blob: e7ce47a7a6ae8435606371d1f5706d5619a550c1 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2014, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library operation;
import 'package:analysis_server/src/analysis_server.dart';
* The enumeration [ServerOperationPriority] defines the priority levels used
* to organize [ServerOperation]s in an optimal order. A smaller ordinal value
* equates to a higher priority.
class ServerOperationPriority {
final int ordinal;
final String name;
static const int COUNT = 4;
static const ServerOperationPriority ANALYSIS_CONTINUE = const ServerOperationPriority._(0, "ANALYSIS_CONTINUE");
static const ServerOperationPriority ANALYSIS = const ServerOperationPriority._(1, "ANALYSIS");
static const ServerOperationPriority SEARCH = const ServerOperationPriority._(2, "SEARCH");
static const ServerOperationPriority REFACTORING = const ServerOperationPriority._(3, "REFACTORING");
String toString() => name;
const ServerOperationPriority._(this.ordinal,;
* The class [ServerOperation] defines the behavior of objects used to perform
* operations on a [AnalysisServer].
abstract class ServerOperation {
* Returns the priority of this operation.
ServerOperationPriority get priority;
* Performs the operation implemented by this operation.
void perform(AnalysisServer server);