blob: 374ccaf2434896644df597c1c955517eebbd7a90 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2014, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library services.index;
import 'dart:async';
import 'package:analysis_server/analysis/index/index_core.dart';
import 'package:analysis_server/src/services/index/indexable_element.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/ast.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/element.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/engine.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/html.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/source.dart';
* A filter for [Element] names.
typedef bool ElementNameFilter(String name);
* The interface [Index] defines the behavior of objects that maintain an index
* storing relations between indexable objects.
* Any modification operations are executed before any read operation.
* There is no guarantee about the order in which the [Future]s for read
* operations will complete.
abstract class Index implements IndexStore {
* Set the index contributors used by this index to the given list of
* [contributors].
void set contributors(List<IndexContributor> contributors);
* Answers index statistics.
String get statistics;
* Returns top-level [Element]s whose names satisfy to [nameFilter].
List<Element> getTopLevelDeclarations(ElementNameFilter nameFilter);
* Processes the given [HtmlUnit] in order to record the relationships.
* [context] - the [AnalysisContext] in which [HtmlUnit] was resolved.
* [unit] - the [HtmlUnit] being indexed.
void indexHtmlUnit(AnalysisContext context, HtmlUnit unit);
* Processes the given [CompilationUnit] in order to record the relationships.
* [context] - the [AnalysisContext] in which [CompilationUnit] was resolved.
* [unit] - the [CompilationUnit] being indexed.
void indexUnit(AnalysisContext context, CompilationUnit unit);
* Starts the index.
* Should be called before any other method.
void run();
* Stops the index.
* After calling this method operations may not be executed.
void stop();
* An [Element] which is used to index references to the name without specifying
* a concrete kind of this name - field, method or something else.
class IndexableName implements IndexableObject {
// TODO(brianwilkerson) Replace NameElement with this class. This will require
// generalizing the search engine to use IndexableObject rather than Element.
* The name to be indexed.
final String name;
* Initialize a newly created indexable name to represent the given [name].
IndexableObjectKind get kind => IndexableNameKind.INSTANCE;
int get length => 0;
int get offset {
return -1;
Source get source => null;
String toString() => name;
* The kind of an indexable name.
class IndexableNameKind implements IndexableObjectKind {
* The unique instance of this class.
static final IndexableNameKind INSTANCE =
new IndexableNameKind._(IndexableObjectKind.nextIndex);
* The index uniquely identifying this kind.
final int index;
* Initialize a newly created kind to have the given [index].
IndexableNameKind._(this.index) {
IndexableObject decode(AnalysisContext context, String filePath, int offset) {
throw new UnsupportedError(
'Indexable names cannot be decoded through their kind');
* Constants used when populating and accessing the index.
class IndexConstants {
* Left: the Universe or a Library.
* Defines an Element.
* Right: an Element declaration.
static final RelationshipImpl DEFINES =
* Left: class.
* Is extended by.
* Right: other class declaration.
static final RelationshipImpl IS_EXTENDED_BY =
* Left: class.
* Is implemented by.
* Right: other class declaration.
static final RelationshipImpl IS_IMPLEMENTED_BY =
* Left: class.
* Is mixed into.
* Right: other class declaration.
static final RelationshipImpl IS_MIXED_IN_BY =
* Left: local variable, parameter.
* Is read at.
* Right: location.
static final RelationshipImpl IS_READ_BY =
* Left: local variable, parameter.
* Is both read and written at.
* Right: location.
static final RelationshipImpl IS_READ_WRITTEN_BY =
* Left: local variable, parameter.
* Is written at.
* Right: location.
static final RelationshipImpl IS_WRITTEN_BY =
* Left: function, method, variable, getter.
* Is invoked at.
* Right: location.
static final RelationshipImpl IS_INVOKED_BY =
* Left: function, function type, class, field, method.
* Is referenced (and not invoked, read/written) at.
* Right: location.
static final RelationshipImpl IS_REFERENCED_BY =
* Left: name element.
* Is defined by.
* Right: concrete element declaration.
static final RelationshipImpl NAME_IS_DEFINED_BY =
* Instances of the class [LocationImpl] represent a location related to an
* element.
* The location is expressed as an offset and length, but the offset is relative
* to the resource containing the element rather than the start of the element
* within that resource.
class LocationImpl implements Location {
static const int _FLAG_QUALIFIED = 1 << 0;
static const int _FLAG_RESOLVED = 1 << 1;
* An empty array of locations.
static const List<LocationImpl> EMPTY_LIST = const <LocationImpl>[];
* The indexable object containing this location.
final IndexableObject indexable;
* The offset of this location within the resource containing the element.
final int offset;
* The length of this location.
final int length;
* The flags of this location.
int _flags;
* Initializes a newly created location to be relative to the given
* [indexable] object at the given [offset] with the given [length].
LocationImpl(this.indexable, this.offset, this.length,
{bool isQualified: false, bool isResolved: true}) {
if (indexable == null) {
throw new ArgumentError("indexable object cannot be null");
_flags = 0;
if (isQualified) {
_flags |= _FLAG_QUALIFIED;
if (isResolved) {
_flags |= _FLAG_RESOLVED;
* The element containing this location.
Element get element {
if (indexable is IndexableElement) {
return (indexable as IndexableElement).element;
return null;
bool get isQualified => (_flags & _FLAG_QUALIFIED) != 0;
bool get isResolved => (_flags & _FLAG_RESOLVED) != 0;
String toString() {
String flagsStr = '';
if (isQualified) {
flagsStr += ' qualified';
if (isResolved) {
flagsStr += ' resolved';
return '[${offset} - ${(offset + length)}) $flagsStr in ${indexable}';
* A [LocationImpl] with attached data.
class LocationWithData<D> extends LocationImpl {
final D data;
LocationWithData(LocationImpl location,
: super(location.indexable, location.offset, location.length);
* An [Element] which is used to index references to the name without specifying
* a concrete kind of this name - field, method or something else.
class NameElement extends ElementImpl {
NameElement(String name) : super(name, -1);
ElementKind get kind => ElementKind.NAME;
accept(ElementVisitor visitor) => null;
* Relationship between an element and a location. Relationships are identified
* by a globally unique identifier.
class RelationshipImpl implements Relationship {
* A table mapping relationship identifiers to relationships.
static Map<String, RelationshipImpl> _RELATIONSHIP_MAP = {};
* The next artificial hash code.
static int _NEXT_HASH_CODE = 0;
* The artifitial hash code for this object.
final int _hashCode = _NEXT_HASH_CODE++;
* The unique identifier for this relationship.
final String identifier;
* Initialize a newly created relationship with the given unique identifier.
int get hashCode => _hashCode;
String toString() => identifier;
* Returns the relationship with the given unique [identifier].
static RelationshipImpl getRelationship(String identifier) {
RelationshipImpl relationship = _RELATIONSHIP_MAP[identifier];
if (relationship == null) {
relationship = new RelationshipImpl(identifier);
_RELATIONSHIP_MAP[identifier] = relationship;
return relationship;