blob: 047149fba37d43ac680c930ba84d91bf835069e5 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2020, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:analyzer/dart/analysis/results.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/source/line_info.dart';
import 'package:nnbd_migration/instrumentation.dart';
import 'package:nnbd_migration/nnbd_migration.dart';
import 'package:nnbd_migration/src/front_end/dartfix_listener.dart';
import 'package:nnbd_migration/src/front_end/driver_provider_impl.dart';
import 'package:nnbd_migration/src/front_end/info_builder.dart';
import 'package:nnbd_migration/src/front_end/instrumentation_listener.dart';
import 'package:nnbd_migration/src/front_end/migration_info.dart';
import 'package:nnbd_migration/src/front_end/non_nullable_fix.dart';
import 'package:nnbd_migration/src/front_end/offset_mapper.dart';
import 'package:nnbd_migration/src/hint_action.dart';
import 'package:test/test.dart';
import 'package:test_reflective_loader/test_reflective_loader.dart';
import '../utilities/test_logger.dart';
import 'analysis_abstract.dart';
class ListenerClient implements DartFixListenerClient {
void onException(String detail) {
fail('Unexpected call to onException($detail)');
void onFatalError(String detail) {
fail('Unexpected call to onFatalError($detail)');
void onMessage(String detail) {
fail('Unexpected call to onMessage($detail)');
class NnbdMigrationTestBase extends AbstractAnalysisTest {
/// The information produced by the InfoBuilder, or `null` if [buildInfo] has
/// not yet completed.
Set<UnitInfo>? infos;
NodeMapper? nodeMapper;
/// Assert that some target in [targets] has various properties.
void assertInTargets(
{required Iterable<NavigationTarget> targets,
int? offset,
int? length,
OffsetMapper? offsetMapper}) {
var failureReasons = [
if (offset != null) 'offset: $offset',
if (length != null) 'length: $length',
if (offsetMapper != null) 'match a custom offset mapper',
].join(' and ');
offsetMapper ??= OffsetMapper.identity;
expect(targets.any((t) {
return (offset == null || offset == offsetMapper!.map(t.offset)) &&
(length == null || length == t.length);
}), isTrue, reason: 'Expected one of $targets to contain $failureReasons');
/// Assert various properties of the given [region]. If an [offset] is
/// provided but no [length] is provided, a default length of `1` will be
/// used.
void assertRegion(
{required RegionInfo region,
int? offset,
int? length,
Object explanation = anything,
Object edits = anything,
Object traces = anything,
Object kind = NullabilityFixKind.makeTypeNullable}) {
if (offset != null) {
expect(region.offset, offset);
expect(region.length, length ?? 1);
} else if (length != null) {
expect(region.length, length);
expect(region.kind, kind);
expect(region.edits, edits);
expect(region.explanation, explanation);
expect(region.traces, traces);
/// Asserts various properties of the pair of [regions], `regions[index]` and
/// `regions[index + 1]`. The expected offsets and lengths are specified
/// separately; everything else is asserted using the same matcher.
void assertRegionPair(List<RegionInfo> regions, int index,
{int? offset1,
int? length1,
int? offset2,
int? length2,
Object explanation = anything,
Object edits = anything,
Object traces = anything,
Object kind = anything}) {
region: regions[index],
offset: offset1,
length: length1,
explanation: explanation,
edits: edits,
traces: traces,
kind: kind);
region: regions[index + 1],
offset: offset2,
length: length2,
explanation: explanation,
edits: edits,
traces: traces,
kind: kind);
void assertTraceEntry(UnitInfo unit, TraceEntryInfo entryInfo,
String function, int offset, Object descriptionMatcher,
{Set<HintActionKind>? hintActions}) {
assert(offset >= 0);
var lineInfo = LineInfo.fromContent(unit.content!);
var expectedLocation = lineInfo.getLocation(offset);
expect(!.filePath, unit.path);
expect(!.line, expectedLocation.lineNumber);
expect(!.offset), offset);
expect(entryInfo.function, function);
expect(entryInfo.description, descriptionMatcher);
if (hintActions != null) {
assertTraceHintActions(unit, entryInfo, hintActions, offset);
void assertTraceHintActions(UnitInfo unit, TraceEntryInfo traceEntry,
Set<HintActionKind> expectedHints, int nodeOffset) {
final actionsByKind = Map<HintActionKind, HintAction>.fromIterables( => action.kind),
expect(actionsByKind, hasLength(expectedHints.length));
for (final expectedHint in expectedHints) {
final action = actionsByKind[expectedHint]!;
expect(action, isNotNull);
final node = nodeMapper!.nodeForId(action.nodeId)!;
expect(node, isNotNull);
expect(!.offset), nodeOffset);
/// Uses the InfoBuilder to build information for [testFile].
/// The information is stored in [infos].
Future<void> buildInfo(
{bool removeViaComments = true, bool warnOnWeakCode = false}) async {
var includedRoot = resourceProvider.pathContext.dirname(testFile!);
await _buildMigrationInfo([testFile],
includedRoot: includedRoot,
shouldBeMigratedFunction: (String? path) => true,
pathsToProcess: [testFile],
removeViaComments: removeViaComments,
warnOnWeakCode: warnOnWeakCode);
/// Uses the InfoBuilder to build information for a single test file.
/// Asserts that [originalContent] is migrated to [migratedContent]. Returns
/// the singular UnitInfo which was built.
Future<UnitInfo> buildInfoForSingleTestFile(String originalContent,
{required String migratedContent,
bool removeViaComments = true,
bool warnOnWeakCode = false}) async {
await buildInfo(
removeViaComments: removeViaComments, warnOnWeakCode: warnOnWeakCode);
// Ignore info for dart:core.
var filteredInfos = [
for (var info in infos!)
if (!info.path!.contains('core.dart')) info
expect(filteredInfos, hasLength(1));
var unit = filteredInfos[0];
expect(unit.path, testFile);
expect(unit.content, migratedContent);
return unit;
/// Uses the [InfoBuilder] to build information for test files.
/// Returns the singular [UnitInfo] which was built.
Future<List<UnitInfo>> buildInfoForTestFiles(Map<String, String> files,
{required String? includedRoot,
bool Function(String?)? shouldBeMigratedFunction,
Iterable<String>? pathsToProcess}) async {
shouldBeMigratedFunction ??= (String? path) => true;
var testPaths = <String>[];
files.forEach((String path, String content) {
newFile(path, content: content);
pathsToProcess ??= testPaths;
await _buildMigrationInfo(testPaths,
includedRoot: includedRoot,
shouldBeMigratedFunction: shouldBeMigratedFunction,
pathsToProcess: pathsToProcess);
// Ignore info for dart:core.
var filteredInfos = [
for (var info in infos!)
if (!info.path!.contains('core.dart')) info
return filteredInfos;
void setUp() {
nodeMapper = SimpleNodeMapper();
/// Uses the InfoBuilder to build information for files at [testPaths], which
/// should all share a common parent directory, [includedRoot].
Future<void> _buildMigrationInfo(Iterable<String?> testPaths,
{required String? includedRoot,
required bool Function(String?) shouldBeMigratedFunction,
required Iterable<String?> pathsToProcess,
bool removeViaComments = true,
bool warnOnWeakCode = false}) async {
// Compute the analysis results.
var server = DriverProviderImpl(resourceProvider, driver!.analysisContext);
// Run the migration engine.
var listener = DartFixListener(server, ListenerClient());
var instrumentationListener = InstrumentationListener();
var adapter = NullabilityMigrationAdapter(listener);
var migration = NullabilityMigration(adapter,
permissive: false,
instrumentation: instrumentationListener,
removeViaComments: removeViaComments,
warnOnWeakCode: warnOnWeakCode);
Future<void> _forEachPath(
void Function(ResolvedUnitResult) callback) async {
for (var testPath in testPaths) {
var result = await driver!.currentSession.getResolvedUnit(testPath!)
as ResolvedUnitResult;
await _forEachPath(migration.prepareInput);
expect(migration.unmigratedDependencies, isEmpty);
await _forEachPath(migration.processInput);
await _forEachPath(migration.finalizeInput);
// Build the migration info.
var info =;
var logger = TestLogger(false);
var builder = InfoBuilder(
infos = await builder.explainMigration();