blob: 9dca795b39a852ccf2f4e50408f3b8ca3042b16c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
#include "vm/deopt_instructions.h"
#include "vm/assembler.h"
#include "vm/code_patcher.h"
#include "vm/intermediate_language.h"
#include "vm/locations.h"
#include "vm/parser.h"
#include "vm/stack_frame.h"
namespace dart {
DEFINE_FLAG(bool, compress_deopt_info, true,
"Compress the size of the deoptimization info for optimized code.");
DECLARE_FLAG(bool, trace_deoptimization);
DECLARE_FLAG(bool, trace_deoptimization_verbose);
DeoptContext::DeoptContext(const StackFrame* frame,
const Code& code,
DestFrameOptions dest_options,
fpu_register_t* fpu_registers,
intptr_t* cpu_registers)
: code_(code.raw()),
deferred_objects_(NULL) {
object_table_ = code.object_table();
intptr_t deopt_reason = kDeoptUnknown;
const DeoptInfo& deopt_info =
DeoptInfo::Handle(code.GetDeoptInfoAtPc(frame->pc(), &deopt_reason));
deopt_info_ = deopt_info.raw();
deopt_reason_ = static_cast<DeoptReasonId>(deopt_reason);
const Function& function = Function::Handle(code.function());
// Do not include incoming arguments if there are optional arguments
// (they are copied into local space at method entry).
num_args_ =
function.HasOptionalParameters() ? 0 : function.num_fixed_parameters();
// The fixed size section of the (fake) Dart frame called via a stub by the
// optimized function contains FP, PP (ARM and MIPS only), PC-marker and
// return-address. This section is copied as well, so that its contained
// values can be updated before returning to the deoptimized function.
source_frame_size_ =
+ kDartFrameFixedSize // For saved values below sp.
+ ((frame->fp() - frame->sp()) / kWordSize) // For frame size incl. sp.
+ 1 // For fp.
+ kParamEndSlotFromFp // For saved values above fp.
+ num_args_; // For arguments.
source_frame_ = reinterpret_cast<intptr_t*>(
frame->sp() - (kDartFrameFixedSize * kWordSize));
if (dest_options == kDestIsOriginalFrame) {
// Work from a copy of the source frame.
intptr_t* original_frame = source_frame_;
source_frame_ = new intptr_t[source_frame_size_];
ASSERT(source_frame_ != NULL);
for (intptr_t i = 0; i < source_frame_size_; i++) {
source_frame_[i] = original_frame[i];
source_frame_is_allocated_ = true;
caller_fp_ = GetSourceFp();
dest_frame_size_ = deopt_info.FrameSize();
if (dest_options == kDestIsAllocated) {
dest_frame_ = new intptr_t[dest_frame_size_];
ASSERT(source_frame_ != NULL);
for (intptr_t i = 0; i < dest_frame_size_; i++) {
dest_frame_[i] = 0;
dest_frame_is_allocated_ = true;
if (FLAG_trace_deoptimization || FLAG_trace_deoptimization_verbose) {
"Deoptimizing (reason %" Pd " '%s') at pc %#" Px " '%s' (count %d)\n",
DeoptContext::~DeoptContext() {
// Delete memory for source frame and registers.
if (source_frame_is_allocated_) {
delete[] source_frame_;
source_frame_ = NULL;
delete[] fpu_registers_;
delete[] cpu_registers_;
fpu_registers_ = NULL;
cpu_registers_ = NULL;
if (dest_frame_is_allocated_) {
delete[] dest_frame_;
dest_frame_ = NULL;
// Delete all deferred objects.
for (intptr_t i = 0; i < deferred_objects_count_; i++) {
delete deferred_objects_[i];
delete[] deferred_objects_;
deferred_objects_ = NULL;
deferred_objects_count_ = 0;
void DeoptContext::VisitObjectPointers(ObjectPointerVisitor* visitor) {
// Visit any object pointers on the destination stack.
if (dest_frame_is_allocated_) {
for (intptr_t i = 0; i < dest_frame_size_; i++) {
if (dest_frame_[i] != 0) {
intptr_t DeoptContext::DestStackAdjustment() const {
return (dest_frame_size_
- kDartFrameFixedSize
- num_args_
- kParamEndSlotFromFp
- 1); // For fp.
intptr_t DeoptContext::GetSourceFp() const {
return source_frame_[source_frame_size_ - 1 - num_args_ -
intptr_t DeoptContext::GetSourcePp() const {
return source_frame_[source_frame_size_ - 1 - num_args_ -
kParamEndSlotFromFp +
intptr_t DeoptContext::GetSourcePc() const {
return source_frame_[source_frame_size_ - num_args_ + kSavedPcSlotFromSp];
intptr_t DeoptContext::GetCallerFp() const {
return caller_fp_;
void DeoptContext::SetCallerFp(intptr_t caller_fp) {
caller_fp_ = caller_fp;
static bool IsObjectInstruction(DeoptInstr::Kind kind) {
switch (kind) {
case DeoptInstr::kConstant:
case DeoptInstr::kStackSlot:
case DeoptInstr::kDoubleStackSlot:
case DeoptInstr::kInt64StackSlot:
case DeoptInstr::kFloat32x4StackSlot:
case DeoptInstr::kInt32x4StackSlot:
case DeoptInstr::kPp:
case DeoptInstr::kCallerPp:
case DeoptInstr::kMaterializedObjectRef:
return true;
case DeoptInstr::kRegister:
case DeoptInstr::kFpuRegister:
case DeoptInstr::kInt64FpuRegister:
case DeoptInstr::kFloat32x4FpuRegister:
case DeoptInstr::kInt32x4FpuRegister:
// TODO(turnidge): Sometimes we encounter a deopt instruction
// with a register source while deoptimizing frames during
// debugging but we haven't saved our register set. This
// happens specifically when using the VMService to inspect the
// stack. In that case, the register values will have been
// saved before the StackOverflow runtime call but we do not
// actually keep track of which registers were saved and
// restored.
// It is possible to save this information at the point of the
// StackOverflow runtime call but would require a bit of magic
// to either make sure that the registers are pushed on the
// stack in a predictable fashion or that we save enough
// information to recover them after the fact.
// For now, we punt on these instructions.
return false;
case DeoptInstr::kRetAddress:
case DeoptInstr::kPcMarker:
case DeoptInstr::kCallerFp:
case DeoptInstr::kCallerPc:
return false;
case DeoptInstr::kSuffix:
case DeoptInstr::kMaterializeObject:
// We should not encounter these instructions when filling stack slots.
return false;
return false;
void DeoptContext::FillDestFrame() {
const Code& code = Code::Handle(code_);
const DeoptInfo& deopt_info = DeoptInfo::Handle(deopt_info_);
const intptr_t len = deopt_info.TranslationLength();
GrowableArray<DeoptInstr*> deopt_instructions(len);
const Array& deopt_table = Array::Handle(code.deopt_info_array());
deopt_info.ToInstructions(deopt_table, &deopt_instructions);
const intptr_t frame_size = deopt_info.FrameSize();
// For now, we never place non-objects in the deoptimized frame if
// the destination frame is a copy. This allows us to copy the
// deoptimized frame into an Array.
const bool objects_only = dest_frame_is_allocated_;
// All kMaterializeObject instructions are emitted before the instructions
// that describe stack frames. Skip them and defer materialization of
// objects until the frame is fully reconstructed and it is safe to perform
// GC.
// Arguments (class of the instance to allocate and field-value pairs) are
// described as part of the expression stack for the bottom-most deoptimized
// frame. They will be used during materialization and removed from the stack
// right before control switches to the unoptimized code.
const intptr_t num_materializations = deopt_info.NumMaterializations();
for (intptr_t from_index = 0, to_index = kDartFrameFixedSize;
from_index < num_materializations;
from_index++) {
const intptr_t field_count =
intptr_t* args = GetDestFrameAddressAt(to_index);
DeferredObject* obj = new DeferredObject(field_count, args);
SetDeferredObjectAt(from_index, obj);
to_index += obj->ArgumentCount();
// Populate stack frames.
for (intptr_t to_index = frame_size - 1, from_index = len - 1;
to_index >= 0;
to_index--, from_index--) {
intptr_t* to_addr = GetDestFrameAddressAt(to_index);
DeoptInstr* instr = deopt_instructions[from_index];
if (!objects_only || IsObjectInstruction(instr->kind())) {
instr->Execute(this, to_addr);
} else {
*reinterpret_cast<RawObject**>(to_addr) = Object::null();
if (FLAG_trace_deoptimization_verbose) {
intptr_t* start = dest_frame_;
for (intptr_t i = 0; i < frame_size; i++) {
OS::PrintErr("*%" Pd ". [%" Px "] %#014" Px " [%s]\n",
deopt_instructions[i + (len - frame_size)]->ToCString());
static void FillDeferredSlots(DeoptContext* deopt_context,
DeferredSlot** slot_list) {
DeferredSlot* slot = *slot_list;
*slot_list = NULL;
while (slot != NULL) {
DeferredSlot* current = slot;
slot = slot->next();
delete current;
// Materializes all deferred objects. Returns the total number of
// artificial arguments used during deoptimization.
intptr_t DeoptContext::MaterializeDeferredObjects() {
// First materialize all unboxed "primitive" values (doubles, mints, simd)
// then materialize objects. The order is important: objects might be
// referencing boxes allocated on the first step. At the same time
// objects can't be referencing other deferred objects because storing
// an object into a field is always conservatively treated as escaping by
// allocation sinking and load forwarding.
FillDeferredSlots(this, &deferred_boxes_);
FillDeferredSlots(this, &deferred_object_refs_);
// Compute total number of artificial arguments used during deoptimization.
intptr_t deopt_arg_count = 0;
for (intptr_t i = 0; i < DeferredObjectsCount(); i++) {
deopt_arg_count += GetDeferredObject(i)->ArgumentCount();
// Since this is the only step where GC can occur during deoptimization,
// use it to report the source line where deoptimization occured.
if (FLAG_trace_deoptimization || FLAG_trace_deoptimization_verbose) {
DartFrameIterator iterator;
StackFrame* top_frame = iterator.NextFrame();
ASSERT(top_frame != NULL);
const Code& code = Code::Handle(top_frame->LookupDartCode());
const Function& top_function = Function::Handle(code.function());
const Script& script = Script::Handle(top_function.script());
const intptr_t token_pos = code.GetTokenIndexOfPC(top_frame->pc());
intptr_t line, column;
script.GetTokenLocation(token_pos, &line, &column);
String& line_string = String::Handle(script.GetLine(line));
OS::PrintErr(" Function: %s\n", top_function.ToFullyQualifiedCString());
OS::PrintErr(" Line %" Pd ": '%s'\n", line, line_string.ToCString());
OS::PrintErr(" Deopt args: %" Pd "\n", deopt_arg_count);
return deopt_arg_count;
RawArray* DeoptContext::DestFrameAsArray() {
ASSERT(dest_frame_ != NULL && dest_frame_is_allocated_);
const Array& dest_array =
Object& obj = Object::Handle();
for (intptr_t i = 0; i < dest_frame_size_; i++) {
obj = reinterpret_cast<RawObject*>(dest_frame_[i]);
ASSERT(obj.IsNull() ||
obj.IsInstance() ||
obj.IsContext() ||
obj.IsTypeArguments() ||
obj.IsClass() || // TODO(turnidge): Ask around and find out why
obj.IsField()); // Class/Field show up here. Maybe type feedback?
dest_array.SetAt(i, obj);
return dest_array.raw();
// Deoptimization instruction moving value from optimized frame at
// 'source_index' to specified slots in the unoptimized frame.
// 'source_index' represents the slot index of the frame (0 being
// first argument) and accounts for saved return address, frame
// pointer, pool pointer and pc marker.
class DeoptStackSlotInstr : public DeoptInstr {
explicit DeoptStackSlotInstr(intptr_t source_index)
: stack_slot_index_(source_index) {
ASSERT(stack_slot_index_ >= 0);
virtual intptr_t source_index() const { return stack_slot_index_; }
virtual DeoptInstr::Kind kind() const { return kStackSlot; }
virtual const char* ToCString() const {
return Isolate::Current()->current_zone()->PrintToString(
"s%" Pd "", stack_slot_index_);
void Execute(DeoptContext* deopt_context, intptr_t* dest_addr) {
intptr_t source_index =
deopt_context->source_frame_size() - stack_slot_index_ - 1;
intptr_t* source_addr =
*dest_addr = *source_addr;
const intptr_t stack_slot_index_; // First argument is 0, always >= 0.
class DeoptDoubleStackSlotInstr : public DeoptInstr {
explicit DeoptDoubleStackSlotInstr(intptr_t source_index)
: stack_slot_index_(source_index) {
ASSERT(stack_slot_index_ >= 0);
virtual intptr_t source_index() const { return stack_slot_index_; }
virtual DeoptInstr::Kind kind() const { return kDoubleStackSlot; }
virtual const char* ToCString() const {
return Isolate::Current()->current_zone()->PrintToString(
"ds%" Pd "", stack_slot_index_);
void Execute(DeoptContext* deopt_context, intptr_t* dest_addr) {
intptr_t source_index =
deopt_context->source_frame_size() - stack_slot_index_ - 1;
double* source_addr = reinterpret_cast<double*>(
*reinterpret_cast<RawSmi**>(dest_addr) = Smi::New(0);
*source_addr, reinterpret_cast<RawDouble**>(dest_addr));
const intptr_t stack_slot_index_; // First argument is 0, always >= 0.
class DeoptInt64StackSlotInstr : public DeoptInstr {
explicit DeoptInt64StackSlotInstr(intptr_t source_index)
: stack_slot_index_(source_index) {
ASSERT(stack_slot_index_ >= 0);
virtual intptr_t source_index() const { return stack_slot_index_; }
virtual DeoptInstr::Kind kind() const { return kInt64StackSlot; }
virtual const char* ToCString() const {
return Isolate::Current()->current_zone()->PrintToString(
"ms%" Pd "", stack_slot_index_);
void Execute(DeoptContext* deopt_context, intptr_t* dest_addr) {
intptr_t source_index =
deopt_context->source_frame_size() - stack_slot_index_ - 1;
int64_t* source_addr = reinterpret_cast<int64_t*>(
*reinterpret_cast<RawSmi**>(dest_addr) = Smi::New(0);
if (Smi::IsValid64(*source_addr)) {
*dest_addr = reinterpret_cast<intptr_t>(
} else {
*source_addr, reinterpret_cast<RawMint**>(dest_addr));
const intptr_t stack_slot_index_; // First argument is 0, always >= 0.
class DeoptFloat32x4StackSlotInstr : public DeoptInstr {
explicit DeoptFloat32x4StackSlotInstr(intptr_t source_index)
: stack_slot_index_(source_index) {
ASSERT(stack_slot_index_ >= 0);
virtual intptr_t source_index() const { return stack_slot_index_; }
virtual DeoptInstr::Kind kind() const { return kFloat32x4StackSlot; }
virtual const char* ToCString() const {
return Isolate::Current()->current_zone()->PrintToString(
"f32x4s%" Pd "", stack_slot_index_);
void Execute(DeoptContext* deopt_context, intptr_t* dest_addr) {
intptr_t source_index =
deopt_context->source_frame_size() - stack_slot_index_ - 1;
simd128_value_t* source_addr = reinterpret_cast<simd128_value_t*>(
*reinterpret_cast<RawSmi**>(dest_addr) = Smi::New(0);
*source_addr, reinterpret_cast<RawFloat32x4**>(dest_addr));
const intptr_t stack_slot_index_; // First argument is 0, always >= 0.
class DeoptFloat64x2StackSlotInstr : public DeoptInstr {
explicit DeoptFloat64x2StackSlotInstr(intptr_t source_index)
: stack_slot_index_(source_index) {
ASSERT(stack_slot_index_ >= 0);
virtual intptr_t source_index() const { return stack_slot_index_; }
virtual DeoptInstr::Kind kind() const { return kFloat64x2StackSlot; }
virtual const char* ToCString() const {
return Isolate::Current()->current_zone()->PrintToString(
"f64x2s%" Pd "", stack_slot_index_);
void Execute(DeoptContext* deopt_context, intptr_t* dest_addr) {
intptr_t source_index =
deopt_context->source_frame_size() - stack_slot_index_ - 1;
simd128_value_t* source_addr = reinterpret_cast<simd128_value_t*>(
*reinterpret_cast<RawSmi**>(dest_addr) = Smi::New(0);
*source_addr, reinterpret_cast<RawFloat64x2**>(dest_addr));
const intptr_t stack_slot_index_; // First argument is 0, always >= 0.
class DeoptInt32x4StackSlotInstr : public DeoptInstr {
explicit DeoptInt32x4StackSlotInstr(intptr_t source_index)
: stack_slot_index_(source_index) {
ASSERT(stack_slot_index_ >= 0);
virtual intptr_t source_index() const { return stack_slot_index_; }
virtual DeoptInstr::Kind kind() const { return kInt32x4StackSlot; }
virtual const char* ToCString() const {
return Isolate::Current()->current_zone()->PrintToString(
"ui32x4s%" Pd "", stack_slot_index_);
void Execute(DeoptContext* deopt_context, intptr_t* dest_addr) {
intptr_t source_index =
deopt_context->source_frame_size() - stack_slot_index_ - 1;
simd128_value_t* source_addr = reinterpret_cast<simd128_value_t*>(
*reinterpret_cast<RawSmi**>(dest_addr) = Smi::New(0);
*source_addr, reinterpret_cast<RawInt32x4**>(dest_addr));
const intptr_t stack_slot_index_; // First argument is 0, always >= 0.
// Deoptimization instruction creating return address using function and
// deopt-id stored at 'object_table_index'.
class DeoptRetAddressInstr : public DeoptInstr {
DeoptRetAddressInstr(intptr_t object_table_index, intptr_t deopt_id)
: object_table_index_(object_table_index), deopt_id_(deopt_id) {
ASSERT(object_table_index >= 0);
ASSERT(deopt_id >= 0);
explicit DeoptRetAddressInstr(intptr_t source_index)
: object_table_index_(ObjectTableIndex::decode(source_index)),
deopt_id_(DeoptId::decode(source_index)) {
virtual intptr_t source_index() const {
return ObjectTableIndex::encode(object_table_index_) |
virtual DeoptInstr::Kind kind() const { return kRetAddress; }
virtual const char* ToCString() const {
return Isolate::Current()->current_zone()->PrintToString(
"ret oti:%" Pd "(%" Pd ")", object_table_index_, deopt_id_);
void Execute(DeoptContext* deopt_context, intptr_t* dest_addr) {
Code& code = Code::Handle(deopt_context->isolate());
code ^= deopt_context->ObjectAt(object_table_index_);
uword continue_at_pc = code.GetPcForDeoptId(deopt_id_,
ASSERT(continue_at_pc != 0);
*dest_addr = continue_at_pc;
uword pc = code.GetPcForDeoptId(deopt_id_, PcDescriptors::kIcCall);
if (pc != 0) {
// If the deoptimization happened at an IC call, update the IC data
// to avoid repeated deoptimization at the same site next time around.
ICData& ic_data = ICData::Handle();
CodePatcher::GetInstanceCallAt(pc, code, &ic_data);
if (!ic_data.IsNull()) {
} else if (deopt_context->deopt_reason() == kDeoptHoistedCheckClass) {
// Prevent excessive deoptimization.
intptr_t object_table_index() const { return object_table_index_; }
intptr_t deopt_id() const { return deopt_id_; }
static const intptr_t kFieldWidth = kBitsPerWord / 2;
class ObjectTableIndex : public BitField<intptr_t, 0, kFieldWidth> { };
class DeoptId : public BitField<intptr_t, kFieldWidth, kFieldWidth> { };
const intptr_t object_table_index_;
const intptr_t deopt_id_;
// Deoptimization instruction moving a constant stored at 'object_table_index'.
class DeoptConstantInstr : public DeoptInstr {
explicit DeoptConstantInstr(intptr_t object_table_index)
: object_table_index_(object_table_index) {
ASSERT(object_table_index >= 0);
virtual intptr_t source_index() const { return object_table_index_; }
virtual DeoptInstr::Kind kind() const { return kConstant; }
virtual const char* ToCString() const {
return Isolate::Current()->current_zone()->PrintToString(
"const oti:%" Pd "", object_table_index_);
void Execute(DeoptContext* deopt_context, intptr_t* dest_addr) {
const Object& obj = Object::Handle(
deopt_context->isolate(), deopt_context->ObjectAt(object_table_index_));
*reinterpret_cast<RawObject**>(dest_addr) = obj.raw();
const intptr_t object_table_index_;
// Deoptimization instruction moving a CPU register.
class DeoptRegisterInstr: public DeoptInstr {
explicit DeoptRegisterInstr(intptr_t reg_as_int)
: reg_(static_cast<Register>(reg_as_int)) {}
virtual intptr_t source_index() const { return static_cast<intptr_t>(reg_); }
virtual DeoptInstr::Kind kind() const { return kRegister; }
virtual const char* ToCString() const {
return Assembler::RegisterName(reg_);
void Execute(DeoptContext* deopt_context, intptr_t* dest_addr) {
*dest_addr = deopt_context->RegisterValue(reg_);
const Register reg_;
// Deoptimization instruction moving an XMM register.
class DeoptFpuRegisterInstr: public DeoptInstr {
explicit DeoptFpuRegisterInstr(intptr_t reg_as_int)
: reg_(static_cast<FpuRegister>(reg_as_int)) {}
virtual intptr_t source_index() const { return static_cast<intptr_t>(reg_); }
virtual DeoptInstr::Kind kind() const { return kFpuRegister; }
virtual const char* ToCString() const {
return Assembler::FpuRegisterName(reg_);
void Execute(DeoptContext* deopt_context, intptr_t* dest_addr) {
double value = deopt_context->FpuRegisterValue(reg_);
*reinterpret_cast<RawSmi**>(dest_addr) = Smi::New(0);
value, reinterpret_cast<RawDouble**>(dest_addr));
const FpuRegister reg_;
class DeoptInt64FpuRegisterInstr: public DeoptInstr {
explicit DeoptInt64FpuRegisterInstr(intptr_t reg_as_int)
: reg_(static_cast<FpuRegister>(reg_as_int)) {}
virtual intptr_t source_index() const { return static_cast<intptr_t>(reg_); }
virtual DeoptInstr::Kind kind() const { return kInt64FpuRegister; }
virtual const char* ToCString() const {
return Isolate::Current()->current_zone()->PrintToString(
"%s(m)", Assembler::FpuRegisterName(reg_));
void Execute(DeoptContext* deopt_context, intptr_t* dest_addr) {
int64_t value = deopt_context->FpuRegisterValueAsInt64(reg_);
*reinterpret_cast<RawSmi**>(dest_addr) = Smi::New(0);
if (Smi::IsValid64(value)) {
*dest_addr = reinterpret_cast<intptr_t>(
} else {
value, reinterpret_cast<RawMint**>(dest_addr));
const FpuRegister reg_;
// Deoptimization instruction moving an XMM register.
class DeoptFloat32x4FpuRegisterInstr: public DeoptInstr {
explicit DeoptFloat32x4FpuRegisterInstr(intptr_t reg_as_int)
: reg_(static_cast<FpuRegister>(reg_as_int)) {}
virtual intptr_t source_index() const { return static_cast<intptr_t>(reg_); }
virtual DeoptInstr::Kind kind() const { return kFloat32x4FpuRegister; }
virtual const char* ToCString() const {
return Isolate::Current()->current_zone()->PrintToString(
"%s(f32x4)", Assembler::FpuRegisterName(reg_));
void Execute(DeoptContext* deopt_context, intptr_t* dest_addr) {
simd128_value_t value = deopt_context->FpuRegisterValueAsSimd128(reg_);
*reinterpret_cast<RawSmi**>(dest_addr) = Smi::New(0);
value, reinterpret_cast<RawFloat32x4**>(dest_addr));
const FpuRegister reg_;
class DeoptFloat64x2FpuRegisterInstr: public DeoptInstr {
explicit DeoptFloat64x2FpuRegisterInstr(intptr_t reg_as_int)
: reg_(static_cast<FpuRegister>(reg_as_int)) {}
virtual intptr_t source_index() const { return static_cast<intptr_t>(reg_); }
virtual DeoptInstr::Kind kind() const { return kFloat64x2FpuRegister; }
virtual const char* ToCString() const {
return Isolate::Current()->current_zone()->PrintToString(
"%s(f64x2)", Assembler::FpuRegisterName(reg_));
void Execute(DeoptContext* deopt_context, intptr_t* dest_addr) {
simd128_value_t value = deopt_context->FpuRegisterValueAsSimd128(reg_);
*reinterpret_cast<RawSmi**>(dest_addr) = Smi::New(0);
value, reinterpret_cast<RawFloat64x2**>(dest_addr));
const FpuRegister reg_;
// Deoptimization instruction moving an XMM register.
class DeoptInt32x4FpuRegisterInstr: public DeoptInstr {
explicit DeoptInt32x4FpuRegisterInstr(intptr_t reg_as_int)
: reg_(static_cast<FpuRegister>(reg_as_int)) {}
virtual intptr_t source_index() const { return static_cast<intptr_t>(reg_); }
virtual DeoptInstr::Kind kind() const { return kInt32x4FpuRegister; }
virtual const char* ToCString() const {
return Isolate::Current()->current_zone()->PrintToString(
"%s(f32x4)", Assembler::FpuRegisterName(reg_));
void Execute(DeoptContext* deopt_context, intptr_t* dest_addr) {
simd128_value_t value = deopt_context->FpuRegisterValueAsSimd128(reg_);
*reinterpret_cast<RawSmi**>(dest_addr) = Smi::New(0);
value, reinterpret_cast<RawInt32x4**>(dest_addr));
const FpuRegister reg_;
// Deoptimization instruction creating a PC marker for the code of
// function at 'object_table_index'.
class DeoptPcMarkerInstr : public DeoptInstr {
explicit DeoptPcMarkerInstr(intptr_t object_table_index)
: object_table_index_(object_table_index) {
ASSERT(object_table_index >= 0);
virtual intptr_t source_index() const { return object_table_index_; }
virtual DeoptInstr::Kind kind() const { return kPcMarker; }
virtual const char* ToCString() const {
return Isolate::Current()->current_zone()->PrintToString(
"pcmark oti:%" Pd "", object_table_index_);
void Execute(DeoptContext* deopt_context, intptr_t* dest_addr) {
Code& code = Code::Handle(deopt_context->isolate());
code ^= deopt_context->ObjectAt(object_table_index_);
if (code.IsNull()) {
// Callee's PC marker is not used (pc of Deoptimize stub). Set to 0.
*dest_addr = 0;
const Function& function =
Function::Handle(deopt_context->isolate(), code.function());
const intptr_t pc_marker =
code.EntryPoint() + Assembler::kEntryPointToPcMarkerOffset;
*dest_addr = pc_marker;
// Increment the deoptimization counter. This effectively increments each
// function occurring in the optimized frame.
function.set_deoptimization_counter(function.deoptimization_counter() + 1);
if (FLAG_trace_deoptimization || FLAG_trace_deoptimization_verbose) {
OS::PrintErr("Deoptimizing %s (count %d)\n",
// Clear invocation counter so that hopefully the function gets reoptimized
// only after more feedback has been collected.
if (function.HasOptimizedCode()) {
intptr_t object_table_index_;
// Deoptimization instruction creating a pool pointer for the code of
// function at 'object_table_index'.
class DeoptPpInstr : public DeoptInstr {
explicit DeoptPpInstr(intptr_t object_table_index)
: object_table_index_(object_table_index) {
ASSERT(object_table_index >= 0);
virtual intptr_t source_index() const { return object_table_index_; }
virtual DeoptInstr::Kind kind() const { return kPp; }
virtual const char* ToCString() const {
return Isolate::Current()->current_zone()->PrintToString(
"pp oti:%" Pd "", object_table_index_);
void Execute(DeoptContext* deopt_context, intptr_t* dest_addr) {
Code& code = Code::Handle(deopt_context->isolate());
code ^= deopt_context->ObjectAt(object_table_index_);
const intptr_t pp = reinterpret_cast<intptr_t>(code.ObjectPool());
*dest_addr = pp;
intptr_t object_table_index_;
// Deoptimization instruction copying the caller saved FP from optimized frame.
class DeoptCallerFpInstr : public DeoptInstr {
DeoptCallerFpInstr() {}
virtual intptr_t source_index() const { return 0; }
virtual DeoptInstr::Kind kind() const { return kCallerFp; }
virtual const char* ToCString() const {
return "callerfp";
void Execute(DeoptContext* deopt_context, intptr_t* dest_addr) {
*dest_addr = deopt_context->GetCallerFp();
dest_addr - (kSavedCallerFpSlotFromFp * kWordSize)));
// Deoptimization instruction copying the caller saved PP from optimized frame.
class DeoptCallerPpInstr : public DeoptInstr {
DeoptCallerPpInstr() {}
virtual intptr_t source_index() const { return 0; }
virtual DeoptInstr::Kind kind() const { return kCallerPp; }
virtual const char* ToCString() const {
return "callerpp";
void Execute(DeoptContext* deopt_context, intptr_t* dest_addr) {
*dest_addr = deopt_context->GetSourcePp();
// Deoptimization instruction copying the caller return address from optimized
// frame.
class DeoptCallerPcInstr : public DeoptInstr {
DeoptCallerPcInstr() {}
virtual intptr_t source_index() const { return 0; }
virtual DeoptInstr::Kind kind() const { return kCallerPc; }
virtual const char* ToCString() const {
return "callerpc";
void Execute(DeoptContext* deopt_context, intptr_t* dest_addr) {
*dest_addr = deopt_context->GetSourcePc();
// Deoptimization instruction that indicates the rest of this DeoptInfo is a
// suffix of another one. The suffix contains the info number (0 based
// index in the deopt table of the DeoptInfo to share) and the length of the
// suffix.
class DeoptSuffixInstr : public DeoptInstr {
DeoptSuffixInstr(intptr_t info_number, intptr_t suffix_length)
: info_number_(info_number), suffix_length_(suffix_length) {
ASSERT(info_number >= 0);
ASSERT(suffix_length >= 0);
explicit DeoptSuffixInstr(intptr_t source_index)
: info_number_(InfoNumber::decode(source_index)),
suffix_length_(SuffixLength::decode(source_index)) {
virtual intptr_t source_index() const {
return InfoNumber::encode(info_number_) |
virtual DeoptInstr::Kind kind() const { return kSuffix; }
virtual const char* ToCString() const {
return Isolate::Current()->current_zone()->PrintToString(
"suffix %" Pd ":%" Pd, info_number_, suffix_length_);
void Execute(DeoptContext* deopt_context, intptr_t* dest_addr) {
// The deoptimization info is uncompressed by translating away suffixes
// before executing the instructions.
// Static decoder functions in DeoptInstr have access to the bitfield
// definitions.
friend class DeoptInstr;
static const intptr_t kFieldWidth = kBitsPerWord / 2;
class InfoNumber : public BitField<intptr_t, 0, kFieldWidth> { };
class SuffixLength : public BitField<intptr_t, kFieldWidth, kFieldWidth> { };
const intptr_t info_number_;
const intptr_t suffix_length_;
// Write reference to a materialized object with the given index into the
// stack slot.
class DeoptMaterializedObjectRefInstr : public DeoptInstr {
explicit DeoptMaterializedObjectRefInstr(intptr_t index)
: index_(index) {
ASSERT(index >= 0);
virtual intptr_t source_index() const { return index_; }
virtual DeoptInstr::Kind kind() const { return kMaterializedObjectRef; }
virtual const char* ToCString() const {
return Isolate::Current()->current_zone()->PrintToString(
"mat ref #%" Pd "", index_);
void Execute(DeoptContext* deopt_context, intptr_t* dest_addr) {
*reinterpret_cast<RawSmi**>(dest_addr) = Smi::New(0);
index_, dest_addr);
intptr_t index_;
// Materialize object with the given number of fields.
// Arguments for materialization (class and field-value pairs) are pushed
// to the expression stack of the bottom-most frame.
class DeoptMaterializeObjectInstr : public DeoptInstr {
explicit DeoptMaterializeObjectInstr(intptr_t field_count)
: field_count_(field_count) {
ASSERT(field_count >= 0);
virtual intptr_t source_index() const { return field_count_; }
virtual DeoptInstr::Kind kind() const { return kMaterializeObject; }
virtual const char* ToCString() const {
return Isolate::Current()->current_zone()->PrintToString(
"mat obj len:%" Pd "", field_count_);
void Execute(DeoptContext* deopt_context, intptr_t* dest_addr) {
// This instructions are executed manually by the DeoptimizeWithDeoptInfo.
intptr_t field_count_;
intptr_t DeoptInstr::DecodeSuffix(intptr_t source_index,
intptr_t* info_number) {
*info_number = DeoptSuffixInstr::InfoNumber::decode(source_index);
return DeoptSuffixInstr::SuffixLength::decode(source_index);
uword DeoptInstr::GetRetAddress(DeoptInstr* instr,
const Array& object_table,
Function* func) {
ASSERT(instr->kind() == kRetAddress);
DeoptRetAddressInstr* ret_address_instr =
// The following assert may trigger when displaying a backtrace
// from the simulator.
ASSERT(func != NULL);
Code& code = Code::Handle();
code ^= object_table.At(ret_address_instr->object_table_index());
*func ^= code.function();
uword res = code.GetPcForDeoptId(ret_address_instr->deopt_id(),
ASSERT(res != 0);
return res;
DeoptInstr* DeoptInstr::Create(intptr_t kind_as_int, intptr_t source_index) {
Kind kind = static_cast<Kind>(kind_as_int);
switch (kind) {
case kStackSlot: return new DeoptStackSlotInstr(source_index);
case kDoubleStackSlot: return new DeoptDoubleStackSlotInstr(source_index);
case kInt64StackSlot: return new DeoptInt64StackSlotInstr(source_index);
case kFloat32x4StackSlot:
return new DeoptFloat32x4StackSlotInstr(source_index);
case kFloat64x2StackSlot:
return new DeoptFloat64x2StackSlotInstr(source_index);
case kInt32x4StackSlot:
return new DeoptInt32x4StackSlotInstr(source_index);
case kRetAddress: return new DeoptRetAddressInstr(source_index);
case kConstant: return new DeoptConstantInstr(source_index);
case kRegister: return new DeoptRegisterInstr(source_index);
case kFpuRegister: return new DeoptFpuRegisterInstr(source_index);
case kInt64FpuRegister: return new DeoptInt64FpuRegisterInstr(source_index);
case kFloat32x4FpuRegister:
return new DeoptFloat32x4FpuRegisterInstr(source_index);
case kFloat64x2FpuRegister:
return new DeoptFloat64x2FpuRegisterInstr(source_index);
case kInt32x4FpuRegister:
return new DeoptInt32x4FpuRegisterInstr(source_index);
case kPcMarker: return new DeoptPcMarkerInstr(source_index);
case kPp: return new DeoptPpInstr(source_index);
case kCallerFp: return new DeoptCallerFpInstr();
case kCallerPp: return new DeoptCallerPpInstr();
case kCallerPc: return new DeoptCallerPcInstr();
case kSuffix: return new DeoptSuffixInstr(source_index);
case kMaterializedObjectRef:
return new DeoptMaterializedObjectRefInstr(source_index);
case kMaterializeObject:
return new DeoptMaterializeObjectInstr(source_index);
return NULL;
class DeoptInfoBuilder::TrieNode : public ZoneAllocated {
// Construct the root node representing the implicit "shared" terminator
// at the end of each deopt info.
TrieNode() : instruction_(NULL), info_number_(-1), children_(16) { }
// Construct a node representing a written instruction.
TrieNode(DeoptInstr* instruction, intptr_t info_number)
: instruction_(instruction), info_number_(info_number), children_(4) { }
intptr_t info_number() const { return info_number_; }
void AddChild(TrieNode* child) {
if (child != NULL) children_.Add(child);
TrieNode* FindChild(const DeoptInstr& instruction) {
for (intptr_t i = 0; i < children_.length(); ++i) {
TrieNode* child = children_[i];
if (child->instruction_->Equals(instruction)) return child;
return NULL;
const DeoptInstr* instruction_; // Instruction that was written.
const intptr_t info_number_; // Index of the deopt info it was written to.
GrowableArray<TrieNode*> children_;
DeoptInfoBuilder::DeoptInfoBuilder(const intptr_t num_args)
: instructions_(),
trie_root_(new TrieNode()),
materializations_() {
intptr_t DeoptInfoBuilder::FindOrAddObjectInTable(const Object& obj) const {
for (intptr_t i = 0; i < object_table_.Length(); i++) {
if (object_table_.At(i) == obj.raw()) {
return i;
// Add object.
const intptr_t result = object_table_.Length();
object_table_.Add(obj, Heap::kOld);
return result;
intptr_t DeoptInfoBuilder::CalculateStackIndex(
const Location& source_loc) const {
return source_loc.stack_index() < 0 ?
source_loc.stack_index() + num_args_ :
source_loc.stack_index() + num_args_ + kDartFrameFixedSize;
void DeoptInfoBuilder::AddReturnAddress(const Code& code,
intptr_t deopt_id,
intptr_t dest_index) {
// Check that deopt_id exists.
// TODO(vegorov): verify after deoptimization targets as well.
#ifdef DEBUG
ASSERT(Isolate::IsDeoptAfter(deopt_id) ||
(code.GetPcForDeoptId(deopt_id, PcDescriptors::kDeopt) != 0));
const intptr_t object_table_index = FindOrAddObjectInTable(code);
ASSERT(dest_index == FrameSize());
instructions_.Add(new DeoptRetAddressInstr(object_table_index, deopt_id));
void DeoptInfoBuilder::AddPcMarker(const Code& code,
intptr_t dest_index) {
intptr_t object_table_index = FindOrAddObjectInTable(code);
ASSERT(dest_index == FrameSize());
instructions_.Add(new DeoptPcMarkerInstr(object_table_index));
void DeoptInfoBuilder::AddPp(const Code& code,
intptr_t dest_index) {
intptr_t object_table_index = FindOrAddObjectInTable(code);
ASSERT(dest_index == FrameSize());
instructions_.Add(new DeoptPpInstr(object_table_index));
void DeoptInfoBuilder::AddCopy(Value* value,
const Location& source_loc,
const intptr_t dest_index) {
DeoptInstr* deopt_instr = NULL;
if (source_loc.IsConstant()) {
intptr_t object_table_index = FindOrAddObjectInTable(source_loc.constant());
deopt_instr = new DeoptConstantInstr(object_table_index);
} else if (source_loc.IsRegister()) {
ASSERT(value->definition()->representation() == kTagged);
deopt_instr = new DeoptRegisterInstr(source_loc.reg());
} else if (source_loc.IsFpuRegister()) {
if (value->definition()->representation() == kUnboxedDouble) {
deopt_instr = new DeoptFpuRegisterInstr(source_loc.fpu_reg());
} else if (value->definition()->representation() == kUnboxedMint) {
deopt_instr = new DeoptInt64FpuRegisterInstr(source_loc.fpu_reg());
} else if (value->definition()->representation() == kUnboxedFloat32x4) {
deopt_instr = new DeoptFloat32x4FpuRegisterInstr(source_loc.fpu_reg());
} else if (value->definition()->representation() == kUnboxedInt32x4) {
deopt_instr = new DeoptInt32x4FpuRegisterInstr(source_loc.fpu_reg());
} else {
ASSERT(value->definition()->representation() == kUnboxedFloat64x2);
deopt_instr = new DeoptFloat64x2FpuRegisterInstr(source_loc.fpu_reg());
} else if (source_loc.IsStackSlot()) {
ASSERT(value->definition()->representation() == kTagged);
intptr_t source_index = CalculateStackIndex(source_loc);
deopt_instr = new DeoptStackSlotInstr(source_index);
} else if (source_loc.IsDoubleStackSlot()) {
intptr_t source_index = CalculateStackIndex(source_loc);
if (value->definition()->representation() == kUnboxedDouble) {
deopt_instr = new DeoptDoubleStackSlotInstr(source_index);
} else {
ASSERT(value->definition()->representation() == kUnboxedMint);
deopt_instr = new DeoptInt64StackSlotInstr(source_index);
} else if (source_loc.IsQuadStackSlot()) {
intptr_t source_index = CalculateStackIndex(source_loc);
if (value->definition()->representation() == kUnboxedFloat32x4) {
deopt_instr = new DeoptFloat32x4StackSlotInstr(source_index);
} else if (value->definition()->representation() == kUnboxedInt32x4) {
deopt_instr = new DeoptInt32x4StackSlotInstr(source_index);
} else {
ASSERT(value->definition()->representation() == kUnboxedFloat64x2);
deopt_instr = new DeoptFloat64x2StackSlotInstr(source_index);
} else if (source_loc.IsInvalid() &&
value->definition()->IsMaterializeObject()) {
const intptr_t index = FindMaterialization(
ASSERT(index >= 0);
deopt_instr = new DeoptMaterializedObjectRefInstr(index);
} else {
ASSERT(dest_index == FrameSize());
ASSERT(deopt_instr != NULL);
void DeoptInfoBuilder::AddCallerFp(intptr_t dest_index) {
ASSERT(dest_index == FrameSize());
instructions_.Add(new DeoptCallerFpInstr());
void DeoptInfoBuilder::AddCallerPp(intptr_t dest_index) {
ASSERT(dest_index == FrameSize());
instructions_.Add(new DeoptCallerPpInstr());
void DeoptInfoBuilder::AddCallerPc(intptr_t dest_index) {
ASSERT(dest_index == FrameSize());
instructions_.Add(new DeoptCallerPcInstr());
void DeoptInfoBuilder::AddConstant(const Object& obj, intptr_t dest_index) {
ASSERT(dest_index == FrameSize());
intptr_t object_table_index = FindOrAddObjectInTable(obj);
instructions_.Add(new DeoptConstantInstr(object_table_index));
void DeoptInfoBuilder::AddMaterialization(MaterializeObjectInstr* mat) {
const intptr_t index = FindMaterialization(mat);
if (index >= 0) {
return; // Already added.
// Count initialized fields and emit kMaterializeObject instruction.
// There is no need to write nulls into fields because object is null
// initialized by default.
intptr_t non_null_fields = 0;
for (intptr_t i = 0; i < mat->InputCount(); i++) {
if (!mat->InputAt(i)->BindsToConstantNull()) {
instructions_.Add(new DeoptMaterializeObjectInstr(non_null_fields));
intptr_t DeoptInfoBuilder::EmitMaterializationArguments(intptr_t dest_index) {
ASSERT(dest_index == kDartFrameFixedSize);
for (intptr_t i = 0; i < materializations_.length(); i++) {
MaterializeObjectInstr* mat = materializations_[i];
// Class of the instance to allocate.
AddConstant(mat->cls(), dest_index++);
for (intptr_t i = 0; i < mat->InputCount(); i++) {
if (!mat->InputAt(i)->BindsToConstantNull()) {
// Emit field-value pair.
AddConstant(mat->FieldAt(i), dest_index++);
AddCopy(mat->InputAt(i), mat->LocationAt(i), dest_index++);
return dest_index;
intptr_t DeoptInfoBuilder::FindMaterialization(
MaterializeObjectInstr* mat) const {
for (intptr_t i = 0; i < materializations_.length(); i++) {
if (materializations_[i] == mat) {
return i;
return -1;
RawDeoptInfo* DeoptInfoBuilder::CreateDeoptInfo(const Array& deopt_table) {
// TODO(vegorov): enable compression of deoptimization info containing object
// materialization instructions.
const bool disable_compression =
(instructions_[0]->kind() == DeoptInstr::kMaterializeObject);
intptr_t length = instructions_.length();
// Count the number of instructions that are a shared suffix of some deopt
// info already written.
TrieNode* suffix = trie_root_;
intptr_t suffix_length = 0;
if (FLAG_compress_deopt_info && !disable_compression) {
for (intptr_t i = length - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
TrieNode* node = suffix->FindChild(*instructions_[i]);
if (node == NULL) break;
suffix = node;
// Allocate space for the translation. If the shared suffix is longer
// than one instruction, we replace it with a single suffix instruction.
if (suffix_length > 1) length -= (suffix_length - 1);
const DeoptInfo& deopt_info = DeoptInfo::Handle(DeoptInfo::New(length));
// Write the unshared instructions and build their sub-tree.
TrieNode* node = NULL;
intptr_t write_count = (suffix_length > 1) ? length - 1 : length;
for (intptr_t i = 0; i < write_count; ++i) {
DeoptInstr* instr = instructions_[i];
deopt_info.SetAt(i, instr->kind(), instr->source_index());
TrieNode* child = node;
node = new TrieNode(instr, current_info_number_);
if (suffix_length > 1) {
DeoptInstr* instr =
new DeoptSuffixInstr(suffix->info_number(), suffix_length);
deopt_info.SetAt(length - 1, instr->kind(), instr->source_index());
} else {
ASSERT(deopt_info.VerifyDecompression(instructions_, deopt_table));
frame_start_ = -1;
return deopt_info.raw();
intptr_t DeoptTable::SizeFor(intptr_t length) {
return length * kEntrySize;
void DeoptTable::SetEntry(const Array& table,
intptr_t index,
const Smi& offset,
const DeoptInfo& info,
const Smi& reason) {
ASSERT((table.Length() % kEntrySize) == 0);
intptr_t i = index * kEntrySize;
table.SetAt(i, offset);
table.SetAt(i + 1, info);
table.SetAt(i + 2, reason);
intptr_t DeoptTable::GetLength(const Array& table) {
ASSERT((table.Length() % kEntrySize) == 0);
return table.Length() / kEntrySize;
void DeoptTable::GetEntry(const Array& table,
intptr_t index,
Smi* offset,
DeoptInfo* info,
Smi* reason) {
intptr_t i = index * kEntrySize;
*offset ^= table.At(i);
*info ^= table.At(i + 1);
*reason ^= table.At(i + 2);
} // namespace dart