blob: 784e8a39812fcc66e1ca7fecbbc55411a21b772f [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2017, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:collection';
import 'package:kernel/core_types.dart';
import 'package:kernel/kernel.dart';
Constructor unnamedConstructor(Class c) =>
c.constructors.firstWhere((c) => == '', orElse: () => null);
/// Returns the enclosing library for reference [node].
Library getLibrary(NamedNode node) {
for (TreeNode n = node; n != null; n = n.parent) {
if (n is Library) return n;
return null;
final Pattern _syntheticTypeCharacters = RegExp('[&^#.|]');
String escapeIdentifier(String identifier) {
// Remove the special characters used to encode mixin application class names
// and extension method / parameter names which are legal in Kernel, but not
// in JavaScript.
// Note, there is an implicit assumption here that we won't have
// collisions since everything is mapped to \$. That may work out fine given
// how these are sythesized, but may need to revisit.
return identifier?.replaceAll(_syntheticTypeCharacters, r'$');
/// Returns the escaped name for class [node].
/// The caller of this function has to make sure that this name is unique in
/// the current scope.
/// In the current encoding, generic classes are generated in a function scope
/// which avoids name clashes of the escaped class name.
String getLocalClassName(Class node) => escapeIdentifier(;
/// Returns the escaped name for the type parameter [node].
/// In the current encoding, generic classes are generated in a function scope
/// which avoids name clashes of the escaped parameter name.
String getTypeParameterName(TypeParameter node) => escapeIdentifier(;
String getTopLevelName(NamedNode n) {
if (n is Procedure) return;
if (n is Class) return;
if (n is Typedef) return;
if (n is Field) return;
return n.canonicalName?.name;
/// Given an annotated [node] and a [test] function, returns the first matching
/// constant valued annotation.
/// For example if we had the ClassDeclaration node for `FontElement`:
/// @js.JS('HTMLFontElement')
/// @deprecated
/// class FontElement { ... }
/// We could match `@deprecated` with a test function like:
/// (v) => == 'Deprecated' && v.type.element.library.isDartCore
Expression findAnnotation(TreeNode node, bool test(Expression value)) {
List<Expression> annotations;
if (node is Class) {
annotations = node.annotations;
} else if (node is Typedef) {
annotations = node.annotations;
} else if (node is Procedure) {
annotations = node.annotations;
} else if (node is Member) {
annotations = node.annotations;
} else if (node is Library) {
annotations = node.annotations;
} else {
return null;
return annotations.firstWhere(test, orElse: () => null);
/// Returns true if [value] represents an annotation for class [className] in
/// "dart:" library [libraryName].
bool isBuiltinAnnotation(
Expression value, String libraryName, String className) {
var c = getAnnotationClass(value);
if (c != null && == className) {
var uri = c.enclosingLibrary.importUri;
return uri.scheme == 'dart' && uri.path == libraryName;
return false;
/// Gets the class of the instance referred to by metadata annotation [node].
/// For example:
/// - `@JS()` would return the "JS" class in "package:js".
/// - `@anonymous` would return the "_Anonymous" class in "package:js".
/// This function works regardless of whether the CFE is evaluating constants,
/// or whether the constant is a field reference (such as "anonymous" above).
Class getAnnotationClass(Expression node) {
if (node is ConstantExpression) {
var constant = node.constant;
if (constant is InstanceConstant) return constant.classNode;
} else if (node is ConstructorInvocation) {
} else if (node is StaticGet) {
var type =;
if (type is InterfaceType) return type.classNode;
return null;
/// Returns true if [name] is an operator method that is available on primitive
/// types (`int`, `double`, `num`, `String`, `bool`).
/// This does not include logical operators that cannot be user-defined
/// (`!`, `&&` and `||`).
bool isOperatorMethodName(String name) {
switch (name) {
case '==':
case '~':
case '^':
case '|':
case '&':
case '>>':
case '<<':
case '+':
case 'unary-':
case '-':
case '*':
case '/':
case '~/':
case '>':
case '<':
case '>=':
case '<=':
case '%':
return true;
return false;
bool isFromEnvironmentInvocation(CoreTypes coreTypes, StaticInvocation node) {
var target =;
return node.isConst && == 'fromEnvironment' &&
target.enclosingLibrary == coreTypes.coreLibrary;
/// Returns true if this class is of the form:
/// `class C = Object with M [implements I1, I2 ...];`
/// A mixin alias class is a mixin application, that can also be itself used as
/// a mixin.
bool isMixinAliasClass(Class c) =>
c.isMixinApplication && c.superclass.superclass == null;
List<Class> getSuperclasses(Class c) {
var result = <Class>[];
var visited = HashSet<Class>();
while (c != null && visited.add(c)) {
for (var m = c.mixedInClass; m != null; m = m.mixedInClass) {
var superclass = c.superclass;
if (superclass == null) break;
c = superclass;
return result;
List<Class> getImmediateSuperclasses(Class c) {
var result = <Class>[];
var m = c.mixedInClass;
if (m != null) result.add(m);
var s = c.superclass;
if (s != null) result.add(s);
return result;
Expression getInvocationReceiver(InvocationExpression node) =>
node is MethodInvocation
? node.receiver
: node is DirectMethodInvocation ? node.receiver : null;
bool isInlineJS(Member e) =>
e is Procedure && == 'JS' &&
e.enclosingLibrary.importUri.toString() == 'dart:_foreign_helper';
/// Whether the parameter [p] is covariant (either explicitly `covariant` or
/// implicitly due to generics) and needs a check for soundness.
bool isCovariantParameter(VariableDeclaration p) {
return p.isCovariant || p.isGenericCovariantImpl;
/// Whether the field [p] is covariant (either explicitly `covariant` or
/// implicitly due to generics) and needs a check for soundness.
bool isCovariantField(Field f) {
return f.isCovariant || f.isGenericCovariantImpl;
/// Returns true iff this factory constructor just throws [UnsupportedError]/
/// `dart:html` has many of these.
bool isUnsupportedFactoryConstructor(Procedure node) {
if ( && node.enclosingLibrary.importUri.scheme == 'dart') {
var body = node.function.body;
if (body is Block) {
var statements = body.statements;
if (statements.length == 1) {
var statement = statements[0];
if (statement is ExpressionStatement) {
var expr = statement.expression;
if (expr is Throw) {
var error = expr.expression;
// HTML adds a lot of private constructors that are unreachable.
// Skip these.
return isBuiltinAnnotation(error, 'core', 'UnsupportedError');
return false;
/// Returns the redirecting factory constructors for the enclosing class,
/// if the field [f] is storing that information, otherwise returns `null`.
Iterable<Member> getRedirectingFactories(Field f) {
// TODO(jmesserly): this relies on implementation details in Kernel
if ( == "_redirecting#") {
var list = f.initializer as ListLiteral;
return => (e as StaticGet).target);
return null;
/// Gets the real supertype of [c] and the list of [mixins] in reverse
/// application order (mixins will appear before ones they override).
/// This is used to ignore synthetic mixin application classes.
// TODO(jmesserly): consider replacing this with Kernel's mixin unrolling
Class getSuperclassAndMixins(Class c, List<Class> mixins) {
var mixedInClass = c.mixedInClass;
if (mixedInClass != null) mixins.add(mixedInClass);
var sc = c.superclass;
for (; sc.isAnonymousMixin; sc = sc.superclass) {
mixedInClass = sc.mixedInClass;
if (mixedInClass != null) mixins.add(sc.mixedInClass);
return sc;
/// Returns true if a switch statement contains any continues with a label.
bool hasLabeledContinue(SwitchStatement node) {
var visitor = LabelContinueFinder();
return visitor.found;
class LabelContinueFinder extends StatementVisitor {
var found = false;
visit(Statement s) {
if (!found && s != null) s.accept(this);
visitBlock(Block node) => node.statements.forEach(visit);
visitAssertBlock(AssertBlock node) => node.statements.forEach(visit);
visitWhileStatement(WhileStatement node) => visit(node.body);
visitDoStatement(DoStatement node) => visit(node.body);
visitForStatement(ForStatement node) => visit(node.body);
visitForInStatement(ForInStatement node) => visit(node.body);
visitContinueSwitchStatement(ContinueSwitchStatement node) => found = true;
visitSwitchStatement(SwitchStatement node) {
node.cases.forEach((c) => visit(c.body));
visitIfStatement(IfStatement node) {
visitTryCatch(TryCatch node) {
node.catches.forEach((c) => visit(c.body));
visitTryFinally(TryFinally node) {