blob: 3438218d514ec87f7fc3656f941ace7b4899b71d [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2014, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library code_transformers.src.dart_sdk;
import 'dart:convert' as convert;
import 'dart:io' show File, Platform, Process;
import 'package:path/path.dart' as path;
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/engine.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/java_io.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/sdk.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/sdk_io.dart' show DirectoryBasedDartSdk;
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/source.dart';
/// Attempts to provide the current Dart SDK directory.
/// This will return null if the SDK cannot be found
/// Note that this may not be correct when executing outside of `pub`.
String get dartSdkDirectory {
bool isSdkDir(String dirname) =>
new File(path.join(dirname, 'lib', '_internal', 'libraries.dart'))
if (path.split(Platform.executable).length == 1) {
// TODO(blois): make this cross-platform.
// HACK: A single part, hope it's on the path.
var result = Process.runSync('which', ['dart'],
stdoutEncoding: convert.UTF8);
var sdkDir = path.dirname(path.dirname(result.stdout));
if (isSdkDir(sdkDir)) return sdkDir;
var dartDir = path.dirname(path.absolute(Platform.executable));
// If there's a sub-dir named dart-sdk then we're most likely executing from
// a dart enlistment build directory.
if (isSdkDir(path.join(dartDir, 'dart-sdk'))) {
return path.join(dartDir, 'dart-sdk');
// If we can find libraries.dart then it's the root of the SDK.
if (isSdkDir(dartDir)) return dartDir;
var parts = path.split(dartDir);
// If the dart executable is within the sdk dir then get the root.
if (parts.contains('dart-sdk')) {
var dartSdkDir = path.joinAll(parts.take(parts.indexOf('dart-sdk') + 1));
if (isSdkDir(dartSdkDir)) return dartSdkDir;
return null;
/// Sources that are annotated with a source uri, so it is easy to resolve how
/// to support `Resolver.getImportUri`.
abstract class UriAnnotatedSource extends Source {
Uri get uri;
/// Dart SDK which wraps all Dart sources as [UriAnnotatedSource] to ensure they
/// are tracked with Uris.
class DirectoryBasedDartSdkProxy extends DirectoryBasedDartSdk {
DirectoryBasedDartSdkProxy(String sdkDirectory)
: super(new JavaFile(sdkDirectory));
Source mapDartUri(String dartUri) =>
DartSourceProxy.wrap(super.mapDartUri(dartUri), Uri.parse(dartUri));
/// Dart SDK resolver which wraps all Dart sources to ensure they are tracked
/// with URIs.
class DartUriResolverProxy implements DartUriResolver {
final DartUriResolver _proxy;
DartUriResolverProxy(DartSdk sdk) :
_proxy = new DartUriResolver(sdk);
Source resolveAbsolute(Uri uri) =>
DartSourceProxy.wrap(_proxy.resolveAbsolute(uri), uri);
DartSdk get dartSdk => _proxy.dartSdk;
Source fromEncoding(UriKind kind, Uri uri) =>
throw new UnsupportedError('fromEncoding is not supported');
Uri restoreAbsolute(Source source) =>
throw new UnsupportedError('restoreAbsolute is not supported');
/// Source file for dart: sources which track the sources with dart: URIs.
/// This is primarily to support [Resolver.getImportUri] for Dart SDK (dart:)
/// based libraries.
class DartSourceProxy implements UriAnnotatedSource {
/// Absolute URI which this source can be imported from
final Uri uri;
/// Underlying source object.
final Source _proxy;
DartSourceProxy(this._proxy, this.uri);
/// Ensures that [source] is a DartSourceProxy.
static DartSourceProxy wrap(Source source, Uri uri) {
if (source == null || source is DartSourceProxy) return source;
return new DartSourceProxy(source, uri);
Source resolveRelative(Uri relativeUri) {
// Assume that the type can be accessed via this URI, since these
// should only be parts for dart core files.
return wrap(_proxy.resolveRelative(relativeUri), uri);
bool exists() => _proxy.exists();
bool operator ==(Object other) =>
(other is DartSourceProxy && _proxy == other._proxy);
int get hashCode => _proxy.hashCode;
TimestampedData<String> get contents => _proxy.contents;
String get encoding => _proxy.encoding;
String get fullName => _proxy.fullName;
int get modificationStamp => _proxy.modificationStamp;
String get shortName => _proxy.shortName;
UriKind get uriKind => _proxy.uriKind;
bool get isInSystemLibrary => _proxy.isInSystemLibrary;
/// Dart SDK which contains a mock implementation of the SDK libraries. May be
/// used to speed up resultion when most of the core libraries is not needed.
class MockDartSdk implements DartSdk {
final Map<Uri, _MockSdkSource> _sources = {};
final bool reportMissing;
final Map<String, SdkLibrary> _libs = {};
final String sdkVersion = '0';
List<String> get uris => => '$uri').toList();
final AnalysisContext context = new SdkAnalysisContext();
DartUriResolver _resolver;
DartUriResolver get resolver => _resolver;
MockDartSdk(Map<String, String> sources, {this.reportMissing}) {
sources.forEach((uriString, contents) {
var uri = Uri.parse(uriString);
_sources[uri] = new _MockSdkSource(uri, contents);
_libs[uriString] = new SdkLibraryImpl(uri.path)
_resolver = new DartUriResolver(this);
context.sourceFactory = new SourceFactory([_resolver]);
List<SdkLibrary> get sdkLibraries => _libs.values.toList();
SdkLibrary getSdkLibrary(String dartUri) => _libs[dartUri];
Source mapDartUri(String dartUri) => _getSource(Uri.parse(dartUri));
Source fromEncoding(UriKind kind, Uri uri) {
if (kind != UriKind.DART_URI) {
throw new UnsupportedError('expected dart: uri kind, got $kind.');
return _getSource(uri);
Source _getSource(Uri uri) {
var src = _sources[uri];
if (src == null) {
if (reportMissing) print('warning: missing mock for $uri.');
_sources[uri] = src =
new _MockSdkSource(uri, 'library dart.${uri.path};');
return src;
class _MockSdkSource implements UriAnnotatedSource {
/// Absolute URI which this source can be imported from.
final Uri uri;
final String _contents;
_MockSdkSource(this.uri, this._contents);
bool exists() => true;
int get hashCode => uri.hashCode;
final int modificationStamp = 1;
TimestampedData<String> get contents =>
new TimestampedData(modificationStamp, _contents);
String get encoding => "${uriKind.encoding}$uri";
String get fullName => shortName;
String get shortName => uri.path;
UriKind get uriKind => UriKind.DART_URI;
bool get isInSystemLibrary => true;
Source resolveRelative(Uri relativeUri) =>
throw new UnsupportedError('not expecting relative urls in dart: mocks');