blob: ef6239afc5721b36f731aad115bdc3e7145adef1 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2011, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
part of dart.core;
* The [Iterable] interface allows to get an [Iterator] out of an
* [Iterable] object.
* This interface is used by the for-in construct to iterate over an
* [Iterable] object.
* The for-in construct takes an [Iterable] object at the right-hand
* side, and calls its [iterator] method to get an [Iterator] on it.
* A user-defined class that implements the [Iterable] interface can
* be used as the right-hand side of a for-in construct.
abstract class Iterable<E> {
const Iterable();
* Create an [Iterable] that generates its elements dynamically.
* The [Iterators] created by the [Iterable] will count from
* zero to [:count - 1:] while iterating, and call [generator]
* with that index to create the next value.
* As an [Iterable], [:new Iterable.generate(n, generator)):] is equivalent to
* [:const [0, ..., n - 1].map(generator):]
factory Iterable.generate(int count, E generator(int index)) {
return new _GeneratorIterable<E>(count, generator);
* Returns an [Iterator] that iterates over this [Iterable] object.
Iterator<E> get iterator;
* Returns a lazy [Iterable] where each element [:e:] of `this` is replaced
* by the result of [:f(e):].
* This method returns a view of the mapped elements. As long as the
* returned [Iterable] is not iterated over, the supplied function [f] will
* not be invoked. The transformed elements will not be cached. Iterating
* multiple times over the the returned [Iterable] will invoke the supplied
* function [f] multiple times on the same element.
Iterable map(f(E element));
* Returns a lazy [Iterable] with all elements that satisfy the
* predicate [f].
* This method returns a view of the mapped elements. As long as the
* returned [Iterable] is not iterated over, the supplied function [f] will
* not be invoked. Iterating will not cache results, and thus iterating
* multiple times over the the returned [Iterable] will invoke the supplied
* function [f] multiple times on the same element.
Iterable<E> where(bool f(E element));
* Expand each element of this [Iterable] into zero or more elements.
* The resulting Iterable will run through the elements returned
* by [f] for each element of this, in order.
* The returned [Iterable] is lazy, and will call [f] for each element
* of this every time it's iterated.
Iterable expand(Iterable f(E element));
* Check whether the collection contains an element equal to [element].
bool contains(E element);
* Applies the function [f] to each element of this collection.
void forEach(void f(E element));
* Reduces a collection to a single value by iteratively combining elements
* of the collection using the provided function.
* Example of calculating the sum of an iterable:
* iterable.reduce((value, element) => value + element);
E reduce(E combine(E value, E element));
* Reduces a collection to a single value by iteratively combining each
* element of the collection with an existing value using the provided
* function.
* Use [initialValue] as the initial value, and the function [combine] to
* create a new value from the previous one and an element.
* Example of calculating the sum of an iterable:
* iterable.fold(0, (prev, element) => prev + element);
dynamic fold(var initialValue,
dynamic combine(var previousValue, E element));
* Returns true if every elements of this collection satisify the
* predicate [f]. Returns `false` otherwise.
bool every(bool f(E element));
* Converts each element to a [String] and concatenates the strings.
* Converts each element to a [String] by calling [Object.toString] on it.
* Then concatenates the strings, optionally separated by the [separator]
* string.
String join([String separator = ""]) {
StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer();
buffer.writeAll(this, separator);
return buffer.toString();
* Returns true if one element of this collection satisfies the
* predicate [f]. Returns false otherwise.
bool any(bool f(E element));
* Creates a [List] containing the elements of this [Iterable].
* The elements will be in iteration order. The list is fixed-length
* if [growable] is false.
List<E> toList({ bool growable: true });
* Creates a [Set] containing the elements of this [Iterable].
Set<E> toSet();
* Returns the number of elements in [this].
* Counting all elements may be involve running through all elements and can
* therefore be slow.
int get length;
* Returns true if there is no element in this collection.
bool get isEmpty;
* Returns an [Iterable] with at most [n] elements.
* The returned [Iterable] may contain fewer than [n] elements, if `this`
* contains fewer than [n] elements.
Iterable<E> take(int n);
* Returns an [Iterable] that stops once [test] is not satisfied anymore.
* The filtering happens lazily. Every new [Iterator] of the returned
* [Iterable] will start iterating over the elements of `this`.
* When the iterator encounters an element `e` that does not satisfy [test],
* it discards `e` and moves into the finished state. That is, it will not
* ask or provide any more elements.
Iterable<E> takeWhile(bool test(E value));
* Returns an [Iterable] that skips the first [n] elements.
* If `this` has fewer than [n] elements, then the resulting [Iterable] will
* be empty.
Iterable<E> skip(int n);
* Returns an [Iterable] that skips elements while [test] is satisfied.
* The filtering happens lazily. Every new [Iterator] of the returned
* [Iterable] will iterate over all elements of `this`.
* As long as the iterator's elements do not satisfy [test] they are
* discarded. Once an element satisfies the [test] the iterator stops testing
* and uses every element unconditionally. That is, the elements of the
* returned [Iterable] are the elements of `this` starting from the first
* element that doesn't satisfy [test].
Iterable<E> skipWhile(bool test(E value));
* Returns the first element.
* If `this` is empty throws a [StateError]. Otherwise this method is
* equivalent to [:this.elementAt(0):]
E get first;
* Returns the last element.
* If `this` is empty throws a [StateError].
E get last;
* Returns the single element in `this`.
* If `this` is empty or has more than one element throws a [StateError].
E get single;
* Returns the first element that satisfies the given predicate [f].
* If none matches, the result of invoking the [orElse] function is
* returned. By default, when [orElse] is `null`, a [StateError] is
* thrown.
E firstWhere(bool test(E value), { E orElse() });
* Returns the last element that satisfies the given predicate [f].
* If none matches, the result of invoking the [orElse] function is
* returned. By default, when [orElse] is `null`, a [StateError] is
* thrown.
E lastWhere(bool test(E value), {E orElse()});
* Returns the single element that satisfies [f]. If no or more than one
* element match then a [StateError] is thrown.
E singleWhere(bool test(E value));
* Returns the [index]th element.
* If `this` has fewer than [index] elements throws a [RangeError].
* Note: if `this` does not have a deterministic iteration order then the
* function may simply return any element without any iteration if there are
* at least [index] elements in `this`.
E elementAt(int index);
typedef E _Generator<E>(int index);
class _GeneratorIterable<E> extends IterableBase<E> {
final int _count;
final _Generator<E> _generator;
_GeneratorIterable(this._count, this._generator);
Iterator<E> get iterator => new _GeneratorIterator(_count, _generator);
class _GeneratorIterator<E> implements Iterator<E> {
final int _count;
final _Generator<E> _generator;
int _index = 0;
E _current;
_GeneratorIterator(this._count, this._generator);
bool moveNext() {
if (_index < _count) {
_current = _generator(_index);
return true;
} else {
_current = null;
return false;
E get current => _current;
* An [Iterator] that allows moving backwards as well as forwards.
abstract class BidirectionalIterator<E> implements Iterator<E> {
* Move back to the previous element.
* Returns true and updates [current] if successful. Returns false
* and sets [current] to null if there is no previous element.
bool movePrevious();