blob: 057111a664625e3d4ab28a0f9421f03b340c73bb [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
* Operations on collections.
library dart.collection_helpers.algorithms;
import "dart:math" show Random;
/** Version of [binarySearch] optimized for comparable keys */
int _comparableBinarySearch(List<Comparable> list, Comparable key) {
int min = 0;
int max = list.length;
while (min < max) {
int mid = min + ((max - min) >> 1);
var element = list[mid];
int comp = element.compareTo(key);
if (comp == 0) return mid;
if (comp < 0) {
min = mid + 1;
} else {
max = mid;
return -1;
* Returns a position of the [key] in [sortedList], if it is there.
* If the list isn't sorted according to the [compare] function, the result
* is unpredictable.
* If [compare] is omitted, it defaults to calling [Comparable.compareTo] on
* the objects.
* Returns -1 if [key] is not in the list by default.
int binarySearch(List sortedList, var key,
{ int compare(var a, var b) }) {
if (compare == null) {
return _comparableBinarySearch(sortedList, key);
int min = 0;
int max = sortedList.length;
while (min < max) {
int mid = min + ((max - min) >> 1);
var element = sortedList[mid];
int comp = compare(element, key);
if (comp == 0) return mid;
if (comp < 0) {
min = mid + 1;
} else {
max = mid;
return -1;
* Shuffles a list randomly.
* A sub-range of a list can be shuffled by providing [start] and [end].
void shuffle(List list, [int start = 0, int end = null]) {
Random random = new Random();
if (end == null) end = list.length;
int length = end - start;
while (length > 1) {
int pos = random.nextInt(length);
var tmp1 = list[start + pos];
list[start + pos] = list[start + length];
list[start + length] = tmp1;
* Reverses a list, or a part of a list, in-place.
void reverse(List list, [int start = 0, int end = null]) {
if (end == null) end = list.length;
_reverse(list, start, end);
// Internal helper function that assumes valid arguments.
void _reverse(List list, int start, int end) {
for (int i = start, j = end - 1; i < j; i++, j--) {
var tmp = list[i];
list[i] = list[j];
list[j] = tmp;
* Sort a list using insertion sort.
* Insertion sort is a simple sorting algorithm. For `n` elements it does on
* the order of `n * log(n)` comparisons but up to `n` squared moves. The
* sorting is performed in-place, without using extra memory.
* For short lists the many moves have less impact than the simple algorithm,
* and it is often the favored sorting algorithm for short lists.
* This insertion sort is stable: Equal elements end up in the same order
* as they started in.
void insertionSort(List list,
{ int compare(a, b),
int start: 0,
int end: null }) {
// If the same method could have both positional and named optional
// parameters, this should be (list, [start, end], {compare}).
if (end == null) end = list.length;
if (compare == null) compare =;
_insertionSort(list, compare, start, end, start + 1);
* Internal helper function that assumes arguments correct.
* Assumes that the elements up to [sortedUntil] (not inclusive) are
* already sorted. The [sortedUntil] values should always be at least
* `start + 1`.
void _insertionSort(List list, int compare(a, b), int start, int end,
int sortedUntil) {
for (int pos = sortedUntil; pos < end; pos++) {
int min = start;
int max = pos;
var element = list[pos];
while (min < max) {
int mid = min + ((max - min) >> 1);
int comparison = compare(element, list[mid]);
if (comparison < 0) {
max = mid;
} else {
min = mid + 1;
list.setRange(min + 1, pos + 1, list, min);
list[min] = element;
/** Limit below which merge sort defaults to insertion sort. */
const int _MERGE_SORT_LIMIT = 32;
* Sorts a list, or a range of a list, using the merge sort algorithm.
* Merge-sorting works by splitting the job into two parts, sorting each
* recursively, and then merging the two sorted parts.
* This takes on the order of `n * log(n)` comparisons and moves to sort
* `n` elements, but requires extra space of about the same size as the list
* being sorted.
* This merge sort is stable: Equal elements end up in the same order
* as they started in.
void mergeSort(List list, {int start: 0, int end: null, int compare(a, b)}) {
if (end == null) end = list.length;
if (compare == null) compare =;
int length = end - start;
if (length < 2) return;
if (length < _MERGE_SORT_LIMIT) {
_insertionSort(list, compare, start, end, start + 1);
// Special case the first split instead of directly calling
// _mergeSort, because the _mergeSort requires its target to
// be different from its source, and it requires extra space
// of the same size as the list to sort.
// This split allows us to have only half as much extra space,
// and it ends up in the original place.
int middle = start + ((end - start) >> 1);
int firstLength = middle - start;
int secondLength = end - middle;
// secondLength is always the same as firstLength, or one greater.
List scratchSpace = new List(secondLength);
_mergeSort(list, compare, middle, end, scratchSpace, 0);
int firstTarget = end - firstLength;
_mergeSort(list, compare, start, middle, list, firstTarget);
list, firstTarget, end,
scratchSpace, 0, secondLength,
list, start);
* Performs an insertion sort into a potentially different list than the
* one containing the original values.
* It will work in-place as well.
void _movingInsertionSort(List list, int compare(a, b), int start, int end,
List target, int targetOffset) {
int length = end - start;
if (length == 0) return;
target[targetOffset] = list[start];
for (int i = 1; i < length; i++) {
var element = list[start + i];
int min = targetOffset;
int max = targetOffset + i;
while (min < max) {
int mid = min + ((max - min) >> 1);
if (compare(element, target[mid]) < 0) {
max = mid;
} else {
min = mid + 1;
target.setRange(min + 1, targetOffset + i + 1,
target, min);
target[min] = element;
* Sorts [list] from [start] to [end] into [target] at [targetOffset].
* The `target` list must be able to contain the range from `start` to `end`
* after `targetOffset`.
* Allows target to be the same list as [list], as long as it's not
* overlapping the `start..end` range.
void _mergeSort(List list, int compare(a, b), int start, int end,
List target, int targetOffset) {
int length = end - start;
if (length < _MERGE_SORT_LIMIT) {
_movingInsertionSort(list, compare, start, end, target, targetOffset);
int middle = start + (length >> 1);
int firstLength = middle - start;
int secondLength = end - middle;
// Here secondLength >= firstLength (differs by at most one).
int targetMiddle = targetOffset + firstLength;
// Sort the second half into the end of the target area.
_mergeSort(list, compare, middle, end,
target, targetMiddle);
// Sort the first half into the end of the source area.
_mergeSort(list, compare, start, middle,
list, middle);
// Merge the two parts into the target area.
list, middle, middle + firstLength,
target, targetMiddle, targetMiddle + secondLength,
target, targetOffset);
* Merges two lists into a target list.
* One of the input lists may be positioned at the end of the target
* list.
* For equal object, elements from [firstList] are always preferred.
* This allows the merge to be stable if the first list contains elements
* that started out earlier than the ones in [secondList]
void _merge(int compare(a, b),
List firstList, int firstStart, int firstEnd,
List secondList, int secondStart, int secondEnd,
List target, int targetOffset) {
// No empty lists reaches here.
assert(firstStart < firstEnd);
assert(secondStart < secondEnd);
int cursor1 = firstStart;
int cursor2 = secondStart;
var firstElement = firstList[cursor1++];
var secondElement = secondList[cursor2++];
while (true) {
if (compare(firstElement, secondElement) <= 0) {
target[targetOffset++] = firstElement;
if (cursor1 == firstEnd) break; // Flushing second list after loop.
firstElement = firstList[cursor1++];
} else {
target[targetOffset++] = secondElement;
if (cursor2 != secondEnd) {
secondElement = secondList[cursor2++];
// Second list empties first. Flushing first list here.
target[targetOffset++] = firstElement;
target.setRange(targetOffset, targetOffset + (firstEnd - cursor1),
firstList, cursor1);
// First list empties first. Reached by break above.
target[targetOffset++] = secondElement;
target.setRange(targetOffset, targetOffset + (secondEnd - cursor2),
secondList, cursor2);