exception {
final String expectedName;
final String actualName;
PubspecNameMismatchException(this.expectedName, this.actualName);
String toString() => 'The name you specified for your dependency, '
'"$expectedName", doesn\'t match the name "$actualName" in its pubspec.';