blob: 7f17866a83e64099f171428c60cb3deb4e0d86e8 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2019, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:analysis_server/lsp_protocol/protocol_generated.dart';
import 'package:analyzer_plugin/protocol/protocol_common.dart' as plugin;
import 'package:analyzer_plugin/protocol/protocol_generated.dart' as plugin;
import 'package:test/test.dart';
import 'package:test_reflective_loader/test_reflective_loader.dart';
import 'server_abstract.dart';
void main() {
defineReflectiveSuite(() {
class FoldingTest extends AbstractLspAnalysisServerTest {
Future<void> test_class() async {
final content = '''
class MyClass2 {[[
// Class content
final range1 = rangeFromMarkers(content);
final expectedRegions = [
startLine: range1.start.line,
startCharacter: range1.start.character,
endLine: range1.end.line,
endCharacter: range1.end.character,
await initialize();
await openFile(mainFileUri, withoutMarkers(content));
final regions = await getFoldingRegions(mainFileUri);
expect(regions, unorderedEquals(expectedRegions));
Future<void> test_comments() async {
final content = '''
/// This is a comment[[
/// that spans many lines]]
class MyClass2 {}
final range1 = rangeFromMarkers(content);
final expectedRegions = [
startLine: range1.start.line,
startCharacter: range1.start.character,
endLine: range1.end.line,
endCharacter: range1.end.character,
kind: FoldingRangeKind.Comment,
await initialize();
await openFile(mainFileUri, withoutMarkers(content));
final regions = await getFoldingRegions(mainFileUri);
expect(regions, unorderedEquals(expectedRegions));
Future<void> test_doLoop() async {
final content = '''
f(int i) {
do {[[
print('with statements');]]
} while (i == 0)
do {[[
// only comments]]
} while (i == 0)
// empty
do {
} while (i == 0)
// no body
final ranges = rangesFromMarkers(content);
final expectedRegions = ranges
.map((range) => FoldingRange(
startLine: range.start.line,
startCharacter: range.start.character,
endLine: range.end.line,
endCharacter: range.end.character,
await initialize();
await openFile(mainFileUri, withoutMarkers(content));
final regions = await getFoldingRegions(mainFileUri);
expect(regions, containsAll(expectedRegions));
Future<void> test_enum() async {
final content = '''
enum MyEnum {[[
final range1 = rangeFromMarkers(content);
final expectedRegions = [
startLine: range1.start.line,
startCharacter: range1.start.character,
endLine: range1.end.line,
endCharacter: range1.end.character,
await initialize();
await openFile(mainFileUri, withoutMarkers(content));
final regions = await getFoldingRegions(mainFileUri);
expect(regions, unorderedEquals(expectedRegions));
Future<void> test_fromPlugins_dartFile() async {
final pluginAnalyzedFilePath = join(projectFolderPath, 'lib', 'foo.dart');
final pluginAnalyzedUri = Uri.file(pluginAnalyzedFilePath);
const content = '''
// [[contributed by fake plugin]]
class AnnotatedDartClass {[[
// content of dart class, contributed by server
final ranges = rangesFromMarkers(content);
final withoutMarkers = withoutRangeMarkers(content);
newFile(pluginAnalyzedFilePath, '');
await initialize();
await openFile(pluginAnalyzedUri, withoutMarkers);
final pluginResult = plugin.AnalysisFoldingParams(
[plugin.FoldingRegion(plugin.FoldingKind.DIRECTIVES, 7, 26)],
configureTestPlugin(notification: pluginResult.toNotification());
final res = await getFoldingRegions(pluginAnalyzedUri);
_toFoldingRange(ranges[0], FoldingRangeKind.Imports),
_toFoldingRange(ranges[1], null),
Future<void> test_fromPlugins_nonDartFile() async {
final pluginAnalyzedFilePath = join(projectFolderPath, 'lib', 'foo.sql');
final pluginAnalyzedUri = Uri.file(pluginAnalyzedFilePath);
const content = '''
[[-- some columns]]
final withoutMarkers = withoutRangeMarkers(content);
newFile(pluginAnalyzedFilePath, withoutMarkers);
await initialize();
await openFile(pluginAnalyzedUri, withoutMarkers);
final pluginResult = plugin.AnalysisFoldingParams(
[plugin.FoldingRegion(plugin.FoldingKind.CLASS_BODY, 33, 15)],
configureTestPlugin(notification: pluginResult.toNotification());
final res = await getFoldingRegions(pluginAnalyzedUri);
final expectedRange = rangeFromMarkers(content);
expect(res, [_toFoldingRange(expectedRange, null)]);
Future<void> test_headersImportsComments() async {
final content = '''
// Copyright some year by some people[[
// See LICENCE etc.]]
import[[ 'dart:io';
import 'dart:async';]]
/// This is not the file header[[
/// It's just a comment]]
void f() {}
final ranges = rangesFromMarkers(content);
final expectedRegions = [
_toFoldingRange(ranges[0], FoldingRangeKind.Comment),
_toFoldingRange(ranges[1], FoldingRangeKind.Imports),
_toFoldingRange(ranges[2], FoldingRangeKind.Comment),
await initialize();
await openFile(mainFileUri, withoutMarkers(content));
final regions = await getFoldingRegions(mainFileUri);
expect(regions, unorderedEquals(expectedRegions));
Future<void> test_ifElseElseIf() async {
final content = '''
f(int i) {
if (i == 0) {[[
// only
// comments]]
} else if (i == 1) {[[
} else if (i == 2) {
} else {[[
// else
// comments]]
final ranges = rangesFromMarkers(content);
final expectedRegions = ranges
.map((range) => FoldingRange(
startLine: range.start.line,
startCharacter: range.start.character,
endLine: range.end.line,
endCharacter: range.end.character,
await initialize();
await openFile(mainFileUri, withoutMarkers(content));
final regions = await getFoldingRegions(mainFileUri);
expect(regions, containsAll(expectedRegions));
Future<void> test_nonDartFile() async {
await initialize();
await openFile(pubspecFileUri, simplePubspecContent);
final regions = await getFoldingRegions(pubspecFileUri);
expect(regions, isEmpty);
Future<void> test_whileLoop() async {
final content = '''
f(int i) {
while (i == 0) {[[
print('with statements');]]
while (i == 0) {[[
// only comments]]
// empty
while (i == 0) {
// no body
while (i == 0);
final ranges = rangesFromMarkers(content);
final expectedRegions = ranges
.map((range) => FoldingRange(
startLine: range.start.line,
startCharacter: range.start.character,
endLine: range.end.line,
endCharacter: range.end.character,
await initialize();
await openFile(mainFileUri, withoutMarkers(content));
final regions = await getFoldingRegions(mainFileUri);
expect(regions, containsAll(expectedRegions));
FoldingRange _toFoldingRange(Range range, FoldingRangeKind? kind) {
return FoldingRange(
startLine: range.start.line,
startCharacter: range.start.character,
endLine: range.end.line,
endCharacter: range.end.character,
kind: kind,