blob: 772d77acbd1bfd6d04ea664289d658f26f1ff14f [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2011, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
#include "vm/allocation.h"
#include "vm/native_arguments.h"
#include "vm/object.h"
namespace dart {
DECLARE_FLAG(bool, trace_api);
class ApiLocalScope;
class ApiState;
class FinalizablePersistentHandle;
class LocalHandle;
class PersistentHandle;
class ReusableObjectHandleScope;
const char* CanonicalFunction(const char* func);
#define CURRENT_FUNC CanonicalFunction(__FUNCTION__)
#if defined(DEBUG)
#define TRACE_API_CALL(name) \
if (FLAG_trace_api) { \
OS::Print("Calling API func: %s\n", name); \
#define TRACE_API_CALL(name)
// Checks that the current isolate is not NULL.
#define CHECK_ISOLATE(isolate) \
do { \
if ((isolate) == NULL) { \
FATAL1("%s expects there to be a current isolate. Did you " \
"forget to call Dart_CreateIsolate or Dart_EnterIsolate?", \
} \
} while (0)
// Checks that the current isolate is NULL.
#define CHECK_NO_ISOLATE(isolate) \
do { \
if ((isolate) != NULL) { \
FATAL1("%s expects there to be no current isolate. Did you " \
"forget to call Dart_ExitIsolate?", CURRENT_FUNC); \
} \
} while (0)
// Checks that the current isolate is not NULL and that it has an API scope.
#define CHECK_ISOLATE_SCOPE(isolate) \
do { \
Isolate* tmp = (isolate); \
ApiState* state = tmp->api_state(); \
ASSERT(state); \
if (state->top_scope() == NULL) { \
FATAL1("%s expects to find a current scope. Did you forget to call " \
"Dart_EnterScope?", CURRENT_FUNC); \
} \
} while (0)
#define DARTSCOPE(isolate) \
Isolate* __temp_isolate__ = (isolate); \
CHECK_ISOLATE_SCOPE(__temp_isolate__); \
#define RETURN_TYPE_ERROR(isolate, dart_handle, type) \
do { \
const Object& tmp = \
Object::Handle(isolate, Api::UnwrapHandle((dart_handle))); \
if (tmp.IsNull()) { \
return Api::NewError("%s expects argument '%s' to be non-null.", \
CURRENT_FUNC, #dart_handle); \
} else if (tmp.IsError()) { \
return dart_handle; \
} else { \
return Api::NewError("%s expects argument '%s' to be of type %s.", \
CURRENT_FUNC, #dart_handle, #type); \
} \
} while (0)
#define RETURN_NULL_ERROR(parameter) \
return Api::NewError("%s expects argument '%s' to be non-null.", \
CURRENT_FUNC, #parameter);
#define CHECK_LENGTH(length, max_elements) \
do { \
intptr_t len = (length); \
intptr_t max = (max_elements); \
if (len < 0 || len > max) { \
return Api::NewError( \
"%s expects argument '%s' to be in the range [0..%" Pd "].", \
CURRENT_FUNC, #length, max); \
} \
} while (0)
class Api : AllStatic {
// Creates a new local handle.
static Dart_Handle NewHandle(Isolate* isolate, RawObject* raw);
// Unwraps the raw object from the handle.
static RawObject* UnwrapHandle(Dart_Handle object);
// Unwraps a raw Type from the handle. The handle will be null if
// the object was not of the requested Type.
#define DECLARE_UNWRAP(Type) \
static const Type& Unwrap##Type##Handle(Isolate* isolate, \
Dart_Handle object);
// Unwraps the raw object from the handle using a reused handle.
static const String& UnwrapStringHandle(
const ReusableObjectHandleScope& reused, Dart_Handle object);
static const Instance& UnwrapInstanceHandle(
const ReusableObjectHandleScope& reused, Dart_Handle object);
// Validates and converts the passed in handle as a persistent handle.
static PersistentHandle* UnwrapAsPersistentHandle(
Dart_PersistentHandle object);
// Validates and converts the passed in handle as a weak persistent handle.
static FinalizablePersistentHandle* UnwrapAsWeakPersistentHandle(
Dart_WeakPersistentHandle object);
// Validates and converts the passed in handle as a prologue weak
// persistent handle.
static FinalizablePersistentHandle* UnwrapAsPrologueWeakPersistentHandle(
Dart_WeakPersistentHandle object);
// Returns an Error handle if isolate is in an inconsistent state.
// Returns a Success handle when no error condition exists.
static Dart_Handle CheckIsolateState(Isolate *isolate);
// Casts the internal Isolate* type to the external Dart_Isolate type.
static Dart_Isolate CastIsolate(Isolate* isolate);
// Gets the handle used to designate successful return.
static Dart_Handle Success() { return Api::True(); }
// Sets up the acquired error object after initializing an Isolate. This
// object is pre-created because we will not be able to allocate this
// object when the error actually occurs. When the error occurs there will
// be outstanding acquires to internal data pointers making it unsafe to
// allocate objects on the dart heap.
static void SetupAcquiredError(Isolate* isolate);
// Gets the handle which holds the pre-created acquired error object.
static Dart_Handle AcquiredError(Isolate* isolate);
// Returns true if the handle holds a Smi.
static bool IsSmi(Dart_Handle handle) {
// TODO(turnidge): Assumes RawObject* is at offset zero. Fix.
RawObject* raw = *(reinterpret_cast<RawObject**>(handle));
return !raw->IsHeapObject();
// Returns true if the handle holds a Dart Instance.
static bool IsInstance(Dart_Handle handle) {
return (ClassId(handle) >= kInstanceCid);
// Returns the value of a Smi.
static intptr_t SmiValue(Dart_Handle handle) {
// TODO(turnidge): Assumes RawObject* is at offset zero. Fix.
uword value = *(reinterpret_cast<uword*>(handle));
return Smi::ValueFromRaw(value);
static intptr_t ClassId(Dart_Handle handle) {
// TODO(turnidge): Assumes RawObject* is at offset zero. Fix.
RawObject* raw = *(reinterpret_cast<RawObject**>(handle));
if (!raw->IsHeapObject()) {
return kSmiCid;
return raw->GetClassId();
// Generates a handle used to designate an error return.
static Dart_Handle NewError(const char* format, ...) PRINTF_ATTRIBUTE(1, 2);
// Gets a handle to Null.
static Dart_Handle Null();
// Gets a handle to True.
static Dart_Handle True();
// Gets a handle to False
static Dart_Handle False();
// Retrieves the top ApiLocalScope.
static ApiLocalScope* TopScope(Isolate* isolate);
// Performs one-time initialization needed by the API.
static void InitOnce();
// Allocates handles for objects in the VM isolate.
static void InitHandles();
// Helper function to get the peer value of an external string object.
static bool StringGetPeerHelper(NativeArguments* args,
int arg_index,
void** peer);
// Helper function to get the native field from a native receiver argument.
static bool GetNativeReceiver(NativeArguments* args, intptr_t* value);
// Helper function to get the boolean value of a Bool native argument.
static bool GetNativeBooleanArgument(NativeArguments* args,
int arg_index,
bool* value);
// Helper function to set the return value of native functions.
static void SetReturnValue(NativeArguments* args, Dart_Handle retval) {
static void SetSmiReturnValue(NativeArguments* args, intptr_t retval) {
static void SetIntegerReturnValue(NativeArguments* args, int64_t retval) {
static void SetDoubleReturnValue(NativeArguments* args, double retval) {
static void SetWeakHandleReturnValue(NativeArguments* args,
Dart_WeakPersistentHandle retval);
static Dart_Handle InitNewHandle(Isolate* isolate, RawObject* raw);
// Thread local key used by the API. Currently holds the current
// ApiNativeScope if any.
static ThreadLocalKey api_native_key_;
static Dart_Handle true_handle_;
static Dart_Handle false_handle_;
static Dart_Handle null_handle_;
friend class ApiNativeScope;
class IsolateSaver {
explicit IsolateSaver(Isolate* current_isolate)
: saved_isolate_(current_isolate) {
~IsolateSaver() {
Isolate* saved_isolate_;
// Start a scope in which no Dart API call backs are allowed.
#define START_NO_CALLBACK_SCOPE(isolate) \
// End a no Dart API call backs Scope.
#define END_NO_CALLBACK_SCOPE(isolate) \
#define CHECK_CALLBACK_STATE(isolate) \
if (isolate->no_callback_scope_depth() != 0) { \
return reinterpret_cast<Dart_Handle>(Api::AcquiredError(isolate)); \
} \
#define ASSERT_CALLBACK_STATE(isolate) \
ASSERT(isolate->no_callback_scope_depth() == 0)
} // namespace dart.
#endif // VM_DART_API_IMPL_H_