blob: 987fe9f8840f1d83b40fb1800b5582130431c362 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
/** Transfomer that inlines polymer-element definitions from html imports. */
import 'dart:async';
import 'package:barback/barback.dart';
import 'package:path/path.dart' as path;
import 'package:html5lib/dom.dart' show Document, Node, DocumentFragment;
import 'package:html5lib/dom_parsing.dart' show TreeVisitor;
import 'common.dart';
/** Recursively inlines polymer-element definitions from html imports. */
// TODO(sigmund): make sure we match semantics of html-imports for tags other
// than polymer-element (see
class ImportedElementInliner extends Transformer with PolymerTransformer {
final TransformOptions options;
/** Only run on entry point .html files. */
Future<bool> isPrimary(Asset input) =>
new Future.value(options.isHtmlEntryPoint(;
Future apply(Transform transform) {
var seen = new Set<AssetId>();
var elements = [];
var id =;
return readPrimaryAsHtml(transform).then((document) {
var future = _visitImports(document, id, transform, seen, elements);
return future.then((importsFound) {
if (!importsFound) {
for (var tag in document.queryAll('link')) {
if (tag.attributes['rel'] == 'import') {
var fragment = new DocumentFragment()..nodes.addAll(elements);
//TODO(jmesserly): add Node.firstChild to html5lib
document.body.nodes.length == 0 ? null : document.body.nodes[0]);
transform.addOutput(new Asset.fromString(id, document.outerHtml));
* Visits imports in [document] and add their polymer-element definitions to
* [elements], unless they have already been [seen]. Elements are added in the
* order they appear, transitive imports are added first.
Future<bool> _visitImports(Document document, AssetId sourceId,
Transform transform, Set<AssetId> seen, List<Node> elements) {
var importIds = [];
bool hasImports = false;
for (var tag in document.queryAll('link')) {
if (tag.attributes['rel'] != 'import') continue;
var href = tag.attributes['href'];
var id = resolve(sourceId, href, transform.logger, tag.sourceSpan);
hasImports = true;
if (id == null || seen.contains(id)) continue;
if (importIds.isEmpty) return new Future.value(hasImports);
// Note: we need to preserve the import order in the generated output.
return Future.forEach(importIds, (id) {
if (seen.contains(id)) return new Future.value(null);
return _collectPolymerElements(id, transform, seen, elements);
}).then((_) => true);
* Loads an asset identified by [id], visits its imports and collects it's
* polymer-element definitions.
Future _collectPolymerElements(AssetId id, Transform transform,
Set<AssetId> seen, List elements) {
return readAsHtml(id, transform).then((document) {
return _visitImports(document, id, transform, seen, elements).then((_) {
var normalizer = new _UrlNormalizer(transform, id);
for (var element in document.queryAll('polymer-element')) {
/** Internally adjusts urls in the html that we are about to inline. */
class _UrlNormalizer extends TreeVisitor {
final Transform transform;
/** Asset where the original content (and original url) was found. */
final AssetId sourceId;
_UrlNormalizer(this.transform, this.sourceId);
visitElement(Element node) {
for (var key in node.attributes.keys) {
if (_urlAttributes.contains(key)) {
var url = node.attributes[key];
if (url != null && url != '') {
node.attributes[key] = _newUrl(url, node.sourceSpan);
_newUrl(String href, Span span) {
var uri = Uri.parse(href);
if (uri.isAbsolute) return href;
if (!uri.scheme.isEmpty) return href;
if (! return href;
if (uri.path.isEmpty) return href; // Implies standalone ? or # in URI.
if (path.isAbsolute(href)) return href;
var id = resolve(sourceId, href, transform.logger, span);
var primaryId =;
if (id.path.startsWith('lib/')) {
return 'packages/${id.package}/${id.path.substring(4)}';
if (id.path.startsWith('asset/')) {
return 'assets/${id.package}/${id.path.substring(6)}';
if (primaryId.package != id.package) {
// Techincally we shouldn't get there
logger.error("don't know how to include $id from $primaryId", span);
return null;
var builder = path.url;
return builder.relative(builder.join('/', id.path),
from: builder.join('/', builder.dirname(primaryId.path)));
* HTML attributes that expect a URL value.
* <>
* Every one of these attributes is a URL in every context where it is used in
* the DOM. The comments show every DOM element where an attribute can be used.
const _urlAttributes = const [
'action', // in form
'background', // in body
'cite', // in blockquote, del, ins, q
'data', // in object
'formaction', // in button, input
'href', // in a, area, link, base, command
'icon', // in command
'manifest', // in html
'poster', // in video
'src', // in audio, embed, iframe, img, input, script, source, track,
// video