blob: e868a0fd2c307eced221cdf82d8aa41b58c7295e [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2014, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// This code was auto-generated, is not intended to be edited, and is subject to
// significant change. Please see the README file for more information.
library services.src.correction.util;
import 'package:analysis_services/src/correction/source_range.dart';
import 'package:analysis_services/src/correction/strings.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/ast.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/element.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/resolver.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/source.dart';
String getDefaultValueCode(DartType type) {
if (type != null) {
String typeName = type.displayName;
if (typeName == "bool") {
return "false";
if (typeName == "int") {
return "0";
if (typeName == "double") {
return "0.0";
if (typeName == "String") {
return "''";
// no better guess
return "null";
* Returns [getExpressionPrecedence] for the parent of [node],
* or `0` if the parent node is [ParenthesizedExpression].
* The reason is that `(expr)` is always executed after `expr`.
int getExpressionParentPrecedence(AstNode node) {
AstNode parent = node.parent;
if (parent is ParenthesizedExpression) {
return 0;
return getExpressionPrecedence(parent);
* Returns the precedence of [node] it is an [Expression], negative otherwise.
int getExpressionPrecedence(AstNode node) {
if (node is Expression) {
return node.precedence;
return -1000;
* Returns the namespace of the given [ImportElement].
Map<String, Element> getImportNamespace(ImportElement imp) {
NamespaceBuilder builder = new NamespaceBuilder();
Namespace namespace = builder.createImportNamespaceForDirective(imp);
return namespace.definedNames;
class CorrectionUtils {
final CompilationUnit unit;
LibraryElement _library;
String _buffer;
String _endOfLine;
CorrectionUtils(this.unit) {
CompilationUnitElement unitElement = unit.element;
this._library = unitElement.library;
this._buffer = unitElement.context.getContents(unitElement.source).data;
* Returns the EOL to use for this [CompilationUnit].
String get endOfLine {
if (_endOfLine == null) {
if (_buffer.contains("\r\n")) {
_endOfLine = "\r\n";
} else {
_endOfLine = "\n";
return _endOfLine;
* Skips whitespace characters and single EOL on the right from [index].
* If [index] the end of a statement or method, then in the most cases it is
* a start of the next line.
int getLineContentEnd(int index) {
int length = _buffer.length;
// skip whitespace characters
while (index < length) {
int c = _buffer.codeUnitAt(index);
if (!isWhitespace(c) || c == 0x0D || c == 0x0A) {
// skip single \r
if (index < length && _buffer.codeUnitAt(index) == 0x0D) {
// skip single \n
if (index < length && _buffer.codeUnitAt(index) == 0x0A) {
// done
return index;
* Skips spaces and tabs on the left from [index].
* If [index] is the start or a statement, then in the most cases it is a
* start on its line.
int getLineContentStart(int index) {
while (index > 0) {
int c = _buffer.codeUnitAt(index - 1);
if (!isSpace(c)) {
return index;
* Returns a [SourceRange] that covers [range] and extends (if possible) to
* cover whole lines.
SourceRange getLinesRange(SourceRange range) {
// start
int startOffset = range.offset;
int startLineOffset = getLineContentStart(startOffset);
// end
int endOffset = range.end;
int afterEndLineOffset = getLineContentEnd(endOffset);
// range
return rangeStartEnd(startLineOffset, afterEndLineOffset);
* @return the source for the parameter with the given type and name.
String getParameterSource(DartType type, String name) {
// no type
if (type == null || type.isDynamic) {
return name;
// function type
if (type is FunctionType) {
FunctionType functionType = type;
StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
// return type
DartType returnType = functionType.returnType;
if (returnType != null && !returnType.isDynamic) {
sb.write(' ');
// parameter name
// parameters
List<ParameterElement> fParameters = functionType.parameters;
for (int i = 0; i < fParameters.length; i++) {
ParameterElement fParameter = fParameters[i];
if (i != 0) {
sb.write(", ");
// done
return sb.toString();
// simple type
return "${getTypeSource(type)} ${name}";
* Returns the actual type source of the given [Expression], may be `null`
* if can not be resolved, should be treated as the `dynamic` type.
String getExpressionTypeSource(Expression expression) {
if (expression == null) {
return null;
DartType type = expression.bestType;
String typeSource = getTypeSource(type);
if ("dynamic" == typeSource) {
return null;
return typeSource;
* Returns the source to reference [type] in this [CompilationUnit].
String getTypeSource(DartType type) {
StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
// prepare element
Element element = type.element;
if (element == null) {
String source = type.toString();
source = source.replaceAll('<dynamic>', '');
source = source.replaceAll('<dynamic, dynamic>', '');
return source;
// append prefix
ImportElement imp = _getImportElement(element);
if (imp != null && imp.prefix != null) {
// append simple name
String name = element.displayName;
// may be type arguments
if (type is InterfaceType) {
InterfaceType interfaceType = type;
List<DartType> arguments = interfaceType.typeArguments;
// check if has arguments
bool hasArguments = false;
for (DartType argument in arguments) {
if (!argument.isDynamic) {
hasArguments = true;
// append type arguments
if (hasArguments) {
for (int i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++) {
DartType argument = arguments[i];
if (i != 0) {
sb.write(", ");
// done
return sb.toString();
* @return the [ImportElement] used to import given [Element] into [library].
* May be `null` if was not imported, i.e. declared in the same library.
ImportElement _getImportElement(Element element) {
for (ImportElement imp in _library.imports) {
Map<String, Element> definedNames = getImportNamespace(imp);
if (definedNames.containsValue(element)) {
return imp;
return null;