blob: 4761b61945091754024b591984aaf6ecc3cb8a1e [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2011, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library map.from.test;
import "package:expect/expect.dart";
import 'dart:collection';
main() {
for (Map<num, num> map in [
<num, num>{},
const <num, num>{},
new HashMap<num, num>(),
new LinkedHashMap<num, num>(),
new SplayTreeMap<num, num>(),
<num, num>{1: 11, 2: 12, 4: 14},
const <num, num>{1: 11, 2: 12, 4: 14},
new Map<num, num>()
..[1] = 11
..[2] = 12
..[3] = 13,
new HashMap<num, num>()
..[1] = 11
..[2] = 12
..[3] = 13,
new LinkedHashMap<num, num>()
..[1] = 11
..[2] = 12
..[3] = 13,
new SplayTreeMap<num, num>()
..[1] = 11
..[2] = 12
..[3] = 13,
]) {
expectThrows(void operation()) {
// Allow CastError as well as TypeError. Dart2js creates a CastError
// here for some reason, and it's not wront.
Expect.throws(operation, (e) => e is TypeError || e is CastError);
var sourceType = map.runtimeType.toString();
check(sourceType, map, new Map<Object, Object>.of(map));
check(sourceType, map, new Map<num, num>.of(map));
expectThrows(() => new Map<int, int>.of(map));
check(sourceType, map, new HashMap<Object, Object>.of(map));
check(sourceType, map, new HashMap<num, num>.of(map));
expectThrows(() => new HashMap<int, int>.of(map));
check(sourceType, map, new LinkedHashMap<Object, Object>.of(map));
check(sourceType, map, new LinkedHashMap<num, num>.of(map));
expectThrows(() => new LinkedHashMap<int, int>.of(map));
check(sourceType, map, new SplayTreeMap<Object, Object>.of(map));
check(sourceType, map, new SplayTreeMap<num, num>.of(map));
expectThrows(() => new SplayTreeMap<int, int>.of(map));
check(String sourceType, Map<num, num> expect, Map actual) {
var targetType = actual.runtimeType.toString();
var name = "$sourceType->$targetType";
Expect.equals(expect.length, actual.length, "$name.length");
for (var key in expect.keys) {
Expect.isTrue(actual.containsKey(key), "$name?[$key]");
Expect.equals(expect[key], actual[key], "$name[$key]");