blob: 42fd3897d65ebf36c285c739cf5f600c08624714 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library template_binding.test.template_binding_test;
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:html';
import 'dart:js' show JsObject;
import 'dart:math' as math;
import 'package:observe/observe.dart';
import 'package:template_binding/template_binding.dart';
import 'package:unittest/html_config.dart';
import 'package:unittest/unittest.dart';
// TODO(jmesserly): merge this file?
import 'binding_syntax.dart' show syntaxTests;
import 'utils.dart';
// Note: this file ported from TemplateBinding's tests/tests.js
// TODO(jmesserly): submit a small cleanup patch to original. I fixed some
// cases where "div" and "t" were unintentionally using the JS global scope;
// look for "assertNodesAre".
main() => dirtyCheckZone().run(() {
// Load MutationObserver polyfill in case IE needs it.
var script = new ScriptElement()
..src = '/root_dart/pkg/mutation_observer/lib/mutation_observer.min.js';
var polyfillLoaded = script.onLoad.first;
setUp(() => polyfillLoaded.then((_) {
document.body.append(testDiv = new DivElement());
tearDown(() {
testDiv = null;
test('MutationObserver is supported', () {
expect(MutationObserver.supported, true, reason: 'polyfill was loaded.');
group('Template', templateInstantiationTests);
group('Binding Delegate API', () {
group('with Observable', () {
syntaxTests(([f, b]) => new FooBarModel(f, b));
group('with ChangeNotifier', () {
syntaxTests(([f, b]) => new FooBarNotifyModel(f, b));
group('Compat', compatTests);
var expando = new Expando('test');
void addExpandos(node) {
while (node != null) {
expando[node] = node.text;
node = node.nextNode;
void checkExpandos(node) {
expect(node, isNotNull);
while (node != null) {
expect(expando[node], node.text);
node = node.nextNode;
templateInstantiationTests() {
// Dart note: renamed some of these tests to have unique names
test('accessing bindingDelegate getter without Bind', () {
var div = createTestHtml('<template>');
var template = div.firstChild;
expect(templateBind(template).bindingDelegate, null);
test('Bind - simple', () {
var div = createTestHtml('<template bind={{}}>text</template>');
templateBind(div.firstChild).model = {};
return new Future(() {
expect(div.nodes.length, 2);
expect(div.nodes.last.text, 'text');
// Dart note: null is used instead of undefined to clear the template.
templateBind(div.firstChild).model = null;
}).then(endOfMicrotask).then((_) {
expect(div.nodes.length, 1);
templateBind(div.firstChild).model = 123;
}).then(endOfMicrotask).then((_) {
expect(div.nodes.length, 2);
expect(div.nodes.last.text, 'text');
test('oneTime-Bind', () {
var div = createTestHtml('<template bind="[[ bound ]]">text</template>');
var model = toObservable({'bound': 1});
templateBind(div.firstChild).model = model;
return new Future(() {
expect(div.nodes.length, 2);
expect(div.nodes.last.text, 'text');
model['bound'] = false;
}).then(endOfMicrotask).then((_) {
expect(div.nodes.length, 2);
expect(div.nodes.last.text, 'text');
test('Bind - no parent', () {
var div = createTestHtml('<template bind>text</template>');
var template = div.firstChild;
templateBind(template).model = {};
return new Future(() {
expect(template.nodes.length, 0);
expect(template.nextNode, null);
test('Bind - no defaultView', () {
var div = createTestHtml('<template bind>text</template>');
var template = div.firstChild;
var doc = document.implementation.createHtmlDocument('');
templateBind(template).model = {};
return new Future(() => expect(div.nodes.length, 2));
test('Empty Bind', () {
var div = createTestHtml('<template bind>text</template>');
var template = div.firstChild;
templateBind(template).model = {};
return new Future(() {
expect(div.nodes.length, 2);
expect(div.nodes.last.text, 'text');
test('Bind If', () {
var div = createTestHtml(
'<template bind="{{ bound }}" if="{{ predicate }}">'
'value:{{ value }}'
// Dart note: predicate changed from 0->null because 0 isn't falsey in Dart.
// See
// Changed bound from null->1 since null is equivalent to JS undefined,
// and would cause the template to not be expanded.
var m = toObservable({ 'predicate': null, 'bound': 1 });
var template = div.firstChild;
bool errorSeen = false;
runZoned(() {
templateBind(template).model = m;
}, onError: (e, s) {
expect(e, isNoSuchMethodError);
errorSeen = true;
return new Future(() {
expect(div.nodes.length, 1);
m['predicate'] = 1;
expect(errorSeen, isFalse);
}).then(nextMicrotask).then((_) {
expect(errorSeen, isTrue);
expect(div.nodes.length, 1);
m['bound'] = toObservable({ 'value': 2 });
}).then(endOfMicrotask).then((_) {
expect(div.nodes.length, 2);
expect(div.lastChild.text, 'value:2');
m['bound']['value'] = 3;
}).then(endOfMicrotask).then((_) {
expect(div.nodes.length, 2);
expect(div.lastChild.text, 'value:3');
templateBind(template).model = null;
}).then(endOfMicrotask).then((_) {
expect(div.nodes.length, 1);
test('Bind oneTime-If - predicate false', () {
var div = createTestHtml(
'<template bind="{{ bound }}" if="[[ predicate ]]">'
'value:{{ value }}'
// Dart note: predicate changed from 0->null because 0 isn't falsey in Dart.
// See
// Changed bound from null->1 since null is equivalent to JS undefined,
// and would cause the template to not be expanded.
var m = toObservable({ 'predicate': null, 'bound': 1 });
var template = div.firstChild;
templateBind(template).model = m;
return new Future(() {
expect(div.nodes.length, 1);
m['predicate'] = 1;
}).then(endOfMicrotask).then((_) {
expect(div.nodes.length, 1);
m['bound'] = toObservable({ 'value': 2 });
}).then(endOfMicrotask).then((_) {
expect(div.nodes.length, 1);
m['bound']['value'] = 3;
}).then(endOfMicrotask).then((_) {
expect(div.nodes.length, 1);
templateBind(template).model = null;
}).then(endOfMicrotask).then((_) {
expect(div.nodes.length, 1);
test('Bind oneTime-If - predicate true', () {
var div = createTestHtml(
'<template bind="{{ bound }}" if="[[ predicate ]]">'
'value:{{ value }}'
// Dart note: changed bound from null->1 since null is equivalent to JS
// undefined, and would cause the template to not be expanded.
var m = toObservable({ 'predicate': 1, 'bound': 1 });
var template = div.firstChild;
bool errorSeen = false;
runZoned(() {
templateBind(template).model = m;
}, onError: (e, s) {
expect(e, isNoSuchMethodError);
errorSeen = true;
return new Future(() {
expect(div.nodes.length, 1);
m['bound'] = toObservable({ 'value': 2 });
expect(errorSeen, isTrue);
}).then(endOfMicrotask).then((_) {
expect(div.nodes.length, 2);
expect(div.lastChild.text, 'value:2');
m['bound']['value'] = 3;
}).then(endOfMicrotask).then((_) {
expect(div.nodes.length, 2);
expect(div.lastChild.text, 'value:3');
m['predicate'] = null; // will have no effect
}).then(endOfMicrotask).then((_) {
expect(div.nodes.length, 2);
expect(div.lastChild.text, 'value:3');
templateBind(template).model = null;
}).then(endOfMicrotask).then((_) {
expect(div.nodes.length, 1);
test('oneTime-Bind If', () {
var div = createTestHtml(
'<template bind="[[ bound ]]" if="{{ predicate }}">'
'value:{{ value }}'
var m = toObservable({'predicate': null, 'bound': {'value': 2}});
var template = div.firstChild;
templateBind(template).model = m;
return new Future(() {
expect(div.nodes.length, 1);
m['predicate'] = 1;
}).then(endOfMicrotask).then((_) {
expect(div.nodes.length, 2);
expect(div.lastChild.text, 'value:2');
m['bound']['value'] = 3;
}).then(endOfMicrotask).then((_) {
expect(div.nodes.length, 2);
expect(div.lastChild.text, 'value:3');
m['bound'] = toObservable({'value': 4 });
}).then(endOfMicrotask).then((_) {
expect(div.nodes.length, 2);
expect(div.lastChild.text, 'value:3');
templateBind(template).model = null;
}).then(endOfMicrotask).then((_) {
expect(div.nodes.length, 1);
test('oneTime-Bind oneTime-If', () {
var div = createTestHtml(
'<template bind="[[ bound ]]" if="[[ predicate ]]">'
'value:{{ value }}'
var m = toObservable({'predicate': 1, 'bound': {'value': 2}});
var template = div.firstChild;
templateBind(template).model = m;
return new Future(() {
expect(div.nodes.length, 2);
expect(div.lastChild.text, 'value:2');
m['bound']['value'] = 3;
}).then(endOfMicrotask).then((_) {
expect(div.nodes.length, 2);
expect(div.lastChild.text, 'value:3');
m['bound'] = toObservable({'value': 4 });
}).then(endOfMicrotask).then((_) {
expect(div.nodes.length, 2);
expect(div.lastChild.text, 'value:3');
m['predicate'] = false;
}).then(endOfMicrotask).then((_) {
expect(div.nodes.length, 2);
expect(div.lastChild.text, 'value:3');
templateBind(template).model = null;
}).then(endOfMicrotask).then((_) {
expect(div.nodes.length, 1);
test('Bind If, 2', () {
var div = createTestHtml(
'<template bind="{{ foo }}" if="{{ bar }}">{{ bat }}</template>');
var template = div.firstChild;
var m = toObservable({ 'bar': null, 'foo': { 'bat': 'baz' } });
templateBind(template).model = m;
return new Future(() {
expect(div.nodes.length, 1);
m['bar'] = 1;
}).then(endOfMicrotask).then((_) {
expect(div.nodes.length, 2);
expect(div.lastChild.text, 'baz');
test('If', () {
var div = createTestHtml('<template if="{{ foo }}">{{ value }}</template>');
// Dart note: foo changed from 0->null because 0 isn't falsey in Dart.
// See
var m = toObservable({ 'foo': null, 'value': 'foo' });
var template = div.firstChild;
templateBind(template).model = m;
return new Future(() {
expect(div.nodes.length, 1);
m['foo'] = 1;
}).then(endOfMicrotask).then((_) {
expect(div.nodes.length, 2);
expect(div.lastChild.text, 'foo');
templateBind(template).model = null;
}).then(endOfMicrotask).then((_) {
expect(div.nodes.length, 1);
test('Empty-If', () {
var div = createTestHtml('<template if>{{ value }}</template>');
var template = div.firstChild;
var m = toObservable({ 'value': 'foo' });
templateBind(template).model = null;
return new Future(() {
expect(div.nodes.length, 1);
templateBind(template).model = m;
}).then(endOfMicrotask).then((_) {
expect(div.nodes.length, 2);
expect(div.lastChild.text, 'foo');
test('OneTime - simple text', () {
var div = createTestHtml('<template bind>[[ value ]]</template>');
var template = div.firstChild;
var m = toObservable({ 'value': 'foo' });
templateBind(template).model = m;
return new Future(() {
expect(div.nodes.length, 2);
expect(div.lastChild.text, 'foo');
m['value'] = 'bar';
}).then(endOfMicrotask).then((_) {
// unchanged.
expect(div.lastChild.text, 'foo');
test('OneTime - compound text', () {
var div = createTestHtml(
'<template bind>[[ foo ]] bar [[ baz ]]</template>');
var template = div.firstChild;
var m = toObservable({ 'foo': 'FOO', 'baz': 'BAZ' });
templateBind(template).model = m;
return new Future(() {
expect(div.nodes.length, 2);
expect(div.lastChild.text, 'FOO bar BAZ');
m['foo'] = 'FI';
m['baz'] = 'BA';
}).then(endOfMicrotask).then((_) {
// unchanged.
expect(div.nodes.length, 2);
expect(div.lastChild.text, 'FOO bar BAZ');
test('OneTime/Dynamic Mixed - compound text', () {
var div = createTestHtml(
'<template bind>[[ foo ]] bar {{ baz }}</template>');
var template = div.firstChild;
var m = toObservable({ 'foo': 'FOO', 'baz': 'BAZ' });
templateBind(template).model = m;
return new Future(() {
expect(div.nodes.length, 2);
expect(div.lastChild.text, 'FOO bar BAZ');
m['foo'] = 'FI';
m['baz'] = 'BA';
}).then(endOfMicrotask).then((_) {
// unchanged [[ foo ]].
expect(div.nodes.length, 2);
expect(div.lastChild.text, 'FOO bar BA');
test('OneTime - simple attribute', () {
var div = createTestHtml(
'<template bind><div foo="[[ value ]]"></div></template>');
var template = div.firstChild;
var m = toObservable({ 'value': 'foo' });
templateBind(template).model = m;
return new Future(() {
expect(div.nodes.length, 2);
expect(div.lastChild.attributes['foo'], 'foo');
m['value'] = 'bar';
}).then(endOfMicrotask).then((_) {
// unchanged.
expect(div.nodes.length, 2);
expect(div.lastChild.attributes['foo'], 'foo');
test('OneTime - compound attribute', () {
var div = createTestHtml(
'<template bind>'
'<div foo="[[ value ]]:[[ otherValue ]]"></div>'
var template = div.firstChild;
var m = toObservable({ 'value': 'foo', 'otherValue': 'bar' });
templateBind(template).model = m;
return new Future(() {
expect(div.nodes.length, 2);
expect(div.lastChild.attributes['foo'], 'foo:bar');
m['value'] = 'baz';
m['otherValue'] = 'bot';
}).then(endOfMicrotask).then((_) {
// unchanged.
expect(div.lastChild.attributes['foo'], 'foo:bar');
test('OneTime/Dynamic mixed - compound attribute', () {
var div = createTestHtml(
'<template bind>'
'<div foo="{{ value }}:[[ otherValue ]]"></div>'
var template = div.firstChild;
var m = toObservable({ 'value': 'foo', 'otherValue': 'bar' });
templateBind(template).model = m;
return new Future(() {
expect(div.nodes.length, 2);
expect(div.lastChild.attributes['foo'], 'foo:bar');
m['value'] = 'baz';
m['otherValue'] = 'bot';
}).then(endOfMicrotask).then((_) {
// unchanged [[ otherValue ]].
expect(div.lastChild.attributes['foo'], 'baz:bar');
test('Repeat If', () {
var div = createTestHtml(
'<template repeat="{{ items }}" if="{{ predicate }}">{{}}</template>');
// Dart note: predicate changed from 0->null because 0 isn't falsey in Dart.
// See
var m = toObservable({ 'predicate': null, 'items': [1] });
var template = div.firstChild;
templateBind(template).model = m;
return new Future(() {
expect(div.nodes.length, 1);
m['predicate'] = 1;
}).then(endOfMicrotask).then((_) {
expect(div.nodes.length, 2);
expect(div.nodes[1].text, '1');
}).then(endOfMicrotask).then((_) {
expect(div.nodes.length, 4);
expect(div.nodes[1].text, '1');
expect(div.nodes[2].text, '2');
expect(div.nodes[3].text, '3');
m['items'] = [4];
}).then(endOfMicrotask).then((_) {
expect(div.nodes.length, 2);
expect(div.nodes[1].text, '4');
templateBind(template).model = null;
}).then(endOfMicrotask).then((_) {
expect(div.nodes.length, 1);
test('Repeat oneTime-If (predicate false)', () {
var div = createTestHtml(
'<template repeat="{{ items }}" if="[[ predicate ]]">{{}}</template>');
// Dart note: predicate changed from 0->null because 0 isn't falsey in Dart.
// See
var m = toObservable({ 'predicate': null, 'items': [1] });
var template = div.firstChild;
templateBind(template).model = m;
return new Future(() {
expect(div.nodes.length, 1);
m['predicate'] = 1;
}).then(endOfMicrotask).then((_) {
expect(div.nodes.length, 1, reason: 'unchanged');
}).then(endOfMicrotask).then((_) {
expect(div.nodes.length, 1, reason: 'unchanged');
m['items'] = [4];
}).then(endOfMicrotask).then((_) {
expect(div.nodes.length, 1, reason: 'unchanged');
templateBind(template).model = null;
}).then(endOfMicrotask).then((_) {
expect(div.nodes.length, 1);
test('Repeat oneTime-If (predicate true)', () {
var div = createTestHtml(
'<template repeat="{{ items }}" if="[[ predicate ]]">{{}}</template>');
var m = toObservable({ 'predicate': true, 'items': [1] });
var template = div.firstChild;
templateBind(template).model = m;
return new Future(() {
expect(div.nodes.length, 2);
expect(div.nodes[1].text, '1');
}).then(endOfMicrotask).then((_) {
expect(div.nodes.length, 4);
expect(div.nodes[1].text, '1');
expect(div.nodes[2].text, '2');
expect(div.nodes[3].text, '3');
m['items'] = [4];
}).then(endOfMicrotask).then((_) {
expect(div.nodes.length, 2);
expect(div.nodes[1].text, '4');
m['predicate'] = false;
}).then(endOfMicrotask).then((_) {
expect(div.nodes.length, 2, reason: 'unchanged');
expect(div.nodes[1].text, '4', reason: 'unchanged');
templateBind(template).model = null;
}).then(endOfMicrotask).then((_) {
expect(div.nodes.length, 1);
test('oneTime-Repeat If', () {
var div = createTestHtml(
'<template repeat="[[ items ]]" if="{{ predicate }}">{{}}</template>');
var m = toObservable({ 'predicate': false, 'items': [1] });
var template = div.firstChild;
templateBind(template).model = m;
return new Future(() {
expect(div.nodes.length, 1);
m['predicate'] = true;
}).then(endOfMicrotask).then((_) {
expect(div.nodes.length, 2);
expect(div.nodes[1].text, '1');
}).then(endOfMicrotask).then((_) {
expect(div.nodes.length, 2);
expect(div.nodes[1].text, '1');
m['items'] = [4];
}).then(endOfMicrotask).then((_) {
expect(div.nodes.length, 2);
expect(div.nodes[1].text, '1');
templateBind(template).model = null;
}).then(endOfMicrotask).then((_) {
expect(div.nodes.length, 1);
test('oneTime-Repeat oneTime-If', () {
var div = createTestHtml(
'<template repeat="[[ items ]]" if="[[ predicate ]]">{{}}</template>');
var m = toObservable({ 'predicate': true, 'items': [1] });
var template = div.firstChild;
templateBind(template).model = m;
return new Future(() {
expect(div.nodes.length, 2);
expect(div.nodes[1].text, '1');
}).then(endOfMicrotask).then((_) {
expect(div.nodes.length, 2);
expect(div.nodes[1].text, '1');
m['items'] = [4];
}).then(endOfMicrotask).then((_) {
expect(div.nodes.length, 2);
expect(div.nodes[1].text, '1');
m['predicate'] = false;
}).then(endOfMicrotask).then((_) {
expect(div.nodes.length, 2);
expect(div.nodes[1].text, '1');
templateBind(template).model = null;
}).then(endOfMicrotask).then((_) {
expect(div.nodes.length, 1);
test('TextTemplateWithNullStringBinding', () {
var div = createTestHtml('<template bind={{}}>a{{b}}c</template>');
var template = div.firstChild;
var model = toObservable({'b': 'B'});
templateBind(template).model = model;
return new Future(() {
expect(div.nodes.length, 2);
expect(div.nodes.last.text, 'aBc');
model['b'] = 'b';
}).then(endOfMicrotask).then((_) {
expect(div.nodes.last.text, 'abc');
model['b'] = null;
}).then(endOfMicrotask).then((_) {
expect(div.nodes.last.text, 'ac');
model = null;
}).then(endOfMicrotask).then((_) {
// setting model isn't bindable.
expect(div.nodes.last.text, 'ac');
test('TextTemplateWithBindingPath', () {
var div = createTestHtml(
'<template bind="{{ data }}">a{{b}}c</template>');
var model = toObservable({ 'data': {'b': 'B'} });
var template = div.firstChild;
templateBind(template).model = model;
return new Future(() {
expect(div.nodes.length, 2);
expect(div.nodes.last.text, 'aBc');
model['data']['b'] = 'b';
}).then(endOfMicrotask).then((_) {
expect(div.nodes.last.text, 'abc');
model['data'] = toObservable({'b': 'X'});
}).then(endOfMicrotask).then((_) {
expect(div.nodes.last.text, 'aXc');
// Dart note: changed from `null` since our null means don't render a model.
model['data'] = toObservable({});
}).then(endOfMicrotask).then((_) {
expect(div.nodes.last.text, 'ac');
model['data'] = null;
}).then(endOfMicrotask).then((_) {
expect(div.nodes.length, 1);
test('TextTemplateWithBindingAndConditional', () {
var div = createTestHtml(
'<template bind="{{}}" if="{{ d }}">a{{b}}c</template>');
var template = div.firstChild;
var model = toObservable({'b': 'B', 'd': 1});
templateBind(template).model = model;
return new Future(() {
expect(div.nodes.length, 2);
expect(div.nodes.last.text, 'aBc');
model['b'] = 'b';
}).then(endOfMicrotask).then((_) {
expect(div.nodes.last.text, 'abc');
// TODO(jmesserly): MDV set this to empty string and relies on JS conversion
// rules. Is that intended?
// See
model['d'] = null;
}).then(endOfMicrotask).then((_) {
expect(div.nodes.length, 1);
model['d'] = 'here';
model['b'] = 'd';
}).then(endOfMicrotask).then((_) {
expect(div.nodes.length, 2);
expect(div.nodes.last.text, 'adc');
test('TemplateWithTextBinding2', () {
var div = createTestHtml(
'<template bind="{{ b }}">a{{value}}c</template>');
expect(div.nodes.length, 1);
var template = div.firstChild;
var model = toObservable({'b': {'value': 'B'}});
templateBind(template).model = model;
return new Future(() {
expect(div.nodes.length, 2);
expect(div.nodes.last.text, 'aBc');
model['b'] = toObservable({'value': 'b'});
}).then(endOfMicrotask).then((_) {
expect(div.nodes.last.text, 'abc');
test('TemplateWithAttributeBinding', () {
var div = createTestHtml(
'<template bind="{{}}">'
'<div foo="a{{b}}c"></div>'
var template = div.firstChild;
var model = toObservable({'b': 'B'});
templateBind(template).model = model;
return new Future(() {
expect(div.nodes.length, 2);
expect(div.nodes.last.attributes['foo'], 'aBc');
model['b'] = 'b';
}).then(endOfMicrotask).then((_) {
expect(div.nodes.last.attributes['foo'], 'abc');
model['b'] = 'X';
}).then(endOfMicrotask).then((_) {
expect(div.nodes.last.attributes['foo'], 'aXc');
test('TemplateWithConditionalBinding', () {
var div = createTestHtml(
'<template bind="{{}}">'
'<div foo?="{{b}}"></div>'
var template = div.firstChild;
var model = toObservable({'b': 'b'});
templateBind(template).model = model;
return new Future(() {
expect(div.nodes.length, 2);
expect(div.nodes.last.attributes['foo'], '');
expect(div.nodes.last.attributes, isNot(contains('foo?')));
model['b'] = null;
}).then(endOfMicrotask).then((_) {
expect(div.nodes.last.attributes, isNot(contains('foo')));
test('Repeat', () {
var div = createTestHtml(
'<template repeat="{{ array }}">{{}},</template>');
var model = toObservable({'array': [0, 1, 2]});
var template = templateBind(div.firstChild);
template.model = model;
return new Future(() {
expect(div.nodes.length, 4);
expect(div.text, '0,1,2,');
model['array'].length = 1;
}).then(endOfMicrotask).then((_) {
expect(div.nodes.length, 2);
expect(div.text, '0,');
model['array'].addAll([3, 4]);
}).then(endOfMicrotask).then((_) {
expect(div.nodes.length, 4);
expect(div.text, '0,3,4,');
model['array'].removeRange(1, 2);
}).then(endOfMicrotask).then((_) {
expect(div.nodes.length, 3);
expect(div.text, '0,4,');
model['array'].addAll([5, 6]);
model['array'] = toObservable(['x', 'y']);
}).then(endOfMicrotask).then((_) {
expect(div.nodes.length, 3);
expect(div.text, 'x,y,');
template.model = null;
}).then(endOfMicrotask).then((_) {
expect(div.nodes.length, 1);
expect(div.text, '');
test('Repeat - oneTime', () {
var div = createTestHtml('<template repeat="[[]]">text</template>');
var model = toObservable([0, 1, 2]);
var template = templateBind(div.firstChild);
template.model = model;
return new Future(() {
expect(div.nodes.length, 4);
model.length = 1;
}).then(endOfMicrotask).then((_) {
expect(div.nodes.length, 4);
model.addAll([3, 4]);
}).then(endOfMicrotask).then((_) {
expect(div.nodes.length, 4);
model.removeRange(1, 2);
}).then(endOfMicrotask).then((_) {
expect(div.nodes.length, 4);
template.model = null;
}).then(endOfMicrotask).then((_) {
expect(div.nodes.length, 1);
test('Repeat - Reuse Instances', () {
var div = createTestHtml('<template repeat>{{ val }}</template>');
var model = toObservable([
{'val': 10},
{'val': 5},
{'val': 2},
{'val': 8},
{'val': 1}
var template = div.firstChild;
templateBind(template).model = model;
return new Future(() {
expect(div.nodes.length, 6);
model.sort((a, b) => a['val'] - b['val']);
}).then(endOfMicrotask).then((_) {
model = toObservable(model.reversed);
templateBind(template).model = model;
}).then(endOfMicrotask).then((_) {
for (var item in model) {
item['val'] += 1;
}).then(endOfMicrotask).then((_) {
expect(div.nodes[1].text, "11");
expect(div.nodes[2].text, "9");
expect(div.nodes[3].text, "6");
expect(div.nodes[4].text, "3");
expect(div.nodes[5].text, "2");
test('Bind - Reuse Instance', () {
var div = createTestHtml(
'<template bind="{{ foo }}">{{ bar }}</template>');
var template = div.firstChild;
var model = toObservable({ 'foo': { 'bar': 5 }});
templateBind(template).model = model;
return new Future(() {
expect(div.nodes.length, 2);
model = toObservable({'foo': model['foo']});
templateBind(template).model = model;
}).then(endOfMicrotask).then((_) {
test('Repeat-Empty', () {
var div = createTestHtml(
'<template repeat>text</template>');
var template = div.firstChild;
var model = toObservable([0, 1, 2]);
templateBind(template).model = model;
return new Future(() {
expect(div.nodes.length, 4);
model.length = 1;
}).then(endOfMicrotask).then((_) {
expect(div.nodes.length, 2);
model.addAll(toObservable([3, 4]));
}).then(endOfMicrotask).then((_) {
expect(div.nodes.length, 4);
model.removeRange(1, 2);
}).then(endOfMicrotask).then((_) {
expect(div.nodes.length, 3);
test('Removal from iteration needs to unbind', () {
var div = createTestHtml(
'<template repeat="{{}}"><a>{{v}}</a></template>');
var template = div.firstChild;
var model = toObservable([{'v': 0}, {'v': 1}, {'v': 2}, {'v': 3},
{'v': 4}]);
templateBind(template).model = model;
var nodes, vs;
return new Future(() {
nodes = div.nodes.skip(1).toList();
vs = model.toList();
for (var i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
expect(nodes[i].text, '$i');
model.length = 3;
}).then(endOfMicrotask).then((_) {
for (var i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
expect(nodes[i].text, '$i');
vs[3]['v'] = 33;
vs[4]['v'] = 44;
}).then(endOfMicrotask).then((_) {
for (var i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
expect(nodes[i].text, '$i');
test('Template.clear', () {
var div = createTestHtml(
'<template repeat>{{}}</template>');
var template = div.firstChild;
templateBind(template).model = [0, 1, 2];
return new Future(() {
expect(div.nodes.length, 4);
expect(div.nodes[1].text, '0');
expect(div.nodes[2].text, '1');
expect(div.nodes[3].text, '2');
// clear() synchronously removes instances and clears the model.
expect(div.nodes.length, 1);
expect(templateBind(template).model, null);
// test that template still works if new model assigned
templateBind(template).model = [3, 4];
}).then(endOfMicrotask).then((_) {
expect(div.nodes.length, 3);
expect(div.nodes[1].text, '3');
expect(div.nodes[2].text, '4');
test('DOM Stability on Iteration', () {
var div = createTestHtml(
'<template repeat="{{}}">{{}}</template>');
var template = div.firstChild;
var model = toObservable([1, 2, 3, 4, 5]);
templateBind(template).model = model;
var nodes;
return new Future(() {
// Note: the node at index 0 is the <template>.
nodes = div.nodes.toList();
expect(nodes.length, 6, reason: 'list has 5 items');
}).then(endOfMicrotask).then((_) {
expect(div.nodes.length, 4, reason: 'list has 3 items');
expect(identical(div.nodes[1], nodes[2]), true, reason: '2 not removed');
expect(identical(div.nodes[2], nodes[3]), true, reason: '3 not removed');
expect(identical(div.nodes[3], nodes[4]), true, reason: '4 not removed');
model.insert(0, 5);
model[2] = 6;
}).then(endOfMicrotask).then((_) {
expect(div.nodes.length, 6, reason: 'list has 5 items');
expect(nodes.contains(div.nodes[1]), false, reason: '5 is a new node');
expect(identical(div.nodes[2], nodes[2]), true);
expect(nodes.contains(div.nodes[3]), false, reason: '6 is a new node');
expect(identical(div.nodes[4], nodes[4]), true);
expect(nodes.contains(div.nodes[5]), false, reason: '7 is a new node');
nodes = div.nodes.toList();
model.insert(2, 8);
}).then(endOfMicrotask).then((_) {
expect(div.nodes.length, 7, reason: 'list has 6 items');
expect(identical(div.nodes[1], nodes[1]), true);
expect(identical(div.nodes[2], nodes[2]), true);
expect(nodes.contains(div.nodes[3]), false, reason: '8 is a new node');
expect(identical(div.nodes[4], nodes[3]), true);
expect(identical(div.nodes[5], nodes[4]), true);
expect(identical(div.nodes[6], nodes[5]), true);
test('Repeat2', () {
var div = createTestHtml(
'<template repeat="{{}}">{{value}}</template>');
expect(div.nodes.length, 1);
var template = div.firstChild;
var model = toObservable([
{'value': 0},
{'value': 1},
{'value': 2}
templateBind(template).model = model;
return new Future(() {
expect(div.nodes.length, 4);
expect(div.nodes[1].text, '0');
expect(div.nodes[2].text, '1');
expect(div.nodes[3].text, '2');
model[1]['value'] = 'One';
}).then(endOfMicrotask).then((_) {
expect(div.nodes.length, 4);
expect(div.nodes[1].text, '0');
expect(div.nodes[2].text, 'One');
expect(div.nodes[3].text, '2');
model.replaceRange(0, 1, toObservable([{'value': 'Zero'}]));
}).then(endOfMicrotask).then((_) {
expect(div.nodes.length, 4);
expect(div.nodes[1].text, 'Zero');
expect(div.nodes[2].text, 'One');
expect(div.nodes[3].text, '2');
test('TemplateWithInputValue', () {
var div = createTestHtml(
'<template bind="{{}}">'
'<input value="{{x}}">'
var template = div.firstChild;
var model = toObservable({'x': 'hi'});
templateBind(template).model = model;
return new Future(() {
expect(div.nodes.length, 2);
expect(div.nodes.last.value, 'hi');
model['x'] = 'bye';
expect(div.nodes.last.value, 'hi');
}).then(endOfMicrotask).then((_) {
expect(div.nodes.last.value, 'bye');
div.nodes.last.value = 'hello';
dispatchEvent('input', div.nodes.last);
expect(model['x'], 'hello');
}).then(endOfMicrotask).then((_) {
expect(div.nodes.last.value, 'hello');
test('Decorated', () {
var div = createTestHtml(
'<template bind="{{ XX }}" id="t1">'
'<p>Crew member: {{name}}, Job title: {{title}}</p>'
'<template bind="{{ XY }}" id="t2" ref="t1"></template>');
var t1 = document.getElementById('t1');
var t2 = document.getElementById('t2');
var model = toObservable({
'XX': {'name': 'Leela', 'title': 'Captain'},
'XY': {'name': 'Fry', 'title': 'Delivery boy'},
'XZ': {'name': 'Zoidberg', 'title': 'Doctor'}
templateBind(t1).model = model;
templateBind(t2).model = model;
return new Future(() {
var instance = t1.nextElementSibling;
expect(instance.text, 'Crew member: Leela, Job title: Captain');
instance = t2.nextElementSibling;
expect(instance.text, 'Crew member: Fry, Job title: Delivery boy');
expect(div.children.length, 4);
expect(div.nodes.length, 4);
expect(div.nodes[1].tagName, 'P');
expect(div.nodes[3].tagName, 'P');
test('DefaultStyles', () {
var t = new Element.tag('template');
expect(t.getComputedStyle().display, 'none');
test('Bind', () {
var div = createTestHtml('<template bind="{{}}">Hi {{ name }}</template>');
var template = div.firstChild;
var model = toObservable({'name': 'Leela'});
templateBind(template).model = model;
return new Future(() => expect(div.nodes[1].text, 'Hi Leela'));
test('BindPlaceHolderHasNewLine', () {
var div = createTestHtml(
'<template bind="{{}}">Hi {{\nname\n}}</template>');
var template = div.firstChild;
var model = toObservable({'name': 'Leela'});
templateBind(template).model = model;
return new Future(() => expect(div.nodes[1].text, 'Hi Leela'));
test('BindWithRef', () {
var id = 't${new math.Random().nextInt(100)}';
var div = createTestHtml(
'<template id="$id">'
'Hi {{ name }}'
'<template ref="$id" bind="{{}}"></template>');
var t1 = div.nodes.first;
var t2 = div.nodes[1];
var model = toObservable({'name': 'Fry'});
templateBind(t1).model = model;
templateBind(t2).model = model;
return new Future(() => expect(t2.nextNode.text, 'Hi Fry'));
test('Ref at multiple', () {
// Note: this test is asserting that template "ref"erences can be located
// at various points. In particular:
// -in the document (at large) (e.g. ref=doc)
// -within template content referenced from sub-content
// -both before and after the reference
// The following asserts ensure that all referenced templates content is
// found.
var div = createTestHtml(
'<template bind>'
'<template bind ref=doc></template>'
'<template id=elRoot>EL_ROOT</template>'
'<template bind>'
'<template bind ref=elRoot></template>'
'<template bind>'
'<template bind ref=subA></template>'
'<template id=subB>SUB_B</template>'
'<template bind>'
'<template bind ref=subB></template>'
'<template id=subA>SUB_A</template>'
'<template id=doc>DOC</template>');
var t = div.firstChild;
var fragment = templateBind(t).createInstance({});
expect(fragment.nodes.length, 14);
expect(fragment.nodes[1].text, 'DOC');
expect(fragment.nodes[5].text, 'EL_ROOT');
expect(fragment.nodes[8].text, 'SUB_A');
expect(fragment.nodes[12].text, 'SUB_B');
test('Update Ref', () {
// Updating ref by observing the attribute is dependent on MutationObserver
var div = createTestHtml(
'<template id=A>Hi, {{}}</template>'
'<template id=B>Hola, {{}}</template>'
'<template ref=A repeat></template>');
var template = div.nodes[2];
var model = new ObservableList.from(['Fry']);
templateBind(template).model = model;
return new Future(() {
expect(div.nodes.length, 4);
expect('Hi, Fry', div.nodes[3].text);
div.nodes[2].attributes['ref'] = 'B';
}).then(nextMicrotask).then((x) {
expect(div.nodes.length, 5);
expect('Hola, Fry', div.nodes[3].text);
expect('Hola, Leela', div.nodes[4].text);
test('Bound Ref', () {
var div = createTestHtml(
'<template id=A>Hi, {{}}</template>'
'<template id=B>Hola, {{}}</template>'
'<template ref="{{ ref }}" repeat="{{ people }}"></template>');
var template = div.nodes[2];
var model = toObservable({'ref': 'A', 'people': ['Fry']});
templateBind(template).model = model;
return new Future(() {
expect(div.nodes.length, 4);
expect('Hi, Fry', div.nodes[3].text);
model['ref'] = 'B';
}).then(endOfMicrotask).then((x) {
expect(div.nodes.length, 5);
expect('Hola, Fry', div.nodes[3].text);
expect('Hola, Leela', div.nodes[4].text);
test('BindWithDynamicRef', () {
var id = 't${new math.Random().nextInt(100)}';
var div = createTestHtml(
'<template id="$id">'
'Hi {{ name }}'
'<template ref="{{ id }}" bind="{{}}"></template>');
var t1 = div.firstChild;
var t2 = div.nodes[1];
var model = toObservable({'name': 'Fry', 'id': id });
templateBind(t1).model = model;
templateBind(t2).model = model;
return new Future(() => expect(t2.nextNode.text, 'Hi Fry'));
assertNodesAre(div, [arguments]) {
var expectedLength = arguments.length;
expect(div.nodes.length, expectedLength + 1);
for (var i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++) {
var targetNode = div.nodes[i + 1];
expect(targetNode.text, arguments[i]);
test('Repeat3', () {
var div = createTestHtml(
'<template repeat="{{ contacts }}">Hi {{ name }}</template>');
var t = div.nodes.first;
var m = toObservable({
'contacts': [
{'name': 'Raf'},
{'name': 'Arv'},
{'name': 'Neal'}
templateBind(t).model = m;
return new Future(() {
assertNodesAre(div, ['Hi Raf', 'Hi Arv', 'Hi Neal']);
m['contacts'].add(toObservable({'name': 'Alex'}));
}).then(endOfMicrotask).then((_) {
assertNodesAre(div, ['Hi Raf', 'Hi Arv', 'Hi Neal', 'Hi Alex']);
m['contacts'].replaceRange(0, 2,
toObservable([{'name': 'Rafael'}, {'name': 'Erik'}]));
}).then(endOfMicrotask).then((_) {
assertNodesAre(div, ['Hi Rafael', 'Hi Erik', 'Hi Neal', 'Hi Alex']);
m['contacts'].removeRange(1, 3);
}).then(endOfMicrotask).then((_) {
assertNodesAre(div, ['Hi Rafael', 'Hi Alex']);
toObservable([{'name': 'Erik'}, {'name': 'Dimitri'}]));
}).then(endOfMicrotask).then((_) {
assertNodesAre(div, ['Hi Rafael', 'Hi Erik', 'Hi Dimitri', 'Hi Alex']);
m['contacts'].replaceRange(0, 1,
toObservable([{'name': 'Tab'}, {'name': 'Neal'}]));
}).then(endOfMicrotask).then((_) {
assertNodesAre(div, ['Hi Tab', 'Hi Neal', 'Hi Erik', 'Hi Dimitri',
'Hi Alex']);
m['contacts'] = toObservable([{'name': 'Alex'}]);
}).then(endOfMicrotask).then((_) {
assertNodesAre(div, ['Hi Alex']);
m['contacts'].length = 0;
}).then(endOfMicrotask).then((_) {
assertNodesAre(div, []);
test('RepeatModelSet', () {
var div = createTestHtml(
'<template repeat="{{ contacts }}">'
'Hi {{ name }}'
var template = div.firstChild;
var m = toObservable({
'contacts': [
{'name': 'Raf'},
{'name': 'Arv'},
{'name': 'Neal'}
templateBind(template).model = m;
return new Future(() {
assertNodesAre(div, ['Hi Raf', 'Hi Arv', 'Hi Neal']);
test('RepeatEmptyPath', () {
var div = createTestHtml(
'<template repeat="{{}}">Hi {{ name }}</template>');
var t = div.nodes.first;
var m = toObservable([
{'name': 'Raf'},
{'name': 'Arv'},
{'name': 'Neal'}
templateBind(t).model = m;
return new Future(() {
assertNodesAre(div, ['Hi Raf', 'Hi Arv', 'Hi Neal']);
m.add(toObservable({'name': 'Alex'}));
}).then(endOfMicrotask).then((_) {
assertNodesAre(div, ['Hi Raf', 'Hi Arv', 'Hi Neal', 'Hi Alex']);
m.replaceRange(0, 2, toObservable([{'name': 'Rafael'}, {'name': 'Erik'}]));
}).then(endOfMicrotask).then((_) {
assertNodesAre(div, ['Hi Rafael', 'Hi Erik', 'Hi Neal', 'Hi Alex']);
m.removeRange(1, 3);
}).then(endOfMicrotask).then((_) {
assertNodesAre(div, ['Hi Rafael', 'Hi Alex']);
m.insertAll(1, toObservable([{'name': 'Erik'}, {'name': 'Dimitri'}]));
}).then(endOfMicrotask).then((_) {
assertNodesAre(div, ['Hi Rafael', 'Hi Erik', 'Hi Dimitri', 'Hi Alex']);
m.replaceRange(0, 1, toObservable([{'name': 'Tab'}, {'name': 'Neal'}]));
}).then(endOfMicrotask).then((_) {
assertNodesAre(div, ['Hi Tab', 'Hi Neal', 'Hi Erik', 'Hi Dimitri',
'Hi Alex']);
m.length = 0;
m.add(toObservable({'name': 'Alex'}));
}).then(endOfMicrotask).then((_) {
assertNodesAre(div, ['Hi Alex']);
test('RepeatNullModel', () {
var div = createTestHtml(
'<template repeat="{{}}">Hi {{ name }}</template>');
var t = div.nodes.first;
var m = null;
templateBind(t).model = m;
expect(div.nodes.length, 1);
t.attributes['iterate'] = '';
m = toObservable({});
templateBind(t).model = m;
return new Future(() => expect(div.nodes.length, 1));
test('RepeatReuse', () {
var div = createTestHtml(
'<template repeat="{{}}">Hi {{ name }}</template>');
var t = div.nodes.first;
var m = toObservable([
{'name': 'Raf'},
{'name': 'Arv'},
{'name': 'Neal'}
templateBind(t).model = m;
var node1, node2, node3;
return new Future(() {
assertNodesAre(div, ['Hi Raf', 'Hi Arv', 'Hi Neal']);
node1 = div.nodes[1];
node2 = div.nodes[2];
node3 = div.nodes[3];
m.replaceRange(1, 2, toObservable([{'name': 'Erik'}]));
}).then(endOfMicrotask).then((_) {
assertNodesAre(div, ['Hi Raf', 'Hi Erik', 'Hi Neal']);
expect(div.nodes[1], node1,
reason: 'model[0] did not change so the node should not have changed');
expect(div.nodes[2], isNot(equals(node2)),
reason: 'Should not reuse when replacing');
expect(div.nodes[3], node3,
reason: 'model[2] did not change so the node should not have changed');
node2 = div.nodes[2];
m.insert(0, toObservable({'name': 'Alex'}));
}).then(endOfMicrotask).then((_) {
assertNodesAre(div, ['Hi Alex', 'Hi Raf', 'Hi Erik', 'Hi Neal']);
test('TwoLevelsDeepBug', () {
var div = createTestHtml(
'<template bind="{{}}"><span><span>{{ foo }}</span></span></template>');
var template = div.firstChild;
var model = toObservable({'foo': 'bar'});
templateBind(template).model = model;
return new Future(() {
expect(div.nodes[1].nodes[0].nodes[0].text, 'bar');
test('Checked', () {
var div = createTestHtml(
'<template bind>'
'<input type="checkbox" checked="{{a}}">'
var t = div.nodes.first;
templateBind(t).model = toObservable({'a': true });
return new Future(() {
var instanceInput = t.nextNode;
expect(instanceInput.checked, true);;
expect(instanceInput.checked, false);;
expect(instanceInput.checked, true);
nestedHelper(s, start) {
var div = createTestHtml(s);
var m = toObservable({
'a': {
'b': 1,
'c': {'d': 2}
recursivelySetTemplateModel(div, m);
return new Future(() {
var i = start;
expect(div.nodes[i++].text, '1');
expect(div.nodes[i++].tagName, 'TEMPLATE');
expect(div.nodes[i++].text, '2');
m['a']['b'] = 11;
}).then(endOfMicrotask).then((_) {
expect(div.nodes[start].text, '11');
m['a']['c'] = toObservable({'d': 22});
}).then(endOfMicrotask).then((_) {
expect(div.nodes[start + 2].text, '22');
test('Nested', () => nestedHelper(
'<template bind="{{a}}">'
'<template bind="{{c}}">'
'</template>', 1));
test('NestedWithRef', () => nestedHelper(
'<template id="inner">{{d}}</template>'
'<template id="outer" bind="{{a}}">'
'<template ref="inner" bind="{{c}}"></template>'
'</template>', 2));
nestedIterateInstantiateHelper(s, start) {
var div = createTestHtml(s);
var m = toObservable({
'a': [
'b': 1,
'c': {'d': 11}
'b': 2,
'c': {'d': 22}
recursivelySetTemplateModel(div, m);
return new Future(() {
var i = start;
expect(div.nodes[i++].text, '1');
expect(div.nodes[i++].tagName, 'TEMPLATE');
expect(div.nodes[i++].text, '11');
expect(div.nodes[i++].text, '2');
expect(div.nodes[i++].tagName, 'TEMPLATE');
expect(div.nodes[i++].text, '22');
m['a'][1] = toObservable({
'b': 3,
'c': {'d': 33}
}).then(endOfMicrotask).then((_) {
expect(div.nodes[start + 3].text, '3');
expect(div.nodes[start + 5].text, '33');
test('NestedRepeatBind', () => nestedIterateInstantiateHelper(
'<template repeat="{{a}}">'
'<template bind="{{c}}">'
'</template>', 1));
test('NestedRepeatBindWithRef', () => nestedIterateInstantiateHelper(
'<template id="inner">'
'<template repeat="{{a}}">'
'<template ref="inner" bind="{{c}}"></template>'
'</template>', 2));
nestedIterateIterateHelper(s, start) {
var div = createTestHtml(s);
var m = toObservable({
'a': [
'b': 1,
'c': [{'d': 11}, {'d': 12}]
'b': 2,
'c': [{'d': 21}, {'d': 22}]
recursivelySetTemplateModel(div, m);
return new Future(() {
var i = start;
expect(div.nodes[i++].text, '1');
expect(div.nodes[i++].tagName, 'TEMPLATE');
expect(div.nodes[i++].text, '11');
expect(div.nodes[i++].text, '12');
expect(div.nodes[i++].text, '2');
expect(div.nodes[i++].tagName, 'TEMPLATE');
expect(div.nodes[i++].text, '21');
expect(div.nodes[i++].text, '22');
m['a'][1] = toObservable({
'b': 3,
'c': [{'d': 31}, {'d': 32}, {'d': 33}]
i = start + 4;
}).then(endOfMicrotask).then((_) {
expect(div.nodes[start + 4].text, '3');
expect(div.nodes[start + 6].text, '31');
expect(div.nodes[start + 7].text, '32');
expect(div.nodes[start + 8].text, '33');
test('NestedRepeatBind', () => nestedIterateIterateHelper(
'<template repeat="{{a}}">'
'<template repeat="{{c}}">'
'</template>', 1));
test('NestedRepeatRepeatWithRef', () => nestedIterateIterateHelper(
'<template id="inner">'
'<template repeat="{{a}}">'
'<template ref="inner" repeat="{{c}}"></template>'
'</template>', 2));
test('NestedRepeatSelfRef', () {
var div = createTestHtml(
'<template id="t" repeat="{{}}">'
'<template ref="t" repeat="{{items}}"></template>'
var template = div.firstChild;
var m = toObservable([
'name': 'Item 1',
'items': [
'name': 'Item 1.1',
'items': [
'name': 'Item 1.1.1',
'items': []
'name': 'Item 1.2'
'name': 'Item 2',
'items': []
templateBind(template).model = m;
int i = 1;
return new Future(() {
expect(div.nodes[i++].text, 'Item 1');
expect(div.nodes[i++].tagName, 'TEMPLATE');
expect(div.nodes[i++].text, 'Item 1.1');
expect(div.nodes[i++].tagName, 'TEMPLATE');
expect(div.nodes[i++].text, 'Item 1.1.1');
expect(div.nodes[i++].tagName, 'TEMPLATE');
expect(div.nodes[i++].text, 'Item 1.2');
expect(div.nodes[i++].tagName, 'TEMPLATE');
expect(div.nodes[i++].text, 'Item 2');
m[0] = toObservable({'name': 'Item 1 changed'});
i = 1;
}).then(endOfMicrotask).then((_) {
expect(div.nodes[i++].text, 'Item 1 changed');
expect(div.nodes[i++].tagName, 'TEMPLATE');
expect(div.nodes[i++].text, 'Item 2');
// Note: we don't need a zone for this test, and we don't want to alter timing
// since we're testing a rather subtle relationship between select and option.
test('Attribute Template Option/Optgroup', () {
var div = createTestHtml(
'<template bind>'
'<select selectedIndex="{{ selected }}">'
'<optgroup template repeat="{{ groups }}" label="{{ name }}">'
'<option template repeat="{{ items }}">{{ val }}</option>'
var template = div.firstChild;
var m = toObservable({
'selected': 1,
'groups': [{
'name': 'one', 'items': [{ 'val': 0 }, { 'val': 1 }]
templateBind(template).model = m;
var completer = new Completer();
new MutationObserver((records, observer) {
var select = div.nodes[0].nextNode;
if (select == null || select.querySelector('option') == null) return;
new Future(() {
expect(select.nodes.length, 2);
expect(select.selectedIndex, 1, reason: 'selected index should update '
'after template expands.');
expect(select.nodes[0].tagName, 'TEMPLATE');
var optgroup = select.nodes[1];
expect(optgroup.nodes[0].tagName, 'TEMPLATE');
expect(optgroup.nodes[1].tagName, 'OPTION');
expect(optgroup.nodes[1].text, '0');
expect(optgroup.nodes[2].tagName, 'OPTION');
expect(optgroup.nodes[2].text, '1');
})..observe(div, childList: true, subtree: true);
return completer.future;
test('NestedIterateTableMixedSemanticNative', () {
if (!parserHasNativeTemplate) return null;
var div = createTestHtml(
'<template repeat="{{}}">'
'<td template repeat="{{}}" class="{{ val }}">{{ val }}</td>'
var template = div.firstChild.firstChild.firstChild;
var m = toObservable([
[{ 'val': 0 }, { 'val': 1 }],
[{ 'val': 2 }, { 'val': 3 }]
templateBind(template).model = m;
return new Future(() {
var tbody = div.nodes[0].nodes[0];
// 1 for the <tr template>, 2 * (1 tr)
expect(tbody.nodes.length, 3);
// 1 for the <td template>, 2 * (1 td)
expect(tbody.nodes[1].nodes.length, 3);
expect(tbody.nodes[1].nodes[1].text, '0');
expect(tbody.nodes[1].nodes[2].text, '1');
// 1 for the <td template>, 2 * (1 td)
expect(tbody.nodes[2].nodes.length, 3);
expect(tbody.nodes[2].nodes[1].text, '2');
expect(tbody.nodes[2].nodes[2].text, '3');
// Asset the 'class' binding is retained on the semantic template (just
// check the last one).
expect(tbody.nodes[2].nodes[2].attributes["class"], '3');
test('NestedIterateTable', () {
var div = createTestHtml(
'<tr template repeat="{{}}">'
'<td template repeat="{{}}" class="{{ val }}">{{ val }}</td>'
var template = div.firstChild.firstChild.firstChild;
var m = toObservable([
[{ 'val': 0 }, { 'val': 1 }],
[{ 'val': 2 }, { 'val': 3 }]
templateBind(template).model = m;
return new Future(() {
var i = 1;
var tbody = div.nodes[0].nodes[0];
// 1 for the <tr template>, 2 * (1 tr)
expect(tbody.nodes.length, 3);
// 1 for the <td template>, 2 * (1 td)
expect(tbody.nodes[1].nodes.length, 3);
expect(tbody.nodes[1].nodes[1].text, '0');
expect(tbody.nodes[1].nodes[2].text, '1');
// 1 for the <td template>, 2 * (1 td)
expect(tbody.nodes[2].nodes.length, 3);
expect(tbody.nodes[2].nodes[1].text, '2');
expect(tbody.nodes[2].nodes[2].text, '3');
// Asset the 'class' binding is retained on the semantic template (just
// check the last one).
expect(tbody.nodes[2].nodes[2].attributes['class'], '3');
test('NestedRepeatDeletionOfMultipleSubTemplates', () {
var div = createTestHtml(
'<template repeat="{{}}" id=t1>'
'<template ref=t1 repeat="{{items}}"></template>'
var m = toObservable([
'name': 'Item 1',
'items': [
'name': 'Item 1.1'
var ul = div.firstChild;
var t = ul.firstChild;
templateBind(t).model = m;
return new Future(() {
expect(ul.nodes.length, 2);
var ul2 = ul.nodes[1].nodes[1];
expect(ul2.nodes.length, 2);
var ul3 = ul2.nodes[1].nodes[1];
expect(ul3.nodes.length, 1);
}).then(endOfMicrotask).then((_) {
expect(ul.nodes.length, 1);
test('DeepNested', () {
var div = createTestHtml(
'<template bind="{{a}}">'
'<template bind="{{b}}">'
'{{ c }}'
var template = div.firstChild;
var m = toObservable({
'a': {
'b': {
'c': 42
templateBind(template).model = m;
return new Future(() {
expect(div.nodes[1].tagName, 'P');
expect(div.nodes[1].nodes.first.tagName, 'TEMPLATE');
expect(div.nodes[1].nodes[1].text, '42');
test('TemplateContentRemoved', () {
var div = createTestHtml('<template bind="{{}}">{{ }}</template>');
var template = div.firstChild;
var model = 42;
templateBind(template).model = model;
return new Future(() {
expect(div.nodes[1].text, '42');
expect(div.nodes[0].text, '');
test('TemplateContentRemovedEmptyArray', () {
var div = createTestHtml('<template iterate>Remove me</template>');
var template = div.firstChild;
templateBind(template).model = [];
return new Future(() {
expect(div.nodes.length, 1);
expect(div.nodes[0].text, '');
test('TemplateContentRemovedNested', () {
var div = createTestHtml(
'<template bind="{{}}">'
'{{ a }}'
'<template bind="{{}}">'
'{{ b }}'
var template = div.firstChild;
var model = toObservable({
'a': 1,
'b': 2
templateBind(template).model = model;
return new Future(() {
expect(div.nodes[0].text, '');
expect(div.nodes[1].text, '1');
expect(div.nodes[2].text, '');
expect(div.nodes[3].text, '2');
test('BindWithUndefinedModel', () {
var div = createTestHtml(
'<template bind="{{}}" if="{{}}">{{ a }}</template>');
var template = div.firstChild;
var model = toObservable({'a': 42});
templateBind(template).model = model;
return new Future(() {
expect(div.nodes[1].text, '42');
model = null;
templateBind(template).model = model;
}).then(endOfMicrotask).then((_) {
expect(div.nodes.length, 1);
model = toObservable({'a': 42});
templateBind(template).model = model;
}).then(endOfMicrotask).then((_) {
expect(div.nodes[1].text, '42');
test('BindNested', () {
var div = createTestHtml(
'<template bind="{{}}">'
'Name: {{ name }}'
'<template bind="{{wife}}" if="{{wife}}">'
'Wife: {{ name }}'
'<template bind="{{child}}" if="{{child}}">'
'Child: {{ name }}'
var template = div.firstChild;
var m = toObservable({
'name': 'Hermes',
'wife': {
'name': 'LaBarbara'
templateBind(template).model = m;
return new Future(() {
expect(div.nodes.length, 5);
expect(div.nodes[1].text, 'Name: Hermes');
expect(div.nodes[3].text, 'Wife: LaBarbara');
m['child'] = toObservable({'name': 'Dwight'});
}).then(endOfMicrotask).then((_) {
expect(div.nodes.length, 6);
expect(div.nodes[5].text, 'Child: Dwight');
}).then(endOfMicrotask).then((_) {
expect(div.nodes.length, 5);
expect(div.nodes[4].text, 'Child: Dwight');
test('BindRecursive', () {
var div = createTestHtml(
'<template bind="{{}}" if="{{}}" id="t">'
'Name: {{ name }}'
'<template bind="{{friend}}" if="{{friend}}" ref="t"></template>'
var template = div.firstChild;
var m = toObservable({
'name': 'Fry',
'friend': {
'name': 'Bender'
templateBind(template).model = m;
return new Future(() {
expect(div.nodes.length, 5);
expect(div.nodes[1].text, 'Name: Fry');
expect(div.nodes[3].text, 'Name: Bender');
m['friend']['friend'] = toObservable({'name': 'Leela'});
}).then(endOfMicrotask).then((_) {
expect(div.nodes.length, 7);
expect(div.nodes[5].text, 'Name: Leela');
m['friend'] = toObservable({'name': 'Leela'});
}).then(endOfMicrotask).then((_) {
expect(div.nodes.length, 5);
expect(div.nodes[3].text, 'Name: Leela');
test('Template - Self is terminator', () {
var div = createTestHtml(
'<template repeat>{{ foo }}'
'<template bind></template>'
var template = div.firstChild;
var m = toObservable([{ 'foo': 'bar' }]);
templateBind(template).model = m;
return new Future(() {
m.add(toObservable({ 'foo': 'baz' }));
templateBind(template).model = m;
}).then(endOfMicrotask).then((_) {
expect(div.nodes.length, 5);
expect(div.nodes[1].text, 'bar');
expect(div.nodes[3].text, 'baz');
test('Template - Same Contents, Different Array has no effect', () {
if (!MutationObserver.supported) return null;
var div = createTestHtml('<template repeat>{{ foo }}</template>');
var template = div.firstChild;
var m = toObservable([{ 'foo': 'bar' }, { 'foo': 'bat'}]);
templateBind(template).model = m;
var observer = new MutationObserver((x, y) {});
return new Future(() {
observer.observe(div, childList: true);
var template = div.firstChild;
templateBind(template).model = new ObservableList.from(m);
}).then(endOfMicrotask).then((_) {
var records = observer.takeRecords();
expect(records.length, 0);
test('RecursiveRef', () {
var div = createTestHtml(
'<template bind>'
'<template id=src>{{ foo }}</template>'
'<template bind ref=src></template>'
var m = toObservable({'foo': 'bar'});
templateBind(div.firstChild).model = m;
return new Future(() {
expect(div.nodes.length, 4);
expect(div.nodes[3].text, 'bar');
test('baseURI', () {
// TODO(jmesserly): Dart's setInnerHtml breaks this test -- the template
// URL is created as blank despite the NullTreeSanitizer.
// Use JS interop as a workaround.
//var div = createTestHtml('<template bind>'
// '<div style="background: url(foo.jpg)"></div></template>');
var div = new DivElement();
new JsObject.fromBrowserObject(div)['innerHTML'] = '<template bind>'
'<div style="background: url(foo.jpg)"></div></template>';
var local = document.createElement('div');
local.attributes['style'] = 'background: url(foo.jpg)';
var template = div.firstChild;
templateBind(template).model = {};
return new Future(() {
test('ChangeRefId', () {
var div = createTestHtml(
'<template id="a">a:{{ }}</template>'
'<template id="b">b:{{ }}</template>'
'<template repeat="{{}}">'
'<template ref="a" bind="{{}}"></template>'
var template = div.nodes[2];
var model = toObservable([]);
templateBind(template).model = model;
return new Future(() {
expect(div.nodes.length, 3);
document.getElementById('a').id = 'old-a';
document.getElementById('b').id = 'a';
}).then(endOfMicrotask).then((_) {
expect(div.nodes.length, 7);
expect(div.nodes[4].text, 'b:1');
expect(div.nodes[6].text, 'b:2');
test('Content', () {
var div = createTestHtml(
var templateA = div.nodes.first;
var templateB = div.nodes.last;
var contentA = templateBind(templateA).content;
var contentB = templateBind(templateB).content;
expect(contentA, isNotNull);
expect(templateA.ownerDocument, isNot(equals(contentA.ownerDocument)));
expect(templateB.ownerDocument, isNot(equals(contentB.ownerDocument)));
expect(templateB.ownerDocument, templateA.ownerDocument);
expect(contentB.ownerDocument, contentA.ownerDocument);
expect(templateA.ownerDocument.window, window);
expect(templateB.ownerDocument.window, window);
expect(contentA.ownerDocument.window, null);
expect(contentB.ownerDocument.window, null);
expect(contentA.nodes.last, contentA.nodes.first);
expect(contentA.nodes.first.tagName, 'A');
expect(contentB.nodes.last, contentB.nodes.first);
expect(contentB.nodes.first.tagName, 'B');
test('NestedContent', () {
var div = createTestHtml(
var templateA = div.nodes.first;
var templateB = templateBind(templateA).content.nodes.first;
expect(templateB.ownerDocument, templateBind(templateA)
test('BindShadowDOM', () {
if (!ShadowRoot.supported) return null;
var root = createShadowTestHtml(
'<template bind="{{}}">Hi {{ name }}</template>');
var model = toObservable({'name': 'Leela'});
templateBind(root.firstChild).model = model;
return new Future(() => expect(root.nodes[1].text, 'Hi Leela'));
// Dart note: this test seems gone from JS. Keeping for posterity sake.
test('BindShadowDOM createInstance', () {
if (!ShadowRoot.supported) return null;
var model = toObservable({'name': 'Leela'});
var template = new Element.html('<template>Hi {{ name }}</template>');
var root = createShadowTestHtml('');
return new Future(() {
expect(root.text, 'Hi Leela');
model['name'] = 'Fry';
}).then(endOfMicrotask).then((_) {
expect(root.text, 'Hi Fry');
test('BindShadowDOM Template Ref', () {
if (!ShadowRoot.supported) return null;
var root = createShadowTestHtml(
'<template id=foo>Hi</template><template bind ref=foo></template>');
var template = root.nodes[1];
templateBind(template).model = toObservable({});
return new Future(() {
expect(root.nodes.length, 3);
test('UnbindingInNestedBind', () {
var div = createTestHtml(
'<template bind="{{outer}}" if="{{outer}}" syntax="testHelper">'
'<template bind="{{inner}}" if="{{inner}}">'
'{{ age }}'
var template = div.firstChild;
var syntax = new UnbindingInNestedBindSyntax();
var model = toObservable({'outer': {'inner': {'age': 42}}});
templateBind(template)..model = model..bindingDelegate = syntax;
return new Future(() {
expect(syntax.count, 1);
var inner = model['outer']['inner'];
model['outer'] = null;
}).then(endOfMicrotask).then((_) {
expect(syntax.count, 1);
model['outer'] = toObservable({'inner': {'age': 2}});
syntax.expectedAge = 2;
}).then(endOfMicrotask).then((_) {
expect(syntax.count, 2);
test('DontCreateInstancesForAbandonedIterators', () {
var div = createTestHtml(
'<template bind="{{}} {{}}">'
'<template bind="{{}}">Foo</template>'
var template = div.firstChild;
templateBind(template).model = null;
return nextMicrotask;
test('CreateInstance', () {
var div = createTestHtml(
'<template bind="{{a}}">'
'<template bind="{{b}}">'
'{{ foo }}:{{ replaceme }}'
var outer = templateBind(div.nodes.first);
var model = toObservable({'b': {'foo': 'bar'}});
var instance = outer.createInstance(model, new TestBindingSyntax());
expect(instance.firstChild.nextNode.text, 'bar:replaced');
test('CreateInstance - sync error', () {
var div = createTestHtml('<template>{{foo}}</template>');
var outer = templateBind(div.nodes.first);
var model = 1; // model is missing 'foo' should throw.
expect(() => outer.createInstance(model, new TestBindingSyntax()),
test('CreateInstance - async error', () {
var div = createTestHtml(
'<template bind="{{b}}">'
'{{ foo }}:{{ replaceme }}'
var outer = templateBind(div.nodes.first);
var model = toObservable({'b': 1}); // missing 'foo' should throw.
bool seen = false;
runZoned(() => outer.createInstance(model, new TestBindingSyntax()),
onError: (e) {
expect(e, isNoSuchMethodError);
seen = true;
return new Future(() { expect(seen, isTrue); });
test('Repeat - svg', () {
var div = createTestHtml(
'<svg width="400" height="110">'
'<template repeat>'
'<rect width="{{ width }}" height="{{ height }}" />'
var model = toObservable([{ 'width': 10, 'height': 11 },
{ 'width': 20, 'height': 21 }]);
var svg = div.firstChild;
var template = svg.firstChild;
templateBind(template).model = model;
return new Future(() {
expect(svg.nodes.length, 3);
expect(svg.nodes[1].attributes['width'], '10');
expect(svg.nodes[1].attributes['height'], '11');
expect(svg.nodes[2].attributes['width'], '20');
expect(svg.nodes[2].attributes['height'], '21');
test('Bootstrap', () {
var div = new DivElement();
div.innerHtml =
var template = templateBind(div.nodes.first);
expect(template.content.nodes.length, 2);
var template2 = templateBind(template.content.nodes.first.nextNode);
expect(template2.content.nodes.length, 1);
expect(template2.content.nodes.first.text, 'Hello');
template = new Element.tag('template');
template.innerHtml =
template2 = templateBind(templateBind(template).content.nodes.first);
expect(template2.content.nodes.length, 2);
var template3 = templateBind(template2.content.nodes.first.nextNode);
expect(template3.content.nodes.length, 1);
expect(template3.content.nodes.first.text, 'Hello');
test('issue-285', () {
var div = createTestHtml(
'<template bind if="{{show}}">'
'<template id=del repeat="{{items}}">'
var template = div.firstChild;
var model = toObservable({
'show': true,
'items': [1]
new Issue285Syntax()));
return new Future(() {
expect(template.nextNode.nextNode.nextNode.text, '2');
model['show'] = false;
}).then(endOfMicrotask).then((_) {
model['show'] = true;
}).then(endOfMicrotask).then((_) {
expect(template.nextNode.nextNode.nextNode.text, '2');
test('Accessor value retrieval count', () {
var div = createTestHtml(
'<template bind>{{ prop }}</template>');
var model = new TestAccessorModel();
templateBind(div.firstChild).model = model;
return new Future(() {
expect(model.count, 1);
// Dart note: we don't handle getters in @observable, so we need to
// notify regardless.
model.notifyPropertyChange(#prop, 1, model.value);
}).then(endOfMicrotask).then((_) {
expect(model.count, 2);
test('issue-141', () {
var div = createTestHtml(
'<template bind>'
'<div foo="{{foo1}} {{foo2}}" bar="{{bar}}"></div>'
var template = div.firstChild;
var model = toObservable({
'foo1': 'foo1Value',
'foo2': 'foo2Value',
'bar': 'barValue'
templateBind(template).model = model;
return new Future(() {
expect(div.lastChild.attributes['bar'], 'barValue');
test('issue-18', () {
var delegate = new Issue18Syntax();
var div = createTestHtml(
'<template bind>'
'<div class="foo: {{ bar }}"></div>'
var template = div.firstChild;
var model = toObservable({'bar': 2});
templateBind(template)..model = model..bindingDelegate = delegate;
return new Future(() {
expect(div.lastChild.attributes['class'], 'foo: 2');
test('issue-152', () {
var div = createTestHtml(
'<template ref=notThere bind>XXX</template>');
var template = div.firstChild;
templateBind(template).model = {};
return new Future(() {
// if a ref cannot be located, a template will continue to use itself
// as the source of template instances.
expect(div.nodes[1].text, 'XXX');
compatTests() {
test('underbar bindings', () {
var div = createTestHtml(
'<template bind>'
'<div _style="color: {{ color }};"></div>'
'<img _src="{{ url }}">'
'<a _href="{{ url2 }}">Link</a>'
'<input type="number" _value="{{ number }}">'
var template = div.firstChild;
var model = toObservable({
'color': 'red',
'url': 'pic.jpg',
'url2': 'link.html',
'number': 4
templateBind(template).model = model;
return new Future(() {
var subDiv = div.firstChild.nextNode;
expect(subDiv.attributes['style'], 'color: red;');
var img = subDiv.nextNode;
expect(img.attributes['src'], 'pic.jpg');
var a = img.nextNode;
expect(a.attributes['href'], 'link.html');
var input = a.nextNode;
expect(input.value, '4');
class Issue285Syntax extends BindingDelegate {
prepareInstanceModel(template) {
if ( == 'del') return (val) => val * 2;
class TestBindingSyntax extends BindingDelegate {
prepareBinding(String path, name, node) {
if (path.trim() == 'replaceme') {
return (m, n, oneTime) => new PathObserver('replaced', '');
return null;
class UnbindingInNestedBindSyntax extends BindingDelegate {
int expectedAge = 42;
int count = 0;
prepareBinding(path, name, node) {
if (name != 'text' || path != 'age') return null;
return (model, _, oneTime) {
expect(model['age'], expectedAge);
return new PathObserver(model, path);
class Issue18Syntax extends BindingDelegate {
prepareBinding(path, name, node) {
if (name != 'class') return null;
return (model, _, oneTime) => new PathObserver(model, path);
class TestAccessorModel extends Observable {
@observable var value = 1;
var count = 0;
get prop {
return value;