blob: ab9e6cdc61aeafd5651028480167d81f99b61b8c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
#include "vm/deferred_objects.h"
#include "vm/deopt_instructions.h"
#include "vm/flags.h"
#include "vm/object.h"
namespace dart {
DECLARE_FLAG(bool, trace_deoptimization_verbose);
void DeferredDouble::Materialize(DeoptContext* deopt_context) {
RawDouble** double_slot = reinterpret_cast<RawDouble**>(slot());
*double_slot = Double::New(value());
if (FLAG_trace_deoptimization_verbose) {
OS::PrintErr("materializing double at %" Px ": %g\n",
reinterpret_cast<uword>(slot()), value());
void DeferredMint::Materialize(DeoptContext* deopt_context) {
RawMint** mint_slot = reinterpret_cast<RawMint**>(slot());
Mint& mint = Mint::Handle();
mint ^= Integer::New(value());
*mint_slot = mint.raw();
if (FLAG_trace_deoptimization_verbose) {
OS::PrintErr("materializing mint at %" Px ": %" Pd64 "\n",
reinterpret_cast<uword>(slot()), value());
void DeferredFloat32x4::Materialize(DeoptContext* deopt_context) {
RawFloat32x4** float32x4_slot = reinterpret_cast<RawFloat32x4**>(slot());
RawFloat32x4* raw_float32x4 = Float32x4::New(value());
*float32x4_slot = raw_float32x4;
if (FLAG_trace_deoptimization_verbose) {
float x = raw_float32x4->x();
float y = raw_float32x4->y();
float z = raw_float32x4->z();
float w = raw_float32x4->w();
OS::PrintErr("materializing Float32x4 at %" Px ": %g,%g,%g,%g\n",
reinterpret_cast<uword>(slot()), x, y, z, w);
void DeferredFloat64x2::Materialize(DeoptContext* deopt_context) {
RawFloat64x2** float64x2_slot = reinterpret_cast<RawFloat64x2**>(slot());
RawFloat64x2* raw_float64x2 = Float64x2::New(value());
*float64x2_slot = raw_float64x2;
if (FLAG_trace_deoptimization_verbose) {
double x = raw_float64x2->x();
double y = raw_float64x2->y();
OS::PrintErr("materializing Float64x2 at %" Px ": %g,%g\n",
reinterpret_cast<uword>(slot()), x, y);
void DeferredInt32x4::Materialize(DeoptContext* deopt_context) {
RawInt32x4** int32x4_slot = reinterpret_cast<RawInt32x4**>(slot());
RawInt32x4* raw_int32x4 = Int32x4::New(value());
*int32x4_slot = raw_int32x4;
if (FLAG_trace_deoptimization_verbose) {
uint32_t x = raw_int32x4->x();
uint32_t y = raw_int32x4->y();
uint32_t z = raw_int32x4->z();
uint32_t w = raw_int32x4->w();
OS::PrintErr("materializing Int32x4 at %" Px ": %x,%x,%x,%x\n",
reinterpret_cast<uword>(slot()), x, y, z, w);
void DeferredObjectRef::Materialize(DeoptContext* deopt_context) {
DeferredObject* obj = deopt_context->GetDeferredObject(index());
*slot() = obj->object();
if (FLAG_trace_deoptimization_verbose) {
OS::PrintErr("writing instance ref at %" Px ": %s\n",
RawInstance* DeferredObject::object() {
if (object_ == NULL) {
return object_->raw();
void DeferredObject::Materialize() {
Class& cls = Class::Handle();
cls ^= GetClass();
if (FLAG_trace_deoptimization_verbose) {
OS::PrintErr("materializing instance of %s (%" Px ", %" Pd " fields)\n",
const Instance& obj = Instance::ZoneHandle(Instance::New(cls));
Field& field = Field::Handle();
Object& value = Object::Handle();
for (intptr_t i = 0; i < field_count_; i++) {
field ^= GetField(i);
value = GetValue(i);
obj.SetField(field, value);
if (FLAG_trace_deoptimization_verbose) {
OS::PrintErr(" %s <- %s\n",
object_ = &obj;
} // namespace dart