blob: 3c90961cfb055286cefeb37c651a2a837e8b6d15 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2014, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:analysis_server/protocol/protocol_generated.dart';
import 'package:analyzer_plugin/protocol/protocol_common.dart';
import 'package:test/test.dart';
import 'package:test_reflective_loader/test_reflective_loader.dart';
import '../support/integration_tests.dart';
main() {
defineReflectiveSuite(() {
// TODO(scheglov): Restore similar test coverage when the front-end API
// allows it. See
// defineReflectiveTests(GetSuggestionsTest_UseCFE);
class GetSuggestionsTest extends AbstractAnalysisServerIntegrationTest {
String path;
String content;
int completionOffset;
void setTestSource(String relPath, String content) {
path = sourcePath(relPath);
expect(completionOffset, isNull, reason: 'Call addTestUnit exactly once');
completionOffset = content.indexOf('^');
expect(completionOffset, isNot(equals(-1)), reason: 'missing ^');
int nextOffset = content.indexOf('^', completionOffset + 1);
expect(nextOffset, equals(-1), reason: 'too many ^');
this.content = content.substring(0, completionOffset) +
content.substring(completionOffset + 1);
test_getSuggestions() async {
setTestSource('test.dart', r'''
String test = '';
main() {
writeFile(path, content);
await standardAnalysisSetup();
await analysisFinished;
CompletionGetSuggestionsResult result =
await sendCompletionGetSuggestions(path, completionOffset);
String completionId =;
CompletionResultsParams param = await onCompletionResults.firstWhere(
(CompletionResultsParams param) => == completionId && param.isLast);
expect(param.replacementOffset, completionOffset);
expect(param.replacementLength, 0);
(CompletionSuggestion suggestion) => suggestion.completion == 'length');
test_getSuggestions_onlyOverlay() async {
setTestSource('test.dart', r'''
String test = '';
main() {
// Create an overlay but do not write the file to "disk"
// writeFile(pathname, text);
await standardAnalysisSetup();
await sendAnalysisUpdateContent({path: new AddContentOverlay(content)});
await analysisFinished;
CompletionGetSuggestionsResult result =
await sendCompletionGetSuggestions(path, completionOffset);
String completionId =;
CompletionResultsParams param = await onCompletionResults.firstWhere(
(CompletionResultsParams param) => == completionId && param.isLast);
expect(param.replacementOffset, completionOffset);
expect(param.replacementLength, 0);
(CompletionSuggestion suggestion) => suggestion.completion == 'length');
test_getSuggestions_onlyOverlay_noWait() async {
setTestSource('test.dart', r'''
String test = '';
main() {
// Create an overlay but do not write the file to "disk"
// writeFile(pathname, text);
// Don't wait for any results except the completion notifications
standardAnalysisSetup(subscribeStatus: false);
sendAnalysisUpdateContent({path: new AddContentOverlay(content)});
sendCompletionGetSuggestions(path, completionOffset);
CompletionResultsParams param = await onCompletionResults
.firstWhere((CompletionResultsParams param) => param.isLast);
expect(param.replacementOffset, completionOffset);
expect(param.replacementLength, 0);
(CompletionSuggestion suggestion) => suggestion.completion == 'length');
test_getSuggestions_sourceMissing_noWait() {
path = sourcePath('does_not_exist.dart');
// Do not write the file to "disk"
// writeFile(pathname, text);
// Don't wait for any results except the completion notifications
standardAnalysisSetup(subscribeStatus: false);
// Missing file and no overlay
//sendAnalysisUpdateContent({path: new AddContentOverlay(content)});
var errorToken = 'exception from server';
return sendCompletionGetSuggestions(path, 0).catchError((e) {
// Exception expected
return errorToken;
}).then((result) {
expect(result, new isInstanceOf<CompletionGetSuggestionsResult>());
class GetSuggestionsTest_UseCFE extends GetSuggestionsTest {
bool get useCFE => true;