blob: 9be802d8db3aef1fd989c63325cf15efa2f0fe34 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library mirrors_dart2js;
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:collection' show LinkedHashMap;
import 'dart:uri';
import '../../compiler.dart' as api;
import '../elements/elements.dart';
import '../apiimpl.dart' as apiimpl;
import '../scanner/scannerlib.dart' hide SourceString;
import '../dart2jslib.dart';
import '../dart_types.dart';
import '../source_file.dart';
import '../tree/tree.dart';
import '../util/util.dart' show Spannable, Link;
import '../util/characters.dart' show $CR, $LF;
import 'mirrors.dart';
import 'mirrors_util.dart';
import 'util.dart';
// Utility types and functions for the dart2js mirror system
bool _isPrivate(String name) {
return name.startsWith('_');
List<ParameterMirror> _parametersFromFunctionSignature(
Dart2JsMirrorSystem system,
Dart2JsMethodMirror method,
FunctionSignature signature) {
var parameters = <ParameterMirror>[];
Link<Element> link = signature.requiredParameters;
while (!link.isEmpty) {
parameters.add(new Dart2JsParameterMirror(
system, method, link.head, false, false));
link = link.tail;
link = signature.optionalParameters;
bool isNamed = signature.optionalParametersAreNamed;
while (!link.isEmpty) {
parameters.add(new Dart2JsParameterMirror(
system, method, link.head, true, isNamed));
link = link.tail;
return parameters;
Dart2JsTypeMirror _convertTypeToTypeMirror(
Dart2JsMirrorSystem system,
DartType type,
InterfaceType defaultType,
[FunctionSignature functionSignature]) {
if (type == null) {
return new Dart2JsInterfaceTypeMirror(system, defaultType);
} else if (type is InterfaceType) {
if (type == system.compiler.types.dynamicType) {
return new Dart2JsDynamicMirror(system, type);
} else {
return new Dart2JsInterfaceTypeMirror(system, type);
} else if (type is TypeVariableType) {
return new Dart2JsTypeVariableMirror(system, type);
} else if (type is FunctionType) {
return new Dart2JsFunctionTypeMirror(system, type, functionSignature);
} else if (type is VoidType) {
return new Dart2JsVoidMirror(system, type);
} else if (type is TypedefType) {
return new Dart2JsTypedefMirror(system, type);
} else if (type is MalformedType) {
// TODO(johnniwinther): We need a mirror on malformed types.
return system.dynamicType;
system.compiler.internalError("Unexpected type $type of kind ${type.kind}");
Iterable<Dart2JsMemberMirror> _convertElementMemberToMemberMirrors(
Dart2JsContainerMirror library, Element element) {
if (element.isSynthesized) {
return const <Dart2JsMemberMirror>[];
} else if (element is VariableElement) {
return <Dart2JsMemberMirror>[new Dart2JsFieldMirror(library, element)];
} else if (element is FunctionElement) {
return <Dart2JsMemberMirror>[new Dart2JsMethodMirror(library, element)];
} else if (element is AbstractFieldElement) {
var members = <Dart2JsMemberMirror>[];
if (element.getter != null) {
members.add(new Dart2JsMethodMirror(library, element.getter));
if (element.setter != null) {
members.add(new Dart2JsMethodMirror(library, element.setter));
return members;
"Unexpected member type $element ${element.kind}");
MethodMirror _convertElementMethodToMethodMirror(Dart2JsContainerMirror library,
Element element) {
if (element is FunctionElement) {
return new Dart2JsMethodMirror(library, element);
} else {
return null;
InstanceMirror _convertConstantToInstanceMirror(Dart2JsMirrorSystem mirrors,
Constant constant) {
if (constant is BoolConstant) {
return new Dart2JsBoolConstantMirror(mirrors, constant);
} else if (constant is NumConstant) {
return new Dart2JsNumConstantMirror(mirrors, constant);
} else if (constant is StringConstant) {
return new Dart2JsStringConstantMirror(mirrors, constant);
} else if (constant is ListConstant) {
return new Dart2JsListConstantMirror(mirrors, constant);
} else if (constant is MapConstant) {
return new Dart2JsMapConstantMirror(mirrors, constant);
} else if (constant is TypeConstant) {
return new Dart2JsTypeConstantMirror(mirrors, constant);
} else if (constant is FunctionConstant) {
return new Dart2JsConstantMirror(mirrors, constant);
} else if (constant is NullConstant) {
return new Dart2JsNullConstantMirror(mirrors, constant);
} else if (constant is ConstructedConstant) {
return new Dart2JsConstructedConstantMirror(mirrors, constant);
mirrors.compiler.internalError("Unexpected constant $constant");
class Dart2JsMethodKind {
static const Dart2JsMethodKind REGULAR = const Dart2JsMethodKind("regular");
static const Dart2JsMethodKind GENERATIVE =
const Dart2JsMethodKind("generative");
static const Dart2JsMethodKind REDIRECTING =
const Dart2JsMethodKind("redirecting");
static const Dart2JsMethodKind CONST = const Dart2JsMethodKind("const");
static const Dart2JsMethodKind FACTORY = const Dart2JsMethodKind("factory");
static const Dart2JsMethodKind GETTER = const Dart2JsMethodKind("getter");
static const Dart2JsMethodKind SETTER = const Dart2JsMethodKind("setter");
static const Dart2JsMethodKind OPERATOR = const Dart2JsMethodKind("operator");
final String text;
const Dart2JsMethodKind(this.text);
String toString() => text;
String _getOperatorFromOperatorName(String name) {
Map<String, String> mapping = const {
'eq': '==',
'not': '~',
'index': '[]',
'indexSet': '[]=',
'mul': '*',
'div': '/',
'mod': '%',
'tdiv': '~/',
'add': '+',
'sub': '-',
'shl': '<<',
'shr': '>>',
'ge': '>=',
'gt': '>',
'le': '<=',
'lt': '<',
'and': '&',
'xor': '^',
'or': '|',
String newName = mapping[name];
if (newName == null) {
throw new Exception('Unhandled operator name: $name');
return newName;
// Analysis entry point.
* Analyzes set of libraries and provides a mirror system which can be used for
* static inspection of the source code.
// TODO(johnniwinther): Move this to [compiler/compiler.dart].
Future<MirrorSystem> analyze(List<Uri> libraries,
Uri libraryRoot,
Uri packageRoot,
api.CompilerInputProvider inputProvider,
api.DiagnosticHandler diagnosticHandler,
[List<String> options = const <String>[]]) {
if (!libraryRoot.path.endsWith("/")) {
throw new ArgumentError("libraryRoot must end with a /");
if (packageRoot != null && !packageRoot.path.endsWith("/")) {
throw new ArgumentError("packageRoot must end with a /");
options = new List<String>.from(options);
bool compilationFailed = false;
void internalDiagnosticHandler(Uri uri, int begin, int end,
String message, api.Diagnostic kind) {
if (kind == api.Diagnostic.ERROR ||
kind == api.Diagnostic.CRASH) {
compilationFailed = true;
diagnosticHandler(uri, begin, end, message, kind);
Compiler compiler = new apiimpl.Compiler(inputProvider,
libraryRoot, packageRoot, options);
compiler.librariesToAnalyzeWhenRun = libraries;
bool success =;
if (success && !compilationFailed) {
return new Future<MirrorSystem>.value(new Dart2JsMirrorSystem(compiler));
} else {
return new Future<MirrorSystem>.error('Failed to create mirror system.');
// Dart2Js specific extensions of mirror interfaces
abstract class Dart2JsMirror implements Mirror {
Dart2JsMirrorSystem get mirrors;
abstract class Dart2JsDeclarationMirror extends Dart2JsMirror
implements DeclarationMirror {
bool get isTopLevel => owner != null && owner is LibraryMirror;
bool get isPrivate => _isPrivate(simpleName);
* Returns the first token for the source of this declaration, not including
* metadata annotations.
Token getBeginToken();
* Returns the last token for the source of this declaration.
Token getEndToken();
* Returns the script for the source of this declaration.
Script getScript();
abstract class Dart2JsTypeMirror extends Dart2JsDeclarationMirror
implements TypeMirror {
abstract class Dart2JsElementMirror extends Dart2JsDeclarationMirror {
final Dart2JsMirrorSystem mirrors;
final Element _element;
List<InstanceMirror> _metadata;
Dart2JsElementMirror(this.mirrors, this._element) {
assert (mirrors != null);
assert (_element != null);
* Returns the element to be used to determine the begin token of this
* declaration and the metadata associated with this declaration.
* This indirection is needed to use the [VariableListElement] as the location
* for type and metadata information on a [VariableElement].
Element get _beginElement => _element;
String get simpleName =>;
* Computes the first token for this declaration using the begin token of the
* element node or element position as indicator.
Token getBeginToken() {
// TODO(johnniwinther): Avoid calling [parseNode].
Node node = _beginElement.parseNode(mirrors.compiler);
if (node == null) {
return _beginElement.position();
return node.getBeginToken();
* Computes the last token for this declaration using the end token of the
* element node or element position as indicator.
Token getEndToken() {
// TODO(johnniwinther): Avoid calling [parseNode].
Node node = _element.parseNode(mirrors.compiler);
if (node == null) {
return _element.position();
return node.getEndToken();
* Returns the first token for the source of this declaration, including
* metadata annotations.
Token getFirstToken() {
if (!_beginElement.metadata.isEmpty) {
for (MetadataAnnotation metadata in _beginElement.metadata) {
if (metadata.beginToken != null) {
return metadata.beginToken;
return getBeginToken();
Script getScript() => _element.getCompilationUnit().script;
SourceLocation get location {
Token beginToken = getFirstToken();
Script script = getScript();
SourceSpan span;
if (beginToken == null) {
span = new SourceSpan(script.uri, 0, 0);
} else {
Token endToken = getEndToken();
span = mirrors.compiler.spanFromTokens(beginToken, endToken, script.uri);
return new Dart2JsSourceLocation(script, span);
String toString() => _element.toString();
int get hashCode => qualifiedName.hashCode;
void _appendCommentTokens(Token commentToken) {
while (commentToken != null && commentToken.kind == COMMENT_TOKEN) {
_metadata.add(new Dart2JsCommentInstanceMirror(
mirrors, commentToken.slowToString()));
commentToken =;
List<InstanceMirror> get metadata {
if (_metadata == null) {
_metadata = <InstanceMirror>[];
for (MetadataAnnotation metadata in _element.metadata) {
_convertConstantToInstanceMirror(mirrors, metadata.value));
// TODO(johnniwinther): Return an unmodifiable list instead.
return new List<InstanceMirror>.from(_metadata);
abstract class Dart2JsMemberMirror extends Dart2JsElementMirror
implements MemberMirror {
Dart2JsMemberMirror(Dart2JsMirrorSystem system, Element element)
: super(system, element);
bool get isConstructor => false;
bool get isVariable => false;
bool get isMethod => false;
bool get isStatic => false;
bool get isParameter => false;
// Mirror system implementation.
class Dart2JsMirrorSystem extends MirrorSystem {
final Compiler compiler;
Map<Uri, Dart2JsLibraryMirror> _libraries;
Map<LibraryElement, Dart2JsLibraryMirror> _libraryMap;
: _libraryMap = new Map<LibraryElement, Dart2JsLibraryMirror>();
void _ensureLibraries() {
if (_libraries == null) {
_libraries = new Map<Uri, Dart2JsLibraryMirror>();
compiler.libraries.forEach((_, LibraryElement v) {
var mirror = new Dart2JsLibraryMirror(mirrors, v);
_libraries[mirror.uri] = mirror;
_libraryMap[v] = mirror;
Map<Uri, LibraryMirror> get libraries {
return new ImmutableMapWrapper<Uri, LibraryMirror>(_libraries);
Dart2JsLibraryMirror _getLibrary(LibraryElement element) =>
Dart2JsMirrorSystem get mirrors => this;
TypeMirror get dynamicType =>
_convertTypeToTypeMirror(this, compiler.types.dynamicType, null);
TypeMirror get voidType =>
_convertTypeToTypeMirror(this, compiler.types.voidType, null);
abstract class Dart2JsContainerMirror extends Dart2JsElementMirror
implements ContainerMirror {
Map<String, MemberMirror> _members;
Dart2JsContainerMirror(Dart2JsMirrorSystem system, Element element)
: super(system, element);
void _ensureMembers();
Map<String, MemberMirror> get members {
return new ImmutableMapWrapper<String, MemberMirror>(_members);
Map<String, MethodMirror> get functions {
return new AsFilteredImmutableMap<String, MemberMirror, MethodMirror>(
(MemberMirror member) => member is MethodMirror ? member : null);
Map<String, MethodMirror> get getters {
return new AsFilteredImmutableMap<String, MemberMirror, MethodMirror>(
(MemberMirror member) =>
member is MethodMirror && (member as MethodMirror).isGetter ?
member : null);
Map<String, MethodMirror> get setters {
return new AsFilteredImmutableMap<String, MemberMirror, MethodMirror>(
(MemberMirror member) =>
member is MethodMirror && (member as MethodMirror).isSetter ?
member : null);
Map<String, VariableMirror> get variables {
return new AsFilteredImmutableMap<String, MemberMirror, VariableMirror>(
(MemberMirror member) => member is VariableMirror ? member : null);
class Dart2JsLibraryMirror extends Dart2JsContainerMirror
implements LibraryMirror {
Map<String, ClassMirror> _classes;
Dart2JsLibraryMirror(Dart2JsMirrorSystem system, LibraryElement library)
: super(system, library);
LibraryElement get _library => _element;
Uri get uri => _library.canonicalUri;
DeclarationMirror get owner => null;
bool get isPrivate => false;
LibraryMirror library() => this;
* Returns the library name (for libraries with a #library tag) or the script
* file name (for scripts without a #library tag). The latter case is used to
* provide a 'library name' for scripts, to use for instance in dartdoc.
String get simpleName {
if (_library.libraryTag != null) {
// TODO(ahe): Remove StringNode check when old syntax is removed.
StringNode name =;
if (name != null) {
return name.dartString.slowToString();
} else {
} else {
// Use the file name as script name.
String path = _library.canonicalUri.path;
return path.substring(path.lastIndexOf('/') + 1);
String get qualifiedName => simpleName;
void _ensureClasses() {
if (_classes == null) {
_classes = <String, ClassMirror>{};
_library.forEachLocalMember((Element e) {
if (e.isClass()) {
ClassElement classElement = e;
var type = new Dart2JsClassMirror.fromLibrary(this, classElement);
assert(invariant(_library, !_classes.containsKey(type.simpleName),
message: "Type name '${type.simpleName}' "
"is not unique in $_library."));
_classes[type.simpleName] = type;
} else if (e.isTypedef()) {
var type = new Dart2JsTypedefMirror.fromLibrary(this,
assert(invariant(_library, !_classes.containsKey(type.simpleName),
message: "Type name '${type.simpleName}' "
"is not unique in $_library."));
_classes[type.simpleName] = type;
void _ensureMembers() {
if (_members == null) {
_members = <String, MemberMirror>{};
_library.forEachLocalMember((Element e) {
if (!e.isClass() && !e.isTypedef()) {
// TODO(ahe): I think it is incorrect to filter out classes
// and typedefs. See
for (var member in _convertElementMemberToMemberMirrors(this, e)) {
_members[member.simpleName] = member;
Map<String, ClassMirror> get classes {
return new ImmutableMapWrapper<String, ClassMirror>(_classes);
* Computes the first token of this library using the first library tag as
* indicator.
Token getBeginToken() {
if (_library.libraryTag != null) {
return _library.libraryTag.getBeginToken();
} else if (!_library.tags.isEmpty) {
return _library.tags.reverse().head.getBeginToken();
return null;
* Computes the first token of this library using the last library tag as
* indicator.
Token getEndToken() {
if (!_library.tags.isEmpty) {
return _library.tags.head.getEndToken();
return null;
class Dart2JsSourceLocation implements SourceLocation {
final Script _script;
final SourceSpan _span;
int _line;
int _column;
Dart2JsSourceLocation(this._script, this._span);
int _computeLine() {
var sourceFile = _script.file as SourceFile;
if (sourceFile != null) {
return sourceFile.getLine(offset) + 1;
var index = 0;
var lineNumber = 0;
while (index <= offset && index < sourceText.length) {
index = sourceText.indexOf('\n', index) + 1;
if (index <= 0) break;
return lineNumber;
int get line {
if (_line == null) {
_line = _computeLine();
return _line;
int _computeColumn() {
if (length == 0) return 0;
var sourceFile = _script.file as SourceFile;
if (sourceFile != null) {
return sourceFile.getColumn(sourceFile.getLine(offset), offset) + 1;
int index = offset - 1;
var columnNumber = 0;
while (0 <= index && index < sourceText.length) {
var codeUnit = sourceText.codeUnitAt(index);
if (codeUnit == $CR || codeUnit == $LF) {
return columnNumber;
int get column {
if (_column == null) {
_column = _computeColumn();
return _column;
int get offset => _span.begin;
int get length => _span.end - _span.begin;
String get text => _script.text.substring(_span.begin, _span.end);
Uri get sourceUri => _script.uri;
String get sourceText => _script.text;
class Dart2JsParameterMirror extends Dart2JsMemberMirror
implements ParameterMirror {
final MethodMirror _method;
final bool isOptional;
final bool isNamed;
factory Dart2JsParameterMirror(Dart2JsMirrorSystem system,
MethodMirror method,
VariableElement element,
bool isOptional,
bool isNamed) {
if (element is FieldParameterElement) {
return new Dart2JsFieldParameterMirror(system,
method, element, isOptional, isNamed);
return new Dart2JsParameterMirror._normal(system,
method, element, isOptional, isNamed);
Dart2JsParameterMirror._normal(Dart2JsMirrorSystem system,
VariableElement element,
: super(system, element);
Element get _beginElement => _variableElement.variables;
DeclarationMirror get owner => _method;
VariableElement get _variableElement => _element;
String get qualifiedName => '${_method.qualifiedName}#${simpleName}';
TypeMirror get type => _convertTypeToTypeMirror(mirrors,
bool get isFinal => false;
bool get isConst => false;
String get defaultValue {
if (hasDefaultValue) {
SendSet expression = _variableElement.cachedNode.asSendSet();
return unparse(expression.arguments.head);
return null;
bool get hasDefaultValue {
return _variableElement.cachedNode != null &&
_variableElement.cachedNode is SendSet;
bool get isInitializingFormal => false;
VariableMirror get initializedField => null;
class Dart2JsFieldParameterMirror extends Dart2JsParameterMirror {
Dart2JsFieldParameterMirror(Dart2JsMirrorSystem system,
MethodMirror method,
FieldParameterElement element,
bool isOptional,
bool isNamed)
: super._normal(system, method, element, isOptional, isNamed);
FieldParameterElement get _fieldParameterElement => _element;
TypeMirror get type {
VariableListElement variables = _fieldParameterElement.variables;
VariableDefinitions node = variables.parseNode(mirrors.compiler);
if (node.type != null) {
return super.type;
// Use the field type for initializing formals with no type annotation.
return _convertTypeToTypeMirror(mirrors,
bool get isInitializingFormal => true;
VariableMirror get initializedField => new Dart2JsFieldMirror(
_method.owner, _fieldParameterElement.fieldElement);
// Declarations
class Dart2JsClassMirror extends Dart2JsContainerMirror
implements Dart2JsTypeMirror, ClassMirror {
final Dart2JsLibraryMirror library;
List<TypeVariableMirror> _typeVariables;
Dart2JsClassMirror(Dart2JsMirrorSystem system, ClassElement _class)
: this.library = system._getLibrary(_class.getLibrary()),
super(system, _class);
ClassElement get _class => _element;
Dart2JsClassMirror.fromLibrary(Dart2JsLibraryMirror library,
ClassElement _class)
: this.library = library,
super(library.mirrors, _class);
DeclarationMirror get owner => library;
String get qualifiedName => '${library.qualifiedName}.${simpleName}';
void _ensureMembers() {
if (_members == null) {
_members = <String, Dart2JsMemberMirror>{};
_class.forEachMember((_, e) {
for (var member in _convertElementMemberToMemberMirrors(this, e)) {
_members[member.simpleName] = member;
Map<String, MethodMirror> get methods => functions;
Map<String, MethodMirror> get constructors {
return new AsFilteredImmutableMap<String, MemberMirror, MethodMirror>(
_members, (m) => m.isConstructor ? m : null);
bool get isObject => _class == mirrors.compiler.objectClass;
bool get isDynamic => false;
bool get isVoid => false;
bool get isTypeVariable => false;
bool get isTypedef => false;
bool get isFunction => false;
ClassMirror get originalDeclaration => this;
ClassMirror get superclass {
if (_class.supertype != null) {
return new Dart2JsInterfaceTypeMirror(mirrors, _class.supertype);
return null;
List<ClassMirror> get superinterfaces {
var list = <ClassMirror>[];
Link<DartType> link = _class.interfaces;
while (!link.isEmpty) {
var type = _convertTypeToTypeMirror(mirrors, link.head,
link = link.tail;
return list;
bool get isClass => true;
bool get isAbstract => _class.modifiers.isAbstract();
bool get isOriginalDeclaration => true;
List<TypeMirror> get typeArguments {
throw new UnsupportedError(
'Declarations do not have type arguments');
List<TypeVariableMirror> get typeVariables {
if (_typeVariables == null) {
_typeVariables = <TypeVariableMirror>[];
for (TypeVariableType typeVariable in _class.typeVariables) {
new Dart2JsTypeVariableMirror(mirrors, typeVariable));
return _typeVariables;
bool operator ==(Object other) {
if (identical(this, other)) {
return true;
if (other is! ClassMirror) {
return false;
if (library != other.library) {
return false;
if (!identical(isOriginalDeclaration, other.isOriginalDeclaration)) {
return false;
return qualifiedName == other.qualifiedName;
class Dart2JsTypedefMirror extends Dart2JsTypeElementMirror
implements Dart2JsTypeMirror, TypedefMirror {
final Dart2JsLibraryMirror _library;
List<TypeVariableMirror> _typeVariables;
TypeMirror _definition;
Dart2JsTypedefMirror(Dart2JsMirrorSystem system, TypedefType _typedef)
: this._library = system._getLibrary(_typedef.element.getLibrary()),
super(system, _typedef);
Dart2JsTypedefMirror.fromLibrary(Dart2JsLibraryMirror library,
TypedefType _typedef)
: this._library = library,
super(library.mirrors, _typedef);
TypedefType get _typedef => _type;
String get qualifiedName => '${library.qualifiedName}.${simpleName}';
LibraryMirror get library => _library;
bool get isTypedef => true;
List<TypeMirror> get typeArguments {
throw new UnsupportedError(
'Declarations do not have type arguments');
List<TypeVariableMirror> get typeVariables {
if (_typeVariables == null) {
_typeVariables = <TypeVariableMirror>[];
for (TypeVariableType typeVariable in _typedef.typeArguments) {
new Dart2JsTypeVariableMirror(mirrors, typeVariable));
return _typeVariables;
TypeMirror get value {
if (_definition == null) {
// TODO(johnniwinther): Should be [ensureResolved].
_definition = _convertTypeToTypeMirror(
return _definition;
ClassMirror get originalDeclaration => this;
// TODO(johnniwinther): How should a typedef respond to these?
ClassMirror get superclass => null;
List<ClassMirror> get superinterfaces => const <ClassMirror>[];
bool get isClass => false;
bool get isOriginalDeclaration => true;
bool get isAbstract => false;
class Dart2JsTypeVariableMirror extends Dart2JsTypeElementMirror
implements TypeVariableMirror {
final TypeVariableType _typeVariableType;
ClassMirror _declarer;
Dart2JsTypeVariableMirror(Dart2JsMirrorSystem system,
TypeVariableType typeVariableType)
: this._typeVariableType = typeVariableType,
super(system, typeVariableType) {
assert(_typeVariableType != null);
String get qualifiedName => '${declarer.qualifiedName}.${simpleName}';
ClassMirror get declarer {
if (_declarer == null) {
if (_typeVariableType.element.enclosingElement.isClass()) {
_declarer = new Dart2JsClassMirror(mirrors,
} else if (_typeVariableType.element.enclosingElement.isTypedef()) {
_declarer = new Dart2JsTypedefMirror(mirrors,
return _declarer;
LibraryMirror get library => declarer.library;
DeclarationMirror get owner => declarer;
bool get isTypeVariable => true;
TypeMirror get upperBound => _convertTypeToTypeMirror(
bool operator ==(var other) {
if (identical(this, other)) {
return true;
if (other is! TypeVariableMirror) {
return false;
if (declarer != other.declarer) {
return false;
return qualifiedName == other.qualifiedName;
// Types
abstract class Dart2JsTypeElementMirror extends Dart2JsElementMirror
implements Dart2JsTypeMirror {
final DartType _type;
Dart2JsTypeElementMirror(Dart2JsMirrorSystem system, DartType type)
: super(system, type.element),
this._type = type;
String get simpleName =>;
DeclarationMirror get owner => library;
LibraryMirror get library {
return mirrors._getLibrary(_type.element.getLibrary());
bool get isObject => false;
bool get isVoid => false;
bool get isDynamic => false;
bool get isTypeVariable => false;
bool get isTypedef => false;
bool get isFunction => false;
String toString() => _type.toString();
Map<String, MemberMirror> get members => const <String, MemberMirror>{};
Map<String, MethodMirror> get constructors => const <String, MethodMirror>{};
Map<String, MethodMirror> get methods => const <String, MethodMirror>{};
Map<String, MethodMirror> get getters => const <String, MethodMirror>{};
Map<String, MethodMirror> get setters => const <String, MethodMirror>{};
Map<String, VariableMirror> get variables => const <String, VariableMirror>{};
class Dart2JsInterfaceTypeMirror extends Dart2JsTypeElementMirror
implements ClassMirror {
List<TypeMirror> _typeArguments;
Dart2JsInterfaceTypeMirror(Dart2JsMirrorSystem system,
InterfaceType interfaceType)
: super(system, interfaceType);
InterfaceType get _interfaceType => _type;
String get qualifiedName => originalDeclaration.qualifiedName;
// TODO(johnniwinther): Substitute type arguments for type variables.
Map<String, MemberMirror> get members => originalDeclaration.members;
bool get isObject => mirrors.compiler.objectClass == _type.element;
bool get isDynamic => mirrors.compiler.dynamicClass == _type.element;
ClassMirror get originalDeclaration
=> new Dart2JsClassMirror(mirrors, _type.element);
// TODO(johnniwinther): Substitute type arguments for type variables.
ClassMirror get superclass => originalDeclaration.superclass;
// TODO(johnniwinther): Substitute type arguments for type variables.
List<ClassMirror> get superinterfaces => originalDeclaration.superinterfaces;
bool get isClass => originalDeclaration.isClass;
bool get isAbstract => originalDeclaration.isAbstract;
bool get isPrivate => originalDeclaration.isPrivate;
bool get isOriginalDeclaration => false;
List<TypeMirror> get typeArguments {
if (_typeArguments == null) {
_typeArguments = <TypeMirror>[];
if (!_interfaceType.isRaw) {
Link<DartType> type = _interfaceType.typeArguments;
while (type != null && type.head != null) {
_typeArguments.add(_convertTypeToTypeMirror(mirrors, type.head,
type = type.tail;
return _typeArguments;
List<TypeVariableMirror> get typeVariables =>
// TODO(johnniwinther): Substitute type arguments for type variables.
Map<String, MethodMirror> get constructors =>
// TODO(johnniwinther): Substitute type arguments for type variables.
Map<String, MethodMirror> get methods => originalDeclaration.methods;
// TODO(johnniwinther): Substitute type arguments for type variables.
Map<String, MethodMirror> get setters => originalDeclaration.setters;
// TODO(johnniwinther): Substitute type arguments for type variables.
Map<String, MethodMirror> get getters => originalDeclaration.getters;
// TODO(johnniwinther): Substitute type arguments for type variables.
Map<String, VariableMirror> get variables => originalDeclaration.variables;
bool operator ==(Object other) {
if (identical(this, other)) {
return true;
if (other is! ClassMirror) {
return false;
if (other.isOriginalDeclaration) {
return false;
if (originalDeclaration != other.originalDeclaration) {
return false;
var thisTypeArguments = typeArguments.iterator;
var otherTypeArguments = other.typeArguments.iterator;
while (thisTypeArguments.moveNext()) {
if (!otherTypeArguments.moveNext()) return false;
if (thisTypeArguments.current != otherTypeArguments.current) {
return false;
return !otherTypeArguments.moveNext();
class Dart2JsFunctionTypeMirror extends Dart2JsTypeElementMirror
implements FunctionTypeMirror {
final FunctionSignature _functionSignature;
List<ParameterMirror> _parameters;
Dart2JsFunctionTypeMirror(Dart2JsMirrorSystem system,
FunctionType functionType, this._functionSignature)
: super(system, functionType) {
assert (_functionSignature != null);
FunctionType get _functionType => _type;
// TODO(johnniwinther): Is this the qualified name of a function type?
String get qualifiedName => originalDeclaration.qualifiedName;
// TODO(johnniwinther): Substitute type arguments for type variables.
Map<String, MemberMirror> get members {
var method = callMethod;
if (method != null) {
var map = new Map<String, MemberMirror>.from(
var name = method.qualifiedName;
map[name] = method;
return new ImmutableMapWrapper<String, MemberMirror>(map);
return originalDeclaration.members;
bool get isFunction => true;
MethodMirror get callMethod => _convertElementMethodToMethodMirror(
ClassMirror get originalDeclaration
=> new Dart2JsClassMirror(mirrors, mirrors.compiler.functionClass);
// TODO(johnniwinther): Substitute type arguments for type variables.
ClassMirror get superclass => originalDeclaration.superclass;
// TODO(johnniwinther): Substitute type arguments for type variables.
List<ClassMirror> get superinterfaces => originalDeclaration.superinterfaces;
bool get isClass => originalDeclaration.isClass;
bool get isPrivate => originalDeclaration.isPrivate;
bool get isOriginalDeclaration => false;
bool get isAbstract => false;
List<TypeMirror> get typeArguments => const <TypeMirror>[];
List<TypeVariableMirror> get typeVariables =>
TypeMirror get returnType {
return _convertTypeToTypeMirror(mirrors, _functionType.returnType,
List<ParameterMirror> get parameters {
if (_parameters == null) {
_parameters = _parametersFromFunctionSignature(mirrors, callMethod,
return _parameters;
class Dart2JsVoidMirror extends Dart2JsTypeElementMirror {
Dart2JsVoidMirror(Dart2JsMirrorSystem system, VoidType voidType)
: super(system, voidType);
VoidType get _voidType => _type;
String get qualifiedName => simpleName;
* The void type has no location.
SourceLocation get location => null;
* The void type has no library.
LibraryMirror get library => null;
bool get isVoid => true;
bool operator ==(Object other) {
if (identical(this, other)) {
return true;
if (other is! TypeMirror) {
return false;
return other.isVoid;
class Dart2JsDynamicMirror extends Dart2JsTypeElementMirror {
Dart2JsDynamicMirror(Dart2JsMirrorSystem system, InterfaceType voidType)
: super(system, voidType);
InterfaceType get _dynamicType => _type;
String get qualifiedName => simpleName;
* The dynamic type has no location.
SourceLocation get location => null;
* The dynamic type has no library.
LibraryMirror get library => null;
bool get isDynamic => true;
bool operator ==(Object other) {
if (identical(this, other)) {
return true;
if (other is! TypeMirror) {
return false;
return other.isDynamic;
// Member mirrors implementation.
class Dart2JsMethodMirror extends Dart2JsMemberMirror
implements MethodMirror {
final Dart2JsContainerMirror _objectMirror;
final String simpleName;
final String constructorName;
final Dart2JsMethodKind _kind;
Dart2JsMethodMirror._internal(Dart2JsContainerMirror objectMirror,
FunctionElement function,
String this.simpleName,
String this.constructorName,
Dart2JsMethodKind this._kind)
: this._objectMirror = objectMirror,
super(objectMirror.mirrors, function);
factory Dart2JsMethodMirror(Dart2JsContainerMirror objectMirror,
FunctionElement function) {
String realName =;
// TODO(ahe): This method should not be calling
// Elements.operatorNameToIdentifier.
String simpleName =
String constructorName = null;
Dart2JsMethodKind kind;
if (function.kind == ElementKind.GETTER) {
kind = Dart2JsMethodKind.GETTER;
} else if (function.kind == ElementKind.SETTER) {
kind = Dart2JsMethodKind.SETTER;
simpleName = '$simpleName=';
} else if (function.kind == ElementKind.GENERATIVE_CONSTRUCTOR) {
// TODO(johnniwinther): Support detection of redirecting constructors.
constructorName = '';
int dollarPos = simpleName.indexOf('\$');
if (dollarPos != -1) {
constructorName = simpleName.substring(dollarPos + 1);
simpleName = simpleName.substring(0, dollarPos);
// Simple name is TypeName.constructorName.
simpleName = '$simpleName.$constructorName';
} else {
// Simple name is TypeName.
if (function.modifiers.isConst()) {
kind = Dart2JsMethodKind.CONST;
} else {
kind = Dart2JsMethodKind.GENERATIVE;
} else if (function.modifiers.isFactory()) {
kind = Dart2JsMethodKind.FACTORY;
constructorName = '';
int dollarPos = simpleName.indexOf('\$');
if (dollarPos != -1) {
constructorName = simpleName.substring(dollarPos+1);
simpleName = simpleName.substring(0, dollarPos);
simpleName = '$simpleName.$constructorName';
} else if (realName == 'unary-') {
kind = Dart2JsMethodKind.OPERATOR;
// Simple name is 'unary-'.
simpleName = Mirror.UNARY_MINUS;
} else if (simpleName.startsWith('operator\$')) {
String str = simpleName.substring(9);
simpleName = 'operator';
kind = Dart2JsMethodKind.OPERATOR;
simpleName = _getOperatorFromOperatorName(str);
} else {
kind = Dart2JsMethodKind.REGULAR;
return new Dart2JsMethodMirror._internal(objectMirror, function,
simpleName, constructorName, kind);
FunctionElement get _function => _element;
String get qualifiedName
=> '${owner.qualifiedName}.$simpleName';
DeclarationMirror get owner => _objectMirror;
bool get isTopLevel => _objectMirror is LibraryMirror;
bool get isConstructor
=> isGenerativeConstructor || isConstConstructor ||
isFactoryConstructor || isRedirectingConstructor;
bool get isMethod => !isConstructor;
bool get isPrivate =>
isConstructor ? _isPrivate(constructorName) : _isPrivate(simpleName);
bool get isStatic => _function.modifiers.isStatic();
List<ParameterMirror> get parameters {
return _parametersFromFunctionSignature(mirrors, this,
TypeMirror get returnType => _convertTypeToTypeMirror(
mirrors, _function.computeSignature(mirrors.compiler).returnType,
bool get isAbstract => _function.isAbstract(mirrors.compiler);
bool get isRegularMethod => !(isGetter || isSetter || isConstructor);
bool get isConstConstructor => _kind == Dart2JsMethodKind.CONST;
bool get isGenerativeConstructor => _kind == Dart2JsMethodKind.GENERATIVE;
bool get isRedirectingConstructor => _kind == Dart2JsMethodKind.REDIRECTING;
bool get isFactoryConstructor => _kind == Dart2JsMethodKind.FACTORY;
bool get isGetter => _kind == Dart2JsMethodKind.GETTER;
bool get isSetter => _kind == Dart2JsMethodKind.SETTER;
bool get isOperator => _kind == Dart2JsMethodKind.OPERATOR;
class Dart2JsFieldMirror extends Dart2JsMemberMirror implements VariableMirror {
Dart2JsContainerMirror _objectMirror;
VariableElement _variable;
Dart2JsFieldMirror(Dart2JsContainerMirror objectMirror,
VariableElement variable)
: this._objectMirror = objectMirror,
this._variable = variable,
super(objectMirror.mirrors, variable);
Element get _beginElement => _variable.variables;
String get qualifiedName
=> '${owner.qualifiedName}.$simpleName';
DeclarationMirror get owner => _objectMirror;
bool get isTopLevel => _objectMirror is LibraryMirror;
bool get isVariable => true;
bool get isStatic => _variable.modifiers.isStatic();
bool get isFinal => _variable.modifiers.isFinal();
bool get isConst => _variable.modifiers.isConst();
TypeMirror get type => _convertTypeToTypeMirror(mirrors,
// Mirrors on constant values used for metadata.
class Dart2JsConstantMirror extends InstanceMirror {
final Dart2JsMirrorSystem mirrors;
final Constant _constant;
Dart2JsConstantMirror(this.mirrors, this._constant);
ClassMirror get type {
return new Dart2JsClassMirror(mirrors,
bool get hasReflectee => false;
get reflectee {
// TODO(johnniwinther): Which exception/error should be thrown here?
throw new UnsupportedError('InstanceMirror does not have a reflectee');
InstanceMirror getField(String fieldName) {
// TODO(johnniwinther): Which exception/error should be thrown here?
throw new UnsupportedError('InstanceMirror does not have a reflectee');
class Dart2JsNullConstantMirror extends Dart2JsConstantMirror {
Dart2JsNullConstantMirror(Dart2JsMirrorSystem mirrors, NullConstant constant)
: super(mirrors, constant);
NullConstant get _constant => super._constant;
bool get hasReflectee => true;
get reflectee => null;
class Dart2JsBoolConstantMirror extends Dart2JsConstantMirror {
Dart2JsBoolConstantMirror(Dart2JsMirrorSystem mirrors, BoolConstant constant)
: super(mirrors, constant);
Dart2JsBoolConstantMirror.fromBool(Dart2JsMirrorSystem mirrors, bool value)
: super(mirrors, value ? new TrueConstant() : new FalseConstant());
BoolConstant get _constant => super._constant;
bool get hasReflectee => true;
get reflectee => _constant is TrueConstant;
class Dart2JsStringConstantMirror extends Dart2JsConstantMirror {
Dart2JsStringConstantMirror(Dart2JsMirrorSystem mirrors,
StringConstant constant)
: super(mirrors, constant);
Dart2JsStringConstantMirror.fromString(Dart2JsMirrorSystem mirrors,
String text)
: super(mirrors,
new StringConstant(new DartString.literal(text), null));
StringConstant get _constant => super._constant;
bool get hasReflectee => true;
get reflectee => _constant.value.slowToString();
class Dart2JsNumConstantMirror extends Dart2JsConstantMirror {
Dart2JsNumConstantMirror(Dart2JsMirrorSystem mirrors,
NumConstant constant)
: super(mirrors, constant);
NumConstant get _constant => super._constant;
bool get hasReflectee => true;
get reflectee => _constant.value;
class Dart2JsListConstantMirror extends Dart2JsConstantMirror
implements ListInstanceMirror {
Dart2JsListConstantMirror(Dart2JsMirrorSystem mirrors,
ListConstant constant)
: super(mirrors, constant);
ListConstant get _constant => super._constant;
int get length => _constant.length;
InstanceMirror operator[](int index) {
if (index < 0) throw new RangeError('Negative index');
if (index >= _constant.length) throw new RangeError('Index out of bounds');
return _convertConstantToInstanceMirror(mirrors, _constant.entries[index]);
class Dart2JsMapConstantMirror extends Dart2JsConstantMirror
implements MapInstanceMirror {
List<String> _listCache;
Dart2JsMapConstantMirror(Dart2JsMirrorSystem mirrors,
MapConstant constant)
: super(mirrors, constant);
MapConstant get _constant => super._constant;
List<String> get _list {
if (_listCache == null) {
_listCache = new List<String>(_constant.keys.entries.length);
int index = 0;
for (StringConstant keyConstant in _constant.keys.entries) {
_listCache[index] = keyConstant.value.slowToString();
return _listCache;
int get length => _constant.length;
Iterable<String> get keys {
// TODO(johnniwinther): Return an unmodifiable list instead.
return new List<String>.from(_list);
InstanceMirror operator[](String key) {
int index = _list.indexOf(key);
if (index == -1) return null;
return _convertConstantToInstanceMirror(mirrors, _constant.values[index]);
class Dart2JsTypeConstantMirror extends Dart2JsConstantMirror
implements TypeInstanceMirror {
Dart2JsTypeConstantMirror(Dart2JsMirrorSystem mirrors,
TypeConstant constant)
: super(mirrors, constant);
TypeConstant get _constant => super._constant;
TypeMirror get representedType => _convertTypeToTypeMirror(
mirrors, _constant.representedType, mirrors.compiler.types.dynamicType);
class Dart2JsConstructedConstantMirror extends Dart2JsConstantMirror {
Map<String,Constant> _fieldMapCache;
Dart2JsConstructedConstantMirror(Dart2JsMirrorSystem mirrors,
ConstructedConstant constant)
: super(mirrors, constant);
ConstructedConstant get _constant => super._constant;
Map<String,Constant> get _fieldMap {
if (_fieldMapCache == null) {
_fieldMapCache = new LinkedHashMap<String,Constant>();
if (identical(_constant.type.element.kind, ElementKind.CLASS)) {
var index = 0;
ClassElement element = _constant.type.element;
element.forEachInstanceField((_, Element field) {
String fieldName =;
_fieldMapCache.putIfAbsent(fieldName, () => _constant.fields[index]);
}, includeSuperAndInjectedMembers: true);
return _fieldMapCache;
InstanceMirror getField(String fieldName) {
Constant fieldConstant = _fieldMap[fieldName];
if (fieldConstant != null) {
return _convertConstantToInstanceMirror(mirrors, fieldConstant);
return super.getField(fieldName);
class Dart2JsCommentInstanceMirror implements CommentInstanceMirror {
final Dart2JsMirrorSystem mirrors;
final String text;
String _trimmedText;
Dart2JsCommentInstanceMirror(this.mirrors, this.text);
ClassMirror get type {
return new Dart2JsClassMirror(mirrors, mirrors.compiler.documentClass);
bool get isDocComment => text.startsWith('/**') || text.startsWith('///');
String get trimmedText {
if (_trimmedText == null) {
_trimmedText = stripComment(text);
return _trimmedText;
bool get hasReflectee => false;
get reflectee {
// TODO(johnniwinther): Which exception/error should be thrown here?
throw new UnsupportedError('InstanceMirror does not have a reflectee');
InstanceMirror getField(String fieldName) {
if (fieldName == 'isDocComment') {
return new Dart2JsBoolConstantMirror.fromBool(mirrors, isDocComment);
} else if (fieldName == 'text') {
return new Dart2JsStringConstantMirror.fromString(mirrors, text);
} else if (fieldName == 'trimmedText') {
return new Dart2JsStringConstantMirror.fromString(mirrors, trimmedText);
// TODO(johnniwinther): Which exception/error should be thrown here?
throw new UnsupportedError('InstanceMirror does not have a reflectee');
_convertElementToMembers(Dart2JsLibraryMirror library, Element e) {
// TODO(ahe): This method creates new mirror objects which is not correct.
if (e.isClass()) {
ClassElement classElement = e;
return [new Dart2JsClassMirror.fromLibrary(library, classElement)];
} else if (e.isTypedef()) {
return [new Dart2JsTypedefMirror.fromLibrary(
library, e.computeType(library.mirrors.compiler))];
} else {
return _convertElementMemberToMemberMirrors(library, e);
* Experimental API for accessing compilation units defined in a
* library.
// TODO(ahe): Superclasses? Is this really a mirror?
class Dart2JsCompilationUnitMirror extends Dart2JsMirror {
final Dart2JsLibraryMirror _library;
final CompilationUnitElement _element;
Dart2JsCompilationUnitMirror(this._element, this._library);
Dart2JsMirrorSystem get mirrors => _library.mirrors;
List<DeclarationMirror> get members {
// TODO(ahe): Should return an immutable List.
// TODO(johnniwinther): make sure that these are returned in declaration
// order.
List<DeclarationMirror> members= <DeclarationMirror>[];
_element.forEachLocalMember((m) {
members.addAll(_convertElementToMembers(_library, m));
return members;
Uri get uri => _element.script.uri;
* Transitional class that allows access to features that have not yet
* made it to the mirror API.
* All API in this class is experimental.
class BackDoor {
/// Return the compilation units comprising [library].
static List<Mirror> compilationUnitsOf(Dart2JsLibraryMirror library) {
return library._library.compilationUnits.toList().map(
(cu) => new Dart2JsCompilationUnitMirror(cu, library)).toList();