blob: 4df878a9844a6c05bcca5ab1bc08dff04c9ce4ad [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
part of;
// Read the file in blocks of size 64k.
const int _BLOCK_SIZE = 64 * 1024;
class _FileStream extends Stream<List<int>> {
// Stream controller.
StreamController<List<int>> _controller;
// Information about the underlying file.
String _path;
RandomAccessFile _openedFile;
int _position;
int _end;
final Completer _closeCompleter = new Completer();
// Has the stream been paused or unsubscribed?
bool _paused = false;
bool _unsubscribed = false;
// Is there a read currently in progress?
bool _readInProgress = false;
// Block read but not yet send because stream is paused.
List<int> _currentBlock;
_FileStream(String this._path, this._position, this._end) {
_FileStream.forStdin() : _position = 0 {
StreamSubscription<List<int>> listen(void onData(List<int> event),
{void onError(error),
void onDone(),
bool cancelOnError}) {
onError: onError,
onDone: onDone,
cancelOnError: cancelOnError);
void _setupController() {
_controller = new StreamController<List<int>>(sync: true,
onListen: _start,
onPause: () => _paused = true,
onResume: _resume,
onCancel: () {
_unsubscribed = true;
Future _closeFile() {
if (_readInProgress) {
return _closeCompleter.future;
if (_openedFile != null) {
onError: _closeCompleter.completeError);
_openedFile = null;
return _closeCompleter.future;
void _readBlock() {
// Don't start a new read if one is already in progress.
if (_readInProgress) return;
_readInProgress = true;
int readBytes = _BLOCK_SIZE;
if (_end != null) {
readBytes = min(readBytes, _end - _position);
if (readBytes < 0) {
_readInProgress = false;
if (!_unsubscribed) {
_controller.addError(new RangeError("Bad end position: $_end"));
_closeFile().then((_) { _controller.close(); });
_unsubscribed = true;
.whenComplete(() {
_readInProgress = false;
.then((block) {
if (_unsubscribed) {
if (block.length == 0) {
if (!_unsubscribed) {
_closeFile().then((_) { _controller.close(); });
_unsubscribed = true;
_position += block.length;
if (_paused) {
_currentBlock = block;
} else {
.catchError((e) {
if (!_unsubscribed) {
_closeFile().then((_) { _controller.close(); });
_unsubscribed = true;
void _start() {
if (_position == null) {
_position = 0;
} else if (_position < 0) {
_controller.addError(new RangeError("Bad start position: $_position"));
Future<RandomAccessFile> openFuture;
if (_path != null) {
openFuture = new File(_path).open(mode: FileMode.READ);
} else {
openFuture = new Future.value(_File._openStdioSync(0));
.then((RandomAccessFile opened) {
_openedFile = opened;
if (_position > 0) {
return opened.setPosition(_position);
.then((_) => _readBlock())
.catchError((e) {
void _resume() {
_paused = false;
if (_currentBlock != null) {
_currentBlock = null;
// Resume reading unless we are already done.
if (_openedFile != null) _readBlock();
class _FileStreamConsumer extends StreamConsumer<List<int>> {
File _file;
Future<RandomAccessFile> _openFuture;
StreamSubscription _subscription;
_FileStreamConsumer(File this._file, FileMode mode) {
_openFuture = mode);
_FileStreamConsumer.fromStdio(int fd) {
assert(1 <= fd && fd <= 2);
_openFuture = new Future.value(_File._openStdioSync(fd));
Future<File> addStream(Stream<List<int>> stream) {
Completer<File> completer = new Completer<File>();
.then((openedFile) {
_subscription = stream.listen(
(d) {
openedFile.writeFrom(d, 0, d.length)
.then((_) => _subscription.resume())
.catchError((e) {
onDone: () {
onError: (e) {
cancelOnError: true);
.catchError((e) {
return completer.future;
Future<File> close() {
return _openFuture.then((openedFile) => openedFile.close());
// Class for encapsulating the native implementation of files.
class _File extends FileSystemEntity implements File {
final String path;
// Constructor for file.
_File(String this.path) {
if (path is! String) {
throw new ArgumentError('${Error.safeToString(path)} '
'is not a String');
Future<bool> exists() {
return _IOService.dispatch(_FILE_EXISTS, [path]).then((response) {
if (_isErrorResponse(response)) {
throw _exceptionFromResponse(response, "Cannot check existence", path);
return response;
external static _exists(String path);
bool existsSync() {
var result = _exists(path);
throwIfError(result, "Cannot check existence of file", path);
return result;
File get absolute => new File(_absolutePath);
Future<FileStat> stat() => FileStat.stat(path);
FileStat statSync() => FileStat.statSync(path);
Future<File> create() {
return _IOService.dispatch(_FILE_CREATE, [path]).then((response) {
if (_isErrorResponse(response)) {
throw _exceptionFromResponse(response, "Cannot create file", path);
return this;
external static _create(String path);
external static _createLink(String path, String target);
external static _linkTarget(String path);
void createSync() {
var result = _create(path);
throwIfError(result, "Cannot create file", path);
Future<File> _delete({bool recursive: false}) {
if (recursive) {
return new Directory(path).delete(recursive: true).then((_) => this);
return _IOService.dispatch(_FILE_DELETE, [path]).then((response) {
if (_isErrorResponse(response)) {
throw _exceptionFromResponse(response, "Cannot delete file", path);
return this;
external static _deleteNative(String path);
external static _deleteLinkNative(String path);
void _deleteSync({bool recursive: false}) {
if (recursive) {
return new Directory(path).deleteSync(recursive: true);
var result = _deleteNative(path);
throwIfError(result, "Cannot delete file", path);
Future<File> rename(String newPath) {
return _IOService.dispatch(_FILE_RENAME, [path, newPath]).then((response) {
if (_isErrorResponse(response)) {
throw _exceptionFromResponse(
response, "Cannot rename file to '$newPath'", path);
return new File(newPath);
external static _rename(String oldPath, String newPath);
external static _renameLink(String oldPath, String newPath);
File renameSync(String newPath) {
var result = _rename(path, newPath);
throwIfError(result, "Cannot rename file to '$newPath'", path);
return new File(newPath);
Directory get directory {
_Path path = new _Path(this.path).directoryPath;
return new Directory(path.toNativePath());
Future<RandomAccessFile> open({FileMode mode: FileMode.READ}) {
if (mode != FileMode.READ &&
mode != FileMode.WRITE &&
mode != FileMode.APPEND) {
return new Future.error(new ArgumentError());
return _IOService.dispatch(_FILE_OPEN, [path, mode._mode]).then((response) {
if (_isErrorResponse(response)) {
throw _exceptionFromResponse(response, "Cannot open file", path);
return new _RandomAccessFile(response, path);
Future<int> length() {
return _IOService.dispatch(_FILE_LENGTH_FROM_PATH, [path]).then((response) {
if (_isErrorResponse(response)) {
throw _exceptionFromResponse(response,
"Cannot retrieve length of file",
return response;
external static _lengthFromPath(String path);
int lengthSync() {
var result = _lengthFromPath(path);
throwIfError(result, "Cannot retrieve length of file", path);
return result;
Future<DateTime> lastModified() {
return _IOService.dispatch(_FILE_LAST_MODIFIED, [path]).then((response) {
if (_isErrorResponse(response)) {
throw _exceptionFromResponse(response,
"Cannot retrieve modification time",
return new DateTime.fromMillisecondsSinceEpoch(response);
external static _lastModified(String path);
DateTime lastModifiedSync() {
var ms = _lastModified(path);
throwIfError(ms, "Cannot retrieve modification time", path);
return new DateTime.fromMillisecondsSinceEpoch(ms);
external static _open(String path, int mode);
RandomAccessFile openSync({FileMode mode: FileMode.READ}) {
if (mode != FileMode.READ &&
mode != FileMode.WRITE &&
mode != FileMode.APPEND) {
throw new FileException("Unknown file mode. Use FileMode.READ, "
"FileMode.WRITE or FileMode.APPEND.",
var id = _open(path, mode._mode);
throwIfError(id, "Cannot open file", path);
return new _RandomAccessFile(id, path);
external static int _openStdio(int fd);
static RandomAccessFile _openStdioSync(int fd) {
var id = _openStdio(fd);
if (id == 0) {
throw new FileException("Cannot open stdio file for: $fd");
return new _RandomAccessFile(id, "");
Future<String> fullPath() => resolveSymbolicLinks();
String fullPathSync() => resolveSymbolicLinksSync();
Stream<List<int>> openRead([int start, int end]) {
return new _FileStream(path, start, end);
IOSink openWrite({FileMode mode: FileMode.WRITE,
Encoding encoding: UTF8}) {
if (mode != FileMode.WRITE &&
mode != FileMode.APPEND) {
throw new ArgumentError(
"Wrong FileMode. Use FileMode.WRITE or FileMode.APPEND");
var consumer = new _FileStreamConsumer(this, mode);
return new IOSink(consumer, encoding: encoding);
Future<List<int>> readAsBytes() {
Completer<List<int>> completer = new Completer<List<int>>();
var builder = new BytesBuilder();
(d) => builder.add(d),
onDone: () {
onError: (e) {
cancelOnError: true);
return completer.future;
List<int> readAsBytesSync() {
var opened = openSync();
var builder = new BytesBuilder();
var data;
while ((data = opened.readSync(_BLOCK_SIZE)).length > 0) {
return builder.takeBytes();
String _tryDecode(List<int> bytes, Encoding encoding) {
try {
return encoding.decode(bytes);
} catch (_) {
throw new FileException(
"Failed to decode data using encoding '${}'", path);
Future<String> readAsString({Encoding encoding: UTF8}) {
return readAsBytes().then((bytes) {
return _tryDecode(bytes, encoding);
String readAsStringSync({Encoding encoding: UTF8}) {
List<int> bytes = readAsBytesSync();
return _tryDecode(bytes, encoding);
List<String> _decodeLines(List<int> bytes, Encoding encoding) {
if (bytes.length == 0) return [];
var list = [];
var controller = new StreamController(sync: true);
var error = null;
.transform(new LineSplitter())
.listen((line) => list.add(line), onError: (e) => error = e);
if (error != null) {
throw new FileException(
"Failed to decode data using encoding '${}'", path);
return list;
Future<List<String>> readAsLines({Encoding encoding: UTF8}) {
return readAsBytes().then((bytes) {
return _decodeLines(bytes, encoding);
List<String> readAsLinesSync({Encoding encoding: UTF8}) {
return _decodeLines(readAsBytesSync(), encoding);
Future<File> writeAsBytes(List<int> bytes,
{FileMode mode: FileMode.WRITE}) {
try {
IOSink sink = openWrite(mode: mode);
return sink.done.then((_) => this);
} catch (e) {
return new Future.error(e);
void writeAsBytesSync(List<int> bytes, {FileMode mode: FileMode.WRITE}) {
RandomAccessFile opened = openSync(mode: mode);
opened.writeFromSync(bytes, 0, bytes.length);
Future<File> writeAsString(String contents,
{FileMode mode: FileMode.WRITE,
Encoding encoding: UTF8}) {
try {
return writeAsBytes(encoding.encode(contents), mode: mode);
} catch (e) {
return new Future.error(e);
void writeAsStringSync(String contents,
{FileMode mode: FileMode.WRITE,
Encoding encoding: UTF8}) {
writeAsBytesSync(encoding.encode(contents), mode: mode);
String toString() => "File: '$path'";
static throwIfError(Object result, String msg, String path) {
if (result is OSError) {
throw new FileException(msg, path, result);
class _RandomAccessFile implements RandomAccessFile {
final String path;
int _id;
bool _asyncDispatched = false;
SendPort _fileService;
_RandomAccessFile(int this._id, String this.path);
Future<RandomAccessFile> close() {
return _dispatch(_FILE_CLOSE, [_id], markClosed: true).then((result) {
if (result != -1) {
_id = result;
return this;
} else {
throw new FileException("Cannot close file", path);
external static int _close(int id);
void closeSync() {
var id = _close(_id);
if (id == -1) {
throw new FileException("Cannot close file", path);
_id = id;
Future<int> readByte() {
return _dispatch(_FILE_READ_BYTE, [_id]).then((response) {
if (_isErrorResponse(response)) {
throw _exceptionFromResponse(response, "readByte failed", path);
return response;
external static _readByte(int id);
int readByteSync() {
var result = _readByte(_id);
if (result is OSError) {
throw new FileException("readByte failed", path, result);
return result;
Future<List<int>> read(int bytes) {
if (bytes is !int) {
throw new ArgumentError(bytes);
return _dispatch(_FILE_READ, [_id, bytes]).then((response) {
if (_isErrorResponse(response)) {
throw _exceptionFromResponse(response, "read failed", path);
return response[1];
external static _read(int id, int bytes);
List<int> readSync(int bytes) {
if (bytes is !int) {
throw new ArgumentError(bytes);
var result = _read(_id, bytes);
if (result is OSError) {
throw new FileException("readSync failed", path, result);
return result;
Future<int> readInto(List<int> buffer, [int start, int end]) {
if (buffer is !List ||
(start != null && start is !int) ||
(end != null && end is !int)) {
throw new ArgumentError();
if (start == null) start = 0;
if (end == null) end = buffer.length;
int length = end - start;
return _dispatch(_FILE_READ_INTO, [_id, length]).then((response) {
if (_isErrorResponse(response)) {
throw _exceptionFromResponse(response, "readInto failed", path);
var read = response[1];
var data = response[2];
buffer.setRange(start, start + read, data);
return read;
static void _checkReadWriteListArguments(int length, int start, int end) {
if (start < 0) throw new RangeError.value(start);
if (end < start) throw new RangeError.value(end);
if (end > length) {
throw new RangeError.value(end);
external static _readInto(int id, List<int> buffer, int start, int end);
int readIntoSync(List<int> buffer, [int start, int end]) {
if (buffer is !List ||
(start != null && start is !int) ||
(end != null && end is !int)) {
throw new ArgumentError();
if (start == null) start = 0;
if (end == null) end = buffer.length;
if (end == start) return 0;
_checkReadWriteListArguments(buffer.length, start, end);
var result = _readInto(_id, buffer, start, end);
if (result is OSError) {
throw new FileException("readInto failed", path, result);
return result;
Future<RandomAccessFile> writeByte(int value) {
if (value is !int) {
throw new ArgumentError(value);
return _dispatch(_FILE_WRITE_BYTE, [_id, value]).then((response) {
if (_isErrorResponse(response)) {
throw _exceptionFromResponse(response, "writeByte failed", path);
return this;
external static _writeByte(int id, int value);
int writeByteSync(int value) {
if (value is !int) {
throw new ArgumentError(value);
var result = _writeByte(_id, value);
if (result is OSError) {
throw new FileException("writeByte failed", path, result);
return result;
Future<RandomAccessFile> writeFrom(List<int> buffer, [int start, int end]) {
if ((buffer is !List && buffer is !ByteData) ||
(start != null && start is !int) ||
(end != null && end is !int)) {
throw new ArgumentError("Invalid arguments to writeFrom");
_BufferAndStart result;
try {
result = _ensureFastAndSerializableByteData(buffer, start, end);
} catch (e) {
return new Future.error(e);
List request = new List(4);
request[0] = _id;
request[1] = result.buffer;
request[2] = result.start;
request[3] = end - (start - result.start);
return _dispatch(_FILE_WRITE_FROM, request).then((response) {
if (_isErrorResponse(response)) {
throw _exceptionFromResponse(response, "writeFrom failed", path);
return this;
external static _writeFrom(int id, List<int> buffer, int start, int end);
void writeFromSync(List<int> buffer, [int start, int end]) {
if (buffer is !List ||
(start != null && start is !int) ||
(end != null && end is !int)) {
throw new ArgumentError("Invalid arguments to writeFromSync");
if (start == null) start = 0;
if (end == null) end = buffer.length;
if (end == start) return;
_checkReadWriteListArguments(buffer.length, start, end);
_BufferAndStart bufferAndStart =
_ensureFastAndSerializableByteData(buffer, start, end);
var result = _writeFrom(_id,
end - (start - bufferAndStart.start));
if (result is OSError) {
throw new FileException("writeFrom failed", path, result);
Future<RandomAccessFile> writeString(String string,
{Encoding encoding: UTF8}) {
if (encoding is! Encoding) {
throw new ArgumentError(encoding);
var data = encoding.encode(string);
return writeFrom(data, 0, data.length);
void writeStringSync(String string, {Encoding encoding: UTF8}) {
if (encoding is! Encoding) {
throw new ArgumentError(encoding);
var data = encoding.encode(string);
writeFromSync(data, 0, data.length);
Future<int> position() {
return _dispatch(_FILE_POSITION, [_id]).then((response) {
if (_isErrorResponse(response)) {
throw _exceptionFromResponse(response, "position failed", path);
return response;
external static _position(int id);
int positionSync() {
var result = _position(_id);
if (result is OSError) {
throw new FileException("position failed", path, result);
return result;
Future<RandomAccessFile> setPosition(int position) {
return _dispatch(_FILE_SET_POSITION, [_id, position])
.then((response) {
if (_isErrorResponse(response)) {
throw _exceptionFromResponse(response, "setPosition failed", path);
return this;
external static _setPosition(int id, int position);
void setPositionSync(int position) {
var result = _setPosition(_id, position);
if (result is OSError) {
throw new FileException("setPosition failed", path, result);
Future<RandomAccessFile> truncate(int length) {
return _dispatch(_FILE_TRUNCATE, [_id, length]).then((response) {
if (_isErrorResponse(response)) {
throw _exceptionFromResponse(response, "truncate failed", path);
return this;
external static _truncate(int id, int length);
void truncateSync(int length) {
var result = _truncate(_id, length);
if (result is OSError) {
throw new FileException("truncate failed", path, result);
Future<int> length() {
return _dispatch(_FILE_LENGTH, [_id]).then((response) {
if (_isErrorResponse(response)) {
throw _exceptionFromResponse(response, "length failed", path);
return response;
external static _length(int id);
int lengthSync() {
var result = _length(_id);
if (result is OSError) {
throw new FileException("length failed", path, result);
return result;
Future<RandomAccessFile> flush() {
return _dispatch(_FILE_FLUSH, [_id]).then((response) {
if (_isErrorResponse(response)) {
throw _exceptionFromResponse(response,
"flush failed",
return this;
external static _flush(int id);
void flushSync() {
var result = _flush(_id);
if (result is OSError) {
throw new FileException("flush failed", path, result);
bool get closed => _id == 0;
Future _dispatch(int request, List data, { bool markClosed: false }) {
if (closed) {
return new Future.error(new FileException("File closed", path));
if (_asyncDispatched) {
var msg = "An async operation is currently pending";
return new Future.error(new FileException(msg, path));
if (markClosed) {
// Set the id_ to 0 (NULL) to ensure the no more async requests
// can be issued for this file.
_id = 0;
_asyncDispatched = true;
return _IOService.dispatch(request, data)
.whenComplete(() {
_asyncDispatched = false;
void _checkAvailable() {
if (_asyncDispatched) {
throw new FileException("An async operation is currently pending", path);
if (closed) {
throw new FileException("File closed", path);