blob: 095949926e1f881aa72ae7781d267a5e082565ba [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2019, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:analyzer/dart/element/element.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/element/nullability_suffix.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/element/type.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/element/element.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/element/member.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/element/type.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/resolver.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/testing/test_type_provider.dart';
import 'package:nnbd_migration/src/decorated_class_hierarchy.dart';
import 'package:nnbd_migration/src/decorated_type.dart';
import 'package:nnbd_migration/src/edge_builder.dart';
import 'package:nnbd_migration/src/edge_origin.dart';
import 'package:nnbd_migration/src/expression_checks.dart';
import 'package:nnbd_migration/src/nullability_node.dart';
import 'package:test/test.dart';
import 'package:test_reflective_loader/test_reflective_loader.dart';
import 'migration_visitor_test_base.dart';
main() {
defineReflectiveSuite(() {
class AssignmentCheckerTest extends Object
with EdgeTester, DecoratedTypeTester {
static const EdgeOrigin origin = const _TestEdgeOrigin();
ClassElement _myListOfListClass;
DecoratedType _myListOfListSupertype;
final TypeProvider typeProvider;
final NullabilityGraphForTesting graph;
final AssignmentCheckerForTesting checker;
factory AssignmentCheckerTest() {
var typeProvider = TestTypeProvider();
var graph = NullabilityGraphForTesting();
var decoratedClassHierarchy = _DecoratedClassHierarchyForTesting();
var checker = AssignmentCheckerForTesting(Dart2TypeSystem(typeProvider),
typeProvider, graph, decoratedClassHierarchy);
var assignmentCheckerTest =
AssignmentCheckerTest._(typeProvider, graph, checker);
decoratedClassHierarchy.assignmentCheckerTest = assignmentCheckerTest;
return assignmentCheckerTest;
AssignmentCheckerTest._(this.typeProvider, this.graph, this.checker);
void assign(DecoratedType source, DecoratedType destination,
{bool hard = false}) {
source: source, destination: destination, hard: hard);
DecoratedType myListOfList(DecoratedType elementType) {
if (_myListOfListClass == null) {
var t = typeParameter('T', object());
_myListOfListSupertype = list(list(typeParameterType(t)));
_myListOfListClass = ClassElementImpl('MyListOfList', 0)
..typeParameters = [t]
..supertype = _myListOfListSupertype.type as InterfaceType;
return DecoratedType(
..typeArguments = [elementType.type],
typeArguments: [elementType]);
void test_bottom_to_generic() {
var t = list(object());
assign(bottom, t);
assertEdge(never, t.node, hard: false);
assertNoEdge(anyNode, t.typeArguments[0].node);
void test_bottom_to_simple() {
var t = object();
assign(bottom, t);
assertEdge(never, t.node, hard: false);
void test_complex_to_typeParam() {
var bound = list(object());
var t1 = list(object());
var t2 = typeParameterType(typeParameter('T', bound));
assign(t1, t2, hard: true);
assertEdge(t1.node, t2.node, hard: true);
assertNoEdge(t1.node, bound.node);
assertEdge(t1.typeArguments[0].node, bound.typeArguments[0].node,
hard: false);
void test_dynamic_to_dynamic() {
assign(dynamic_, dynamic_);
// Note: no assertions to do; just need to make sure there wasn't a crash.
void test_function_type_named_parameter() {
var t1 = function(dynamic_, named: {'x': object()});
var t2 = function(dynamic_, named: {'x': object()});
assign(t1, t2, hard: true);
// Note: t1 and t2 are swapped due to contravariance.
assertEdge(t2.namedParameters['x'].node, t1.namedParameters['x'].node,
hard: false);
void test_function_type_named_to_no_parameter() {
var t1 = function(dynamic_, named: {'x': object()});
var t2 = function(dynamic_);
assign(t1, t2);
// Note: no assertions to do; just need to make sure there wasn't a crash.
void test_function_type_positional_parameter() {
var t1 = function(dynamic_, positional: [object()]);
var t2 = function(dynamic_, positional: [object()]);
assign(t1, t2, hard: true);
// Note: t1 and t2 are swapped due to contravariance.
assertEdge(t2.positionalParameters[0].node, t1.positionalParameters[0].node,
hard: false);
void test_function_type_positional_to_no_parameter() {
var t1 = function(dynamic_, positional: [object()]);
var t2 = function(dynamic_);
assign(t1, t2);
// Note: no assertions to do; just need to make sure there wasn't a crash.
void test_function_type_positional_to_required_parameter() {
var t1 = function(dynamic_, positional: [object()]);
var t2 = function(dynamic_, required: [object()]);
assign(t1, t2, hard: true);
// Note: t1 and t2 are swapped due to contravariance.
assertEdge(t2.positionalParameters[0].node, t1.positionalParameters[0].node,
hard: false);
void test_function_type_required_parameter() {
var t1 = function(dynamic_, required: [object()]);
var t2 = function(dynamic_, required: [object()]);
assign(t1, t2);
// Note: t1 and t2 are swapped due to contravariance.
assertEdge(t2.positionalParameters[0].node, t1.positionalParameters[0].node,
hard: false);
void test_function_type_return_type() {
var t1 = function(object());
var t2 = function(object());
assign(t1, t2, hard: true);
assertEdge(t1.returnType.node, t2.returnType.node, hard: false);
void test_future_int_to_future_or_int() {
var t1 = future(int_());
var t2 = futureOr(int_());
assign(t1, t2, hard: true);
assertEdge(t1.node, t2.node, hard: true);
assertEdge(t1.typeArguments[0].node, t2.typeArguments[0].node, hard: false);
void test_future_or_to_future_or() {
var t1 = futureOr(int_());
var t2 = futureOr(int_());
assign(t1, t2, hard: true);
assertEdge(t1.node, t2.node, hard: true);
assertEdge(t1.typeArguments[0].node, t2.typeArguments[0].node, hard: false);
test_generic_to_dynamic() {
var t = list(object());
assign(t, dynamic_);
assertEdge(t.node, always, hard: false);
assertNoEdge(t.typeArguments[0].node, anyNode);
test_generic_to_generic_downcast() {
var t1 = list(list(object()));
var t2 = myListOfList(object());
assign(t1, t2, hard: true);
assertEdge(t1.node, t2.node, hard: true);
// Let A, B, and C be nullability nodes such that:
// - t2 is MyListOfList<Object?A>
var a = t2.typeArguments[0].node;
// - t1 is List<List<Object?B>>
var b = t1.typeArguments[0].typeArguments[0].node;
// - the supertype of MyListOfList<T> is List<List<T?C>>
var c = _myListOfListSupertype.typeArguments[0].typeArguments[0].node;
// Then there should be an edge from b to substitute(a, c)
assertEdge(b, substitutionNode(a, c), hard: false);
test_generic_to_generic_same_element() {
var t1 = list(object());
var t2 = list(object());
assign(t1, t2, hard: true);
assertEdge(t1.node, t2.node, hard: true);
assertEdge(t1.typeArguments[0].node, t2.typeArguments[0].node, hard: false);
test_generic_to_generic_upcast() {
var t1 = myListOfList(object());
var t2 = list(list(object()));
assign(t1, t2);
assertEdge(t1.node, t2.node, hard: false);
// Let A, B, and C be nullability nodes such that:
// - t1 is MyListOfList<Object?A>
var a = t1.typeArguments[0].node;
// - t2 is List<List<Object?B>>
var b = t2.typeArguments[0].typeArguments[0].node;
// - the supertype of MyListOfList<T> is List<List<T?C>>
var c = _myListOfListSupertype.typeArguments[0].typeArguments[0].node;
// Then there should be an edge from substitute(a, c) to b.
assertEdge(substitutionNode(a, c), b, hard: false);
test_generic_to_object() {
var t1 = list(object());
var t2 = object();
assign(t1, t2);
assertEdge(t1.node, t2.node, hard: false);
assertNoEdge(t1.typeArguments[0].node, anyNode);
test_generic_to_void() {
var t = list(object());
assign(t, void_);
assertEdge(t.node, always, hard: false);
assertNoEdge(t.typeArguments[0].node, anyNode);
void test_int_to_future_or_int() {
var t1 = int_();
var t2 = futureOr(int_());
assign(t1, t2, hard: true);
// Note: given code like:
// int x = null;
// FutureOr<int> y = x;
// There are two possible migrations for `FutureOr<int>`: we could change it
// to either `FutureOr<int?>` or `FutureOr<int>?`. We choose to do
// `FutureOr<int>?` because it is a narrower type, so it is less likely to
// cause a proliferation of nullable types in the user's program.
assertEdge(t1.node, t2.node, hard: true);
assertNoEdge(t1.node, t2.typeArguments[0].node);
void test_null_to_generic() {
var t = list(object());
assign(null_, t);
assertEdge(always, t.node, hard: false);
assertNoEdge(anyNode, t.typeArguments[0].node);
void test_null_to_simple() {
var t = object();
assign(null_, t);
assertEdge(always, t.node, hard: false);
test_simple_to_dynamic() {
var t = object();
assign(t, dynamic_);
assertEdge(t.node, always, hard: false);
test_simple_to_simple() {
var t1 = object();
var t2 = object();
assign(t1, t2);
assertEdge(t1.node, t2.node, hard: false);
test_simple_to_simple_hard() {
var t1 = object();
var t2 = object();
assign(t1, t2, hard: true);
assertEdge(t1.node, t2.node, hard: true);
test_simple_to_void() {
var t = object();
assign(t, void_);
assertEdge(t.node, always, hard: false);
void test_typeParam_to_complex() {
var bound = list(object());
var t1 = typeParameterType(typeParameter('T', bound));
var t2 = list(object());
assign(t1, t2, hard: true);
assertEdge(t1.node, t2.node, hard: true);
assertEdge(bound.node, t2.node, hard: false);
assertEdge(bound.typeArguments[0].node, t2.typeArguments[0].node,
hard: false);
void test_typeParam_to_object() {
var t1 = typeParameterType(typeParameter('T', object()));
var t2 = object();
assign(t1, t2);
assertEdge(t1.node, t2.node, hard: false);
void test_typeParam_to_typeParam() {
var t = typeParameter('T', object());
var t1 = typeParameterType(t);
var t2 = typeParameterType(t);
assign(t1, t2);
assertEdge(t1.node, t2.node, hard: false);
TypeParameterElement typeParameter(String name, DecoratedType bound) {
var t = super.typeParameter(name, bound);
checker.bounds[t] = bound;
return t;
class EdgeBuilderTest extends EdgeBuilderTestBase {
void assertGLB(
NullabilityNode node, NullabilityNode left, NullabilityNode right) {
expect(node, isNot(TypeMatcher<NullabilityNodeForLUB>()));
assertEdge(left, node, hard: false, guards: [right]);
assertEdge(node, left, hard: false);
assertEdge(node, right, hard: false);
void assertLUB(
NullabilityNode node, NullabilityNode left, NullabilityNode right) {
var conditionalNode = node as NullabilityNodeForLUB;
expect(conditionalNode.left, same(left));
expect(conditionalNode.right, same(right));
/// Checks that there are no nullability nodes upstream from [node] that could
/// cause it to become nullable.
void assertNoUpstreamNullability(NullabilityNode node) {
// never can never become nullable, even if it has nodes
// upstream from it.
if (node == never) return;
for (var edge in getEdges(anyNode, node)) {
expect(edge.sourceNode, never);
/// Verifies that a null check will occur when the given edge is unsatisfied.
/// [expressionChecks] is the object tracking whether or not a null check is
/// needed.
void assertNullCheck(
ExpressionChecksOrigin expressionChecks, NullabilityEdge expectedEdge) {
expect(expressionChecks.checks.edges, contains(expectedEdge));
/// Gets the [ExpressionChecks] associated with the expression whose text
/// representation is [text], or `null` if the expression has no
/// [ExpressionChecks] associated with it.
ExpressionChecksOrigin checkExpression(String text) {
return variables.checkExpression(findNode.expression(text));
/// Gets the [DecoratedType] associated with the expression whose text
/// representation is [text], or `null` if the expression has no
/// [DecoratedType] associated with it.
DecoratedType decoratedExpressionType(String text) {
return variables.decoratedExpressionType(findNode.expression(text));
test_already_migrated_field() async {
await analyze('''
double f() => double.NAN;
var nanElement = typeProvider.doubleType.element.getField('NAN');
decoratedTypeAnnotation('double f').node,
hard: false);
test_as_dynamic() async {
await analyze('''
void f(Object o) {
(o as dynamic).gcd(1);
assertEdge(decoratedTypeAnnotation('Object o').node,
hard: true);
// TODO(mfairhurst): these should probably be hard edges.
assertEdge(decoratedTypeAnnotation('dynamic').node, never, hard: false);
test_as_int() async {
await analyze('''
void f(Object o) {
(o as int).gcd(1);
assertEdge(decoratedTypeAnnotation('Object o').node,
hard: true);
// TODO(mfairhurst): these should probably be hard edges.
assertEdge(decoratedTypeAnnotation('int').node, never, hard: false);
test_assert_demonstrates_non_null_intent() async {
await analyze('''
void f(int i) {
assert(i != null);
assertEdge(decoratedTypeAnnotation('int i').node, never, hard: true);
test_assert_initializer_demonstrates_non_null_intent() async {
await analyze('''
class C {
C(int i)
: assert(i != null);
assertEdge(decoratedTypeAnnotation('int i').node, never, hard: true);
test_assign_bound_to_type_parameter() async {
await analyze('''
class C<T extends List<int>> {
T f(List<int> x) => x;
var boundType = decoratedTypeAnnotation('List<int>>');
var parameterType = decoratedTypeAnnotation('List<int> x');
var tType = decoratedTypeAnnotation('T f');
assertEdge(parameterType.node, tType.node, hard: true);
assertNoEdge(parameterType.node, boundType.node);
// TODO(mfairhurst): Confirm we want this edge.
parameterType.typeArguments[0].node, boundType.typeArguments[0].node,
hard: false);
test_assign_dynamic_to_other_type() async {
await analyze('''
int f(dynamic d) => d;
// There is no explicit null check necessary, since `dynamic` is
// downcastable to any type, nullable or not.
expect(checkExpression('d;'), isNull);
// But we still create an edge, to make sure that the possibility of `null`
// propagates to callees.
hard: true);
test_assign_function_type_to_function_interface_type() async {
await analyze('''
Function f(void Function() x) => x;
assertEdge(decoratedGenericFunctionTypeAnnotation('void Function()').node,
decoratedTypeAnnotation('Function f').node,
hard: true);
test_assign_future_to_futureOr_complex() async {
await analyze('''
import 'dart:async';
FutureOr<List<int>> f(Future<List<int>> x) => x;
// If `x` is `Future<List<int?>>`, then the only way to migrate is to make
// the return type `FutureOr<List<int?>>`.
assertEdge(decoratedTypeAnnotation('int>> x').node,
decoratedTypeAnnotation('int>> f').node,
hard: false);
assertNoEdge(decoratedTypeAnnotation('int>> x').node,
decoratedTypeAnnotation('List<int>> f').node);
assertNoEdge(decoratedTypeAnnotation('int>> x').node,
decoratedTypeAnnotation('FutureOr<List<int>> f').node);
test_assign_future_to_futureOr_simple() async {
await analyze('''
import 'dart:async';
FutureOr<int> f(Future<int> x) => x;
// If `x` is nullable, then there are two migrations possible: we could make
// the return type `FutureOr<int?>` or we could make it `FutureOr<int>?`.
// We choose `FutureOr<int>?` because it's strictly more conservative (it's
// a subtype of `FutureOr<int?>`).
assertEdge(decoratedTypeAnnotation('Future<int> x').node,
hard: true);
assertNoEdge(decoratedTypeAnnotation('Future<int> x').node,
decoratedTypeAnnotation('int> f').node);
// If `x` is `Future<int?>`, then the only way to migrate is to make the
// return type `FutureOr<int?>`.
assertEdge(substitutionNode(decoratedTypeAnnotation('int> x').node, never),
decoratedTypeAnnotation('int> f').node,
hard: false);
assertNoEdge(decoratedTypeAnnotation('int> x').node,
test_assign_non_future_to_futureOr_complex() async {
await analyze('''
import 'dart:async';
FutureOr<List<int>> f(List<int> x) => x;
// If `x` is `List<int?>`, then the only way to migrate is to make the
// return type `FutureOr<List<int?>>`.
assertEdge(decoratedTypeAnnotation('int> x').node,
decoratedTypeAnnotation('int>> f').node,
hard: false);
assertNoEdge(decoratedTypeAnnotation('int> x').node,
decoratedTypeAnnotation('List<int>> f').node);
assertNoEdge(decoratedTypeAnnotation('int> x').node,
decoratedTypeAnnotation('FutureOr<List<int>> f').node);
test_assign_non_future_to_futureOr_simple() async {
await analyze('''
import 'dart:async';
FutureOr<int> f(int x) => x;
// If `x` is nullable, then there are two migrations possible: we could make
// the return type `FutureOr<int?>` or we could make it `FutureOr<int>?`.
// We choose `FutureOr<int>?` because it's strictly more conservative (it's
// a subtype of `FutureOr<int?>`).
assertEdge(decoratedTypeAnnotation('int x').node,
hard: true);
assertNoEdge(decoratedTypeAnnotation('int x').node,
test_assign_null_to_generic_type() async {
await analyze('''
main() {
List<int> x = null;
// TODO(paulberry): edge should be hard.
assertEdge(always, decoratedTypeAnnotation('List').node, hard: false);
test_assign_type_parameter_to_bound() async {
await analyze('''
class C<T extends List<int>> {
List<int> f(T x) => x;
var boundType = decoratedTypeAnnotation('List<int>>');
var returnType = decoratedTypeAnnotation('List<int> f');
var tType = decoratedTypeAnnotation('T x');
assertEdge(tType.node, returnType.node, hard: true);
assertEdge(boundType.node, returnType.node, hard: false);
boundType.typeArguments[0].node, returnType.typeArguments[0].node,
hard: false);
test_assign_upcast_generic() async {
await analyze('''
void f(Iterable<int> x) {}
void g(List<int> x) {
var iterableInt = decoratedTypeAnnotation('Iterable<int>');
var listInt = decoratedTypeAnnotation('List<int>');
assertEdge(listInt.node, iterableInt.node, hard: true);
assertEdge(substitutionNode(listInt.typeArguments[0].node, never),
hard: false);
test_assignmentExpression_compound_dynamic() async {
await analyze('''
void f(dynamic x, int y) {
x += y;
// No assertions; just making sure this doesn't crash.
test_assignmentExpression_compound_simple() async {
var code = '''
abstract class C {
C operator+(C x);
C f(C y, C z) => (y += z);
await analyze(code);
var targetEdge =
assertEdge(decoratedTypeAnnotation('C y').node, never, hard: true);
(graph.getEdgeOrigin(targetEdge) as CompoundAssignmentOrigin)
assertEdge(decoratedTypeAnnotation('C z').node,
decoratedTypeAnnotation('C x').node,
hard: true));
var operatorReturnEdge = assertEdge(
decoratedTypeAnnotation('C operator').node,
decoratedTypeAnnotation('C y').node,
hard: false);
(graph.getEdgeOrigin(operatorReturnEdge) as CompoundAssignmentOrigin)
var fReturnEdge = assertEdge(decoratedTypeAnnotation('C operator').node,
decoratedTypeAnnotation('C f').node,
hard: false);
assertNullCheck(checkExpression('(y += z)'), fReturnEdge);
test_assignmentExpression_compound_withSubstitution() async {
// Failing due to a side-cast from incorrectly instantiating the operator.
var code = '''
abstract class C<T> {
C<T> operator+(C<T> x);
C<int> f(C<int> y, C<int> z) => (y += z);
await analyze(code);
var targetEdge =
assertEdge(decoratedTypeAnnotation('C<int> y').node, never, hard: true);
(graph.getEdgeOrigin(targetEdge) as CompoundAssignmentOrigin)
assertEdge(decoratedTypeAnnotation('C<int> z').node,
decoratedTypeAnnotation('C<T> x').node,
hard: true));
var operatorReturnEdge = assertEdge(
decoratedTypeAnnotation('C<T> operator').node,
decoratedTypeAnnotation('C<int> y').node,
hard: false);
(graph.getEdgeOrigin(operatorReturnEdge) as CompoundAssignmentOrigin)
var fReturnEdge = assertEdge(decoratedTypeAnnotation('C<T> operator').node,
decoratedTypeAnnotation('C<int> f').node,
hard: false);
assertNullCheck(checkExpression('(y += z)'), fReturnEdge);
test_assignmentExpression_field() async {
await analyze('''
class C {
int x = 0;
void f(C c, int i) {
c.x = i;
assertEdge(decoratedTypeAnnotation('int i').node,
decoratedTypeAnnotation('int x').node,
hard: true);
test_assignmentExpression_field_cascaded() async {
await analyze('''
class C {
int x = 0;
void f(C c, int i) {
c..x = i;
assertEdge(decoratedTypeAnnotation('int i').node,
decoratedTypeAnnotation('int x').node,
hard: true);
test_assignmentExpression_field_target_check() async {
await analyze('''
class C {
int x = 0;
void f(C c, int i) {
c.x = i;
assertEdge(decoratedTypeAnnotation('C c').node, never, hard: true));
test_assignmentExpression_field_target_check_cascaded() async {
await analyze('''
class C {
int x = 0;
void f(C c, int i) {
c..x = i;
assertEdge(decoratedTypeAnnotation('C c').node, never, hard: true));
test_assignmentExpression_indexExpression_index() async {
await analyze('''
class C {
void operator[]=(int a, int b) {}
void f(C c, int i, int j) {
c[i] = j;
assertEdge(decoratedTypeAnnotation('int i').node,
decoratedTypeAnnotation('int a').node,
hard: true);
test_assignmentExpression_indexExpression_return_value() async {
await analyze('''
class C {
void operator[]=(int a, int b) {}
int f(C c, int i, int j) => c[i] = j;
assertEdge(decoratedTypeAnnotation('int j').node,
decoratedTypeAnnotation('int f').node,
hard: false);
test_assignmentExpression_indexExpression_target_check() async {
await analyze('''
class C {
void operator[]=(int a, int b) {}
void f(C c, int i, int j) {
c[i] = j;
assertEdge(decoratedTypeAnnotation('C c').node, never, hard: true));
test_assignmentExpression_indexExpression_value() async {
await analyze('''
class C {
void operator[]=(int a, int b) {}
void f(C c, int i, int j) {
c[i] = j;
assertEdge(decoratedTypeAnnotation('int j').node,
decoratedTypeAnnotation('int b').node,
hard: true);
test_assignmentExpression_nullAware_complex_contravariant() async {
await analyze('''
void Function(int) f(void Function(int) x, void Function(int) y) => x ??= y;
var xNullable =
decoratedGenericFunctionTypeAnnotation('void Function(int) x').node;
var xParamNullable = decoratedTypeAnnotation('int) x').node;
var yParamNullable = decoratedTypeAnnotation('int) y').node;
var returnParamNullable = decoratedTypeAnnotation('int) f').node;
assertEdge(xParamNullable, yParamNullable,
hard: false, guards: [xNullable]);
assertEdge(returnParamNullable, xParamNullable, hard: false);
test_assignmentExpression_nullAware_complex_covariant() async {
await analyze('''
List<int> f(List<int> x, List<int> y) => x ??= y;
var xNullable = decoratedTypeAnnotation('List<int> x').node;
var yNullable = decoratedTypeAnnotation('List<int> y').node;
var xElementNullable = decoratedTypeAnnotation('int> x').node;
var yElementNullable = decoratedTypeAnnotation('int> y').node;
var returnElementNullable = decoratedTypeAnnotation('int> f').node;
assertEdge(yNullable, xNullable, hard: false, guards: [xNullable]);
assertEdge(yElementNullable, xElementNullable,
hard: false, guards: [xNullable]);
assertEdge(xElementNullable, returnElementNullable, hard: false);
test_assignmentExpression_nullAware_simple() async {
await analyze('''
int f(int x, int y) => (x ??= y);
var yNullable = decoratedTypeAnnotation('int y').node;
var xNullable = decoratedTypeAnnotation('int x').node;
var returnNullable = decoratedTypeAnnotation('int f').node;
var glbNode = decoratedExpressionType('(x ??= y)').node;
assertEdge(yNullable, xNullable, hard: false, guards: [xNullable]);
assertEdge(yNullable, glbNode, hard: false, guards: [xNullable]);
assertEdge(glbNode, xNullable, hard: false);
assertEdge(glbNode, yNullable, hard: false);
assertEdge(glbNode, returnNullable, hard: false);
test_assignmentExpression_operands() async {
await analyze('''
void f(int i, int j) {
i = j;
assertEdge(decoratedTypeAnnotation('int j').node,
decoratedTypeAnnotation('int i').node,
hard: true);
test_assignmentExpression_return_value() async {
await analyze('''
void f(int i, int j) {
g(i = j);
void g(int k) {}
assertEdge(decoratedTypeAnnotation('int j').node,
decoratedTypeAnnotation('int k').node,
hard: false);
test_assignmentExpression_setter() async {
await analyze('''
class C {
void set s(int value) {}
void f(C c, int i) {
c.s = i;
assertEdge(decoratedTypeAnnotation('int i').node,
decoratedTypeAnnotation('int value').node,
hard: true);
test_assignmentExpression_setter_null_aware() async {
await analyze('''
class C {
void set s(int value) {}
int f(C c, int i) => (c?.s = i);
var lubNode =
decoratedExpressionType('(c?.s = i)').node as NullabilityNodeForLUB;
expect(lubNode.left, same(decoratedTypeAnnotation('C c').node));
expect(lubNode.right, same(decoratedTypeAnnotation('int i').node));
assertEdge(lubNode, decoratedTypeAnnotation('int f').node, hard: false);
test_assignmentExpression_setter_target_check() async {
await analyze('''
class C {
void set s(int value) {}
void f(C c, int i) {
c.s = i;
assertEdge(decoratedTypeAnnotation('C c').node, never, hard: true));
test_awaitExpression_future_nonNullable() async {
await analyze('''
Future<void> f() async {
int x = await g();
Future<int> g() async => 3;
test_awaitExpression_future_nullable() async {
await analyze('''
Future<void> f() async {
int x = await g();
Future<int> g() async => null;
test_awaitExpression_nonFuture() async {
await analyze('''
Future<void> f() async {
int x = await 3;
test_binaryExpression_ampersand_result_not_null() async {
await analyze('''
int f(int i, int j) => i & j;
assertNoUpstreamNullability(decoratedTypeAnnotation('int f').node);
test_binaryExpression_ampersandAmpersand() async {
await analyze('''
bool f(bool i, bool j) => i && j;
assertNoUpstreamNullability(decoratedTypeAnnotation('bool i').node);
test_binaryExpression_bar_result_not_null() async {
await analyze('''
int f(int i, int j) => i | j;
assertNoUpstreamNullability(decoratedTypeAnnotation('int f').node);
test_binaryExpression_barBar() async {
await analyze('''
bool f(bool i, bool j) => i || j;
assertNoUpstreamNullability(decoratedTypeAnnotation('bool i').node);
test_binaryExpression_caret_result_not_null() async {
await analyze('''
int f(int i, int j) => i ^ j;
assertNoUpstreamNullability(decoratedTypeAnnotation('int f').node);
test_binaryExpression_equal() async {
await analyze('''
bool f(int i, int j) => i == j;
assertNoUpstreamNullability(decoratedTypeAnnotation('bool f').node);
test_binaryExpression_equal_null() async {
await analyze('''
void f(int i) {
if (i == null) {
} else {
void g(int j) {}
void h(int k) {}
var iNode = decoratedTypeAnnotation('int i').node;
var jNode = decoratedTypeAnnotation('int j').node;
var kNode = decoratedTypeAnnotation('int k').node;
// No edge from i to k because i is known to be non-nullable at the site of
// the call to h()
assertNoEdge(iNode, kNode);
// But there is an edge from i to j
assertEdge(iNode, jNode, hard: false, guards: [iNode]);
test_binaryExpression_gt_result_not_null() async {
await analyze('''
bool f(int i, int j) => i > j;
assertNoUpstreamNullability(decoratedTypeAnnotation('bool f').node);
test_binaryExpression_gtEq_result_not_null() async {
await analyze('''
bool f(int i, int j) => i >= j;
assertNoUpstreamNullability(decoratedTypeAnnotation('bool f').node);
test_binaryExpression_gtGt_result_not_null() async {
await analyze('''
int f(int i, int j) => i >> j;
assertNoUpstreamNullability(decoratedTypeAnnotation('int f').node);
test_binaryExpression_left_dynamic() async {
await analyze('''
Object f(dynamic x, int y) => x + g(y);
int g(int z) => z;
assertEdge(decoratedTypeAnnotation('int y').node,
decoratedTypeAnnotation('int z').node,
hard: true);
assertNoEdge(decoratedTypeAnnotation('int g').node, anyNode);
assertEdge(always, decoratedTypeAnnotation('Object f').node, hard: false);
test_binaryExpression_lt_result_not_null() async {
await analyze('''
bool f(int i, int j) => i < j;
assertNoUpstreamNullability(decoratedTypeAnnotation('bool f').node);
test_binaryExpression_ltEq_result_not_null() async {
await analyze('''
bool f(int i, int j) => i <= j;
assertNoUpstreamNullability(decoratedTypeAnnotation('bool f').node);
test_binaryExpression_ltLt_result_not_null() async {
await analyze('''
int f(int i, int j) => i << j;
assertNoUpstreamNullability(decoratedTypeAnnotation('int f').node);
test_binaryExpression_minus_result_not_null() async {
await analyze('''
int f(int i, int j) => i - j;
assertNoUpstreamNullability(decoratedTypeAnnotation('int f').node);
test_binaryExpression_notEqual() async {
await analyze('''
bool f(int i, int j) => i != j;
assertNoUpstreamNullability(decoratedTypeAnnotation('bool f').node);
test_binaryExpression_notEqual_null() async {
await analyze('''
void f(int i) {
if (i != null) {
} else {
void g(int j) {}
void h(int k) {}
var iNode = decoratedTypeAnnotation('int i').node;
var jNode = decoratedTypeAnnotation('int j').node;
var kNode = decoratedTypeAnnotation('int k').node;
// No edge from i to k because i is known to be non-nullable at the site of
// the call to h()
assertNoEdge(iNode, kNode);
// But there is an edge from i to j
assertEdge(iNode, jNode, hard: false, guards: [iNode]);
test_binaryExpression_percent_result_not_null() async {
await analyze('''
int f(int i, int j) => i % j;
assertNoUpstreamNullability(decoratedTypeAnnotation('int f').node);
test_binaryExpression_plus_left_check() async {
await analyze('''
int f(int i, int j) => i + j;
assertNullCheck(checkExpression('i +'),
assertEdge(decoratedTypeAnnotation('int i').node, never, hard: true));
test_binaryExpression_plus_left_check_custom() async {
await analyze('''
class Int {
Int operator+(Int other) => this;
Int f(Int i, Int j) => i + j;
assertNullCheck(checkExpression('i +'),
assertEdge(decoratedTypeAnnotation('Int i').node, never, hard: true));
test_binaryExpression_plus_result_custom() async {
await analyze('''
class Int {
Int operator+(Int other) => this;
Int f(Int i, Int j) => (i + j);
checkExpression('(i + j)'),
assertEdge(decoratedTypeAnnotation('Int operator+').node,
decoratedTypeAnnotation('Int f').node,
hard: false));
test_binaryExpression_plus_result_not_null() async {
await analyze('''
int f(int i, int j) => i + j;
assertNoUpstreamNullability(decoratedTypeAnnotation('int f').node);
test_binaryExpression_plus_right_check() async {
await analyze('''
int f(int i, int j) => i + j;
assertEdge(decoratedTypeAnnotation('int j').node, never, hard: true));
test_binaryExpression_plus_right_check_custom() async {
await analyze('''
class Int {
Int operator+(Int other) => this;
Int f(Int i, Int j) => i + j/*check*/;
assertEdge(decoratedTypeAnnotation('Int j').node,
decoratedTypeAnnotation('Int other').node,
hard: true));
test_binaryExpression_plus_substituted() async {
await analyze('''
class _C<T, U> {
T operator+(U u) => throw 'foo';
Object _f(_C<int, String> c, String s) => c + s;
decoratedTypeAnnotation('String s').node,
decoratedTypeAnnotation('U u').node),
hard: true);
decoratedTypeAnnotation('T operator').node),
decoratedTypeAnnotation('Object _f').node,
hard: false);
test_binaryExpression_questionQuestion() async {
await analyze('''
int f(int i, int j) => i ?? j;
var left = decoratedTypeAnnotation('int i').node;
var right = decoratedTypeAnnotation('int j').node;
var expression = decoratedExpressionType('??').node;
assertEdge(right, expression, guards: [left], hard: false);
test_binaryExpression_right_dynamic() async {
await analyze('''
class C {
C operator+(C other) => other;
C f(C x, dynamic y) => x + y;
assertNullCheck(checkExpression('x +'),
assertEdge(decoratedTypeAnnotation('C x').node, never, hard: true));
assertEdge(decoratedTypeAnnotation('C operator').node,
decoratedTypeAnnotation('C f').node,
hard: false);
test_binaryExpression_slash_result_not_null() async {
await analyze('''
double f(int i, int j) => i / j;
assertNoUpstreamNullability(decoratedTypeAnnotation('double f').node);
test_binaryExpression_star_result_not_null() async {
await analyze('''
int f(int i, int j) => i * j;
assertNoUpstreamNullability(decoratedTypeAnnotation('int f').node);
test_binaryExpression_tildeSlash_result_not_null() async {
await analyze('''
int f(int i, int j) => i ~/ j;
assertNoUpstreamNullability(decoratedTypeAnnotation('int f').node);
test_boolLiteral() async {
await analyze('''
bool f() {
return true;
test_cascadeExpression() async {
await analyze('''
class C {
int x = 0;
C f(C c, int i) => c..x = i;
assertEdge(decoratedTypeAnnotation('C c').node,
decoratedTypeAnnotation('C f').node,
hard: false);
test_catch_clause() async {
await analyze('''
foo() => 1;
main() {
try { foo(); } on Exception catch (e) { print(e); }
// No assertions; just checking that it doesn't crash.
test_catch_clause_no_type() async {
await analyze('''
foo() => 1;
main() {
try { foo(); } catch (e) { print(e); }
// No assertions; just checking that it doesn't crash.
test_class_alias_synthetic_constructor_with_parameters_complex() async {
await analyze('''
class MyList<T> {}
class C {
C(MyList<int>/*1*/ x);
mixin M {}
class D = C with M;
D f(MyList<int>/*2*/ x) => D(x);
var syntheticConstructor = findElement.unnamedConstructor('D');
var constructorType = variables.decoratedElementType(syntheticConstructor);
var constructorParameterType = constructorType.positionalParameters[0];
hard: true);
hard: false);
test_class_alias_synthetic_constructor_with_parameters_generic() async {
await analyze('''
class C<T> {
C(T t);
mixin M {}
class D<U> = C<U> with M;
var syntheticConstructor = findElement.unnamedConstructor('D');
var constructorType = variables.decoratedElementType(syntheticConstructor);
var constructorParameterType = constructorType.positionalParameters[0];
constructorParameterType.node, decoratedTypeAnnotation('T t').node);
test_class_alias_synthetic_constructor_with_parameters_named() async {
await analyze('''
class C {
C({int/*1*/ i});
mixin M {}
class D = C with M;
D f(int/*2*/ i) => D(i: i);
var syntheticConstructor = findElement.unnamedConstructor('D');
var constructorType = variables.decoratedElementType(syntheticConstructor);
var constructorParameterType = constructorType.namedParameters['i'];
decoratedTypeAnnotation('int/*2*/').node, constructorParameterType.node,
hard: true);
test_class_alias_synthetic_constructor_with_parameters_optional() async {
await analyze('''
class C {
C([int/*1*/ i]);
mixin M {}
class D = C with M;
D f(int/*2*/ i) => D(i);
var syntheticConstructor = findElement.unnamedConstructor('D');
var constructorType = variables.decoratedElementType(syntheticConstructor);
var constructorParameterType = constructorType.positionalParameters[0];
decoratedTypeAnnotation('int/*2*/').node, constructorParameterType.node,
hard: true);
test_class_alias_synthetic_constructor_with_parameters_required() async {
await analyze('''
class C {
C(int/*1*/ i);
mixin M {}
class D = C with M;
D f(int/*2*/ i) => D(i);
var syntheticConstructor = findElement.unnamedConstructor('D');
var constructorType = variables.decoratedElementType(syntheticConstructor);
var constructorParameterType = constructorType.positionalParameters[0];
decoratedTypeAnnotation('int/*2*/').node, constructorParameterType.node,
hard: true);
test_conditionalExpression_condition_check() async {
await analyze('''
int f(bool b, int i, int j) {
return (b ? i : j);
var nullable_b = decoratedTypeAnnotation('bool b').node;
var check_b = checkExpression('b ?');
assertNullCheck(check_b, assertEdge(nullable_b, never, hard: true));
test_conditionalExpression_functionTyped_namedParameter() async {
await analyze('''
void f(bool b, void Function({int p}) x, void Function({int p}) y) {
(b ? x : y);
var xType =
decoratedGenericFunctionTypeAnnotation('void Function({int p}) x');
var yType =
decoratedGenericFunctionTypeAnnotation('void Function({int p}) y');
var resultType = decoratedExpressionType('(b ?');
assertLUB(resultType.node, xType.node, yType.node);
xType.namedParameters['p'].node, yType.namedParameters['p'].node);
test_conditionalExpression_functionTyped_normalParameter() async {
await analyze('''
void f(bool b, void Function(int) x, void Function(int) y) {
(b ? x : y);
var xType = decoratedGenericFunctionTypeAnnotation('void Function(int) x');
var yType = decoratedGenericFunctionTypeAnnotation('void Function(int) y');
var resultType = decoratedExpressionType('(b ?');
assertLUB(resultType.node, xType.node, yType.node);
xType.positionalParameters[0].node, yType.positionalParameters[0].node);
test_conditionalExpression_functionTyped_normalParameters() async {
await analyze('''
void f(bool b, void Function(int, int) x, void Function(int, int) y) {
(b ? x : y);
var xType =
decoratedGenericFunctionTypeAnnotation('void Function(int, int) x');
var yType =
decoratedGenericFunctionTypeAnnotation('void Function(int, int) y');
var resultType = decoratedExpressionType('(b ?');
assertLUB(resultType.node, xType.node, yType.node);
xType.positionalParameters[0].node, yType.positionalParameters[0].node);
xType.positionalParameters[1].node, yType.positionalParameters[1].node);
test_conditionalExpression_functionTyped_optionalParameter() async {
await analyze('''
void f(bool b, void Function([int]) x, void Function([int]) y) {
(b ? x : y);
var xType =
decoratedGenericFunctionTypeAnnotation('void Function([int]) x');
var yType =
decoratedGenericFunctionTypeAnnotation('void Function([int]) y');
var resultType = decoratedExpressionType('(b ?');
assertLUB(resultType.node, xType.node, yType.node);
xType.positionalParameters[0].node, yType.positionalParameters[0].node);
test_conditionalExpression_functionTyped_returnType() async {
await analyze('''
void f(bool b, int Function() x, int Function() y) {
(b ? x : y);
var xType = decoratedGenericFunctionTypeAnnotation('int Function() x');
var yType = decoratedGenericFunctionTypeAnnotation('int Function() y');
var resultType = decoratedExpressionType('(b ?');
assertLUB(resultType.node, xType.node, yType.node);
assertLUB(resultType.returnType.node, xType.returnType.node,
test_conditionalExpression_functionTyped_returnType_void() async {
await analyze('''
void f(bool b, void Function() x, void Function() y) {
(b ? x : y);
var xType = decoratedGenericFunctionTypeAnnotation('void Function() x');
var yType = decoratedGenericFunctionTypeAnnotation('void Function() y');
var resultType = decoratedExpressionType('(b ?');
assertLUB(resultType.node, xType.node, yType.node);
expect(resultType.returnType.node, same(always));
test_conditionalExpression_general() async {
await analyze('''
int f(bool b, int i, int j) {
return (b ? i : j);
var nullable_i = decoratedTypeAnnotation('int i').node;
var nullable_j = decoratedTypeAnnotation('int j').node;
var nullable_conditional = decoratedExpressionType('(b ?').node;
assertLUB(nullable_conditional, nullable_i, nullable_j);
var nullable_return = decoratedTypeAnnotation('int f').node;
assertNullCheck(checkExpression('(b ? i : j)'),
assertEdge(nullable_conditional, nullable_return, hard: false));
test_conditionalExpression_generic() async {
await analyze('''
void f(bool b, Map<int, String> x, Map<int, String> y) {
(b ? x : y);
var xType = decoratedTypeAnnotation('Map<int, String> x');
var yType = decoratedTypeAnnotation('Map<int, String> y');
var resultType = decoratedExpressionType('(b ?');
assertLUB(resultType.node, xType.node, yType.node);
assertLUB(resultType.typeArguments[0].node, xType.typeArguments[0].node,
assertLUB(resultType.typeArguments[1].node, xType.typeArguments[1].node,
test_conditionalExpression_left_non_null() async {
await analyze('''
int f(bool b, int i) {
return (b ? (throw i) : i);
var nullable_i = decoratedTypeAnnotation('int i').node;
var nullable_conditional =
decoratedExpressionType('(b ?').node as NullabilityNodeForLUB;
var nullable_throw = nullable_conditional.left;
assertLUB(nullable_conditional, nullable_throw, nullable_i);
test_conditionalExpression_left_null() async {
await analyze('''
int f(bool b, int i) {
return (b ? null : i);
var nullable_i = decoratedTypeAnnotation('int i').node;
var nullable_conditional = decoratedExpressionType('(b ?').node;
assertLUB(nullable_conditional, always, nullable_i);
test_conditionalExpression_right_non_null() async {
await analyze('''
int f(bool b, int i) {
return (b ? i : (throw i));
var nullable_i = decoratedTypeAnnotation('int i').node;
var nullable_conditional =
decoratedExpressionType('(b ?').node as NullabilityNodeForLUB;
var nullable_throw = nullable_conditional.right;
assertLUB(nullable_conditional, nullable_i, nullable_throw);
test_conditionalExpression_right_null() async {
await analyze('''
int f(bool b, int i) {
return (b ? i : null);
var nullable_i = decoratedTypeAnnotation('int i').node;
var nullable_conditional = decoratedExpressionType('(b ?').node;
assertLUB(nullable_conditional, nullable_i, always);
test_constructor_default_parameter_value_bool() async {
await analyze('''
class C {
C([bool b = true]);
assertNoUpstreamNullability(decoratedTypeAnnotation('bool b').node);
test_constructor_named() async {
await analyze('''
class C {
// No assertions; just need to make sure that the test doesn't cause an
// exception to be thrown.
test_constructorDeclaration_returnType_generic() async {
await analyze('''
class C<T, U> {
var constructor = findElement.unnamedConstructor('C');
var constructorDecoratedType = variables.decoratedElementType(constructor);
expect(constructorDecoratedType.type.toString(), 'C<T, U> Function()');
expect(constructorDecoratedType.node, same(never));
expect(constructorDecoratedType.typeFormals, isEmpty);
expect(constructorDecoratedType.returnType.node, same(never));
expect(constructorDecoratedType.returnType.type.toString(), 'C<T, U>');
var typeArguments = constructorDecoratedType.returnType.typeArguments;
expect(typeArguments, hasLength(2));
expect(typeArguments[0].type.toString(), 'T');
expect(typeArguments[0].node, same(never));
expect(typeArguments[1].type.toString(), 'U');
expect(typeArguments[1].node, same(never));
test_constructorDeclaration_returnType_generic_implicit() async {
await analyze('''
class C<T, U> {}
var constructor = findElement.unnamedConstructor('C');
var constructorDecoratedType = variables.decoratedElementType(constructor);
expect(constructorDecoratedType.type.toString(), 'C<T, U> Function()');
expect(constructorDecoratedType.node, same(never));
expect(constructorDecoratedType.typeFormals, isEmpty);
expect(constructorDecoratedType.returnType.node, same(never));
expect(constructorDecoratedType.returnType.type.toString(), 'C<T, U>');
var typeArguments = constructorDecoratedType.returnType.typeArguments;
expect(typeArguments, hasLength(2));
expect(typeArguments[0].type.toString(), 'T');
expect(typeArguments[0].node, same(never));
expect(typeArguments[1].type.toString(), 'U');
expect(typeArguments[1].node, same(never));
test_constructorDeclaration_returnType_simple() async {
await analyze('''
class C {
var constructorDecoratedType =
expect(constructorDecoratedType.type.toString(), 'C Function()');
expect(constructorDecoratedType.node, same(never));
expect(constructorDecoratedType.typeFormals, isEmpty);
expect(constructorDecoratedType.returnType.node, same(never));
expect(constructorDecoratedType.returnType.typeArguments, isEmpty);
test_constructorDeclaration_returnType_simple_implicit() async {
await analyze('''
class C {}
var constructorDecoratedType =
expect(constructorDecoratedType.type.toString(), 'C Function()');
expect(constructorDecoratedType.node, same(never));
expect(constructorDecoratedType.typeFormals, isEmpty);
expect(constructorDecoratedType.returnType.node, same(never));
expect(constructorDecoratedType.returnType.typeArguments, isEmpty);
test_constructorFieldInitializer_generic() async {
await analyze('''
class C<T> {
C(T/*1*/ x) : f = x;
T/*2*/ f;
hard: true);
test_constructorFieldInitializer_simple() async {
await analyze('''
class C {
C(int/*1*/ i) : f = i;
int/*2*/ f;
hard: true);
test_constructorFieldInitializer_via_this() async {
await analyze('''
class C {
C(int/*1*/ i) : this.f = i;
int/*2*/ f;
hard: true);
test_do_while_condition() async {
await analyze('''
void f(bool b) {
do {} while (b);
assertEdge(decoratedTypeAnnotation('bool b').node, never, hard: true));
test_doubleLiteral() async {
await analyze('''
double f() {
return 1.0;
test_export_metadata() async {
await analyze('''
export 'dart:async';
// No assertions needed; the AnnotationTracker mixin verifies that the
// metadata was visited.
test_field_metadata() async {
await analyze('''
class A {
const A();
class C {
int f;
// No assertions needed; the AnnotationTracker mixin verifies that the
// metadata was visited.
test_field_type_inferred() async {
await analyze('''
int f() => 1;
class C {
var x = f();
var xType =
assertUnion(xType.node, decoratedTypeAnnotation('int').node);
test_fieldFormalParameter_function_typed() async {
await analyze('''
class C {
int Function(int, {int j}) f;
C(int this.f(int i, {int j}));
var ctorParamType = variables
var fieldType = variables.decoratedElementType(findElement.field('f'));
assertEdge(ctorParamType.node, fieldType.node, hard: true);
assertEdge(ctorParamType.returnType.node, fieldType.returnType.node,
hard: false);
hard: false);
hard: false);
test_fieldFormalParameter_typed() async {
await analyze('''
class C {
int i;
C(int this.i);
assertEdge(decoratedTypeAnnotation('int this').node,
decoratedTypeAnnotation('int i').node,
hard: true);
test_fieldFormalParameter_untyped() async {
await analyze('''
class C {
int i;
var decoratedConstructorParamType =
decoratedTypeAnnotation('int i').node);
test_for_each_element_with_declaration() async {
await analyze('''
void f(List<int> l) {
[for (int i in l) 0];
assertEdge(decoratedTypeAnnotation('List<int>').node, never, hard: true);
assertEdge(substitutionNode(decoratedTypeAnnotation('int> l').node, never),
decoratedTypeAnnotation('int i').node,
hard: false);
test_for_each_element_with_declaration_implicit_type() async {
await analyze('''
void f(List<int> l) {
[for (var i in l) g(i)];
int g(int j) => 0;
var jNode = decoratedTypeAnnotation('int j').node;
var iMatcher = anyNode;
assertEdge(iMatcher, jNode, hard: false);
var iNode = iMatcher.matchingNode;
assertEdge(decoratedTypeAnnotation('List<int>').node, never, hard: true);
substitutionNode(decoratedTypeAnnotation('int> l').node, never), iNode,
hard: false);
test_for_each_element_with_identifier() async {
await analyze('''
void f(List<int> l) {
int x;
[for (x in l) 0];
assertEdge(decoratedTypeAnnotation('List<int>').node, never, hard: true);
assertEdge(substitutionNode(decoratedTypeAnnotation('int> l').node, never),
decoratedTypeAnnotation('int x').node,
hard: false);
test_for_each_with_declaration() async {
await analyze('''
void f(List<int> l) {
for (int i in l) {}
assertEdge(decoratedTypeAnnotation('List<int>').node, never, hard: true);
assertEdge(substitutionNode(decoratedTypeAnnotation('int> l').node, never),
decoratedTypeAnnotation('int i').node,
hard: false);
test_for_each_with_declaration_implicit_type() async {
await analyze('''
void f(List<int> l) {
for (var i in l) {
void g(int j) {}
var jNode = decoratedTypeAnnotation('int j').node;
var iMatcher = anyNode;
assertEdge(iMatcher, jNode, hard: false);
var iNode = iMatcher.matchingNode;
assertEdge(decoratedTypeAnnotation('List<int>').node, never, hard: true);
substitutionNode(decoratedTypeAnnotation('int> l').node, never), iNode,
hard: false);
test_for_each_with_identifier() async {
await analyze('''
void f(List<int> l) {
int x;
for (x in l) {}
assertEdge(decoratedTypeAnnotation('List<int>').node, never, hard: true);
assertEdge(substitutionNode(decoratedTypeAnnotation('int> l').node, never),
decoratedTypeAnnotation('int x').node,
hard: false);
test_for_element_list() async {
await analyze('''
void f(List<int> ints) {
<int>[for(int i in ints) i];
checkExpression('ints) i'),
assertEdge(decoratedTypeAnnotation('List<int> ints').node, never,
hard: true));
assertEdge(decoratedTypeAnnotation('int i').node,
hard: false);
test_for_element_map() async {
await analyze('''
void f(List<String> strs, List<int> ints) {
<String, int>{
for (String s in strs)
for (int i in ints)
s: i,
assertEdge(decoratedTypeAnnotation('List<String> strs').node, never,
hard: true));
assertEdge(decoratedTypeAnnotation('List<int> ints').node, never,
hard: false));
var keyTypeNode = decoratedTypeAnnotation('String, int>{').node;
var valueTypeNode = decoratedTypeAnnotation('int>{').node;
assertEdge(decoratedTypeAnnotation('String s').node, keyTypeNode,
hard: false);
assertEdge(decoratedTypeAnnotation('int i').node, valueTypeNode,
hard: false);
test_for_element_set() async {
await analyze('''
void f(List<int> ints) {
<int>{for(int i in ints) i};
checkExpression('ints) i'),
assertEdge(decoratedTypeAnnotation('List<int> ints').node, never,
hard: true));
assertEdge(decoratedTypeAnnotation('int i').node,
hard: false);
test_for_with_declaration() async {
await analyze('''
main() {
for (int i in <int>[1, 2, 3]) { print(i); }
// No assertions; just checking that it doesn't crash.
test_for_with_var() async {
await analyze('''
main() {
for (var i in <int>[1, 2, 3]) { print(i); }
// No assertions; just checking that it doesn't crash.
test_forStatement_empty() async {
await analyze('''
void test() {
for (; ; ) {
test_function_assignment() async {
await analyze('''
class C {
void f1(String message) {}
void f2(String message) {}
foo(C c, bool flag) {
Function(String message) out = flag ? c.f1 : c.f2;
bar() {
foo(C(), true);
foo(C(), false);
var type = decoratedTypeAnnotation('Function(String message)');
expect(type.returnType, isNotNull);
test_functionDeclaration_expression_body() async {
await analyze('''
int/*1*/ f(int/*2*/ i) => i/*3*/;
hard: true));
test_functionDeclaration_parameter_named_default_listConst() async {
await analyze('''
void f({List<int/*1*/> i = const <int/*2*/>[]}) {}
hard: false);
test_functionDeclaration_parameter_named_default_notNull() async {
await analyze('''
void f({int i = 1}) {}
test_functionDeclaration_parameter_named_default_null() async {
await analyze('''
void f({int i = null}) {}
assertEdge(always, decoratedTypeAnnotation('int').node, hard: false);
test_functionDeclaration_parameter_named_no_default() async {
await analyze('''
void f({int i}) {}
assertEdge(always, decoratedTypeAnnotation('int').node, hard: false);
test_functionDeclaration_parameter_named_no_default_required() async {
await analyze('''
import 'package:meta/meta.dart';
void f({@required int i}) {}
test_functionDeclaration_parameter_positionalOptional_default_notNull() async {
await analyze('''
void f([int i = 1]) {}
test_functionDeclaration_parameter_positionalOptional_default_null() async {
await analyze('''
void f([int i = null]) {}
assertEdge(always, decoratedTypeAnnotation('int').node, hard: false);
test_functionDeclaration_parameter_positionalOptional_no_default() async {
await analyze('''
void f([int i]) {}
assertEdge(always, decoratedTypeAnnotation('int').node, hard: false);
test_functionExpressionInvocation_parameterType() async {
await analyze('''
abstract class C {
void Function(int) f();
void g(C c, int i) {
assertEdge(decoratedTypeAnnotation('int i').node,
hard: true);
test_functionExpressionInvocation_returnType() async {
await analyze('''
abstract class C {
int Function() f();
int g(C c) => c.f()();
assertEdge(decoratedTypeAnnotation('int Function').node,
decoratedTypeAnnotation('int g').node,
hard: false);
test_functionInvocation_parameter_fromLocalParameter() async {
await analyze('''
void f(int/*1*/ i) {}
void test(int/*2*/ i) {
var int_1 = decoratedTypeAnnotation('int/*1*/');
var int_2 = decoratedTypeAnnotation('int/*2*/');
var i_3 = checkExpression('i/*3*/');
assertNullCheck(i_3, assertEdge(int_2.node, int_1.node, hard: true));
assertEdge(int_2.node, int_1.node, hard: true);
test_functionInvocation_parameter_named() async {
await analyze('''
void f({int i: 0}) {}
void g(int j) {
f(i: j/*check*/);
var nullable_i = decoratedTypeAnnotation('int i').node;
var nullable_j = decoratedTypeAnnotation('int j').node;
assertEdge(nullable_j, nullable_i, hard: true));
test_functionInvocation_parameter_named_missing() async {
await analyze('''
void f({int i}) {}
void g() {
var optional_i = possiblyOptionalParameter('int i');
expect(getEdges(always, optional_i), isNotEmpty);
test_functionInvocation_parameter_named_missing_required() async {
verifyNoTestUnitErrors = false;
await analyze('''
import 'package:meta/meta.dart';
void f({@required int i}) {}
void g() {
// The call at `f()` is presumed to be in error; no constraint is recorded.
var optional_i = possiblyOptionalParameter('int i');
expect(optional_i, isNull);
var nullable_i = decoratedTypeAnnotation('int i').node;
test_functionInvocation_parameter_null() async {
await analyze('''
void f(int i) {}
void test() {
assertEdge(always, decoratedTypeAnnotation('int').node, hard: false));
test_functionInvocation_return() async {
await analyze('''
int/*1*/ f() => 0;
int/*2*/ g() {
return (f());
hard: false));
test_genericMethodInvocation() async {
await analyze('''
class Base {
T foo<T>(T x) => x;
class Derived extends Base {}
int bar(Derived d, int i) =>;
var implicitTypeArgumentMatcher = anyNode;
decoratedTypeAnnotation('int i').node,
implicitTypeArgumentMatcher, decoratedTypeAnnotation('T x').node),
hard: true);
var implicitTypeArgumentNullability =
decoratedTypeAnnotation('T foo').node),
decoratedTypeAnnotation('int bar').node,
hard: false);
test_genericMethodInvocation_withBoundSubstitution() async {
await analyze('''
class Base<T> {
U foo<U extends T>(U x) => x;
class Derived<V> extends Base<Iterable<V>> {}
bar(Derived<int> d, List<int> x) =>;
// Don't bother checking any edges; the assertions in the DecoratedType
// constructor verify that we've substituted the bound correctly.
test_genericMethodInvocation_withSubstitution() async {
await analyze('''
class Base<T> {
U foo<U>(U x, T y) => x;
class Derived<V> extends Base<List<V>> {}
int bar(Derived<String> d, int i, List<String> j) =>, j);
decoratedTypeAnnotation('String> j').node,
substitutionNode(decoratedTypeAnnotation('String> d').node,
hard: false);
decoratedTypeAnnotation('List<String> j').node,
decoratedTypeAnnotation('T y').node),
hard: true);
var implicitTypeArgumentMatcher = anyNode;
decoratedTypeAnnotation('int i').node,
implicitTypeArgumentMatcher, decoratedTypeAnnotation('U x').node),
hard: true);
var implicitTypeArgumentNullability =
decoratedTypeAnnotation('U foo').node),
decoratedTypeAnnotation('int bar').node,
hard: false);
test_if_condition() async {
await analyze('''
void f(bool b) {
if (b) {}
assertNullCheck(checkExpression('b) {}'),
assertEdge(decoratedTypeAnnotation('bool b').node, never, hard: true));
test_if_conditional_control_flow_after() async {
await analyze('''
void f(bool b, int i, int j) {
assert(j != null);
if (b) return;
assert(i != null);
// Asserts after ifs don't demonstrate non-null intent.
assertNoEdge(decoratedTypeAnnotation('int i').node, never);
// But asserts before ifs do
assertEdge(decoratedTypeAnnotation('int j').node, never, hard: true);
test_if_conditional_control_flow_after_normal_completion() async {
await analyze('''
void f(bool b1, bool b2, int i, int j) {
if (b1) {}
assert(j != null);
if (b2) return;
assert(i != null);
// Asserts after `if (...) return` s don't demonstrate non-null intent.
assertNoEdge(decoratedTypeAnnotation('int i').node, never);
// But asserts after `if (...) {}` do, since both branches of the `if`
// complete normally, so the assertion is unconditionally reachable.
assertEdge(decoratedTypeAnnotation('int j').node, never, hard: true);
test_if_conditional_control_flow_within() async {
await analyze('''
void f(bool b, int i, int j) {
assert(j != null);
if (b) {
assert(i != null);
} else {
assert(i != null);
// Asserts inside ifs don't demonstrate non-null intent.
assertNoEdge(decoratedTypeAnnotation('int i').node, never);
// But asserts outside ifs do.
assertEdge(decoratedTypeAnnotation('int j').node, never, hard: true);
test_if_element_guard_equals_null() async {
// failing because of an unimplemented exception in conditional modification
await analyze('''
dynamic f(int i, int j, int k) {
<int>[if (i == null) j/*check*/ else k/*check*/];
var nullable_i = decoratedTypeAnnotation('int i').node;
var nullable_j = decoratedTypeAnnotation('int j').node;
var nullable_k = decoratedTypeAnnotation('int k').node;
var nullable_itemType = decoratedTypeAnnotation('int>[').node;
assertEdge(nullable_j, nullable_itemType,
guards: [nullable_i], hard: false));
assertEdge(nullable_k, nullable_itemType, hard: false));
var discard = statementDiscard('if (i == null)');
expect(discard.trueGuard, same(nullable_i));
expect(discard.falseGuard, null);
expect(discard.pureCondition, true);
test_if_element_list() async {
await analyze('''
void f(bool b) {
int i1 = null;
int i2 = null;
<int>[if (b) i1 else i2];
assertNullCheck(checkExpression('b) i1'),
assertEdge(decoratedTypeAnnotation('bool b').node, never, hard: true));
assertEdge(decoratedTypeAnnotation('int i1').node,
hard: false);
assertEdge(decoratedTypeAnnotation('int i2').node,
hard: false);
test_if_element_map() async {
await analyze('''
void f(bool b) {
int i1 = null;
int i2 = null;
String s1 = null;
String s2 = null;
<String, int>{if (b) s1: i1 else s2: i2};
assertNullCheck(checkExpression('b) s1'),
assertEdge(decoratedTypeAnnotation('bool b').node, never, hard: true));
var keyTypeNode = decoratedTypeAnnotation('String, int>{').node;
var valueTypeNode = decoratedTypeAnnotation('int>{').node;
assertEdge(decoratedTypeAnnotation('String s1').node, keyTypeNode,
hard: false);
assertEdge(decoratedTypeAnnotation('String s2').node, keyTypeNode,
hard: false);
assertEdge(decoratedTypeAnnotation('int i1').node, valueTypeNode,
hard: false);
assertEdge(decoratedTypeAnnotation('int i2').node, valueTypeNode,
hard: false);
test_if_element_nested() async {
await analyze('''
void f(bool b1, bool b2) {
int i1 = null;
int i2 = null;
int i3 = null;
<int>[if (b1) if (b2) i1 else i2 else i3];
assertEdge(decoratedTypeAnnotation('bool b1').node, never, hard: true));
checkExpression('b2) i1'),
assertEdge(decoratedTypeAnnotation('bool b2').node, never,
hard: false));
assertEdge(decoratedTypeAnnotation('int i1').node,
hard: false);
assertEdge(decoratedTypeAnnotation('int i2').node,
hard: false);
assertEdge(decoratedTypeAnnotation('int i3').node,
hard: false);
test_if_element_set() async {
await analyze('''
void f(bool b) {
int i1 = null;
int i2 = null;
<int>{if (b) i1 else i2};
assertNullCheck(checkExpression('b) i1'),
assertEdge(decoratedTypeAnnotation('bool b').node, never, hard: true));
assertEdge(decoratedTypeAnnotation('int i1').node,
hard: false);
assertEdge(decoratedTypeAnnotation('int i2').node,
hard: false);
test_if_guard_equals_null() async {
await analyze('''
int f(int i, int j, int k) {
if (i == null) {
return j/*check*/;
} else {
return k/*check*/;
var nullable_i = decoratedTypeAnnotation('int i').node;
var nullable_j = decoratedTypeAnnotation('int j').node;
var nullable_k = decoratedTypeAnnotation('int k').node;
var nullable_return = decoratedTypeAnnotation('int f').node;
assertEdge(nullable_j, nullable_return,
guards: [nullable_i], hard: false));
assertEdge(nullable_k, nullable_return, hard: false));
var discard = statementDiscard('if (i == null)');
expect(discard.trueGuard, same(nullable_i));
expect(discard.falseGuard, null);
expect(discard.pureCondition, true);
test_if_simple() async {
await analyze('''
int f(bool b, int i, int j) {
if (b) {
return i/*check*/;
} else {
return j/*check*/;
var nullable_i = decoratedTypeAnnotation('int i').node;
var nullable_j = decoratedTypeAnnotation('int j').node;
var nullable_return = decoratedTypeAnnotation('int f').node;
assertEdge(nullable_i, nullable_return, hard: false));
assertEdge(nullable_j, nullable_return, hard: false));
test_if_without_else() async {
await analyze('''
int f(bool b, int i) {
if (b) {
return i/*check*/;
return 0;
var nullable_i = decoratedTypeAnnotation('int i').node;
var nullable_return = decoratedTypeAnnotation('int f').node;
assertEdge(nullable_i, nullable_return, hard: false));
test_import_metadata() async {
await analyze('''
import 'dart:async';
// No assertions needed; the AnnotationTracker mixin verifies that the
// metadata was visited.
test_indexExpression_dynamic() async {
await analyze('''
int f(dynamic d, int i) {
return d[i];
// We assume that the index expression might evaluate to anything, including
// `null`.
assertEdge(always, decoratedTypeAnnotation('int f').node, hard: false);
test_indexExpression_index() async {
await analyze('''
class C {
int operator[](int i) => 1;
int f(C c, int j) => c[j];
assertEdge(decoratedTypeAnnotation('int j').node,
decoratedTypeAnnotation('int i').node,
hard: true);
test_indexExpression_index_cascaded() async {
await analyze('''
class C {
int operator[](int i) => 1;
C f(C c, int j) => c..[j];
assertEdge(decoratedTypeAnnotation('int j').node,
decoratedTypeAnnotation('int i').node,
hard: true);
test_indexExpression_return_type() async {
await analyze('''
class C {
int operator[](int i) => 1;
int f(C c) => c[0];
assertEdge(decoratedTypeAnnotation('int operator').node,
decoratedTypeAnnotation('int f').node,
hard: false);
test_indexExpression_target_check() async {
await analyze('''
class C {
int operator[](int i) => 1;
int f(C c) => c[0];
assertEdge(decoratedTypeAnnotation('C c').node, never, hard: true));
test_indexExpression_target_check_cascaded() async {
await analyze('''
class C {
int operator[](int i) => 1;
C f(C c) => c..[0];
assertEdge(decoratedTypeAnnotation('C c').node, never, hard: true));
test_indexExpression_target_demonstrates_non_null_intent() async {
await analyze('''
class C {
int operator[](int i) => 1;
int f(C c) => c[0];
assertEdge(decoratedTypeAnnotation('C c').node, never, hard: true);
test_indexExpression_target_demonstrates_non_null_intent_cascaded() async {
await analyze('''
class C {
int operator[](int i) => 1;
C f(C c) => c..[0];
assertEdge(decoratedTypeAnnotation('C c').node, never, hard: true);
test_instanceCreation_generic() async {
await analyze('''
class C<T> {}
C<int> f() => C<int>();
decoratedTypeAnnotation('int> f').node,
hard: false);
test_instanceCreation_generic_dynamic() async {
await analyze('''
class C<T> {}
C<Object> f() => C<dynamic>();
hard: false);
test_instanceCreation_generic_inferredParameterType() async {
await analyze('''
class C<T> {
C(List<T> x);
C<int> f(List<int> x) => C(x);
var edge = assertEdge(anyNode, decoratedTypeAnnotation('int> f').node,
hard: false);
var inferredTypeArgument = edge.sourceNode;
decoratedTypeAnnotation('int> x').node,
inferredTypeArgument, decoratedTypeAnnotation('T> x').node),
hard: false);
test_instanceCreation_generic_parameter() async {
await analyze('''
class C<T> {
C(T t);
f(int i) => C<int>(i/*check*/);
var nullable_i = decoratedTypeAnnotation('int i').node;
var nullable_c_t = decoratedTypeAnnotation('C<int>').typeArguments[0].node;
var nullable_t = decoratedTypeAnnotation('T t').node;
var check_i = checkExpression('i/*check*/');
var nullable_c_t_or_nullable_t = check_i.checks.edges.single.destinationNode
as NullabilityNodeForSubstitution;
expect(nullable_c_t_or_nullable_t.innerNode, same(nullable_c_t));
expect(nullable_c_t_or_nullable_t.outerNode, same(nullable_t));
assertEdge(nullable_i, nullable_c_t_or_nullable_t, hard: true));
test_instanceCreation_generic_parameter_named() async {
await analyze('''
class C<T> {
C({T t});
f(int i) => C<int>(t: i/*check*/);
var nullable_i = decoratedTypeAnnotation('int i').node;
var nullable_c_t = decoratedTypeAnnotation('C<int>').typeArguments[0].node;
var nullable_t = decoratedTypeAnnotation('T t').node;
var check_i = checkExpression('i/*check*/');
var nullable_c_t_or_nullable_t = check_i.checks.edges.single.destinationNode
as NullabilityNodeForSubstitution;
expect(nullable_c_t_or_nullable_t.innerNode, same(nullable_c_t));
expect(nullable_c_t_or_nullable_t.outerNode, same(nullable_t));
assertEdge(nullable_i, nullable_c_t_or_nullable_t, hard: true));
test_instanceCreation_parameter_named_optional() async {
await analyze('''
class C {
C({int x = 0});
void f(int y) {
C(x: y);
assertEdge(decoratedTypeAnnotation('int y').node,
decoratedTypeAnnotation('int x').node,
hard: true);
test_instanceCreation_parameter_positional_optional() async {
await analyze('''
class C {
C([int x]);
void f(int y) {
assertEdge(decoratedTypeAnnotation('int y').node,
decoratedTypeAnnotation('int x').node,
hard: true);
test_instanceCreation_parameter_positional_required() async {
await analyze('''
class C {
C(int x);
void f(int y) {
assertEdge(decoratedTypeAnnotation('int y').node,
decoratedTypeAnnotation('int x').node,
hard: true);
test_integerLiteral() async {
await analyze('''
int f() {
return 0;
test_invocation_arguments() async {
await analyze('''
int f(Function g, int i, int j) => g(h(i), named: h(j));
int h(int x) => 0;
// Make sure the appropriate edges get created for the calls to h().
assertEdge(decoratedTypeAnnotation('int i').node,
decoratedTypeAnnotation('int x').node,
hard: true);
assertEdge(decoratedTypeAnnotation('int j').node,
decoratedTypeAnnotation('int x').node,
hard: true);
test_invocation_arguments_parenthesized() async {
await analyze('''
int f(Function g, int i, int j) => (g)(h(i), named: h(j));
int h(int x) => 0;
// Make sure the appropriate edges get created for the calls to h().
assertEdge(decoratedTypeAnnotation('int i').node,
decoratedTypeAnnotation('int x').node,
hard: true);
assertEdge(decoratedTypeAnnotation('int j').node,
decoratedTypeAnnotation('int x').node,
hard: true);
test_invocation_dynamic() async {
await analyze('''
int f(dynamic g) => g();
assertEdge(always, decoratedTypeAnnotation('int f').node, hard: false);
test_invocation_dynamic_parenthesized() async {
await analyze('''
int f(dynamic g) => (g)();
assertEdge(always, decoratedTypeAnnotation('int f').node, hard: false);
test_invocation_function() async {
await analyze('''
int f(Function g) => g();
assertEdge(always, decoratedTypeAnnotation('int f').node, hard: false);
assertEdge(decoratedTypeAnnotation('Function g').node, never,
hard: true));
test_invocation_function_parenthesized() async {
await analyze('''
int f(Function g) => (g)();
assertEdge(always, decoratedTypeAnnotation('int f').node, hard: false);
assertEdge(decoratedTypeAnnotation('Function g').node, never,
hard: true));
test_invocation_type_arguments() async {
await analyze('''
int f(Function g) => g<C<int>>();
class C<T extends num> {}
// Make sure the appropriate edge gets created for the instantiation of C.
hard: true);
test_invocation_type_arguments_parenthesized() async {
await analyze('''
int f(Function g) => (g)<C<int>>();
class C<T extends num> {}
// Make sure the appropriate edge gets created for the instantiation of C.
hard: true);
test_isExpression_directlyRelatedTypeParameter() async {
await analyze('''
bool f(List<num> list) => list is List<int>
assertEdge(decoratedTypeAnnotation('List<int>').node, never, hard: false);
hard: false);
test_isExpression_genericFunctionType() async {
await analyze('''
bool f(a) => a is int Function(String);
test_isExpression_indirectlyRelatedTypeParameter() async {
await analyze('''
bool f(Iterable<num> iter) => iter is List<int>
assertEdge(decoratedTypeAnnotation('List').node, never, hard: false);
hard: false);
test_isExpression_typeName_noTypeArguments() async {
await analyze('''
bool f(a) => a is String;
assertEdge(decoratedTypeAnnotation('String').node, never, hard: false);
test_isExpression_typeName_typeArguments() async {
await analyze('''
bool f(a) => a is List<int>;
assertEdge(decoratedTypeAnnotation('List').node, never, hard: false);
assertEdge(always, decoratedTypeAnnotation('int').node, hard: false);
test_library_metadata() async {
await analyze('''
library foo;
// No assertions needed; the AnnotationTracker mixin verifies that the
// metadata was visited.
test_libraryDirective() async {
await analyze('''
library foo;
// Passes if no exceptions are thrown.
test_listLiteral_noTypeArgument_noNullableElements() async {
await analyze('''
List<String> f() {
return ['a', 'b'];
final returnTypeNode = decoratedTypeAnnotation('String').node;
final returnTypeEdges = getEdges(anyNode, returnTypeNode);
expect(returnTypeEdges.length, 1);
final returnTypeEdge = returnTypeEdges.single;
final listArgType = returnTypeEdge.sourceNode;
test_listLiteral_noTypeArgument_nullableElement() async {
await analyze('''
List<String> f() {
return ['a', null, 'c'];
final returnTypeNode = decoratedTypeAnnotation('String').node;
final returnTypeEdges = getEdges(anyNode, returnTypeNode);
expect(returnTypeEdges.length, 1);
final returnTypeEdge = returnTypeEdges.single;
final listArgType = returnTypeEdge.sourceNode;
assertEdge(always, listArgType, hard: false);
test_listLiteral_typeArgument_noNullableElements() async {
await analyze('''
List<String> f() {
return <String>['a', 'b'];
var typeArgForLiteral = decoratedTypeAnnotation('String>[').node;
var typeArgForReturnType = decoratedTypeAnnotation('String> ').node;
assertEdge(typeArgForLiteral, typeArgForReturnType, hard: false);
test_listLiteral_typeArgument_nullableElement() async {
await analyze('''
List<String> f() {
return <String>['a', null, 'c'];
assertEdge(always, decoratedTypeAnnotation('String>[').node, hard: false);
test_localVariable_type_inferred() async {
await analyze('''
int f() => 1;
main() {
var x = f();
var xType =
assertUnion(xType.node, decoratedTypeAnnotation('int').node);
test_method_parameterType_inferred() async {
await analyze('''
class B {
void f/*B*/(int x) {}
class C extends B {
void f/*C*/(x) {}
var bReturnType = decoratedMethodType('f/*B*/').positionalParameters[0];
var cReturnType = decoratedMethodType('f/*C*/').positionalParameters[0];
assertUnion(bReturnType.node, cReturnType.node);
test_method_parameterType_inferred_named() async {
await analyze('''
class B {
void f/*B*/({int x = 0}) {}
class C extends B {
void f/*C*/({x = 0}) {}
var bReturnType = decoratedMethodType('f/*B*/').namedParameters['x'];
var cReturnType = decoratedMethodType('f/*C*/').namedParameters['x'];
assertUnion(bReturnType.node, cReturnType.node);
test_method_returnType_inferred() async {
await analyze('''
class B {
int f/*B*/() => 1;
class C extends B {
f/*C*/() => 1;
var bReturnType = decoratedMethodType('f/*B*/').returnType;
var cReturnType = decoratedMethodType('f/*C*/').returnType;
assertUnion(bReturnType.node, cReturnType.node);
test_methodDeclaration_doesntAffect_unconditional_control_flow() async {
await analyze('''
class C {
void f(bool b, int i, int j) {
assert(i != null);
if (b) {}
assert(j != null);
void g(int k) {
assert(k != null);
assertEdge(decoratedTypeAnnotation('int i').node, never, hard: true);
assertNoEdge(always, decoratedTypeAnnotation('int j').node);
assertEdge(decoratedTypeAnnotation('int k').node, never, hard: true);
test_methodDeclaration_resets_unconditional_control_flow() async {
await analyze('''
class C {
void f(bool b, int i, int j) {
assert(i != null);
if (b) return;
assert(j != null);
void g(int k) {
assert(k != null);
assertEdge(decoratedTypeAnnotation('int i').node, never, hard: true);
assertNoEdge(always, decoratedTypeAnnotation('int j').node);
assertEdge(decoratedTypeAnnotation('int k').node, never, hard: true);
test_methodInvocation_dynamic() async {
await analyze('''
class C {
int g(int i) => i;
int f(dynamic d, int j) {
return d.g(j);
// The call `d.g(j)` is dynamic, so we can't tell what method it resolves
// to. There's no reason to assume it resolves to `C.g`.
assertNoEdge(decoratedTypeAnnotation('int j').node,
decoratedTypeAnnotation('int i').node);
assertNoEdge(decoratedTypeAnnotation('int g').node,
decoratedTypeAnnotation('int f').node);
// We do, however, assume that it might return anything, including `null`.
assertEdge(always, decoratedTypeAnnotation('int f').node, hard: false);
test_methodInvocation_dynamic_arguments() async {
await analyze('''
int f(dynamic d, int i, int j) {
return d.g(h(i), named: h(j));
int h(int x) => 0;
// Make sure the appropriate edges get created for the calls to h().
assertEdge(decoratedTypeAnnotation('int i').node,
decoratedTypeAnnotation('int x').node,
hard: true);
assertEdge(decoratedTypeAnnotation('int j').node,
decoratedTypeAnnotation('int x').node,
hard: true);
test_methodInvocation_dynamic_type_arguments() async {
await analyze('''
int f(dynamic d, int i, int j) {
return d.g<C<int>>();
class C<T extends num> {}
// Make sure the appropriate edge gets created for the instantiation of C.
hard: true);
test_methodInvocation_object_method() async {
await analyze('''
String f(int i) => i.toString();
// No edge from i to `never` because it is safe to call `toString` on
// `null`.
assertNoEdge(decoratedTypeAnnotation('int').node, never);
test_methodInvocation_object_method_on_non_interface_type() async {
await analyze('''
String f(void Function() g) => g.toString();
var toStringReturnType = variables
toStringReturnType.node, decoratedTypeAnnotation('String f').node,
hard: false);
test_methodInvocation_parameter_contravariant() async {
await analyze('''
class C<T> {
void f(T t) {}
void g(C<int> c, int i) {
var nullable_i = decoratedTypeAnnotation('int i').node;
var nullable_c_t = decoratedTypeAnnotation('C<int>').typeArguments[0].node;
var nullable_t = decoratedTypeAnnotation('T t').node;
var check_i = checkExpression('i/*check*/');
var nullable_c_t_or_nullable_t = check_i.checks.edges.single.destinationNode
as NullabilityNodeForSubstitution;
expect(nullable_c_t_or_nullable_t.innerNode, same(nullable_c_t));
expect(nullable_c_t_or_nullable_t.outerNode, same(nullable_t));
assertEdge(nullable_i, nullable_c_t_or_nullable_t, hard: true));
test_methodInvocation_parameter_contravariant_from_migrated_class() async {
await analyze('''
void f(List<int> x, int i) {
var nullable_i = decoratedTypeAnnotation('int i').node;
var nullable_list_t =
var addMethod = findNode.methodInvocation('x.add').methodName.staticElement
as MethodMember;
var nullable_t = variables
expect(nullable_t, same(never));
var check_i = checkExpression('i/*check*/');
var nullable_list_t_or_nullable_t = check_i
.checks.edges.single.destinationNode as NullabilityNodeForSubstitution;
expect(nullable_list_t_or_nullable_t.innerNode, same(nullable_list_t));
expect(nullable_list_t_or_nullable_t.outerNode, same(nullable_t));
assertEdge(nullable_i, nullable_list_t_or_nullable_t, hard: true));
test_methodInvocation_parameter_contravariant_function() async {
await analyze('''
void f<T>(T t) {}
void g(int i) {
var nullable_i = decoratedTypeAnnotation('int i').node;
var nullable_f_t = decoratedTypeAnnotation('int>').node;
var nullable_t = decoratedTypeAnnotation('T t').node;
var check_i = checkExpression('i/*check*/');
var nullable_f_t_or_nullable_t = check_i.checks.edges.single.destinationNode
as NullabilityNodeForSubstitution;
expect(nullable_f_t_or_nullable_t.innerNode, same(nullable_f_t));
expect(nullable_f_t_or_nullable_t.outerNode, same(nullable_t));
assertEdge(nullable_i, nullable_f_t_or_nullable_t, hard: true));
test_methodInvocation_parameter_generic() async {
await analyze('''
class C<T> {}
void f(C<int/*1*/>/*2*/ c) {}
void g(C<int/*3*/>/*4*/ c) {
hard: false);
hard: true));
test_methodInvocation_parameter_named() async {
await analyze('''
class C {
void f({int i: 0}) {}
void g(C c, int j) {
c.f(i: j/*check*/);
var nullable_i = decoratedTypeAnnotation('int i').node;
var nullable_j = decoratedTypeAnnotation('int j').node;
assertEdge(nullable_j, nullable_i, hard: true));
test_methodInvocation_parameter_named_differentPackage() async {
addPackageFile('pkgC', 'c.dart', '''
class C {
void f({int i}) {}
await analyze('''
import "package:pkgC/c.dart";
void g(C c, int j) {
c.f(i: j/*check*/);
var nullable_j = decoratedTypeAnnotation('int j');
assertEdge(nullable_j.node, never, hard: true));
test_methodInvocation_resolves_to_getter() async {
await analyze('''
abstract class C {
int/*1*/ Function(int/*2*/ i) get f;
int/*3*/ g(C c, int/*4*/ i) => c.f(i);
hard: true);
hard: false);
test_methodInvocation_return_type() async {
await analyze('''
class C {
bool m() => true;
bool f(C c) => c.m();
assertEdge(decoratedTypeAnnotation('bool m').node,
decoratedTypeAnnotation('bool f').node,
hard: false);
test_methodInvocation_return_type_generic_function() async {
await analyze('''
T f<T>(T t) => t;
int g() => (f<int>(1));
var check_i = checkExpression('(f<int>(1))');
var nullable_f_t = decoratedTypeAnnotation('int>').node;
var nullable_f_t_or_nullable_t = check_i.checks.edges.single.sourceNode
as NullabilityNodeForSubstitution;
var nullable_t = decoratedTypeAnnotation('T f').node;
expect(nullable_f_t_or_nullable_t.innerNode, same(nullable_f_t));
expect(nullable_f_t_or_nullable_t.outerNode, same(nullable_t));
var nullable_return = decoratedTypeAnnotation('int g').node;
assertEdge(nullable_f_t_or_nullable_t, nullable_return, hard: false));
test_methodInvocation_return_type_null_aware() async {
await analyze('''
class C {
bool m() => true;
bool f(C c) => (c?.m());
var lubNode =
decoratedExpressionType('(c?.m())').node as NullabilityNodeForLUB;
expect(lubNode.left, same(decoratedTypeAnnotation('C c').node));
expect(lubNode.right, same(decoratedTypeAnnotation('bool m').node));
assertEdge(lubNode, decoratedTypeAnnotation('bool f').node, hard: false);
test_methodInvocation_static_on_generic_class() async {
await analyze('''
class C<T> {
static int f(int x) => 0;
int g(int y) => C.f(y);
assertEdge(decoratedTypeAnnotation('int y').node,
decoratedTypeAnnotation('int x').node,
hard: true);
assertEdge(decoratedTypeAnnotation('int f').node,
decoratedTypeAnnotation('int g').node,
hard: false);
test_methodInvocation_target_check() async {
await analyze('''
class C {
void m() {}
void test(C c) {
assertEdge(decoratedTypeAnnotation('C c').node, never, hard: true));
test_methodInvocation_target_check_cascaded() async {
await analyze('''
class C {
void m() {}
void test(C c) {
assertEdge(decoratedTypeAnnotation('C c').node, never, hard: true));
test_methodInvocation_target_demonstrates_non_null_intent() async {
await analyze('''
class C {
void m() {}
void test(C c) {
assertEdge(decoratedTypeAnnotation('C c').node, never, hard: true);
test_methodInvocation_target_demonstrates_non_null_intent_cascaded() async {
await analyze('''
class C {
void m() {}
void test(C c) {
assertEdge(decoratedTypeAnnotation('C c').node, never, hard: true);
test_methodInvocation_target_generic_in_base_class() async {
await analyze('''
abstract class B<T> {
void m(T/*1*/ t);
abstract class C extends B<int/*2*/> {}
void f(C c, int/*3*/ i) {
// nullable(3) -> substitute(nullable(2), nullable(1))
var nullable1 = decoratedTypeAnnotation('T/*1*/').node;
var nullable2 = decoratedTypeAnnotation('int/*2*/').node;
var nullable3 = decoratedTypeAnnotation('int/*3*/').node;
assertEdge(nullable3, substitutionNode(nullable2, nullable1), hard: true);
test_methodInvocation_typeParameter_inferred() async {
await analyze('''
T f<T>(T t) => t;
void g() {
int y;
int x = f(y);
var int_y = decoratedTypeAnnotation('int y').node;
var int_x = decoratedTypeAnnotation('int x').node;
var t_ret = decoratedTypeAnnotation('T f').node;
var t_param = decoratedTypeAnnotation('T t').node;
assertEdge(substitutionNode(anyNode, t_ret), int_x, hard: false);
assertEdge(int_y, substitutionNode(anyNode, t_param), hard: true);
assertEdge(t_param, t_ret, hard: true);
test_methodInvocation_typeParameter_inferred_inGenericClass() async {
// this creates an edge case because the typeArguments are not equal in
// length the the typeFormals of the calleeType, due to the enclosing
// generic class.
await analyze('''
class C<T> {
void g() {
// use a local fn because generic methods aren't implemented.
T f<T>(T t) => t;
int y;
int x = f(y);
var int_y = decoratedTypeAnnotation('int y').node;
var int_x = decoratedTypeAnnotation('int x').node;
var t_ret = decoratedTypeAnnotation('T f').node;
var t_param = decoratedTypeAnnotation('T t').node;
assertEdge(int_y, t_param, hard: true);
assertEdge(t_param, t_ret, hard: true);
assertEdge(t_ret, int_x, hard: false);
test_methodInvocation_typeParameter_inferred_inGenericExtreme() async {
// this creates an edge case because the typeArguments are not equal in
// length the the typeFormals of the calleeType, due to the enclosing
// generic class/functions.
await analyze('''
class C<T> {
void g() {
// use local fns because generic methods aren't implemented.
void f2<R1>() {
void f3<R2>() {
T f<T>(T t) => t;
int y;
int x = f(y);
var int_y = decoratedTypeAnnotation('int y').node;
var int_x = decoratedTypeAnnotation('int x').node;
var t_ret = decoratedTypeAnnotation('T f').node;
var t_param = decoratedTypeAnnotation('T t').node;
assertEdge(int_y, t_param, hard: true);
assertEdge(t_param, t_ret, hard: true);
assertEdge(t_ret, int_x, hard: false);
test_never() async {
await analyze('');
expect(never.isNullable, isFalse);
test_override_parameter_type_named() async {
await analyze('''
abstract class Base {
void f({int/*1*/ i});
class Derived extends Base {
void f({int/*2*/ i}) {}
var int1 = decoratedTypeAnnotation('int/*1*/');
var int2 = decoratedTypeAnnotation('int/*2*/');
assertEdge(int1.node, int2.node, hard: true);
test_override_parameter_type_named_over_none() async {
await analyze('''
abstract class Base {
void f();
class Derived extends Base {
void f({int i}) {}
// No assertions; just checking that it doesn't crash.
test_override_parameter_type_operator() async {
await analyze('''
abstract class Base {
Base operator+(Base/*1*/ b);
class Derived extends Base {
Base operator+(Base/*2*/ b) => this;
var base1 = decoratedTypeAnnotation('Base/*1*/');
var base2 = decoratedTypeAnnotation('Base/*2*/');
assertEdge(base1.node, base2.node, hard: true);
test_override_parameter_type_optional() async {
await analyze('''
abstract class Base {
void f([int/*1*/ i]);
class Derived extends Base {
void f([int/*2*/ i]) {}
var int1 = decoratedTypeAnnotation('int/*1*/');
var int2 = decoratedTypeAnnotation('int/*2*/');
assertEdge(int1.node, int2.node, hard: true);
test_override_parameter_type_optional_over_none() async {
await analyze('''
abstract class Base {
void f();
class Derived extends Base {
void f([int i]) {}
// No assertions; just checking that it doesn't crash.
test_override_parameter_type_optional_over_required() async {
await analyze('''
abstract class Base {
void f(int/*1*/ i);
class Derived extends Base {
void f([int/*2*/ i]) {}
var int1 = decoratedTypeAnnotation('int/*1*/');
var int2 = decoratedTypeAnnotation('int/*2*/');
assertEdge(int1.node, int2.node, hard: true);
test_override_parameter_type_required() async {
await analyze('''
abstract class Base {
void f(int/*1*/ i);
class Derived extends Base {
void f(int/*2*/ i) {}
var int1 = decoratedTypeAnnotation('int/*1*/');
var int2 = decoratedTypeAnnotation('int/*2*/');
assertEdge(int1.node, int2.node, hard: true);
test_override_parameter_type_setter() async {
await analyze('''
abstract class Base {
void set x(int/*1*/ value);
class Derived extends Base {
void set x(int/*2*/ value) {}
var int1 = decoratedTypeAnnotation('int/*1*/');
var int2 = decoratedTypeAnnotation('int/*2*/');
assertEdge(int1.node, int2.node, hard: true);
test_override_return_type_getter() async {
await analyze('''
abstract class Base {
int/*1*/ get x;
class Derived extends Base {
int/*2*/ get x => null;
var int1 = decoratedTypeAnnotation('int/*1*/');
var int2 = decoratedTypeAnnotation('int/*2*/');
assertEdge(int2.node, int1.node, hard: true);
test_override_return_type_method() async {
await analyze('''
abstract class Base {
int/*1*/ f();
class Derived extends Base {
int/*2*/ f() => null;
var int1 = decoratedTypeAnnotation('int/*1*/');
var int2 = decoratedTypeAnnotation('int/*2*/');
assertEdge(int2.node, int1.node, hard: true);
test_override_return_type_operator() async {
await analyze('''
abstract class Base {
Base/*1*/ operator-();
class Derived extends Base {
Derived/*2*/ operator-() => null;
var base1 = decoratedTypeAnnotation('Base/*1*/');
var derived2 = decoratedTypeAnnotation('Derived/*2*/');
assertEdge(derived2.node, base1.node, hard: true);
test_parenthesizedExpression() async {
await analyze('''
int f() {
return (null);
assertEdge(always, decoratedTypeAnnotation('int').node, hard: false));
test_part_metadata() async {
var pathContext = resourceProvider.pathContext;
addSource(pathContext.join(pathContext.dirname(testFile), 'part.dart'), '''
part of test;
await analyze('''
library test;
part 'part.dart';
// No assertions needed; the AnnotationTracker mixin verifies that the
// metadata was visited.
test_part_of_identifier() async {
var pathContext = resourceProvider.pathContext;
var testFileName = pathContext.basename(testFile);
addSource(pathContext.join(pathContext.dirname(testFile), 'lib.dart'), '''
library test;
part '$testFileName';
await analyze('''
part of test;
// No assertions needed; the AnnotationTracker mixin verifies that the
// metadata was visited.
test_part_of_metadata() async {
var pathContext = resourceProvider.pathContext;
var testFileName = pathContext.basename(testFile);
addSource(pathContext.join(pathContext.dirname(testFile), 'lib.dart'), '''
library test;
part '$testFileName';
await analyze('''
part of test;
// No assertions needed; the AnnotationTracker mixin verifies that the
// metadata was visited.
test_part_of_path() async {
var pathContext = resourceProvider.pathContext;
var testFileName = pathContext.basename(testFile);
addSource(pathContext.join(pathContext.dirname(testFile), 'lib.dart'), '''
part '$testFileName';
await analyze('''
part of 'lib.dart';
// No assertions needed; the AnnotationTracker mixin verifies that the
// metadata was visited.
test_postDominators_assert() async {
await analyze('''
void test(bool b1, bool b2, bool b3, bool _b) {
assert(b1 != null);
if (_b) {
assert(b2 != null);
assert(b3 != null);
assertEdge(decoratedTypeAnnotation('bool b1').node, never, hard: true);
assertNoEdge(decoratedTypeAnnotation('bool b2').node, never);
assertEdge(decoratedTypeAnnotation('bool b3').node, never, hard: true);
test_postDominators_assignment_with_same_var_on_lhs_and_in_rhs() async {
await analyze('''
void f(int i) {
i = g(i);
int g(int j) => 0;
assertEdge(decoratedTypeAnnotation('int i').node,
decoratedTypeAnnotation('int j').node,
hard: true);
test_postDominators_break() async {
await analyze('''
class C {
void m() {}
void test(bool b1, C _c) {
while (b1/*check*/) {
bool b2 = b1;
C c = _c;
if (b2/*check*/) {
assertEdge(decoratedTypeAnnotation('bool b1').node, never, hard: true));
assertEdge(decoratedTypeAnnotation('bool b2').node, never, hard: true));
assertEdge(decoratedTypeAnnotation('C c').node, never, hard: false));
test_postDominators_continue() async {
await analyze('''
class C {
void m() {}
void test(bool b1, C _c) {
while (b1/*check*/) {
bool b2 = b1;
C c = _c;
if (b2/*check*/) {
assertEdge(decoratedTypeAnnotation('bool b1').node, never, hard: true));
assertEdge(decoratedTypeAnnotation('bool b2').node, never, hard: true));
assertEdge(decoratedTypeAnnotation('C c').node, never, hard: false));
test_postDominators_doWhileStatement_conditional() async {
await analyze('''
class C {
void m() {}
void test(bool b, C c) {
do {
} while(b/*check*/);
assertEdge(decoratedTypeAnnotation('bool b').node, never, hard: false));
assertEdge(decoratedTypeAnnotation('C c').node, never, hard: false));
test_postDominators_doWhileStatement_unconditional() async {
await analyze('''
class C {
void m() {}
void test(bool b, C c1, C c2) {
do {
C c3 = C();
} while(b/*check*/);
assertEdge(decoratedTypeAnnotation('bool b').node, never, hard: true));
assertEdge(decoratedTypeAnnotation('C c1').node, never, hard: true));
assertEdge(decoratedTypeAnnotation('C c2').node, never, hard: true));
assertEdge(decoratedTypeAnnotation('C c3').node, never, hard: true));
test_postDominators_forElement() async {
await analyze('''
class C {
int m() => 0;
void test(bool _b, C c1, C c2) {
<int>[for (bool b1 = _b; b1/*check*/; c2.m()) c1.m()];
assertEdge(decoratedTypeAnnotation('bool b1').node, never, hard: true));
assertEdge(decoratedTypeAnnotation('C c1').node, never, hard: false));
assertEdge(decoratedTypeAnnotation('C c2').node, never, hard: false));
test_postDominators_forInElement() async {
await analyze('''
class C {
int m() => 0;
void test(List<C> l, C c1) {
<int>[for (C _c in l/*check*/) c1.m()];
<int>[for (C c2 in <C>[]) c2.m()];
assertEdge(decoratedTypeAnnotation('List<C> l').node, never,
hard: true));
assertEdge(decoratedTypeAnnotation('C c1').node, never, hard: false));
assertEdge(decoratedTypeAnnotation('C c2').node, never, hard: false));
test_postDominators_forInStatement_unconditional() async {
await analyze('''
class C {
void m() {}
void test(List<C> l, C c1, C c2) {
for (C c3 in l/*check*/) {
assertEdge(decoratedTypeAnnotation('List<C> l').node, never,
hard: true));
assertEdge(decoratedTypeAnnotation('C c1').node, never, hard: false));
assertEdge(decoratedTypeAnnotation('C c2').node, never, hard: true));
assertEdge(decoratedTypeAnnotation('C c3').node, never, hard: false));
test_postDominators_forStatement_conditional() async {
await analyze('''
class C {
void m() {}
void test(bool b1, C c1, C c2, C c3) {
for (; b1/*check*/; c2.m()) {
C c4 = c1;
assertEdge(decoratedTypeAnnotation('bool b1').node, never, hard: true));
assertEdge(decoratedTypeAnnotation('C c4').node, never, hard: true));
assertEdge(decoratedTypeAnnotation('C c2').node, never, hard: false));
assertEdge(decoratedTypeAnnotation('C c3').node, never, hard: false));
test_postDominators_forStatement_unconditional() async {
await analyze('''
class C {
void m() {}
void test(bool b1, C c1, C c2, C c3) {
for (bool b2 = b1, b3 = b1; b1/*check*/ & b2/*check*/; c3.m()) {
assert(b3 != null);
assertEdge(decoratedTypeAnnotation('bool b1').node, never, hard: true));
//TODO(mfairhurst): enable this check
// assertEdge(decoratedTypeAnnotation('bool b2').node, never, hard: true));
//assertEdge(decoratedTypeAnnotation('b3 =').node, never, hard: false);
assertEdge(decoratedTypeAnnotation('C c1').node, never, hard: false));
assertEdge(decoratedTypeAnnotation('C c2').node, never, hard: true));
assertEdge(decoratedTypeAnnotation('C c3').node, never, hard: false));
test_postDominators_ifElement() async {
await analyze('''
class C {
int m() => 0;
void test(bool b, C c1, C c2, C c3) {
<int>[if (b) c1.m() else c2.m()];
assertEdge(decoratedTypeAnnotation('bool b').node, never, hard: true));
assertEdge(decoratedTypeAnnotation('C c1').node, never, hard: false));
assertEdge(decoratedTypeAnnotation('C c2').node, never, hard: false));
assertEdge(decoratedTypeAnnotation('C c3').node, never, hard: true));
test_postDominators_ifStatement_conditional() async {
await analyze('''
class C {
void m() {}
void test(bool b, C c1, C c2) {
if (b/*check*/) {
C c3 = C();
C c4 = C();
// Divergence breaks post-dominance.
assertEdge(decoratedTypeAnnotation('bool b').node, never, hard: true));
assertEdge(decoratedTypeAnnotation('C c1').node, never, hard: false));
assertEdge(decoratedTypeAnnotation('C c2').node, never, hard: false));
assertEdge(decoratedTypeAnnotation('C c3').node, never, hard: true));
assertEdge(decoratedTypeAnnotation('C c4').node, never, hard: false));
test_postDominators_ifStatement_unconditional() async {
await analyze('''
class C {
void m() {}
void test(bool b, C c1, C c2) {
if (b/*check*/) {
C c3 = C();
C c4 = C();
// We ignore exceptions for post-dominance.
throw '';
assertEdge(decoratedTypeAnnotation('bool b').node, never, hard: true));
assertEdge(decoratedTypeAnnotation('C c1').node, never, hard: false));
assertEdge(decoratedTypeAnnotation('C c2').node, never, hard: true));
assertEdge(decoratedTypeAnnotation('C c3').node, never, hard: true));
assertEdge(decoratedTypeAnnotation('C c4').node, never, hard: true));
test_postDominators_inReturn_local() async {
await analyze('''
class C {
int m() => 0;
int test(C c) {
return c.m();
assertEdge(decoratedTypeAnnotation('C c').node, never, hard: true));
test_postDominators_loopReturn() async {
await analyze('''
class C {
void m() {}
void test(bool b1, C _c) {
C c1 = _c;
while (b1/*check*/) {
bool b2 = b1;
C c2 = _c;
if (b2/*check*/) {
assertEdge(decoratedTypeAnnotation('bool b1').node, never, hard: true));
assertEdge(decoratedTypeAnnotation('bool b2').node, never, hard: true));
assertEdge(decoratedTypeAnnotation('C c1').node, never, hard: false));
assertEdge(decoratedTypeAnnotation('C c2').node, never, hard: false));
test_postDominators_multiDeclaration() async {
// Multi declarations cannot use hard edges as shown below.
await analyze('''
void test() {
int i1 = 0, i2 = null;
// i1.toDouble() cannot be a hard edge or i2 will fail assignment
assertEdge(decoratedTypeAnnotation('int i').node, never, hard: false);
// i2 gets a soft edge to always due to null assignment
assertEdge(always, decoratedTypeAnnotation('int i').node, hard: false);
test_postDominators_questionQuestionOperator() async {
await analyze('''
class C {
Object m() => null;
Object test(C x, C y) => x.m() ?? y.m();
// There is a hard edge from x to `never` because `x.m()` is unconditionally
// reachable from the top of `test`.
assertEdge(decoratedTypeAnnotation('C x').node, never, hard: true);
// However, the edge from y to `never` is soft because `y.m()` is only
// executed if `x.m()` returned `null`.
assertEdge(decoratedTypeAnnotation('C y').node, never,
hard: false, guards: [decoratedTypeAnnotation('Object m').node]);
test_postDominators_reassign() async {
await analyze('''
void test(bool b, int i1, int i2) {
i1 = null;
if (b) {
i2 = null;
assertEdge(decoratedTypeAnnotation('int i1').node, never, hard: false));
assertEdge(decoratedTypeAnnotation('int i2').node, never, hard: false));
test_postDominators_shortCircuitOperators() async {
await analyze('''
class C {
bool m() => true;
void test(C c1, C c2, C c3, C c4) {
c1.m() && c2.m();
c3.m() || c4.m();
assertEdge(decoratedTypeAnnotation('C c1').node, never, hard: true));
assertEdge(decoratedTypeAnnotation('C c3').node, never, hard: true));
assertEdge(decoratedTypeAnnotation('C c2').node, never, hard: false));
assertEdge(decoratedTypeAnnotation('C c4').node, never, hard: false));
test_postDominators_subFunction() async {
await analyze('''
class C {
void m() {}
void test() {
(C c) {
assertEdge(decoratedTypeAnnotation('C c').node, never, hard: true));
test_postDominators_subFunction_ifStatement_conditional() async {
// Failing because function expressions aren't implemented
await analyze('''
class C {
void m() {}
void test() {
(bool b, C c) {
if (b/*check*/) {
assertEdge(decoratedTypeAnnotation('bool b').node, never, hard: false));
assertEdge(decoratedTypeAnnotation('C c').node, never, hard: false));
test_postDominators_subFunction_ifStatement_unconditional() async {
await analyze('''
class C {
void m() {}
void test() {
(bool b, C c) {
if (b/*check*/) {
assertEdge(decoratedTypeAnnotation('bool b').node, never, hard: true));
assertEdge(decoratedTypeAnnotation('C c').node, never, hard: true));
test_postDominators_ternaryOperator() async {
await analyze('''
class C {
bool m() => true;
void test(C c1, C c2, C c3, C c4) {
c1.m() ? c2.m() : c3.m();
assertEdge(decoratedTypeAnnotation('C c1').node, never, hard: true));
assertEdge(decoratedTypeAnnotation('C c4').node, never, hard: true));
assertEdge(decoratedTypeAnnotation('C c2').node, never, hard: false));
assertEdge(decoratedTypeAnnotation('C c3').node, never, hard: false));
test_postDominators_tryCatch() async {
await analyze('''
void test(int i) {
try {} catch (_) {
// Edge should not be hard because the call to `i.isEven` does not
// post-dominate the declaration of `i`.
assertEdge(decoratedTypeAnnotation('int i').node, never, hard: false);
test_postDominators_whileStatement_unconditional() async {
await analyze('''
class C {
void m() {}
void test(bool b, C c1, C c2) {
while (b/*check*/) {
C c3 = C();
assertEdge(decoratedTypeAnnotation('bool b').node, never, hard: true));
assertEdge(decoratedTypeAnnotation('C c1').node, never, hard: false));
assertEdge(decoratedTypeAnnotation('C c2').node, never, hard: true));
assertEdge(decoratedTypeAnnotation('C c3').node, never, hard: true));
test_postfixExpression_minusMinus() async {
await analyze('''
int f(int i) {
return i--;
var declaration = decoratedTypeAnnotation('int i').node;
var use = checkExpression('i--');
assertNullCheck(use, assertEdge(declaration, never, hard: true));
var returnType = decoratedTypeAnnotation('int f').node;
assertEdge(never, returnType, hard: false);
test_postfixExpression_plusPlus() async {
await analyze('''
int f(int i) {
return i++;
var declaration = decoratedTypeAnnotation('int i').node;
var use = checkExpression('i++');
assertNullCheck(use, assertEdge(declaration, never, hard: true));
var returnType = decoratedTypeAnnotation('int f').node;
assertEdge(never, returnType, hard: false);
test_prefixedIdentifier_field_type() async {
await analyze('''
class C {
bool b = true;
bool f(C c) => c.b;
assertEdge(decoratedTypeAnnotation('bool b').node,
decoratedTypeAnnotation('bool f').node,
hard: false);
test_prefixedIdentifier_getter_type() async {
await analyze('''
class C {
bool get b => true;
bool f(C c) => c.b;
assertEdge(decoratedTypeAnnotation('bool get').node,
decoratedTypeAnnotation('bool f').node,
hard: false);
test_prefixedIdentifier_getter_type_in_generic() async {
await analyze('''
class C<T> {
List<T> _x;
List<T> get x => _x;
List<int> f(C<int> c) => c.x;
assertEdge(decoratedTypeAnnotation('List<T> get').node,
decoratedTypeAnnotation('List<int> f').node,
hard: false);
substitutionNode(decoratedTypeAnnotation('int> c').node,
decoratedTypeAnnotation('T> get').node),
decoratedTypeAnnotation('int> f').node,
hard: false);
test_prefixedIdentifier_target_check() async {
await analyze('''
class C {
int get x => 1;
void test(C c) {
assertEdge(decoratedTypeAnnotation('C c').node, never, hard: true));
test_prefixedIdentifier_target_demonstrates_non_null_intent() async {
await analyze('''
class C {
int get x => 1;
void test(C c) {
assertEdge(decoratedTypeAnnotation('C c').node, never, hard: true);
test_prefixedIdentifier_tearoff() async {
await analyze('''
abstract class C {
int f(int i);
int Function(int) g(C c) => c.f;
var fType = variables.decoratedElementType(findElement.method('f'));
var gReturnType =
assertEdge(fType.returnType.node, gReturnType.returnType.node, hard: false);
hard: false);
test_prefixExpression_bang() async {
await analyze('''
bool f(bool b) {
return !b;
var nullable_b = decoratedTypeAnnotation('bool b').node;
var check_b = checkExpression('b;');
assertNullCheck(check_b, assertEdge(nullable_b, never, hard: true));
var return_f = decoratedTypeAnnotation('bool f').node;
assertEdge(never, return_f, hard: false);
test_prefixExpression_minus() async {
await analyze('''
abstract class C {
C operator-();
C test(C c) => -c/*check*/;
assertEdge(decoratedTypeAnnotation('C operator').node,
decoratedTypeAnnotation('C test').node,
hard: false);
assertEdge(decoratedTypeAnnotation('C c').node, never, hard: true));
test_prefixExpression_minusMinus() async {
await analyze('''
int f(int i) {
return --i;
var declaration = decoratedTypeAnnotation('int i').node;
var use = checkExpression('i;');
assertNullCheck(use, assertEdge(declaration, never, hard: true));
var returnType = decoratedTypeAnnotation('int f').node;
assertEdge(never, returnType, hard: false);
test_prefixExpression_plusPlus() async {
await analyze('''
int f(int i) {
return ++i;
var declaration = decoratedTypeAnnotation('int i').node;
var use = checkExpression('i;');
assertNullCheck(use, assertEdge(declaration, never, hard: true));
var returnType = decoratedTypeAnnotation('int f').node;
assertEdge(never, returnType, hard: false);
test_propertyAccess_dynamic() async {
await analyze('''
class C {
int get g => 0;
int f(dynamic d) {
return d.g;
// The call `d.g` is dynamic, so we can't tell what method it resolves
// to. There's no reason to assume it resolves to `C.g`.
assertNoEdge(decoratedTypeAnnotation('int get g').node,
decoratedTypeAnnotation('int f').node);
// We do, however, assume that it might return anything, including `null`.
assertEdge(always, decoratedTypeAnnotation('int f').node, hard: false);
test_propertyAccess_object_property() async {
await analyze('''
int f(int i) => i.hashCode;
// No edge from i to `never` because it is safe to call `hashCode` on
// `null`.
assertNoEdge(decoratedTypeAnnotation('int i').node, never);
test_propertyAccess_return_type() async {
await analyze('''
class C {
bool get b => true;
bool f(C c) => (c).b;
assertEdge(decoratedTypeAnnotation('bool get').node,
decoratedTypeAnnotation('bool f').node,
hard: false);
test_propertyAccess_return_type_null_aware() async {
await analyze('''
class C {
bool get b => true;
bool f(C c) => (c?.b);
var lubNode =
decoratedExpressionType('(c?.b)').node as NullabilityNodeForLUB;
expect(lubNode.left, same(decoratedTypeAnnotation('C c').node));
expect(lubNode.right, same(decoratedTypeAnnotation('bool get b').node));
assertEdge(lubNode, decoratedTypeAnnotation('bool f').node, hard: false);
test_propertyAccess_static_on_generic_class() async {
await analyze('''
class C<T> {
static int x = 1;
int f() => C.x;
assertEdge(decoratedTypeAnnotation('int x').node,
decoratedTypeAnnotation('int f').node,
hard: false);
test_propertyAccess_target_check() async {
await analyze('''
class C {
int get x => 1;
void test(C c) {
assertEdge(decoratedTypeAnnotation('C c').node, never, hard: true));
test_redirecting_constructor_factory() async {
await analyze('''
class C {
factory C(int/*1*/ i, {int/*2*/ j}) = D;
class D implements C {
D(int/*3*/ i, {int/*4*/ j});
hard: true);
hard: true);
test_redirecting_constructor_factory_from_generic_to_generic() async {
await analyze('''
class C<T> {
factory C(T/*1*/ t) = D<T/*2*/>;
class D<U> implements C<U> {
D(U/*3*/ u);
var nullable_t1 = decoratedTypeAnnotation('T/*1*/').node;
var nullable_t2 = decoratedTypeAnnotation('T/*2*/').node;
var nullable_u3 = decoratedTypeAnnotation('U/*3*/').node;
assertEdge(nullable_t1, substitutionNode(nullable_t2, nullable_u3),
hard: true);
test_redirecting_constructor_factory_to_generic() async {
await analyze('''
class C {
factory C(int/*1*/ i) = D<int/*2*/>;
class D<T> implements C {
D(T/*3*/ i);
var nullable_i1 = decoratedTypeAnnotation('int/*1*/').node;
var nullable_i2 = decoratedTypeAnnotation('int/*2*/').node;
var nullable_t3 = decoratedTypeAnnotation('T/*3*/').node;
assertEdge(nullable_i1, substitutionNode(nullable_i2, nullable_t3),
hard: true);
test_redirecting_constructor_ordinary() async {
await analyze('''
class C {
C(int/*1*/ i, int/*2*/ j) : this.named(j, i);
C.named(int/*3*/ j, int/*4*/ i);
hard: true);
hard: true);
test_redirecting_constructor_ordinary_to_unnamed() async {
await analyze('''
class C {
C.named(int/*1*/ i, int/*2*/ j) : this(j, i);
C(int/*3*/ j, int/*4*/ i);
hard: true);
hard: true);
test_return_from_async_future() async {
await analyze('''
Future<int> f() async {
return g();
int g() => 1;
// No assertions; just checking that it doesn't crash.
test_return_from_async_futureOr() async {
await analyze('''
import 'dart:async';
FutureOr<int> f() async {
return g();
int g() => 1;
// No assertions; just checking that it doesn't crash.
test_return_function_type_simple() async {
await analyze('''
int/*1*/ Function() f(int/*2*/ Function() x) => x;
var int1 = decoratedTypeAnnotation('int/*1*/');
var int2 = decoratedTypeAnnotation('int/*2*/');
assertEdge(int2.node, int1.node, hard: false);
test_return_implicit_null() async {
verifyNoTestUnitErrors = false;
await analyze('''
int f() {
assertEdge(always, decoratedTypeAnnotation('int').node, hard: false);
test_return_null() async {
await analyze('''
int f() {
return null;
assertEdge(always, decoratedTypeAnnotation('int').node, hard: false));
test_return_null_generic() async {
await analyze('''
class C<T> {
T f() {
return null;
var tNode = decoratedTypeAnnotation('T f').node;
assertEdge(always, tNode, hard: false);
checkExpression('null'), assertEdge(always, tNode, hard: false));
test_setOrMapLiteral_map_noTypeArgument_noNullableKeysAndValues() async {
await analyze('''
Map<String, int> f() {
return {'a' : 1, 'b' : 2};
var keyNode = decoratedTypeAnnotation('String').node;
var valueNode = decoratedTypeAnnotation('int').node;
var mapNode = decoratedTypeAnnotation('Map').node;
assertEdge(anyNode, keyNode, hard: false).sourceNode);
assertEdge(anyNode, valueNode, hard: false).sourceNode);
test_setOrMapLiteral_map_noTypeArgument_nullableKey() async {
await analyze('''
Map<String, int> f() {
return {'a' : 1, null : 2, 'c' : 3};
var keyNode = decoratedTypeAnnotation('String').node;
var valueNode = decoratedTypeAnnotation('int').node;
var mapNode = decoratedTypeAnnotation('Map').node;
assertEdge(always, assertEdge(anyNode, keyNode, hard: false).sourceNode,
hard: false);
assertEdge(anyNode, valueNode, hard: false).sourceNode);
test_setOrMapLiteral_map_noTypeArgument_nullableKeyAndValue() async {
await analyze('''
Map<String, int> f() {
return {'a' : 1, null : null, 'c' : 3};
var keyNode = decoratedTypeAnnotation('String').node;
var valueNode = decoratedTypeAnnotation('int').node;
var mapNode = decoratedTypeAnnotation('Map').node;
assertEdge(always, assertEdge(anyNode, keyNode, hard: false).sourceNode,
hard: false);
assertEdge(always, assertEdge(anyNode, valueNode, hard: false).sourceNode,
hard: false);
test_setOrMapLiteral_map_noTypeArgument_nullableValue() async {
await analyze('''
Map<String, int> f() {
return {'a' : 1, 'b' : null, 'c' : 3};
var keyNode = decoratedTypeAnnotation('String').node;
var valueNode = decoratedTypeAnnotation('int').node;
var mapNode = decoratedTypeAnnotation('Map').node;
assertEdge(anyNode, keyNode, hard: false).sourceNode);
assertEdge(always, assertEdge(anyNode, valueNode, hard: false).sourceNode,
hard: false);
test_setOrMapLiteral_map_typeArguments_noNullableKeysAndValues() async {
await analyze('''
Map<String, int> f() {
return <String, int>{'a' : 1, 'b' : 2};
var keyForLiteral = decoratedTypeAnnotation('String, int>{').node;
var keyForReturnType = decoratedTypeAnnotation('String, int> ').node;
assertEdge(keyForLiteral, keyForReturnType, hard: false);
var valueForLiteral = decoratedTypeAnnotation('int>{').node;
var valueForReturnType = decoratedTypeAnnotation('int> ').node;
assertEdge(valueForLiteral, valueForReturnType, hard: false);
test_setOrMapLiteral_map_typeArguments_nullableKey() async {
await analyze('''
Map<String, int> f() {
return <String, int>{'a' : 1, null : 2, 'c' : 3};
assertEdge(always, decoratedTypeAnnotation('String, int>{').node,
hard: false);
test_setOrMapLiteral_map_typeArguments_nullableKeyAndValue() async {
await analyze('''
Map<String, int> f() {
return <String, int>{'a' : 1, null : null, 'c' : 3};
assertEdge(always, decoratedTypeAnnotation('String, int>{').node,
hard: false);
assertEdge(always, decoratedTypeAnnotation('int>{').node, hard: false);
test_setOrMapLiteral_map_typeArguments_nullableValue() async {
await analyze('''
Map<String, int> f() {
return <String, int>{'a' : 1, 'b' : null, 'c' : 3};
assertNoUpstreamNullability(decoratedTypeAnnotation('String, int>{').node);
assertEdge(always, decoratedTypeAnnotation('int>{').node, hard: false);
test_setOrMapLiteral_set_noTypeArgument_noNullableElements() async {
await analyze('''
Set<String> f() {
return {'a', 'b'};
var valueNode = decoratedTypeAnnotation('String').node;
var setNode = decoratedTypeAnnotation('Set').node;
assertEdge(anyNode, valueNode, hard: false).sourceNode);
test_setOrMapLiteral_set_noTypeArgument_nullableElement() async {
await analyze('''
Set<String> f() {
return {'a', null, 'c'};
var valueNode = decoratedTypeAnnotation('String').node;
var setNode = decoratedTypeAnnotation('Set').node;
assertEdge(always, assertEdge(anyNode, valueNode, hard: false).sourceNode,
hard: false);
test_setOrMapLiteral_set_typeArgument_noNullableElements() async {
await analyze('''
Set<String> f() {
return <String>{'a', 'b'};
var typeArgForLiteral = decoratedTypeAnnotation('String>{').node;
var typeArgForReturnType = decoratedTypeAnnotation('String> ').node;
assertEdge(typeArgForLiteral, typeArgForReturnType, hard: false);
test_setOrMapLiteral_set_typeArgument_nullableElement() async {
await analyze('''
Set<String> f() {
return <String>{'a', null, 'c'};
assertEdge(always, decoratedTypeAnnotation('String>{').node, hard: false);
test_simpleIdentifier_function() async {
await analyze('''
int f() => null;
main() {
int Function() g = f;
assertEdge(decoratedTypeAnnotation('int f').node,
decoratedTypeAnnotation('int Function').node,
hard: false);
test_simpleIdentifier_local() async {
await analyze('''
main() {
int i = 0;
int j = i;
assertEdge(decoratedTypeAnnotation('int i').node,
decoratedTypeAnnotation('int j').node,
hard: true);
test_simpleIdentifier_tearoff_function() async {
await analyze('''
int f(int i) => 0;
int Function(int) g() => f;
var fType = variables.decoratedElementType(findElement.function('f'));
var gReturnType =
assertEdge(fType.returnType.node, gReturnType.returnType.node, hard: false);
hard: false);
test_simpleIdentifier_tearoff_method() async {
await analyze('''
abstract class C {
int f(int i);
int Function(int) g() => f;
var fType = variables.decoratedElementType(findElement.method('f'));
var gReturnType =
assertEdge(fType.returnType.node, gReturnType.returnType.node, hard: false);
hard: false);
test_skipDirectives() async {
await analyze('''
import "dart:core" as one;
main() {}
// No test expectations.
// Just verifying that the test passes
test_soft_edge_for_non_variable_reference() async {
// Edges originating in things other than variable references should be
// soft.
await analyze('''
int f() => null;
assertEdge(always, decoratedTypeAnnotation('int').node, hard: false);
test_spread_element_list() async {
await analyze('''
void f(List<int> ints) {
assertEdge(decoratedTypeAnnotation('List<int>').node, never, hard: true);
substitutionNode(decoratedTypeAnnotation('int> ints').node, anyNode),
hard: false);
test_spread_element_list_dynamic() async {
await analyze('''
void f(dynamic ints) {
// Mostly just check this doesn't crash.
assertEdge(decoratedTypeAnnotation('dynamic').node, never, hard: true);
test_spread_element_list_nullable() async {
await analyze('''
void f(List<int> ints) {
assertNoEdge(decoratedTypeAnnotation('List<int>').node, never);
substitutionNode(decoratedTypeAnnotation('int> ints').node, anyNode),
hard: false);
test_spread_element_map() async {
await analyze('''
void f(Map<String, int> map) {
<String, int>{};
assertEdge(decoratedTypeAnnotation('Map<String, int>').node, never,
hard: true);
assertEdge(decoratedTypeAnnotation('String, int> map').node,
decoratedTypeAnnotation('String, int>{').node,
hard: false);
assertEdge(decoratedTypeAnnotation('int> map').node,
hard: false);
test_spread_element_set() async {
await analyze('''
void f(Set<int> ints) {
assertEdge(decoratedTypeAnnotation('Set<int>').node, never, hard: true);
substitutionNode(decoratedTypeAnnotation('int> ints').node, anyNode),
hard: false);
test_spread_element_subtype() async {
await analyze('''
abstract class C<T, R> implements Iterable<R> {}
void f(C<dynamic, int> ints) {
assertEdge(decoratedTypeAnnotation('C<dynamic, int>').node, never,
hard: true);
substitutionNode(decoratedTypeAnnotation('int> ints').node,
decoratedTypeAnnotation('R> {}').node),
hard: false);
test_static_method_call_prefixed() async {
await analyze('''
import 'dart:async' as a;
void f(void Function() callback) {;
// No assertions. Just making sure this doesn't crash.
test_stringLiteral() async {
// TODO(paulberry): also test string interpolations
await analyze('''
String f() {
return 'x';
test_superExpression() async {
await analyze('''
class B {
void f(int/*1*/ i, int/*2*/ j) {}
class C extends B {
void f(int/*3*/ i, int/*4*/ j) => super.f(j, i);
hard: true);
hard: true);
test_superExpression_generic() async {
await analyze('''
class B<U> {
U g() => null;
class C<T> extends B<T> {
T f() => super.g();
substitutionNode(never, decoratedTypeAnnotation('T> {').node),
decoratedTypeAnnotation('U g').node),
decoratedTypeAnnotation('T f').node,
hard: false);
test_symbolLiteral() async {
await analyze('''
Symbol f() {
return #symbol;
test_thisExpression() async {
await analyze('''
class C {
C f() => this;
assertNoUpstreamNullability(decoratedTypeAnnotation('C f').node);
test_thisExpression_generic() async {
await analyze('''
class C<T> {
C<T> f() => this;
assertNoUpstreamNullability(decoratedTypeAnnotation('C<T> f').node);
assertNoUpstreamNullability(decoratedTypeAnnotation('T> f').node);
test_throwExpression() async {
await analyze('''
int f() {
return throw null;
test_topLevelSetter() async {
await analyze('''
void set x(int value) {}
main() { x = 1; }
var setXType = decoratedTypeAnnotation('int value');
assertEdge(never, setXType.node, hard: false);
test_topLevelSetter_nullable() async {
await analyze('''
void set x(int value) {}
main() { x = null; }
var setXType = decoratedTypeAnnotation('int value');
assertEdge(always, setXType.node, hard: false);
test_topLevelVar_metadata() async {
await analyze('''
class A {
const A();
int v;
// No assertions needed; the AnnotationTracker mixin verifies that the
// metadata was visited.
test_topLevelVar_reference() async {
await analyze('''
double pi = 3.1415;
double get myPi => pi;
var piType = decoratedTypeAnnotation('double pi');
var myPiType = decoratedTypeAnnotation('double get');
assertEdge(piType.node, myPiType.node, hard: false);
test_topLevelVar_reference_differentPackage() async {
addPackageFile('pkgPi', 'piConst.dart', '''
double pi = 3.1415;
await analyze('''
import "package:pkgPi/piConst.dart";
double get myPi => pi;
var myPiType = decoratedTypeAnnotation('double get');
assertEdge(never, myPiType.node, hard: false);
test_topLevelVariable_type_inferred() async {
await analyze('''
int f() => 1;
var x = f();
var xType =
assertUnion(xType.node, decoratedTypeAnnotation('int').node);
test_type_argument_explicit_bound() async {
await analyze('''
class C<T extends Object> {}
void f(C<int> c) {}
hard: true);
test_type_parameterized_migrated_bound_class() async {
await analyze('''
import 'dart:math';
void f(Point<int> x) {}
var pointClass =
findNode.typeName('Point').name.staticElement as ClassElement;
var pointBound =
expect(pointBound.type.toString(), 'num');
assertEdge(decoratedTypeAnnotation('int>').node, pointBound.node,
hard: true);
test_type_parameterized_migrated_bound_dynamic() async {
await analyze('''
void f(List<int> x) {}
var listClass = typeProvider.listElement;
var listBound =
expect(listBound.type.toString(), 'dynamic');
assertEdge(decoratedTypeAnnotation('int>').node, listBound.node,
hard: true);
test_typeName_class() async {
await analyze('''
class C {}
Type f() => C;
test_typeName_from_sdk() async {
await analyze('''
Type f() {
return int;
test_typeName_from_sdk_prefixed() async {
await analyze('''
import 'dart:async' as a;
Type f() => a.Future;
assertEdge(never, decoratedTypeAnnotation('Type').node, hard: false);
test_typeName_functionTypeAlias() async {
await analyze('''
typedef void F();
Type f() => F;
test_typeName_genericTypeAlias() async {
await analyze('''
typedef F = void Function();
Type f() => F;
test_typeName_mixin() async {
await analyze('''
mixin M {}
Type f() => M;
test_typeName_union_with_bound() async {
await analyze('''
class C<T extends Object> {}
void f(C c) {}
var cType = decoratedTypeAnnotation('C c');
var cBound = decoratedTypeAnnotation('Object');
assertUnion(cType.typeArguments[0].node, cBound.node);
test_typeName_union_with_bound_function_type() async {
await analyze('''
class C<T extends int Function()> {}
void f(C c) {}
var cType = decoratedTypeAnnotation('C c');
var cBound = decoratedGenericFunctionTypeAnnotation('int Function()');
assertUnion(cType.typeArguments[0].node, cBound.node);
assertUnion(cType.typeArguments[0].returnType.node, cBound.returnType.node);
test_typeName_union_with_bounds() async {
await analyze('''
class C<T extends Object, U extends Object> {}
void f(C c) {}
var cType = decoratedTypeAnnotation('C c');
var tBound = decoratedTypeAnnotation('Object,');
var uBound = decoratedTypeAnnotation('Object>');
assertUnion(cType.typeArguments[0].node, tBound.node);
assertUnion(cType.typeArguments[1].node, uBound.node);
test_variableDeclaration() async {
await analyze('''
void f(int i) {
int j = i;
assertEdge(decoratedTypeAnnotation('int i').node,
decoratedTypeAnnotation('int j').node,
hard: true);
class _DecoratedClassHierarchyForTesting implements DecoratedClassHierarchy {
AssignmentCheckerTest assignmentCheckerTest;
DecoratedType asInstanceOf(DecoratedType type, ClassElement superclass) {
var class_ = (type.type as InterfaceType).element;
if (class_ == superclass) return type;
if ( == 'Object') {
return DecoratedType(
typeArguments: const [],
if ( == 'MyListOfList' && == 'List') {
return assignmentCheckerTest._myListOfListSupertype
.substitute({class_.typeParameters[0]: type.typeArguments[0]});
if ( == 'Future' && == 'FutureOr') {
return DecoratedType(
typeArguments: [type.typeArguments[0].type],
typeArguments: [type.typeArguments[0]],
throw UnimplementedError(
'TODO(paulberry): asInstanceOf($type, $superclass)');
DecoratedType getDecoratedSupertype(
ClassElement class_, ClassElement superclass) {
throw UnimplementedError('TODO(paulberry)');
class _TestEdgeOrigin implements EdgeOrigin {
const _TestEdgeOrigin();
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) => super.noSuchMethod(invocation);