blob: 6c2468bc633ff8d0d1f5f86c445de40e13312a09 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2019, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:collection';
import 'package:analysis_server/src/analysis_server.dart';
import 'package:analysis_server/src/domains/analysis/navigation_dart.dart';
import 'package:analysis_server/src/edit/fix/dartfix_listener.dart';
import 'package:analysis_server/src/edit/fix/non_nullable_fix.dart';
import 'package:analysis_server/src/edit/nnbd_migration/instrumentation_information.dart';
import 'package:analysis_server/src/edit/nnbd_migration/migration_info.dart';
import 'package:analysis_server/src/edit/nnbd_migration/offset_mapper.dart';
import 'package:analysis_server/src/utilities/strings.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/analysis/results.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/analysis/session.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/ast/ast.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/ast/syntactic_entity.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/element/element.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/file_system/file_system.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/source.dart';
import 'package:analyzer_plugin/protocol/protocol_common.dart'
show SourceEdit, SourceFileEdit;
import 'package:analyzer_plugin/protocol/protocol_common.dart' as protocol;
import 'package:analyzer_plugin/src/utilities/navigation/navigation.dart';
import 'package:meta/meta.dart';
import 'package:nnbd_migration/instrumentation.dart';
import 'package:nnbd_migration/nnbd_migration.dart';
import 'package:nnbd_migration/src/edit_plan.dart';
/// A builder used to build the migration information for a library.
class InfoBuilder {
/// The resource provider used to access the file system.
ResourceProvider provider;
String includedPath;
/// The instrumentation information gathered while the migration engine was
/// running.
final InstrumentationInformation info;
/// The listener used to gather the changes to be applied.
final DartFixListener listener;
/// The dartfix adapter, which can be used to report exceptions that occur.
final NullabilityMigrationAdapter adapter;
/// The [NullabilityMigration] instance for this migration.
final NullabilityMigration migration;
/// A flag indicating whether types that were not changed (because they should
/// be non-nullable) should be explained.
final bool explainNonNullableTypes;
/// A map from the path of a compilation unit to the information about that
/// unit.
final Map<String, UnitInfo> unitMap = {};
/// Initialize a newly created builder.
InfoBuilder(this.provider, this.includedPath,, this.listener,
this.adapter, this.migration,
// TODO(srawlins): Re-enable once
// is fixed.
{this.explainNonNullableTypes = false});
/// The analysis server used to get information about libraries.
AnalysisServer get server => listener.server;
/// Return the migration information for all of the libraries that were
/// migrated.
Future<Set<UnitInfo>> explainMigration() async {
Map<Source, SourceInformation> sourceInfoMap = info.sourceInformation;
Set<UnitInfo> units =
SplayTreeSet<UnitInfo>((u1, u2) => u1.path.compareTo(u2.path));
for (Source source in sourceInfoMap.keys) {
String filePath = source.fullName;
AnalysisSession session =
if (!session.getFile(filePath).isPart) {
ResolvedLibraryResult result =
await session.getResolvedLibrary(filePath);
for (ResolvedUnitResult unitResult in result.units) {
SourceInformation sourceInfo =
// Note: there might have been no information for this unit in
// sourceInfoMap. That can happen if there's an already-migrated
// library being referenced by the code being migrated, but not all
// parts of that library are referenced. To avoid exceptions later
// on, we just create an empty SourceInformation object.
// TODO(paulberry): we don't do a good job of the case where the
// already-migrated library's defining compilation unit isn't
// referenced (we'll just skip the entire library because we'll only
// ever see its parts).
sourceInfo ??= SourceInformation();
SourceFileEdit edit =
UnitInfo unit = _explainUnit(sourceInfo, unitResult, edit);
if (provider.pathContext.isWithin(includedPath, unitResult.path)) {
return units;
Iterable<EdgeInfo> upstreamTriggeredEdges(NullabilityNodeInfo node,
{bool skipExactNullable = true}) {
var edges = <EdgeInfo>[];
for (EdgeInfo edge in node.upstreamEdges) {
if (skipExactNullable &&
node.isExactNullable &&
edge.sourceNode.isExactNullable) {
// When an exact nullable points here, the nullability propagated
// in the other direction.
if (edge.isTriggered) {
for (final containerNode in node.outerCompoundNodes) {
// We must include the exact nullable edges in the upstream triggered
// edges of the container node. If this node is in a substitution node,
// then it's possible it was marked exact nullable because it's container
// was marked nullable. It's container could have been marked nullable by
// another exact nullable node. We cannot tell. Err on the side of
// surfacing too many reasons.
upstreamTriggeredEdges(containerNode, skipExactNullable: false));
return edges;
/// Return detail text for a fix built from an edge with origin info [origin]
/// and [fixKind].
/// Text is meant to be used as the beginning of a sentence. It is written in
/// present tense, beginning with a capital letter, not ending in a period.
String _baseDescriptionForOrigin(
EdgeOriginInfo origin, NullabilityFixKind fixKind) {
AstNode node = origin.node;
AstNode parent = node.parent;
String aNullableDefault(DefaultFormalParameter node) {
Expression defaultValue = node.defaultValue;
if (defaultValue == null) {
return "an implicit default value of 'null'";
} else if (defaultValue is NullLiteral) {
return "an explicit default value of 'null'";
return 'a nullable default value';
if (node is DefaultFormalParameter) {
if (fixKind == NullabilityFixKind.addRequired) {
return 'This parameter is non-nullable, so cannot have '
} else {
return 'This parameter has ${aNullableDefault(node)}';
} else if (node is FieldFormalParameter) {
if (parent is DefaultFormalParameter) {
return 'This field is initialized by an optional field formal '
'parameter that has ${aNullableDefault(parent)}';
return 'This field is initialized by a field formal parameter and a '
'nullable value is passed as an argument';
} else if (parent is DefaultFormalParameter) {
return 'This parameter has ${aNullableDefault(parent)}';
} else if (parent is AsExpression) {
return 'The value of the expression is nullable';
if (origin.kind == EdgeOriginKind.listLengthConstructor) {
return 'A length is specified in the "List()" constructor and the list '
'items are initialized to null';
if (origin.kind == EdgeOriginKind.typeParameterInstantiation) {
return 'This type parameter is instantiated with a nullable type';
if (origin.kind == EdgeOriginKind.inferredTypeParameterInstantiation) {
return 'This type parameter is instantiated with an inferred nullable '
CompilationUnit unit = node.thisOrAncestorOfType<CompilationUnit>();
int lineNumber = unit.lineInfo.getLocation(node.offset).lineNumber;
if (origin.kind == EdgeOriginKind.uninitializedRead) {
return 'Used on line $lineNumber, when it is possibly uninitialized';
} else if (origin.kind == EdgeOriginKind.implicitNullReturn) {
return 'This function contains a return statement with no value on line '
'$lineNumber, which implicitly returns null.';
// Text indicating the type of nullable value found.
String nullableValue;
if (node is NullLiteral) {
nullableValue = "an explicit 'null'";
} else if (origin.kind == EdgeOriginKind.dynamicAssignment) {
nullableValue = 'a dynamic value, which is nullable';
} else {
nullableValue = 'a nullable value';
/// If the [node] is inside the return expression for a function body,
/// return the function body. Otherwise return `null`.
FunctionBody findFunctionBody() {
if (parent is ExpressionFunctionBody) {
return parent;
} else {
ReturnStatement returnNode =
BlockFunctionBody bodyNode =
return bodyNode;
/// If the [node] is inside a collection literal, return it. Otherwise
/// return `null`.
TypedLiteral findCollectionLiteral() {
AstNode ancestor = parent;
// Walk up collection elements, except for collection literals.
while (ancestor is CollectionElement && ancestor is! TypedLiteral) {
ancestor = ancestor.parent;
return (ancestor is TypedLiteral) ? ancestor : null;
FunctionBody functionBody = findFunctionBody();
if (functionBody != null) {
AstNode function = functionBody.parent;
if (function is MethodDeclaration) {
if (function.isGetter) {
return 'This getter returns $nullableValue on line $lineNumber';
return 'This method returns $nullableValue on line $lineNumber';
return 'This function returns $nullableValue on line $lineNumber';
TypedLiteral collectionLiteral = findCollectionLiteral();
if (collectionLiteral != null) {
if (collectionLiteral is ListLiteral) {
return 'This list is initialized with $nullableValue on line '
} else if (collectionLiteral is SetOrMapLiteral) {
var mapOrSet = collectionLiteral.isMap ? 'map' : 'set';
return 'This $mapOrSet is initialized with $nullableValue on line '
} else if (node is InvocationExpression &&
origin.kind == EdgeOriginKind.namedParameterNotSupplied) {
return 'This named parameter is omitted in a call to this function';
} else if (parent is ArgumentList) {
return capitalize('$nullableValue is passed as an argument');
} else if (parent is VariableDeclaration) {
AstNode grandparent = parent.parent?.parent;
if (grandparent is FieldDeclaration) {
return 'This field is initialized to $nullableValue';
return 'This variable is initialized to $nullableValue';
} else if (origin.kind == EdgeOriginKind.fieldNotInitialized) {
if (node is ConstructorDeclaration) {
String constructorName =
if (node.declaredElement.displayName.isNotEmpty) {
constructorName =
return "The constructor '$constructorName' does not initialize this "
'field in its initializer list';
} else {
return 'This field is not initialized';
String enclosingMemberDescription = buildEnclosingMemberDescription(node);
if (enclosingMemberDescription != null) {
return capitalize(
'$nullableValue is assigned in $enclosingMemberDescription');
} else {
assert(false, 'no enclosing member description');
return capitalize('$nullableValue is assigned');
/// Return a description of the given [origin].
String _buildDescriptionForOrigin(
EdgeOriginInfo origin, NullabilityFixKind fixKind) {
String description = _baseDescriptionForOrigin(origin, fixKind);
if (_inTestCode(origin.node)) {
// TODO(brianwilkerson) Don't add this if the graph node with which the
// origin is associated is also in test code.
description += ' in test code';
return description;
/// Return a description of the given [origin] associated with the [edge].
RegionDetail _buildDetailForOrigin(
EdgeOriginInfo origin, EdgeInfo edge, NullabilityFixKind fixKind) {
AstNode node = origin.node;
NavigationTarget target;
TypeAnnotation type = info.typeAnnotationForNode(edge.sourceNode);
AstNode typeParent = type?.parent;
if (typeParent is GenericFunctionType && type == typeParent.returnType) {
var description =
'A function-typed value with a nullable return type is assigned';
target = _proximateTargetForNode(origin.source.fullName, node);
return RegionDetail(description, target);
if (typeParent is FormalParameter) {
FormalParameterList parameterList =
typeParent.parent is DefaultFormalParameter
? typeParent.parent.parent
: typeParent.parent;
if (parameterList.parent is GenericFunctionType) {
var description =
'The function-typed element in which this parameter is declared is '
'assigned to a function whose matching parameter is nullable';
target = _proximateTargetForNode(origin.source.fullName, node);
return RegionDetail(description, target);
// Some nodes don't need a target; default formal parameters
// without explicit default values, for example.
if (node is DefaultFormalParameter && node.defaultValue == null) {
target = null;
} else {
if (origin.kind == EdgeOriginKind.parameterInheritance ||
origin.kind == EdgeOriginKind.returnTypeInheritance) {
// The node is the method declaration in the subclass and we want to
// link to the either the corresponding parameter in the declaration in
// the superclass, or the return type in the declaration in that
// subclass.
if (type != null) {
CompilationUnit unit = type.thisOrAncestorOfType<CompilationUnit>();
target = _proximateTargetForNode(
unit.declaredElement.source.fullName, type);
String description =
_buildInheritanceDescriptionForOrigin(origin, type);
return RegionDetail(description, target);
} else {
target = _proximateTargetForNode(origin.source.fullName, node);
return RegionDetail(_buildDescriptionForOrigin(origin, fixKind), target);
String _buildInheritanceDescriptionForOrigin(
EdgeOriginInfo origin, TypeAnnotation type) {
if (origin.kind == EdgeOriginKind.parameterInheritance) {
String overriddenName = 'the overridden method';
if (type != null && type.parent is FormalParameter) {
FormalParameter parameter = type.parent;
if (parameter.parent is DefaultFormalParameter) {
parameter = parameter.parent;
if (parameter.parent is FormalParameterList &&
parameter.parent.parent is MethodDeclaration) {
MethodDeclaration method = parameter.parent.parent;
String methodName =;
ClassOrMixinDeclaration cls = method.parent;
String className =;
overriddenName += ', $className.$methodName,';
return 'The corresponding parameter in $overriddenName is nullable';
} else {
return 'An overridding method has a nullable return value';
/// Compute the details for the fix with the given [edit].
List<RegionDetail> _computeDetails(AtomicEdit edit) {
List<RegionDetail> details = [];
var fixInfo =;
for (FixReasonInfo reason in fixInfo?.fixReasons ?? []) {
if (reason == null) {
// Sometimes reasons are null, so just ignore them (see for example the
// test case InfoBuilderTest.test_discardCondition. If only we had
// NNBD, we could have prevented this!
// TODO(paulberry): fix this so that it will never happen.
} else if (reason is NullabilityNodeInfo) {
if (reason.isExactNullable) {
// When the node is exact nullable, that nullability propagated from
// downstream.
for (EdgeInfo edge in reason.downstreamEdges) {
final exactNullableDownstream = edge.destinationNode;
if (!exactNullableDownstream.isExactNullable) {
// This wasn't the source of the nullability.
var nodeInfo = info.nodeInfoFor(exactNullableDownstream);
if (nodeInfo != null) {
// TODO(mfairhurst): Give a better text description.
'This is later required to accept null.',
nodeInfo.filePath, nodeInfo.astNode)));
} else {
final description =
'exact nullable node with no info ($exactNullableDownstream)';
assert(false, description);
details.add(RegionDetail(description, null));
for (EdgeInfo edge in upstreamTriggeredEdges(reason)) {
EdgeOriginInfo origin = info.edgeOrigin[edge];
if (origin != null) {
_buildDetailForOrigin(origin, edge, fixInfo.description.kind));
} else {
final description = 'upstream edge with no origin ($edge)';
assert(false, description);
details.add(RegionDetail(description, null));
} else if (reason is EdgeInfo) {
NullabilityNodeInfo destination = reason.destinationNode;
NodeInformation nodeInfo = info.nodeInfoFor(destination);
EdgeOriginInfo edge = info.edgeOrigin[reason];
if (destination == info.never) {
details.add(RegionDetail(_describeNonNullEdge(edge), null));
} else if (nodeInfo != null && nodeInfo.astNode != null) {
NavigationTarget target;
if (destination != info.always) {
target =
_proximateTargetForNode(nodeInfo.filePath, nodeInfo.astNode);
details.add(RegionDetail(_describeNonNullEdge(edge), target));
} else {
// Likely an assignment to a migrated type.
final description = 'node with no info ($destination)';
assert(false, description);
details.add(RegionDetail(description, null));
} else {
throw UnimplementedError(
'Unexpected class of reason: ${reason.runtimeType}');
return details;
/// Return an edit that can be applied.
List<EditDetail> _computeEdits(AtomicEditInfo fixInfo, int offset) {
List<EditDetail> edits = [];
var fixKind = fixInfo.description.kind;
switch (fixKind) {
case NullabilityFixKind.addRequired:
// TODO(brianwilkerson) This doesn't verify that the meta package has
// been imported.
.add(EditDetail("Mark with '@required'.", offset, 0, '@required '));
case NullabilityFixKind.checkExpression:
// TODO(brianwilkerson) Determine whether we can know that the fix is
// associated with a parameter and insert an assert if it is.
edits.add(EditDetail('Force null check.', offset, 0, '/*!*/'));
case NullabilityFixKind.discardCondition:
case NullabilityFixKind.discardElse:
case NullabilityFixKind.discardIf:
case NullabilityFixKind.discardThen:
case NullabilityFixKind.removeAs:
case NullabilityFixKind.removeNullAwareness:
// There's no need for hints around code that is being removed.
case NullabilityFixKind.makeTypeNullable:
case NullabilityFixKind.noModification:
EditDetail('Force type to be non-nullable.', offset, 0, '/*!*/'));
edits.add(EditDetail('Force type to be nullable.', offset, 0, '/*?*/'));
return edits;
/// Return the navigation sources for the unit associated with the [result].
List<NavigationSource> _computeNavigationSources(ResolvedUnitResult result) {
NavigationCollectorImpl collector = NavigationCollectorImpl();
result.session.resourceProvider, collector, result.unit, null, null);
List<String> files = collector.files;
List<protocol.NavigationRegion> regions = collector.regions;
List<protocol.NavigationTarget> rawTargets = collector.targets;
List<NavigationTarget> convertedTargets =
return {
List<int> targets = region.targets;
if (targets.isEmpty) {
throw StateError('Targets is empty');
NavigationTarget target = convertedTargets[targets[0]];
if (target == null) {
protocol.NavigationTarget rawTarget = rawTargets[targets[0]];
target = _targetForRawTarget(files[rawTarget.fileIndex], rawTarget);
convertedTargets[targets[0]] = target;
return NavigationSource(
region.offset, null /* line */, region.length, target);
TraceEntryInfo _computeTraceEntry(PropagationStepInfo step) {
var codeReference = step.codeReference;
var length = 1; // TODO(paulberry): figure out the correct value.
var description = step.toString(); // TODO(paulberry): improve this message.
return TraceEntryInfo(
codeReference == null
? null
: NavigationTarget(codeReference.path, codeReference.column,
codeReference.line, length));
TraceInfo _computeTraceInfo(NullabilityNodeInfo node) {
List<TraceEntryInfo> entries = [];
var step = node.whyNullable;
while (step != null) {
step = step.principalCause;
var description = node.toString(); // TODO(paulberry): improve this message.
return TraceInfo(description, entries);
List<TraceInfo> _computeTraces(List<FixReasonInfo> fixReasons) {
var nodes = <NullabilityNodeInfo>[];
for (var reason in fixReasons) {
if (reason is NullabilityNodeInfo) {
if (reason.isNullable) {
} else if (reason is EdgeInfo) {
} else {
assert(false, 'Unrecognized reason type: ${reason.runtimeType}');
return [for (var node in nodes) _computeTraceInfo(node)];
/// Compute details about [edgeInfos] which are upstream triggered.
List<RegionDetail> _computeUpstreamTriggeredDetails(
Iterable<EdgeInfo> edgeInfos) {
List<RegionDetail> details = [];
for (var edge in edgeInfos) {
EdgeOriginInfo origin = info.edgeOrigin[edge];
if (origin == null) {
// TODO(srawlins): I think this shouldn't happen? But it does on the
// collection and path packages.
assert(false, 'edge with no origin $edge');
NavigationTarget target =
_proximateTargetForNode(origin.source.fullName, origin.node);
if (origin.kind == EdgeOriginKind.expressionChecks) {
'This value is unconditionally used in a non-nullable context',
} else if (origin.kind == EdgeOriginKind.nonNullAssertion) {
.add(RegionDetail('This value is asserted to be non-null', target));
} else if (origin.kind == EdgeOriginKind.nullabilityComment) {
'This type is annotated with a non-nullability comment ("/*!*/")',
return details;
/// Describe why an edge may have gotten a '!'.
String _describeNonNullEdge(EdgeOriginInfo edge) {
// TODO(mfairhurst/paulberry): Do NOT use astNode/parent to create this
// description, as we are just duplicating work if we do so.
final astNode = edge.node;
final parent = astNode.parent;
if (parent is PropertyAccess && == astNode ||
parent is PrefixedIdentifier && parent.prefix == astNode) {
return 'This value must be null-checked before accessing its properties.';
if (parent is MethodInvocation && == astNode) {
return 'This value must be null-checked before calling its methods.';
return 'This value must be null-checked before use here.';
/// Explain the type annotations that were not changed because they were
/// determined to be non-nullable.
void _explainNonNullableTypes(SourceInformation sourceInfo,
List<RegionInfo> regions, OffsetMapper mapper, LineInfo lineInfo) {
Iterable<MapEntry<TypeAnnotation, NullabilityNodeInfo>> nonNullableTypes =
.where((entry) => !entry.value.isNullable);
for (MapEntry<TypeAnnotation, NullabilityNodeInfo> nonNullableType
in nonNullableTypes) {
Iterable<EdgeInfo> upstreamTriggeredEdgeInfos = info.edgeOrigin.keys
.where((e) =>
e.sourceNode == nonNullableType.value &&
e.isUpstreamTriggered &&
if (upstreamTriggeredEdgeInfos.isNotEmpty) {
List<RegionDetail> details =
if (details.isNotEmpty) {
TypeAnnotation node = nonNullableType.key;
'This type is not changed; it is determined to be non-nullable',
/// Return the migration information for the unit associated with the
/// [result].
UnitInfo _explainUnit(SourceInformation sourceInfo, ResolvedUnitResult result,
SourceFileEdit fileEdit) {
UnitInfo unitInfo = _unitForPath(result.path);
unitInfo.sources ??= _computeNavigationSources(result);
String content = result.content;
List<RegionInfo> regions = unitInfo.regions;
var lineInfo = result.unit.lineInfo;
Map<int, List<AtomicEdit>> insertions = {};
// Apply edits and build the regions.
var changes = sourceInfo.changes ?? {};
var sourceOffsets = changes.keys.toList();
int offset = 0;
int lastSourceOffset = 0;
for (var sourceOffset in sourceOffsets) {
offset += sourceOffset - lastSourceOffset;
lastSourceOffset = sourceOffset;
var changesForSourceOffset = changes[sourceOffset];
for (var edit in changesForSourceOffset) {
int length = edit.length;
String replacement = edit.replacement;
int end = offset + length;
// Insert the replacement text without deleting the replaced text.
if (replacement.isNotEmpty) {
content = content.replaceRange(end, end, replacement);
(insertions[sourceOffset] ??= []).add(AtomicEdit.insert(replacement));
var info =;
String explanation = info?.description?.appliedMessage;
List<EditDetail> edits =
info != null ? _computeEdits(info, sourceOffset) : [];
List<RegionDetail> details;
try {
details = _computeDetails(edit);
} catch (e, st) {
// TODO(mfairhurst): get the correct Source, and an AstNode.
if (migration.isPermissive) {
adapter.reportException(result.libraryElement.source, null, e, st);
details = [];
} else {
var lineNumber = lineInfo.getLocation(sourceOffset).lineNumber;
var traces = info == null ? const [] : _computeTraces(info.fixReasons);
if (explanation != null) {
if (length > 0) {
regions.add(RegionInfo(RegionType.remove, offset, length,
lineNumber, explanation, details,
edits: edits, traces: traces));
} else {
regions.add(RegionInfo(RegionType.add, offset, replacement.length,
lineNumber, explanation, details,
edits: edits, traces: traces));
offset += replacement.length;
// Build the map from source file offset to offset in the modified text.
// We only account for insertions because in the code above, we don't delete
// the modified text.
List<SourceEdit> edits = insertions.toSourceEdits();
edits.sort((first, second) => first.offset.compareTo(second.offset));
OffsetMapper mapper = OffsetMapper.forEdits(edits);
if (explainNonNullableTypes) {
sourceInfo, regions, mapper, result.unit.lineInfo);
regions.sort((first, second) => first.offset.compareTo(second.offset));
unitInfo.offsetMapper = mapper;
unitInfo.content = content;
return unitInfo;
/// Return `true` if the given [node] is from a compilation unit within the
/// 'test' directory of the package.
bool _inTestCode(AstNode node) {
// TODO(brianwilkerson) Generalize this.
CompilationUnit unit = node.thisOrAncestorOfType<CompilationUnit>();
CompilationUnitElement unitElement = unit?.declaredElement;
if (unitElement == null) {
return false;
String filePath = unitElement.source.fullName;
var resourceProvider = unitElement.session.resourceProvider;
return resourceProvider.pathContext.split(filePath).contains('test');
/// Return the navigation target corresponding to the given [node] in the file
/// with the given [filePath].
/// Rather than a NavigationTarget targeting exactly [node], heuristics are
/// made to point to a narrower target, for example the name of a
/// method declaration, rather the the entire declaration.
NavigationTarget _proximateTargetForNode(String filePath, AstNode node) {
if (node == null) {
return null;
AstNode parent = node.parent;
CompilationUnit unit = node.thisOrAncestorOfType<CompilationUnit>();
if (node is ConstructorDeclaration) {
if ( != null) {
return _targetForNode(filePath,, unit);
} else {
return _targetForNode(filePath, node.returnType, unit);
} else if (node is MethodDeclaration) {
// Rather than create a NavigationTarget for an entire method declaration
// (starting at its doc comment, ending at `}`, return a target pointing
// to the method's name.
return _targetForNode(filePath,, unit);
} else if (parent is ReturnStatement) {
// Rather than create a NavigationTarget for an entire expression, return
// a target pointing to the `return` token.
return _targetForNode(filePath, parent.returnKeyword, unit);
} else if (parent is ExpressionFunctionBody) {
// Rather than create a NavigationTarget for an entire expression function
// body, return a target pointing to the `=>` token.
return _targetForNode(filePath, parent.functionDefinition, unit);
} else {
return _targetForNode(filePath, node, unit);
/// Return the navigation target in the file with the given [filePath] at the
/// given [offset] ans with the given [length].
NavigationTarget _targetForNode(
String filePath, SyntacticEntity node, CompilationUnit unit) {
UnitInfo unitInfo = _unitForPath(filePath);
int offset = node.offset;
int length = node.length;
int line = unit.lineInfo.getLocation(node.offset).lineNumber;
NavigationTarget target = NavigationTarget(filePath, offset, line, length);
return target;
/// Return the navigation target in the file with the given [filePath] at the
/// given [offset] ans with the given [length].
NavigationTarget _targetForRawTarget(
String filePath, protocol.NavigationTarget rawTarget) {
UnitInfo unitInfo = _unitForPath(filePath);
int offset = rawTarget.offset;
int length = rawTarget.length;
NavigationTarget target =
NavigationTarget(filePath, offset, null /* line */, length);
return target;
/// Return the unit info for the file at the given [path].
UnitInfo _unitForPath(String path) {
return unitMap.putIfAbsent(path, () => UnitInfo(path));
/// Builds a description for [node]'s enclosing member(s).
/// This may include a class and method name, for example, or the name of the
/// enclosing top-level member.
static String buildEnclosingMemberDescription(AstNode node) {
String functionName;
String baseDescription;
void describeFunction(AstNode node) {
if (node is ConstructorDeclaration) {
if ( == null) {
baseDescription = 'the default constructor of';
functionName = '';
} else {
baseDescription = 'the constructor';
functionName =;
} else if (node is MethodDeclaration) {
functionName =;
if (node.isGetter) {
baseDescription = 'the getter';
} else if (node.isOperator) {
baseDescription = 'the operator';
} else if (node.isSetter) {
baseDescription = 'the setter';
functionName += '=';
} else {
baseDescription = 'the method';
} else if (node is FunctionDeclaration) {
functionName =;
if (node.isGetter) {
baseDescription = 'the getter';
} else if (node.isSetter) {
baseDescription = 'the setter';
functionName += '=';
} else {
baseDescription = 'the function';
} else if (node is FieldDeclaration) {
var field = node.thisOrAncestorOfType<VariableDeclaration>();
field ??= node.fields.variables[0];
functionName =;
baseDescription = 'the field';
} else {
// Throwing here allows us to gather more information. Not throwing here
// causes an NPE on line 709.
throw ArgumentError("Can't describe function in ${node.runtimeType}");
var enclosingClassMember = node.thisOrAncestorOfType<ClassMember>();
if (enclosingClassMember != null) {
CompilationUnitMember member = enclosingClassMember.parent;
if (member is NamedCompilationUnitMember) {
String memberName =;
if (functionName.isEmpty) {
return "$baseDescription '$memberName'";
} else {
return "$baseDescription '$memberName.$functionName'";
} else if (member is ExtensionDeclaration) {
if ( == null) {
var extendedTypeString = member.extendedType.type.getDisplayString(
withNullability: false,
return "$baseDescription '$functionName' in unnamed extension on $extendedTypeString";
} else {
return "$baseDescription '${}.$functionName'";
FunctionDeclaration enclosingFunction =
if (enclosingFunction is FunctionDeclaration) {
return "$baseDescription '$functionName'";
return null;