blob: 80184c2e75e67f00ef01e7c42e0f269589dbd582 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
part of dart.async;
typedef dynamic ZoneCallback();
typedef dynamic ZoneUnaryCallback(arg);
typedef dynamic ZoneBinaryCallback(arg1, arg2);
typedef dynamic HandleUncaughtErrorHandler(
Zone self, ZoneDelegate parent, Zone zone, error, StackTrace stackTrace);
typedef dynamic RunHandler(Zone self, ZoneDelegate parent, Zone zone, f());
typedef dynamic RunUnaryHandler(
Zone self, ZoneDelegate parent, Zone zone, f(arg), arg);
typedef dynamic RunBinaryHandler(
Zone self, ZoneDelegate parent, Zone zone, f(arg1, arg2), arg1, arg2);
typedef ZoneCallback RegisterCallbackHandler(
Zone self, ZoneDelegate parent, Zone zone, f());
typedef ZoneUnaryCallback RegisterUnaryCallbackHandler(
Zone self, ZoneDelegate parent, Zone zone, f(arg));
typedef ZoneBinaryCallback RegisterBinaryCallbackHandler(
Zone self, ZoneDelegate parent, Zone zone, f(arg1, arg2));
typedef void ScheduleMicrotaskHandler(
Zone self, ZoneDelegate parent, Zone zone, f());
typedef void RunAsyncHandler(
Zone self, ZoneDelegate parent, Zone zone, f());
typedef Timer CreateTimerHandler(
Zone self, ZoneDelegate parent, Zone zone, Duration duration, void f());
typedef Timer CreatePeriodicTimerHandler(
Zone self, ZoneDelegate parent, Zone zone,
Duration period, void f(Timer timer));
typedef Zone ForkHandler(Zone self, ZoneDelegate parent, Zone zone,
ZoneSpecification specification,
Map<Symbol, dynamic> zoneValues);
* This class provides the specification for a forked zone.
* When forking a new zone (see [Zone.fork]) one can override the default
* behavior of the zone by providing callbacks. These callbacks must be
* given in an instance of this class.
* Handlers have the same signature as the same-named methods on [Zone] but
* receive three additional arguments:
* 1. the zone the handlers are attached to (the "self" zone).
* 2. a [ZoneDelegate] to the parent zone.
* 3. the zone that first received the request (before the request was
* bubbled up).
* Handlers can either stop propagation the request (by simply not calling the
* parent handler), or forward to the parent zone, potentially modifying the
* arguments on the way.
* *The `runAsync` handler is deprecated. Use `scheduleMicrotask` instead.*
abstract class ZoneSpecification {
* Creates a specification with the provided handlers.
const factory ZoneSpecification({
dynamic handleUncaughtError(Zone self, ZoneDelegate parent, Zone zone,
error, StackTrace stackTrace): null,
dynamic run(Zone self, ZoneDelegate parent, Zone zone, f()): null,
dynamic runUnary(
Zone self, ZoneDelegate parent, Zone zone, f(arg), arg): null,
dynamic runBinary(Zone self, ZoneDelegate parent, Zone zone,
f(arg1, arg2), arg1, arg2): null,
ZoneCallback registerCallback(
Zone self, ZoneDelegate parent, Zone zone, f()): null,
ZoneUnaryCallback registerUnaryCallback(
Zone self, ZoneDelegate parent, Zone zone, f(arg)): null,
ZoneBinaryCallback registerBinaryCallback(
Zone self, ZoneDelegate parent, Zone zone, f(arg1, arg2)): null,
void scheduleMicrotask(
Zone self, ZoneDelegate parent, Zone zone, f()): null,
void runAsync(
Zone self, ZoneDelegate parent, Zone zone, f()): null,
Timer createTimer(Zone self, ZoneDelegate parent, Zone zone,
Duration duration, void f()): null,
Timer createPeriodicTimer(Zone self, ZoneDelegate parent, Zone zone,
Duration period, void f(Timer timer)): null,
Zone fork(Zone self, ZoneDelegate parent, Zone zone,
ZoneSpecification specification, Map zoneValues): null
}) = _ZoneSpecification;
* Creates a specification from [other] with the provided handlers overriding
* the ones in [other].
factory ZoneSpecification.from(ZoneSpecification other, {
dynamic handleUncaughtError(Zone self, ZoneDelegate parent, Zone zone,
error, StackTrace stackTrace): null,
dynamic run(Zone self, ZoneDelegate parent, Zone zone, f()): null,
dynamic runUnary(
Zone self, ZoneDelegate parent, Zone zone, f(arg), arg): null,
dynamic runBinary(Zone self, ZoneDelegate parent, Zone zone,
f(arg1, arg2), arg1, arg2): null,
ZoneCallback registerCallback(
Zone self, ZoneDelegate parent, Zone zone, f()): null,
ZoneUnaryCallback registerUnaryCallback(
Zone self, ZoneDelegate parent, Zone zone, f(arg)): null,
ZoneBinaryCallback registerBinaryCallback(
Zone self, ZoneDelegate parent, Zone zone, f(arg1, arg2)): null,
void scheduleMicrotask(
Zone self, ZoneDelegate parent, Zone zone, f()): null,
void runAsync(
Zone self, ZoneDelegate parent, Zone zone, f()): null,
Timer createTimer(Zone self, ZoneDelegate parent, Zone zone,
Duration duration, void f()): null,
Timer createPeriodicTimer(Zone self, ZoneDelegate parent, Zone zone,
Duration period, void f(Timer timer)): null,
Zone fork(Zone self, ZoneDelegate parent, Zone zone,
ZoneSpecification specification,
Map<Symbol, dynamic> zoneValues): null
}) {
return new ZoneSpecification(
handleUncaughtError: handleUncaughtError != null
? handleUncaughtError
: other.handleUncaughtError,
run: run != null ? run :,
runUnary: runUnary != null ? runUnary : other.runUnary,
runBinary: runBinary != null ? runBinary : other.runBinary,
registerCallback: registerCallback != null
? registerCallback
: other.registerCallback,
registerUnaryCallback: registerUnaryCallback != null
? registerUnaryCallback
: other.registerUnaryCallback,
registerBinaryCallback: registerBinaryCallback != null
? registerBinaryCallback
: other.registerBinaryCallback,
scheduleMicrotask: scheduleMicrotask != null
? scheduleMicrotask
: (runAsync != null
? runAsync
: other.scheduleMicrotask),
createTimer : createTimer != null ? createTimer : other.createTimer,
createPeriodicTimer: createPeriodicTimer != null
? createPeriodicTimer
: other.createPeriodicTimer,
fork: fork != null ? fork : other.fork);
HandleUncaughtErrorHandler get handleUncaughtError;
RunHandler get run;
RunUnaryHandler get runUnary;
RunBinaryHandler get runBinary;
RegisterCallbackHandler get registerCallback;
RegisterUnaryCallbackHandler get registerUnaryCallback;
RegisterBinaryCallbackHandler get registerBinaryCallback;
ScheduleMicrotaskHandler get scheduleMicrotask;
RunAsyncHandler get runAsync;
CreateTimerHandler get createTimer;
CreatePeriodicTimerHandler get createPeriodicTimer;
ForkHandler get fork;
* Internal [ZoneSpecification] class.
* The implementation wants to rely on the fact that the getters cannot change
* dynamically. We thus require users to go through the redirecting
* [ZoneSpecification] constructor which instantiates this class.
class _ZoneSpecification implements ZoneSpecification {
const _ZoneSpecification({
this.handleUncaughtError: null, null,
this.runUnary: null,
this.runBinary: null,
this.registerCallback: null,
this.registerUnaryCallback: null,
this.registerBinaryCallback: null,
this.scheduleMicrotask: null,
this.runAsync: null,
this.createTimer: null,
this.createPeriodicTimer: null,
this.fork: null
// TODO(13406): Enable types when dart2js supports it.
final /*HandleUncaughtErrorHandler*/ handleUncaughtError;
final /*RunHandler*/ run;
final /*RunUnaryHandler*/ runUnary;
final /*RunBinaryHandler*/ runBinary;
final /*RegisterCallbackHandler*/ registerCallback;
final /*RegisterUnaryCallbackHandler*/ registerUnaryCallback;
final /*RegisterBinaryCallbackHandler*/ registerBinaryCallback;
final /*ScheduleMicrotaskHandler*/ scheduleMicrotask;
final /*RunAsyncHandler*/ runAsync;
final /*CreateTimerHandler*/ createTimer;
final /*CreatePeriodicTimerHandler*/ createPeriodicTimer;
final /*ForkHandler*/ fork;
* This class wraps zones for delegation.
* When forwarding to parent zones one can't just invoke the parent zone's
* exposed functions (like []), but one needs to provide more
* information (like the zone the `run` was initiated). Zone callbacks thus
* receive more information including this [ZoneDelegate] class. When delegating
* to the parent zone one should go through the given instance instead of
* directly invoking the parent zone.
abstract class ZoneDelegate {
/// The [Zone] this class wraps.
Zone get _zone;
dynamic handleUncaughtError(Zone zone, error, StackTrace stackTrace);
dynamic run(Zone zone, f());
dynamic runUnary(Zone zone, f(arg), arg);
dynamic runBinary(Zone zone, f(arg1, arg2), arg1, arg2);
ZoneCallback registerCallback(Zone zone, f());
ZoneUnaryCallback registerUnaryCallback(Zone zone, f(arg));
ZoneBinaryCallback registerBinaryCallback(Zone zone, f(arg1, arg2));
void runAsync(Zone zone, f());
void scheduleMicrotask(Zone zone, f());
Timer createTimer(Zone zone, Duration duration, void f());
Timer createPeriodicTimer(Zone zone, Duration period, void f(Timer timer));
Zone fork(Zone zone, ZoneSpecification specification, Map zoneValues);
* A Zone represents the asynchronous version of a dynamic extent. Asynchronous
* callbacks are executed in the zone they have been queued in. For example,
* the callback of a `future.then` is executed in the same zone as the one where
* the `then` was invoked.
abstract class Zone {
// Private constructor so that it is not possible instantiate a Zone class.
/// The root zone that is implicitly created.
static const Zone ROOT = _ROOT_ZONE;
/// The currently running zone.
static Zone _current = _ROOT_ZONE;
static Zone get current => _current;
dynamic handleUncaughtError(error, StackTrace stackTrace);
* Returns the parent zone.
* Returns `null` if `this` is the [ROOT] zone.
Zone get parent;
* Returns true if `this` and [otherZone] are in the same error zone.
* Two zones are in the same error zone if they share the same
* [handleUncaughtError] callback.
bool inSameErrorZone(Zone otherZone);
* Creates a new zone as a child of `this`.
Zone fork({ ZoneSpecification specification,
Map<Symbol, dynamic> zoneValues });
* Executes the given function [f] in this zone.
dynamic run(f());
* Executes the given callback [f] with argument [arg] in this zone.
dynamic runUnary(f(arg), var arg);
* Executes the given callback [f] with argument [arg1] and [arg2] in this
* zone.
dynamic runBinary(f(arg1, arg2), var arg1, var arg2);
* Executes the given function [f] in this zone.
* Same as [run] but catches uncaught errors and gives them to
* [handleUncaughtError].
dynamic runGuarded(f());
* Executes the given callback [f] in this zone.
* Same as [runUnary] but catches uncaught errors and gives them to
* [handleUncaughtError].
dynamic runUnaryGuarded(f(arg), var arg);
* Executes the given callback [f] in this zone.
* Same as [runBinary] but catches uncaught errors and gives them to
* [handleUncaughtError].
dynamic runBinaryGuarded(f(arg1, arg2), var arg1, var arg2);
* Registers the given callback in this zone.
* It is good practice to register asynchronous or delayed callbacks before
* invoking [run]. This gives the zone a chance to wrap the callback and
* to store information with the callback. For example, a zone may decide
* to store the stack trace (at the time of the registration) with the
* callback.
* Returns a potentially new callback that should be used in place of the
* given [callback].
ZoneCallback registerCallback(callback());
* Registers the given callback in this zone.
* Similar to [registerCallback] but with a unary callback.
ZoneUnaryCallback registerUnaryCallback(callback(arg));
* Registers the given callback in this zone.
* Similar to [registerCallback] but with a unary callback.
ZoneBinaryCallback registerBinaryCallback(callback(arg1, arg2));
* Equivalent to:
* ZoneCallback registered = registerCallback(f);
* if (runGuarded) return () => this.runGuarded(registered);
* return () =>;
ZoneCallback bindCallback(f(), { bool runGuarded: true });
* Equivalent to:
* ZoneCallback registered = registerUnaryCallback(f);
* if (runGuarded) return (arg) => this.runUnaryGuarded(registered, arg);
* return (arg) => thin.runUnary(registered, arg);
ZoneUnaryCallback bindUnaryCallback(f(arg), { bool runGuarded: true });
* Equivalent to:
* ZoneCallback registered = registerBinaryCallback(f);
* if (runGuarded) {
* return (arg1, arg2) => this.runBinaryGuarded(registered, arg);
* }
* return (arg1, arg2) => thin.runBinary(registered, arg1, arg2);
ZoneBinaryCallback bindBinaryCallback(
f(arg1, arg2), { bool runGuarded: true });
* Runs [f] asynchronously.
void scheduleMicrotask(void f());
void runAsync(void f());
* Creates a Timer where the callback is executed in this zone.
Timer createTimer(Duration duration, void callback());
* Creates a periodic Timer where the callback is executed in this zone.
Timer createPeriodicTimer(Duration period, void callback(Timer timer));
* The error zone is the one that is responsible for dealing with uncaught
* errors. Errors are not allowed to cross zones with different error-zones.
Zone get _errorZone;
* Retrieves the zone-value associated with [key].
* If this zone does not contain the value looks up the same key in the
* parent zone. If the [key] is not found returns `null`.
operator[](Symbol key);
class _ZoneDelegate implements ZoneDelegate {
final _CustomizedZone _degelationTarget;
Zone get _zone => _degelationTarget;
const _ZoneDelegate(this._degelationTarget);
dynamic handleUncaughtError(Zone zone, error, StackTrace stackTrace) {
_CustomizedZone parent = _degelationTarget;
while (parent._specification.handleUncaughtError == null) {
parent = parent.parent;
return (parent._specification.handleUncaughtError)(
parent, new _ZoneDelegate(parent.parent), zone, error, stackTrace);
dynamic run(Zone zone, f()) {
_CustomizedZone parent = _degelationTarget;
while ( == null) {
parent = parent.parent;
return (
parent, new _ZoneDelegate(parent.parent), zone, f);
dynamic runUnary(Zone zone, f(arg), arg) {
_CustomizedZone parent = _degelationTarget;
while (parent._specification.runUnary == null) {
parent = parent.parent;
return (parent._specification.runUnary)(
parent, new _ZoneDelegate(parent.parent), zone, f, arg);
dynamic runBinary(Zone zone, f(arg1, arg2), arg1, arg2) {
_CustomizedZone parent = _degelationTarget;
while (parent._specification.runBinary == null) {
parent = parent.parent;
return (parent._specification.runBinary)(
parent, new _ZoneDelegate(parent.parent), zone, f, arg1, arg2);
ZoneCallback registerCallback(Zone zone, f()) {
_CustomizedZone parent = _degelationTarget;
while (parent._specification.registerCallback == null) {
parent = parent.parent;
return (parent._specification.registerCallback)(
parent, new _ZoneDelegate(parent.parent), zone, f);
ZoneUnaryCallback registerUnaryCallback(Zone zone, f(arg)) {
_CustomizedZone parent = _degelationTarget;
while (parent._specification.registerUnaryCallback == null) {
parent = parent.parent;
return (parent._specification.registerUnaryCallback)(
parent, new _ZoneDelegate(parent.parent), zone, f);
ZoneBinaryCallback registerBinaryCallback(Zone zone, f(arg1, arg2)) {
_CustomizedZone parent = _degelationTarget;
while (parent._specification.registerBinaryCallback == null) {
parent = parent.parent;
return (parent._specification.registerBinaryCallback)(
parent, new _ZoneDelegate(parent.parent), zone, f);
void scheduleMicrotask(Zone zone, f()) {
_CustomizedZone parent = _degelationTarget;
while (parent._specification.scheduleMicrotask == null &&
parent._specification.runAsync == null) {
parent = parent.parent;
_ZoneDelegate grandParent = new _ZoneDelegate(parent.parent);
Function scheduleMicrotask = parent._specification.scheduleMicrotask;
if (scheduleMicrotask == null) {
scheduleMicrotask = parent._specification.runAsync;
scheduleMicrotask(parent, grandParent, zone, f);
void runAsync(Zone zone, f()) {
scheduleMicrotask(zone, f());
Timer createTimer(Zone zone, Duration duration, void f()) {
_CustomizedZone parent = _degelationTarget;
while (parent._specification.createTimer == null) {
parent = parent.parent;
return (parent._specification.createTimer)(
parent, new _ZoneDelegate(parent.parent), zone, duration, f);
Timer createPeriodicTimer(Zone zone, Duration period, void f(Timer timer)) {
_CustomizedZone parent = _degelationTarget;
while (parent._specification.createPeriodicTimer == null) {
parent = parent.parent;
return (parent._specification.createPeriodicTimer)(
parent, new _ZoneDelegate(parent.parent), zone, period, f);
Zone fork(Zone zone, ZoneSpecification specification,
Map<Symbol, dynamic> zoneValues) {
_CustomizedZone parent = _degelationTarget;
while (parent._specification.fork == null) {
parent = parent.parent;
_ZoneDelegate grandParent = new _ZoneDelegate(parent.parent);
return (parent._specification.fork)(
parent, grandParent, zone, specification, zoneValues);
* Default implementation of a [Zone].
class _CustomizedZone implements Zone {
/// The parent zone.
final _CustomizedZone parent;
/// The zone's handlers.
final ZoneSpecification _specification;
/// The zone's value map.
final Map<Symbol, dynamic> _map;
const _CustomizedZone(this.parent, this._specification, this._map);
Zone get _errorZone {
if (_specification.handleUncaughtError != null) return this;
return parent._errorZone;
bool inSameErrorZone(Zone otherZone) => _errorZone == otherZone._errorZone;
dynamic runGuarded(f()) {
try {
return run(f);
} catch (e, s) {
return handleUncaughtError(e, s);
dynamic runUnaryGuarded(f(arg), arg) {
try {
return runUnary(f, arg);
} catch (e, s) {
return handleUncaughtError(e, s);
dynamic runBinaryGuarded(f(arg1, arg2), arg1, arg2) {
try {
return runBinary(f, arg1, arg2);
} catch (e, s) {
return handleUncaughtError(e, s);
ZoneCallback bindCallback(f(), { bool runGuarded: true }) {
ZoneCallback registered = registerCallback(f);
if (runGuarded) {
return () => this.runGuarded(registered);
} else {
return () =>;
ZoneUnaryCallback bindUnaryCallback(f(arg), { bool runGuarded: true }) {
ZoneUnaryCallback registered = registerUnaryCallback(f);
if (runGuarded) {
return (arg) => this.runUnaryGuarded(registered, arg);
} else {
return (arg) => this.runUnary(registered, arg);
ZoneBinaryCallback bindBinaryCallback(
f(arg1, arg2), { bool runGuarded: true }) {
ZoneBinaryCallback registered = registerBinaryCallback(f);
if (runGuarded) {
return (arg1, arg2) => this.runBinaryGuarded(registered, arg1, arg2);
} else {
return (arg1, arg2) => this.runBinary(registered, arg1, arg2);
operator [](Symbol key) {
var result = _map[key];
if (result != null || _map.containsKey(key)) return result;
// If we are not the root zone look up in the parent zone.
if (parent != null) return parent[key];
assert(this == Zone.ROOT);
return null;
// Methods that can be customized by the zone specification.
dynamic handleUncaughtError(error, StackTrace stackTrace) {
return new _ZoneDelegate(this).handleUncaughtError(this, error, stackTrace);
Zone fork({ZoneSpecification specification, Map zoneValues}) {
return new _ZoneDelegate(this).fork(this, specification, zoneValues);
dynamic run(f()) {
return new _ZoneDelegate(this).run(this, f);
dynamic runUnary(f(arg), arg) {
return new _ZoneDelegate(this).runUnary(this, f, arg);
dynamic runBinary(f(arg1, arg2), arg1, arg2) {
return new _ZoneDelegate(this).runBinary(this, f, arg1, arg2);
ZoneCallback registerCallback(f()) {
return new _ZoneDelegate(this).registerCallback(this, f);
ZoneUnaryCallback registerUnaryCallback(f(arg)) {
return new _ZoneDelegate(this).registerUnaryCallback(this, f);
ZoneBinaryCallback registerBinaryCallback(f(arg1, arg2)) {
return new _ZoneDelegate(this).registerBinaryCallback(this, f);
void scheduleMicrotask(void f()) {
new _ZoneDelegate(this).scheduleMicrotask(this, f);
void runAsync(void f()) {
Timer createTimer(Duration duration, void f()) {
return new _ZoneDelegate(this).createTimer(this, duration, f);
Timer createPeriodicTimer(Duration duration, void f(Timer timer)) {
return new _ZoneDelegate(this).createPeriodicTimer(this, duration, f);
void _rootHandleUncaughtError(
Zone self, ZoneDelegate parent, Zone zone, error, StackTrace stackTrace) {
_scheduleAsyncCallback(() {
print("Uncaught Error: ${error}");
var trace = stackTrace;
if (trace == null) trace = getAttachedStackTrace(error);
// Clear the attached stack trace (if any).
_attachStackTrace(error, null);
if (trace != null) {
print("Stack Trace: \n$trace\n");
throw error;
dynamic _rootRun(Zone self, ZoneDelegate parent, Zone zone, f()) {
if (Zone._current == zone) return f();
Zone old = Zone._current;
try {
Zone._current = zone;
return f();
} finally {
Zone._current = old;
dynamic _rootRunUnary(Zone self, ZoneDelegate parent, Zone zone, f(arg), arg) {
if (Zone._current == zone) return f(arg);
Zone old = Zone._current;
try {
Zone._current = zone;
return f(arg);
} finally {
Zone._current = old;
dynamic _rootRunBinary(Zone self, ZoneDelegate parent, Zone zone,
f(arg1, arg2), arg1, arg2) {
if (Zone._current == zone) return f(arg1, arg2);
Zone old = Zone._current;
try {
Zone._current = zone;
return f(arg1, arg2);
} finally {
Zone._current = old;
ZoneCallback _rootRegisterCallback(
Zone self, ZoneDelegate parent, Zone zone, f()) {
return f;
ZoneUnaryCallback _rootRegisterUnaryCallback(
Zone self, ZoneDelegate parent, Zone zone, f(arg)) {
return f;
ZoneBinaryCallback _rootRegisterBinaryCallback(
Zone self, ZoneDelegate parent, Zone zone, f(arg1, arg2)) {
return f;
void _rootScheduleMicrotask(Zone self, ZoneDelegate parent, Zone zone, f()) {
Timer _rootCreateTimer(Zone self, ZoneDelegate parent, Zone zone,
Duration duration, void callback()) {
return _createTimer(duration, callback);
Timer _rootCreatePeriodicTimer(
Zone self, ZoneDelegate parent, Zone zone,
Duration duration, void callback(Timer timer)) {
return _createPeriodicTimer(duration, callback);
Zone _rootFork(Zone self, ZoneDelegate parent, Zone zone,
ZoneSpecification specification,
Map<Symbol, dynamic> zoneValues) {
if (specification == null) {
specification = const ZoneSpecification();
} else if (specification is! _ZoneSpecification) {
throw new ArgumentError("ZoneSpecifications must be instantiated"
" with the provided constructor.");
Map<Symbol, dynamic> copiedMap = new HashMap();
if (zoneValues != null) {
zoneValues.forEach((Symbol key, value) {
if (key == null) {
throw new ArgumentError("ZoneValue key must not be null");
copiedMap[key] = value;
return new _CustomizedZone(zone, specification, copiedMap);
const _ROOT_SPECIFICATION = const ZoneSpecification(
handleUncaughtError: _rootHandleUncaughtError,
run: _rootRun,
runUnary: _rootRunUnary,
runBinary: _rootRunBinary,
registerCallback: _rootRegisterCallback,
registerUnaryCallback: _rootRegisterUnaryCallback,
registerBinaryCallback: _rootRegisterBinaryCallback,
scheduleMicrotask: _rootScheduleMicrotask,
createTimer: _rootCreateTimer,
createPeriodicTimer: _rootCreatePeriodicTimer,
fork: _rootFork
const _ROOT_ZONE =
const _CustomizedZone(null, _ROOT_SPECIFICATION, const <Symbol, dynamic>{});
* Runs [body] in its own zone.
* If [onError] is non-null the zone is considered an error zone. All uncaught
* errors, synchronous or asynchronous, in the zone are caught and handled
* by the callback.
* Errors may never cross error-zone boundaries. This is intuitive for leaving
* a zone, but it also applies for errors that would enter an error-zone.
* Errors that try to cross error-zone boundaries are considered uncaught.
* var future = new Future.value(499);
* runZonedExperimental(() {
* future = future.then((_) { throw "error in first error-zone"; });
* runZonedExperimental(() {
* future = future.catchError((e) { print("Never reached!"); });
* }, onError: (e) { print("unused error handler"); });
* }, onError: (e) { print("catches error of first error-zone."); });
* Example:
* runZonedExperimental(() {
* new Future(() { throw "asynchronous error"; });
* }, onError: print); // Will print "asynchronous error".
dynamic runZoned(body(),
{ Map<Symbol, dynamic> zoneValues,
ZoneSpecification zoneSpecification,
Function onError }) {
HandleUncaughtErrorHandler errorHandler;
if (onError != null) {
errorHandler = (Zone self, ZoneDelegate parent, Zone zone,
error, StackTrace stackTrace) {
try {
if (onError is ZoneBinaryCallback) {
return self.parent.runBinary(onError, error, stackTrace);
return self.parent.runUnary(onError, error);
} catch(e, s) {
if (identical(e, error)) {
return parent.handleUncaughtError(zone, error, stackTrace);
} else {
return parent.handleUncaughtError(zone, e, s);
if (zoneSpecification == null) {
zoneSpecification =
new ZoneSpecification(handleUncaughtError: errorHandler);
} else if (errorHandler != null) {
zoneSpecification =
new ZoneSpecification.from(zoneSpecification,
handleUncaughtError: errorHandler);
Zone zone = Zone.current.fork(specification: zoneSpecification,
zoneValues: zoneValues);
if (onError != null) {
return zone.runGuarded(body);
} else {
* Deprecated. Use `runZoned` instead or create your own [ZoneSpecification].
* The [onScheduleMicrotask] handler (if non-null) is invoked when the [body]
* executes [scheduleMicrotask]. The handler is invoked in the outer zone and
* can therefore execute [scheduleMicrotask] without recursing. The given
* callback must be executed eventually. Otherwise the nested zone will not
* complete. It must be executed only once.
* The following example prints the stack trace whenever a callback is
* registered using [scheduleMicrotask] (which is also used by [Completer]s and
* [StreamController]s.
* printStackTrace() { try { throw 0; } catch(e, s) { print(s); } }
* runZonedExperimental(body, onRunAsync: (callback) {
* printStackTrace();
* scheduleMicrotask(callback);
* });
* Note: the `onDone` handler is ignored.
{ void onRunAsync(void callback()),
void onError(error),
void onDone() }) {
if (onRunAsync == null) {
return runZoned(body, onError: onError);
HandleUncaughtErrorHandler errorHandler;
if (onError != null) {
errorHandler = (Zone self, ZoneDelegate parent, Zone zone,
error, StackTrace stackTrace) {
try {
return self.parent.runUnary(onError, error);
} catch(e, s) {
if (identical(e, error)) {
return parent.handleUncaughtError(zone, error, stackTrace);
} else {
return parent.handleUncaughtError(zone, _asyncError(e, s), s);
ScheduleMicrotaskHandler asyncHandler;
if (onRunAsync != null) {
asyncHandler = (Zone self, ZoneDelegate parent, Zone zone, f()) {
self.parent.runUnary(onRunAsync, () => zone.runGuarded(f));
ZoneSpecification specification =
new ZoneSpecification(handleUncaughtError: errorHandler,
scheduleMicrotask: asyncHandler);
Zone zone = Zone.current.fork(specification: specification);
if (onError != null) {
return zone.runGuarded(body);
} else {