blob: 082f4ef3ac29ca99bb1673d01463ea8d808795e0 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2019, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:analyzer/dart/ast/ast.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/ast/ast.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/ast/token.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/ast/visitor.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/element/element.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/element/nullability_suffix.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/element/type.dart';
import 'package:nnbd_migration/instrumentation.dart';
import 'package:nnbd_migration/nnbd_migration.dart';
import 'package:nnbd_migration/src/decorated_type.dart';
import 'package:nnbd_migration/src/edit_plan.dart';
import 'package:nnbd_migration/src/fix_builder.dart';
/// Visitor that combines together the changes produced by [FixBuilder] into a
/// concrete set of source code edits using the infrastructure of [EditPlan].
class FixAggregator extends UnifyingAstVisitor<void> {
/// Map from the [AstNode]s that need to have changes made, to the changes
/// that need to be applied to them.
final Map<AstNode, NodeChange> _changes;
/// The set of [EditPlan]s being accumulated.
List<EditPlan> _plans = [];
final EditPlanner planner;
/// Map from library to the prefix we should use when inserting code that
/// refers to it.
final Map<LibraryElement, String> _importPrefixes = {};
FixAggregator._(this.planner, this._changes,
CompilationUnitElement compilationUnitElement) {
for (var importElement in compilationUnitElement.library.imports) {
// TODO(paulberry): the `??=` should ensure that if there are two imports,
// one prefixed and one not, we prefer the prefix. Test this.
_importPrefixes[importElement.importedLibrary] ??=
/// Creates the necessary Dart code to refer to the given element, using an
/// import prefix if necessary.
/// TODO(paulberry): if the element is not currently imported, we should
/// update or add an import statement as necessary.
String elementToCode(Element element) {
var name =;
var library = element.library;
var prefix = _importPrefixes[library];
if (prefix != null) {
return '$prefix.$name';
} else {
return name;
/// Gathers all the changes to nodes descended from [node] into a single
/// [EditPlan].
NodeProducingEditPlan innerPlanForNode(AstNode node) {
var innerPlans = innerPlansForNode(node);
return planner.passThrough(node, innerPlans: innerPlans);
/// Gathers all the changes to nodes descended from [node] into a list of
/// [EditPlan]s, one for each change.
List<EditPlan> innerPlansForNode(AstNode node) {
var previousPlans = _plans;
try {
_plans = [];
return _plans;
} finally {
_plans = previousPlans;
/// Gathers all the changes to [node] and its descendants into a single
/// [EditPlan].
EditPlan planForNode(AstNode node) {
var change = _changes[node];
if (change != null) {
return change._apply(node, this);
} else {
return planner.passThrough(node, innerPlans: innerPlansForNode(node));
/// Creates a string representation of the given type parameter element,
/// suitable for inserting into the user's source code.
String typeFormalToCode(TypeParameterElement formal) {
var bound = formal.bound;
if (bound == null ||
bound.isDynamic ||
(bound.isDartCoreObject &&
bound.nullabilitySuffix != NullabilitySuffix.none)) {
return '${} extends ${typeToCode(bound)}';
String typeToCode(DartType type) {
// TODO(paulberry): is it possible to share code with DartType.toString()
// somehow?
String suffix =
type.nullabilitySuffix == NullabilitySuffix.question ? '?' : '';
if (type is InterfaceType) {
var name = elementToCode(type.element);
var typeArguments = type.typeArguments;
if (typeArguments.isEmpty) {
return '$name$suffix';
} else {
var args = [for (var arg in typeArguments) typeToCode(arg)].join(', ');
return '$name<$args>$suffix';
} else if (type is FunctionType) {
var buffer = StringBuffer();
buffer.write(' Function');
var typeFormals = type.typeFormals;
if (typeFormals.isNotEmpty) {
var formals = [for (var formal in typeFormals) typeFormalToCode(formal)]
.join(', ');
String optionalOrNamedCloser = '';
bool commaNeeded = false;
for (var parameter in type.parameters) {
if (commaNeeded) {
buffer.write(', ');
} else {
commaNeeded = true;
if (optionalOrNamedCloser.isEmpty && !parameter.isRequiredPositional) {
if (parameter.isPositional) {
optionalOrNamedCloser = ']';
} else {
optionalOrNamedCloser = '}';
if (parameter.isNamed) {
buffer.write(' ${}');
return buffer.toString();
} else {
return type.toString();
void visitNode(AstNode node) {
var change = _changes[node];
if (change != null) {
var innerPlan = change._apply(node, this);
if (innerPlan != null) {
} else {
/// Runs the [FixAggregator] on a [unit] and returns the resulting edits.
static Map<int, List<AtomicEdit>> run(
CompilationUnit unit, String sourceText, Map<AstNode, NodeChange> changes,
{bool removeViaComments: false}) {
var planner = EditPlanner(unit.lineInfo, sourceText,
removeViaComments: removeViaComments);
var aggregator = FixAggregator._(planner, changes, unit.declaredElement);
if (aggregator._plans.isEmpty) return {};
EditPlan plan;
if (aggregator._plans.length == 1) {
plan = aggregator._plans[0];
} else {
plan = planner.passThrough(unit, innerPlans: aggregator._plans);
return planner.finalize(plan);
/// Base class representing a kind of change that [FixAggregator] might make to
/// a particular AST node.
abstract class NodeChange<N extends AstNode> {
/// Indicates whether this node exists solely to provide informative
/// information.
bool get isInformative => false;
/// Applies this change to the given [node], producing an [EditPlan]. The
/// [aggregator] may be used to gather up any edits to the node's descendants
/// into their own [EditPlan]s.
/// Note: the reason the caller can't just gather up the edits and pass them
/// in is that some changes don't preserve all of the structure of the nodes
/// below them (e.g. dropping an unnecessary cast), so those changes need to
/// be able to call the appropriate [aggregator] methods just on the nodes
/// they need.
/// May return `null` if no changes need to be made.
EditPlan _apply(N node, FixAggregator aggregator);
/// Creates the appropriate specialized kind of [NodeChange] appropriate for
/// the given [node].
static NodeChange<AstNode> create(AstNode node) =>
/// Implementation of [NodeChange] specialized for operating on [Annotation]
/// nodes.
class NodeChangeForAnnotation extends NodeChange<Annotation> {
/// Indicates whether the node should be changed into a `required` keyword.
bool changeToRequiredKeyword = false;
/// If [changeToRequiredKeyword] is `true`, the information that should be
/// contained in the edit.
AtomicEditInfo changeToRequiredKeywordInfo;
NodeChangeForAnnotation() : super._();
EditPlan _apply(Annotation node, FixAggregator aggregator) {
if (!changeToRequiredKeyword) {
return aggregator.innerPlanForNode(node);
var name =;
if (name is PrefixedIdentifier) {
name = (name as PrefixedIdentifier).identifier;
if (name != null &&
aggregator.planner.sourceText.substring(name.offset, name.end) ==
'required') {
// The text `required` already exists in the annotation; we can just
// extract it.
return aggregator.planner.extract(
node, aggregator.planForNode(name) as NodeProducingEditPlan,
infoBefore: changeToRequiredKeywordInfo);
} else {
return aggregator.planner.replace(node,
[AtomicEdit.insert('required', info: changeToRequiredKeywordInfo)]);
/// Implementation of [NodeChange] specialized for operating on [AsExpression]
/// nodes.
class NodeChangeForAsExpression extends NodeChangeForExpression<AsExpression> {
/// Indicates whether the cast should be removed.
bool removeAs = false;
EditPlan _apply(AsExpression node, FixAggregator aggregator) {
if (removeAs) {
return aggregator.planner.extract(node,
aggregator.planForNode(node.expression) as NodeProducingEditPlan,
AtomicEditInfo(NullabilityFixDescription.removeAs, const []));
} else {
return super._apply(node, aggregator);
/// Implementation of [NodeChange] specialized for operating on
/// [CompilationUnit] nodes.
class NodeChangeForCompilationUnit extends NodeChange<CompilationUnit> {
bool removeLanguageVersionComment = false;
NodeChangeForCompilationUnit() : super._();
EditPlan _apply(CompilationUnit node, FixAggregator aggregator) {
List<EditPlan> innerPlans = [];
if (removeLanguageVersionComment) {
final comment = (node as CompilationUnitImpl).languageVersionToken;
assert(comment != null);
innerPlans.add(aggregator.planner.replaceToken(node, comment, [],
info: AtomicEditInfo(
const [])));
return aggregator.planner.passThrough(node, innerPlans: innerPlans);
/// Common infrastructure used by [NodeChange] objects that operate on AST nodes
/// with conditional behavior (if statements, if elements, and conditional
/// expressions).
mixin NodeChangeForConditional<N extends AstNode> on NodeChange<N> {
/// If not `null`, indicates that the condition expression is known to
/// evaluate to either `true` or `false`, so the other branch of the
/// conditional is dead code and should be eliminated.
bool conditionValue;
/// If [conditionValue] is not `null`, the reasons that should be included in
/// the [AtomicEditInfo] for the edit that removes the dead code.
List<FixReasonInfo> conditionReasons;
/// If dead code removal is warranted for [node], returns an [EditPlan] that
/// removes the dead code (and performs appropriate updates within any
/// descendant AST nodes that remain). Otherwise returns `null`.
EditPlan _applyConditional(
N node, FixAggregator aggregator, AstNode thenNode, AstNode elseNode) {
if (conditionValue == null) return null;
AstNode nodeToKeep;
NullabilityFixDescription descriptionBefore, descriptionAfter;
if (conditionValue) {
nodeToKeep = thenNode;
descriptionBefore = NullabilityFixDescription.discardCondition;
if (elseNode == null) {
descriptionAfter = descriptionBefore;
} else {
descriptionAfter = NullabilityFixDescription.discardElse;
} else {
nodeToKeep = elseNode;
descriptionBefore =
descriptionAfter = NullabilityFixDescription.discardThen;
if (nodeToKeep == null ||
nodeToKeep is Block && nodeToKeep.statements.isEmpty) {
// The conditional node collapses to a no-op, so try to remove it
// entirely.
var info =
AtomicEditInfo(NullabilityFixDescription.discardIf, conditionReasons);
var removeNode = aggregator.planner.tryRemoveNode(node, info: info);
if (removeNode != null) {
return removeNode;
} else {
// We can't remove the node because it's not inside a sequence, so we
// have to create a suitable replacement.
if (node is IfStatement) {
return aggregator.planner
.replace(node, [AtomicEdit.insert('{}', info: info)], info: info);
} else if (node is IfElement) {
return aggregator.planner.replace(
node, [AtomicEdit.insert('...{}', info: info)],
info: info);
} else {
// We should never get here; the only types of conditional nodes that
// can wind up collapsing to a no-op are if statements and if
// elements.
throw StateError(
'Unexpected node type collapses to no-op: ${node.runtimeType}');
var infoBefore = AtomicEditInfo(descriptionBefore, conditionReasons);
var infoAfter = AtomicEditInfo(descriptionAfter, conditionReasons);
if (nodeToKeep is Block && nodeToKeep.statements.length == 1) {
var singleStatement = (nodeToKeep as Block).statements[0];
if (singleStatement is VariableDeclarationStatement) {
// It's not safe to eliminate the {} because it increases the scope of
// the variable declarations
} else {
nodeToKeep = singleStatement;
return aggregator.planner.extract(
node, aggregator.planForNode(nodeToKeep) as NodeProducingEditPlan,
infoBefore: infoBefore, infoAfter: infoAfter);
/// Implementation of [NodeChange] specialized for operating on
/// [ConditionalExpression] nodes.
class NodeChangeForConditionalExpression
extends NodeChangeForExpression<ConditionalExpression>
with NodeChangeForConditional {
EditPlan _apply(ConditionalExpression node, FixAggregator aggregator) {
return _applyConditional(
node, aggregator, node.thenExpression, node.elseExpression) ??
super._apply(node, aggregator);
/// Implementation of [NodeChange] specialized for operating on
/// [DefaultFormalParameter] nodes.
class NodeChangeForDefaultFormalParameter
extends NodeChange<DefaultFormalParameter> {
/// Indicates whether a `required` keyword should be added to this node.
bool addRequiredKeyword = false;
/// If [addRequiredKeyword] is `true`, the information that should be
/// contained in the edit.
AtomicEditInfo addRequiredKeywordInfo;
NodeChangeForDefaultFormalParameter() : super._();
EditPlan _apply(DefaultFormalParameter node, FixAggregator aggregator) {
var innerPlan = aggregator.innerPlanForNode(node);
if (!addRequiredKeyword) return innerPlan;
return aggregator.planner.surround(innerPlan,
prefix: [AtomicEdit.insert('required ', info: addRequiredKeywordInfo)]);
/// Implementation of [NodeChange] specialized for operating on [Expression]
/// nodes.
class NodeChangeForExpression<N extends Expression> extends NodeChange<N> {
bool _addsNullCheck = false;
AtomicEditInfo _addNullCheckInfo;
DartType _introducesAsType;
AtomicEditInfo _introduceAsInfo;
NodeChangeForExpression() : super._();
/// Indicates whether [addNullCheck] has been called.
bool get addsNullCheck => _addsNullCheck;
/// Causes a null check to be added to this expression, with the given [info].
void addNullCheck(AtomicEditInfo info) {
_addsNullCheck = true;
_addNullCheckInfo = info;
/// Causes a cast to the given [type] to be added to this expression, with
/// the given [info].
void introduceAs(DartType type, AtomicEditInfo info) {
assert(_introducesAsType == null);
assert(type != null);
_introducesAsType = type;
_introduceAsInfo = info;
EditPlan _apply(N node, FixAggregator aggregator) {
var innerPlan = aggregator.innerPlanForNode(node);
return _applyExpression(aggregator, innerPlan);
/// If the expression needs to be wrapped in another expression (e.g. a null
/// check), wraps the given [innerPlan] to produce appropriate result.
/// Otherwise returns [innerPlan] unchanged.
NodeProducingEditPlan _applyExpression(
FixAggregator aggregator, NodeProducingEditPlan innerPlan) {
var plan = innerPlan;
if (_addsNullCheck) {
plan = aggregator.planner
.addUnaryPostfix(plan, TokenType.BANG, info: _addNullCheckInfo);
if (_introducesAsType != null) {
plan = aggregator.planner.addBinaryPostfix(
plan, TokenType.AS, aggregator.typeToCode(_introducesAsType),
info: _introduceAsInfo);
return plan;
/// Implementation of [NodeChange] specialized for operating on [IfElement]
/// nodes.
class NodeChangeForIfElement extends NodeChange<IfElement>
with NodeChangeForConditional {
NodeChangeForIfElement() : super._();
EditPlan _apply(IfElement node, FixAggregator aggregator) {
return _applyConditional(
node, aggregator, node.thenElement, node.elseElement) ??
/// Implementation of [NodeChange] specialized for operating on [IfStatement]
/// nodes.
class NodeChangeForIfStatement extends NodeChange<IfStatement>
with NodeChangeForConditional {
NodeChangeForIfStatement() : super._();
EditPlan _apply(IfStatement node, FixAggregator aggregator) {
return _applyConditional(
node, aggregator, node.thenStatement, node.elseStatement) ??
/// Implementation of [NodeChange] specialized for operating on
/// [MethodInvocation] nodes.
class NodeChangeForMethodInvocation
extends NodeChangeForExpression<MethodInvocation>
with NodeChangeForNullAware {
NodeProducingEditPlan _apply(
MethodInvocation node, FixAggregator aggregator) {
var target =;
var targetPlan = target == null ? null : aggregator.planForNode(target);
var nullAwarePlan = _applyNullAware(node, aggregator);
var methodNamePlan = aggregator.planForNode(node.methodName);
var typeArguments = node.typeArguments;
var typeArgumentsPlan =
typeArguments == null ? null : aggregator.planForNode(typeArguments);
var argumentListPlan = aggregator.planForNode(node.argumentList);
var innerPlans = [
if (targetPlan != null) targetPlan,
if (nullAwarePlan != null) nullAwarePlan,
if (methodNamePlan != null) methodNamePlan,
if (typeArgumentsPlan != null) typeArgumentsPlan,
if (argumentListPlan != null) argumentListPlan
return _applyExpression(aggregator,
aggregator.planner.passThrough(node, innerPlans: innerPlans));
/// Common infrastructure used by [NodeChange] objects that operate on AST nodes
/// with that can be null-aware (method invocations and propety accesses).
mixin NodeChangeForNullAware<N extends Expression> on NodeChange<N> {
/// Indicates whether null-awareness should be removed.
bool removeNullAwareness = false;
/// Returns an [EditPlan] that removes null awareness, if appropriate.
/// Otherwise returns `null`.
EditPlan _applyNullAware(N node, FixAggregator aggregator) {
if (!removeNullAwareness) return null;
return aggregator.planner.removeNullAwareness(node,
AtomicEditInfo(NullabilityFixDescription.removeNullAwareness, []));
/// Implementation of [NodeChange] specialized for operating on [PropertyAccess]
/// nodes.
class NodeChangeForPropertyAccess
extends NodeChangeForExpression<PropertyAccess>
with NodeChangeForNullAware {
NodeProducingEditPlan _apply(PropertyAccess node, FixAggregator aggregator) {
var targetPlan = == null ? null : aggregator.planForNode(;
var nullAwarePlan = _applyNullAware(node, aggregator);
var propertyNamePlan = aggregator.planForNode(node.propertyName);
var innerPlans = [
if (targetPlan != null) targetPlan,
if (nullAwarePlan != null) nullAwarePlan,
if (propertyNamePlan != null) propertyNamePlan
return _applyExpression(aggregator,
aggregator.planner.passThrough(node, innerPlans: innerPlans));
/// Implementation of [NodeChange] specialized for operating on
/// [SimpleFormalParameter] nodes.
class NodeChangeForSimpleFormalParameter
extends NodeChange<SimpleFormalParameter> {
/// If not `null`, an explicit type annotation that should be added to the
/// parameter.
DartType addExplicitType;
NodeChangeForSimpleFormalParameter() : super._();
EditPlan _apply(SimpleFormalParameter node, FixAggregator aggregator) {
var innerPlan = aggregator.innerPlanForNode(node);
if (addExplicitType == null) return innerPlan;
return aggregator.planner.surround(innerPlan, prefix: [
addExplicitType.getDisplayString(withNullability: true)),
AtomicEdit.insert(' ')
/// Implementation of [NodeChange] specialized for operating on [TypeAnnotation]
/// nodes.
class NodeChangeForTypeAnnotation extends NodeChange<TypeAnnotation> {
/// Indicates whether the type should be made nullable by adding a `?`.
bool makeNullable = false;
/// The decorated type of the type annotation, or `null` if there is no
/// decorated type info of interest. If [makeNullable] is `true`, the node
/// from this type will be attached to the edit that adds the `?`. If
/// [makeNullable] is `false`, the node from this type will be attached to the
/// information about why the node wasn't made nullable.
DecoratedType decoratedType;
NodeChangeForTypeAnnotation() : super._();
bool get isInformative => !makeNullable;
EditPlan _apply(TypeAnnotation node, FixAggregator aggregator) {
var innerPlan = aggregator.innerPlanForNode(node);
if (decoratedType == null) return innerPlan;
if (makeNullable) {
return aggregator.planner.makeNullable(innerPlan,
info: AtomicEditInfo(
decoratedType.type.getDisplayString(withNullability: false)),
} else {
return aggregator.planner.explainNonNullable(innerPlan,
info: AtomicEditInfo(
decoratedType.type.getDisplayString(withNullability: false)),
/// Implementation of [NodeChange] specialized for operating on
/// [VariableDeclarationList] nodes.
class NodeChangeForVariableDeclarationList
extends NodeChange<VariableDeclarationList> {
/// If an explicit type should be added to this variable declaration, the type
/// that should be added. Otherwise `null`.
DartType addExplicitType;
NodeChangeForVariableDeclarationList() : super._();
EditPlan _apply(VariableDeclarationList node, FixAggregator aggregator) {
List<EditPlan> innerPlans = [];
if (addExplicitType != null) {
var typeText = addExplicitType.getDisplayString(withNullability: true);
if (node.keyword?.keyword == Keyword.VAR) {
.replaceToken(node, node.keyword, [AtomicEdit.insert(typeText)]));
} else {
[AtomicEdit.insert(typeText), AtomicEdit.insert(' ')]));
return aggregator.planner.passThrough(node, innerPlans: innerPlans);
/// Visitor that creates an appropriate [NodeChange] object for the node being
/// visited.
class _NodeChangeVisitor extends GeneralizingAstVisitor<NodeChange<AstNode>> {
static final _instance = _NodeChangeVisitor();
NodeChange visitAnnotation(Annotation node) => NodeChangeForAnnotation();
NodeChange visitAsExpression(AsExpression node) =>
NodeChange visitCompilationUnit(CompilationUnit node) =>
NodeChange visitDefaultFormalParameter(DefaultFormalParameter node) =>
NodeChange visitExpression(Expression node) => NodeChangeForExpression();
NodeChange visitGenericFunctionType(GenericFunctionType node) =>
NodeChange visitIfElement(IfElement node) => NodeChangeForIfElement();
NodeChange visitIfStatement(IfStatement node) => NodeChangeForIfStatement();
NodeChange visitMethodInvocation(MethodInvocation node) =>
NodeChange visitNode(AstNode node) =>
throw StateError('Unexpected node type: ${node.runtimeType}');
NodeChange visitPropertyAccess(PropertyAccess node) =>
NodeChange visitSimpleFormalParameter(SimpleFormalParameter node) =>
NodeChange visitTypeName(TypeName node) => NodeChangeForTypeAnnotation();
NodeChange visitVariableDeclarationList(VariableDeclarationList node) =>