blob: 01043a08d2f00766775f1b7b3da51d42538aefb3 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2018, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library fasta.declaration;
import '../problems.dart' show unsupported;
/// Dummy class to help deprecate [].
abstract class UnrelatedTarget {}
abstract class Builder {
/// Used when multiple things with the same name are declared within the same
/// parent. Only used for top-level and class-member declarations, not for
/// block scopes.
Builder next;
Builder get parent;
Uri get fileUri;
int get charOffset;
get target;
Builder get origin;
String get fullNameForErrors;
bool get hasProblem;
bool get isConst;
bool get isConstructor;
bool get isFactory;
bool get isField;
bool get isFinal;
bool get isGetter;
/// Returns `true` if this builder is an extension declaration.
/// For instance `B` in:
/// class A {}
/// extension B on A {}
bool get isExtension;
/// Returns `true` if this builder is a member of a class, mixin, or extension
/// declaration.
/// For instance `A.constructor`, `method1a`, `method1b`, `method2a`,
/// `method2b`, `method3a`, and `method3b` in:
/// class A {
/// A.constructor();
/// method1a() {}
/// static method1b() {}
/// }
/// mixin B {
/// method2a() {}
/// static method2b() {}
/// }
/// extends C on A {
/// method3a() {}
/// static method3b() {}
/// }
bool get isDeclarationMember;
/// Returns `true` if this builder is a member of a class or mixin
/// declaration.
/// For instance `A.constructor`, `method1a`, `method1b`, `method2a` and
/// `method2b` in:
/// class A {
/// A.constructor();
/// method1a() {}
/// static method1b() {}
/// }
/// mixin B {
/// method2a() {}
/// static method2b() {}
/// }
/// extends C on A {
/// method3a() {} // Not a class member.
/// static method3b() {} // Not a class member.
/// }
bool get isClassMember;
/// Returns `true` if this builder is a member of an extension declaration.
/// For instance `method3a` and `method3b` in:
/// class A {
/// A.constructor(); // Not an extension member.
/// method1a() {} // Not an extension member.
/// static method1b() {} // Not an extension member.
/// }
/// mixin B {
/// method2a() {} // Not an extension member.
/// static method2b() {} // Not an extension member.
/// }
/// extends C on A {
/// method3a() {}
/// static method3b() {}
/// }
bool get isExtensionMember;
/// Returns `true` if this builder is an instance member of a class, mixin, or
/// extension declaration.
/// For instance `method1a`, `method2a`, and `method3a` in:
/// class A {
/// A.constructor(); // Not a declaration instance member.
/// method1a() {}
/// static method1b() {} // Not a declaration instance member.
/// }
/// mixin B {
/// method2a() {}
/// static method2b() {} // Not a declaration instance member.
/// }
/// extends C on A {
/// method3a() {}
/// static method3b() {} // Not a declaration instance member.
/// }
bool get isDeclarationInstanceMember;
/// Returns `true` if this builder is an instance member of a class or mixin
/// extension declaration.
/// For instance `method1a` and `method2a` in:
/// class A {
/// A.constructor(); // Not a class instance member.
/// method1a() {}
/// static method1b() {} // Not a class instance member.
/// }
/// mixin B {
/// method2a() {}
/// static method2b() {} // Not a class instance member.
/// }
/// extends C on A {
/// method3a() {} // Not a class instance member.
/// static method3b() {} // Not a class instance member.
/// }
bool get isClassInstanceMember;
/// Returns `true` if this builder is an instance member of an extension
/// declaration.
/// For instance `method3a` in:
/// class A {
/// A.constructor(); // Not an extension instance member.
/// method1a() {} // Not an extension instance member.
/// static method1b() {} // Not an extension instance member.
/// }
/// mixin B {
/// method2a() {} // Not an extension instance member.
/// static method2b() {} // Not an extension instance member.
/// }
/// extends C on A {
/// method3a() {}
/// static method3b() {} // Not an extension instance member.
/// }
bool get isExtensionInstanceMember;
bool get isLocal;
bool get isPatch;
bool get isRegularMethod;
bool get isSetter;
bool get isStatic;
bool get isSynthetic;
bool get isTopLevel;
bool get isTypeDeclaration;
bool get isTypeVariable;
bool get isMixinApplication;
bool get isNamedMixinApplication;
bool get isAnonymousMixinApplication;
/// Applies [patch] to this declaration.
void applyPatch(Builder patch);
/// Returns the number of patches that was finished.
int finishPatch();
/// Resolve constructors (lookup names in scope) recorded in this builder and
/// return the number of constructors resolved.
int resolveConstructors(covariant Builder parent);
/// Return `true` if this builder is a duplicate of another with the same
/// name. This is `false` for the builder first declared amongst duplicates.
bool get isDuplicate;
abstract class BuilderImpl implements Builder {
Builder next;
get target => unsupported("${runtimeType}.target", charOffset, fileUri);
Builder get origin => this;
bool get hasProblem => false;
bool get isConst => false;
bool get isConstructor => false;
bool get isFactory => false;
bool get isField => false;
bool get isFinal => false;
bool get isGetter => false;
bool get isExtension => false;
bool get isDeclarationMember => false;
bool get isClassMember => false;
bool get isExtensionMember => false;
bool get isDeclarationInstanceMember => false;
bool get isClassInstanceMember => false;
bool get isExtensionInstanceMember => false;
bool get isLocal => false;
bool get isPatch => this != origin;
bool get isRegularMethod => false;
bool get isSetter => false;
bool get isStatic => false;
bool get isSynthetic => false;
bool get isTopLevel => false;
bool get isTypeDeclaration => false;
bool get isTypeVariable => false;
bool get isMixinApplication => false;
bool get isNamedMixinApplication => false;
bool get isAnonymousMixinApplication {
return isMixinApplication && !isNamedMixinApplication;
void applyPatch(Builder patch) {
unsupported("${runtimeType}.applyPatch", charOffset, fileUri);
int finishPatch() {
if (!isPatch) return 0;
unsupported("${runtimeType}.finishPatch", charOffset, fileUri);
return 0;
int resolveConstructors(covariant Builder parent) => 0;
bool get isDuplicate => next != null;