blob: a212f58d8e2d8620893ae9ccf645c677e59814da [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2014, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library json_rpc_2.utils;
import 'dart:async';
import 'package:stack_trace/stack_trace.dart';
typedef ZeroArgumentFunction();
/// Like [new Future.sync], but automatically wraps the future in a
/// [Chain.track] call.
Future syncFuture(callback()) => Chain.track(new Future.sync(callback));
/// Returns a sentence fragment listing the elements of [iter].
/// This converts each element of [iter] to a string and separates them with
/// commas and/or "and" where appropriate.
String toSentence(Iterable iter) {
if (iter.length == 1) return iter.first.toString();
return iter.take(iter.length - 1).join(", ") + " and ${iter.last}";
/// Returns [name] if [number] is 1, or the plural of [name] otherwise.
/// By default, this just adds "s" to the end of [name] to get the plural. If
/// [plural] is passed, that's used instead.
String pluralize(String name, int number, {String plural}) {
if (number == 1) return name;
if (plural != null) return plural;
return '${name}s';
/// A regular expression to match the exception prefix that some exceptions'
/// [Object.toString] values contain.
final _exceptionPrefix = new RegExp(r'^([A-Z][a-zA-Z]*)?(Exception|Error): ');
/// Get a string description of an exception.
/// Many exceptions include the exception class name at the beginning of their
/// [toString], so we remove that if it exists.
String getErrorMessage(error) =>
error.toString().replaceFirst(_exceptionPrefix, '');
/// Returns a [StreamSink] that wraps [sink] and maps each event added using
/// [callback].
StreamSink mapStreamSink(StreamSink sink, callback(event)) =>
new _MappedStreamSink(sink, callback);
/// A [StreamSink] wrapper that maps each event added to the sink.
class _MappedStreamSink implements StreamSink {
final StreamSink _inner;
final Function _callback;
Future get done => _inner.done;
_MappedStreamSink(this._inner, this._callback);
void add(event) => _inner.add(_callback(event));
void addError(error, [StackTrace stackTrace]) =>
_inner.addError(error, stackTrace);
Future addStream(Stream stream) => _inner.addStream(;
Future close() => _inner.close();