blob: a2839eaaa0b10bf097e5b3e786634c268ba85e53 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
part of template_binding;
// This code is a port of what was formerly known as Model-Driven-Views, now
// located at:
// TODO(jmesserly): not sure what kind of boolean conversion rules to
// apply for template data-binding. HTML attributes are true if they're
// present. However Dart only treats "true" as true. Since this is HTML we'll
// use something closer to the HTML rules: null (missing) and false are false,
// everything else is true.
// See:
bool _toBoolean(value) => null != value && false != value;
// Dart note: this was added to decouple the MustacheTokens.parse function from
// the rest of template_binding.
_getDelegateFactory(name, node, delegate) {
if (delegate == null) return null;
return (pathString) => delegate.prepareBinding(pathString, name, node);
_InstanceBindingMap _getBindings(Node node, BindingDelegate delegate) {
if (node is Element) {
return _parseAttributeBindings(node, delegate);
if (node is Text) {
var tokens = MustacheTokens.parse(node.text,
_getDelegateFactory('text', node, delegate));
if (tokens != null) return new _InstanceBindingMap(['text', tokens]);
return null;
void _addBindings(Node node, model, [BindingDelegate delegate]) {
final bindings = _getBindings(node, delegate);
if (bindings != null) {
_processBindings(node, bindings, model);
for (var c = node.firstChild; c != null; c = c.nextNode) {
_addBindings(c, model, delegate);
MustacheTokens _parseWithDefault(Element element, String name,
BindingDelegate delegate) {
var v = element.attributes[name];
if (v == '') v = '{{}}';
return MustacheTokens.parse(v, _getDelegateFactory(name, element, delegate));
_InstanceBindingMap _parseAttributeBindings(Element element,
BindingDelegate delegate) {
var bindings = null;
var ifFound = false;
var bindFound = false;
var isTemplateNode = isSemanticTemplate(element);
element.attributes.forEach((name, value) {
// Allow bindings expressed in attributes to be prefixed with underbars.
// We do this to allow correct semantics for browsers that don't implement
// <template> where certain attributes might trigger side-effects -- and
// for IE which sanitizes certain attributes, disallowing mustache
// replacements in their text.
while (name[0] == '_') {
name = name.substring(1);
if (isTemplateNode &&
(name == 'bind' || name == 'if' || name == 'repeat')) {
var tokens = MustacheTokens.parse(value,
_getDelegateFactory(name, element, delegate));
if (tokens != null) {
if (bindings == null) bindings = [];
if (isTemplateNode) {
if (bindings == null) bindings = [];
var result = new _TemplateBindingMap(bindings)
.._if = _parseWithDefault(element, 'if', delegate)
.._bind = _parseWithDefault(element, 'bind', delegate)
.._repeat = _parseWithDefault(element, 'repeat', delegate);
// Treat <template if> as <template bind if>
if (result._if != null && result._bind == null && result._repeat == null) {
result._bind = MustacheTokens.parse('{{}}',
_getDelegateFactory('bind', element, delegate));
return result;
return bindings == null ? null : new _InstanceBindingMap(bindings);
_processOneTimeBinding(String name, MustacheTokens tokens, Node node, model) {
if (tokens.hasOnePath) {
var delegateFn = tokens.getPrepareBinding(0);
var value = delegateFn != null ? delegateFn(model, node, true) :
return tokens.isSimplePath ? value : tokens.combinator(value);
// Tokens uses a striding scheme to essentially store a sequence of structs in
// the list. See _MustacheTokens for more information.
var values = new List(tokens.length);
for (int i = 0; i < tokens.length; i++) {
Function delegateFn = tokens.getPrepareBinding(i);
values[i] = delegateFn != null ?
delegateFn(model, node, false) :
return tokens.combinator(values);
_processSinglePathBinding(String name, MustacheTokens tokens, Node node,
model) {
Function delegateFn = tokens.getPrepareBinding(0);
var observer = delegateFn != null ?
delegateFn(model, node, false) :
new PathObserver(model, tokens.getPath(0));
return tokens.isSimplePath ? observer :
new ObserverTransform(observer, tokens.combinator);
_processBinding(String name, MustacheTokens tokens, Node node, model) {
if (tokens.onlyOneTime) {
return _processOneTimeBinding(name, tokens, node, model);
if (tokens.hasOnePath) {
return _processSinglePathBinding(name, tokens, node, model);
var observer = new CompoundObserver();
for (int i = 0; i < tokens.length; i++) {
bool oneTime = tokens.getOneTime(i);
Function delegateFn = tokens.getPrepareBinding(i);
if (delegateFn != null) {
var value = delegateFn(model, node, oneTime);
if (oneTime) {
} else {
PropertyPath path = tokens.getPath(i);
if (oneTime) {
} else {
observer.addPath(model, path);
return new ObserverTransform(observer, tokens.combinator);
void _processBindings(Node node, _InstanceBindingMap map, model,
[List<Bindable> instanceBindings]) {
final bindings = map.bindings;
final nodeExt = nodeBind(node);
for (var i = 0; i < bindings.length; i += 2) {
var name = bindings[i];
var tokens = bindings[i + 1];
var value = _processBinding(name, tokens, node, model);
var binding = nodeExt.bind(name, value, oneTime: tokens.onlyOneTime);
if (binding != null && instanceBindings != null) {
if (map is! _TemplateBindingMap) return;
final templateExt = nodeBindFallback(node);
templateExt._model = model;
var iter = templateExt._processBindingDirectives(map);
if (iter != null && instanceBindings != null) {
// Note: this doesn't really implement most of Bindable. See:
class _TemplateIterator extends Bindable {
final TemplateBindExtension _templateExt;
final List<DocumentFragment> _instances = [];
/** A copy of the last rendered [_presentValue] list state. */
final List _iteratedValue = [];
List _presentValue;
bool _closed = false;
// Dart note: instead of storing these in a Map like JS, or using a separate
// object (extra memory overhead) we just inline the fields.
var _ifValue, _value;
// TODO(jmesserly): lots of booleans in this object. Bitmask?
bool _hasIf, _hasRepeat;
bool _ifOneTime, _oneTime;
StreamSubscription _listSub;
bool _initPrepareFunctions = false;
PrepareInstanceModelFunction _instanceModelFn;
PrepareInstancePositionChangedFunction _instancePositionChangedFn;
open(callback) => throw new StateError('binding already opened');
get value => _value;
Element get _templateElement => _templateExt._node;
void _closeDependencies() {
if (_ifValue is Bindable) {
_ifValue = null;
if (_value is Bindable) {
_value = null;
void _updateDependencies(_TemplateBindingMap directives, model) {
final template = _templateElement;
_hasIf = directives._if != null;
_hasRepeat = directives._repeat != null;
if (_hasIf) {
_ifOneTime = directives._if.onlyOneTime;
_ifValue = _processBinding('if', directives._if, template, model);
// oneTime if & predicate is false. nothing else to do.
if (_ifOneTime) {
if (!_toBoolean(_ifValue)) {
} else {
(_ifValue as Bindable).open(_updateIteratedValue);
if (_hasRepeat) {
_oneTime = directives._repeat.onlyOneTime;
_value = _processBinding('repeat', directives._repeat, template, model);
} else {
_oneTime = directives._bind.onlyOneTime;
_value = _processBinding('bind', directives._bind, template, model);
if (!_oneTime);
void _updateIteratedValue(_) {
if (_hasIf) {
var ifValue = _ifValue;
if (!_ifOneTime) ifValue = (ifValue as Bindable).value;
if (!_toBoolean(ifValue)) {
var value = _value;
if (!_oneTime) value = (value as Bindable).value;
if (!_hasRepeat) value = [value];
void _valueChanged(Object value) {
if (value is! List) {
if (value is Iterable) {
// Dart note: we support Iterable by calling toList.
// But we need to be careful to observe the original iterator if it
// supports that.
value = (value as Iterable).toList();
} else {
value = [];
if (identical(value, _iteratedValue)) return;
_presentValue = value;
if (value is ObservableList && _hasRepeat && !_oneTime) {
// Make sure any pending changes aren't delivered, since we're getting
// a snapshot at this point in time.
_listSub = value.listChanges.listen(_handleSplices);
_iteratedValue != null ? _iteratedValue : [],
_presentValue != null ? _presentValue : []));
Node _getLastInstanceNode(int index) {
if (index == -1) return _templateElement;
// TODO(jmesserly): we could avoid this expando lookup by caching the
// instance extension instead of the instance.
var instance = _instanceExtension[_instances[index]];
var terminator = instance._terminator;
if (terminator == null) return _getLastInstanceNode(index - 1);
if (!isSemanticTemplate(terminator) ||
identical(terminator, _templateElement)) {
return terminator;
var subtemplateIterator = templateBindFallback(terminator)._iterator;
if (subtemplateIterator == null) return terminator;
return subtemplateIterator._getLastTemplateNode();
Node _getLastTemplateNode() => _getLastInstanceNode(_instances.length - 1);
void _insertInstanceAt(int index, DocumentFragment fragment) {
var previousInstanceLast = _getLastInstanceNode(index - 1);
var parent = _templateElement.parentNode;
_instances.insert(index, fragment);
parent.insertBefore(fragment, previousInstanceLast.nextNode);
DocumentFragment _extractInstanceAt(int index) {
var previousInstanceLast = _getLastInstanceNode(index - 1);
var lastNode = _getLastInstanceNode(index);
var parent = _templateElement.parentNode;
var instance = _instances.removeAt(index);
while (lastNode != previousInstanceLast) {
var node = previousInstanceLast.nextNode;
if (node == lastNode) lastNode = previousInstanceLast;
return instance;
void _handleSplices(List<ListChangeRecord> splices) {
if (_closed || splices.isEmpty) return;
final template = _templateElement;
if (template.parentNode == null) {
ObservableList.applyChangeRecords(_iteratedValue, _presentValue, splices);
final delegate = _templateExt.bindingDelegate;
// Dart note: the JavaScript code relies on the distinction between null
// and undefined to track whether the functions are prepared. We use a bool.
if (!_initPrepareFunctions) {
_initPrepareFunctions = true;
final delegate = _templateExt._self.bindingDelegate;
if (delegate != null) {
_instanceModelFn = delegate.prepareInstanceModel(template);
_instancePositionChangedFn =
// Instance Removals.
var instanceCache = new HashMap(equals: identical);
var removeDelta = 0;
for (var splice in splices) {
for (var model in splice.removed) {
var instance = _extractInstanceAt(splice.index + removeDelta);
if (instance != _emptyInstance) {
instanceCache[model] = instance;
removeDelta -= splice.addedCount;
for (var splice in splices) {
for (var addIndex = splice.index;
addIndex < splice.index + splice.addedCount;
addIndex++) {
var model = _iteratedValue[addIndex];
DocumentFragment instance = instanceCache.remove(model);
if (instance == null) {
try {
if (_instanceModelFn != null) {
model = _instanceModelFn(model);
if (model == null) {
instance = _emptyInstance;
} else {
instance = _templateExt.createInstance(model, delegate);
} catch (e, s) {
// Dart note: we propagate errors asynchronously here to avoid
// disrupting the rendering flow. This is different than in the JS
// implementation but it should probably be fixed there too. Dart
// hits this case more because non-existing properties in
// [PropertyPath] are treated as errors, while JS treats them as
// null/undefined.
// TODO(sigmund): this should be a synchronous throw when this is
// called from createInstance, but that requires enough refactoring
// that it should be done upstream first. See
new Completer().completeError(e, s);
instance = _emptyInstance;
_insertInstanceAt(addIndex, instance);
for (var instance in instanceCache.values) {
if (_instancePositionChangedFn != null) _reportInstancesMoved(splices);
void _reportInstanceMoved(int index) {
var instance = _instances[index];
if (instance == _emptyInstance) return;
_instancePositionChangedFn(nodeBind(instance).templateInstance, index);
void _reportInstancesMoved(List<ListChangeRecord> splices) {
var index = 0;
var offset = 0;
for (var splice in splices) {
if (offset != 0) {
while (index < splice.index) {
} else {
index = splice.index;
while (index < splice.index + splice.addedCount) {
offset += splice.addedCount - splice.removed.length;
if (offset == 0) return;
var length = _instances.length;
while (index < length) {
void _closeInstanceBindings(DocumentFragment instance) {
var bindings = _instanceExtension[instance]._bindings;
for (var binding in bindings) binding.close();
void _unobserve() {
if (_listSub == null) return;
_listSub = null;
void close() {
if (_closed) return;
_templateExt._iterator = null;
_closed = true;
// Dart note: the JavaScript version just puts an expando on the array.
class _BoundNodes {
final List<Node> nodes;
final List<Bindable> instanceBindings;
_BoundNodes(this.nodes, this.instanceBindings);